Prison School|Episode 12

  • 2 weeks ago
Prison School|Episode 12|English Dubbed|Dubbed Anime


00:00You mean the one they caught wasn't Lady Chiyo?
00:04I recognized the voice, it was definitely Anzu.
00:07She's the one the Vice President was yelling at.
00:10So what was Anzu caught doing?
00:11I thought your girlfriend was a spy for the Underground Student Council.
00:15But think, if she was here working for them, why would the Vice President have apprehended
00:20Anzu's detainment indicates another intent.
00:22If that's right, what does it mean?
00:24Was she caught trying to help us?
00:26Out with it, Anzu!
00:28What were you doing sneaking around the prison?
00:30So that's how you want to play?
00:34You'll be begging to talk soon enough.
00:37What was that?
00:43I couldn't hear you.
00:44I deserve this.
00:45I wanted to be in the Council so bad that I set Shingo up.
00:46I'm no better than this psycho.
00:47I'm so sorry, Shingo.
00:58I'm so sorry, Shingo.
01:08I'm so sorry.
01:18I'm so sorry.
01:48I'm so sorry.
02:18What the hell?
02:35Why isn't she done yet?
02:37How long are we going to stay like this?
02:39It's getting hard to breathe.
02:40But if I take a breath, I'll totally snort.
02:47I must have been holding her breath, too.
02:49Stop it, weirdo!
02:50Haven't you had enough?
02:51No way.
02:52Not by a long shot.
02:53Come on!
02:54One of the most terrifying girls I've ever met just stole my first kiss!
02:55We're even!
02:57I haven't seen you pee yet, jackrackin'!
02:58There's no way in hell I can go right now!
02:59I am stiffer than I've ever been in my entire life!
03:00It's time to pucker up!
03:01No, no!
03:02Forget it!
03:03What was that?
03:04A signal?
03:05The note said to wait until the lights were out to enter the Corrections Office.
03:06Here's how it's going to work.
03:20You're going to kiss me, or I'm going to tell sweet little Chiyo that I got to you first.
03:26I'm sorry.
03:27What now?
03:28Should I just keep waiting?
03:29I wonder what's going on in there.
03:34Brothers, I would venture to guess that the Lady Anzu has aligned herself with our cause.
03:38If what you're saying is right, maybe she worked with Chiyo to draw the Vice President away.
03:42I'd have made it a lot easier for Chiyo to get into the Corrections Office completely unnoticed.
03:46Thanks, Anzu.
03:47You're the best.
03:48We'll clear ourselves.
03:49Your sacrifice won't go to waste.
03:51For now, all we can do is wait and have faith that Kiyoshi can accomplish his task as he
03:55suffers Hana's insidious revenge.
03:57Wait a second.
03:58Something's off.
03:59Why does Hana seem so rigid?
04:02Is this how kissing is supposed to go?
04:04It can't be.
04:05From what I've heard, it should be a lot more active.
04:08Soft lips melding together.
04:10Tongues dancing their sensual ballet.
04:12This isn't the real thing.
04:14Just a poor imitation.
04:16Chiyo, I still haven't had my first kiss yet.
04:19This is the kiss of a child.
04:21It doesn't even count.
04:22Hana hasn't stolen a single thing from me.
04:25Chiyo, please forgive me.
04:28But there's something far more important than a first kiss debate.
04:31Like my promise to my friends to save our asses.
04:37What's he doing?
04:40Is that his tongue?
04:43I knew it.
04:44Hana's sexuality hasn't developed yet.
04:46You have to give an inch to take a mile.
04:48I'll give you my first real kiss.
04:50And in return, I'll prevent our expulsions.
04:55It's so quiet.
04:57I wonder if anyone's even in there anymore.
05:00What the fuck is going on?
05:02Why do you poke his tongue in my mouth?
05:05Why is the room spinning?
05:07I feel kind of dizzy.
05:09Like my head, my body.
05:11Everything's tingling.
05:17Yoshihiro Shimazu was a figure of prominence during the Sengoku period.
05:21He was head of the Shimazu clan which occupied southern Kyushu centered around Satsuma.
