• le mois dernier
00:00Hey Daddy, can I go outside and step in dog poop?
00:02Ew, no Jeffy! Why would you want to do that?
00:04Cause I like the sound it makes when I step on it.
00:06No Jeffy, you can't go outside and step in dog poop.
00:08That's gross, Jeffy.
00:10Well, I'm gonna do it anyway.
00:12Well, if you're gonna do it anyway, can you at least put shoes on?
00:14Ew, Marvin!
00:15But Daddy, I can't find my shoes!
00:17What do you mean you can't find your shoes?
00:18Well, they ran away!
00:20How'd your shoes run away?
00:21I don't know, but they did it, Daddy.
00:22Jeffy, shoes can't run away unless you're the one in the shoes running.
00:25Well, I just can't find them, Daddy.
00:27Did you look everywhere?
00:28Well, I looked everywhere that I thought that they could be.
00:30And where's that?
00:31On my feet.
00:32If they were on your feet, they wouldn't be lost, Jeffy.
00:34Look, I'm gonna help you find your shoes.
00:36Alright, Daddy.
00:38Jeffy, I found your shoes!
00:40No way! I looked everywhere!
00:43Booger! Why are you chewing my shoes?
00:46Bad booger, bad!
00:47Now we have to get you new shoes, Jeffy.
00:49One day, I can step in dog poop without shoes.
00:51No, Jeffy, we'll get you new shoes and you're not stepping in dog poop in them.
00:54Did you find Jeffy's shoes, Marvin?
00:56Yes, I did, but his pet dinosaur booger ate them.
00:58Oh, no!
00:59So now we have to get Jeffy new shoes, and they're gonna be so expensive.
01:01Well, I could go to the thrift store and buy him a used pair of shoes.
01:04Yeah, just do that.
01:05Can you give me the Poop Stompers 3000?
01:07No, Jeffy, you're not gonna step in poop in your new shoes!
01:09Okay, I'll be right back.
01:10Marvin, I'm back!
01:11Oh, my God, those shoes are cool!
01:12Mommy, those shoes are the tits!
01:14How much did those cost?
01:15They were only $20, Marvin.
01:17And the owner of the store said Michael Jordan used to wear these when he was a kid.
01:20Michael Jordan?
01:22Well, they're about to belong to Scotty Poopin' after he gets on stepping in dog poop with them.
01:25Or Shaquille O'Neal.
01:26Or, or, Fecal Jordan!
01:28Jeffy, put these shoes on.
01:30Daddy, look! These shoes fit perfectly!
01:33Well, you better take care of them, Jeffy.
01:35Oh, don't worry, Daddy. I'm only gonna step in the finest dog turds with these babies.
01:39You better not, Jeffy!
01:41Yeah, Jeffy, actually take care of these shoes.
01:42Look, I bet your friends are jealous. Go show your friends.
01:44Oh, you're right, Daddy. I bet you they don't have dog turd stompers like these babies.
01:48I'll be right back.
01:49Oh, I made it again!
01:51When do we get a turn?
01:52We're playing make it, take it, so whenever I miss it, that's when you get a turn.
01:54But I don't miss.
01:55We're gonna be here all night.
01:59He keeps making it.
02:00He just keeps making it!
02:02See? See?
02:03Watch this.
02:04Do it again.
02:05Oh, finally, he missed. We get a turn.
02:07Yeah, okay, finally. Now it's my turn.
02:09Hey, guys, can I play?
02:10No, we haven't even had our turn yet.
02:12Cody, just let Jeffy have a turn. He probably sucks at basketball. He's gonna miss this shot anyway.
02:16Wow, he made it!
02:17Oh, you know what? New rules.
02:18Everybody has to shoot from way back there because we're shooting from way too close.
02:22From right here?
02:23Yeah, from right there.
02:24He's totally gonna miss this.
02:28You made it from there?
02:29Heck yeah!
02:30Well, uh, uh, you have to make it from the balcony now. How about that?
02:35Yeah, he's gonna miss that.
02:36I can't.
02:37All right, Jeffy, try to make it from up here.
02:39Dude, I can't even make it from up here.
02:40I can't make it from up here.
02:41I can't make it from up here.
02:42I can't make it from up here.
02:43I can't make it from up here.
02:44I can't make it from up here.
02:45I can't make it from up here.
02:46I know, I'm trying to get Jeffy to lose his turn.
02:48All right, watch this.
02:51Heck yeah!
02:52How does he keep making it?
02:54I know a shot that you definitely can't make. Come on!
02:57All right, Jeffy, for this next shot, you have to shoot the ball over the balcony and make it to the goal.
