24 Hours in Police Custody S01E07 The Crime of the Century (17th November 2014)

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24 Hours in Police Custody S01E07 The Crime of the Century
Original air date - (17th November 2014)
Acting sergeant and double amputee Wil Taylor and his team investigate the case of three prostitutes. Are the women victims of trafficking, or are they exploiting others? A man is arrested for an immigration offence and handling stolen goods; he is deported.
00:00Police! Please don't move, stand still!
00:19Do you have a high cuff interest?
00:26Contact, one upstairs!
00:28Everyone clear? All clear.
00:31Before we do, Sarge, is there any drugs here at all?
00:34It would be a lot better if you tell us, then we find it.
00:37No, what about yourself?
00:52Once a suspect is in custody,
00:55the police have 24 hours to investigate and interview.
01:02After that, it's either charge or release.
01:06You have been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking.
01:09On suspicion of stalking.
01:11On suspicion of GBH.
01:13Possession and making of indecent images of children.
01:16On suspicion of conspiracy to murder.
01:18Start explaining.
01:21It's the police's job to ask what really happened.
01:25Where were you on the 28th of March?
01:27It was not me, I was not there.
01:29That could have been 101 people, but it's nothing to do with me.
01:36Police! Open the door now!
01:42Who's innocent? Who's guilty?
01:45Why would Pete say that you'd assaulted him?
01:48Because he's deluded, he's a drunk.
01:50Well, that's nonsense.
01:52Police! Drop your hands!
01:54From the streets to the interrogation rooms.
01:57Where's the knife? Did you have a knife?
01:59He made specific threat that he is going to kill her.
02:03From the suspects to the head of CID.
02:06That's one hell of a shirt, David. I'm loving it.
02:12These are the men and women who have just 24 hours to find the evidence.
02:16I'm not letting him get away with it.
02:18I want him nixed and charged.
02:21If he kicks off, I'm out the door.
02:23I'm a lover, not a fighter.
02:25Will they discover it before time runs out?
02:30Good news.
02:34Got him.
02:58Police have arrested Ervin Sheikhi, a 25-year-old Albanian.
03:03He's suspected of being an illegal immigrant.
03:06Dispatch the assets.
03:12He was arrested following a drugs raid.
03:16No drugs were found, but police seized a computer and a phone.
03:20Hello, mate. All right? English? Good.
03:23Ervin, what we're going to do, we're going to make some enquiries
03:26on this phone, OK? We're actually going to be further arresting you.
03:29Possibly handling stolen goods. Now, listen to me.
03:31It doesn't mean you're guilty of it, but we need to actually find out.
03:34We can run some checks on this and we can find out very quickly, OK?
03:37You are not going to take my phone. I pay money for that one.
03:40I'm not going to give you that one. Well, you might not have a choice.
03:44If you think they're stolen, then I'm going to authorise your detention here, OK?
03:48So we can conduct an interview in relation to the matters
03:51with their phones or tablets or whatever they are,
03:53and obviously bottom out this immigration matter as well, OK?
03:56But that will be done by the immigration service.
03:58They'll come to the police station and they'll interview you as well.
04:01Do you want to see a drugs worker, alcohol worker?
04:04If you want. No, do you want to see one? I don't care.
04:07Well, if you're an alcoholic or a drug addict... No, I'm not an alcoholic.
04:11OK, so is there any reason for you to...
04:17Well, I'm asking you if you want one.
04:19Have you got any specific or religious dietary needs?
04:22Is there any foods that you can't eat?
04:27Spinach? We don't have spinach in custody.
04:30I don't think our food has spinach in it.
04:33OK, you're here for what we call a recordable offence,
04:36so we're going to need to take your fingerprints.
04:39OK, do you give us your permission to take them?
04:44You were going to take it anyway, basically.
04:48Because we ask. It's nice, isn't it?
04:53It's not down to me, is it?
05:05Bullet holes, probably.
05:22Is there any way you can describe what PHU is and what it does?
05:26Unrelenting carnage.
05:32The Prisoner Handling Unit is a team of officers
05:35and civilian members of staff that deal with high-volume, low-impact crime.
05:42We're the bottom of the pile in CPHU.
05:45We get all the jobs that people are too busy to deal with or don't want.
