Sean Hannity 9/13/24 FULL END SHOW | Fox Breaking News September 13 2024

  • last week
00:00Welcome to Hannity and tonight well we want to focus on the left's favorite
00:04obsession giving your hard-earned tax dollars to illegal immigrants and rights
00:09and oh even gender-changing surgery that you pay for. Of course it's all
00:15happening under the Harris-Biden administration. People who disregard our
00:20laws, our borders, our sovereignty, what they should be entitled to free housing,
00:26health care, food, education, and free cell phone service in California and sex
00:33change surgery that you subsidize all of it. And if Kamala Harris gets elected
00:38illegal immigration your tax bill is only going to get worse. We're gonna have
00:43a lot more coming up with Judge Jeanine Pirro. We'll also compare the cost of
00:48citizenship and how to become a citizen in other states. But first tonight there
00:54is something very strange odd disturbing now happening in this election cycle. Now
00:59exactly two months ago someone tried to assassinate President Trump. He was shot
01:03at a rally as we know in Butler Pennsylvania. He is lucky to be alive. One
01:09of his supporters was murdered. Two others they were seriously injured. And
01:13yet the story has totally completely disappeared from the news. Now some of
01:18the state-run media mob they're almost pretending like well this didn't happen.
01:23In this week's debate there wasn't a single question about the assassination
01:27attempt. The far-left moderators at Disney ABC they never even asked Kamala
01:32Harris about bringing down the temperature or about the political
01:37violence that has emerged in the country which by the way she helped support in
01:41the summer of 2020 tweeting out the Minnesota bail fund after the police
01:45precinct was burned to the ground saying the rioters aren't gonna stop. They
01:50shouldn't stop. We're not gonna stop. Nearly 600 riots. Can you imagine if the
01:55roles here were reversed? But even worse some on the left are actually mocking
02:01Trump for getting shot. The same crowd supposedly obsessed with fighting
02:06misinformation is spreading all these conspiracy theories that Trump wasn't
02:11actually shot. Don Lemon making fun of the former first lady Melania Trump over
02:18her very legitimate concerns about the attempted assassination of her husband.
02:23Now remember if there's a school shooting usually within hours we know
02:27everything about the shooter. We don't know hardly anything about this
02:32assassination attempt. Watch the first lady.
02:35The attempt to end my husband's life was a horrible distressing experience.
02:41Now the silence around it feels heavy. I can't help but wonder why didn't law
02:50enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech. There is definitely
02:56more to this story and we need to uncover the truth.
03:01Wow hey Don Lemon that close he would have been dead. That's how close they got
03:09to killing this man. The rage the venom on the left in this country it's almost
03:15hard to believe. Now for many you know hating all things Donald Trump has
03:19become their sole identity and keep in mind now we really don't have any
03:23answers about the shooting or the highly concerning security breakdowns of the
03:27Secret Service. Now I praise a lot of these people they put their lives
03:31literally on the line to save lives but that doesn't mean that there aren't
03:37people within the Secret Service that didn't make you know colossal errors
03:42here. This week one top Democrat in the Senate was visibly upset after he
03:47learned about the security failures during a closed-door hearing. Take a look.
