Tree Fu Tom Tree Fu Tom E037 – Ranger Tom Fungus Finder

  • la semaine dernière
00:00Troupe with Tom, he needs you, to save the day and do treefoo!
00:06Treefoo, go!
00:18Come with Tom, to a world that's filled with fun
00:23Adventure and magic too, where Tom and you
00:28Help all of his magical friends
00:46Never fear, whenever trouble's near
00:51It's time for Tom and you, to do treefoo
00:56He needs you to help save the day
01:06Treefoo Tom, join the fun, come along now everyone
01:10Troupe with Tom, he needs you, to save the day and do treefoo, yeah!
01:20Hi, I'm going to Treefoo Rangers Club today
01:23And that means a big adventure
01:25So we need to do the moves that turn our magic powers on
01:28Come on, join in
01:31Time for Treefoo
01:37We need to turn the magic on
01:39We need to save the day, come on
01:41Just follow me and you will see
01:43The magic comes from you and me
01:48To make Treefoo's spells do what you see
01:51Slide to the side and jump right back
01:55Hold your hands up high, spin around, reach up for the sky
02:02Touch your nose, now make a pose
02:05Clap your hands, touch your knees and one with me
02:12Ready to move, you make the magic
02:15Do what I do, to make the magic
02:18Turn that, turn that, turn that, turn that Treefoo magic on
02:22Look, the sapstone in my belt is glowing
02:25Moving turned our magic on
02:27Thanks for your help
02:31Right, now I'm ready to be a Treefoo Ranger
02:36Hi Tweaks, Gez, Petal, what are we doing today?
02:40Tom, it's so exciting, we're...
02:42We're doing the fungus finder bag Tom, remember?
02:44Rickety asked us to learn all of the fungus names
02:47Oh no, I completely forgot
02:49Oh yeah, me too
02:52And that's why you don't have as many badges as me
02:55That, and you aren't nearly as brilliant
03:00Now then, is everyone ready to earn their fungus finder badge?
03:04Yes, let's go go go
03:08No no no
03:10A Treefoo Ranger never rushes in unprepared
03:14What's our motto?
03:16Oh, I know this one, is it... is it...
03:19Never swim on a fool's stomach?
03:22It's... I think you'll find, it's...
03:25A Treefoo Ranger is ready for anything
03:29Very good Gez
03:31Now, who's learnt the names of the most important fungi in the forest?
03:36Me, I know them fully
03:39I know them forwards, backwards and upside down
03:44I was going to, but then a beetle stole my fungus book and I searched all night for him
03:49But it turns out he'd ripped it up to make a nest and so...
03:54We forgot
03:55Yes, we forgot, sorry Rickety
03:57Oh dear, that is not good
03:59A Treefoo Ranger must know which fungi are useful and which to stay away from
04:05Sorry Rickety
04:08Now, to get your fungus finder badge, you must spot four important fungi
04:14Oh, like me, I'm an important fun guide
04:17The common red, striped blue, speckled green and bumpy yellow fungi
04:23To earn your badge, you must spot them all
04:28Tom, Twigs, as you forgot to do your homework, you can pull the wagon
04:32What's all this?
04:33There are a few things that we might need in the fungus forest
04:36All part of being ready for anything
04:39Ok Rickety
04:49Wondering what the chuckleberry seeds are for, eh Petal?
04:52They're for leaving a trail in case of an emergency, so that we can find our way home again
04:57A Treefoo Ranger is ready for anything
05:01Thank you Ches, that's right
05:12Twigs, can you give me a hand? This thing's heavy
05:17But these are chuckleberry seeds, they're delicious
05:25They are
05:27Some more
05:29Treefoo Rangers, halt!
05:33Everyone gather around, I've found something rather special
05:36Does anyone know what this is?
05:41I know, it's a sprite trap fungus
05:44That's right Ches
05:47You couldn't catch a sprite in that
05:50It doesn't look like it could trap my little finger
05:52Careful Tom, you don't want it to go...
05:55It's got me, it's got me
05:58Quiet, if you'd both done your homework you would know that the sprite trap is set off by loud noises
06:06Tom's taken stupid, how do we get the trap off?
06:10Right, who can tell me?
06:12We need a stinky fungus to send it to sleep, everyone knows that
06:18Thank you Ches, and Petal
06:22Well, like good Treefoo Rangers, we are ready for anything
06:26And have a stinky fungus here
06:29Now don't breathe it in
06:33You're lucky, this one is only a baby sprite trap
06:37In the deepest darkest part of the forest, in the shadow of a tower fungus, where the lemon moss grows
06:43There's a giant sprite trap
06:46Thank you Ches
06:47Don't worry Petal, we won't be going anywhere near there
06:51And won't see any nasty fungi like that
06:54Rangers, onwards!