05:52We get frauds, we get drugs offences, we get domestic incidents,
05:56we get thefts, we get burglaries, brothels.
05:59Yeah, you name it, get all kinds of bits and pieces.
06:04I don't mean that it's not important in any way, shape or form.
06:08It's just crimes that are... There are just so many of them.
06:12I've still got to sort out his stuff, I've still got to sort out his stuff,
06:16I've still got to sort out...
06:18PHU deal with an average of 20 cases a day,
06:22some very serious, others that can be quickly dealt with.
06:27Hello. Hello, mate.
06:29OK, this is the crime of the literal century.
06:33Is it? Wow.
06:35This is the most serious thing I think has come into this office...ever.
06:39I don't know if I want the responsibility.
06:41I don't know if you can handle the responsibility.
06:43I don't think I can, mate, no.
06:45Because I think we're talking about a grand old total of 98p.
06:55Genuinely 98p?
06:57Well, two cans of Diet Coke. How much is a can of Diet Coke for the money?
07:03Come on. I have the fucking wrong tonight,
07:06and you lot think you've got the power, the audacity,
07:10to put me in the fucking place.
07:14For each case, Will Taylor must choose an officer to interview the suspect
07:18before deciding on the next steps.
07:22Geraldine, basically the victims are having a little house party,
07:26the two of them, and where they see this woman at the window,
07:29she opens the window a little bit further and she says,
07:32can I come in, and they tell her no.
07:34So she slams the window shut twice, causing it to break.
07:37Officers then turn up, they arrest her, she gets violent
07:40and she's assaulted the two police officers.
07:47The officers ask you about what happened
07:49and you said, it wasn't me, I haven't done anything.
07:53You're going to have to fucking gas me because I ain't coming quietly,
07:56I haven't done anything.
07:58I'm going to come back and fuck you up.
08:03Does that ring any bells?
08:08When did you last wash? I bet you're a lesbian.
08:11A fishy, smelly lesbian.
08:14So it was a fairly easy job.
08:17He was the one who turned round and said,
08:19I didn't even realise the bus was stolen,
08:21and it said private hire on the back.
08:23Yeah, yeah.
08:25Investigating officer Jill Cook-Smith
08:27has been assigned the case of two stolen buses.
08:44I think it was probably about one or two o'clock in the morning,
08:47an officer found the bus in Dunstable,
08:49it was parked at the side of the road.
08:51So he's pulled up behind it and the bus has started off again.
08:56So he's followed the bus behind so as not to freak them out.
09:01Basically, the bus has gone all the way through Dunstable,
09:03it's gone all the way down the A5 towards junction 9 of the M1,
09:06being driven perfectly, within the speed limit,
09:10couldn't fault the driving whatsoever.
09:13The bus stopped in a village, I believe it was Eaton Bray,
09:16and suddenly you see all these shadowy figures.
09:21Seven or eight drunken males got on the bus.
09:25They didn't believe it wasn't a real bus
09:27and they wanted to take him to Hemel.
09:29And he's driven the bus all the way to Hemel.
09:32He's dropped them off, they've then driven back to Dunstable.
09:35Obviously, other officers were aware of this.
09:39They were parked round the corner.
09:43The police car was able to stop in front of it
09:46and obviously that's when officers got out and jumped on the bus.
09:59Luke, do you want to come through?
10:03Luke is suspected of being involved in both bus thefts.
10:07Do you want to just stand there for me?
10:10OK, you're back on board, yeah?
10:12Yeah. OK, cool.
10:14It's the bus boys, the stolen bus.
10:16Two other buses they've stolen
10:18and the CCTV shows they want to take them back.
10:25Right, if I can get you to sit in that one, Luke.
10:33Right, we'll just wait for this to warm up.
10:40So, just to recap, you said that you didn't know it was a stolen bus
10:44because on the back of the bus it said Private Hire
10:47and you didn't realise it was stolen.
10:49You didn't really think about it was one or two o'clock in the morning
10:52and the fact that Daniel's driving around on a bus, OK?
10:56Yeah, and that's because of my problems.
10:58Obviously, with ADHD, I didn't really clock on as quick as I normally would.
11:02Right, OK.
11:03Now then, is this the only time that you've been on a bus that has been stolen?
11:09Yeah, as far as I know, yeah.
