قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.
"ماكان ليذر الكذب على الناس ويكذب على الله"
هذا كان رد هرقل عندما سَئل أبا سفيان عن رسول الله ﷺ.
لنتعرف عن مكانة الصدق وكيف أنه من دلائل النبوة، مع الشيخ #محمد_الصغير
لمشاهدة الخطبة كاملة:
"ماكان ليذر الكذب على الناس ويكذب على الله"
هذا كان رد هرقل عندما سَئل أبا سفيان عن رسول الله ﷺ.
لنتعرف عن مكانة الصدق وكيف أنه من دلائل النبوة، مع الشيخ #محمد_الصغير
لمشاهدة الخطبة كاملة:
00:00Dear Muslim brothers and sisters,
00:03In the previous Friday, we stopped at important points in the life of the great Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:16And in these days, in this blessed month, it is incumbent upon us to remember his birth, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:27At the age of 36, he was given the title of Sadiq Al-Ameen in Mecca, a position that is not obtained at this age.
00:48Sadiq, in everything that happens. Ameen, in all his actions.
00:54And this is the title.
00:56And this is the introduction of the Prophethood.
00:59Sadiq Al-Ameen, as in the Hadith of Heraclius in Bukhari, when he asked Abu Sufyan, he said,
01:07How was he among you?
01:09They said, we used to call him Sadiq Al-Ameen.
01:11Sadiq Al-Ameen said, Heraclius, who was a man of knowledge, and this is rare in rulers,
01:17He said, he was not to leave lying to people and lying to Allah, who does not lie to humans, but lies to the Creator.
01:29Then, the title of Sadiq Al-Ameen was given to him.
01:37So, he was confused while building the Kaaba, where to put the stone.
01:43This is a famous story.
01:45And the Arabs are good at debating without a reason.
01:48So, what do you think, if the reason is honorable, who will preserve this honor?
01:55And he takes the black stone in his hand and puts it in his place in the Kaaba.
02:00They are different.
02:02And the war was about to start.
02:04The Arabs, for the sake of the deserts and the deserts, have two pharaohs.
02:09They fought for forty years.
02:11These are the two pharaohs.
02:13And Al-Basus, this is Naqa, the name of Naqa.
02:16The war with Al-Basus lasted for forty years.
02:18So, they took the whole generation.
02:20For the sake of Naqa.
02:21So, what do you think about the black stone?
02:24One of the wise men said, we will judge from the beginning to the end.
02:30So, the prophet, peace be upon him, used to say,
02:34and this goes back to the last sermon,
02:36that we have created everything by fate,
02:40except that you have changed it from the last Friday.
02:44Why the beginning to the end?
02:46And why our master Muhammad?
02:47Is it reasonable that on the face of the earth,
02:50the one who carries the black stone in his hands at this time is Muhammad?
02:55Everything is predestined.
02:57It is a wonder for the believer.
03:00O believer!
03:02It is a wonder for you.
03:04It is a wonder for the believer.
03:06For everything is good for him.
03:08If he is afflicted with sickness, he is grateful.
03:11It is good for him.
03:13And if he is afflicted with weakness, he is patient.
03:15It is good for him.
03:17O believer!
03:19If you are not afflicted with these two conditions,
03:21then search your faith.
03:23The mistake is in your faith.
03:26When the prophet, peace be upon him, saw him for the first time,
03:29when the prophet, peace be upon him, saw him for the first time,
03:32they said, we are pleased with the trustee as a judge.
03:35We are pleased with the trustee as a judge.
03:39So, he suggested a reasonable plan,
03:42a plan of a young man in his sixties and thirties
03:44to put the stone on his garment
03:47and hold each tribe by its side.
03:49And they agreed to that.
03:51But the final winner,
03:53who held the stone?
03:55One person.
03:57Who lifted the stone?
03:59One person.
04:01Who put it in its place?
04:03It was the messenger of Allah.
04:05And they accepted this.
04:07And the matter passed.
04:09These were the beginnings.
04:11It is the mental, physical, and intellectual completion.
04:14All of it.
04:16So, as long as the person you are with,
04:18a boy, a girl, a wife, a friend,
04:21without the forties, give him a reason.
04:23What is the reason?
04:25He has not reached the forties yet.
04:27Wait until the forties.