Tree Fu Tom Tree Fu Tom E055 Flicker Goes Out

  • la semaine dernière


00:00Sous-titres par Lepinois-Malinois
00:30Sous-titres par Lepinois-Malinois
01:00Just in time. Students, I'm pleased to announce that two members of your class have been chosen to learn an amazing new kind of magic. Tom, Twix, step forward please.
01:11Yeah! Oh boy!
01:16So they're good at school. Big deal!
01:19How come nobody ever claps for me like that?
01:22Tom, Twix, I'd like to introduce someone new to our school. As you learn this new kind of magic, he will be your mentor, your teacher, your guide. He is...
01:38Mooroo, you are in the threshold of an incredible magical adventure. Challenging, exciting, sometimes even a little frightening.
01:52Because you are about to discover the world of red crystal magic.
02:04What's red crystal magic?
02:06It is magic using the incredibly rare and remarkably powerful red crystals. These are found in the deepest, darkest caverns of the farthest tunnels.
02:17You must both explore those uncharted realms and bring back red crystals of your very own.
02:24Yes! Yes, yes, yes!
02:27But with great red magic comes great responsibility. Do not use the red crystals until you have been trained in their power.
02:36They can give you the strength of an elephant...
02:43or the speed of a cheetah!
02:46I want to be that fast!
02:48Your training will begin when you return with your very own red crystal.
02:53But just remember, when seeking the crystals in caverns deep, watch out for the cheetah.
02:59About to meet...
03:01Hey! Where did he go?
03:03I think we'll need magic for this special journey, so we need to do the moves that turn our magic powers on.
03:09Come on, join in!
03:11Time for Train 4!
03:18We need to turn the magic on. We need to save the day. Come on!
03:21Just follow me and you will see the magic comes from you and me!
03:28To make Trifou's spells do what you see!
03:31Slide to the side and jump right back!
03:35Hold your hands up high, spin around, reach up for the sky!
03:42Touch your nose, now make a pose!
03:45Clap your hands, touch your knees, and run with me!
03:52When you move, you make the magic!
03:55Do what I do to make the magic!
03:59Turn that, turn that, turn that, turn that Trifou magic on!
04:03Look! The sapstone in my belt is glowing!
04:06Moving turned our magic on! Thanks for your help!
04:13Since you'll be going to unexplored caverns, I have asked Squirmtum to go with you.
04:18He knows more about our tunnels than anyone else.
04:21It's true, you know, I do. Well, except for Flicka.
04:29I know someone who knows the tunnels better than Squirmtum.
04:33Oh yeah? Who?
04:35Us! And we're going to find the red crystals first! Come on!
04:42Zigzoo's going to meet us at the cavern entrance. He said he would invent something to help us.
04:48Let's go!
05:19I don't think we need it. I mean, it's clever, I suppose, but I've got Flicka.
05:26I think you should take it, just in case.
05:29Thanks, Zigzoo. Let's find those red crystals!
05:32Let's go, go, go!
05:39Let me go first!
05:43I thought you knew the tunnels better than anyone!
05:46I do, but nobody knows their way around the deepest, darkest tunnels!
05:51Ow! Get off!
05:56Okay, Tom, keep your eyes peeled for a leaping cheetah!
06:00Um, where does this tunnel go?
06:02Never been here before, so it must be the right way. Follow me!
06:17Thanks, Flicka! We make a great team!
06:30Megatorch! Look around!
06:37Wow! And we're seeing it all thanks to the Megatorch!
06:41So, do you think this is the way to the red crystals?
06:44Oh, yes. I have an unerring instinct. I'll find them. Follow me!
06:50Um, this way!
06:56This cavern is very dark. Flicka, help me out!
07:05Eh, Squirtle, maybe I should go first. I am the one with the brightest light.
07:13But I'm the guide. Treetog said so.
07:16Are you sure you don't want to try the Megatorch?
07:19Um, okay. Maybe I should.
07:24Um, Megatorch, shine up at the ceiling!
07:31My goodness! You were right! It's so much brighter than Flicka!
07:38I love this Megatorch! Megatorch, shine down!
07:45Wow! Isn't it clever? Oh, I love this Megatorch!
07:53Look at it shine!
08:08Torch, shine around! We must be really close to finding the red crystals!
08:14This is a big cavern!
08:16And that's a big root!
08:18And that's a really big pit!
08:21Did you see something leaping?
08:24Megatorch, shine around the walls!
08:28Wait! I saw them! Red crystals!
08:33Go back!
08:34Megatorch, swing back and stop!
08:37Oh, I see them!
08:43A cheetah!
08:45And it's beautiful!
08:48We found it!
09:05Oh, well! We've still got Flicka!
09:09Of course we have! Flicka, a little more light!
09:16He's gone!
09:36I don't understand! You didn't bring a light, but you brought an empty jar!
09:43Be prepared, I always say! Besides, now we've got a light!
09:49Those crystals are ours!
09:56I hear him! He's in there!
09:59Little help me, please!
10:05This way!
10:07I've got the glowing bug!
10:13But I see red crystals!
10:23I can't believe I found them!
10:25That's because you didn't! I did!