11:14Can you tell me anything about a bus that was stolen
11:17on the 13th of February this year?
11:23I can't remember. OK.
11:25Honestly, I can't remember.
11:27Don't think I was even out.
11:29OK. Now then, there is CCTV on that bus,
11:32so we've actually got that CCTV. Yeah.
11:35OK, so what I've done is I've produced some stills.
11:38Who's that person? Yeah, that's me.
11:40That's you? Yeah, that is definitely me, I know now.
11:42OK. And you remember being on this bus now?
11:44I do remember now, yeah. Yeah, OK.
11:46Now... It's just I had to see an image.
11:49Yeah, no, no, that's fine.
11:55Was you with him when he actually stole that bus?
12:00I actually can't remember that.
12:02Obviously, if there's images, I can tell you straight off,
12:05but I can't remember straight off like that.
12:08But if there's images, I'd openly admit it,
12:11but I can't, then there's no images.
12:16But you was definitely on the bus? Yeah.
12:19It was privately hired.
12:21Again, that's the thing.
12:23He keeps bringing it up.
12:26OK, have you got anything else that you want to tell me
12:29before we stop the interview?
12:31No, not as far as I know, no.
12:33No? All right, so I'm going to stop the interview.
12:39Can I go to prison? No.
12:43So I hope you're never going to get on a bus with...
12:45I haven't been on a bus since.
12:47..Daniel, and the only time you've been on a bus with Daniel
12:50is when he's in prison.
12:52So I hope you're never going to get on a bus with...
12:55I haven't been on a bus since.
12:57..Daniel, and the only time you'll get on a bus
12:59is if you've got a little man who's got a little cap.
13:01Yeah, I haven't been on a bus since.
13:03And he's wearing a uniform. I'm so scared.
13:09Been a learning curve.
13:11A big learning curve, not to get myself in trouble.
13:14What have they said?
13:16Just caution me, that's it.
13:18I'm happy with the caution, though.
13:30Police are preparing to raid a local massage parlour.
13:33They believe it's operating as a brothel.
13:43Right then, boys and girls,
13:45what we're going to do is execute a warrant today
13:48under Section 15 of PACE.
13:50The information that we have is that there's a brothel
13:53at the Paradise Sauna Club,
13:55if you guys are aware of it.
13:57Strictly professional.
13:59So we've received a lot of complaints from labouring residents
14:02because of loud noise, music, shouting,
14:05and also suspected female prostitutes
14:07seen arriving around about nine or ten in the evening.
14:12The main aim of today is to identify and arrest the madam
14:16for the offence of managing a brothel.
14:20In the UK, selling sex is legal,
14:22but owning or managing a brothel is not.
14:27Should they make any arrests,
14:29it will be another case for Will's team in PHU.
14:36We've got a warrant that's been issued by the Magistrates' Court.
14:39We're going to be searching today under Section 33 of the Sexual Offences Act.
14:43We suspect this premises to be a brothel.
14:45Just sort of move around and make sure that everyone,
14:47all the rooms are covered.
15:04Did you catch him at all?
15:06No, I'm just sitting on the couch having a drink.
15:08Is that your address?
15:11On any investigation involving a brothel,
15:15there are various factors that have to be considered,
15:18and one of the main ones is whether the people working in there
15:22have been exploited and, as part of that, been trafficked.
15:26The people managing that brothel might very well have been
15:30those who have been directly involved in that exploitation,
15:33and that's why that's a far more serious offence
15:36than the one that we would be far more interested in investigating.
15:40It's unclear whether any of the women is running the suspected brothel.
15:44Police arrest all three in the hope that more will be revealed in interview.
15:49They're from Lithuania, Albania and the UK.
15:52Let's do it.
15:55See you boys in a bit.
15:57Ciao, ciao.
16:02This one's your bag?
16:04Quite full figure.
16:08I'll lock them, all right, so they don't...
16:10They're not untied, are they?
16:17That brothel is not just a standalone brothel on its own.
16:20There is a chain, as with all of these things,
16:22much like drug dealers and everything else.
16:24There's going to be a chain that's going to lead up to somebody
16:27who organises it and owns that brothel.
16:30OK, do you want to come up, please?
16:32And the offence?
16:33Managing a brothel.
16:37I am not the manager of any brothel, OK?
