• last year
00:04:41¿Qué tal está Lee?
00:04:43Deseando verte.
00:04:45Me iré a casa cuando se duerma.
00:04:51¿Quién es ese?
00:04:53Su hermano Dick Fasten que ha venido a buscar al padre.
00:04:56Y no va a parar hasta encontrarlo.
00:05:00¿Está bien, Lily?
00:05:07Han venido a verte, Lily.
00:05:17Hola, Owen.
00:05:25¡Qué grande!
00:05:27Es precioso, ¿verdad?
00:05:29Y tiene un color estupendo.
00:05:37El médico no ha querido venir.
00:05:40No ha venido bien.
00:05:42Ahora no debes pensar en nada.
00:05:43En nada.
00:05:46En realidad tengo bastante suerte, Owen.
00:05:49No podía soportar la idea de volver a trabajar en el restaurante.
00:05:54La señora Berg me ha ofrecido volver a trabajar en su casa y le estoy agradecida.
00:06:01Y aunque suene un poco extraño...
00:06:05Estoy dispuesta a agradecérselo.
00:06:08Estoy seguro de que lo conseguirás.
00:06:12Estoy seguro.
00:06:37¿Quieres café?
00:06:51¿Por qué me miras así, Owen?
00:06:53Te han lavado la cara y te han comprado un vestido nuevo.
00:06:56¿Quién ha sido?
00:06:58Y tengo una bañera en mi cuarto.
00:07:00Y ahora me baño todos los días.
00:07:03Se nota la diferencia.
00:07:05¿Qué tal el invierno?
00:07:08Hemos conseguido sobrevivir. ¿Y los animales también?
00:07:11Ha habido mucha nieve.
00:07:13No hemos visto a nadie en casi cinco semanas.
00:07:17Te hemos echado de menos.
00:07:25Le he traído algún dinero.
00:07:31¿Quién ha sido?
00:07:35Buenas noches.
00:07:41Eh, un momento.
00:07:49¿Vives por aquí?
00:07:50Más o menos.
00:07:53¿Quién es el padre?
00:07:54Eso es asunto de Lily, ¿no te parece?
00:07:57Ya me enteraré.
00:07:59Me enteraré aunque tarde toda la vida.
00:08:01Bien. Eso te mantendrá ocupado.
00:08:30¿Quién es ese?
00:08:32Owen Daybright.
00:08:35El hermano adoptivo de tu marido, ¿no?
00:08:37Así es.
00:08:40¿Cuánto hay?
00:08:42500 dólares.
00:08:44Ha traído también comida.
00:08:46¿Por qué?
00:08:49Te estás equivocando.
00:08:50Él no ha sido.
00:08:52No hay nadie mejor que él en toda la región.
00:09:02Se guarda todos los ases para el final y sin embargo sigue pidiendo cartas.
00:09:06Tres veces.
00:09:08Es un juego de azar, muchachos.
00:09:14Volveremos a jugar en otra ocasión.
00:09:25Todo arreglado.
00:09:26Gracias, Owen.
00:09:27Le he dado el dinero, tal como me dijiste.
00:09:30Te lo agradezco.
00:09:31Y esta no es la primera vez que me sacas de un apuro.
00:09:35¿Por qué no te haces responsable?
00:09:38Estas cosas pasan.
00:09:40No me quitan el sueño.
00:09:44Tu mujer estaba allí.
00:09:46¿Se imagina algo?
00:09:52Pasó antes de casarme con Jane.
00:09:54Pero aún así no lo entendería, ya sabes cómo es.
00:09:57¿Por qué tengo que saber yo cómo es?
00:10:00Es verdad, no lo sabes.
00:10:03Siempre ayuda a los demás.
00:10:05Ella es todo lo que yo mismo hubiera querido ser.
00:10:09Se está haciendo tarde, volvamos al rancho.
00:10:12No os mováis, ¿y dónde estáis?
00:10:14Tú, apártate un poco.
00:10:15No os mováis, ¿y dónde estáis?
00:10:17Tú, apártate un poco.
00:10:25Le has dado a Lily 500 dólares.
00:10:31Así es.
00:10:33¿No los necesita?
00:10:35En efecto.
00:10:37Pero ese dinero no es para ayudarla.
00:10:40Te lo pregunto solo una vez.
00:10:43¿Es tuyo el niño?
00:10:45Pon el rifle en el suelo y date la vuelta, Sam.
00:10:57Ya los veremos.
00:10:59Está sacando conclusiones que no me gustan.
00:11:01Tranquilo, Owen.
00:11:03¿Se va a arreglar mis asuntos solo?
00:11:05No, mientras yo sea el sheriff.
00:11:07Está bien, Colin.
00:11:12Me has amenazado dos veces.
00:11:13La próxima vez que lo hagas, dispara.
00:11:44¿Cómo estás, Sam?
00:11:46Estoy bien, ¿y tú?
00:11:48Bueno, yo para catarros y mambo bestia.
00:11:50Buenas noches, muchachos.
00:11:52Hola, Mr. Willard.
00:11:54¿Cómo estás, Sam?
00:11:56Bien, ¿y tú?
00:11:58Bueno, yo para catarros y mambo bestia.
00:12:01Buenas noches, muchachos.
00:12:03Hola, Mr. Willard.
00:12:05¿Cómo estás, Sam?
00:12:07Bien, ¿y tú?
00:12:09Bien, ¿y tú?
00:12:10Buenas noches, muchachos.
00:12:12Hola, Mr. Willard.
00:12:14Hola, Mr. Willard.
00:12:17¿La misma agua sucia de siempre?
00:12:21Así que tú no quieres, ¿no?
00:12:23Solo estaba bromeando.
00:12:25Entonces ten cuidado con lo que dices.
00:12:27Yo quiero una taza bien caliente.
00:12:29Owen, algunos días me pregunto si merece la pena seguir cocinando.
00:12:32¿Por qué no le pegas una patada a tu vieja cocina?
00:12:35No sabría hacer otra cosa.
00:12:43¿Estos puros son de Pittsburgh?
00:12:45De Kansas City.
00:12:48Pues asegúrese de que desaparezcan de aquí lo antes posible.
