Golden Boy Ep 06 eng dub

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Golden Boy (1995) Episode 06 eng dub


00:00Look, kid, didn't you see what I said in the ad that we were looking for people with cars?
00:20A bike is not a car.
00:23Let me explain.
00:24A car's got something called an engine.
00:26A bike has only got pedals you push around.
00:30The Mikazuki 5 is a hard-working, lovely bicycle, and I-
00:33There's a difference between a bicycle and a car!
00:35When I say car, I mean car!
00:37Oh boy, I think I've blown this one.
00:40Looks like I won't be working here any time soon.
00:42Here, have some tea, please.
00:46Thank you so very much!
00:47Don't mind the boss.
00:49We're really short-handed.
00:50Our working conditions are so harsh that almost nobody ever answers our ads.
00:54Isn't that right, boss?
00:56Thanks so much for sharing.
00:58Still, could you be ready to start today?
01:00Oh, of course I can!
01:02Thank you very much, sir!
01:03All right, Chi.
01:05Show Bicycle Boy around the place.
01:07Yes, sir!
01:10So her name's Chi!
01:12She's a cute and kind co-worker!
01:14This is going to be great!
01:16And these are the desks where the animators work.
01:17I'm so pleased to meet you!
01:28I guess the mornings in animation studios begin a little late.
02:28I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:29I guess the mornings in animation studios begin a little late.
02:30I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:31I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:32I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:33I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:34I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:35I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:36I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:37I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:38I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:39I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:40I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:41I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:42I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:43I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:44I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:45I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:46I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:47I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:48I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:49I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:50I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:51I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:52I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:53I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:54I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:55I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:56I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:57I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:58I'm so pleased to meet you!
02:59I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:00I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:01I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:02I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:03I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:04I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:05I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:06I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:07I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:08I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:09I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:10I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:11I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:12I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:13I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:14I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:15I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:16I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:17I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:18I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:19I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:20I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:21I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:22I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:23I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:24I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:25I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:26I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:27I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:28I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:29I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:30I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:31I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:32I'm so pleased to meet you!
03:34My name is Kentaro Oe.
03:36I'm a freeter.
03:37A free spirit who specializes in temporary jobs.
03:40Right now, I'm working at an animation studio,
03:43where I'm a production administrator in training.
03:45That sounds pretty impressive, but it's really not.
03:47You see, there are a lot of steps involved in producing an animated film,
03:51and that means a lot of people.
03:53The job of a production administrator is to organize and administrate
03:56the full length of the production process.
03:59That means I pick up a lot of stuff and take it where it needs to go.
04:02Hi! I've got the completed cells here!
04:05Put them over there, please.
04:12Um, why are you jiggling those?
04:14I'm getting rid of all the air bubbles that were mixed into the vinyl cell paint.
04:17By tapping the cell from the other side, you can deflate the bubbles.
04:21That makes the painted cell look even better than it did before.
04:24Oh, how educational!
04:27You sure like learning, don't you?
04:29Being a PA is tough, but hang in there.
04:32Yes, ma'am! I'll be well-hugged!
04:34Oh, she's got a nice body!
04:36I'd say her chest measurement is at least 33!
04:39No, make that 33 and a half inches! Seek up!
04:42Wow! Nice tits and brains!
04:45She's really one hot mama!
04:47I may be an administrator, but since I'm just a trainee,
04:50I get to do most of the odd jobs when I'm not running errands.
04:53But the process of producing animation is full of things I never thought about,
04:57so it's all very educational.
04:59For example, the people that draw and make the drawings move
05:02are referred to as animators.
05:04They do this by drawing dozens and dozens of pictures.
05:07When the pictures are photographed in sequence,
05:09one frame of film at a time, the drawing appears to move.
05:12Animators are further subdivided into two groups.
05:15First, the key animators draw the most important poses.
05:18Then the in-between animators fill in the rest of the movement.
05:21It's a time-consuming process.
05:23What's up, Kentaro?
05:26That animation sheet!
05:28Are you supposed to draw stuff like that?
05:32This company does a lot of adult animation, too.
05:35Those breasts look just like skewers!
05:37So you recognize them!
05:39Actually, I was using this book as a reference.
05:44Ooh, man, that's really great!
05:46That's my job!
05:47Of course! I like breasts that are shaped like this!
