• last year
Dorama en Español Latino
00:00:21Waves like in the ocean when it goes sail for you
00:00:30Be looking back
00:00:54We must musica bueno
00:01:25Conoces a young year esto es novia es la ex novia de jejun que curioso jeanu también la mencionó
00:01:33Jun tiene estándares altos ya tiene estándares excesivos que juni su nueva novia son perfectos juntos
00:01:40quienes son perfectos y uno y su nueva novia
00:01:43que jun tiene novia
00:01:45quienes no te incumbe mamá
00:01:48el tiempo que invierte en su novia debería invertirlo en su carrera obtuvo un papel en gateway
00:01:54Oye, eso es impresionante
00:01:57Y que hay de ti no tienes novia tampoco tienes empleo
00:02:03Tranquilos ya tengo todo planeado en su carrera
00:02:06Ya leíste este libreto ahora debes leer los demás son demasiados
00:02:11No crees que se quede en alguno actúa en una película y una miniserie su carrera está avanzando bien
00:02:17Ahora necesita algo grande es la parte más importante
00:02:22Te lo he pedido muchas veces mamá deja de entrometer te sé cuidarme solo no peleas conmigo
00:02:28Yo estoy de tu lado deberías aprovechar eso en vez de intentar alejarme no me detendré de cualquier forma
00:02:36así que olvídalo
00:02:39Qué pasaría si respondo guerra total
00:02:45Eso quieres no
00:03:28Gambia de canción
00:03:40Tengo hambre yo igual
00:03:45No comer de noche engorda no deberías mantenerte en forma yo siempre estoy en forma
00:03:51quiero comer dije que no
00:03:54Yo digo que sí tú que no
00:03:58Está siendo controladora no te gusta
00:04:07Qué puedo ofrecerles un momento
00:04:12Deberíamos comprar las que geyo promociona son excelentes para la glucosa baja creí que no querías engordar
00:04:18No me restriegue es lo que dije antes bien y de beber
00:04:25Café me costará trabajo dormir más tarde pero café no es lo que quiero
00:04:36Esto no es justo porque debo beber leche si no quería está siendo controlador no te gusta
00:04:47Es una combinación muy dulce el café lo equilibraría no sé por qué a todos les gusta el café es amargo
00:04:56Hablas como niño
00:05:03Tus labios
00:05:11Tus manos son enormes apuesta que cubrirían mi cara en serio
00:05:20Cierto no te veo y en serio quieres verme
00:05:30Que cursi
00:05:32me gustó
00:05:34en serio
00:05:36si no fue infantil
00:05:38por eso me gustó
00:05:40quiero poder ser infantil
00:05:42en las relaciones no me gusta mucho ser realista la realidad siempre ha sido dura conmigo
00:05:49Si eso quieres de acuerdo y tú no quieres no es eso pero es difícil
00:05:56mientras más amas a alguien más responsable te vuelves
00:05:59me alegra que mi novio sea buena persona más bien te alegra que quiere ser mejor persona lo entendiste
00:06:11Me teñiré el cabello de color negro
00:06:14Por qué mi personaje es doctor aún no recibes el libreto pero me hablaron del personaje
00:06:20yo te teñiré no te molesta debes estar ocupada
00:06:26si tan solo tu novia fuera estilista y maquillista
00:06:30ahora por cierto soy oficialmente maquillista me ascendieron rápidamente me siento en paz cuando estoy contigo me hace sentir seguro
00:06:39será la etimología de mi nombre
00:06:41Esa estabilidad y así se yo
00:06:44la etimología de mi nombre es perdón
00:06:48así que debo perdonar todo lo que me hagan
00:06:52exacto no lo olvides sin importar que haga siempre debes perdonarme
00:07:06Porque no comes
00:07:32Eso me puede ser mitad bleh enseguida señora
00:07:45Escuché que hay uno obtuvo un papel en gateway felicidades que
00:07:51No sabías ya va a iniciar
00:07:55Quizá no te dijo porque sólo será un extra y no tiene importancia
00:08:01Y hoy que tiene novia tampoco sabías
00:08:08Que envidia te tengo
00:08:10tus hijos saben cuidarse solos no tienes que preocuparte ah yo tengo tanto en que ocuparme que yo y su carrera su servicio
00:08:17matrimonio e hijos
00:08:19genas su carrera su matrimonio y embarazo
00:08:21jamás terminare
00:08:23los cuidaré hasta que tengan 70 años
00:08:31Porque no dices nada a ti te encanta hablar de tus hijos también hoy no tengo nada que decir
00:08:37Hablas en serio la verdad por lo que veo luces muy molesta
00:08:43luz como le está claro
00:08:47No puedo ocultar como me siento
00:08:49Ah bueno que pasó que le dije para que se pusiera así
00:09:02Nunca imaginé que se notara como me siento el día de hoy
00:09:13La verdad ya se está independizando
00:09:32Enviaron algo al grupo de tu familia espero que no
00:09:40Que jun felicidades hoy que saldrás en una serie que
00:09:45Si claro ya lo veremos
00:09:47Que pasa es que jun creo que saldrán una serie que buena noticia
00:09:52esta vez es verdad
00:09:54Creo que lo averiguaremos cuando salga al aire
00:09:56Ya no sean tan negativos la última vez le quitaron el papel quién sabe qué pasará
00:10:03Espero que le vuelva a pasar para que aprenda la lección
00:10:08Te veré en la entrada del banco
00:10:11Ya se siente mejor que buen hermano eres quien yo no cabe duda porque no has dicho nada a un jejun
00:10:20Entra ya todos los preparativos están listos no soy genial ese es tu deber me quieres desanimar lo hago así es
00:10:28perdón vas muy bien
00:10:34Y esa mirada hiciste que me diera un vuelco el corazón ah harás eso en televisión más vale que lo hagas
00:10:54Le pregunté por qué no dijo nada y sólo envió puntos suspensivos
00:11:04Que yo es atractivo pero no tanto como jejun
00:11:15Conseguiste una cocinera encontraste a alguien si señora encontré una y dime es de confiar recuerda allí no es su madre ah
00:11:25Qué es esto el club de las madres
00:11:28cuando puede iniciar le daré su número para que la llame señora por cierto