00:12:56Pregúntale al capataz.
00:12:58Yo solo seguí a órdenes.
00:13:02Tu mujer te está esperando.
00:13:04No se me ha olvidado.
00:13:06Voy a verla ahora.
00:13:08Buenas noches, Lee.
00:13:12Parece que el chico está en forma.
00:13:14Es el que más ha trabajado este invierno.
00:13:17Tiene que ponerse al día.
00:13:20Ha cambiado mucho.
00:13:22De todos modos,
00:13:24creo que puedes tratar con él directamente.
00:13:27Oye, Owen, suena como si te quisieras despedir.
00:13:30Oye, Owen, suena como si te quisieras despedir.
00:13:35Ahora Lee está casado.
00:13:37Y Jen es una hija estupenda.
00:13:39Me siento como si estuviera de más.
00:13:41Oye, si no estás cómodo aquí...
00:13:43No soy un desagradecido, Arch.
00:13:45Tú me has ayudado mucho.
00:13:47Nunca podré olvidar que me acogiste hace 15 años
00:13:50cuando yo no sabía qué hacer ni a dónde ir.
00:13:52Han sido muy buenos años.
00:13:55Pero ahora tengo que irme.
00:13:58¿Lo dices en serio?
00:14:00De todas formas, querría empezar por mí mismo.
00:14:07¿Cómo te podría decir esto?
00:14:10Cuando te adopté, lo hice por Lee.
00:14:13No me sentía capaz de educar a mi propio hijo
00:14:16y te elegí a ti para que lo hicieras por mí.
00:14:18Lo que no sabía es que te necesitaba.
00:14:20Y que te necesito...
00:14:23más que nunca.
00:14:31Está bien, Arch.
00:14:36Como si hubiera venido a por el sueldo.
00:14:40Buenas noches.
00:14:42Buenas noches.
00:14:45Jen, ¿quieres darte prisa en salir?
00:14:50No puedo entender por qué de repente
00:14:52no te quieres vestir delante de mí.
00:14:54Tardo dos minutos, Lee.
00:14:56Después del invierno, eso es mucho tiempo.
00:14:58Lo sé.
00:15:00Mejor que tú.
00:15:03¿Quieres decir que me has echado de menos?
00:15:06Claro que sí.
00:15:20Estás guapísima.
00:15:22¿Lo dices en serio, Lee?
00:15:24¿Lo dices de verdad?
00:15:27La primera vez que te vi,
00:15:28llevabas unos pantalones de montar.
00:15:31Y tú me has ayudado a refinarme.
00:15:34Tú y Arch.
00:15:38Este es el segundo vestido que tengo en mi vida, Lee.
00:15:41El primero lo llevé en el funeral de mi madre,
00:15:44el segundo en el entierro de mi padre
00:15:46y después lo quemé.
00:15:49Y ahora te preocupas por la moda.
00:15:54Parece que este es el diseño más nuevo
00:15:56que tenían en la tienda.
00:15:59De las pocas cosas inteligentes en mi vida,
00:16:02casarme contigo ha sido una de ellas.
00:16:06Seremos felices, Lee.
00:16:08Nada nos lo puede impedir, cariño.
00:16:23Hoy hay pollo para comer y se está quedando frío.
00:16:25Hoy hay pollo para comer y se está quedando frío.
00:16:38Oye, está frío.
00:16:40Buenos días, señor Willoughby.
00:16:42Buenos días, Owen.
00:16:44Da gusto teneros otra vez aquí.
00:16:47Buenos días, muchachote.
00:16:49Oye, ¿te has despertado tú solo
00:16:51o te ha despertado el olor del queso, eh?
00:16:52Oye, ¿te has despertado tú solo
00:16:54o te ha despertado el olor del queso, eh?
00:16:56Algunos no habéis dormido en una cama desde hace tanto
00:16:58que casi se os ha olvidado para lo que sirve.
00:17:00Usted sí que duerme bien.
00:17:04¿Por qué será que cuando estás lejos del rancho
00:17:06echas de menos esta comida
00:17:08y cuando estás aquí estás deseando levantarte
00:17:10para venir a desayunar?
00:17:12El estómago se acostumbra a las cosas que le sientan mal
00:17:14y luego las echa de menos, ¿no crees?
00:17:16Vamos a hacer un trato tú y yo
00:17:18ya que te parece que cocino tan mal.
00:17:20Cada vez que tengas hambre
00:17:22es mejor que me digas exactamente
00:17:24qué ingrediente he puesto que te va a sentar mal.
00:17:26Muy bien dicho, señor Willoughby.
00:17:28No se enfade, abuelo.
00:17:30El señor Willoughby no se enfada, ¿verdad?
00:17:34Y para demostrar que no soy rencoroso
00:17:36te ofrezco otra taza de café.
00:17:40¿Ha venido a esperar el tren otra vez?
00:17:44Me gusta estar enterado de quién llega y quién se va.
00:17:53Hola, Ham.
00:17:55Recibí tu carta hace una semana.
00:17:57Está muy elegante.
00:17:59¿Cómo está Lily?
00:18:01Está bien.
00:18:04¿Quién es ese?
00:18:07La ley.
00:18:09¿La ley?
00:18:11¿La ley?
00:18:13¿La ley?
00:18:15¿La ley?
00:18:17¿La ley?
00:18:19¿La ley?
00:18:20La ley.
00:18:27Forastero, ¿verdad?
00:18:29He venido a matar un hombre.
00:18:32¿Se trata de alguien en particular?
00:18:35Se lo diré en cuanto lo sepa, pero no me pierda de vista.
00:18:38Me llamo Hap Fasken.
00:18:40¿Dónde están los caballos?
00:18:42Detrás del cobertizo.
00:18:51Los hermanos Fasken estaban buscando a Lily.
00:18:55Habían oído que una viuda llamada Señora Park
00:18:58se la había llevado a vivir con ella a su rancho.
00:19:21¿Está Lily?
00:19:23Somos sus hermanos.
00:19:25No sabía que Lily tenía familia.
00:19:27Nunca me lo mencionó.
00:19:29A lo mejor sea vergüenza.
00:19:31Lily no es así, no lo creo.
