• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Logotel è una design company indipendente che ha preso come impegno e responsabilità il percorso verso la sostenibilità, che per l’azienda è una visione che parte dall’aspetto valoriale e si concretizza nel modo di costruire tutti i progetti”. Così Antonella Castelli, senior manager di Logotel, a margine della cerimonia di premiazione della prima edizione del Green Economy Award, riconoscimento promosso dall'Associazione For Human Community. Logotel è stata premiata come media azienda nella categoria ‘sostenibilità economica’.


00:00Logoterra is an independent design company that has taken the path of sustainability as a commitment and responsibility.
00:16Sustainability for Logoterra is a vision that starts from a strong and valuable dimension of the company,
00:23but that is evolving and transforming the way of building projects, of building all the actions of everyday life.
00:31This has allowed us to build in recent years a collaborative construction path with all our people at Logoterra,
00:39with the entire Logoterra community, but also with all the customers, with all our partners and suppliers.
00:44This has allowed us to become a benefit company, to start writing the whole path of sustainability of our sustainability report,
00:53the ethical code, and to involve all our people with daily actions,
00:58to really have real and daily impacts in everything we do.
