VeggieTales: Madame Blueberry (VHS) (without intro and silly song)

  • last week
I removed the intro and silly song for copyright reasons


00:00Hi, kids! I'm Bob the Tomato, and welcome to...
00:08Uh, I'm Bob the Tomato, and welcome to...
00:14Larry, what are you doing? Come over here!
00:18I'll be right there!
00:24Wow! What is this thing?
00:26It's my new Suvi Action Jeep! I've been wanting it just forever, and now it's finally mine!
00:32Wow! You must be pretty happy to get a cool toy like that!
00:36Oh, yeah. Well, almost.
00:41Well, there's just one more thing I need to be really happy.
00:45What's that?
00:46The camper.
00:47The what?
00:48The Suvi Action Camper! You just hook it up to the trailer hitch on my Action Jeep, and I'll be ready for a weekend of wilderness fun!
00:55Oh, so once you get the camper, then you'll be happy?
00:59I don't know. There's also the dirt bike.
01:02The dirt bike?
01:03And the jet ski.
01:05And the Action Hang Glider.
01:06Larry, how much stuff do you need to be happy?
01:10I don't know. How much stuff is there?
01:13Maybe this would be a good topic for today's show.
01:17Hold that thought, Tomato!
01:20Hey! It's the French Peas! Hi, Jean-Claude! Hello, Philippe!
01:26Allo, Monsieur Bob! I think we can help!
01:29Oh, really?
01:30Oui. Tell me, Tomato, where do French Peas come from?
01:34Uh... France?
01:36That's right! And in France, we have a story that I think will answer your question. It's called Madame Blueberry.
01:43Madame Blueberry? I think I've seen that one. Doesn't it have Jerry Lewis in it?
01:47No. Be quiet and watch the film!
02:17Madame Blueberry was a sad little berry. She lived by herself in a house in a tree.
02:40Her butlers would show up each morning at nine. They'd open the door to hear Madame whine.
02:49I'm so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! I'm so blue I don't know what to do!
02:58She's so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo-hoo! She's so blue she don't know what to do!
03:07Her butlers, whose names were Bob and Larry, would help her with chores in her house in a tree.
03:14Bob would wash dishes for Larry to dry. Madame would stack them and then start to cry.
03:21I'm so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo-hoo! She's so blue she don't know what to do!
03:30These dishes are faded. Their edges are chipped. This rose is unbackweld and this one is flipped.
03:36These spoons are too tiny. These forks are no good. These knives have gone dull and don't slice like they should.
03:46My neighbors have nice things. I've seen them myself. In fact, I keep pictures up here on my shelf.
03:53Look at this new flatware of Monsieur Lagoon's. And Monsieur Duplin has twelve Franklin Mint spoons.
04:00And Phillip Vamp, he went and bought a new sink. Why, he even has a disposal, I think.
04:06And look at this crockpot of Madame Lacrosse's and ceramic jars where she keeps all her sauces.
04:15Nice sauces.
04:17I'm so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo-hoo! She's so blue she don't know what to do!
04:26Just look at this sofa of Edward and Tammy's. And lovely, oh wow, where they keep all their jammies.
04:33I really can't stand it. I think I might die. Now where was the hanky? I'm going to cry!
04:42Too late!
04:46I'm so blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo, blue-hoo-hoo-hoo! I'm so blue I don't know what to do!
04:54She's so blue. I'm so blue. She's so blue-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
05:02She's so blue she don't know what to do!
05:15This was a curse of a typical morning. The things that Madame Blueberry had did not make her happy,
05:21so she would gaze at her mantle of pictures and cry for the things she wanted.
05:27She was a very blue berry. Her butlers would try to help her, but this did no good.
05:34Now, now, Madame Blueberry, you have a lot to be thankful for. Good friends, a place to live, plenty of food, and you've got us!
05:45Like I said, her butlers tried to cheer the poor berry up, but their efforts were fruitless.
05:53But anyway, if this sad berry is getting you down, don't give up hope,
05:57because this is the day that Madame Blueberry learns a very important lesson.
06:04I need tea.
06:06Larry, be a dear and bring me some tea.
