قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.
حُبب إلى النبي ﷺ الخلوة قبل البعثة..
لنسمع من الشيخ #محمد_الصغير عن معنى الخلوة في الإسلام..
لمشاهدة الخطبة كاملة:
حُبب إلى النبي ﷺ الخلوة قبل البعثة..
لنسمع من الشيخ #محمد_الصغير عن معنى الخلوة في الإسلام..
لمشاهدة الخطبة كاملة:
00:00The prophethood came to the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him..
00:02But, before this stage..
00:04he was preparing himself..
00:06as in the Hadith of Al-Bukhari..
00:08which was narrated by Aisha..
00:09The first thing that the prophet, SAW, did..
00:12was to see the prophethood.. the righteous vision..
00:14the truthful vision..
00:15So, he used to see the vision and he used to wake up at the next morning..
00:18It is the same vision..
00:20peace be upon him.
00:21And, he was loved by the emptiness..
00:23the emptiness..
00:25And, it is important for every person to have an emptiness..
00:27And, the emptiness is worship..
00:29Even for an hour..
00:31If a person would do I'tekaf, he will be in a state of emptiness..
00:33for an hour..
00:35And, I'tekaf is a practice..
00:37which is present throughout the year..
00:39and it is related to Ramadan..
00:40to have an emptiness with Allah, Almighty..
00:43between you and Allah..
00:45And, Allah will make seven of them to be in His shade..
00:48on the Day when there is no shade except His shade..
00:50A man..
00:52who has mentioned Allah..
00:56then, he will have no more time..
00:57And, this is the case..
00:58May Allah guide us all..
01:00It is important to have an emptiness with Allah..
01:03Most of the people have an emptiness with Allah..
01:07When they are in grief and sadness..
01:09When they are in sadness..
01:10and in grief..
01:11Then, they will be in a state of emptiness..
01:13So, let the emptiness be with you..
01:16And, the best name of the people of Sudan..
01:19for the place of memorizing Quran..
01:20What is it called?
01:21It is called, Emptiness..
01:23This is an emptiness with Quran..
01:24So, it will remain as an emptiness with Quran..
01:26till the memorization of Quran is completed.
01:30This is the love of Allah..
01:33And, he used to go out at nights..
01:35with many people..
01:36he used to go out..
01:37till he goes to Khadija..
01:39he goes out..
01:40he takes something..
01:41and he comes back..
01:43He is not alone..
01:44You've seen him..