05:27Hey, what's so funny, bro?
05:29Just a fleeting thought.
05:31A dear memory of Sir Kyoshi flooded to my mind.
05:33Care to share with us what that memory was or are you just going to keep giggling?
05:37Twas a beautiful day, cheery and warm.
05:40We sat in the sunlight enjoying each other's company.
05:43Harken back to troubled times.
05:44The battle of Saikigahara, fifth year of the Keicho era.
05:47The forces of the western army with which the Shimazu clan were aligned
05:50were nearing utter defeat at the hands of the eastern army.
05:53Lord Shimazu's men were isolated, surrounded.
05:55Total annihilation seemed inescapable.
05:57However, the mighty leader struck through the center of the enemy's line.
06:00Yoshihiro ordered his warriors to charge the vast army
06:03pushing to their front before encirclement proved inevitable.
06:05It was through that desperate act that he succeeded in carving out a path of retreat.
06:09Henceforth, this unorthodox yet successful maneuver would be spoken of
06:12in almost legendary appreciation as the flight of Shimazu.
06:15So anyway, what kind of music do you like?
06:17Film scores from period dramas like when there's slow-mo shots of horses charging.
06:21What a curious thing memory is.
06:23It's strange that something that happened so recently can also seem to have taken place ages ago.
06:27That's not a story. It sounds like you were just talking to yourself, psycho.
06:30Don't be absurd. It's merely a pleasant memory of two friends chatting.
06:32You were totally giggling about it before you even started talking.
06:34What part of that is supposed to be funny?
06:36I thought I was going to hear a touching tale of friendship, but instead it was dick.
06:39Come on, I think what Gakuto is trying to say is right.
06:42We're in a situation like that, Lord, aren't we?
06:44Quite astute, Sir Andre. That's exactly what yours truly was trying to communicate.
06:48Sir Kiyoshi, yours truly cannot tell what trials and tribulations you may face in there.
06:52But you must continue charging ahead in the face of danger, like the unstoppable Shimatsu Army!
06:57Charge the center of the enemy line!
06:59There will be no retreat today, only forward progress!
07:02I will keep pressing my attack to finally break free!
07:05I can't give up! I'll keep fighting till we're in the clear!
07:08This full-on tongue kiss will go down in history as my own Light of Shimatsu move!
07:27It's Kiyoshi! Is he alone?
07:31I won. It was a hard fight, but I did it.
07:37Chiyo! I told her to wait until the lights went out!
07:40If she walks in and sees this view, then our master plan is royally screwed!
07:44The back door is unlocked. Does that mean I should go in?
07:47Underpants? There's no time. What do I do? I can't let her walk in on us like this!
07:51Not done! We're just getting started! It's too soon, so hold up already!
07:55That's enough. I'm leaving.
07:58I'm gonna go home.
08:00Wait, hang on, Hana. You left your panties and shorts behind!
08:03That's okay. I'm going home.
08:05No, you can't go yet!
08:07Lights out? That's the signal. Guess Kiyoshi just needed more time.
08:13Anzu didn't say a damn thing the whole time.
08:16Maybe she really was just out for an evening stroll.
08:20It's strange. Something seems out of place.
08:27What is this? Some kind of message from Kiyoshi?
08:32Whatever it is, it's warm.
08:35I've never seen Hana acting like that before.
08:38Which kind of proves to me that it was her first kiss.
08:41Even if I did it to secure our release, I hope I didn't take things too far.
08:45I feel kind of bad. Using her first kiss against her.
08:51Get in.
08:53I wonder what the hell went down between them.
08:55Step one of the plan was a success, gentlemen.
08:58Sir Kiyoshi! Even while bearing the brunt of Hana's terrible wrath, he still had the wherewithal to accomplish his mission!
09:04All right, study at your own pace until bedtime.
09:07I need permission to use the lavatory!
09:09Me too.
09:11Yeah, yeah, hurry up.
09:13Mako, you have a good explanation for this?
09:16Anzu's a person of interest!
09:18You did the right thing. Her behavior sounds suspicious.
