Two teachers fall for each other while trying to save their school's art department HD

  • 3 days ago
Two teachers fall for each other while trying to save their school's art department HD
00:00:00I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:02I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:03I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:03I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:04I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:04I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:05I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:05I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:06I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:06I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:07I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:07I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:08I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:08I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:09I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:09I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:10I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:10I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:11I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:12I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:12I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:13I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:13I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:14I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:14I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:15I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:15I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:16I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:16I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:17I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:17I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:18I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:18I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:19I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:19I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:20I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:20I've got a whole lot of love to give
00:00:48Principal Meadows?
00:00:53You wanted to see me?
00:00:56Please, please have a seat.
00:00:58I think this is the first time I've ever been called to the principal's office.
00:01:02And it's really funny, because as a teacher, it's my first, but as a student, I've never
00:01:07been in here.
00:01:08Speaking of students, um, I just want to share how much I absolutely love the kids.
00:01:14And I have huge plans for...
00:01:16Yeah, Miss Scott.
00:01:19You're right.
00:01:20I get a double espresso in me, and I can just go 100 miles an hour, just blah, blah, blah.
00:01:24Miss Chatty to the principal's office, please.
00:01:30So, um, what did you call me here for?
00:01:33Well, um, Miss Hartman, the long-time arts instructor you've been subbing for, well,
00:01:39she's returning from sick leave.
00:01:42Well, that is great news.
00:01:46She and I can, um, tag team, the two of us, together, teaching the students to the end
00:01:53of the fourth quarter.
00:01:54I'm sorry, Miss Scott.
00:01:55As much as we would love to have both of you, she's been with us for, you know, over 20
00:02:02Yeah, no, I get it.
00:02:06Um, might you have anything else available full-time?
00:02:15I'm afraid we don't have any openings as of right now, but I will keep you in mind for
00:02:20the future.
00:02:22And I have total confidence that things will work out for you.
00:02:30I was just hoping—
00:02:33Mr. Griffin, please report to the principal's office.
00:02:49Oh, Mr. Griffin, you in trouble?
00:02:52You got sent to the principal's office?
00:02:54If you need any help, I got your back, Mr. G.
00:02:57Two of you need to hustle to class.
00:02:58You can't afford to be late.
00:02:59But, Mr. G, how can we be late to your class?
00:03:12Great day.
00:03:13Heard you were looking for me.
00:03:15So, look, a district rep is supposed to be stopping by sometime in the next week or so.
00:03:22She says we need to talk.
00:03:24So, please, just make sure our students are on their best behavior if you see a well-dressed,
00:03:30corporate-looking woman roaming our hallways in the near future.
00:03:33Consider it done.
00:03:34Look at me.
00:03:35I got you.
00:03:36You don't have a thing to worry about, okay?
00:03:54Hey there, baby girl.
00:03:55Get that for you.
00:03:57How was your trip?
00:03:58It wasn't bad.
00:03:59Let me get that.
00:04:01Oh, there's our girl.
00:04:02Oh, mama.
00:04:04How you hanging there?
00:04:05Oh, fine.
00:04:06You know, it's been a while since I've seen you.
00:04:07Yeah, I know.
00:04:08I know.
00:04:09I know.
00:04:10I know.
00:04:11I know.
00:04:12I know.
00:04:13I know.
00:04:14I know.
00:04:15I know.
00:04:16I know.
00:04:17I know.
00:04:18I know.
00:04:19I know.
00:04:20I know.
00:04:21I know.
00:04:22I know.
00:04:23I'm fine.
00:04:24I'm fine.
00:04:25I will be fine.
00:04:26I just needed to get out of the city for a few days.
00:04:29I'm clear of wine.
00:04:30Oh, baby.
00:04:31We know how much the job meant to you.
00:04:34I'm sorry.
00:04:36Yeah, you know, we got your back.
00:04:37You can stay as long as you need.
00:04:41Love you.
00:04:42I'm just gonna...
00:04:43Oh, Kayla.
00:04:44Service Saturday is tomorrow.
00:04:45All right.
00:04:46Are you up for joining?
00:04:48You know, the best way to getting your mind off yourself
00:04:50is to provide support to others.
00:04:53So why don't you go with her?
00:04:54You know what?
00:04:55Sounds like a good idea, Pops.
00:04:57I'll join you.
00:04:59I'm just gonna go to my room.
00:05:00Oh, you mean the playroom for our grandbabies.
00:05:04But wait.
00:05:05Don't you need grandbabies to make that happen?
00:05:08I'm just saying.
00:05:10Subtle, Dad.
00:05:13These were so fun growing up.
00:05:15I can't believe you still show up every weekend.
00:05:18Well, showing up is what we do.
00:05:20You know, plus, there are some folks in this town
00:05:22that can't go a week without your mama's goodies.
00:05:24Oh, that's right.
00:05:25You know, my heart and my desserts
00:05:27will always be here to support this community.
00:05:30You know, I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:31I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:32I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:33I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:34I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:35I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:36I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:37I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:38I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:39I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:40And I'm gonna miss you.
00:05:42Try to support this community.
00:05:44This school has not changed a bit.
00:05:46I can not believe that Mr. H retired.
00:05:50I loved his class.
00:05:51Made me wanna be a teacher.
00:05:53Well, this school and the students
00:05:55could really use more teachers like Mr. H.
00:05:58Okay, how about we just get started, huh?
00:06:03Great job, ladies.
00:06:06Enjoying the scenery.
00:06:08What, the setting up?
00:06:11Seems like folks are going to be arriving soon, so.
00:06:15And we've got some time.
00:06:17So why don't you have a look around?
00:06:21I am fine right here, Ma, but thank you.
00:06:24And I can't promise I'm not going to eat
00:06:25all of this while you're gone.
00:06:38There you go, ladies.
00:06:45You know, I've been hearing a lot of good things
00:06:51about those dating apps nowadays.
00:06:52Oh, I don't know, Dad.
00:06:54Mom might not like it if you got her on old people meet.
00:06:58But if you happen to see any job openings while you're online,
00:07:01please let me know.
00:07:03I hear they're looking for teachers at Stansfield.
00:07:06They may even have an opening in the arts program.
00:07:09Yeah, nothing against Stansfield,
00:07:11but I have my heart set on getting
00:07:13approved for my grant in London.
00:07:15Moving back home is definitely not the direction
00:07:18I'd like to go in.
00:07:19Plus, this semester is nearly over, so.
00:07:22Well, you need a job for your grant, right?
00:07:26You got to crawl before you walk, baby girl.
00:07:28Yeah, I'll consider it.
00:07:30What was that?
00:07:32What was what?
00:07:33That side eye the two of you like to give each other
00:07:36when you're up to something.
00:07:37What did you do?
00:07:46OK, I may have talked to the principal at Stansfield
00:07:50about your situation.
00:07:52Mom, you have an interview Monday morning.
00:07:56I'm going to go get my stuff.
00:07:57Mom, you have an interview Monday morning.
00:08:03Back at my old high school?
00:08:04Well, you said you were considering it.
00:08:06Yeah, well, that was before I found out you
00:08:08already got me a job interview.
00:08:09Well, who cares what order it happened in?
00:08:11It happened.
00:08:12You have a job interview.
00:08:16Now you can thank me later.
00:08:27Oh, no, running in the hall, please.
00:09:05We're going to discuss this later.
00:09:06Excuse you.
00:09:07I am so sorry.
00:09:09You know we expect so much more out of our students.
00:09:12Did you just arrive?
00:09:14I did, but also I, um, I think I'm going to leave.
00:09:19You can't leave yet.
00:09:20I mean, you haven't even stepped foot into our classrooms
00:09:22to observe us.
00:09:23I've seen enough.
00:09:25Wow, that's so obstinate.
00:09:27Excuse you?
