هكذا حارب المشركون دعوة رسول الله ﷺ | ولد الهدى 5

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قناة الشيخ محمد الصغير، رئيس الهيئة العالمية لأنصار النبي ﷺ، ومؤسس وقف الأنصار، مستشار وزير الأوقاف الأسبق، وكيل اللجنة الدينية بمجلس الشعب وعضو مجلس الشورى الأسبق.

5. سلسلة #ولد_الهدى يومياً في شهر ربيع الأول.
وسائل المشركين.. في محاربة النبي الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم.


00:00The Islamic call that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, began, and how did the opposition begin to it, and how did the polytheists and tyrants confront it?
00:10The objections began to the prophetic message. They objected initially to the humanity of the Messenger, while they are human beings.
00:18They asked that the messenger be an angel. Allah sent a human being as a messenger.
00:24Then they objected to the person of the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, to the Prophet Muhammad.
00:28They did not object to the message, but they wished that this honor was in Abu Mas'ud Al-Thaqafi or in Al-Walid Ibn Al-Mughira.
00:36They said, why did not this Quran be revealed to a man from the two great villages?
00:41Then they moved on to another stage of objections after they heard the call for monotheism.
00:47The call for monotheism in the Meccan period and the Meccan Quran was mostly to consolidate the issue of monotheism.
00:53Did he make the gods one God? This is a strange thing.
00:57They objected to the basic principle that they worship more than 300 idols around the Kaaba.
01:07After this stage of objections to prophethood and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
01:14they began to place the Araqeel and the Aqabeel in front of the call for monotheism.
01:18Before we mention a part of these Aqabeel, I say that the tyrants and the apostates in every era and Egypt follow the same path.
01:28This gives us good news that we are on the same page.
01:31If those who oppose the call for monotheism follow the path of Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab,
01:37this means that those who are on the other side, on the contrary, are on the path of Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab,
01:43say, this is my way, I call to God on the path of Abu Jahl.
01:48On the path of Abu Jahl, me and those who follow me.
01:51So the followers of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, are on the path of Abu Jahl.
01:55They began to object to the media and the distortion.
01:58The media is a weapon that has existed for a long time.
02:01So they described the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as crazy and they said he was a poet.
02:06And they doubted the source.
02:09He was taught by a human being.
02:11The tongue of the one to whom they atheist is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.
02:17And if this Quran is given to learn, then why did you fall into the miracle?
02:22Why did the Holy Quran fail you?
02:24Learn, if the Quran is given to learn, and bring a surah like it.
02:29Or a long verse like the verses of the Holy Quran.
02:33So they were unable to do that.
02:35So they left the Hijjaj with the tongue to the war with the teeth.
02:40So they began the physical torture of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
02:45So they threw on him the sale of al-Jazoor.
02:47And they gave his companions a bad punishment.
02:50So the first witness in Islam was a patient woman.
02:54The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, gave them the glad tidings of Paradise.
03:07And they used the method of the economic siege.
03:10This method is renewed as it is.
03:12We will not marry them.
03:14And they left them in the company of Abu Talib for three years.
03:18And what is mentioned here is that Bani Hashim, who were on Shirk,
03:23and yet before they were with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in the siege.
03:29And our Lord, the Almighty, said,
03:31And they forbid him and forbid him.