09:22Yes. I applied advanced interrogation techniques, but she still wouldn't talk.
09:26She might not be a part of it, and the boys might have given up realizing their time was out.
09:31You've worked up quite a healthy sweat again.
09:33If you're hot, perhaps you should change.
09:36Yes, ma'am.
09:44All prisoners are in their cells.
09:47And the doors have been locked.
09:49Nothing is out of the ordinary, so I'm going to bed.
09:52That's the message from Hana.
09:54Maybe there really isn't anything going on.
09:56Perhaps. I still get the troubling sense that they haven't given up, though.
10:00I agree. It certainly feels like there's something to miss this evening, but I haven't a clue as to what!
10:05From what you've told me, I find it surprising that Anzu allowed herself to be caught so easily.
10:10While you were busy dealing with her unexpected appearance, the boys must have used her distraction to their advantage.
10:16Let's find out!
10:21Yeah, what is it?
10:22Thank you. That was a very fine threshing.
10:26The boys are all here, and two locked doors are keeping them in, and it's far too late for them to try anything now.
10:31You're still sweating intensely. Shouldn't you have gone and changed your outfit first?
10:36No, madam! I'm just fine!
10:37So, perhaps we should split up and search the other rooms.
10:40Okay, I'll go investigate the corrections office. You search the restroom.
10:48Nothing out of the ordinary.
10:54Come on! My bladder's reaching critical mass!
10:57Just unzip, dammit!
10:59Gotta do something quick, or I'll be as bad as that pants-crimbing nerd!
11:02Why is this container cut like this?
11:05Mako, what's wrong?
11:08Madam Vice President, what's happening?
11:10I'm terribly sorry, madam. I needed to use the bathroom, but my zipper got stuck, so I tore it off.
11:15I guess I must have inadvertently cried out, struggling to de-robe.
11:20You can rest easy. The bathroom is clear.
11:24Nothing they can do now can stop it. It's over. The boys are finished.
11:29The school's prison is inescapable after all.
11:32Yes. Everything is going according to plan. Tomorrow, they'll be gone.
11:51Tomorrow, their conflict reaches its boiling point.
11:54The boys versus the Underground Student Council.
11:57It will be a hard-fought battle.
11:59It will be a hard-fought battle.
12:01Who will win this war?
12:19Almost hard to believe this will be our last day together.
12:23Hello and good morning, gentlemen. I trust you slept well?
12:28You've been charged with a number of crimes, including peeking into the girls' baths,
12:32and plotting to escape from the prison using various means on three separate incidents.
12:36Is there any disputing the validity of these facts?
12:39Well, do you have any objections? None?
12:44Not even a final attempt at an appeal? Pathetic.
12:47But I still feel something's not right.
12:49And I was like, you barely even know me, so I don't want to hear...
12:54Today, your expulsions will be officially recognized.
12:57So, do you have any final words?
13:01I have to say, good riddance. After all, this school has a reputation to uphold.
13:05Sleazy perverts like you only bring us down.
13:08I can't shake this feeling.
13:10Piece of fax, you lost the war. Now, do the entire campus a favor and get out of here.
13:15No thanks.
13:20You lost the war now do the entire campus a favor and get out of here
13:37No thanks
13:39You're wrong madam president today's battle was our victory
13:44Hmm. Oh, please talk about tragic sounds like the desperate mewling of the defeated
13:51No, it can't be
13:57You're not filthy four-eyes
14:00Please let me go madam vice president. It's Joe then who is this?
14:08Chiyo, why would you help these freaks?
14:11This is what was eating at me
14:13How did I not notice Gakuto's height difference or how last night he went to bed with his glasses on?
14:19Then where the hell is that pants crapping door?
14:25We tricked you this time around and when Gakuto shows up it will mean the end of the underground student council this morning
14:32We free ourselves with truth. That's right. Gakuto was our ace in the hole the entire time
14:42Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting. You see before you the most resourceful strategist of the modern age
14:49I'm taking heat to motor Kuzu also known as
14:56Girls need to head back to class right now
15:01Gakuto why are you in your underwear, dude?