03:51I think the American people are going to be shocked astonished and appalled by
03:57what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this
04:04assassination attempt on the former president. Shocked astonished appalled
04:10what happened? Why are the American people still in the dark? Why don't you
04:15know? Why does the state-run media mob not seem to care? Is winning an election
04:21more important to them than the safety security of those that do run for office
04:25over there on MSDNC? It is more concerned about how anyone could possibly still
04:30like or support Donald Trump. Take a look. I see the questions I think there
04:35was only so much that she could do in that debate in order to be as effective
04:41as she was and and I agree there are a lot more questions of course I would
04:45love to ask Kamala Harris about her leadership style and her plans and how
04:49she plans to execute but are those undecided voters saying I'm gonna stick
04:54with I'm gonna kind of lean Trump here because I want change I don't get it
05:00remember in the beginning the state-run media laughed at Donald Trump the idea
05:05he'd run they spied on his campaign and used a dirty Russian disinformation
05:11dossier as the basis of getting four FISA warrants they spied on his
05:15transition team his candidacy his presidency they smeared him with the
05:19Russia hoax that went on with three years of lies on places like MSDNC and
05:24others then they tried to kick him out of office not one time but twice then
05:29blamed him for a pandemic that was started in China and how dare he say it
05:34came from China then they try to throw him in jail he has been smeared sued
05:39indicted for fake crimes shot at and Trump still standing still running for
05:44president still promising to take on the Washington swamp and prevent all of
05:50America from becoming San Francisco take a look I'm here today in California with
05:56a very simple message for the American people we cannot allow comrade Kamala
06:02Harris and the communists left to do to America what they did to California the
06:08state of California is a mess the decline of this whole state is one of
06:15the sad chapters in what's gone on with the radical left lunatics that we have
06:21to put up with as the San Francisco District Attorney Kamala was the
06:27godmother of sanctuary cities she was right out there at the forefront and
06:33also the movement of defunding the police she was there right at the
06:37beginning now that was President Trump at a press conference today every week
06:44he's answering dozens and dozens of questions so does his running mate JD
06:49Vance who will appear on three Sunday shows this weekend but don't expect to
06:53see much from much from Harris or Walls Kamala's petrified that a reporter will
06:58go off script and actually hold their feet to the fire over a long list of
07:03radical extreme and frankly dangerous leftist policies all over flip-flopping
07:08all over lying and even during easy softball you know interviews with
07:13questions Kamala has a very difficult time coming up with an answer today in
07:17an effort to avoid national coverage she did her first solo interview of the
07:22campaign with a local reporter and we learned well little to nothing take a
07:27look some people have a question given maybe your current role as vice
07:32president of the United States how different you are from Joe Biden and so
07:37I wonder if there are one or two spots policy areas or approaches where you
07:41would say I'm a different person well I'm obviously not Joe Biden and you know
07:48I offer a new generation of leadership and so for example thinking about
07:53developing and creating an opportunity economy where it's about investing in
08:00areas that really need a lot of work and maybe focusing on again the aspirations
08:08and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of the
08:12stuff we could take for granted years ago we can't take for granted anymore my
08:16focus is very much in what we need to do over the next 10-20 years to catch up to
08:23the 21st century around again capacity but also challenges maybe you could have
08:29asked about the free sex change operations for illegal aliens and
08:34convicted felons in the country or free housing health care education and amnesty
08:40for illegal immigrants or defund dismantle the police or mandatory gun
08:46buybacks or the 93 trillion dollar green new deal she co-sponsored eliminating
08:51the filibuster she said or eliminating private health insurance just a few
08:56questions I might have if I interviewed her now that interview is posted online
09:00and the rest will air at 11 p.m. tonight ABC 6 Philadelphia but tonight we could
09:07still use a lot of clarification on her radical beliefs as I've been telling you
09:12and her support for decriminalizing for example all drugs for private use from
09:18crack to heroin to fentanyl really anybody think that's a good idea now you
09:24don't have to imagine what that would be like Democrats tried it in Portland it
09:28was a catastrophic failure crime misery sickness death through the roof two