00:19:33Está en su habitación.
00:19:38Yo la llamaré.
00:19:40No se moleste. ¿Cuál es su habitación?
00:19:42¿Le pediste que viniera?
00:19:44Lo que está en la cuna lo exige.
00:19:53Yo no te he pedido...
00:19:56Yo no te he pedido que vinieras aquí.
00:19:58Nuestra familia es así.
00:20:00No solo no perdemos el tiempo en querernos,
00:20:03sino que además nos hablamos a gritos.
00:20:05¿Qué quieres decir?
00:20:07¿Qué quieres decir?
00:20:08No solo no perdemos el tiempo en querernos,
00:20:10sino que además nos hablamos a gritos.
00:20:12Pero tenemos un lazo que nos une,
00:20:14y es un lazo de sangre.
00:20:16Vete de aquí, hija.
00:20:21¿Te quieres casar con Owen Daybright?
00:20:24Ni le quiero ni te quiero a ti aquí.
00:20:26Me las puedo arreglar sin vuestra ayuda.
00:20:39Daybright sabe algo,
00:20:41y si no me lo dice después de la pariza que le voy a dar,
00:20:43me lo tendrá que escribir con los pies.
00:21:08¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:10¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:12¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:14¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:16¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:18¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:20¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:22¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:24¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:26¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:28¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:30¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:32¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:34¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:36¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:21:39¡Ey, señor robador!
00:21:41¿Por qué le dejan que lo haga eso?
00:21:59Sabes que así no se avanza un caballo.
00:22:01Móntalo otra vez y procura hacerlo bien.
00:22:26¡Noие! ¡Errando musculares!
00:22:29¡Allí te veo!
00:22:31¡Hombre! ¡Fuera de ahí!
00:22:33¡Una más un día!
00:22:35¡Manténlo! ¡Sóbanlo!
00:22:36Why did you have to use the whip?
00:22:45Owen is too soft.
00:22:47And you don't put that face.
00:22:51Good whips never come bad.
00:22:53Let's go.
00:23:06Have the head of the cattle arrived?
00:23:08Not the one of Mrs. Burke.
00:23:10I'll talk to her.
00:23:12Take a horse, take whatever you want, it's for you.
00:23:21Good morning, ma'am.
00:23:46How are you?
00:23:50I feel very good.
00:23:52Just curiosity.
00:23:58I'm glad to know you're okay.
00:24:05Well, I was just wondering because you look great, Lily.
00:24:29Have you had breakfast yet?
00:24:30Mr. Willoughby's specialty.
00:24:32I wouldn't stop cooking even if I had broken arms.
00:24:35I've come to talk about your cattle.
00:24:37Why don't you make me a little shot on a piece of paper so I can use it as a guide?
00:24:41I was wondering what about the cows.
00:24:43I'll bring them as soon as possible if I know where they are.
00:24:46I'll bring paper and pencil.
00:24:51Thank you, Owen, but I'm fine now.
00:24:54You look good.
00:24:56That's what Hewie says.
00:25:00I'd like to find words to thank you for bringing me the money, but I can't.
00:25:04Can you try?
00:25:06I can't stand the idea of you fighting over Lee.
00:25:10You know, I'm worried about Arch.
00:25:13I know.
00:25:14You're always protecting Lee and doing her dirty work.
00:25:19It's possible.
00:25:21I'm thinking about Jen, about everything she's done for me.
00:25:25That's why I can't say anything.
00:25:28We have to keep it a secret.
00:25:31Lily, I don't think...
00:25:32Owen, I've been afraid of a lot of things this winter.
00:25:36What would people think of me?
00:25:38How to raise my son?
00:25:41How to move on?
00:25:45And now that it's all over, I'm not afraid anymore.
00:25:50It's not that I'm happy about what happened.
00:25:52I know I made a mistake.
00:25:55The thing is, I'm not afraid of life anymore.
00:26:03Is David there?
00:26:05In the house.
00:26:12Start walking.
00:26:16We won't hurt you if you don't go home.
00:26:19What are you waiting for?
00:26:36What's going on?
00:26:37Wait and you'll see.
00:26:42Goodbye, ladies. See you soon.
00:27:01So you brought your older brother, eh?
00:27:05What do you have in your hands, if I may ask?
00:27:10That money was yours, Daybright.
00:27:13That boy needs a last name. Yours!
00:27:21Do you want me to give you another one?
00:27:28Come on, shoot.
00:27:31But if you do, he'll have to shoot you because he's a witness.
00:27:35And then you'll have to shoot Miss Bard and your own sister.
00:27:39Come on, shoot.
00:27:41He'll do it if you provoke him.
00:27:42He's not brave enough.
00:27:48Leave that on the floor.
00:27:49Leave the gun first.
00:27:50You won't need it.
00:27:52If I don't break your neck...
00:28:05...I'll kill you.
00:28:26Don't move!
00:28:28And you, leave the gun on the floor.
00:28:31Come on, shoot.
00:28:33It's just your sister.
00:28:36I'll break your stomach.
00:28:38That's enough.
00:28:40Whatever you say, Lily.
00:28:42He still wants to fight.
00:28:44That's enough!
00:28:46You've caused me enough trouble.
00:28:48And my son?
00:28:50And you're going to kill him?
00:28:52I'll take you to the sheriff.
00:28:54If you need someone to file a report, I'll do it.
00:28:58As you wish, Lily. You have every right.
00:29:01Let's go.
00:29:05Let's go.
00:29:12I heard the Ali ranch is for sale.
00:29:15How much is it?
00:29:17$35,000 in cash.
00:29:19That reminds me, you owe me money.
00:29:22Like always, Archie.
00:29:24John Benson from the bank said you owed him money.
00:29:27But don't worry, your father took care of everything.
00:29:30Now try not to do it again.
00:29:32Thank you, Archie. I forgot.
00:29:34You've been spending money.
00:29:36Don't forget it's a joint account.
00:29:39How much did you get?
00:29:43A nice deal.
00:29:45Now I'll take it in my pocket.
00:29:48I'll see you later. I have to go to work.
00:29:51Jane, can you give me a hand?
00:29:56Excuse me.
00:30:09You don't believe in the story of the $500, do you?