06:10I need tea.
06:11Larry, be a dear and bring me some tea.
06:15In a minute!
06:21Hey, what's going on out there?
06:27Please, stop looking out the window and bring me my tea. Larry, Larry!
06:37What do you suppose that is?
06:40I don't know.
06:47What does it mean?
06:51Would you get that, Dio?
06:54It's big.
06:58Madame, there's someone here to see you.
07:02Allow us to introduce ourselves. We're neighbors.
07:06We moved in down the street.
07:09Some say we're the most delightful bunch of fellows you'll ever want to meet.
07:15And if you have a moment to spare, kind lady with beauty so rare,
07:22we'd like to take a minute or two on a topic of interest to you.
07:29We represent the Stuff Mart, an enormous land of goodies.
07:35Would you mind if we stepped in, please?
07:38Well, I...
07:39And as associates of the Stuff Mart,
07:44it looks like you could use some stuff.
07:46Oh, yes, yes, why thank you.
07:50Oh, yes, yes, why I was just saying that...
07:53I pray that you won't take this wrong, my dear, but my initial observation is as follows.
08:00The criminal responsible for this decor really should be hanging from the gallows.
08:11We represent the Stuff Mart, a magic land of retail.
08:17Would you care to see what's on sale?
08:22Then as a customer of the Stuff Mart,
08:26get ready for some real nice stuff.
08:36Check it out, check it out.
08:39If you want a big hat, we got that.
08:41If you need a tube of glue, we got that too.
08:43A 20-gallon wok, they're in stock.
08:46And if you need refrigerators to keep extra massivators,
08:48or a giant air compressor to blow food flies off your dresser,
08:51or a dehydrated scooter, or a nose ring for your poodle,
08:53or a five-pound can of tuna and some flippers to go scuba.
08:58Scuba, scuba, scooby-dooby-dooba, here we go scuba.
09:01Come on.
09:05If you need a rubber hose, we got those.
09:07A rubber deck and tree, we got three.
09:09A wraparound deck, gotta check.
09:12But if you need a window scraper, and a gross of toilet paper,
09:14or a ratchet set in pliers, and some round zone amplifiers,
09:17and a solar turkey chopper, or a padded Dover popper,
09:19and a stretch for looking grungy, and some rope for going bungee.
09:24Bungee, bungee, bungee, bungee, bungee, here we go bungee.
09:27Come on.
09:33What we've mentioned are only just some
09:36of the wonderful things yet to come.
09:40These pictures you keep are so nice.
09:44But you really should take our advice.
09:49Happiness waits at the stuff mart.
09:53All you need is lots more stuff.
09:57So, if I buy more things, that will make me happy?
10:04I don't think that's true.
10:07Yes, it is.
10:09No, it's not.
10:10Yes, it is.
10:12No, it's not.
10:13Yes, it is.
10:20You really, really ought to.
10:24How could I afford not to?
10:28Now you've got to.
10:32Now you've got it.
10:34Oh, great.
10:38Happiness waits at the stuff mart.
10:42All you need is lots more stuff.
11:01So, there they were on their way to the stuff mart,
11:24when something caught Mother Moody's eye.
11:28It was a little girl,
11:31sitting down to her birthday dinner with her family.
11:34But they did not have very much money.
11:37Instead of a nice tree house,
11:39they had to live on the ground.
11:41And all they could afford for her birthday dinner was oatmeal
11:45and one small piece of apple pie.
11:49Surely they must be very sad to have so little,
11:53Madame Luderich thought.
11:55But then, the little girl did something
11:58that surprised her very much.
12:02I thank God for this day,
12:05for the sun in the sky,
12:07for my mom and my dad,
12:10for my piece of apple pie,
12:12for our home on the ground,
12:14for his love that's all around.
12:17That's why I say thanks every day,
12:21because a thankful heart is a happy heart.
12:26I'm glad for what I have,
12:28that's an easy way to start,
12:31for the love that he shares,
12:33cause he listens to my prayers.
12:36That's why I say thanks every day.
12:43Madame Blueberry was confused.
12:46The little girl had so little,
12:49and yet she was happy.