05:50Hey, you're pretty good at drawing them!
05:52You think so? I do a lot of doodling in my notebook.
05:55Personally, I prefer the ones where the nipples point up.
05:58Yes, but the upper curve looks best when it's rounded just like so.
06:02Don't you think?
06:04Wow, you really know your boo!
06:08I told you to clean up the place before the guests get here!
06:10I'm sorry, sir!
06:12Get on it right now!
06:14I bought it.
06:16Hang in there.
06:22I'm sorry.
06:30Please, come right in!
06:33Watch your step.
06:37Hey, boss, who are they?
06:39The sponsor and the original author.
06:42Hello, director.
06:45Have you met Mr. Ngoa?
06:47Pleased to meet you.
06:49Of course!
06:52Excuse me, who is that guy?
06:54That's Tetsuya Ngoa.
06:56His name's on the poster.
06:58What? The ultra-popular best-selling author of Golden Girls
07:00that's featured in weekly comic Bungee Jump?
07:02Who can draw erotic illustrations better than anyone else
07:04and is the richest person alive and is really slick and handsome?
07:07That's Tetsuya Ngoa?
07:11And that's my idea of how the film will come out.
07:13Okay, director, I love it!
07:15But you'd better make this film gripping!
07:17I want to grab the audience by the balls!
07:19I'll grab them and squeeze!
07:21They won't be able to sit down for a year!
07:23Excuse me! Can I have your autograph?
07:27Who's this?
07:29Kentaro Ohe, age 25, production administrator in training.
07:32Are you insane?
07:34Don't you know that Mr. Ngoa is much too busy to spend the time
07:36to give an autograph to a mere peon like you?
07:39Oh, he's so generous, too.
07:41He sure is!
07:44Thank you so much, sir!
07:46Well, if the meeting's over, do you want to go get something to drink?
07:49Liquor me up!
07:54Now, let's talk about the production schedule.
07:57You have a month and a half to go.
07:59You will make your deadline, won't you?
08:02Mr. Ngoa's designs are so detailed
08:04that they're kind of hard to animate.
08:06You never mentioned that before.
08:09Kentaro! Have you finished all that cleaning yet?
08:11Uh, I'll go clean!
08:13Well, we'll adjust the schedule as necessary.
08:15It would be in your best interest.
08:17And another thing.
08:18I don't think it was appropriate to call anyone a mere anything.
08:21I'll make a note of that.
08:27It's so educational!
08:29You're really weird, kid.
08:33It looks like we're going to have to complete this animation project
08:35in just a month and a half!
08:37The number of jobs I have to do keeps growing and growing!
08:40And since I don't have a car,
08:42I have to carry everything on my bike!
08:45Stacks of in-between drawings and animation cells
08:47really can get heavy when you have to carry a lot of them.
08:50Sometimes the going is pretty steep,
08:52especially since a lot of the animators now work out of their own homes.
08:55Their daily routines are all different,
08:57which means that I've got to be on standby at the company all night long!
09:01Um, Mr. Wakamono?
09:02Do you have any more clean-ups for me?
09:05Thank you!
09:06Mr. Wakamono's the chief animator.
09:09There are a lot of animators,
09:10and they all draw just a little differently.
09:12So it's his job to make sure that they all draw the same way.
09:15Oh, wow!
09:16You're a better artist than even Mr. Ingawa!
09:19Oh, thanks a lot!
09:21The film that we're steamrolling ahead on
09:23is an original story by Tatsuya Ingawa.
09:26It's called The Valley Where the Oni Screams.
09:28It's a fantasy spectacular about a group of kindergartners
09:31on a field trip who accidentally break a seal
09:33imprisoning an oni!
09:34It's a great story,
09:35but just meeting our schedule has become
09:37an equally fantastic spectacle, too!
09:39Ah, thank you for the drawings!
09:41Kentaro, are you going to go outside?
09:44I'm delivering some in-betweens.
09:45Could you get me a beef bowl for Matsuya's on your way back?
09:48No problem!
09:49Did you say Matsuya's?
09:51Hey, Kentaro, get me a large beef bowl!
09:53Ginger-flavored beef for me!
09:54Yeah, yeah, me too!
09:55Large rib beef combo, no onions, please.
09:56Could you get me a beef curry with a raw egg to go?
09:58Hey, supersize mine!
10:01When animators get really busy,
10:02they eat less and less outside.