10:29I'm here! I'm stuck in a hole!
10:34We'll get you out!
10:43Wow! You really are stuck!
10:49Great! If the hole gets bigger, we can lift you out!
10:52If the hole gets bigger, he's going to fall in!
10:59I really don't want to fall in!
11:01We've got to get Squantum out of that hole!
11:04We'll have to use big world magic, so I need your help!
11:07It's time to do the Super Lifto spell!
11:10Are you ready?
11:11Chimbo, go!
11:15Right, copy me! Into your spell pose!
11:19Okay, kneel down on the floor with your hands by your hips.
11:24Crossing your body, lift one hand up.
11:29Crossing your body, lift the other hand up.
11:33Now lift both hands up together.
11:37Kneel up high.
11:39Crossing your body, lift one hand up.
11:43Crossing your body, lift the other hand up.
11:46Now lift both hands up together.
11:49Step forward and lift!
11:52Really good! Same moves again.
11:55Kneel down, hands by hips.
11:58Crossing, lift one hand.
12:00The other hand, both hands together.
12:03Kneel high, one hand.
12:05The other hand, both hands together.
12:08Step and lift!
12:11Now clap, say Super Lifto to send the magic to me!
12:16Super Lifto!
12:29Yes! We did it!
12:31Thanks for your help!
12:33Thanks, Tom!
12:35Now let's get those red crystals!
12:38But without the Mega Torch, it's impossible!
12:41Our mission is doomed!
12:44And Flicker is gone!
12:47I've got to find him!
12:50Flicker! Flicker!
12:56I can't wait to start using red crystal magic!
13:00Those treelings will blow up, hit them!
13:13We got one!
13:15Oh no!
13:17Oh no!
13:19Oh no!
13:21Oh no!
13:23We got one!
13:39Flicker! Flicker!
13:51Where are you, my old pal?
13:54Flicker! There you are!
13:58Are you okay? I'm so sorry!
14:00This is all my fault!
14:03I hurt your feelings!
14:05Then I used the Mega Torch!
14:07And now we can't find the red crystals!
14:10And you're in a jar! And it's hard to open!
14:15Oh Flicker! Can you forgive me?
14:21Flicker! Where are you going now?
14:28You found him!
14:40Don't worry! I've got a good hold of that big root!
14:42Hey! Who are you calling a big root?
14:44Can you smell cheese?
14:47Bungle bungle!
14:49Flicker! Where's Gruntum?
14:55Oh no!
14:57We need to save them before they fall into the bottomless pit!
15:00We'll have to use big world magic!
15:03You mean red crystal big world magic?
15:07But I don't know how to use the red crystal!
15:10Your friends need help and you need strength!
15:23It's time for the elephant power spell!
15:26Imagine that you are an elephant!
15:28Make the moves of an elephant!
15:30Flapping ears, waving trunk, stomping feet!
15:34Now, make them into a spell!
15:37You can do it too! I know you can!
15:42Yes! But I'll need your help too!
15:44It's time to do the elephant power spell!
15:47Are you ready?
15:48Triple go!
15:51Right! Copy me into your spell pose!
15:55Put your arms out!
15:57Now, palms up!
15:59Hands to your head!
16:01And wave your elbows like an elephant's ears!
16:05Swing your arm across your body like an elephant's trunk!
16:10Now, swing your other arm across your body!
16:13Stop your feet!
16:15Great! Same moves again!
16:18Arms out!
16:19Palms up!
16:21Hands to your head!
16:23Wave your elbows!
16:25Swing your arm across your body!
16:28Swing your other arm across your body!
16:31Stop your feet!
16:33Now, clap!
16:34And say elephant power to send the magic to me!
16:38Elephant power!
16:44I can feel the power of the elephant!
16:47I feel... strange! So strong!
16:53I'm coming!
16:58I'm coming!
17:00I'm coming!
17:02I'm coming!
17:04I'm coming!
17:06I'm coming!
17:08I'm coming!
17:10I'm coming!
17:13I'm coming!
17:16I'm coming!
17:18I'm coming!
17:20I'm coming!
17:22I'm coming!
17:24I'm coming!
17:26I'm coming!
17:28I'm coming!
17:32We did it!
17:34Thanks for your help.
17:35Tom! How did you get so strong?
17:37What's that you're wearing?
17:39Et pourquoi avez-vous brûlé en rouge?
17:42Magie de cristaux rouges!
17:45Ce qui aurait pu être notre, si vous n'étiez pas si...
17:49Hey! Tu es celui qui a cassé le verre!
17:52Maintenant que Flicker est de retour avec nous, peux-je...
17:55Prendre un cristal de votre propre? Bien sûr!
18:01Vous m'excusez vraiment...
18:10Maintenant, vous serez prêts à apprendre la magie de cristaux rouges!
18:18Cool, hein? Mais c'est temps pour moi de rentrer à la maison!
18:22Au revoir tout le monde! A la prochaine fois!
18:25Au revoir mon ami!
18:27Au revoir tous!
18:30Merci d'avoir aidé moi et Treetopolis!
18:33A bientôt pour une autre aventure!
18:36Au revoir!