00:09:28I mean, I could tell already that you're
00:09:29making assumptions about us without even being
00:09:31here for, what, five seconds?
00:09:33With all due respect, of course, ma'am.
00:09:35Well, with all due respect, I don't know you.
00:09:38And I have no idea what you are talking about.
00:09:40So forgive me if I find it ironic
00:09:43that you're making assumptions about me
00:09:45making assumptions about you.
00:09:47But isn't it you making assumptions about me
00:09:48making assumptions about you right now?
00:09:55You know, thank you for reinforcing that I was
00:09:57about to make a big mistake.
00:10:00I'll show myself out.
00:10:02Hi, are you Kayla?
00:10:03We'll do the interview in the lounge.
00:10:05You know what?
00:10:05Actually, I was going to.
00:10:09You know, I actually went to high school here.
00:10:10Straight A student, launched a newspaper club,
00:10:12head of the yearbook committee.
00:10:14Your mom talked my ear off about you.
00:10:17Yeah, she's a blessing and a curse.
00:10:20And I looked over your resume.
00:10:21Your experience is impressive.
00:10:24And it heartens me that an alum has gone
00:10:26on to do such great things.
00:10:29And as long as you meet the state
00:10:30core curriculum standards, you'd have
00:10:32free reign to make it your own.
00:10:34Think of it as a creative position.
00:10:36And how often do you get full creative control?
00:10:40Not very often.
00:10:43Can you start tomorrow?
00:10:46Oh, uh, I need some time to think over.
00:10:50Of course.
00:10:52We're looking to fill the position ASAP.
00:10:54How's three seconds?
00:10:55Go with your gut here.
00:10:57The offer expires in three.
00:10:59Oh, wait, wait, wait.
00:11:02I just, if you.
00:11:05I'll take it.
00:11:06Welcome aboard.
00:11:08I just have a few questions about resources.
00:11:13We've got resources.
00:11:15I will provide you with all the assistance you need.
00:11:22Well then, I'm sold.
00:11:26Especially on that assistant part you mentioned.
00:11:30Oh, one more thing.
00:11:32We're a little analog and old school around here.
00:11:35No pun intended.
00:11:36So your start paperwork, it may feel
00:11:39a little bit like homework.
00:11:54Tanya Weldon?
00:11:55Kayla Scott?
00:11:58Wait, when's the last time we've seen each other?
00:12:01Oh, it's been since high school.
00:12:03Maybe this very classroom, actually.
00:12:05Up fourth period science, Mr. Riley.
00:12:08Breeziest class of all time.
00:12:09For you, I escaped with a C minus.
00:12:12He had it out for me after I refused to dissect
00:12:15that frog on ethical grounds.
00:12:17Well, I know frog legs are meant to be battered and defried,
00:12:19not dissected.
00:12:21So what are you doing here?
00:12:23I just got hired.
00:12:25I'm actually running up the arts program.
00:12:29Well, I mean, for now, at least.
00:12:31I'm also waiting to get approved on a teaching
00:12:33grant in London.
00:12:35I see.
00:12:38Look at us.
00:12:39From high school besties to now co-workers.
00:12:43You know, you've always been so good at decorating.
00:12:45Why don't you decorate a bit in this classroom?
00:12:47It'll give the kids a better vibe.
00:12:49Oh, I think my vibe works just fine.
00:12:52I'm focused on teaching, not decorating.
00:12:58Yeah, no, of course.
00:13:00You do you.
00:13:02Well, it was great to see you.
00:13:04But I've got a lot of work to do.
00:13:06Then I will let you get back to it.
00:13:09I'll, uh, see you tomorrow.
00:13:34Good morning.
00:13:36OK, then.
00:13:46Good morning, students.
00:13:57I am Miss Scott, your new art teacher.
00:14:01And I have a feeling that we are going to have a lot of fun
00:14:03together this fourth quarter.
00:14:05Am I right?
00:14:12When I call your name, if you could please raise your hand
00:14:15and tell me what type of art you're interested in.
00:14:18Uh, Eddie.
00:14:22Um, I kind of like painting, I guess.
00:14:25Nice. Good to know.
00:14:26Thank you, Eddie.
00:14:31I mostly like watching movies.
00:14:35OK, wait a minute.
00:14:36Movies count as a form of art.
00:14:40Anything else?
00:14:41Uh, I used to play the flute, but not anymore, though.
00:14:45OK, well, maybe we can revisit that later.
00:14:48I actually used to play myself.
00:14:50And Stacy.
00:14:53Oh, here.
00:14:55I like to dance.
00:14:56OK, well, maybe you could show me some of your moves.
00:15:01And Leon.
00:15:09Sorry, I'm late.
00:15:11It won't happen again.
00:15:12Till tomorrow.
00:15:14OK, class, settle down.
00:15:17Leon, what kind of art do you like?
00:15:24I don't know.
00:15:25Well, then I have good news for you.
00:15:28Because I have created a questionnaire.
00:15:33We got a test on your first day?
00:15:35No, no, not a test.
00:15:36More of an artistic personality assessment.
00:15:39This way, we can zero in on your interests, skills,
00:15:44and abilities.
00:15:47Now, while you're filling out the form,
00:15:51I want you to really take time and think about.
00:15:55Who do that?
00:15:56OK, Eddie.
00:15:58This is a joke.
00:16:00What's wrong with you, bro?
00:16:01Minding my own business.
00:16:02You guys, listen up.
00:16:03Leave me alone.
00:16:04Class, leave me alone.
00:16:07OK, listen up.
00:16:12Class, OK, calm down.
00:16:14Listen up.
00:16:15Class, calm down.
00:16:20Class, I think.
00:16:26What did I teach you guys about respect?
00:16:28Leon, treat others how you want to be treated.
00:16:34That's right.
00:16:36So keep the noise down and put your eyes on your teacher,
00:16:46Apologize to Miss Scott.
00:16:47Sorry, Miss Scott.
00:16:51I appreciate your help, Mr.
00:16:53Jordan Griffin.
00:16:56Jordan Griffin.
00:16:58I got this.
00:16:59I'm sure you don't.
00:17:00It just looks like you need a little help.
00:17:02If I did, I would ask for it.
00:17:04Oh, don't be ashamed.
00:17:05Y'all need a little help sometimes.
00:17:06I'm definitely not ashamed.
00:17:07I just didn't need an outside intervention.
00:17:09You know what I mean?
00:17:10I know quite a lot about classroom management.
00:17:15It hasn't been this quiet in here in years.
00:17:18You must be doing something right.
00:17:21Oh, good.
00:17:22I see you're getting acquainted with your new partner.
00:17:24Have fun running the arts program together, you two.
00:17:43Hey there, partner.
00:17:47Nancy said that you're my assistant.
00:17:50I don't think so.
00:17:51What were her exact words?
00:17:53She clearly said that she was going to provide me with assistance.
00:17:56Assistance or assistant?
00:18:02You know what?
00:18:03How about we look at it like you're my guide?
00:18:06Not that I need one.
00:18:07You know, I'm really sorry about earlier.
00:18:10Sorry about what?
00:18:11Assuming I was someone else?
00:18:12Or sorry about interrupting my class?
00:18:14Little of both.
00:18:15I wasn't trying to step on your toes.
00:18:17I was just trying to help.
00:18:19I know.
00:18:20It's just something.
00:18:23I feel like Principal Nancy may have embellished us a little bit when she said that this school was full of resources.
00:18:29I think she just meant you.
00:18:33Well, she was talking about me.
00:18:34She was underselling.
00:18:35I've been a substitute teacher in every department in this school since we've been cycling through teachers.
00:18:40Oh, so you're like a jack of all trades.
00:18:42Master of one.
00:18:45You know, I'm kind of the academic type.
00:18:47Well, I'm kind of the creative type.
00:18:50And I look forward to putting my own touch on this program.
