• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Le grandi aziende hanno la grossa responsabilità di impegnarsi a trovare soluzioni innovative che aiutino il consumatore ad adottare comportamenti virtuosi" ha dichiarato Elisa Cavestro, head of local brand, portfolio e innovation Kraft Heinz, a margine del Forum della Sostenibilità 2024 che si è svolto a Palazzo Partanna di Napoli. L'obiettivo è celebrare la sostenibilità attraverso i cardini della green economy, della cultura e del territorio.


00:00What role does the brand industry play in the future?
00:06I believe that the brand industry and the big industry
00:09really have a great responsibility in adopting innovative policies
00:13that can in some way also positively influence the adoption of sustainable behaviors.
00:19In particular, I believe that it is also our task to find new and innovative technological solutions,
00:26not only from a technological point of view, but also from a mindset point of view
00:31that also makes it easier for the end consumer to adopt virtuous behaviors.
00:37An example of the activities we have done has been to eliminate the label of our homogenized fruits.
00:44In this way, we have not only had a savings in terms of resources
00:48and therefore an improvement in the sustainability of our product,
00:53but we have also made it much easier for the end consumer
00:56to correctly recycle the elements of the packaging,
00:59thus creating a virtuous behavior and facilitating a virtuous behavior also in the valley of our industry.