00:11:34que yo le contó usted que mi hijo tiene novia
00:11:37hace cuánto están saliendo
00:11:39parecía empeñado en no volver a tener una relación desde que cortó con su novia vaya crees que jejun deba tener novia
00:11:47siempre que bajo la guardia ella vuelve a atacarme la verdad
00:11:52Solo estoy agradecida de que mis hijos puedan encontrar pareja solos que le pasa está muy respondón
00:12:00Tienes ideas muy firmes muchas gracias porque lo toma como cumplido
00:12:09Se va a quedar aquí no le molesta el ruido
00:12:22Hola papá
00:12:24En el autobús camino al salón llegaste muy temprano yo voy camino al hospital pero no es nada
00:12:31de qué hablas algo le pasó a tu esposa se hizo una cirugía estética es hermosa pero
00:12:37siempre se compara con mujeres más jóvenes
00:12:40voy al hospital por ella que suerte tiene de tener un esposo como tú que me dices de ti con un padre como yo
00:12:48A ver dime por qué tú casi nunca me llamas a mí
00:12:51te extraño mucho jonka
00:12:54y yo a ti
00:12:56pero voy en el autobús no puedo hablar ah de acuerdo te visitaré pronto
00:13:08Buenos días a todos
00:13:20Te maquillaré para tu cita si quieres te verás hermosa eso sería genial gracias
00:13:27Quieren almorzar ensalada acaban de abrir un restaurante enfrente todas quieren ensalada avísenme para ordenarla
00:13:35Pregúntale a subin si también quiere
00:13:39Hoy es una pesada ahora entienden lo duro que es trabajar con ella
00:13:54Solo ella me pone de malas porque intenta sabotearme
00:14:07Tienes un día muy ocupado porque le interesó tanto cuando vas a renunciar
00:14:17No importa que haga sé que no puedo cambiar su opinión de mí pero que lista por fin lo estás entendiendo
00:14:32Porque está haciendo todo esto quiere saber por qué te odio tanto
00:14:38No hay razón alguna
00:14:40Pero sabes que es lo mejor de eso que me motiva siempre pienso en cómo puedo hacer que por fin te largues
00:14:48Siento lastima por usted ahora que lo sé
00:14:55Ahora que sé qué clase de persona es no permitiré que haga esto
00:15:10Listo libretos recién impresos
00:15:16Los leras lo haré en la biblioteca debo investigar que especialidad
00:15:23puedo basarme en algo recuerda sea es algo vieja
00:15:28pero eso no importa mucho con esa mirada ya fue suficiente no sea superficial
00:15:34ser superficial no es tan malo es cuestión de gustos bien
00:15:39respetaré tus gustos
00:15:42Conozco un buen restaurante almorcemos no debo ir a investigar cenaré con mi hermano
00:15:48tú adónde vas
00:15:50Filmarás una nueva serie debo reunirme con reporteros debo hablarles y ganarme su confianza
00:16:02Buenos días
00:16:05Lamento mucho haberlos hecho esperar tuve un contratiempo
00:16:08Conozco al otro director de yun es un placer ella es mi pasante
00:16:13Encantada me gustó tu artículo tomen asiento
00:16:17tuvo problemas después de escribirlo me enviaron muchos comentarios ofensivos igual que a mí por no haberlo cuidado es verdad que doha y
00:16:26jessica protagonizarán capturados según se jessica si seguimos negociando el papel para doha
00:16:31pero en cuanto lo sepamos les doy mi palabra de que se los haré saber
00:16:36Por favor
00:16:39Señorita lee si los creadores son excelentes también les diré todo
00:16:47Es muy amable estoy ocupado la llamaré luego bien adiós
00:16:56Conozco un buen restaurante almorzemos no debo ir a investigar cenaré con mi hermano
00:17:05entretenimiento yampong
00:17:07otra vez yampong
00:17:09nunca lo he oído
00:17:13que clase de nombre es ese
00:17:15es una broma o que
00:17:17la gente es muy amable
00:17:19les confesaré algo
00:17:21tenía pensado solo ir por un café con ustedes
00:17:23pero ahora que los conozco
00:17:25me cayeron muy bien
00:17:27vamos por un trago si
00:17:29se que es temprano pero podan pedir
00:17:31todo lo que quieran
00:18:01I'll be here with you it's alright
00:18:05no worry
00:18:07you're with me
00:18:09you'll be here with me
00:18:13it's alright
00:18:15you can't stop me now
00:18:23y quien es el
00:18:25el imbecil que mereció la muerte
00:18:27no es un hombre es una chica
00:18:29me rogo misericordia pero no se la concedí
00:18:31ni en sueños
00:18:33bien hecho
00:18:35la reunión ya va a empezar
00:18:37si no quieres no entres
00:18:39porque no me reuniría con el director y la escritora
00:18:41yo podría inventar una excusa
00:18:43pero aquí lo importante es que estés cómodo
00:18:51estás un poco callado Doha
00:18:55es que soy algo tímido
00:18:57soy un gran admirador de su trabajo
00:19:01su estilo es poderoso e innovador
00:19:03pero vayamos al grano
00:19:05¿te interesa el protagonico?
00:19:07trabajar con ustedes sería un honor
00:19:09muchas gracias ya quiero empezar
00:19:11pero tengo una pregunta
00:19:13además de Jessica
00:19:15¿quien será John Ming?
00:19:17también compartiremos muchas escenas
00:19:19estamos tratando de elegir entre
00:19:21Lee Jong Joo y Tae Jong Ji
00:19:23además tendrán otros papeles
00:19:25Won Hye Jo y Lee Ji Seok
00:19:27¿Hye Jo?
00:19:29es muy bueno
00:19:31¿Hye Jo es tu amigo?
00:19:33hicimos una película juntos me agrada
00:19:35yo aún no lo conozco me reuniré con él pronto
00:19:37si claro
00:19:41para volver a tramitar una tarjeta de débito necesito su identificación
00:19:43¿donde la puse? llevo prisa
00:19:51oye ¿donde está la opción para remisión de tarjetas?
00:19:53¿no sabes cómo hacer ese proceso?
00:19:55no porque nunca lo hago
00:19:57solo vine aquí a ayudarte
00:19:59¿que este no es su trabajo?
00:20:01¡dese prisa!
00:20:03en el menú
00:20:05esquina superior derecha
00:20:09aquí está
00:20:19¿puede llenar esta forma?
00:20:21¿por qué tengo esta suerte?