00:30:12No, not at all.
00:30:14Look, darling, there are certain things you have to try to understand.
00:30:18I don't like it when Arch knows everything that's going on.
00:30:24I can understand that, but it's not about that.
00:30:28Those $500 are a lot of money.
00:30:31I didn't like having to ask the bank,
00:30:34but it was to save a lady's honor.
00:30:36Enough, Charlie.
00:30:38I know everything that's happened between you and Lily.
00:30:44I know what you're thinking, darling.
00:30:48Those $500 were to help Owen.
00:30:51But I don't want anyone, not even Arch, to find out.
00:30:54Well, now that I've started, I'll have to tell you the truth.
00:30:58You know, Owen has gotten into trouble with Lily.
00:31:03And the least I could do to help him...
00:31:06Well, you know how much I appreciate him.
00:31:08The least I could do was give him the money.
00:31:11You're a liar.
00:31:13A vulgar, despicable liar.
00:31:55Owen, why don't you live your own life?
00:32:07I hate him.
00:32:24We owe each other something in return.
00:32:33Owen, what can I do?
00:32:35What can I do?
00:32:38For Arch.
00:32:46I'll stay, but that's all.
00:32:54Good morning.
00:33:00Good morning.
00:33:07Hey, Owen.
00:33:09What the hell happened to you?
00:33:11A couple of brutes, called Fasken.
00:33:17Two Fasken?
00:33:19Lily's family has gathered.
00:33:25Do they know?
00:33:27You're still alive, aren't you?
00:33:29Do you think they'll find out?
00:33:31Not yet.
00:33:33The sheriff has locked you up.
00:33:36How long?
00:33:37A week.
00:33:40They'll do it again.
00:33:43We'll tell him.
00:33:45It's possible that Lily will do it.
00:33:47Even if she doesn't want to, it's hard to convince her.
00:33:50What if I did it?
00:33:52What if I did it?
00:33:54You wouldn't do it.
00:33:56I'd have to see it.
00:33:59The only thing you can do is disappear for a while.
00:34:04Take Jen with you and start over.
00:34:07Are you sure?
00:34:08Either that or a shot.
00:34:11If I leave, you'll stay with the ranch.
00:34:17No one can stop you from thinking what you want.
00:34:20But don't tell me.
00:34:23Very well.
00:34:26Did I hurt you?
00:34:30You have a very light hand.
00:34:35Well, boys, here you have a great specimen.
00:34:38You can get close and see his face.
00:34:40You can even ride him if you want.
00:34:42Today you can buy a cheap horse, a real ganga.
00:34:45He has strong legs and a solid body.
00:34:48You sound like you're telling the truth.
00:34:50Stop talking and make me an offer.
00:34:53I'd offer 12 of the big ones.
00:34:55You know what you're doing.
00:34:57I'd open 12 unhappy clients.
00:34:59No, I'll leave him.
00:35:00Okay, I'm leaving.
00:35:01But you're missing a good opportunity.
00:35:03Get him out of here.
00:35:04This horse needs a rest.
00:35:06Yes, yes, I'm leaving.
00:35:07But you'll see what you do.
00:35:09This animal is of good breed.
00:35:11How much do you offer?
00:35:13I like it.
00:35:14I'm going to try it.
00:35:16Open the gate.
00:35:46The only problem is that the lungs whistle.
00:35:49That's a lie.
00:35:50You did it.
00:35:52Ogwen, how did you come up with the idea of riding the horse
00:35:55around the city on a Saturday?
00:35:57That poor man almost fainted when he saw you galloping.
00:36:00Don't blame me.
00:36:01Blame him.
00:36:02He whistles and we follow him.
00:36:04Well, get out of here.
00:36:05I don't need bad company.
00:36:07I'm leaving.
00:36:08I'm leaving.
00:36:09I'm leaving.
00:36:10I'm leaving.
00:36:11I'm leaving.
00:36:12I'm leaving.
00:36:13I'm leaving.
00:36:14I'm leaving.
00:36:15I'm leaving.
00:36:16I'm leaving.
00:36:17I don't need bad business.
00:36:19Couldn't you hold your breath a moment?
00:36:22Get him out of here.
00:36:32Who cares?
00:36:36Come to the saloon later.
00:36:38Hello, Owen. How's it going?
00:36:47Everything's fine. We're leaving.
00:36:49It's a tough job.
00:36:51Come with us. You can make money.
00:36:53Oh, that's not for me. I like to sleep in my bed at night.
00:36:57Did you want something?
00:36:59I'll bring the Fasken some cookies.
00:37:02You'd better put them in the cell with a stick.
00:37:05They've given me a lot of trouble.
00:37:13Do you want to come in? I'll speak from the outside.
00:37:21As far as I understand, the judge has given you a week.
00:37:24Judge? Do you call that pig a judge?
00:37:27It's possible that next time we can have a real judge with a cane and everything.
00:37:31Next time it will be different.
00:37:40Your sister is doing very well without you.
00:37:43Why don't you leave her alone?
00:37:45You can't call her ma'am.
00:37:47Those are things that happen.
00:37:49Not our sister.
00:37:51I'll make sure she's treated like a lady.
00:37:54When you leave, the sheriff will put you on the train.
00:37:58And if you come back, he'll lock you up again.
00:38:00But this time, for six months.
00:38:02You're scaring me.
00:38:07My word is valid in this place.
00:38:18I've decided to go with you.
00:38:20There are certain things and certain people you can't run away from.
00:38:23I'll think about it when I get back.
00:38:25You have to think about it now.
00:38:27I saw something shine back there.
00:38:31I hit it.
00:38:33Hey, it looks like it came out on its own.
00:38:35How did you get it out so fast?
00:38:37Practicing. You should learn.
00:38:39I don't have time, Lee.
00:38:41Look at the Cheyenne camp.
00:38:43Yes. Do you remember when we shot all those stones?
00:38:47And I remember that Arch called us very angry to scold us.
00:38:49What I don't understand is why they got angry.
00:38:51We were just a couple of kids playing with the Indians.
00:38:53We had a good time, didn't we?
00:38:57I don't know.
00:38:59I don't know.