03:02But, Jimmy, that's impossible.
03:03And you have to do it over your head.
03:04That's even more impossible.
03:06Just go sit by the goal and see if he makes it.
03:08All right, Jeffy, shoot the shot.
03:09All right.
03:12Whoa, he made it!
03:13Dude, he just doesn't miss!
03:14He made that?
03:15Yeah, he did!
03:16When's he ever gonna miss?
03:17I don't know.
03:18Did I make it?
03:19Yeah, Jeffy, how are you so good at basketball?
03:21I don't know, it must be the new shoes I got from Michael Jordan.
03:24Michael Jordan used to have those shoes?
03:26No way, dude!
03:27Oh, this is like that movie, Like Mike.
03:30You know, that movie where the kid gets Michael Jordan's shoes and they make him good at basketball?
03:33That never happened.
03:34Wait, that's a thing?
03:36Wait, so you're saying that Jeffy's only good at basketball because he has Michael Jordan's old shoes?
03:40I mean, maybe.
03:41Wait, so you're saying as long as he's wearing those shoes, he's never gonna miss?
03:44I guess.
03:45Jeffy, let's try it.
03:46All right, Jeffy, try to make a shot.
03:47All right.
03:49All right, now take the shoes off.
03:50All right.
03:52Try to make another shot.
03:54He missed!
03:55It's the shoes!
03:56It's the shoes!
03:57Oh, my God!
03:58So if Jeffy's wearing those shoes, he could be in the NBA!
04:00He'll never miss!
04:01He'll win, like, 25 championships!
04:03Oh, my God, that's awesome!
04:07Who could that be?
04:09Hey, man.
04:10What are you doing here?
04:11Hey, do you have any eggs?
04:13Yeah, my wife wants to make scrambled eggs, but we don't have any eggs.
04:16Why didn't you go to the store?
04:17Well, because that costs money, and I figured I could get them for free from you.
04:21I mean, you're not gonna say no, right?
04:23I came all this way.
04:25They're in the fridge.
04:26Thanks, bud!
04:27Ooh, I'm gonna get a drink while I'm here, too.
04:29Ooh, and maybe some chips.
04:31I mean, he already said yes to the eggs.
04:32He's not gonna say no to that.
04:33Dude, he just doesn't miss!
04:36What's that all about?
04:37Come on, Jeffy, make it again!
04:38Yeah, come on!
04:39Guys, I've already made it like 300 times!
04:42I know, just do it one more time!
04:44What's going on in here?
04:45This kid can't miss when he shoots the basketball.
04:48Yeah, yeah, he just can't miss a shot, he's been making them all night.
04:50No way, show me.
04:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, try this shot, Jeffy.
04:54See, he just doesn't miss!
04:55Wow, kid, you should go pro!
04:57Well, he's really young, he can't go pro yet.
04:59Huh, yeah, you're right.
05:00But he's not too young for me to use him to hustle some people down at the gym.
05:04Hey, kid, come with me to the gym.
05:06I think you guys are good enough to beat the national champs.
05:08What, really?
05:09Yeah, come on!
05:10There they are, they're legit.
05:27Oh my God, they're really good!
05:28Yeah, there's a reason they won the championship.
05:30You think we can beat them?
05:32Not you, your friend.
05:33But a basketball team needs five people, so also you.
05:37I'm gonna go see if they'll accept the challenge.
05:43Excuse me, sir.
05:44What do you want?
05:45I'd like to make a little wager.
05:46A wager?
05:47Yeah, I'd bet this kid and his friends could beat you and your team in a game of basketball.
05:52You know we're the champions, right?
05:54Well, yes, sir, I do know that.
05:55Which is why I'd be willing to bet $50,000 that this kid could beat you in basketball.
06:01Are you serious, sir?
06:02I'm serious!
06:03You don't have $50,000.
06:04Shut up!
06:05So, we have a deal?
06:06Hold on, let me see, let me see.
06:07Hey, y'all think we can beat these little kids in a basketball game?
06:12Yeah, you got the challenge.
06:14Alright, I'll get the rest of the kids.
06:15Hey, and if we win, you never get to touch a basketball in another day in your life, you got that?
06:20I don't know how you'd ever enforce that, but okay.
06:22Yeah, that's what I thought.
06:23Hey kids, you ready to make me $50,000?
06:27He thinks we can beat a professional basketball team!
06:29We can't beat a professional basketball team.
06:31Well, not on your own, but Jeffy can.
06:33He never misses!
06:34Yeah, guys, I think we can do it.
06:35Alright, come on!