00:20:23me tocó el más lento
00:20:25no soy lento es que no suelo estar aquí
00:20:27le estoy ayudando a mi colega
00:20:29por favor le pido paciencia
00:20:31¿oíste lo que Sa dijo? ¿a la clienta hace rato?
00:20:35¿por qué siempre tiene que corregir a todos?
00:20:37solo quiere presumir que fue a la universidad
00:20:39¿de qué le sirve?
00:20:41igual no sabe nada
00:20:43y además lo estafaron con una renta
00:20:45¿lo dices en serio?
00:20:47y se cree muy listo
00:20:49es un inútil
00:20:51no cabe duda
00:21:01¿por qué todos hablan
00:21:03mal de otros en el baño?
00:21:05justo cuando esa persona
00:21:07los está escuchando
00:21:09lo siento
00:21:11¿tomamos una copa a la salida?
00:21:13me temo que no ya tengo planes
00:21:16quizá la otra
00:21:19ya vámonos
00:21:21lo siento
00:21:25con qué facilidad
00:21:27se disculpan
00:21:29quiero partirles la cara
00:21:31pero necesito el empleo
00:21:39espero que ese estafador
00:21:41se pudra en el infierno
00:22:03dime Sam
00:22:07parte de tu función es ayudarnos cuando hay muchos clientes
00:22:09¿por qué eres tan poco flexible?
00:22:11si no marcamos una división clara
00:22:13eso puede dar paso a confusiones
00:22:15y si eso pasa
00:22:17se puede culpar injustamente a alguien por algo
00:22:19que no hizo
00:22:21naciste en el 92 ¿cierto?
00:22:25no lo creería
00:22:27luces más viejo
00:22:29luzco igual desde la preparatoria
00:22:31tuve que leer un libro por ti
00:22:33ahí vienen los millennials
00:22:35quiero comprenderte
00:22:37cuando tu jefa te dice que hagas algo
00:22:39debes hacerlo ¿bien?
00:22:41si lo intentaré
00:22:43eso es y más te vale
00:22:45tienes que esforzarte mucho más que todos los demás
00:22:47o sea que me considera
00:22:53vuelve a tu lugar
00:22:55eso es todo por ahora
00:23:27¿a dónde vamos?
00:23:29¿conoces algún lugar cerca?
00:23:31¿de aquí? una barbacoa
00:23:33o almejas
00:23:35¿no me presenta?
00:23:37te presento a mi jefa
00:23:39mucho gusto
00:23:41es mi hermano menor
00:23:43¿tu hermano menor?
00:23:45en este mundo
00:23:47todo se basa en dinero y apariencias
00:23:49¿para qué me sorprendo?
00:23:51oye ¿acaso tú eres modelo?
00:23:53me pareces familiar
00:23:55solía hacerlo, ahora me dedico a la actuación
00:23:57lo sabía
00:23:59por supuesto
00:24:01eres tan guapo
00:24:03y dime
00:24:05¿qué te trae por aquí?
00:24:07cenaré con mi hermano
00:24:09pues yo no he cenado todavía
00:24:13debería hacerlo
00:24:15luego nos vemos
00:24:19fue un placer
00:24:21pero que grosero
00:24:27oye deberías beber
00:24:29no beberé por la noche por un tiempo
00:24:31pues que estricto
00:24:33la filmación comienza en una semana
00:24:35en sólo una semana
00:24:39yo te envidio
00:24:41tú sí les agradas a todos
00:24:45¿de qué hablas?
00:24:47papá te trata como un príncipe
00:24:49porque eres el más inteligente
00:24:51no puedes saber si alguien es más listo
00:24:53con tan sólo verlo
00:24:55el aspecto tampoco te dice
00:24:57si alguien tiene un buen empleo
00:24:59por eso es mejor ser guapo
00:25:01¿ya estás ebrio?
00:25:03todos siempre son más amables contigo
00:25:05porque eres guapo
00:25:07eso no tiene precio
00:25:09es una pena que no tengas
00:25:11nada más a tu favor a decir verdad
00:25:15nos vamos
00:25:17el día que me estafaron
00:25:19tú me invitaste a cenar
00:25:23y no me dijiste nada más
00:25:25entonces pensé
00:25:27mi hermano ha crecido
00:25:29ya es un adulto
00:25:31sabe consolar a los demás
00:25:33es un excelente hermano
00:25:37para callarme
00:25:39seguiré bebiendo
00:25:41ya levántate
00:25:49de acuerdo
00:25:51me levanto
00:25:53me levanto
00:25:59eres muy pesado
00:26:01no me digas pesado
00:26:03ni que fuera adulto
00:26:23tomas con las manos
00:26:25ay, de acuerdo
00:26:31Kyung Yoon es un excelente hermano
00:26:33invitó a Hye Yoon a cenar
00:26:35a pesar de su situación
00:26:47¿qué pasó?
00:26:49¿por qué está ebrio?
00:26:53¿por qué permitiste que bebiera tanto?
00:26:55¿por qué va a ser mi culpa
00:26:57si yo soy el que lo está trayendo a casa?
00:26:59papá, dime
00:27:03¿qué pasa Kyung Yoon?
00:27:05¿quién te hizo llorar?
00:27:09soy un desastre
00:27:11ese maldito
00:27:13espero que ese estafador
00:27:15se pudra en el infierno
00:27:17sí, lo sé
00:27:19ya basta, hijo
00:27:21¿cómo puedo parar?
00:27:23solo puedo ver
00:27:25la cara de ese maldito
00:27:27cuando cierro los ojos
00:27:29llévalo a su habitación, anda
00:27:31¡mamá! ¡cállate!
00:27:49debió ser difícil
00:27:51traer a tu hermano solo
00:27:55tus palabras me hacen sentir un poco mejor
00:27:59la verdad
00:28:01estaba un poco molesta contigo
00:28:05¿por qué no me dijiste
00:28:07que te dieron un papel en una serie?
00:28:09me lo quitaron
00:28:11de último momento
00:28:13¿por qué no me dijiste
00:28:15que te dieron un papel en una serie?