00:39:01I don't know.
00:39:03I don't know.
00:39:05I don't know.
00:39:07I don't know.
00:39:09I don't know.
00:39:11I don't know.
00:39:13I don't know.
00:39:15I don't know.
00:39:17I don't know.
00:39:19I don't know.
00:39:21I don't know.
00:39:23I don't know.
00:39:25I don't know.
00:39:27I don't know.
00:39:33Good morning, Arch.
00:39:35Good morning, Lee.
00:39:39I'm getting fat.
00:39:41Did you buy a horse last night?
00:39:43I was tempted to whip up one that I thought was better than another one,
00:39:45but in the end I couldn't.
00:39:47Well, you'll have a chance again. That's no big deal.
00:39:49Hey, Arch. Do you know what I thought last night?
00:39:51Hey, Arch, do you know what I thought last night?
00:39:53I don't know. Tell me while we're walking.
00:39:56Come on, let's go.
00:40:06What made me think about this was when I saw those horses.
00:40:09And when I was about to leave, I realized that I really didn't have any money.
00:40:13Buy the horse you like. There's always money for a good horse.
00:40:16Don't worry, we already have too many.
00:40:19That's not the problem.
00:40:21A man my age, with a woman in charge, and a father who owns almost half the valley,
00:40:25can't stop buying a horse just because his salary doesn't allow it.
00:40:30You have to learn to trust me.
00:40:32You didn't before, Arch, but now you have to.
00:40:37I've been a good worker last winter.
00:40:39Yes, you have.
00:40:40I know the cattle business.
00:40:41Maybe not as much as you or Owen himself, but enough to make money.
00:40:45If you need more money, I assure you that you will have it.
00:40:48When you came home last autumn, I thought it was another one of your crazy ideas,
00:40:53but it wasn't.
00:40:54It was something different, what you needed.
00:40:57That's why I gave you a good salary, and I'll give it to you.
00:41:01Oh no, Arch, that's too easy.
00:41:04Either I'm your son, and you trust me for the ranch and everything else,
00:41:08or I'm not, one or the other.
00:41:12What do you mean?
00:41:14Very easy, I want to be your partner.
00:41:16I want my share of the ranch, now that I'm married,
00:41:19and that I've decided to live here, and that I want to start a family,
00:41:23have children and die here by your side.
00:41:27Don't think I work as a cowboy just for the money,
00:41:31but because I want to stay, Arch.
00:41:34I'm your son.
00:41:37I've thought about that too.
00:41:39Even more than you, much more than you.
00:41:41You're my own blood, Lee, and I have to do it.
00:41:44Oh, Arch, you don't owe me anything.
00:41:46Yes, of course I do.
00:41:50I promised your mother that we'd get on without her, and we will.
00:41:55So far, it seems we've succeeded.
00:41:57Tomorrow I'll go down to the city to get all the papers.
00:42:02From now on, half of the ranch is yours.
00:42:06My share will go to Owen when he dies.
00:42:09No, no, no.
00:42:11Hamilton, Flying Age.
00:42:14Dog Iron.
00:42:17Lazy S.O.O.
00:42:19Fran Peter.
00:42:20Bugs Pitchford.
00:42:23Fran Martin.
00:42:24Let me think.
00:42:25Ah, yes, Bugs.
00:42:26Yes, two Fs.
00:42:27With a double F. That's it, with a double F.
00:42:29Why don't you have it written down?
00:42:30Because we have 40 breeds. It's better if I have it all in my head.
00:42:33Do you have a moment, Owen?
00:42:34Yes, of course.
00:42:36I've been in the mountains this morning looking for the last foxes.
00:42:39That's already done. All the animals are here.
00:42:41Yes, but up there there are a few more heads.
00:42:44It was a mixed herd, but I was able to distinguish ours very well.
00:42:47I couldn't stop because I was training the horses,
00:42:49and when I wanted to realize it, I had moved away a lot.
00:42:52We'll have to pick them up.
00:42:53Yes, but I went back for them and they weren't there anymore.
00:42:56The other team probably took them.
00:42:59I didn't seem to see any trace.
00:43:01Did you try?
00:43:02Of course.
00:43:04We'll have to try again, Hewie.
00:43:06I'll go with you, but I'll pick up my gun first.
00:43:08It will be better if you take it too.
00:43:20Come closer and look at this footprint.
00:43:23Do you see these two marks in the center?
00:43:25And the shape they have?
00:43:29It's as if they had signed with their name.
00:43:40Two horses and four horses.
00:43:43They are going in a straight direction.
00:43:59They get lost here. We'll have to go around.
00:44:02This is a good place to cross the river, assuming they crossed it.
00:44:05You think like a ganado thief.
00:44:07Let's see what's on the other side.
00:44:21There are only traces of a horse.
00:44:24What I imagined is a decoy.
00:44:26They have gone down the river.
00:44:28Hewie, follow the trace of the horse.
00:44:54There are traces of more than one horse here.
00:44:57And here too.
00:44:58It is seen that they have already taken some oxen.
00:45:18They have gone up here.
00:45:24This is Herb Bucket's house.
00:45:26Let's take a look.
00:45:53Here it comes, and it does not come alone.
00:45:58Are you looking for something?
00:46:00Stolen oxen.
00:46:04In that case it is clear that there has been a robbery.
00:46:13Look at that mark and how it goes towards the center of the hoof.
00:46:17The horseshoe has a notch.
00:46:19I had never seen it before.
00:46:39Here is another identical and this is recent.
00:46:46What do you have to say, Herb?
00:46:48What do I have to say about what?
00:46:51Where have those horses gone with the stolen oxen?
00:46:54Look, you can not prove that these are the stolen oxen.
00:46:57The best you can do is get on your horse and get out of here.
00:47:01I'm sure you have to do with the stolen cattle, but I can not prove it.
00:47:04The best I can think of is to observe closely all the cattle you buy until you find ours.
00:47:31I always end up hurting you when we fight, Herb.
00:47:34Where do you hide the bottle or the knife?
00:48:13I'll take four of your boys.
00:48:15You're like him.
00:48:16Why go to jail for stealing his cattle?
00:48:18Do not you think we should do it?