00:18:55You know, that's really funny.
00:18:56Because the past few art teachers said something very similar to that.
00:19:01And none of them lasted past a few months.
00:19:06I don't mean to overstep.
00:19:08I'm an over-protector of this school.
00:19:10How about this?
00:19:12I'd rather you under-promise and over-deliver rather than let them down.
00:19:17I love your passion.
00:19:18I really do.
00:19:20But just trust me.
00:19:22I got this.
00:19:24I have home court advantage.
00:19:26I was a student here.
00:19:27Did you know that?
00:19:28No, I didn't.
00:19:29You know, it's been some time since you've been here.
00:19:30You're gonna need my help.
00:19:32Is that right?
00:19:34Yeah, I got a special connection with this group.
00:19:36And you and I know as teachers, having that kind of rapport makes our job easier.
00:19:41Now, I put some special notes in here.
00:19:44And files.
00:19:46These are the weak spots, the interests, backgrounds.
00:19:50How about this?
00:19:52We play nice.
00:19:53We work well together.
00:19:55We give these children the kind of education they deserve.
00:19:59And no more assumptions?
00:20:02The only last assumption I'm gonna make is that you and I are gonna make a great team.
00:20:17So, how was your first week?
00:20:20It's like we barely even see you since you took the job.
00:20:24It's like you're still living in Charlotte.
00:20:26Ha ha.
00:20:28I know.
00:20:29I'm sorry.
00:20:30These kids require a lot of work.
00:20:32More than my other group.
00:20:34So, I've decided to make a vision board.
00:20:37Now, I can see each student's individual needs.
00:20:41Mr. H did something really good.
00:20:43Each student's individual needs.
00:20:45Mr. H did something like it in his class.
00:20:48Help students to not feel like they're just a number.
00:20:53You learned all that about them in the last few days?
00:20:56I mean, with some help from another teacher who is partnered with me.
00:21:01Well, that sounds nice.
00:21:05But remember, you're a team, okay?
00:21:07Make sure they're equal parts give and take.
00:21:09Yes, Mom.
00:21:11So, how does it feel to be back home?
00:21:15It's a lot.
00:21:16You know, on one hand, there's the nostalgia and the fond memories.
00:21:20But then on the other hand, Maple Ridge did not have the kind of classes
00:21:24where you needed to read all of this background material.
00:21:28I mean, it's a lot of work, Mama.
00:21:33I just can't seem to get this grant out of my mind.
00:21:36Just try keeping your head in the same place as your feet.
00:21:41One thing at a time.
00:21:43And your current thing is your students.
00:21:48They need you present.
00:21:52Don't work too hard.
00:21:58Not like I have a choice.
00:22:01Not like I have a choice.
00:22:14We do got a new teacher.
00:22:17She seems pretty cool, but you know that's how they start out at first.
00:22:21I just don't want these kids to get attached and then feel abandoned if she leaves.
00:22:25You see yourself in them, don't you?
00:22:27Looks like.
00:22:30And I know firsthand how they feel if they get disappointed.
00:22:33Well, she's there now, isn't she?
00:22:35I mean, from the sound of it, you act like you want to do this whole thing all on your own.
00:22:38One teacher can't be everything to every kid.
00:22:42One good team beats one good teacher every time.
00:22:47Why don't you give her a chance?
00:22:49We'll see.
00:23:24Good morning.
00:23:29Hey, hope you guys had a good weekend.
00:23:31I thought that I would give our classroom a little refresh.
00:23:34So, find a station that best interests you.
00:23:38And here we create.
00:23:41Now, you will learn that life is by your design.
00:23:47Whatever you dream, whatever you want to do,
00:23:50you now have the tools to refine and explore your own gifts and your talents.
00:23:57Where did all this come from?
00:23:59That's a great question.
00:24:00Some of it, like my flute over here, came from when I was a kid.
00:24:05Discovering my own gifts.
00:24:07Some are from my last school and some I found in storage.
00:24:10Now, we are going to study a new art discipline every week.
00:24:17As well as guest speakers and field trips starting next week with a trip to the Moroni Theater.
00:24:25Is there a station that you like?
00:24:28Not yet.
00:24:29Just pick one and sit down.
00:24:31You guys forget so easy.
00:24:33Do you remember Mrs. Rosen?
00:24:35Mr. Matthews?
00:24:37Where are they now?
00:24:42Not here.
00:24:45Why should we get excited about any of this when you're just going to leave?
00:24:51I can already tell that you're an artist.
00:24:55You're expressing yourself.
00:24:58There are seeds of poetry in what you just said.
00:25:02You feel betrayed by these teachers.
00:25:06Let down.
00:25:08It hurts, right?
00:25:12And art doesn't always come from a happy place.
00:25:17Love songs are about heartbreak, poetry, longing.
00:25:22Every film you've ever seen features a character who is suffering with something deep and profound.
00:25:30This is where some of the greatest art comes from.
00:25:34And if you could channel all of that into your craft, you could be the next Angela.
00:25:41I mean, you could grow up to be the next Picasso.
00:25:44Sorry, Picasso is a Spanish artist.
00:25:47I don't know who Picasso is.
00:25:50Oh, right.
00:25:52I just find cubism to be overrated.
00:25:57All right, then how about the next, what's his name?
00:26:02Chance the Rapper or Common.
00:26:05Their artistic creations provides them an opportunity to express themselves and to give back to the community.
00:26:13You all had a rough go at it, and there is no reason for you to expect anything different from me.
00:26:22Are you willing to have faith and give me a chance?
00:26:31I'll take maybe.
00:26:36Elsa's still missing.
00:26:40Now, let's get started.
00:26:55Oh, hi, sorry, I was just having a walk, just walking around, you know, getting my steps in.
00:27:00I have a hall pass, I promise.
00:27:03Is everything OK?
00:27:05Principal Nancy got an email from the district.
00:27:08The school board is meeting soon to discuss cutting the arts program.
00:27:11You know, they claim that they don't have enough resources to support it.
00:27:33OK, class, time to start winding down.
00:27:36Let's clean up our stations.
00:27:51Hey, Miss Wielder.
00:27:52Hey, Eddie.
00:27:54I'm still having trouble with the vocab.
00:27:58OK, well, just like we practiced, OK?
00:28:00You can do it. Sound it out.
00:28:06Yes, that's right. Great job.
00:28:10I know you're frustrated, but us working together is really starting to pay off.
00:28:14You are going to ace that vocabulary test.
00:28:18I'm not giving up on you, so don't you give up on me, OK?
00:28:23Bye, Miss Wielder.
00:28:24Bye, Miss Wielder.
00:28:27Scraping up on people like your thing or something?
00:28:29No, I just didn't want to interrupt.
00:28:32Do you always tutor Eddie after class?
00:28:34Um, yeah, you know, it's been tough with his dyslexia,
00:28:38but giving him some of my free time is the least that I can do.
00:28:41I wanted to show you something.
00:28:46Did Eddie make this?
00:28:48Yes. I mean, these kids are really, really talented.
00:28:52Which gave me a great idea.
00:28:54I want to throw a showcase at the end of the semester.
00:28:58What do you think about the proceeds from an upcoming service Saturday going to the arts program?
00:29:04I think you may be onto something.
00:29:07This weekend is dedicated to the cheer squad,
00:29:09but next weekend can be to help fund your showcase.
00:29:14This will help us get new items that we desperately need.
00:29:36Maroni Theater, here we come!
00:30:07Is that...?
00:30:09What do you Gen Zs know about 90s R&B?
00:30:12That's our generation.
00:30:14Man, everybody knows Shanice.
00:30:16Music transcends time.
00:30:18Wait, do you know her?
00:30:20Sure do.
00:30:21She was my mentor in performing arts camp several years ago when we were growing up.
00:30:42All right!
00:30:44Wait a minute.