16:41There's no reason to be.
16:43I'm pissed off because I'm not the manager of no brothel.
16:45OK, I understand your point.
16:47No, I'm not happy.
16:48At least say arrest me for whatever.
16:50Maybe I think you're doing such and such,
16:52but I'm not a manager of anywhere.
16:54Are you going to let me go?
16:57I know, but you'll have your opportunity to speak in an interview.
17:01Sorry, I'm very, very pissed off.
17:03I appreciate being arrested as the manager of a brothel.
17:07Are you finished? Yeah, I'm finished.
17:09OK, you've got lipstick all on your front teeth.
17:11No, never mind.
17:12OK, do you understand why you've been arrested?
17:14Of course I understood, yes.
17:16OK, so I'm going to authorise you to speak in an interview.
17:20I'm going to authorise you to speak in an interview.
17:23Do you understand why you've been arrested?
17:25Of course I understood, yes.
17:26OK, so I'm going to authorise your detention.
17:28That's fine.
17:29So that you can be interviewed.
17:31And that gives you the opportunity to give your explanation, OK?
17:33Yeah, fine.
18:01Police have obtained a witness statement
18:03from a student living next door to the massage parlour.
18:09On a regular basis, I actually hear people having sex.
18:12Then I feel the wall shaking and hear rhythmic banging.
18:16At the same time, I hear a female voice grunting and moaning and groaning.
18:20I hear the male voice also groaning.
18:22Once I heard a clearly female voice say,
18:24''Oh, that was good.''
18:25It's really not nice to hear the sex noises.
18:28The noise keeps me awake through the night
18:30and leaves me really tired during the day when I have to attend lectures.
18:35And that's it.
18:36You should see some action very soon.
18:48Baby powder.
18:50Will Taylor has assigned the case to PC Kat Allison.
18:54An offence of keeping a brothel in 2011.
18:57And this one's got a caution in 2006
19:00for managing or assisting in the management of a brothel.
19:03I take it we have an exhibiting statement for the photographs?
19:07It is all lumped together as one statement.
19:11So that's one exhibit?
19:13Pretty much.
19:18Yeah, all right.
19:19Let me read through everything.
19:22And if I've got any questions, I'll come back to you, mate.
19:31The first lady in M10, she's been arrested for managing a brothel.
19:37Arrested her for managing because she had the keys to the premises
19:40and she kind of opened up all the doors to let the officers in.
19:45She's got the right ump up being arrested
19:47because she just says she rents a room and she does massaging.
19:53So she's a bit belligerent.
20:00And the other two have been arrested for assisting in managing
20:03because both of them were on the telephone taking bookings
20:05as they went in with the brawl.
20:08M6, she's got no medical, no mental health.
20:11The only thing she has is four months ago she self-harmed.
20:15She's got some very light cut marks to her arm
20:18where she's gone up with a sharp implement.
20:21But she hasn't done anything since,
20:23so she's got no ideations of self-harm while she's here.
20:28Number 11, she may want a phone call this morning.
20:32She has a son being looked after by a friend,
20:35so she'll probably need to call them to say she won't come home tonight.
20:42Be careful.
20:52Be a good boyfriend, all right?
20:56Love you.
21:12I think we've got the phones. I think that's all we've got.
21:20From my perspective, once those people are in custody,
21:23if you're going to do a job, you do it properly,
21:25and that means investigating it thoroughly
21:27and looking at all the available opportunities there are to gain evidence.
21:31You've got to prove that that person is managing and organising that brothel.
21:36PC Cat Alison first needs the women to admit to selling sex.
21:41She must then try to work out if any of them is the brothel's madam.
21:46Right, you've been arrested on suspicion of management of a brothel,
21:51on suspicion of assisting in management of a brothel.
21:54Do you understand what it is that you've been arrested for?
21:57What's your job there?
21:59I just do my stuff.
22:01What's your job there?
22:06I do massage.
22:08Tell me what you do in your job.
22:20And if you were doing a massage, how would you touch that person?
22:23Like that?
22:25With your fingers.
22:28I don't know how to...
22:30Cameras will act it.
22:36Do you think anyone's ever been to a massage parlour for a massage?
22:40Don't think anybody's ever confused a massage parlour with anything else but a brothel.
22:47How much is your fee?