00:28:17me lo quitaron de último momento
00:28:19te iba a decir cuando saliera al aire
00:28:23si pierdes este papel, quedarás devastado
00:28:25y sería el deber de tus padres
00:28:33tu papá
00:28:35no te trata justamente
00:28:37pero no es porque no te ame
00:28:41sus padres no le expresaban amor abiertamente
00:28:43es por eso
00:28:45intenta comprenderlo
00:28:47no trates de defenderlo así
00:28:49he visto como es con Kyung Joon
00:28:51si sabe expresar afecto
00:28:53pero no lo hace conmigo
00:28:57es cierto
00:28:59no está bien
00:29:01debería ser justo
00:29:03¿qué clase de padre es?
00:29:05está mal
00:29:07cuando tú te pones de mi lado así
00:29:09no puedo molestarme con él
00:29:11eres muy lista
00:29:13¿hay algo más
00:29:15que quieras decirme?
00:29:19yo creo que sí
00:29:21no me gusta enterarme de las cosas por otras personas
00:29:27¿ya tienes novia?
00:29:31ah, Jung Ha
00:29:33¿su nombre es ese?
00:29:35sí, Jung Ha, Ahn Jung Ha
00:29:37es buena
00:29:39¿en serio?
00:29:41ella también está con alguien bueno
00:29:43apruebo tu relación
00:29:45¿quieres conocerla?
00:29:47me encantaría
00:29:49ya no estoy molesta contigo
00:29:51pero solamente porque me preguntaste
00:30:21creí que lo harías en el salón
00:30:25no lo uso para fines personales
00:30:27una decisión inteligente
00:30:29pensamos igual
00:30:33te traje algo
00:30:35quería darte este obsequio
00:30:43que linda portada
00:30:47¿y escribiste algo?
00:30:49luego lo les
00:31:05si aplicas aceite al cabello
00:31:07antes de teñirlo
00:31:09el tinte se impregna mejor
00:31:11y no se daña tanto
00:31:19ay, que rico
00:31:25muy bien señor
00:31:35voy a entrar
00:31:41¿qué opinas?
00:31:45te quedó muy bien
00:31:51no, amor
00:31:57solo falta
00:31:59un poquito
00:32:05solo falta algo para terminar
00:32:07crema para las manos
00:32:09¿siempre comienzas en el dorso?
00:32:13¿y tú?
00:32:15¿por qué comienzas en el dorso?
00:32:17porque comienzas en la palma
00:32:21eres muy estricto
00:32:23muchas personas lo hacen así
00:32:25eso solo demuestra lo asertivo que eres
00:32:27la mayoría no piensa en esas cosas
00:32:29si empiezas en el dorso
00:32:31las palmas no quedan tan grasosas después
00:32:35nunca había pensado en las ventajas
00:32:37de comenzar por el dorso
00:32:39así es como lo hace la mayoría
00:32:41y eso significa que es la mejor manera de hacerlo
00:32:45me parece solo otra forma de buscar estabilidad
00:32:49en gustos personales
00:32:51lo más glamuroso es la minoría
00:32:53pero igual, prefiero la mayoría
00:32:55¿acaso vas a llorar?
00:32:59esto no era un concurso
00:33:01¿está bien?
00:33:03oye, no hagas eso
00:33:05¿y tú?
00:33:37¿acabaste las rondas?
00:33:43¿qué pasa?
00:33:45¿me asustas?
00:33:47sal conmigo
00:33:49¿quieres que te golpee?
00:33:53¿eso es uno?
00:33:55así es
00:33:57¿seguro que ya acabaste?
00:34:01claro que sí
00:34:03quizá no tanto como tú
00:34:05pero lo seré
00:34:09solo no te tropieces
00:34:13¿y tú?
00:34:15solo no te tropieces
00:34:29¿qué pasa?
00:34:31lo logró
00:34:33por fin lo logró
00:34:35¿y por eso está llorando?
00:34:37no sé
00:34:39ya llegamos
00:34:41no puedo evitarlo
00:34:43¿qué hora llegará?
00:34:45papá, ¿qué te pasa?
00:34:47estoy feliz
00:34:49mi amor
00:34:51acaba de terminar el primer episodio
00:34:53fue tan extraño
00:34:55claro que fue extraño
00:34:57no sé por qué lo viste
00:34:59fue extraño porque estuvo excelente
00:35:01ni siquiera aparecía nuestro hijo
00:35:03¿y ustedes se encontraron afuera?
00:35:05no, fuimos por un trago
00:35:07ustedes debieron llegar temprano
00:35:09y ver con nosotros el episodio
00:35:11¿qué más?
00:35:17ya contrólate
00:35:19no te pongas a llorar por esto
00:35:21no significa nada
00:35:25esos dos
00:35:27sí que saben arruinar el momento
00:35:37eso, fue increíble
00:35:39fue tan romántico
00:35:41y es un Lucía muy guapo
00:35:43¡será una estrella!
00:35:47sal conmigo
00:35:49¿quieres que te golpee?
00:35:53eso, eso, ¿no?
00:36:03¡hijo, ven!
00:36:09fue increíble
00:36:11Lee Hyun Soo y tú hacen buen equipo
00:36:17Hyun Soo es una excelente actriz
00:36:19hace que yo me vea bien
00:36:21oye, ¿desde cuándo eres su amigo?
00:36:25¿hoy también filmarán hasta tarde?
00:36:27no, ya sólo queda una escena
00:36:29no puede ver el episodio
00:36:31yo sí lo vi, fue grandioso
00:36:33ya vamos a comenzar
00:36:35oye, debo irme
00:36:37está bien, adiós
00:36:43¿quién era?
00:36:45Hyun, lo llamé cuando acabó el episodio
00:36:47se veía muy bien en pantalla
00:36:49¿lo viste?
00:36:51yo jamás diría eso
00:36:53tu programa será mejor, no te preocupes
00:36:55no estoy preocupado
00:36:57bien dicho, déjamelo todo a mí
00:36:59¡saldrá Pac Doha!
00:37:01si el programa no tiene éxito
00:37:03sería una locura
00:37:25Doha, ¿cuándo saldrá tu nueva serie?
00:37:27a principios de mes
00:37:29oigan, ¿ustedes están viendo alguna?
00:37:31Get Weigh
00:37:33¿podemos verla?
00:37:37They say it's very popular.
00:37:39Even though the ratings weren't that good.
00:37:41He's A'Heiyun. He's very popular.
00:37:44What's wrong? You're scaring me.
00:37:50Come with me.
00:37:51Oh! Did you hear that?