06:37What scrubs are we going up against?
06:39They're right there.
06:40Bruh, check out the half-court shot.
06:46Okay, almost!
06:47Y'all believe that?
06:48Y'all feel that, right?
06:49Yeah, almost!
06:50It's the M for that guy!
06:51That was pretty good.
06:53We're going up against th-th-them?
06:55I think so, dude!
06:56Don't worry, your friend here can't miss.
06:58Isn't that right, Jeffy?
07:00I don't miss anything, I just keep making buckets.
07:02Okay, let's do this.
07:06I didn't think you'd actually show up!
07:08What, do you think I'd make a $50,000 bet involving children and not show up?
07:11No, we're here, we're ready to play!
07:12Where's your team?
07:13Oh, my team's here!
07:14Hey, guys!
07:15And one girl!
07:16Come here!
07:18Yeah, my team's here!
07:19And we've got another guy in the bathroom.
07:20But we're here!
07:21Alright, let's play then!
07:22Well, let's play then!
07:23Okay, let's play!
07:24Be prepared to never touch another one of these ever again in your life.
07:27Well, that's not really much of a change for me, but alright, yeah!
07:29Yeah, come on!
07:30Alright, you guys ready for tip-off?
07:31Oh yeah, I'm ready!
07:33Hey, y'all, look!
07:34He's wearing a diaper!
07:35We're playing against a baby!
07:37This is gonna be easy!
07:38Jeffy, don't let him get in your head!
07:40Alright, you ready?
07:41Oh yeah, I'm ready!
07:42Yeah, I'm ready!
07:50What do I do?
07:51What do I do?
07:52Pass it to Jeffy!
07:56He made that?!
07:57Oh no!
07:58Come on, guys!
07:59Oh, it's on now!
08:00Oh my God!
08:01Did you see that three-pointer?
08:02Way to go, Jeffy!
08:03Good shot, Jeffy!
08:04Bye now!
08:10Yes, sir!
08:12It's on me, baby!
08:13Damn it!
08:14Come on, guys!
08:15Step it up!
08:16Oh, dude, I love basketball!
08:17Pass it to Jeffy!
08:18No, dude, I got this!
08:19Pass it to Jeffy!
08:20Oh, dude, I'm gonna make it!
08:21Watch this!
08:23Oh, dude!
08:24You're supposed to pass it to Jeffy!
08:25Dude, I just ate popcorn!
08:27Oh, yeah!
08:33That's what happens when you don't give the ball to Jeffy!
08:35Well, I'm sorry, dude!
08:36Pass the ball to Jeffy!
08:37Come on!
08:41Oh, where are you going, Jeffy?
08:42Where are you going?
08:43I'm going this way!
08:47We're losing!
08:48We don't lose!
08:50Oh my God!
08:51Another three-pointer!
08:52Oh my God!
08:53Oh my God!
08:54Oh my God!
08:55Another three points!
08:56We are killing it!
08:57You ain't got this!
08:58You ain't got this!
08:59Oh, here you go, Troy!
09:02Get out of my house!
09:03This is my house!
09:06Tighten up, Troy!
09:07Tighten up!
09:08Come on!
09:09I don't know what to do!
09:10I don't know what to do!
09:11Pass the ball to Jeffy!
09:12But he's so far away, though!
09:14Yeah, yeah, yeah!
09:15That's what I'm talking about!
09:16You got the ball stolen away from a girl?
09:22A girl did that!
09:23A girl did that!
09:25Good girl!
09:26Good girl!
09:28That happened because of you!
09:29I'm sorry!
09:30Okay, six to six!
09:31A tight game!
09:32Come on, we got this!
09:33Where are you going?
09:34Where are you going?
09:35You ain't making another shot today!
09:37I don't see you!
09:42Y'all see me, don't y'all?
09:43Yeah, that was crazy!
09:44Yeah, it's the shoes!
09:45Yeah, it's those shoes!
09:50You can't cover me!
09:51You can't cover me!
09:55Hey, he took my shoes!
09:57How do I keep getting the ball?
09:59Just pass the ball to Jeffy!
10:00Hey, Jeffy!
10:03No, you take it!
10:05No, I don't have my shoes!
10:07He doesn't have his shoes!
10:08Time out!
10:09Hey, you can't call time out!
10:10Time out! Time out!
10:12What's going on?
10:13Why'd you guys call time out?
10:14One more shot and we win!
10:15Someone took my shoes!
10:16Yeah, someone took his shoes.
10:17Okay, I don't even have legs!
10:19Who cares?
10:20Why do you need shoes?
10:21There's something we didn't tell you.