00:30:46Is that who I think it is?
00:30:48Girl, get down here!
00:30:50Look at you all grown up!
00:30:53Ha ha ha!
00:30:55Oh my...
00:30:57Oh, it's so good to see you.
00:30:59It's been a hot minute.
00:31:01I know.
00:31:02I was excited when you called because we need to connect after all these years being on the road.
00:31:08Then look at us now.
00:31:10Back at the Maroney Theater together where it all began.
00:31:13This is a special place.
00:31:15Oh, speaking of special, this is Mr. Jordan Griffin.
00:31:19It is a pleasure.
00:31:21And these are my students.
00:31:25You know, all the time Kayla and I spent here taught me the importance of hard work and dedication.
00:31:31And without that, I don't think I'd be where I am today.
00:31:36Is it enough to just be talented?
00:31:38Boy, everybody's talented.
00:31:40But not everyone puts in the work.
00:31:42I know, that's right.
00:31:44Look, I don't care about your circumstances.
00:31:47Like, you can do anything you put your mind to.
00:31:50Singing helped me find my place in the world, but it's not just about singing.
00:31:54You know, it's dancing and painting.
00:31:57Or spoken word.
00:31:59Yeah, even spoken word.
00:32:00I want to be where you are one day.
00:32:02And you can be.
00:32:03The key is, you just have to work hard and listen to your teacher.
00:32:07That's right.
00:32:09Now, it was so nice meeting you future artists, but I have to get back to my rehearsal.
00:32:14You don't have to rehearse.
00:32:16Your voice is fire.
00:32:18Look, if you don't rehearse, you'll never be great.
00:32:20And if you don't keep rehearsing, you'll never stay great.
00:32:23We're having a showcase to save our art class.
00:32:25Would you be able to come?
00:32:27Hold on now, Eddie, we don't even have a location for that yet.
00:32:30I don't see why you can't have your showcase here.
00:32:32Wait, really?
00:32:33Yeah, I can pull some strings.
00:32:38Thank you!
00:32:39Well, I stand corrected.
00:32:40We have a showcase to prepare for.
00:32:45Shanice, can we please take a picture before we go?
00:32:49Let's do it, no problem.
00:32:50Come on.
00:32:51Let's do it.
00:32:54Come on, come on, come on down.
00:32:56Come on down.
00:32:57Artist life on three.
00:32:58One, two, three.
00:33:01Artist life!
00:33:10Who can tell me about hope?
00:33:14And Claude McKay's If We Must Die?
00:33:22Um, it's about sticking together no matter how hard things are.
00:33:27Very good.
00:33:28And what was the structure of this poem?
00:33:40The work created by poets, it can make us feel deeply.
00:33:46Because they know and love the English language,
00:33:50regardless if they're writing a sonnet or a bar.
00:33:55Speaking of bars, how about we talk about poetry?
00:33:59How about we talk about an artist who you might be a little bit more familiar with?
00:34:11Didn't think I was cool, huh?
00:34:15Well, since we're on the subject of spoken word, Emma,
00:34:19is there something you would like to share out loud with the class?
00:34:23Oh, come on, don't be shy.
00:34:29Let's give her a little encouragement.
00:34:43I have a question. I'm nervous, not calm.
00:34:47The idea to ask you came from my mom.
00:34:58That's class.
00:35:04You didn't spoil it, did you?
00:35:06You said to tell her to meet you here at lunch, and that's exactly what I told her.
00:35:10What's this about?
00:35:14I'm going to ask Emma to prom.
00:35:17But I'm not comfortable doing this type of thing in front of people, so
00:35:22I'm going to do it my own way.
00:35:26Oh, okay.
00:35:28Well, thank you for my prom prep lunch invite. What's going on?
00:35:32The reason why I brought you down here is because I wanted to get your professional opinion about something.
00:35:39What can I do for you?
00:35:41Well, you know how much I love this school, right?
00:35:44And I really, really want to give these students a chance.
00:35:47And you know what?
00:35:48What can I do for you?
00:35:50Well, you know how much I love this school, right?
00:35:52And I really, really want to give these students a special prom.
00:35:56You really care about these kids like they're your own.
00:35:59Yeah. You know, I come from a long line of teachers, and, you know, this is not just a job for me.
00:36:06It's a calling.
00:36:08I mean, teachers can, they can change your life.
00:36:10I had this one very dedicated, amazing teacher who always inspired me to fight for my dreams.
00:36:18And to keep climbing to bigger, better things.
00:36:21I mean, do you ever think you might be, like, overlooking something that could be right in front of you?
00:36:26Something special because we're always constantly looking forward?
00:36:29Um, I mean, I don't see anything wrong with always wanting to strive for more.
00:36:34No, not like that. I'm just saying that, that thing, you know, that we're looking for could sometimes be right in front of you.
00:36:45The students. I mean, sticking with them through thick and thin is fulfilling.
00:36:52Like Mark Thackeray.
00:36:53Definitely like Mark.
00:36:57Mark who?
00:36:58Mark Thackeray.
00:37:00Sidney Poitier.
00:37:02Deserved with love. He played the teacher.
00:37:03He did.
00:37:04Oh, wait, hold up. You never saw that movie.
00:37:06Okay, first of all, that is a film from our grandparents' generation.
00:37:11I'll get around to seeing it.
00:37:13Yeah, well, maybe we could do it sooner than later.
00:37:17In class, that is. You know, movie Fridays.
00:37:22Movie Fridays.
00:37:25Okay, so. Prom thing. What are you thinking?
00:37:30Oh, so, I was thinking, let's take them to the islands, eh?
00:37:38All right, man.
00:37:40The crowd. My mind is made up. Insecurity won't stand between you and me.
00:37:50Even in a crowd, your face is the only face I see.
00:37:54This day is a new chance.
00:37:58Say the word and we'll have this dance.
00:38:02Prom queen.
00:38:04Whose beauty is already your crown.
00:38:08Will you be joined by a king?
00:38:10Will you be joined by a queen?
00:38:12Whose beauty is already your crown.
00:38:16Will you be joined by a king?
00:38:24What do you think?
00:38:29I'll think about it.
00:38:37And big blue balloons to represent the ocean waves.
00:38:41And most importantly.
00:38:49Art is about vision.
00:38:51Vision it with me, eh?
00:38:53White suns, sipping coconuts.
00:38:56Yes, the palm trees. The island breeze.
00:39:00Okay, I see you have some moves.
00:39:02You know, I'm probably a little rusty.
00:39:04I think you are so fine.
00:39:06I mean, I think that you are doing just fine.
00:39:09You know what I mean.
00:39:11What did you say to me?
00:39:13What did you say to me?
00:39:15Hey, hey, hey, break it up.
00:39:18What's going on?
00:39:20I wasn't going to hit him.
00:39:22I was just doing my performance about to ask Emma to prom.
00:39:24Until they came in and ruined it.
00:39:26And then this fool started clowning me.
00:39:28Hey, calm down, you hear me?
00:39:30Now what have I taught you guys about having respect?
00:39:33Haven't I taught all of you about keeping your control over your mind and your actions?
00:39:42Let's go.
00:39:44Let's go.
00:39:47Come here, Jane.
00:39:52Okay, come on.
00:39:54Off to class. Let's go.
00:39:56Show's over.
00:40:02Oh, Jordan.
00:40:05How's Leon?
00:40:07He's fine.
00:40:09You know, with these students it could have been a lot worse.
00:40:11I'm just glad things didn't get out of hand.
00:40:13Yeah, me too.
00:40:15Seems like the field trip definitely inspired him.
00:40:17That kid showed confidence.
00:40:19Thank you again for supporting me.
00:40:21Of course, we're a team.
00:40:23Yeah, because, you know, I'm the coach and you're the assistant.
00:40:26Right, right, right.
00:40:28Okay, coach.