00:48:20I have to take the cattle to the pastures and we can not do it in jail.
00:48:27Are you coming, Hewi?
00:48:29You are the captain.
00:48:49Are you going to stop me from going to the pasture route?
00:48:53Measure your words.
00:48:55Have I pointed you with a gun?
00:48:57Have I cut your hand with a knife?
00:48:59Have I stolen your oxen?
00:49:01I have nothing to do with this.
00:49:07He is your captain.
00:49:09Sad but true.
00:49:11I have nothing to do with this.
00:49:13I have nothing to do with this.
00:49:15I have nothing to do with this.
00:49:16Sad but true.
00:49:18Put your cattle at a good price and ...
00:49:21Do not bother, you can not buy me.
00:49:25I was making you an offer of $ 250.
00:49:31Deal done.
00:49:33But I have not finished with him yet.
00:49:35The day I fill his body, I'll be done with him.
00:49:41Come with me to the city.
00:49:43There I'll give you the money.
00:49:44I will not be able to ride a horse until he sees my hand and has me drunk.
00:49:59Are not you going to dance tonight, son?
00:50:01I'm drinking this kind of drink.
00:50:03Be careful with that, it can put you out of combat.
00:50:06Have you seen Owen?
00:50:08He has come bleeding again, he is in the house.
00:50:14Come on.
00:50:31Is it very tight?
00:50:33The more the better.
00:50:35It seems that you are getting into a lot of trouble lately.
00:50:40You do not have to.
00:50:41You could prevent them from talking about you and Lily.
00:50:44I do not care, I appreciate Lily.
00:50:47That's it.
00:50:49Let me help you.
00:50:52Thank you, Jen.
00:50:57You can not throw yourself on your back.
00:51:00Everything that the day does wrong.
00:51:06I want to talk to my wife alone.
00:51:12Wait a minute.
00:51:16What do you want?
00:51:19I'm leaving early tomorrow, honey.
00:51:21It's going to be a long trip.
00:51:23I'll be out for a long time.
00:51:25I know.
00:51:27I have to say goodbye to you, right?
00:51:29Goodbye then.
00:51:31Oh no, not like that.
00:51:33Never again.
00:51:35Let me go, Lily.
00:51:42I see, it's easy to stop loving a man when you have someone to replace him, right?
00:51:46You're wrong, Lily.
00:51:50Go to hell, both of you.
00:52:05I'm sorry what happened.
00:52:06What happened?
00:52:11I would like to help you.
00:52:14Knowing that you are close helps me.
00:52:22There is something I would like to tell you.
00:52:25What would you tell me, Owen?
00:52:33I would tell you that I have no right to help you.
00:52:36And I would tell you what bad luck.
00:53:07What do you want?
00:53:09I want to talk to you.
00:53:11How's your hand?
00:53:13It still hurts.
00:53:15It's been a deep cut.
00:53:17It hurts, huh?
00:53:19I imagine you won't want to make deals like that.
00:53:22It doesn't matter.
00:53:25I've heard that the Fasken brothers are going to get out of jail.
00:53:29I've heard that.
00:53:31And they will continue to look for a Pope.
00:53:33And if I know them well,
00:53:34it is possible that in a few days they will be dead.
00:53:39By then they will have gone.
00:53:41With the cattle?
00:53:43They haven't had time to gather the herd.
00:53:45A couple of guys like them will be able to gather a good herd in a short time.
00:53:52For them to be able to make the route of the shepherds,
00:53:54they will have to have an authorization from someone they know.
00:53:57Someone like you.
00:53:59Daybreak wouldn't let them.
00:54:01I'm sure he wouldn't let them join the Western Section.
00:54:04But they will be able to join those of the Eastern Section
00:54:07if they present the authorization.
00:54:09I will be in that section.
00:54:11Possibly as a captain.
00:54:15But the sections meet in one place on the route, right?
00:54:22Right at the end.
00:54:25Do you know that I should have made you a check for a higher amount?
00:54:29You accepted a very low offer.
00:54:31Yes, very low.
00:54:35Leon, Western Section.
00:54:41Hewi, you're coming with me.
00:54:45Steel Mellow, Western Section.
00:54:48Bob, you're going to the Eastern Section.
00:54:55Do you have a jacket?
00:54:57No, I'm fine.
00:55:00How did the negotiation with Herb end?
00:55:02I bought the new ones.
00:55:04At a good price?
00:55:08For that bastard?
00:55:14I've decided to follow your advice, Owen.
00:55:17I'll leave the country when we get back from the route.
00:55:22Start from scratch and do it yourself?
00:55:24Yes, that's right.
00:55:26And what about Jen?
00:55:28I'll send for her.
00:55:30She'll come with me.
00:55:33The next day, when we left, it was a beautiful day.
00:55:37But we didn't feel well.
00:55:39There was something in the air that made us all think
00:55:42that something unpleasant was going to happen.
00:55:50It looks like they just got home
00:55:52and when you want to realize it, they leave again.
00:55:55And how do you feel? Ready to wait?
00:55:58You're going to wait just once.
00:56:00What's wrong with you, Jen?
00:56:02What's wrong with Lee?
00:56:04I can't talk about it, Archer.
00:56:06It sounds definitive.
00:56:08It is definitive.
00:56:13I was going to leave without telling you anything.
00:56:16I'm worried about you.
00:56:18I can't help you.
00:56:20You can't always fix things.
00:56:23Until now, I've always done it.
00:56:26That's partly the problem.
00:56:28It may be my fault.
00:56:29It may never have worked.
00:56:31I'm worried here.
00:56:33I've been alone for so long, I'm used to it.
00:56:37We've never lied to each other.
00:56:39I don't know why we have to do it now.
00:56:41Are you running away from Owen because he loves you?
00:56:45You're a good woman, Jen.
00:56:47You deserve to have a fertile and peaceful life.
00:56:50But if you run away now,
00:56:52you'll spend the rest of your life with bitter memories,
00:56:55full of doubts.
00:56:57Stay until I come back.
00:57:01It sounds like Owen.
00:57:03It's a good advice, Jen.
00:57:13Gathering cattle in spring is almost like hunting.