10:23Les chaussures qu'il portait.
10:24Elles appartenaient à Michael Jordan.
10:25C'était des chaussures magiques.
10:26Et ça leur a fait qu'il n'aurait pas perdu un seul coup.
10:28Oh, je n'ai pas le temps pour ça.
10:30Oh, vous devez être sérieux.
10:31Okay, où sont les chaussures?
10:33Le numéro 1 les a pris et le numéro 11 les a mangés.
10:35Ouais, ouais.
10:37Tu les mérites.
10:38Tu les as gagnés.
10:40Okay, okay, okay.
10:41Oublie les chaussures.
10:42Vous n'avez jamais besoin des chaussures.
10:43En fait, nous les avons.
10:44Ouais, ça leur a fait qu'il n'ait pas perdu un coup.
10:45Okay, mais on va devoir le faire sans eux, okay?
10:47Parce que vous pouvez le faire, okay?
10:49Je sais que vous pouvez le faire.
10:50Je crois en vous.
10:51Juste regardez profondément en vous-même, okay?
10:53Parce que si nous perdons ça, je vais me faire chier.
10:56Et je ne serai jamais en mesure de toucher un ballon à nouveau.
10:58Même si je suis beaucoup moins inquiété de celui-là.
11:01Alors retournez là-bas et prenez un seul coup.
11:03C'est tout ce qu'on a besoin.
11:04Okay, faisons-le.
11:05Allons-y, jouons.
11:06Un seul coup et on gagne le jeu.
11:08Oh, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
11:09Vous ne pouvez pas faire un coup sans vos chaussures magiques?
11:11En fait, je ne peux pas.
11:13Cody, ici.
11:15Cody, tire-le.
11:19Pourquoi tu parles comme ça?
11:21Je ne sais pas.
11:22Juste tire-le.
11:39J'ai réussi!
11:40On a gagné!
11:41On a gagné!
11:42On a gagné!
11:43On a gagné!
11:47Oh mon Dieu!
11:48On a réussi!
11:49Cody, tu as fait ça!
11:50Tu as gagné que tu n'avais pas besoin de chaussures.
11:51Tu l'as fait!
11:52Oh mon Dieu!
11:53Oh mon Dieu!
11:54Ils l'ont fait!
11:55Ces enfants ont gagné!
11:56Ils l'ont en fait tiré!
11:57Je peux t'embrasser.
11:58Je vais t'embrasser.
11:59Je vais finir sur une sorte de liste,
12:00mais je vais toujours t'embrasser.
12:02Fais-le encore.
12:03Cody, on a gagné!
12:04Allons célébrer!
12:05Je dois admettre,
12:06ces enfants sont plutôt bons.
12:08Oui, je veux dire,
12:09celui-là a probablement juste eu de la chance,
12:10mais en tout cas,
12:11oui, on a gagné,
12:12alors où est mon argent?
12:13Oui, l'argent, c'est l'argent.
12:14Tu vas avoir ton argent.
12:15D'accord, génial!
12:17Salut, papa!
12:18Jeffy, qu'est-ce qui s'est passé
12:19avec tes chaussures?
12:20Quelqu'un les a mangées?
12:21Personne ne les a mangées, Jeffy!
12:22Arrête de mentir!
12:23Papa, tu n'as aucune idée
12:24de la vérité
12:25derrière ce que je viens de dire.
12:26Salut, Marv!
12:27Le gars de Brooklyn.
12:28Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh,
12:29c'est le gars de 50 000 dollars maintenant.
12:3150 000 dollars?
12:32Comment as-tu gagné tout cet argent?
12:34Parce que ton fils
12:35t'a aidé à gagner un bet de 50 000 dollars.
12:37Mais je n'ai pas gagné tous les points!
12:39Non, tu n'as pas gagné
12:40la chance de gagner le jeu,
12:41mais je veux toujours te remercier
12:42de t'avoir donné de l'argent.
12:43Oh, je vais avoir de l'argent?
12:44Je veux dire,
12:45je vais le donner à ton père
12:46parce que ça a l'air plus responsable.
12:48combien on en a?
12:49Tu vas avoir 100 dollars.
12:52100 dollars?
12:53Oui, tu peux acheter à ton fils
12:54de nouvelles chaussures.
12:55Hé, père,
12:56pouvons-nous avoir
12:57des Poup Stompers 3000?
12:58Oui, allons-y.
13:01Je ne peux pas vraiment les récupérer.
13:03Je te les ai.
13:05J'en ai besoin.
13:06Oh, désolé, désolé.
13:07Je viens de gagner de l'argent.