12:52Madame needed to think about this for a while.
12:56Ah, Madame,
12:59your kingdom awaits.
13:10Ah, maybe later.
13:12Right now, it was time to shop.
13:46Well, needless to say,
13:48the stuff mart was everything
13:50the salesman had made it out to be.
13:53Why, the spectacle was making her woozy.
13:58I'm feeling woozy.
14:01And rightfully so.
14:03Well, Madame, shall we shop?
14:11This was the most glorious moment
14:14that Madame Blueberry had ever known.
14:18There was nothing she saw she could not have.
14:21Right away, she found flatwares
14:23just like Mr. Lagoon's,
14:25and then a sparkling new set
14:27of Franklin Meats spoons.
14:29Then she spotted a crockpot like Madame Lacrosse's,
14:32and some ceramic jars to hold our hot sauces.
14:35Not to mention a sofa like Edward and Tammy's,
14:38and an entire collection of Terrycloth jammies.
14:44It was not long before Madame Blueberry
14:46had collected everything she had pictures of.
14:49She had already filled up a dozen shopping carts,
14:52but she did not stop there.
14:54She kept going.
14:57Madame, why don't we have these things
14:59delivered to your house while you keep shopping?
15:02It'll save time. Ten percent off delivery.
15:05Oh, all right. That sounds good.
15:07I don't know if that's such a good idea.
15:11Oh, look! Air compressors!
15:16Then she grabbed a window scraper
15:18and a gross of toilet paper.
15:20Then a ratchet set on fire,
15:22then surround sound amplifiers.
15:25Pretty soon, the shopping carts Madame filled
15:27stretched around the aisles,
15:30out the door,
15:32and all the way to her house.
15:46The End
16:10Well, that about does it for me.
16:12What do you say we head home?
16:14Oh, there are whole aisles
16:16we haven't even seen yet.
16:18No, I'm not leaving until I have
16:21everything I need to be happy.
16:24Dad, look!
16:26It's the train set I saw on TV!
16:28The Casey Jr. Deluxe with working lights
16:31on real livestock smell!
16:33Oh, guess what I really want.
16:35Can I get one, Dad? Huh? Please?
16:38Oh, wow. That sure is a nice one.
16:41But it's an awful lot of money.
16:43Yeah, but...
16:44I don't think we can afford that right now, Junior.
16:48Is there anything else you'd like?
16:50How about a ball?
16:52We could get a ball today.
16:54What do you think about that?
16:59Okay, a ball would be nice.
17:01We could play a set in the park later, right?
17:04Sure, Junior.
17:08Thank you, Dad, for our day,
17:10for our trip to the mall.
17:12For the time just with me,
17:14for my big red bouncy ball.
17:17For the fun that we had,
17:19I'm so happy you're my dad.
17:22That's why I say thanks every day.
17:26Because a thankful heart
17:29is a happy heart.
17:31I'm glad for what I have.
17:33That's an easy way to start.
17:36For a God who really cares
17:38and He listens to our prayers.
17:41That's why I say thanks every day.
17:46That's why we say thanks every day.
17:57Well, now Madame was even more confused.
18:00How could this little boy be so happy
18:03after not getting what he really wanted?
18:06And why didn't she feel happy
18:08even though she was getting everything she wanted?
18:11Ah, Madame, I think you're going to enjoy our next aisle.
18:16Toaster ovens!
18:19It was at this moment
18:21that Madame Libéry had a revolutionary thought.
18:25I don't need a toaster oven.
18:30Well, of course you don't need a toaster oven.
18:35I mean, really, who needs any of this stuff?
18:38But I think we both know that you want a toaster oven.
18:44No, I don't.
18:48But at last I think I know what I do want.
18:53I want what that little boy with the ball has
18:56and what the little girl with the piece of pie has.
19:00What's that?
19:01A happy heart.
19:03A what?
19:04A happy heart.
19:05They both have happy hearts.
19:07What aisle are the happy hearts in?
19:10I'm afraid we don't have those.
19:15Suddenly it was all becoming clear.
19:18Maybe a happy heart does not come from a store.
19:22Maybe the kids were right.