10:04Their meals usually consist of prepackaged meals
10:07sold in convenience stores,
10:08mixed with beef bowls and lots of instant ramen noodles.
10:12They aren't getting the balanced nutrition they need,
10:14and the amount of unburnable trash in the building
10:16is building up fast.
10:18This can't be good.
10:24Cooking yourself something?
10:25Actually, I was making a hot vegetable dish
10:27for the animators.
10:28I don't want them getting scurvy.
10:30Wow, you're really into it.
10:32Well, I've worked in a restaurant before.
10:34You're doing great work, Kentaro.
10:36Will you let me taste-test it when you're done?
10:38Anything for you, Chi!
10:40Oh, Miss Chi is so sweet!
10:43She's always so encouraging to me!
10:54That cute Miss Chi
10:55just placed her cute pink bottom on this!
10:58I wonder...
10:59if it's still warm!
11:01Oh, God!
11:02What am I thinking?
11:03Why do I think these things?
11:05I'm bad!
11:06So bad!
11:08But I can't stop myself!
11:11Hey, what are you doing
11:12moving this butt
11:13on the...
11:19Life is so disgusting!
11:26So much junk!
11:28Oh, my!
11:31What a mess!
11:32This is so disgusting!
11:34So disgusting!
11:36Man, how can they even tell where anything is?
11:38There's garbage everywhere!
11:40There's even leftover food!
11:44All right!
11:45I'll clean it up!
11:57Did you just straighten up my desk?
12:02Anything is anything!
12:07You should never mess with an animator's desk!
12:10It's great that you're so enthusiastic!
12:13But be more careful, Ken-chan!
12:17And there...
12:18And there you go!
12:22Damn it!
12:23I scratched my new pants!
12:30All right!
12:31What do you have to say for yourself?
12:33What kind of progress report is this?
12:35You've just got three weeks to go,
12:36and you haven't even started photographing the cells yet!
12:39Would you like to explain that?
12:41It's fine.
12:42We'll start shooting a first batch of cells next week.
12:45And will you be able to make the deadline with that?
12:48Well, actually,
12:50the director's running just a little bit behind.
12:52We were hoping that we might be able
12:54to work out a little delay in the timetable.
12:57How could you ask me to negotiate at this stage?
12:59You were planning this from the beginning, weren't you?
13:01No! No, of course not!
13:03You do understand that this is a business, don't you?
13:05You're a subcontractor on a manufactured product,
13:08and you've got a deadline to meet, or else!
13:10It is not like we're asking you to make a great work of art!
13:13But consider how Mr. N'Gala feels about the project,
13:15and the rest of the staff...
13:17That has nothing to do with the schedule!
13:19Well, that might be the case,
13:21but still, our artistic aspirations are...
13:24If you check your contract...
13:25If you check your contract...
13:30I got it!
13:31I got it!
13:35Right on the mark!
13:37Good job!
13:38Leisure is take-printer!
13:40All right, if that's the way you want to play, so be it!
13:43If you miss your deadline by so much as an hour,
13:46I'll destroy you!
13:48Go ahead, make my deal.
13:55About that deadline...
13:57My section won't be finished on time.
13:59Will we be okay, boss?
14:01You were behind schedule in the coloring department, too!
14:05All right, as you just heard,
14:07this has become the gravest crisis in our company's history.
14:10The odds may seem to be stacked against us.
14:12Indeed, at this point, it may even seem hopeless.
14:14But still, we've got to bite the bullet
14:17and complete this film on time anyway!
14:19We will finish it!
14:21Well, I don't suppose we have any alternative.
14:24We're really pushing it, though.
14:27Right, as soon as the director gets here,
14:29we'll have to completely reorganize the production sequencing.
14:31I want everybody to go back and review...
14:33Boss, the director's been hit by a car and is in the hospital!
14:42Oh, that's it!
14:43It's all over now!
14:46Hey, boss?
14:48Don't look at my face!
14:51Don't get close to me at all!
15:14You gotta get your spirits up, Chi!
15:17It'll all work out!
15:20Thanks for what you did back there,
15:22for taking the heat off me.
15:24Did I do something noble unknowingly?
15:26If I hadn't spilled that tea,
15:28none of this would have happened.
15:30What are you saying?
15:31That wasn't your fault, Chi!
15:33It was a giant accident!