22:49£40 for 20 minutes and £50 to £60 for half an hour.
22:54Half an hour, ma'am.
22:59Can I just ask you, what is your clientele?
23:01Who comes to have massages?
23:03A lot of them is Asians.
23:05Male, female?
23:11Do you normally just use the same room?
23:14That is the pool.
23:16You know, dancing pool.
23:18That first room upstairs.
23:25Do you ever get asked by any of your clients to provide more than a normal massage?
23:29Of course.
23:30And how do you...
23:31And I'll say no chance.
23:33No way.
23:35That's not something I do.
23:39We're not really after the people who are working there.
23:42Fundamentally, we need to look to protect them in some way, shape or form.
23:47The kind of hidden danger, almost, with brothels
23:50is that not everybody who's working there is working voluntarily.
23:54And that needs to be identified.
24:01I've also got a sign.
24:03It just says, 20-minute massage and one personal service, £30.
24:0730-minute massage and full personal service, £40.
24:10Have you seen those signs anywhere?
24:12Yeah, I see them. It's behind the doors.
24:15It's been a long time, actually, before I go there.
24:19So you don't know what they refer to?
24:21When they mention personal service.
24:23No, no, no.
24:26Can you just tell me what this is here?
24:31Is that normal for you to carry that around?
24:34Sometimes I might have a couple in my bag because...
24:51Do you take a bag to work?
25:03So it's normal for you to carry condoms around with you?
25:08Do you use them at work?
25:16What would the client want that you would need to use a condom for?
25:22So I'm just going to clarify that.
25:24If the client asks you for sex...
25:27Do you provide sex for that client?
25:31You do?
25:32And how many times a night would a client ask you for sex?
25:38Is that different people, all the same?
25:48Are you OK?
25:49Are you OK?
25:50I've just never done this before.
25:52I can't.
25:58I don't know, just I can't.
26:04I can't do it.
26:06No, it's so difficult for me and I can't even listen.
26:09I don't know, just I can't.
26:12I don't suppose when you saw downstairs,
26:14I don't suppose the ladies' underwear was seized at all?
26:18Condoms weren't seized?
26:20In relation to the cash that was seized,
26:22what did they say about that?
26:23They didn't ask about it.
26:26And how did you become a police officer, Will?
26:29I was at university studying law.
26:32I was coming home from the student union.
26:34I had far too much to drink.
26:36I had no money.
26:38I was coming home from the student union.
26:40I had far too much to drink.
26:41I had no money in my pocket, luckily.
26:43And I had these three lads just approach me.
26:45One of them asked me if I had a light.
26:47And all of a sudden, they had knives out.
26:51They searched me, took my bank cards, I think, in the end,
26:54and off they wandered.
26:55And I literally walked down the road and there was this cop car
26:58and I flagged it down and I said,
26:59look, I'm really sorry to bother you,
27:01but I've just had these three lads just take my wallet
27:03and got me in the back of the car
27:05and they raced on down the road and there where they were,
27:07going through their ill-gotten gains.
27:10They all legged it.
27:11They all got chased and they all got caught,
27:13which for me was massively exciting.
27:16I just, that was it.
27:17That's all I wanted to do from that point on.
27:19I wanted to be a police officer.
27:3414th January 2007.
27:38I was driving along a windy road
27:42and, yeah, driver error.
27:47I swerved to avoid a rabbit on a double S bend,
27:50ended up losing control of the car,
27:52spinning and going sideways into a tree.
27:54And, yeah, that was it.
28:00When I collided with a tree,
28:02it pretty much completely took my right leg off straight away.
28:05And the metal from the car stripped all the skin
28:09and most of the flesh from my left leg.
28:11The response time from the fire brigade was excellent.
28:15They were there very quickly, as were the police.
28:17Unfortunately, it still took about three hours
28:20to get me out of the car because of the way I was trapped in it.
28:26The next day I had my right leg completely amputated
28:30and then a couple of days later they were worried
28:33because the septicemia from the left leg
28:36had caused my heart to stop three times.
28:38So they then removed my left leg.
28:44And I remember waking up and I remember my feet were absolutely killing me.
28:49And I remember saying to the nurse,
28:51my feet are so sore, is there anything you can do about it?
28:53And she said, no, I'm sorry, Will, you've got no legs.