00:37:53He just stole my heart.
00:37:55Do you want me to hit you?
00:38:01Get out.
00:38:02You guys don't have the least bit of manners.
00:38:04You eat thanks to me.
00:38:06Were you going to pay?
00:38:08We pay what's ours. Don't worry.
00:38:11We're not like that.
00:38:12Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!
00:38:14You make me laugh.
00:38:15You'd better go.
00:38:20This way.
00:38:28Are you upset?
00:38:30It's ridiculous.
00:38:32How dare they talk about another actor in front of me?
00:38:38Forget it.
00:38:39When your next series comes out,
00:38:42you'll get everyone's attention.
00:38:49What's wrong? You're scaring me.
00:38:52Come with me.
00:38:59Come with me.
00:39:02Come with me.
00:39:03Do you think that's romantic?
00:39:07The writer thought that would move someone.
00:39:11Come with me.
00:39:14Excuse me.
00:39:15Can you turn up the music, please?
00:39:24What's wrong? You're scaring me.
00:39:26Come with me.
00:39:27He's so handsome.
00:39:28What's his name?
00:39:29I know.
00:39:30Who is he?
00:39:32Let's see. I'm going to look for him.
00:39:34He's so handsome.
00:39:36That's him, right?
00:39:37That's him.
00:39:39Do you know him?
00:39:40I knew him a few years ago when I worked at the agency.
00:39:43He was a model then.
00:39:45He was a model?
00:39:46That's why he's so handsome.
00:39:48He's a nice guy.
00:39:50He's kind and polite.
00:39:53Just don't trip.
00:39:58You're making me a little nervous.
00:40:02I have to go.
00:40:05If you know anything else about him, tell us.
00:40:11Excellent work.
00:40:12Good work.
00:40:13Thank you, everyone.
00:40:14Well done.
00:40:16Good work.
00:40:17Good work, guys.
00:40:19Good work.
00:40:24Well done, director.
00:40:25Good work.
00:40:27Well done, everyone.
00:40:28Well done.
00:40:29Hey, Jun.
00:40:30What's wrong?
00:40:31Didn't you see the episode?
00:40:33My heart skipped a beat.
00:40:34Don't exaggerate.
00:40:36My mom says you're very handsome.
00:40:38She's more excited about your scenes than mine.
00:40:40Tell her I appreciate it.
00:40:42Your mom has a good eye.
00:40:44I like you, Jun.
00:40:45What's so great about that?
00:40:47Do you have a representative?
00:40:49Why do you follow Jun everywhere?
00:40:51Because we share a lot of scenes.
00:40:55We have to go.
00:40:56We have a lot to discuss.
00:40:59Let's go.
00:41:05Why are you following us?
00:41:07I'm not.
00:41:08I'm leaving.
00:41:11He's nice.
00:41:25I want a glass of milk.
00:41:28Of course not.
00:41:30I want two cartons.
00:41:32As you wish.
00:41:33Two will be enough?
00:41:37Can I have your autograph?
00:41:40Of course.
00:41:43Of course.
00:41:45Today's episode was great.
00:41:47What will happen between Jihoon and Hyejin?
00:41:51Love doesn't correspond.
00:41:53I hope they end up together.
00:41:56What's your name?
00:41:57I'm Hong Yuri.
00:42:27I'm sorry.
00:42:58Knock, knock, knock.
00:43:10You didn't sleep?
00:43:11I thought the filming was over.
00:43:13I shot a commercial.
00:43:15You must have made a lot of money.
00:43:18I don't know yet.
00:43:20You're more popular now.
00:43:22By the way,
00:43:23shouldn't Minjae be the one to take his artist to the salon?
00:43:27Well, the agency is still very small.
00:43:29And I don't have a car.
00:43:31But I'll have one soon.
00:43:32I'm on my way.
00:43:34And Minjae went to sign a contract.
00:43:37Does that answer everything?
00:43:56I haven't been here long
00:43:57working with Doha.
00:43:58I wanted to meet you, director.
00:43:59And we're finally here.
00:44:01It's a real honor.
00:44:02Since Doha is our image,
00:44:04sales have grown,
00:44:05and commercials are popular.
00:44:06We've received many compliments.
00:44:10It's a shame the contract is over.
00:44:12Oh, I...
00:44:15Will the contract be over?
00:44:20You know what?
00:44:22The companies that change models often
00:44:27I guess you're right.
00:44:30I have another meeting.
00:44:31I have to go.
00:44:39I got here in a good mood,
00:44:41that's over.
00:44:57nice to meet you.
00:44:59At least you could say hi.
00:45:01Saying hi to people you know
00:45:03is the least an agent can do.
00:45:04Do you want to talk about
00:45:05what an agent should do?
00:45:06Like not stab in the back?
00:45:08after what he did to me,
00:45:09how dare he say hi to me
00:45:10as if nothing happened?
00:45:11What did I do to you?
00:45:13What did I do to you?
00:45:16You asked me to teach you,
00:45:17and I taught you about betrayal.
00:45:19A basic element
00:45:20of human relationships.
00:45:22And you learned the lesson.
00:45:24Imagine it was like a vaccine.
00:45:26Do you still trust people?
00:45:28Well, yes.
00:45:29Especially you.
00:45:30I taught you well.
00:45:31Thank him.
00:45:33What are you doing here?
00:45:36What do you think?
00:45:37You want Hae-Joon
00:45:38as the new model.
00:45:41I told you we wouldn't accept the contract
00:45:43if you didn't pay him
00:45:44more than Do-Ha.
00:45:46I think Hae-Joon,
00:45:47my artist,
00:45:48will finally have his chance.
00:45:51Do you think they'll sign a contract?
00:45:53Whether it happens or not,
00:45:54it doesn't concern you.
00:46:12Hi, Mom.
00:46:14I'll see you outside your office
00:46:15when you leave.
00:46:16Dawn will stay at Grandma's
00:46:17on the weekend.
00:46:18I can't.
00:46:19I have plans.
00:46:20Cancel them.
00:46:21I'll go see you.
00:46:22I haven't seen you in a long time.
00:46:24I can't cancel them.
00:46:25I'd better see you another day.
00:46:26And people would envy me
00:46:27for having such a good daughter.
00:46:29If they knew.
00:46:31Mom, I'm...
00:46:33at the office.