09:35years later Portland recriminalized all hard drugs didn't work between the 93
09:41trillion dollar green new deal single-payer government-run health care no
09:45private insurance ban on fracking offshore drilling banning plastic
09:50straws and gas stoves an electric vehicle mandate the highest in the
09:56highest tax increases in world history taxing capital gains unrealized capital
10:02gains you know that would tax the value of your 401k or your home or reducing
10:08funding for police open borders decriminalization illegal immigrants
10:12everything's for free free free including sex change operations for
10:16illegals and and criminals as well you know both Kamala Harris Tim Walz long
10:22held you know some of the most radical positions of anybody to ever run for the
10:27Office of Presidency and Vice Presidency they didn't suddenly become moderates
10:32they are hiding ducking dodging weaving and lying all in order to win an
10:38election Bernie Sanders is right she's being
10:41pragmatic to win an election she hasn't changed her views at all if they had
10:47nothing to hide they would do lots of interviews and hold press conferences
10:51they would passionately make the case for the things they really believe they
10:56would debate on Fox with Martha and Brett they would do podcasts they would
11:01do talk radio they would step out of their left-wing echo chamber and reach
11:06as many Americans as possible but it's not going to happen and and our friend
11:12James Clyburn South Carolina said it best well she might make a mistake we
11:16may not want to do that they are trying to lie and hide and scheme their way
11:21into power into the White House joining us now Fox News contributors Tammy Bruce
11:27Jason Chaffetz outkick founder Clay Travis all right Tammy we start with you
11:31you know I mean I thought the fake news CNN interview was bad I I know that the
11:38ABC Disney debate was awful you know now we have another interview in the can and
11:43not one important radical stated position of hers has ever been
11:50challenged and I'm beginning to suspect it's not going to be challenged you know
11:55for the next 53 days and we're Americans won't have answers to any of these
12:00questions what this this young man who did this interview in Pennsylvania he
12:06seemed very nice but it runs for maybe 10 minutes she's clearly nervous even
12:13with him he seemed he's friendly he's gentle but there is no pushback still no
12:20coming back at her the easiest questions in the world and it's doing the same
12:24kind of controlled word salads trying to fill up the air saying in one hand
12:30she's there's not going to be any you know she's a gun owner and they're not
12:33gonna ban any guns and then goes into an assault weapons man it's a remarkable
12:38thing when she talks about this opportunity economy it's like trying to
12:43fill up a 5,000 word essay with sound and and some words to try to get out of
12:50what it is that you're supposed to be saying I thought she would have enough
12:54time and she's had enough time now to really define whatever these ideas are
13:00and she's no better now than she was before she is vacant she is clueless it
13:06is horrible to have to say this but but she just has no literally no idea no
13:13commitment to things no the insecurity you can you could hear her swallowing in
13:20this interview with this one fellow it's it's an astounding thing to watch
13:25but the most insulting thing and it was as early voting begins I believe on on
13:29Monday maybe in Pennsylvania it's coming up is that Americans are going to see
13:34again she handled you know this this debate for about 90 minutes because she
13:39knew she was protected by the bodyguards who were the moderators she was able to
13:44relax but in an environment where a question will be asked about about the
13:49sex changes for illegal immigrants and for you know the the the price of
13:54controls and there's a commercial right she's running a commercial right now
13:58touting the price gouging bike by you know grocery stores and how she's gonna
14:03stop it this is the worst kind of platitudes to trick people to into
14:09believing that she's got a solution but just like the independence and the
14:13indecisiveness during the debate it's clear she's avoiding having to talk
14:18about she's evasive she doesn't want to face people or say things that is going
14:24to fail she is going to fail but they will as a result she's again she hasn't
14:29learned not I thought things would change they're not going to and every
14:34interview she does is going to reveal this and that's why hopefully she'll do
14:38more interviews but I would suggest that we shouldn't expect it and that the
14:42American people are suffering and being told that her bold new idea is is a
14:48$6,000 child care tax credit because people would be able to get a crib you
14:55know what you know what they want Kamala Harris they want they want food on the
14:58table they want gas in the tank no questions about inflation no questions