28:55And I just remember lifting up the blanket
28:57and there were these bandaged stumps staring back at me.
29:00I was just like, wow.
29:04I remember saying to myself that there's one or two ways to deal with this.
29:07You show up and you put up and you just get on with your life.
29:10Or you sit there and you feel sorry for yourself
29:13and criticise yourself to sleep every night.
29:15And I was just like, I'm not doing that.
29:17I came back to work six months later to the day.
29:22Bedfordshire police have been fantastic.
29:25The chief constable, she came to see me in hospital
29:27and she said, you know, don't worry about that.
29:30We will try and find a role for you.
29:33And that was great.
29:37That's so romantic.
29:39I only went round to give her some chocolates and beer.
29:42Chocolate and beer.
29:44Cans of Stella and a box of Maltesers.
29:50A box of Maltesers and the cans of Stella lager.
29:54I'm thinking, wow.
29:56Welcome to Luton, ladies and gentlemen.
29:59It's as classy as it gets.
30:12Illegal overstayer Irving Sheahy
30:15is waiting for immigration officers to arrive at the station.
30:19It's quite a nice day out, isn't it?
30:23The thing is, though, it's going to get worse on our weekend off.
30:26Sunday's supposed to rain, isn't it?
30:37Did you keep his immigration paperwork out, John?
30:40It's in that blue thing.
30:42It's got to be in there somewhere.
30:44Did you keep his immigration paperwork out, John?
30:47It's in that blue folder.
31:15They pursue me.
31:17They beat me up too many times in the street.
31:19I go to the police station, but they didn't do nothing.
31:22I just sit.
31:26I don't want benefits.
31:28If I have two arms and two legs, I can work.
31:34Sheahy is also being investigated for handling stolen goods.
31:38So why did they...
31:40They went there for drugs, Warren. Yeah.
31:43So why have they nicked him for handling stolen goods?
31:45Well, they originally nicked him for wanted from immigration. Right.
31:49Then I think they've seen these goods
31:52and he said that he's bought them.
31:54I know basically we don't believe you and they nicked him.
31:57Just like a pimp, you know I'll take you there.
32:02Can you whistle?
32:04Can you whistle? No. I can't see.
32:06Ooh. Ooh.
32:08Ooh, meow, Sergeant.
32:12He's got claws over there, don't he?
32:16I won't be long in this interview at all.
32:19He says, Sergeant, wish me luck
32:22because I can't have another NFA on my hands.
32:26Right. See what he's got to say for himself, young man.
32:33You were arrested originally for immigration purposes. Yeah.
32:36You were brought here and then further arrested
32:38for handling stolen goods.
32:40My first question to you then, Irvin, is,
32:42are you responsible for handling stolen goods
32:44via the BlackBerry and Samsung?
32:46The BlackBerry, I bought in the shop in TX.
32:49You know, it's a game shop in Ludermal. Mm-hm.
32:52So on the tablet, I bought there for 75 quid.
32:55OK, that's fine. Yeah.
32:57We'll talk about the second exhibit.
33:00What's this?
33:02That, for the moment, it's mine
33:04because I bought from the owner of the house.
33:06Bought it from the owner of what house?
33:08The house where I was living before.
33:10I don't know if the phone is stolen or found it,
33:13but I paid money for that.
33:15I want the phone back.
33:17I want to give the money back.
33:19OK, what we'll do then, I'll stop the interview now... Yes.
33:22..and I'll switch off the recording device.
33:25What's happening with your immigration status?
33:27What's going on?
33:30Do you want to go back?
33:35Is it not very good?
33:37Could you not get a visa here, then?
33:44Lovely. I'll put me back in then with immigration
33:46and I'll have a chat with my sergeant about what we've spoken about.
33:49Come on, we'll go to immigration. Yeah.
33:51OK, I don't know what's going to happen.
33:55I'm going to. I need to.
33:57It's OK?
34:08When I started doing patrol work, I couldn't have been happier.
34:11I really enjoyed every aspect of the patrol work.
34:13You know, I love foot chases and car chases and grabbing bad guys.
34:17You know, there is something really satisfying about that.
34:24You speak to some people and they'll tell you,
34:26I wasn't so good at the paperwork side of things,
34:28but I was very good at chasing after people.
