• last year
(Adnkronos) - “È stato un concorso interessante: non ci aspettavamo così tante candidature e progetti di così alta qualità. Ci sono tutti i presupposti per la seconda edizione”. È il commento di Gian Luca Spitella, Direttore Comunicazione Arera - Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente, a valle della cerimonia per il conferimento del Green Economy Award dell'Associazione For Human Community, il premio dedicato alle eccellenze di sostenibilità e benessere.


00:00It was an interesting award from many points of view, the first for the
00:10number of projects that have participated. We did not expect,
00:12sincerely, that there would be so many, of such different sizes, large, small,
00:17medium. We had giants, multinationals, we had people who
00:20presented interesting projects from all points of view of the ESG.
00:25The analysis has been challenging, because the projects are mostly high-level and the criteria that have been adopted have been mainly those to avoid,
00:35let's say, to insist on what are already core business activities related to the environment, to the social or to economic sustainability,
00:46and therefore to evaluate above all those who, in a particular field, have made investments of
00:52sustainability of any kind in other fields. So, in a way, we have seen the
00:58results are satisfactory and we have seen with great satisfaction what can be
01:03a great start for the second edition.
