قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.
"نية الاحتلال بدأت قبل بعثة النبي محمد ﷺ"
17. سلسلة #ولد_الهدى تُنشر يومياً في شهر #المولد_النبوى_الشريف
"نية الاحتلال بدأت قبل بعثة النبي محمد ﷺ"
17. سلسلة #ولد_الهدى تُنشر يومياً في شهر #المولد_النبوى_الشريف
00:00You will find that the people are more hostile to those who believe in the Jews.
00:05This hostility is not only for Egypt, but it is for everyone who believes in God.
00:12This hostility is concentrated in the prophets of God, and then in his disciples.
00:17This nation, which is known as a nation of nations, or a species of species,
00:23committed the crime of agreement and coordination to kill the prophets.
00:28This is a repeated crime.
00:30They killed the prophets unjustly.
00:34They wanted to end this crime by killing the Seal of the Prophets.
00:39Even the attempts to kill the Messenger of God and to assassinate him
00:44have led to four or five attempts to assassinate the Messenger of God.
00:53So how can those who tried to assassinate the Prophet
00:57have a kind of chastity among us and among them?
01:03They killed Zechariah, and they killed his son John,
01:07and they tried to kill Christ,
01:09and they killed him, and they crucified him, but he was crucified for them.
01:14They killed the prophets, they killed the children, they killed the women,
01:18they killed the orphans.
01:20These are the creatures that commit bloodshed.
01:25Of course, they tried to end the prophethood in them.
01:30Because God Almighty said in Ibrahim,
01:32And We made in his descendants the prophethood and the Book.
01:36And there is no prophet after Ibrahim except through Ibrahim.
01:39So the prophethood increased in his descendants,
01:42in the descendants of Isaac and Jacob.
01:44And the prophethood ended in the descendants of Ishmael,
01:47who was a blessing for the Arabs.
01:50So they read in their books and what was mentioned in the description of the Prophet,
01:54that they emigrated to a barren land with palm trees.
01:58So they emigrated and went to the cities of Quraizah, Qaynuqa' and Nadhir
02:03so that a prophet would come out of them at the end of time.
02:06So when the prophethood was removed from them,
02:08a new phase began from here,
02:11from the stages of deception and anger,
02:14and their trade flourished,
02:16which was to smuggle and sell weapons,
02:20as they do until now.
02:23These creatures that were in the prophetic city,
02:28continued to betray and break the covenant,
02:32until the Prophet came to them.
02:35Then they concentrated in Khaibar and fortified themselves there,
02:40and they did deception and betrayal to the Prophet,
02:45until Allah Almighty opened these fortresses.