34:31And then, yeah, the accident, I couldn't do that any more.
34:34One of them had got £100 and the other one got £90
34:37and that money was found tucked away in the loft.
34:40If you look at the prices...
34:45..£50 and £40 gives you a nice little £90
34:49and £50 and £50 gives you a nice little £100.
34:56Despite lengthy interviews, there's still insufficient evidence
35:00to charge any of the women as the madam.
35:02But Will Taylor is keen to push the case forward.
35:07The first thing I think we're going to have to do
35:09is we're going to have to do a quick re-interview.
35:11Have you ever done handwriting samples before? Yeah.
35:14And the reason for that is to check those handwriting samples
35:19then against those notes.
35:22So if they're saying that they are just masseuses,
35:25then why would they be writing that or those prices or the rota?
35:32In my job now as a sergeant,
35:34I'm now becoming a practitioner of law again.
35:37I've rediscovered my love of the law.
35:39And that's going to have to be fingerprinted as well against those three.
35:44I understand there's a photocopy of a passport.
35:47Have we checked the details in relation to that passport? OK.
35:50Before they're bailed, I would suggest we put a quick phone call
35:54in to Special Branch and see if there's anything of interest,
35:57any unusual activity on that passport.
36:01Reported loss, stolen, unusual kind of stuff.
36:05The hardest part of working in PHU, I find,
36:08is the demands that are placed on the people I manage.
36:11And they're the ones I feel the most sorry for.
36:14Did any of them accept responsibility for DP1 and DP2,
36:17which was the two mobile phones?
36:19They didn't even ask about it, no. OK, fine.
36:24I'm the one who's then giving them more jobs.
36:26I'm the one who's telling them I need more work done on this.
36:29There's no let-up.
36:30In relation to the cash that was seized, what did they say about that?
36:33They didn't ask about it. OK.
36:35I understand that because there is a lot there.
36:38However, we're going to have to do some follow-up questions.
36:41The handwriting samples is the key thing.
36:43That's the main point of the interviews, to get the handwriting samples.
36:48Police work is very little bit about chasing after people
36:51and a lot of actually just doing paperwork.
36:54But the highlight is always, always going to be charging somebody.
36:58There is no better feeling than knowing
37:00that your investigation has led to that end.
37:07Will Taylor believes handwriting samples could lead to a charge.
37:11But because of the cost, the duty inspector is questioning the decision.
37:18The handwriting samples.
37:19Remind me, why do we need handwriting samples?
37:21Is that because of a book that's been cancelled?
37:23No, is it that?
37:24There's two things.
37:25That, that...
37:26The lists of clients.
37:27And that...
37:28A roadside.
37:29What's working, what bills are working.
37:31And that...
37:32Yeah, help that.
37:33I just think handwriting samples are quite expensive.
37:36If you're going to take a sample and compare it,
37:38that comparison is quite expensive and it doesn't actually...
37:41I disagree, because if they're not involved in the offence,
37:44then they shouldn't be needing to write out adverts for...
37:47What I'm saying is how do you prove
37:49that that person's handwriting is linked,
37:51is the same as the handwriting that processes?
37:53It stands up in court all the time.
37:55It's been used in murder inquiries quite regularly,
37:58so it's something that has been used.
38:00I think it's worth considering that if a superior say,
38:03or somebody else, a budget holder, goes, it's not...
38:06Sorry, it's too expensive.
38:09We've got it.
38:11You've got it.
38:12I'm stepping out of it.
38:14If you make your own...
38:34If you have an issue with my decision-making,
38:37speak to me about it.
38:39And I will explain to you why it's important,
38:41because I know what I'm talking about.
38:47I'm so angry my hands are shaking.
38:50My hands are shaking.
38:56Do you want a break?
38:57Yes, please.
39:02Finance is always going to come to it.
39:05If you've got the money to throw at something,
39:07your investigation is always going to be better off.
39:10If you can't, and for some reason
39:14that approval isn't granted to carry out that line of inquiry,
39:19you've lost a bit of evidence, which never helps.
39:22So, yeah, it's always frustrating when that happens.
39:47Will Taylor's instructed PC Cat Alison
39:50to proceed with handwriting samples,
39:52in the hope that resources will be found later to analyse them?
40:01I've got your lasagne and she's got your tea.