19:24Maybe a happy heart is a thankful heart.
19:27I've been so foolish.
19:29For so long I have had so much.
19:32A roof over my head.
19:34Plenty of food.
19:37Good friends.
19:39But all I wanted was more, more.
19:43No more.
19:44There's a new Madame Blueberry in town
19:46and she's going to be thankful for what she has.
19:58Oh, what a lovely butterfly.
20:10My house!
20:11It's so stuffed full of stuff.
20:13It's getting too heavy for the tree.
20:15We've got to stop those deliveries before it's too late.
20:21Come on, Larry.
20:22Grab a cart.
20:51Come on, Larry.
21:05Come on, can't this thing go any faster?
21:34Hey there.
22:23It's pulling.
22:24I think it's going to fall.
22:39That was a close one.
22:42We'll take it from here, boys.
23:10My stuff.
23:23Well, at least your house is okay.
24:12You said grab a cart.
24:14I grabbed a cart.
24:15Well, there is no denying
24:17it was a sad, sad thing
24:19that Madame Blueberry's house
24:20had become a big pile of smashed sticks.
24:24But with her hard-working butlers
24:27and her nice new friends,
24:29Madame knew everything was going to be just fine.
24:33And most important of all,
24:35this once very Blueberry
24:38was truly thankful that day
24:40for everything she had
24:42and seemed, though it may have been
24:44the late afternoon light,
24:47not quite so blue.
24:50How did that song go again?
24:52Let's see.
24:54We thank God for this day
24:57For the sun in the sky
25:00For the friends that we have
25:02For our yummy apple pie
25:04For the love that he shares
25:07Cause he listens to our prayers
25:09That's why we say thanks every day
25:14Because a thankful heart
25:16Is a happy heart
25:19We're glad for what we have
25:21That's an easy way to start
25:23For the love that he shares
25:26Cause he listens to our prayers
25:29That's why we say thanks every day
25:33That's why we say thanks every day
25:48That was beautiful!
25:51Help me, Bob.
25:53I would if I could, man.
25:56Pull yourselves together.
25:58Yes, you had the show to wrap up.
26:01Oh, you're right.
26:04I'm sorry.
26:05Where were we?
26:07Madame Blueberry.
26:10All right, that does it.
26:14Cue the music.
26:16Unless, of course, you have any objections?
26:19No, I don't care.
26:21Go ahead.
26:23Hit it, boys.
26:25And so what we have done
26:27Applies to our lives today
26:29And God has a lot to say to this one.
26:36You see, we know that God's word
26:39Is for everyone
26:41And now that our song is done
26:43We'll take our leave.
26:48Okay, I can do this.
26:51Me too.
26:52All right, they're about to make it snappy.
27:00Madame Blueberry learned
27:02That being greedy makes you grumpy
27:04But a thankful heart is a happy heart.
27:07Like the little kids, right?
27:10That's right, Bob.
27:11Just like the little kids.
27:14Let's see if Cordy has a verse for us today.
27:23Proverbs 15, 27a.
27:25He who is greedy for gain
27:28Troubles his own house.
27:31Boy, being greedy sure brought trouble
27:33To Madame Blueberry's house.
27:35It sure did.
27:36But even before Madame Blueberry's house got smashed
27:39Being greedy made her a very grumpy berry.
27:43Oh, is that right?
27:45Well, I don't want to be a grumpy berry
27:47So even if I never get the camper
27:49Or the dirt bike or the jet ski
27:51I'm going to be thankful for what I do have.
27:53That's great, Larry.
27:55And kids, if you don't want to be grumpy berries
27:58You should try to be thankful for what you have, too.
28:02Well, we're out of time for today.
28:05Remember, God made you special
28:07And he loves you very much.
28:39Big stuff!
28:40Big mart!
28:44Lots of stuff!
28:45Lots of mart!
28:49Stuff, stuff, stuff!
28:51I like that!
29:16Stucky stuff, mart!
29:22Stuff, mart, stuff, mart!
29:28Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
29:35stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
29:42stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
29:49stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
29:56stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
30:02stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
30:08stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
30:14stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
30:20stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff,