15:35Yeah, it was any single person's fault!
15:37Not at all!
15:41But it'll be okay, Chi!
15:43Come on, hang in there!
15:44This is the last man's dash!
15:48But my job is so unimportant.
15:52All I do is paint cells all day long.
15:54It doesn't matter that I always make my deadline.
15:57Nobody expects anything out of me.
16:00All I do is paint.
16:08But there are no jobs that are unimportant,
16:11and what you do is extraordinary.
16:15It's true, Chi!
16:16Don't you believe me?
16:18Animation is pictures that move in color with real sound and voices!
16:22Comics, novels, and paintings can't do that!
16:24Plus, you can do all sorts of things with the characters
16:27that you'd never get away with doing in live-action films or videos!
16:31That's what makes animation so unique and wonderful!
16:34And it's the skills and talents of dozens of brilliant artists
16:38all working together to make it all happen!
16:40Don't you see?
16:42Animation is incredibly cool!
16:44So let's not give up now!
16:46We gotta go for the gusto!
16:48It's all a matter of studying!
16:51Of studying?
16:58Don't you understand that it's impossible?
17:01Yeah, the director's flat on his back, kid.
17:04Who's gonna check the shots?
17:06Well, I'll carry the key animation to the hospital!
17:09That's not the only problem.
17:11There are a lot of shots that haven't even been worked out yet.
17:14This ain't no milk run.
17:16But we could all help each other out!
17:18Mindless effort isn't gonna get us any nearer to finishing this thing.
17:21We've already got more work than we can possibly do!
17:24I got it! We could use computers like Disney does!
17:27Don't be stupid. Doing animation with computers ain't no walk in the park.
17:31And CG takes a whole lot of time.
17:33It's expensive as hell, too.
17:35Who's going to pay for it?
17:37There's just no way in hell.
17:39We'll never make the deadline!
17:41It just can't be helped, young man.
17:44Yeah, I mean, sometimes you just gotta let it go.
17:46Maybe they're hiring over at Speed Racer.
17:48You know, things might be different
17:50if we knew someone who worked in a computer graphics firm.
17:55It has come to me!
17:57Of course! That's the answer!
17:59Friends that do CG!
18:11Yes. Tea and software.
18:15Oh, God, you don't know how long I looked for you!
18:18What are you doing now?
18:20What? CG?
18:22Uh-huh. Animation.
18:24Well, we don't specialize in computer graphics,
18:28but, yes, we could certainly animate wireframe models
18:31that could be outputted onto cells.
18:33Yes, I'll be waiting.
18:37Okay, everybody, we have an emergency!
18:40Hey, guys, I gotta go to a meeting!
18:42I'll be right back!
18:44Study, study, study, study, study, study, study!
18:48Thank you so much, Kintaro.
18:50I'm here to learn!
18:52Are there any other problems?
18:54I need a reference for shot 218.
18:57Oh, thank heavens!
18:59I'm so glad to hear from you, Kintaro!
19:01That's great, but I have a favor to ask of you.
19:04Film of me swimming?
19:06Will an 8mm video be fine?
19:08Oh, thank you so very much!
19:11Yes, yes!
19:13Do you have a fax machine? I'll send it right off, then.
19:15I don't know how I can thank you for all of this.
19:31Here's the reference video you needed!
19:33Hey, what about shot 230?
19:36Study, study!
19:39Kintaro, get those cells to the photographers!
19:41Right away!
19:42I need them tomorrow, I'm begging you!
19:44Hello there, I'm from the Ghanaian Noodle Shop.
19:47I've come to make sure you're all well-fed and healthy while you work.
19:50I've got some lovely udon.
19:52Would you like to try my noodles?
19:55It seems that animator types are especially attracted to girls like Noriko.
19:59How very educational.
20:03Kintaro, help me peel the paper off these cells!
20:05Oh, sure!
20:10Here, we need this checked by tomorrow!
20:12Yeah, you can check this out!
20:14I'm begging you!
20:15The voice actress has just bailed on us!
20:18I know some girls who are good at thanking things!
20:20Um, hi there!
20:22This is so cool!
20:24We're so glad to be working here!
20:26Girls these days aren't nervous or shy at all.
20:28These two will work fine.
20:30I thought they would, sir.
20:40Damn it!
20:41We've gotten this far, but the lab work is going to blow the deadline!