07:01Why do we need so much stuff?
07:04It does seem a lot
07:07Emergency vine, emergency tent, emergency sap flowers
07:13Another stinky fungus, we don't need all this
07:15Rickety said we wouldn't be going near anything dangerous, didn't he?
07:18Yeah, I suppose
07:20What's this?
07:21A marshmallow fruit!
07:23Yummy! It doesn't weigh that much and we could eat it later if we run out of seeds, that can stay
07:28That's better, much lighter
07:31We can always come back to that stuff if we need it later
07:35More chuckleberry seeds
07:38Look at that stink! Silly treefoo, Rangers out for a walk
07:43Yeah, did they leave anything tasty?
07:49No, perfumey sap flowers, yuck
07:53Look, they've got a marshmallow fruit, my favourite
07:57Yeah, that's my dinner sorted
07:59No, my dinner!
08:08Listen up, treefoo Rangers, this is the perfect place to spot the important fungi for your bag
08:15Yes! Now's our chance!
08:18But we can't get near that marshmallow fruit with all them around
08:22We can soon fix that, look what I found
08:26Now, what you need to do is...
08:34OK then
08:43How's that?
08:44Huh? Ricty?
08:46He's asleep
08:50No, we'll never get that marshmallow fruit, Funko Bonko!
08:54What happened?
08:56Ah, he sniffed that yellow cloud from a stinky fungus and he's fallen asleep
09:01The only thing that will wake him up is the smell of sap flowers
09:04There should be some on the wagon
09:06Oh yeah, about the sap flowers
09:09We put them in a safe place on the way here
09:14Right, then let's follow the seed trail back the way we came and find them
09:20This way
09:22The seeds were a trail?
09:26They're taking my marshmallow fruit
09:28After them!
09:30It's my marshmallow fruit!
09:33Where did the trail go?
09:35Yeah, about the trail
09:37We ate it
09:39So, we can't find the sap flowers, we can't wake Ricty and now we're lost
09:45We're doomed
09:46I have my gold pass finder back and unlike you, I'm not stupid
09:53And unlike you, I know what I'm doing
09:56This way
10:08I don't remember this picture
10:10I think we're lost
10:11No, we're not
10:14Let's fly up and see if we can spot a path back
10:18No! You never fly in the fungus forest or you might hit a...
10:25Farewell pool fungus!
10:27Cheers, that would never happen
10:54Hey, that's mine
10:57No, it's mine!
11:02Oh no! The whirlpool fungus is going to suck us all up if we don't do something
11:07We've got to use big world magic to squeeze it closed
11:11It's time to do the super squeeze spell
11:14Are you ready?
11:46Well done! Say moves again
11:48Arms up, fingers spread, squeeze one, squeeze two
11:53Now squeeze together
11:56To the side, squeeze one, squeeze two, squeeze together
12:02Now clap, say super squeeze to send the magic to me
12:07Super squeeze!
12:16Yes! We did it!
12:18Thanks for your help
12:22Yes! The marshmallow frenzy
12:24Come on, this is our chance
12:27Wowzers! Amazing!
12:31Thanks Tom, but there isn't a badge for that you know
12:49Après eux!
13:11Oh, Tom, ça a l'air comme le plus profond, le plus sombre de la forêt.
13:15Regarde, Lemonboss, c'est ici que se trouve la grande trappe de spray.
13:20Tu as raison, je n'aime pas l'apparence de tout ça.
13:23Tout le monde, arrêtez!
13:25Sors de notre chemin, nous ne t'écoutons plus.
13:28Tu as passé tout le jour à nous mettre en trouble.
13:30Tu n'as pas le droit d'être Twi'Fu Rangers.
13:33Allez, sauvons Rickety.
13:36Mais, nous sommes des meilleurs rangers que toi.
13:39Allez, Tom, montrons-le.
13:41Non, Twiggy, il a raison.
13:43Nous devons commencer à agir comme des rangers de Twi'Fu.
13:46Nous sommes dans un endroit dangereux.
13:48Nous ne devons pas juste entrer comme avant.
13:50Nous devons nous préparer.
13:52Nous sommes prêts pour tout.
13:54Maintenant, pensez.
13:55Qu'est-ce qu'on a laissé sur le wagon?
13:57C'est vrai, il y avait notre trompette,
13:59notre chili-cake,
14:00des herbes,
14:01un joli déjeuner.
14:02Oh, Twiggy, il y avait un vin,
14:04et des fleurs de citron.