15:03Didn't she'll give you her gym clothes to put on if I wore the fair lady Chiyo's clothes
15:07They would be sullied unfit for a trouser stainer like myself lady. Chiyo is not only beautiful, but brave
15:13She's a righteous young woman who took pity on our plight and aided us in our plan. You have my gratitude
15:19Chiyo, how on earth were you even able to get into the prison?
15:22How the hell did you get out of your cell in the first place filthy four eyes?
15:25I know I locked your ass in before leaving
15:28Just your run-of-the-mill three-way exchange kind of three-way exchange
15:31I snuck in through the back door of the corrections office last night, and then I hid in the restroom
15:37Inconceivable, I know I locked that door didn't I know it was open
15:41After which yours truly and Joe excused ourselves to the lavatory where we met with Lady Chiyo
15:47There Chiyo put on Joe's clothes and Joe in return wore mine
15:51Then I made my way to the office and our plan for a three-way exchange went off without a hitch you mean
15:56Wait, is that what you cut your forehead? Yes to make it easier for sir. Joe to disguise himself
16:02I then wrapped it in an excessive amount of bandages. Mr. Chairman. We now have proof the underground Student Council conspired to get rid of us
16:10The council set a trap with the intent of reversing the new co-ed policy and they'd stop at nothing to get rid of us from
16:17having crows attack Joe's aunts
16:19Orchestrating Andre's breakout and ensuring Shingo couldn't make it back before curfew all of which were set up by the USC
16:25It was called the destroyed testicles operation fabrications and utter nonsense
16:29There's no evidence of what you claim anywhere. You mean the DTO planning data you erased from the computer that didn't stop us matter
16:36Were we not supposed to know we weren't just playing hide-and-seek last night
16:40Let's suppose someone with the necessary knowledge knew how to recover the lost data from the office computer impossible
16:46There's no way you could such a pathetic attempt to save your neck. I personally inspected the corrections office last night
16:52I'll have you know and I was the only person inside. Yes. I was outside
16:56I locked the corrections office from inside then went out the back door where I hid myself until this morning
17:02By the time you and the vice president were making your rounds
17:05You had already lost to the brilliant tactician standing here before you you're bluffing
17:09Barely 10 minutes had passed between honest text message and when we headed to the prison
17:13There's no way you could have recovered that data. So quick our work wasn't restricted to a 10-minute window
17:18We had 20 minutes I had been able to download the restoration software onto the corrections office PC ahead of time ahead of time
17:26Yes earlier when you were distracted by our arm-wrestling competition
17:30I seized the opportunity and snuck into the office for 10 minutes mother
17:35Then where is this supposed data you've acquired?
17:43Is here I
17:45Hold our futures in my hand
17:48What's the flash drive? That's correct, though. We may have been born in different times and places
17:54We are of one heart. We are of the same mind and this is the soul of the five of us
18:00Which we have reclaimed
18:04After overcoming hardships untold
18:11The amalgamated soul of you young men I shall accept and hold fast
18:25Indeed the troubles you lads have suffered and what is written in these plans seems well past a coincidence. Yes
18:37It's my fault
18:41The only person who could have left the back door unlocked for Chiyo was you Kiyoshi?
18:46Isn't that right? Yes when I made my move and exploited your opening I unlocked the back door
18:52Opening was that it you did all that to trick me
18:58That was all just a distraction
19:02I'm so sorry
19:20It ends now Hana
19:22This isn't your fault
19:25Mako you aren't to blame for this either. I forced you both to go along with my plan. Please. No
19:32This was all my doing and I'm more sorry than you'll ever know
19:38Well, these files implicate the underground student council in the plot to permanently eject these boys, correct?
19:48Well, so be it why sis my decision concerning your punishment will be handed down later
19:56Gentlemen, you were originally confined to the prison for the crime of attempted peeking into the girls bath
20:02I hereby declare the debt for that infraction paid in full by the time you spent behind bars to put it simply
20:10from this moment on
20:12You are
20:14We are or what?
20:38Well brothers
20:43We are free
21:32What I see
22:02You can't get it