00:40:30I'm going to head over to Principal Nancy's office.
00:40:32She wants me to talk to the rest of the students about the incident.
00:40:35Yes, you will.
00:41:00Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here.
00:41:02That's okay.
00:41:04Please, keep playing.
00:41:07I don't want to look silly.
00:41:09Oh, you don't look silly.
00:41:23It's been a while for me, too.
00:41:25When did you get your flu?
00:41:29It was my mom's.
00:41:30I decided to try it again after what you said, but...
00:41:35I'm not very good.
00:41:37I just...
00:41:39I wanted to be good like her.
00:41:43Do you remember what Shani said?
00:41:46It's not going to happen overnight.
00:41:50Don't give up.
00:41:52Don't get discouraged if you get a little squeaky here and there.
00:41:56I know it is not easy.
00:41:59But you are so brave for even trying.
00:42:04You're doing wonderfully.
00:42:08She was teaching me Swan Lake before she got sick.
00:42:13We never finished this part.
00:42:16I'm sorry.
00:42:18It's okay.
00:42:20It's okay.
00:42:22It's okay.
00:42:23We never finished this part.
00:42:31And how about...
00:42:34we pick up where you both left off?
00:43:15Hi, this is Kayla Scott.
00:43:17Yeah, I saw I missed a call from the school.
00:43:19Perhaps from Principal Meadows in regards to an opportunity to...
00:43:23wish you a happy birthday.
00:43:25Okay, love you, Dad.
00:43:27All right, bye.
00:43:32Okay, now I'm going to have to explain that later.
00:43:34Oh, that's going to take some explaining now.
00:43:36No, I thought you were someone else.
00:43:38What are you doing here?
00:43:40Well, I'm just dropping off some presents.
00:43:42You know, the church had a supply drive for you and the kids.
00:43:44And you see, I have a music book.
00:43:46I have paints and brushes.
00:43:50anything you need.
00:43:51Wait a minute.
00:43:53They did this for us?
00:43:55You know, the village always comes through.
00:43:57Oh, no, that's right.
00:43:59Right on.
00:44:01Well, I can't wait to tell Jordan and the kids.
00:44:05Now, is that the guy your mother told me about from service Saturday?
00:44:07Dad, it is not like that.
00:44:11Uh, listen.
00:44:13Now, I don't want you to rush into anything
00:44:15because of me and my grandbabies.
00:44:17Just take your time.
00:44:18I just want you to be as happy
00:44:20as your mother and I.
00:44:22Thanks, Dad.
00:44:24Oh, speaking of kids,
00:44:26my class is about to begin.
00:44:30I love you.
00:44:32You want me this way?
00:44:36I love you.
00:44:40I don't mean to barge in,
00:44:42but I'm looking for Leon.
00:44:44He wasn't in my class this morning.
00:44:46Have you seen him?
00:44:48You don't think he's still upset about that, do you?
00:44:50I'm not sure, but I'm gonna go check on him.
00:44:52Can you do me a favor and go in my classroom
00:44:54and make sure that my students are working on their assignments, please?
00:44:59You're welcome.
00:45:13Did you forget about school today?
00:45:16Mr. Griffin.
00:45:18What's going on?
00:45:27Go finish playing, okay?
00:45:37Where's your mom?
00:45:39She can't miss her shift.
00:45:41And daycare won't take Kiana
00:45:43because she has a cold.
00:45:44So you have to take care of your sister
00:45:46every time your mom doesn't have childcare?
00:45:51It's okay.
00:45:53My mom is doing everything she can,
00:45:57and I didn't want you
00:45:59or anyone else to think any different.
00:46:02You know, you stepping up
00:46:04and taking care of your sister,
00:46:06helping out your mom,
00:46:08I can get behind that.
00:46:10But I need you to know that
00:46:12this is not your responsibility.
00:46:14Hey, you think your mom might
00:46:16be open to allowing someone else
00:46:18to take care of your sister?
00:46:20No, no, no, no.
00:46:22You know, somebody that could be there
00:46:24for her any time she needs her.
00:46:26You know, somebody that has a history
00:46:28of teaching children his whole life.
00:46:30No, you got too much on your plate.
00:46:32I don't want to be a burden.
00:46:34Not me.
00:46:36It's Mr. H.
00:46:38Now, Mr. H, everybody knows him in this town.
00:46:40Come to think about it,
00:46:42I think he even taught your mom.
00:46:45What do you say, huh?
00:46:49Give her a call.
00:46:57Come here.
00:47:00Yeah, um, listen.
00:47:02I was wondering if we could clear the air.
00:47:06I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
00:47:11Well, I, um,
00:47:12I feel like there's been a little bit
00:47:14of a distance between us.
00:47:17Did I do something wrong?
00:47:19I don't know, Kayla.
00:47:21I guess it just didn't sit well with me
00:47:23that moments after accepting
00:47:25your job offer here,
00:47:27you were already talking about
00:47:29what's next for you.
00:47:31Like this school and these kids
00:47:33are just another stepping stone
00:47:35for your grant.
00:47:36Tonya, I hope you know that
00:47:38I did not mean it that way.
00:47:40Whether you did or you didn't,
00:47:42this is my home.
00:47:44My community.
00:47:46Maybe you need something different,
00:47:48but everything I need is here.
00:47:50No, I wish I had that.
00:47:52Kayla, you do.
00:47:54You have roots.
00:47:56A home, people,
00:48:01and friends.
00:48:04You know what, you're right.
00:48:06I've just been so caught up
00:48:08in this vision that I've had
00:48:10for my life that
00:48:12I already have here for granted.
00:48:14You know, maybe that's
00:48:16not all there is.
00:48:20maybe I want something new.
00:48:24I think that's the first time
00:48:26I've ever said that out loud.
00:48:28It feels
00:48:32and very uncomfortable.
00:48:39I am so sorry.
00:48:40Thank you for this.
00:48:42I'm sorry, too.
00:48:44I should have spoken up
00:48:46about what was wrong with me.
00:48:48How about you speak into a balloon?
00:48:50You know, but it goes so well
00:48:51with your outfit.
00:48:52I think it's yours, yeah?
00:48:53You can do it!
00:48:55Still got it.
00:48:56Still got it.
00:49:00It looks like the two of you
00:49:02are besties again.
00:49:11Who was that?
00:49:13I think that's the district rep
00:49:15here to talk to Principal Nancy
00:49:16about the program.
00:49:18She did not look happy.
00:49:20No, she does not.
00:49:30Thank you for coming by.
00:49:32I'm available to answer
00:49:33all of your questions.
00:49:35Can I offer you
00:49:37some delicious sweets?
00:49:41I don't mean to be the bad guy.
00:49:43You know that.
00:49:45But seeing as how
00:49:46Stansfield High's test scores
00:49:48are very improving,
00:49:49not fast enough.
00:49:51I don't know if the other
00:49:52board members and I
00:49:53can justify more money
00:49:55for extracurriculars
00:49:56when academics
00:49:58should be first priority.
00:50:04In my office.
00:50:06Yes, Principal Nancy.
00:50:07Kayla Scott.
00:50:09Jordan Griffith.
00:50:10Maybe it's best
00:50:12if they tell you
00:50:13about their progress
00:50:17I can say firsthand
00:50:18that the students around here,
00:50:20they have been making
00:50:21a lot of headway.
00:50:22We have a personal
00:50:24connection with these kids
00:50:26and we are tuned in
00:50:27to their needs.
00:50:29They need more funding,
00:50:31not less.
00:50:34They could have more funding
00:50:35for academics,
00:50:36if we cut the arts.
00:50:38The board will be
00:50:39making the cuts official
00:50:41in two weeks.
00:50:42Wait, wait.
00:50:44So that's it?
00:50:46Because I can give you
00:50:47evidence of measurable progress.