20:45I've got it covered!
20:47This golden boy is our only hope!
20:50There is another!
20:54Just leave the racing up to me!
20:56That's less real!
21:42Too cool!
21:43Too cool!
21:44Too cool!
21:47Huh? What's going on?
21:56Could it, could it be that they hate it?
21:59It's because I screwed around with some stuff in it.
22:02Oh god, what am I gonna do?
22:41Oh, that was lovely!
22:44What a great time!
22:50Yes! Yes! Yes, I love it!
22:54If it were a woman, I'd marry a colored Susie!
23:04Oh boy, I wonder if that's a sequel.
23:06Yeah, they loved it, don't they, weren't they?
23:10All right, I'll be expecting the final edit to be delivered in two days.
23:14We'll have it ready by daybreak.
23:16All right, it looks like all we've got is a little tiny bit of cleanup work to do.
23:20Boss, boss! Kitaro's gone! His bicycle and luggage are all gone!
23:27He ran away again?
23:29I don't believe this, guys!
23:31This is getting ridiculous!
23:33Now we may never be able to get a hold of him!
23:35He's not getting away this time!
23:38I love being devoured!
23:42Eiichi, aren't you going with the others? After Kitaro?
23:47Yes, but I have work to do first.
23:50Somebody's gotta make sure this film has an ending!
23:54Kitaro Oe, age 25.
23:57He withdrew from Tokyo University Law School,
23:59but only after he had already completed all the requirements for graduation.
24:03Ever since, he's traveled the highways and byways of Japan,
24:06trying out new jobs and positions and learning about life to the fullest.
24:11Striving ahead on his trusty bicycle, the Mikazuki 5,
24:14he continues forward, seeking his destiny.
24:16And who knows?
24:18Perhaps his destiny is to save the Japanese animation industry, or even the world.
24:23Or maybe not.
24:37Kitaro, you taught me how fun this job could be.
24:43You taught me how important my job is.
24:47You taught me all that and so much more.
24:51But I'll see you again someday.
24:54I know I will.
25:06I can't...
25:10Nari! Nari! Nari!
25:12Oh, I missed Nari!
26:06The first thing I want to do when I wake up is... lunch!
26:19When I take a nap away from the west,
26:22my face looks like a tatami mat.
26:25When I get a nosebleed, I hit the back of my head.
26:30Why is that?
26:34Do you know the answer?
26:38Tell me. Think about it.
26:42There are still things you want to do.
26:45You can do whatever you want.
26:48Hold your head up high and do your best.
26:52When you're tired, have some tea.
26:55You'll get better little by little.
26:59Study hard!
27:05When I found out that oil was my destiny,
27:08I felt like I had to do it.
27:10When I was in elementary school,
27:12I wanted to be a detective.
27:14I didn't want to be alone.
27:16I wanted to be an athlete.
27:17I wanted to try.
27:19I didn't want to continue my studies.
27:23Are you okay?
27:26Just a little bit.
27:28A little bit?
27:30A little bit?
27:31A little bit?
27:33Because it's his love者, I want to study a lot.
27:37I wanted to be a secondly grade putty.
27:39Close your eyes and get closer.
27:42In order to cheer up.
27:46It's as easy as it seems.
27:48You'll find the mysterious power!
27:52Hold your head up high and do your best.
27:58I'm tired, so I'll make you some tea I'll get better little by little
28:07I've dyed my hair the way I like it I've tied my hair in a ponytail, I'll do my best
28:13It's fun, so I should be able to do it I just want to be serious
28:27I'm tired, so I'll make you some tea I'll get better little by little
28:35I've dyed my hair the way I like it I've tied my hair in a ponytail, I'll do my best
28:40It's fun, so I should be able to do it I just want to be serious
28:57I've dyed my hair the way I like it I've tied my hair in a ponytail, I'll do my best
29:02It's fun, so I should be able to do it I just want to be serious
29:09I've dyed my hair the way I like it I've tied my hair in a ponytail, I'll do my best
29:14It's fun, so I should be able to do it I just want to be serious
29:21I've dyed my hair the way I like it I've tied my hair in a ponytail, I'll do my best
29:26It's fun, so I should be able to do it I just want to be serious
29:56Thank you for watching!
30:26Thank you for watching!
30:56Thank you for watching!
31:26Thank you for watching!