40:08Since we spoke to you earlier,
40:09a few other bits and pieces have come to light
40:11that we need to put to you.
40:13One of the things I would like from you is a handwriting sample.
40:18What I'd like you to write down in your normal handwriting
40:22is the phrase,
40:24the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
40:40And what I'd like you to do underneath that is do a pound sign
40:44and write the numbers through from one to ten.
40:49OK, say that again.
40:51The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
40:57All three women are bailed, pending further investigation.
41:01All three women are bailed, pending further investigation.
41:32Hello. Is Irvin still in the room?
41:38He's got some good and bad news, hasn't he?
41:42Irvin, are you OK?
41:43Yes, sir.
41:44You're getting these back.
41:48Sign there.
41:49OK, so you're taking them home with you, or wherever you're going.
41:55I told you I'm not allowed.
41:56I know, I know. We just need these back.
41:59I told you I'm not allowed.
42:00I know, I know. We just needed to check it out.
42:02OK, it's checked out fine.
42:11You're going now.
42:12Have you ever tried?
42:14Have you tried before standing on this thing?
42:16No, I've never, ever been arrested, thankfully.
42:19I'm behaved, funny enough.
42:22That's why I have this job.
42:24In a few days' next.
42:30Not all the way.
42:31Yeah, please, thank you.
42:33Have a safe trip.
42:35See you later.
42:38Hopefully we won't see you again.
42:42He's been deported, isn't he?
42:44Where is he?
42:47I have the dream to come here, bring my brother here,
42:50later bring my father and my mum and start a life here
42:53with a small family.
42:55You know, I'm 26 and I'm still young.
42:58So 26, next month 11 of May.
43:01At least I'm going to celebrate in my country with my family.
43:26It's always frustrating when you don't get a charge
43:30at the end of an investigation.
43:34You've just got to suck it up, get on, there'll be another time.
43:41I always think that you've got to push yourself
43:43and you've got to test yourself against all kinds of things
43:46you can do.
43:47So, yeah, always looking for a new experience
43:50and something that will challenge you in some way, shape or form.
43:53I think that's really important.
44:01Hello, mate.
44:02Are you?
44:03Yeah, that's a new sight. I've not seen that before.
44:07What's sparked that then? What's the...?
44:09I've been married.
44:12About time.
44:14Good man.
44:15You're not being sparked by the Oscar... What's-her-name case then?
44:19No, I have no intention of shooting my wife.
44:23How are you? Well?
44:24Yeah, well, it's me.
44:25Good. Good man.
44:34How are you getting on with walking?
44:36Hard work.
44:37I bet it is. You look like you're drunk.
44:39Yeah, pretty much.
44:40It's not really standard-issue shoes, though, are they?
44:42No, they're not, no.
44:43And not standard-issue trousers cos they're slightly short.
44:47That little schoolboy.
44:49The ankle height, yeah.
44:51Oh, excellent.
44:52Is this all ready for the wedding and everything?
44:54Yeah, yeah.
44:55I'm getting used to it.
44:56So, yeah.
44:57Aw, I'm proud of you.
45:01My mum wonders how I'm able to deal with everything that's happened.
45:06The simple answer is that I know that I'm a better person as a result.
45:12Everything I've gone through has made me re-evaluate who I am
45:16and the way I am, and I honestly believe it's made me a better person.
45:20I look at my life now and everything that I have in my life
45:23and I couldn't be happier.
45:32Do you get to choose how tall you are?
45:36Does it go by how tall you used to be?
45:38No, cos I was 6'2", so I'm now only 5'8".
45:43How tall's Bonnie?
45:46So, erm, same height.
45:51Do you think doing this job has taught you anything different about love?
45:55Just that I'm lucky to have the relationship I do have.
45:58Bonnie fell in love with a legless Will.
46:02She has a T-shirt that says, only in it for the parking.
46:05Sorry, yeah.
46:52Was it better in the good old days?
46:54How has life for police officers changed in the last 50 years?
46:58Confessions of a copper on Wednesday at ten.
47:01And at ten on Thursday,
47:03a brilliant police drama, Babylon, continues.
47:05If you missed the first part, it's on 4OD.
47:08Cats here next, with Jamie Cullum and Joe Wilkinson
47:11helping the fur fly.