00:50:50You know, I have
00:50:51numbers and statistics
00:50:53that will show you
00:50:54the arts program.
00:50:57It actually improves
00:50:59the students' academics.
00:51:02if you can provide data
00:51:04to back up your claims,
00:51:06I'll call a special
00:51:08committee meeting
00:51:09next week
00:51:10and we'll hear you out.
00:51:12Have a nice weekend.
00:51:14I'll show you out.
00:51:23How do you have
00:51:24that information?
00:51:25I don't.
00:51:27not yet at least,
00:51:28but give me some time
00:51:30and I will put
00:51:31something together.
00:51:32I just,
00:51:33I don't even know
00:51:34where to begin.
00:51:35That's the problem.
00:51:36I don't.
00:51:37We do.
00:51:39You're free for dinner tonight.
00:51:54Uh, excuse me.
00:51:56Is that you?
00:51:59It could be!
00:52:01Kayla Scott!
00:52:02Your age!
00:52:05Let me get that.
00:52:09What a surprise.
00:52:12Wait, what are you doing here?
00:52:14how do the two of you
00:52:15know each other?
00:52:16How do the two of you
00:52:17know each other?
00:52:19Jordan is my nephew.
00:52:22Kayla's one of my
00:52:23favorite students.
00:52:25Well, there goes
00:52:26my grand introduction.
00:52:27Jordan was telling me
00:52:28all about this
00:52:29new teacher at school.
00:52:30I can't believe
00:52:31he was talking about you
00:52:32this whole time.
00:52:34The way he talks about you,
00:52:35you'd think he might have
00:52:36a little crush on you.
00:52:37You want to say
00:52:38grace, son?
00:52:42How about I say it
00:52:43so I can pray that you
00:52:44don't further embarrass me.
00:52:48Thank you, God,
00:52:49for this food
00:52:50that you provided.
00:52:51And we ask for you
00:52:52to pray over us
00:52:54as we spend our time together.
00:52:58That was very nice, Jordan.
00:53:00have an attitude
00:53:01of gratitude,
00:53:02especially for good food.
00:53:04You know, I need to put
00:53:05some of your quotes
00:53:06on posters in my classroom.
00:53:08Back at Stansfield,
00:53:09full circle.
00:53:11I hear it's not all
00:53:12sunshine and roses
00:53:13there these days.
00:53:15That is an understatement.
00:53:17I don't even know
00:53:18if my job is going
00:53:19to exist next year.
00:53:20I do not like
00:53:21not having control
00:53:22over what happens
00:53:23with me next, you know?
00:53:26you may not have
00:53:27much control
00:53:28over what happens next,
00:53:30but you can control
00:53:31how much love
00:53:32you give your students
00:53:33while you have them.
00:53:36That'll stick with them
00:53:37their whole life.
00:53:40More than
00:53:44or programs themselves.
00:53:46It's all about love
00:53:48and community.
00:54:02Hey, Mama.
00:54:04Your sous chef
00:54:05has arrived.
00:54:06Hey, baby.
00:54:07You ready to do this?
00:54:08I was born ready.
00:54:09That's my girl.
00:54:10Now, there's a rolling pin
00:54:11with your name on it.
00:54:13All right.
00:54:17how's the showcase
00:54:18planning coming along?
00:54:21We might not have
00:54:22an art showcase
00:54:23to support soon.
00:54:25Next week,
00:54:26there's a meeting
00:54:27where I have to convince
00:54:28an entire board
00:54:29not to cut the funding.
00:54:32I hope all of this
00:54:33makes a difference.
00:54:35Oh, my girl.
00:54:36Of course it makes
00:54:37a difference.
00:54:38And you have already
00:54:39made such a difference.
00:54:42I talked to
00:54:43Eddie's grandmother,
00:54:44and she says she hasn't
00:54:45ever seen him
00:54:46so excited about something.
00:54:47I've seen the same thing
00:54:48in such a short time.
00:54:51You know, my focus
00:54:52is to make sure
00:54:53that these kids
00:54:54get the opportunity
00:54:55to find the artists
00:54:57and not have that chance
00:54:58ripped from under them
00:54:59because of funding.
00:55:02While I'm here, Mom,
00:55:04I owe it to those kids
00:55:05to give them all of my...
00:55:10No one can say
00:55:11you're not giving it your all.
00:55:13Now, what I do know
00:55:15is that everything happens
00:55:16for a reason.
00:55:18And if anyone can say
00:55:19this art program,
00:55:20it's you.
00:55:22Now, come on.
00:55:23These last pies
00:55:24will bake themselves.
00:55:30What's up?
00:55:33Well, I promised the board
00:55:34numbers and statistics
00:55:35next week,
00:55:36so I'm gonna deliver.
00:55:41Well, I would offer
00:55:42your help and hand,
00:55:43but I don't think
00:55:44you need an assistant.
00:55:48I'm sorry.
00:55:50I'm sorry.
00:55:52I'm sorry.
00:55:54I'm sorry.
00:55:56I got something for you.
00:55:58It'll help take your mind
00:55:59off of everything.
00:56:02Passing notes,
00:56:03Mr. Griffin?
00:56:05No, I picked up something
00:56:06off of Leon.
00:56:14To Sir with Love.
00:56:17There's a new
00:56:18backyard cinema
00:56:19that's doing a series
00:56:20of movies dedicated
00:56:21to Sidney Poitier.
00:56:24And they're showing
00:56:25that one tomorrow.
00:56:27So, is this like a...
00:56:29I don't know.
00:56:30It's written right there
00:56:31on the invite.
00:56:50Too rude.
00:56:51I'll see you later.
00:57:08It's pretty perfect.
00:57:09Yeah, well,
00:57:10I spent a long time on it.
00:57:14You're welcome.
00:57:15So, I wanted to talk to you
00:57:16about tomorrow's meeting.
00:57:17Well, no work.
00:57:19I just want you to relax
00:57:21and enjoy the space.
00:57:24And I want you to
00:57:25feast your eyes
00:57:26on the incomparable
00:57:27Sidney Poitier
00:57:28in one of his most
00:57:29career-defining roles.
00:57:31So, is this like
00:57:32a date?
00:57:37A date.
00:58:22It's just
00:58:23so many lessons
00:58:24packed in one film.
00:58:32in men are few
00:58:33and far between these days.
00:58:35Oh, I think that
00:58:36there's a few left.
00:58:53Is everything okay?
00:58:55No, it's, um,
00:58:56the principal from Maple Ridge.
00:58:58I think it might be
00:58:59about a job.
00:59:00Oh, you seem excited.
00:59:02Not excitement.
00:59:05You miss it there?
00:59:11It's okay.
00:59:14You know that
00:59:15I'm in a tough position.
00:59:20a very lovely evening.
00:59:22And you
00:59:23are a perfect gentleman.
00:59:26But I, um...
00:59:29Well, good luck
00:59:30fighting for us tomorrow, Kayla.
00:59:47Thank you, Principal Nancy.
00:59:49And to all of our wonderful teachers
00:59:50for showing up to support.
00:59:52And to the board,
00:59:53I really appreciate you
00:59:54making time to hear me out.
00:59:56Studies show
00:59:57that students
00:59:58with consistent arts education
01:00:01produce higher math
01:00:02and English test scores,
01:00:04which correlates
01:00:05with higher rates
01:00:06of graduation
01:00:07and college enrollment.
01:00:09Since my team and I
01:00:11revamped the arts program,
01:00:13attendance is up.
01:00:15One of our students
01:00:16with dyslexia
01:00:17went from
01:00:18the near bottom
01:00:19of the class
01:00:21to the very top.
01:00:23Another student
01:00:24who had frequent absences
01:00:27has completely
01:00:28turned things around.
01:00:30Now these are just
01:00:31two of our students'
01:00:32success stories
01:00:33from a long list.