00:57:16During winter, the animals are dispersed
00:57:19and you have to take them back to their ranch.
00:57:21There are also the new calves.
00:57:23We have four different breeds.
00:57:24The Tali, the Rain, the Crop and the Dijon.
00:57:32I went with Owen to the western section.
00:57:35We worked many hours.
00:57:37We measured the hours by the color of the grass.
00:57:40Everything was well organized
00:57:42and the work was done as it should be done.
00:58:16Get on the train.
00:58:18What about the guns?
00:58:20Get on the train.
00:58:24You came to kill a Dijon man.
00:58:26I haven't done it yet.
00:58:28Next time?
00:58:30That's it.
00:58:32Let's go.
00:59:01They're trying to get you out of the way, aren't they?
00:59:04What do you want?
00:59:06Be nice.
00:59:08After all, I know where the man you're looking for is.
00:59:10What do you care?
00:59:12I have my own business.
00:59:14I take cattle from one place to another,
00:59:16almost always at great distances
00:59:18and in as little time as possible.
00:59:19It bothers me.
00:59:21Why don't you threaten him?
00:59:23I don't think that's hard for a man like you.
00:59:25Don't think so.
00:59:27I'm looking for someone who has a reason to kill him.
00:59:30Well, you've found him.
00:59:32This is the plan.
00:59:34Daybreak is with the cattle.
00:59:36I can get you in legally.
00:59:38Once there, I don't think you'll have any problems.
00:59:40Go on.
00:59:42That train arrives at a point in the route
00:59:44where it goes very slowly.
00:59:46We get stuck there
00:59:47and three horses are waiting for us.
00:59:49He'll be very surprised to see us.
00:59:53Come on, we're here.
01:00:18On the other side of the mountain,
01:00:20Lee was in the eastern section.
01:00:42That cattle won't come like this.
01:00:44Bring it closer to the center of the herd,
01:00:45to Mr. Jekyll's cattle.
01:00:47Very well.
01:00:51Come down to help.
01:00:57Come down to help.
01:01:15Come down to help.
01:01:50Go see that boy.
01:02:08It doesn't look like he's got a mark.
01:02:10I think I recognize one of mine.
01:02:12Is it yours?
01:02:13Yes, it's mine.
01:02:15It's mine.
01:02:28Whose is it?
01:02:29It doesn't have a mark.
01:02:31Do you see those over there?
01:02:33They're with Morrison.
01:02:38They've brought this for you.
01:02:40They say you know who I recommend it to.
01:02:45Yes, they're from around here.
01:02:47Do you know them?
01:02:49I've seen them before.
01:02:51I'll tell them where they have to go.
01:02:53Wait, some of our men don't seem very friendly
01:02:55to people they don't know.
01:02:57If they don't behave, I'll have to move them.
01:02:59You can't do that.
01:03:01Men have their rights.
01:03:03We have to be very careful and take good care of the cattle.
01:03:05In the meantime, I'll have them go to another caravan
01:03:07with someone who knows them.
01:03:09I don't want them here.
01:03:11I think it's better this way.
01:03:14Let's go.
01:03:23In Lee's section, the work was identical to ours.
01:03:26He collected the animals that were separated from the herd
01:03:29and forced them to go to the center of the herd.
01:03:45Hey, it's the first time I've seen that kind of sheep.
01:03:48Yes, they're very pure.
01:03:50They come from the north.
01:03:54This year, everything has gone very well.
01:03:57Arsh is going to be very rich.
01:03:59And you too.
01:04:01Because now you're a partner, aren't you?
01:04:04That's right.
01:04:06I've always been a partner.
01:04:08I've always been a partner.
01:04:10I've always been a partner.
01:04:12I've always been a partner.
01:04:14I never forget.
01:04:18Soon I will have to start planning for the summer.
01:04:21I'm going to buy new cattle in Texas.
01:04:23How are you going to get money in Texas
01:04:25being so far from Montana?
01:04:27Whenever I would like to gather a good herd in Kansas
01:04:29there will be a new type of fever
01:04:31and you will have to quarantine the animals.
01:04:33And if you go to New Mexico,
01:04:35the same thing may happen to you.
01:04:37It would be best if you stayed in Texas
01:04:39and that's not life.
01:04:41If I stay there, you'll already have news of me.
01:04:42and lock my cattle in a huge box with the clean, pure air of Texas and I continue to live in Montana.
01:04:57Hi, my name is Troby and I don't know what your name is.
01:04:59Dave Allen.
01:05:01I imagine you're going to send your men back to Montana while you go to Texas to buy new cattle.
01:05:05That's right.
01:05:06Can you avoid the inconvenience?
01:05:08Well, when we get to the destination, I'll have 3,000 heads of cattle to sell.
01:05:14In good shape?
01:05:15Imagine the breed, he's seeing them every day.
01:05:19At what price?
01:05:22To deliver when we arrive.
01:05:27Deal done.
01:05:29Now you'll have to find a telegraph office.
01:05:32I'm afraid it will take a few days to extend the check.
01:05:34Deal done.
01:06:12Here's your hot coffee.
01:06:14Thank you, Mr. Willoughby.
01:06:15Why don't I save enough money to buy a shop and be able to sit and eat?
01:06:19I've already worked in one and it's very boring.
01:06:21It's raining in Canter's.
01:06:22I think so.
01:06:27Come to protect you, friend.
01:06:29What section are you from? The east or the west?
01:06:31The west.
01:06:33My name is Owen Daybright.
01:06:35Thank you for the coffee, I needed something hot.
01:06:38And I also need a horse.
01:06:39Do you know where I can get one?
01:06:41Yes, get him a horse.
01:06:45Where are you going?
01:06:47I left the east section because I'm looking for a telegraph office.
01:06:50And you got lost in the rain.
01:06:52I'm so wet that I don't know if I'm drowned or alive.
01:06:57There's a telegraph office in Mountain Meadow.
01:07:00Hewie, change the mount while the coffee is finished.
01:07:04Is this your cattle?
01:07:08That's right.
01:07:10Well, I just bought it.
01:07:12That's why I was trying to send a telegram to get the money.
01:07:16Excuse me, you must be mistaken.
01:07:19Is this Strobi's cattle?