15:03about the debt and where we're headed with a recession that's going to come up
15:07and it's and she's she's going to fail when she's when she's faces those kinds
15:11of questions well that's called by dynamics and she said in August the 23
15:16she's very proud of it all of these the list of issues that we keep bringing up
15:22again and again Jason that she doesn't ever have to answer is never confronted
15:27with you know she's bragging in this 11-minute interview well you know I'm
15:31not taking away anyone's guns I have I've actually packed heat okay you're
15:36bragging about carrying a gun but you did say you support a mandatory gun
15:42buyback program well mandatory means you've got to do it that would be called
15:46confiscation in if it happened in another country wouldn't it she's a
15:53complete fake she's a poll driven candidate who will say whatever she
15:57needs to say to get through the interview and she is a neophyte when it
16:02comes to economics she she goes in this interview and she says she's going to
16:07give a $50,000 tax credit for new businesses at the same time she says
16:12she's going to raise the corporate income tax she's going to raise capital
16:16gains taxes she's going to raise and do you know carry the interest she wants to
16:22tax that then she or she or she wants to go after the the unrealized gains I
16:28should say on cap on taxes and then she says that she's going to get rid of all
16:33of the Trump tax cuts so she is going to raise taxes and then she goes and says
16:39well we've got a housing shortage in this country so we're gonna give you you
16:44know new time new first-time buyers a $25,000 credit you know why we're 10
16:50million homes shy in this country because you let 10 million people into
16:54this country illegally that's why the cost of your rents higher that's why
16:58it's hard to get a home that's in part why the interest rates are high and I
17:03would go to Kamala Harris for financial advice is beyond me Sean you know I
17:09really clay I really want an answer to the two bills that she's she sponsored
17:14with burning the Senate that those I have a list of maybe my top five
17:18questions and it would be the 93 trillion dollar Green New Deal which
17:22would end capitalism she would eliminate the filibuster to pass that
17:26bill okay that's one then we have of course government health care for all
17:31including illegal immigrants I'd like to ask her about that I'd like to ask why
17:36she doesn't want us to use the word radical Islamic terrorism and illegal
17:41alien we just had the 23rd anniversary since 9-11-0-1 we don't get in the sex
17:48change operation that we fund for illegals and criminals I'd like an
17:53answer to that too I don't think she's ever gonna be asked the question I sadly
18:01agree with you Sean she wouldn't talk to you she wouldn't talk to me she wouldn't
18:05talk to anyone that's gonna ask really hard questions I mean think about this
18:09the interview that she just did with the local Philadelphia reporter is the first
18:14solo interview she has done since she was handed the nomination on July 21st I
18:21mean she went almost two months without talking to anyone she had Dana Bash and
18:26CNN but she had Tim Walz sitting like a lifeguard beside her she's talking to a
18:31local Philadelphia reporter and Sean I got an idea for you I think this could
18:36swing the election I think it's could swing the election in a hurry I think
18:39you and Donald Trump and I'll help out and take the radio show there if it
18:44makes sense as well should travel to Springfield Ohio sit down do a town hall
18:50with all of the people in Springfield Ohio and let them tell you what's
18:54happening there from those citizens themselves because here's the deal every
19:00state in America has a Springfield Ohio right now there is a community like that
19:05there are multiple communities that are being overrun by immigrants that are
19:10being shipped in illegal immigrants that are being allowed in and it is
19:14destroying the fabric of this country it goes right to the basis of the economy
19:19it goes right to the basis of the border and it goes right to the basis of the
19:23crime the three big issues that Kamala Harris is wrong on I think if you guys
19:28sat down and let people of Springfield Ohio tell you what they are seeing it
19:34would resonate and connect across this country you know Kamala's not going
19:38there you know Kamala's not going to answer questions so what better thing
19:42can you do to actually listen to the people in a town hall Kamala's not doing
19:47it she won't do a presser she won't do a real interview she won't talk to real
19:51voters on the record why not show her up and prove once and for all how wrong
19:56everything that she supports is great minds think alike stay tuned
20:01Clay Travis we appreciate all of you Tammy thank you Jason thank you and Clay
20:08of course coming up Democrats they continue to prioritize illegal
20:12immigrants over all of you American citizens you're not going to believe the
20:17latest proposal out in California and more about the radicalism on immigration