00:46:38My mom still doesn't know
00:46:39I quit the company.
00:46:41Do you prefer
00:46:42we cancel the dinner with the guys?
00:46:45I'm going in.
00:46:46Come in in ten minutes.
00:46:47Let's go in together.
00:46:49I can't go in
00:46:50at the same time as a client.
00:46:52Sometimes you come with Hae-Joon.
00:46:53Our case is different.
00:46:56I don't care about that.
00:46:57I do.
00:46:58But I'm glad
00:46:59you don't care about that.
00:47:02Good morning.
00:47:03I saw your name on the reservation
00:47:05and wanted to say hi.
00:47:06Come with me.
00:47:07Can I hit you?
00:47:11We're all your admirers.
00:47:13I appreciate it.
00:47:16Please, have a seat.
00:47:33Good morning.
00:47:34Good morning.
00:47:36Su-Bin, I need more vinegar.
00:47:37Su-Bin, I need more vinegar.
00:47:40I want a smokey makeup
00:47:41to highlight my eyes.
00:47:42I have drooping eyelids.
00:47:44I'm going into the surgery
00:47:45to lift them up.
00:47:47I have drooping eyelids, too.
00:47:48I'm going into the surgery
00:47:49to lift them up.
00:47:50But I'm not going in to do it.
00:47:51They look pretty with small eyes.
00:47:52They look pretty with small eyes.
00:47:53Tapping-up eyes are a
00:47:56little more intense.
00:47:57Don't question it.
00:47:58But the fallen ones look tender.
00:48:02Would you like me to give you a marked eyelid effect?
00:48:05That way you can make your gaze more marked for a few days and leave it natural in others.
00:48:09You'll have more options.
00:48:11Good idea. Do it. Why not?
00:48:18What do you think?
00:48:19Very good.
00:48:22Tell me, did you like it?
00:48:25Of course not!
00:48:28I'm very sorry.
00:48:31Would you like me to give you a smoked eye effect?
00:48:33And you're going to make up for lost time?
00:48:37Why didn't you do what I asked you from the beginning?
00:48:40You confused me with all your options. What is this?
00:48:43I'm sorry.
00:48:45Tell me what you need and it doesn't matter what it is. I'll do it.
00:48:48A house.
00:48:52You said I could ask for anything.
00:48:55Tell me, why do you promise things you can't keep?
00:48:59And the principal demands to talk to her!
00:49:02Here I am. Please, come this way.
00:49:07You're a disgrace!
00:49:25The next day
00:49:48If he knows his boyfriend saw the whole thing, he'll feel a lot worse.
00:49:54Did you pick a topic for the debate?
00:49:56No, but I have some ideas.
00:49:58We'll keep discussing it.
00:50:05Come to the usual bar tonight.
00:50:07We'll have a drink to congratulate Hei Yun.
00:50:09You never invite me to hang out with your friends.
00:50:12Hei Yun's girlfriend will come. I thought it was a good idea.
00:50:15I don't think so.
00:50:16I don't think so either.
00:50:18I don't think so either.
00:50:20I don't think so either.
00:50:22Hei Yun's girlfriend will come. I thought it was a good idea.
00:50:24You know, in case she gets bored with us.
00:50:27I'll see you there.
00:50:30How considerate.
00:50:33Was it Hei Yun?
00:50:34Do you know my brother, Jia?
00:50:36That's right.
00:50:38The four of us used to go out all the time.
00:50:40When Hei Yun and I broke up, I never saw Jin Woo or Hei Yun again.
00:50:44Do they still go out a lot?
00:50:46Not so often. They're busy.
00:50:48Especially Hei Yun lately.
00:50:50He's got a girlfriend and he's become popular with Gateway.
00:50:53Now they only talk on the phone.
00:50:55Hei Yun's girlfriend?
00:50:57What does she do?
00:50:59I'm sorry.
00:51:01It's okay.
00:51:02I put that woman on the blacklist.
00:51:07Go get some fresh air and go buy yourself a huge iced coffee.
00:51:11I appreciate your kindness.
00:51:13And don't lose Hei Yun.
00:51:15At this rate, I suspect he'll be our best client.
00:51:40I was scared when you accepted his offer.
00:51:42That wasn't our plan.
00:51:44He's very convincing.
00:51:46I see why you guys like him so much.
00:51:49It's not true. He's shameless.
00:51:55But now that you've put her in his place...
00:51:58What time did you get here?
00:52:04I thought he hated me for a reason.
00:52:06And that if I tried, everything would get better.
00:52:09I thought it over and over again.
00:52:11And when he told me he hated me for a reason and tried to hit me,
00:52:14even then I had hope.
00:52:15What are you talking about?
00:52:18The truth is, I can't work with someone like you anymore.
00:52:21I'm sick of it.
00:52:24You got my name dirty.
00:52:26And I'm going to clean it up.
00:52:30I liked the first makeup you did on me.
00:52:32Don't blindly follow your friends.
00:52:36I'm not blind.
00:52:39Look at you!
00:52:40Are you okay?
00:53:06Are you hurt?
00:53:08What a shame.
00:53:10But I'm fine.
00:53:12Maybe it's because he's so happy for his grandson and his success.
00:53:15That's why it's been hard for him to focus.
00:53:18Yes, I'm very happy.
00:53:21And that's why he should focus even more.
00:53:23If he does, he would have many opportunities to become a professional model.
00:53:27Of course.
00:53:28I'm sure he will.
00:53:30I'm sure he will.
00:53:32I'm sure he will.
00:53:34I'm sure he will.
00:53:36I'm sure he will.
00:53:46Why weren't you at the session?
00:53:48Because Jang-Goon was there.
00:53:49It was your duty to be there.
00:53:51When will we renew the contract for the commercials?
00:53:55You forget everything except this.
00:53:57It's been three years.
00:53:59Do you think they'll pay me more?
00:54:01They fired you.
00:54:03This is Planet Earth.
00:54:05Answer me.
00:54:06Is there a problem?
00:54:07They don't consider you as valuable as before.
00:54:13Call my dad.
00:54:15And tell him not to call mom anymore.
00:54:17Tell him to be happy with his new wife.
00:54:19But I won't give him money anymore.
00:54:25I'm going home to shower and sleep.
00:54:27We filmed all night.
00:54:28I just wanted to see you.
00:54:31I'm sorry.