01:00:35While this is impressive
01:00:36and may show a correlation,
01:00:38it's not quite the type
01:00:39of long-term data
01:00:40we're looking for.
01:00:42Right, but that data
01:00:43comes with time.
01:00:45And it will come.
01:00:46I mean, we are
01:00:47just getting started.
01:00:50Can you give the program
01:00:53one more year?
01:00:56Thank you, Ms. Scott.
01:00:57That'll be all for today.
01:01:04This school system
01:01:05has failed us.
01:01:07I have seen teachers
01:01:08come and go
01:01:09time and time again.
01:01:10But this semester,
01:01:11something has changed.
01:01:13And that something
01:01:14is not quantifiable.
01:01:16I would love to invite you
01:01:21to our art showcase
01:01:23at the Moroni Theater
01:01:24this Friday.
01:01:26That way you can see
01:01:27our students face-to-face.
01:01:29You know, see their abilities,
01:01:32their talents,
01:01:33and not just look at them
01:01:34as numbers or statistics.
01:01:39Thank you both.
01:01:40We'll consider these
01:01:41your closing remarks
01:01:42and a decision
01:01:43will be forthcoming.
01:01:44Meeting adjourned.
01:01:47telephone rings
01:01:58Yeah, Ms. Scott.
01:01:59This is Principal Meadows.
01:02:01We have a position
01:02:02opening up next year
01:02:04if you're interested.
01:02:05It's full-time,
01:02:06excellent benefits,
01:02:07competitive salary.
01:02:09That is such a generous offer.
01:02:11You should know.
01:02:12I'm really on a bad few.
01:02:13So we have many other
01:02:14outstanding candidates
01:02:16in consideration,
01:02:17but you are first on my list.
01:02:19So I'll need an answer,
01:02:20my friend.
01:02:32Well, pretty much all set up
01:02:34for the showcase tomorrow night.
01:02:36You feeling ready?
01:02:40Daydreaming about
01:02:46I knew that would
01:02:47get your attention.
01:02:51What's on your mind?
01:02:52A million things.
01:02:54I mean, the showcase,
01:02:55the board's looming decision,
01:02:56my new job offer.
01:02:58You got a job offer?
01:03:02At my old school.
01:03:05And they need an answer
01:03:06by tomorrow night,
01:03:08and I have no idea
01:03:09what I'm going to tell them.
01:03:10Now, if this were
01:03:11a few weeks ago,
01:03:12it would have been
01:03:13a no-brainer.
01:03:15But now,
01:03:16now I've really grown
01:03:17to love the students
01:03:20and the staff.
01:03:22I finally feel at home
01:03:24in Stansville again.
01:03:27But it's also looking like
01:03:28there may not be a place
01:03:29for you here anymore.
01:03:35Have you told Jordan
01:03:36and the kids yet?
01:03:38No, not yet.
01:03:39I just, um...
01:03:42They've worked so hard
01:03:43for this moment.
01:03:44I think it should just
01:03:45be about them
01:03:47and them only.
01:03:52That's gotta be tough.
01:03:56I'm here for you.
01:04:00What do you say
01:04:01we get out of here?
01:04:04Big day tomorrow.
01:04:05Oh, yes.
01:04:10All right.
01:04:12Tonight is the big night,
01:04:15and I am so proud
01:04:16of each and every one of you.
01:04:19And no one,
01:04:21no school board member,
01:04:24no person in power,
01:04:26whether it be in education
01:04:27or in life,
01:04:29can take away your talent,
01:04:31your drive,
01:04:33or your passion.
01:04:35Remember what you learned
01:04:36in my class.
01:04:39Life is by your design.
01:04:44And I can say
01:04:45with absolute certainty
01:04:48that each and every one of you
01:04:52are true talent.
01:04:54You're artists.
01:04:56Miss Scott,
01:04:58we got you something.
01:05:01What is this?
01:05:03Um, we wanted to show
01:05:05our appreciation
01:05:06for everything
01:05:07you've done for us.
01:05:13I know it's not much, but...
01:05:18It's perfect.
01:05:25No, thank you.
01:05:30Thank you for
01:05:32giving us a chance,
01:05:34Miss Scott.
01:05:35All right.
01:05:38We have a show to do.
01:05:41And you all are going to
01:05:43knock the socks off
01:05:44of every student,
01:05:47and parent out there
01:05:51Am I right?
01:05:52Now let's go and give them
01:05:53everything we've got.
01:05:56Let's go!
01:06:36Of course, you're not.
01:06:39Of course I am.
01:06:41I just hide it better than you.
01:06:49Good evening.
01:06:51Thank you all
01:06:52for coming tonight.
01:06:54We are going to have
01:06:55a marvelous show.
01:06:58Please welcome
01:06:59our fearless leader
01:07:01of the arts program,
01:07:03Miss Kayla Scott!
01:07:12Thank you, Principal Nancy,
01:07:14for that lovely introduction,
01:07:16and for bringing me back
01:07:17to the Stansville family.
01:07:23First, allow me to introduce
01:07:25my other team members,
01:07:27Jordan Griffin
01:07:29and Tanya Weldon!
01:07:34I tell you, I am so blessed
01:07:36to have had these two
01:07:38by my side this semester.
01:07:41None of this would have
01:07:43happened without you.
01:07:47So thank you.
01:07:53This semester,
01:07:56we focused on
01:07:59creative expression.
01:08:01The students learn
01:08:03how to harness their passion
01:08:05and their emotions
01:08:07and pour it into their crafts.
01:08:09And we know that you all
01:08:12are going to love it!
01:08:14So, enjoy the show!
01:08:18What is art?
01:08:44Art is...
01:08:46expression, emotion, love.
01:08:51Art is perspective.
01:08:54Art can take you on a journey
01:08:56and bring you back home
01:08:57to a blank space
01:08:58that becomes more familiar
01:09:00in an hour,
01:09:01releasing your heart and soul
01:09:03with words that have power.
01:09:06Art is dance.
01:09:08It can be improvised
01:09:09or strategized,
01:09:12symbolic or aesthetic.
01:09:15Art combines rhythm and sound
01:09:17to create a line that is melodic,
01:09:20transcends time,
01:09:21space, and culture.
01:09:24Art speaks to us
01:09:26through brushes,
01:09:28pencils, spray cans.
01:09:30It can take a blank canvas
01:09:32and turn it into Mona Lisa
01:09:34or a soup can.
01:09:36Images through abstraction
01:09:38can be described
01:09:40by one's reaction.
01:09:42And most of all,
01:09:44it is necessary.
01:09:46It is my right to see
01:09:48the beauty and ugly of the world
01:09:50different than how you see it.
01:09:52Each one of us
01:09:54are showing each one of you
01:09:56our world.
01:10:36So proud of you!
01:10:39Congratulations, baby girl!
01:10:41That was good!
01:10:42Oh, I appreciate that.
01:10:45Oh, I will be right back.
01:10:50Great show tonight, Kayla.
01:10:53I was so impressed
01:10:54watching you perform.
01:10:55Thank you so much.
01:11:04I was so impressed
01:11:05watching your presentation
01:11:06on Livestream.
01:11:07And tonight moved me even more.
01:11:09I really appreciate that.
01:11:11And I'm just so happy
01:11:12that you both came out.
01:11:14How do you two know each other?
01:11:15We met right before the show.
01:11:16Pam and Principal Nancy
01:11:18filled me in on your situation.
01:11:19And we want to fund
01:11:21your arts program for next year.
01:11:23And that will give us time
01:11:25to figure out how to invest
01:11:26in it continuously
01:11:27beginning the following year.
01:11:29Wait, but...
01:11:31How are you going to convince
01:11:32the rest of the board?
01:11:34They act pretty tough
01:11:35in the boardroom.
01:11:36But I like to think
01:11:37that I have some influence.