20:22about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz we get reaction judge Jeanine Pirro coming up
20:27straight ahead all right Democrats they continue to push for more handouts for
20:33illegals and you to pay for it a new proposal in Kamala's home state of
20:38California would give illegal immigrants phone subsidies why are Democrats
20:42obsessed with all of these rights all of these giveaways for illegal immigrants
20:48now earlier this week CNN reported that in 2019 Kamala told the ACLU she
20:53supported cuts to ICE funding and she supported taxpayer-funded gender
21:00transition to surgery for illegal immigrants and by the way convicted
21:05felons but if Kamala gets her way she won't stop there you might remember in
21:092019 she told CNN's Jake Tapper that she supports free housing health care
21:15education take a look you support giving universal health care
21:20Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally let me just be
21:24very clear about this I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our
21:29country any human being from access to public safety public education or public
21:37health period and of course Tim Walz her running mate oh he wants to give legal
21:42drivers licenses to illegal and free college courtesy of the taxpayers and
21:48and she also wants amnesties for those in this country illegally what all 11
21:53plus million unvetted Harris Biden the illegals from 180 countries those that
21:59we know have terror ties that we don't know where they are and even advocating
22:04for ending the use of the word illegal alien take a look as a prosecutor I can
22:10tell you it is a serious mistake to conflate criminal justice policy with
22:16immigration policy as if they are the same thing they are not I have
22:21personally prosecuted everything from low-level offenses to homicides I know
22:26what a crime looks like and I will tell you an undocumented immigrant is not a
22:34we have to have a secure border but I am in favor of saying that we're not
22:57going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as
23:00criminals that's correct that is correct I believe if someone crosses over the
23:03border it's illegally it is illegal and you would you would decriminalize it I
23:06would not make it a crime punishable by jail I it should be a civil enforcement
23:12issue but not a criminal enforcement issue now this should terrify every
23:16American that by the way is your borders are no wonder millions have poured in
23:21over these wide open southern borders without any repercussions at all and a
23:26running mate as we said just as bad signing legislation that would provide
23:30oh let's see illegals with legal driver's licenses state-funded health
23:35care free college tuition and he also advocated for sanctuary states and he
23:41mocked Donald Trump's border wall he built a 25-foot wall he'll build a
23:45factory that will build 30-foot ladders to help them break the law should
23:51Minnesota be a sanctuary state if the definition of that is that the federal
23:54government enforces immigration law and local law enforcement enforces local law
24:00yes should cities be allowed to be sanctuary cities yes local control he's
24:04not going to do anything he talks about this wall I always say let me know how
24:08high it is if it's 25 feet then I'll invest in the 30-foot ladder factory I
24:13keep in mind other countries they don't give amnesty to illegal immigrants in
24:17fact many nations have extremely difficult very strict immigration rules
24:21for example let's look at the UK well to get citizenship an applicant must pass a
24:26background check English and naturalization test live in the UK
24:31continuously for five years and abide by complex travel requirements in Japan
24:37it's even harder applicants they have to submit a handwritten letter in Japanese
24:42explaining why they want to pursue citizenship they must submit a
24:46description of their relatives and a description of how they will make a
24:50living in that country report to municipal offices to create a family
24:55registration and change their name and the UAE foreigners they've got to be
25:01nominated by Royals or officials before the country's cabinet has the final
25:07approval and just to obtain a 10-year residence to make a public investment of
25:12more than 2.7 million dollars and they're not the only country with
25:17expensive investment programs other countries offer citizenship through
25:21investment but it comes with a steep price for a 1.5 million dollar investment
25:26you can become a citizen of Jordan 1.5 million will also get you citizenship in
25:32Samoa El Salvador well that'll cost you a million bucks in Bitcoin Malta
25:36citizenship is available oh actually a good rate six hundred thousand euros in
25:42an investment and Turkey is relatively cheap at four hundred thousand dollars
25:48so how do other countries handle illegals coming over their border let's
25:52take a look at Australia in 1958 the country passed a migration act requiring
25:59that the detention of all non-citizens without a valid visa according to the