00:54:37I didn't care about that.
00:54:40What did I do?
00:54:44Hae-Joon won't be your new model, right?
00:54:49Although I don't think it would hurt me to make sure of that.
00:54:54Better safe than sorry.
00:55:02You're tall.
00:55:04Too tall.
00:55:10You came to the session alone and did a great job.
00:55:13You're doing everything very well.
00:55:15I thank you, Majesty.
00:55:20Why are you so in love?
00:55:22I think they'll choose you for the cosmetics campaign.
00:55:26Pac Doha is his current image and I didn't think they'd accept my price.
00:55:30But it looks like the directors are dying to have you.
00:55:34Did you read all the books?
00:55:37And I liked one.
00:55:38Maybe we like the same one.
00:55:40Let's say it at the same time.
00:55:42One, two, three.
00:55:44I love you, I'm sorry.
00:55:51Don't you know how important your next project is?
00:55:53The audience met you with Get Away.
00:55:55You have to become more popular.
00:55:57The writer and director of I Love You, I'm Sorry are very famous.
00:56:01And they offered you the role because other more famous people than you rejected it.
00:56:05It doesn't matter.
00:56:06It's not all about fame.
00:56:08I'm still the same.
00:56:10You have to make a romantic, commercial series and get known in more countries.
00:56:14They delimit historical dramas.
00:56:17I don't even like the title.
00:56:19I love you, I'm sorry.
00:56:20If you love someone, why do you feel it?
00:56:22It shows that you don't know anything about love.
00:56:25I know more about that than you.
00:56:28Romantic series are for those who have never fallen in love.
00:56:35The Return of the King portrays the cruelty that power entails.
00:56:39I like that the king chooses his children not for love, but for necessity.
00:56:42There is a power struggle within the family and everyone attacks each other for their own benefit.
00:56:46All of this is horrible.
00:56:48Forget it.
00:56:50You should take advantage of your secret weapon, that look, instead of trying to be crazy.
00:56:55Why would I do that?
00:56:57I want to keep acting.
00:56:59We're not done.
00:57:02A historical drama won't give you publicity.
00:57:06I want to choose the projects I like, even if they fail.
00:57:13Sahe Jun.
00:57:14Sahe Jun.
00:57:15Sahe Jun.
00:57:19You're impossible.
00:57:21It's just a detail.
00:57:23A certificate for a massage.
00:57:25People who work all day tend to have tension accumulated in the back and shoulders.
00:57:31How kind.
00:57:32Thank you very much.
00:57:36I like massages.
00:57:38The Doha series will be released soon.
00:57:40I can assure you I won't miss it.
00:57:42Although there is an actor, Sahe Jun, who starred in the medical series Gateway.
00:57:46I'm fascinated.
00:57:48He used to be a model, but now he's an actor.
00:57:52Hey, Jun.
00:57:57Hey, Jun.
00:57:59Do you know something?
00:58:00Well, yes.
00:58:02But I shouldn't.
00:58:03Tell me.
00:58:05Mr. Lee promised to tell me everything he knew.
00:58:09I won't publish it.
00:58:10That means he was going to do it.
00:58:13He used to work with me.
00:58:15When he was a model, I was his agent for about five or six years.
00:58:23So you know him very well.
00:58:26Now his agent is a woman who...
00:58:28She stole him from me.
00:58:32When I think of He Jun, I...
00:58:36I'm sorry.
00:58:37I'm sorry.
00:58:39I'm not like that.
00:58:41I feel bad for him.
00:58:44I knew he...
00:58:50You can tell me.
00:58:53I won't tell anyone.
00:58:57Have you heard of Charlie Chung?
00:59:02Why don't you buy me a drink?
00:59:05You must be proud of He Jun.
00:59:07Do you want me to buy you a drink?
00:59:09I'm very worried.
00:59:11When he started modeling, everything went well at first.
00:59:17If he gets full of hope and then fails...
00:59:20It will be a disaster.
00:59:22I think this time it can be different.
00:59:25Even Jin Lee says that all the girls in his school talk about He Jun.
00:59:29Kyung-mi is crazy.
00:59:31I was able to watch the show.
00:59:32It's amazing.
00:59:34I don't know much about this, but it looks good.
00:59:37Anyway, let's drink something soon.
00:59:39Better now.
00:59:41Yes, let's go for a drink.
00:59:42As you say.
00:59:50I came to see Ahn Jung-ha from the finance department.
00:59:53Can I call him?
00:59:56Thank you all!
00:59:58Drink whatever you want.
01:00:03Because He Jun invites.
01:00:13Come on.
01:00:14They make me eat breaded pork.
01:00:15It looks romantic.
01:00:27I haven't seen you for a long time.
01:00:29You act strange.
01:00:30Don't be ridiculous.
01:00:32We've known each other all our lives.
01:00:47Where are you?
01:00:48With my brother and his friends.
01:00:50I had told you.
01:00:51I'll go with you.
01:00:53I was in the library studying all afternoon.
01:00:55I'm starving.
01:00:57He Jun's girlfriend is here.
01:01:00So what?
01:01:01I just want to see He Jun and He Jun.
01:01:05What's wrong?
01:01:06Ji-ah wants to come here.
01:01:09What did you tell her?
01:01:10I told her no.
01:01:11I'm not crazy.
01:01:13But I can't insist.
01:01:16Bon dinner.
01:01:47Can we talk now?
01:01:50When do we finish?
01:01:52I want to know why you're doing this.
01:01:55You better tell me.
01:01:56Who would be more hurt if I went to that bar?
01:02:02Did you come here knowing someone would be hurt?
01:02:05No, but it's obvious that's what you want to avoid.
01:02:08I didn't plan it.
01:02:10Is that why you hurt He Jun so much?
01:02:13We were very happy.
01:02:15You don't understand what we had.
01:02:18That's why we always came back.
01:02:20I understand, but you really should go.
01:02:23I can't.
01:02:24I understand, but you really should go.
01:02:26You shouldn't be here.
01:02:30Do you like He Jun's girlfriend?
01:02:33She would be the one who would end up hurt.
01:02:37He Jun's girlfriend.
01:02:43You didn't even deny it.
01:02:47It's starting.
01:02:49You don't want me to go in there because you think I'll make a scene.
01:02:51Isn't that why we're here?
01:02:53Don't you think your mere presence could make things awkward?