01:11:39I'm convinced.
01:11:40I'm convinced.
01:11:47And if there's anything else
01:11:48I can do for you, Kayla,
01:11:49let me know.
01:11:50I mean it.
01:11:51You are amazing.
01:11:53I gotta go.
01:12:02Go, go, go!
01:12:04Did you hear that?
01:12:07Anna Sinise paid off.
01:12:10It did.
01:12:12Great shot, Miss Scott.
01:12:14Thank you, Mr. Griffin.
01:12:19I got the money.
01:12:46Let me just ask you
01:12:47one more time.
01:12:49Are you sure
01:12:50about your decision
01:12:51for next year?
01:12:52I have given this
01:12:53a lot of thought.
01:12:55I'll wait all my options.
01:12:57I'm sure.
01:12:59When do you head to Charlotte?
01:13:01Later today, actually.
01:13:07Hey, hold on a second.
01:13:10Have you heard anything
01:13:11about Kayla taking on another job?
01:13:12You mean the job offer
01:13:14she got in Charlotte?
01:13:16She said she was gonna sell you
01:13:17after the showcase.
01:13:20And I just blew it, didn't I?
01:13:25Why didn't you tell me?
01:13:30I thought you was committed
01:13:31to staying.
01:13:32I overheard your conversation
01:13:33with Principal Nancy.
01:13:35You're going to Charlotte
01:13:36for another job?
01:13:38You're gonna abandon
01:13:39these students?
01:13:40You're gonna abandon
01:13:41this school?
01:13:42After everything we just
01:13:43went through?
01:13:44We just got the arts program
01:13:47You know, these kids,
01:13:48they trusted you.
01:13:51I trusted you.
01:13:54I feel so foolish
01:13:56thinking that you were different.
01:13:57But it turns out
01:13:58you're just like everyone else.
01:14:05Are you done?
01:14:07I think I am.
01:14:26You made the right decision,
01:14:27you know.
01:14:29I'd be lying
01:14:30if I didn't question it
01:14:31after what happened
01:14:32with Jordan.
01:14:33It was a misunderstanding.
01:14:34Yeah, but it didn't have to be.
01:14:36I mean, he could've let me speak,
01:14:38but he didn't.
01:14:41And you're not
01:14:42totally innocent either.
01:14:45You should've told him
01:14:46about your offer.
01:14:47Well, how could I?
01:14:49He completely discounted
01:14:52everything I've done
01:14:53this whole semester
01:14:54in a single minute.
01:14:56Are you surprised?
01:14:58At those teachers' desks
01:14:59at that school,
01:15:00there might as well be
01:15:02revolving doors.
01:15:04He's probably getting used
01:15:05to being left all the time.
01:15:07Just like those kids.
01:15:09Yes, but that does not
01:15:10give him the right
01:15:11to come for me
01:15:12based off of what
01:15:13someone else did.
01:15:14Well, what he did
01:15:15wasn't right.
01:15:17He was loud.
01:15:19And he was wrong.
01:15:22Well, why are you so quick
01:15:23to cut him off?
01:15:25Any chance you might be
01:15:26looking for a reason
01:15:27to put some distance
01:15:28between you two?
01:15:30Fear of getting hurt?
01:15:33Or maybe...
01:15:36fear that it might work out?
01:15:42I just don't know
01:15:44what got into me.
01:15:45You're acting a fool, huh?
01:15:47I am a fool.
01:15:50I won't fight you
01:15:51too hard on that one.
01:15:52I should have just
01:15:53talked to her.
01:15:54I should have listened to her.
01:15:55I always told my kids
01:15:59it's always better to listen
01:16:01than it is to talk.
01:16:03You can't learn nothing
01:16:04if you're talking.
01:16:05Let's act everything out, Bob.
01:16:07When it comes to being
01:16:08in a relationship
01:16:09with each other,
01:16:10it's best to be
01:16:11in the moment.
01:16:14The second best thing
01:16:17is right now.
01:16:22You know what?
01:16:24You're right.
01:16:26And that's no surprise.
01:16:28I gotta go.
01:16:43Hey, Mrs. Scott.
01:16:45Jordan, what are you
01:16:46doing here?
01:16:47Is Kayla around?
01:16:49I need to see her.
01:16:52I'm sorry.
01:16:53You just missed her.
01:16:55She is in Charlotte.
01:16:59I see.
01:17:02Well, thanks anyway.
01:17:08You don't feel the same
01:17:12I'm wondering when it changed
01:17:36Hey, Mrs. Welk.
01:17:38Is Mrs. Scott here yet?
01:17:39Um, I think she's joining
01:17:40just a little bit late,
01:17:41but why don't you help
01:17:42yourself to some food
01:17:43and snacks in the meantime?
01:17:46Here you go.
01:17:53Still nothing?
01:17:54Nah, nothing.
01:17:56You know, I keep calling.
01:18:00I really blew this one.
01:18:12Not necessarily.
01:18:20Mrs. Scott?
01:18:21We thought you left.
01:18:23I wouldn't miss it.
01:18:29You look gorgeous.
01:18:38You look stunning.
01:18:40You know, I really gotta tell you
01:18:42that I was so out of pocket before.
01:18:45I was an idiot.
01:18:47I'm sorry.
01:18:48Look, if you want to leave
01:18:49and take on another job,
01:18:51I completely support you.
01:18:53I'm sorry.
01:18:54I'm sorry.
01:18:55I'm sorry.
01:18:56I'm sorry.
01:18:57I'm sorry.
01:18:58I'm sorry.
01:18:59I'm sorry.
01:19:00I'm sorry.
01:19:01I'm sorry.
01:19:02I'm sorry.
01:19:03I completely support that.
01:19:06I was just afraid of losing you.
01:19:10Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:19:12it's time for our sweetheart dance.
01:19:14So grab your partner.
01:19:16Hold that thought.
01:19:21Mrs. Scott, would you mind
01:19:22if I perform my art piece?
01:19:34See, I know why I'm here,
01:19:39and that's where my intention is.
01:19:42I haven't showed her,
01:19:43but she's gonna know
01:19:46what my intention is.
01:19:47You see, teaching these students
01:19:48how to thrive in life
01:19:52is where our deep connection is.
01:19:55Sunshine of the soul!
01:20:01It's what her true reflection is.
01:20:05Hey, Kayla Scott!
01:20:08It's what my heart's desire is.
01:20:11You know, I really don't care
01:20:12about what perfection is.
01:20:16I just want to know
01:20:19what our direction is.
01:20:32Well, I at least get an A for effort.
01:20:36You are something else.
01:20:37You know that.
01:20:39Take that as a compliment.
01:20:42I should have told you
01:20:43about the job offer.
01:20:45I am learning to be better
01:20:46at communicating the tough stuff.
01:20:50Like, uh,
01:20:52my grant in London got approved.
01:20:56That's great news.
01:20:59Thing is, there's a summer program
01:21:01and I leave in a week.
01:21:05But I will be right back
01:21:07in Stansville next semester.
01:21:10I even found my own place.
01:21:11That's not my old bedroom
01:21:14in my parents' house.
01:21:20Looks like Emma finally said yes.
01:21:26She's not the only one
01:21:28open to romance.
01:21:32Would you like to dance,
01:21:33Miss Scott?
01:21:34Oh, nothing too fast.
01:21:37I'm way too old
01:21:38for that sort of thing.
01:21:41According to Sarah Love,
01:21:43I'm very impressed.
01:21:44Actually, I heard that
01:21:45they'll be screening
01:21:47Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
01:21:49at that cute backyard
01:21:50movie theater we went to.
01:21:53Maybe you want to go
01:21:54before I leave.
01:21:56Well, you know, that depends.
01:21:57I have to talk to the manager.
01:22:00Are you asking me out on a date?
01:22:02What would you say?
01:22:16I'll be curious.