01:07:22Then there are 3,000 heads that I can take when I get to the meeting place.
01:07:26Strobi is the owner, right?
01:07:28You can sell them.
01:07:31Is there something wrong?
01:07:34Nothing, my friend, nothing.
01:07:38Well, thank you for everything.
01:08:14I didn't think he had everything ready.
01:08:16Do you think that's why he wanted to be a partner before leaving?
01:08:19Exactly, so he could sell the cattle and get away.
01:08:23What is he running away from?
01:08:27From certain people.
01:08:31You always defend him, don't you, Hewie?
01:08:37When you're faithful to a man, you accept him with all his flaws.
01:08:40And you're also faithful to his own son.
01:08:46It's curious that you say that about Hatch.
01:08:48I feel the same way for someone else for some time now.
01:08:50Someone else.
01:08:55For me.
01:09:50Day by day, hour by hour, the two sections were getting closer and closer.
01:09:54And with them, Owen and Lee.
01:09:59Good morning, Owen.
01:10:01This section is behind that mountain.
01:10:59Hello, how are you?
01:11:03But I'm sorry I can't be on the saddle for another minute.
01:11:07I'll take care of her.
01:11:09Is Lee here?
01:11:10Yes. Lee!
01:11:12Owen, how are you?
01:11:14Very well, and you?
01:11:16How many heads have you brought?
01:11:18Two thousand, and you?
01:11:21From what I've heard, you've got more than three thousand left over.
01:11:26Who told you that?
01:11:28The man you sold the cattle to.
01:11:33That's right, it's true.
01:11:35Arch will be surprised.
01:11:37Especially now that he wants to expand the business.
01:11:41The deal is already made.
01:11:43I'm Arch's boss.
01:11:45And I'm his partner.
01:11:47Don't forget that I pay half of your salary.
01:11:48You give me orders so well?
01:11:50Orders are that you don't meddle in my affairs.
01:11:53And letting you steal his cattle from Arch,
01:11:55I find it hard to believe.
01:11:58Tomorrow we'll pick up Horn's herd.
01:12:00That will give us a lot of work.
01:12:05It would be better if you told Owen to forget,
01:12:07that it was a mistake.
01:12:09I just told you not to meddle in my affairs.
01:12:12Wait a minute.
01:12:14I don't understand.
01:12:16You won't believe you can fool me.
01:12:18You can't do this to me.
01:12:46Join the rest.
01:12:48Let's go.
01:12:55What do you think about this?
01:12:57I was working near the river,
01:12:59just when it was calm.
01:13:01This doesn't make sense.
01:13:05When one of the cattle passed by,
01:13:07I saw the Fasken brothers.
01:13:09Are you sure?
01:13:11Without a doubt.
01:13:13They came on the route.
01:13:15They were there talking to the rest of the team.
01:13:16Lee knew and he didn't tell us anything.
01:13:18He doesn't care,
01:13:20but he should.
01:13:32You know,
01:13:34I've been thinking about the deal I made with Dave Allen.
01:13:38I admit I was wrong.
01:13:40As always, you're not with me to control me.
01:13:43I'm glad you see it clearly, Lee.
01:13:48Well, I'd better talk to Dave Allen
01:13:50before it's too late.
01:13:52Great. Do it.
01:13:54Why don't you come with me?
01:13:56There's a lot of work here.
01:13:58It'll be easier to convince him if you come with me.
01:14:01I'll tell Meade we're leaving.
01:14:10I'm going with her to the telegraph office,
01:14:12but we won't be long.
01:14:14Very well.
01:14:38Remember, we don't have to shoot Dave Wright
01:14:40until he gets to that rock.
01:14:42Yes, I agree.
01:14:45This will be the last time we go together, Owen.
01:14:50I tried to make quick money
01:14:52by making the deal with Allen,
01:14:54but it didn't work out.
01:14:56So I'm leaving, as I thought.
01:15:00It's going to be hard to leave here.
01:15:02I'm going to leave a lot of things.
01:15:04Arch, the ranch,
01:15:06Jane, you.
01:15:08It's all yours.
01:15:10All yours.
01:15:12Are you sure you've thought it through?
01:15:14You've always tried to teach me
01:15:16how to do things right.
01:15:18You gave me the idea to leave it all
01:15:20and start over somewhere else.
01:15:22I feel like I have to do it.
01:15:24Maybe it's because
01:15:26we've had a lot of fun together.
01:15:28That's true.
01:15:30Remember when Arch took us to Kansas
01:15:32to a convention of colonists?
01:15:36And I played with a huge Texan?
01:15:38Yes, I remember.
01:15:40And you beat him with a good move.
01:15:44We've had a good time together.
01:15:46I'll miss him.
01:15:48Me too.
01:15:50Even if you live many years,
01:15:52there's a part of your life
01:15:54you'll never forget.
01:15:56I'm glad you say that.
01:15:58I'll remember your words when I'm far away.
01:16:45Where's Owen?
01:16:47He went with Lee to set up a telegram.
01:16:50You hear that?
01:16:52Someone's in trouble.
01:16:54Get some men, go check it out.
01:17:06Go the other way
01:17:08to surprise him from behind.
01:17:10I'll cover you.
01:20:07I'll take you with me.
01:20:09We'll sort this out.
01:20:11Don't even talk.
01:20:13We'll talk to Archie.
01:20:15We'll tell him the whole truth.
01:20:17For once.
01:20:19Let's go.
01:20:21You forget
01:20:23I still have my last word.
01:20:26I can still sink you, Owen.
01:20:28I'll accept it if you want,
01:20:30but that doesn't change anything.
01:20:32Come on, get out.
01:20:34Or do you want me to go get you?
01:20:55That's the whole story, Archie.
01:20:57Even the last detail.
01:20:59I was afraid of this.
01:21:01I didn't want to believe it,
01:21:03and you lied to me
01:21:05to make things worse for me.
01:21:07You didn't kill him.
01:21:09I did it.
01:21:10The day I lost my mind
01:21:12hoping it would change,
01:21:15I thought it would.
01:21:25I'll have to tell Jim.
01:21:27I'd like to do it myself.
01:21:40THE END
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