26:04New York Times and a report from March of last year those who make it to
26:09Australia can spend years being held in detention centers on nearby islands they
26:15don't even let them in the country let me be clear I'm for legal immigration I
26:20wouldn't be here if it weren't for legal immigration I don't care where you come
26:24from but you need a background check post COVID health check and you can't be
26:31a financial burden on the American people you know what is the left's
26:35obsession we're giving illegals free everything why are they passing the
26:38burden on to all of you recent study done by the Federation for American
26:44immigration reform estimates that US taxpayers you have shelled out roughly
26:48150 billion dollars to support illegals and sadly in some cases they're bringing
26:55crime take a look at your scream because you're not going to see this anywhere
26:59else in the state-run media mob now these are the list of victims of heinous
27:04crimes including murder and rape at the hands of the illegal immigrants against
27:08our country our citizens and sadly tonight we can add to the list because
27:14police have made an arrest in connection with the fire that killed a family of
27:18four last month according to police the suspect in custody was wanted for
27:23murder in his home country came to our country illegally through Puerto Rico
27:28using a fake New York ID here with reaction she's the co-host of the hit
27:33show the five our friend judge Jeanine Pirro I know that's a lot to take in
27:37let's keep it simple Kamala Harris laughed at border walls wants to
27:43decriminalize the illegal immigration free housing health care education sex
27:49change surgery we pay for that to a path to citizenship meaning amnesty it won't
27:55cost anybody anything and she doesn't want in our election system proof of
28:00citizenship now you tell me why are Democrats so hell-bent on the rights of
28:06the illegals let me think Sean could it be that they think they're getting
28:13something out of it here's that check this out what does the average American
28:18gain from this the fact is your schools are gonna have more students in them
28:23they're gonna have to hire more teachers who speak different languages some
28:27hospitals are going broke at like in Denver Colorado the state of
28:31Massachusetts has spent that one and a half billion dollars so far this year
28:36New York City spent five billion and that's gonna double by next year this is
28:41costing America a fortune while we suffer under the inflation of the Biden
28:46Harris administration so you have to say to yourself Sean we must be getting
28:50something out of this I'm here to tell you we're getting nothing out of this
28:55American citizens are being pushed to the back of the line people are trying
29:00to come here legally are being pushed to the back of the line the people who are
29:04coming here are unvetted we don't know who they are they come from countries
29:09that don't want them back and they offer nothing other than the opportunity for
29:14themselves to make money let's talk about the fact that the fentanyl the
29:19border crossing the child trafficking the human trafficking the gun trafficking
29:25the Kamala talks about none of that is being stopped under the Biden Harris
29:29administration so you have to say to yourself so what does America get out of
29:33this America gets nothing out of this right now we have a housing crisis we
29:38don't have enough for housing for Americans we've got illegals living in
29:43hotels in New York City 50% of the hotels have illegals living in them and
29:48people are afraid to walk the streets that they that they built years ago it's
29:53for power the Democrats want power and they are not afraid to claim this is who
30:00we are starting with Barack Obama and this doozy Waltz he says if they build a
30:0625-foot wall I'm gonna buy I'm gonna invest in 30-foot ladders and he wants
30:11to give him licenses well let's just talk about licenses and all of the not
30:15just the accidents but the fact that Americans have to pay 55% more in auto
30:21insurance while illegals are driving with virtually no insurance Americans
30:27have to pay for 20% more for food illegals get it for free Americans spend
30:3227% more in energy illegals get it for free this is an overthrow of the
30:38American way of life and we're all immigrants I get it but this is to the
30:44point where we are in serious jeopardy right now from health care to education
30:49to financially destroying Medicare and let me say one more thing Kamala Harris
30:55is lying to you when she does she wants you to think she's a moderate even
30:59Bernie Sanders says she's saying what she's got to say to win an election and
31:04if you're stupid enough to buy it shame on you I can't say it anymore
31:17we're saying Eugene
31:37I don't know
31:42I'm okay
31:46I'm okay
31:59I'm okay
32:11I'm okay
32:16I'm okay
32:27I'm okay
32:36I'm okay
32:47I'm okay
33:02I'm okay
33:17I'm okay
33:31I'm okay
33:42I'm okay
33:47I'm okay
34:02I'm okay
34:12I'm okay
34:16I'm okay