14:05Oh, oui, et des fungus stinquants.
14:08Bien rappelé.
14:09Allez, nous avons beaucoup à récupérer et peu de temps.
14:17Il n'y a pas de signe du wagon.
14:20Mais regardez les fungus.
14:22Ils sont tous sur notre liste pour le badge.
14:26Il est fini.
14:39On ne va jamais obtenir notre badge.
14:45Vous avez été attrapés.
14:47Sting, non.
14:53C'est à vous de le faire.
14:54C'est de ma faute !
14:56Eh bien, tu as crié et tout le monde l'a vu.
14:58Oh non ! On va être en prison pour toujours avec Super Ranger et Squeeky !
15:07J'ai le vin et des fleurs de sapin !
15:10Et j'ai le Stinky Fungus !
15:13On dirait que nous sommes prêts pour tout !
15:18Et juste en temps !
15:21Chut ! C'est une grande trappe de sapin !
15:29C'est bon Twiggy, je pense qu'on a tout ce dont on a besoin pour les sauver.
15:34Rickety a utilisé le Stinky Fungus pour envoyer la petite trappe de sapin au lit.
15:38Mais c'est une grande trappe de sapin !
15:40On a besoin d'un grand Stinky Fungus pour le mettre au lit !
15:43Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire ?
15:44Laisse ça à moi Twiggy ! Fais du boulot !
15:47On a besoin de faire le Stinky Fungus grand suffisamment pour envoyer la grande trappe de sapin au lit pour que les autres s'échappent !
15:53Vous devez utiliser de la magie du monde grand, alors j'ai besoin de votre aide !
15:56C'est le moment de faire le Spell Gros Gros Gros !
15:59Vous êtes prêts ?
16:00TRIPLE GO !
16:04Bien ! Répétez-moi !
16:06Dans votre pose de spell !
16:08Maintenant, squattez-vous !
16:11Grossez une arme !
16:14Grossez l'autre arme !
16:17Maintenant, bougez vos doigts et grossez-les au milieu comme si vous étiez une plante !
16:21Grossez-vous le plus haut possible !
16:23Jusqu'à vos pieds !
16:25Bien fait !
16:26Les mêmes mouvements de nouveau !
16:28Grossez-vous comme une froide !
16:29Une arme !
16:31Grossez-vous comme une froide !
16:33Une arme !
16:35Grossez-vous comme une froide !
16:37Une arme !
16:40L'autre arme !
16:42Bougez vos doigts ! Grossez-les le plus haut possible !
16:46Maintenant, appuyez !
16:47Dites Gros Gros Gros pour envoyer la magie à moi !
16:51Grossez ! Grossez ! Grossez !
17:03Oui ! Nous l'avons fait !
17:04Merci pour votre aide !
17:06C'est parti, Twigs! Faisons-le!
17:14C'était vraiment joli!
17:19Wow! Ça sent dégueulasse!
17:23Ouais! J'aime ça!
17:28Pas grand chose à sauver, Tom!
17:30Ouais! Comment allons-nous descendre d'ici?
17:33C'est vrai, Tom, c'est trop lourd à porter!
17:35C'est un bon boulot, nous sommes prêts pour tout!
17:38Puffy! Prends soin de ça!
17:42Je l'ai!
17:51Tenez bon, Puffy! Oh, la mâchoire!
18:01Single bangle!
18:05C'est bon! Allons tous se réveiller!
18:11Et c'est avec grand plaisir
18:13que j'awarde le badge Fungus Finder de la Trifou Rangers
18:18à Petal...
18:21et à Jez!
18:24Merci, Rickety!
18:27Ah bien, peut-être qu'on obtiendra nos badges Fungus Finder la prochaine fois!
18:32Et j'ai encore une présentation à faire
18:35pour montrer du courage et être prêt pour tout
18:38quand ça compte le plus!
18:40Je l'awarde à Tom et à Twigs
18:42avec le badge d'exceptionnel courage!
18:45Wow! Merci, Rickety!
18:47Merci, Rickety!
18:51Je suppose que vous êtes des vrais Fungus Finder
18:54mais j'ai encore plus de badges que tout le monde!
18:59Pas vraiment!
19:07C'est l'heure pour moi d'y aller!
19:10Au revoir, tout le monde!
19:11Au revoir, Tom!
19:13Au revoir, mon ami étranger!
19:15Hé, Petal! Tu as sûrement vendu ces badges de nouveau!
19:19Merci d'avoir aidé moi et Treetopolis!
19:21À bientôt pour une autre aventure!
19:24Au revoir!
19:45Sous-titrage FR par