01:02:56You're the one who likes his best friend's girlfriend.
01:02:58You have no right to lecture me.
01:03:06Come on.
01:03:07I'll prove to you that my mere presence can't make things awkward.
01:03:10To your friends.
01:03:15Where's He Yo?
01:03:16I don't know. He disappeared without saying anything.
01:03:18I'm sure something important came up.
01:03:24Then let's go.
01:03:25Yeah, let's go.
01:03:27I'm going to pay the bill. I'll leave you two alone.
01:03:43It's been so long.
01:03:44I heard you're doing well.
01:03:48Ji-ah wanted to go out, so I invited her.
01:03:50I thought the more, the better.
01:03:53It's okay.
01:03:55You're so sweet, Jenna.
01:03:57You're trying to cover for me.
01:03:58She didn't invite me.
01:04:00I invited myself.
01:04:01That doesn't matter.
01:04:03Have fun.
01:04:14Where's Young-ha?
01:04:16Her mom went to visit her.
01:04:17She had to go.
01:04:21You quit your job?
01:04:23How could you?
01:04:26What's the password to your apartment?
01:04:28I'll wait for you inside.
01:04:50I'll be right back.
01:05:07Why are you looking at me like that?
01:05:08I'm the one who should be mad!
01:05:10What's wrong with you?
01:05:12You quit your job?
01:05:14You got a better one?
01:05:16You should've told me.
01:05:18You told me you just bought this house.
01:05:21How are you going to pay for it?
01:05:23You're so irresponsible!
01:05:27Give me a minute.
01:05:30I knew you'd end up like this.
01:05:32And I was trying to raise you.
01:05:34You're just like your father.
01:05:40Why are you crying?
01:05:42My life is harder than yours.
01:05:45You have no idea.
01:05:55Why are you still poor and always working?
01:05:59Did you try to raise me?
01:06:01I don't remember.
01:06:03All I remember is that I had to grow up when I was very young.
01:06:11Life is funny, isn't it?
01:06:14You criticized Dad every time you could.
01:06:17You called him a dreamer.
01:06:19You thought he was incompetent, but now he's rich.
01:06:22And your new husband?
01:06:24I've always thought he was much worse than Dad.
01:06:27My new husband?
01:06:29We've been married for 10 years!
01:06:31We have a son!
01:06:37You're ungrateful and overbearing!
01:06:41I'd better go.
01:06:44Be happy with your rich father.
01:07:49Do you like this one?
01:07:51Your car will be here soon.
01:07:54Control yourself.
01:07:55I know.
01:07:56I like cars.
01:07:58Would you like to try it?
01:08:02My car is ready.
01:08:05Here you go.
01:08:09Would you like to try it?
01:08:18Come on!
01:08:20No, no, no!
01:08:29A clean curve!
01:08:39My soul
01:08:41Take me back to your world
01:08:45And show me your dance
01:08:49You are in my soul
01:08:53You are in my soul
01:09:12You're the second one to get in,
01:09:15but you're always the first one in my heart.
01:09:18You're so cheesy!
01:09:19You wanted me to be cheesy.
01:09:21That's what I do.
01:09:22I'm glad you remember that.
01:09:35I wish I could drive a car like that.
01:09:39Do you have a license?
01:09:40I got it at college.
01:09:42I drive very well.
01:09:44Do you want to do it?
01:09:46No, I don't have insurance.
01:09:48My insurance will cover you.
01:10:10I'm in a warm dream
01:10:14I'm still looking at you
01:10:18I can feel it clearly
01:10:26I'm afraid you'll wake up from your dream
01:10:30I'm afraid you'll run away from reality
01:10:34I'm careful about what I say
01:10:42I'll go to you like that
01:10:48I'll tell you how I feel quietly
01:10:56I remember the sincerity in your eyes
01:11:02I cherish your warm heart
01:11:06That's how you shine on me
01:11:12Why are you in there now?
01:11:15For nothing in particular.
01:11:17And you?
01:11:20I prayed for something for you.
01:11:23For me?
01:11:24What thing?
01:11:26That I have your attention.
01:11:28You always have it in your head.
01:11:32It looked like you were thinking about something.
01:11:39Did you think I wouldn't notice?
01:11:43I know you don't have time.
01:11:44You've been very busy.
01:11:50I'm sorry.
01:11:52I should have answered your messages sooner.
01:11:59It's raining.
01:12:01It is.
01:12:18I think the rain won't stop.
01:12:22It's been raining since I met you.
01:12:28I used to hate the rain.
01:12:31Do you still hate it?
01:12:33No, I don't even remember why I hated it.
01:12:46Do you still hate unpredictable people?
01:12:52I think I'm becoming a little unpredictable.
01:13:01Don't you want stability anymore, Yonha?
01:13:05Nothing is truly stable in life.
01:13:09I think it was just something I clung to with so much strength because I needed it.
01:13:16What do you think will happen to us?
01:13:21What do you want to happen to us?
01:13:29I love you.
01:13:32I love you.
01:13:46I love you.
01:14:16I love you.
01:14:46I love you.
01:15:08I love you.
01:15:16I love you.
01:15:22I love you.
01:15:24I love you.
01:15:44The grandfather told the children not to go out until it stopped raining.
01:15:52Do you remember the day we met?
01:15:57It seems that we are always under the rain.
01:16:01Adults should go out even if it's raining.
01:16:07When I'm with you, I also enjoy the rain.
01:16:22Whatever you want, whatever you say
01:16:26I'll make it with you
01:16:30Whatever you want, whatever you say
01:16:34So that you can always smile
01:16:39I don't change the way you see me
01:16:43No matter what the reason is
01:16:47I'll stay the way I am
01:16:52Someday, when I think of the present
01:16:59I'm happy. Hei Yun is already a star.
01:17:03Hei Yun already knows? I want to get along with him.
01:17:06What do you think? They hired me for a campaign.
01:17:09Father-in-law, congratulations.
01:17:11I can't stand seeing Hei Yun winning.
01:17:13You'd take care of everything, right? Why don't you do it?
01:17:15I've dedicated my whole life to taking care of you. Why don't you appreciate it?
01:17:19I've learned not to depend on others.
01:17:23I want to be an actor with whom others can feel comfortable, who makes them feel good.
01:17:27No matter what the reason is
01:17:31I'll stay the way I am
