Prison School|Episode 10

  • 2 weeks ago
Prison School|Episode 10|English Dubbed|Dubbed Anime


00:00We needed proof we could show the Chairman for a stay of expulsion, but our attempt to obtain the DTO project files resulted in failure.
00:09In the end, we had resigned ourselves to our fate. Any desire we had to fight back was long gone.
00:15We weren't even angry, or anxious, or sad. After everything we'd been through, our spirits were completely broken.
00:24A new plan! As long as we're cleaning the bathrooms, we should answer the call of nature first, thus killing two birds with one stone!
00:30And then there was Gakuto.
00:32But then we'd have to work on the steak.
00:35Smells like a sweaty turd.
00:37A masterful strategy. Well done, Gakuto.
00:39Come join me on the drone raid, comrades! Depending upon your diet, it will be a show of solidarity!
00:44Gakuto's spirit wasn't broken. It had been absolutely pulverized.
00:49It seems those fools have finally been cowed into accepting their punishment.
00:54They are so submissive now. I'm actually a little bit disappointed.
00:57And by this time next week, the school will finally be free of their disruptive presence. Won't that be wonderful?
01:07Yes, ma'am.
01:49Yes, ma'am.
01:52Yes, ma'am.
01:54Yes, ma'am.
01:57Yes, ma'am.
02:00Yes, ma'am.
02:02Yes, ma'am.
02:04Yes, ma'am.
02:07Yes, ma'am.
02:09Yes, ma'am.
02:11Yes, ma'am.
02:13Yes, ma'am.
02:15Yes, ma'am.
02:16Yes, ma'am.
02:18Yes, ma'am.
02:20Yes, ma'am.
02:22Yes, ma'am.
02:24Yes, ma'am.
02:42The boys' food is ready.
02:46It won't be long now.
02:50The day after next, the chairman will affix this seal and your time at this school will
02:53have come to an end.
02:54They say it was Texas that started the tradition of allowing condemned prisoners to customize
02:58their last meal.
03:00If you think about it, the day after tomorrow is like your execution day.
03:03So then, tell me what you want.
03:05Salt-brewed steak!
03:06Steak, steak.
03:07I gotta go with katsudon.
03:08I'll stick with the normal menu.
03:09Hey, Brown Thunder.
03:10What's yours?
03:11Yours truly shall die in a deep fried pan!
03:12Hey, Brown Thunder.
03:13What's yours?
03:14Yours truly shall die on deep fried grasshoppers over sticky rice and don't skip, I expect
03:18only the finest insects!
03:19Very well.
03:22Oh, madam.
03:23I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to change my order.
03:26To what?
03:27I'll take a whipping from your rotting crop, for starters, for the main dish, a flurry
03:30of cakes mixed with groin-stopping, and lastly, for dessert, I want you to spit in my face
03:33and tell me how naughty I've been.
03:34Anything other than food is out of the question.
03:36Two more days, then we're out of here.
03:43It's Chiyo.
03:44How are you?
03:45Stupid question.
03:46I'm sure you're miserable.
03:47If you're able to write a reply, leave a little bit of bread on your tray and try to stuff
03:53your message inside it.
03:54I will, Chiyo.
03:55What an awesome girl.
03:56Damn it, I don't want to split up with her.
03:59What's this?
04:01Kiyoshi has received an illicit message from a lady!
04:05Doesn't matter now.
04:06He's right.
04:08This is all over anyway.
04:11How right you are, my good man.
04:14Perhaps using this method will nullify our sentence once and for all.
04:19Our means of escape is right here.
04:21Wait, what are you saying?
04:23Have you only been pretending to go insane?
04:26You mean you've been plotting this whole time?
04:28Hell yeah.
04:29Hurry up and tell us our master plan!
04:31We'll camouflage ourselves with the leftover food and escape unseen!
04:35Some soup for me?
04:36You mix in with the breadcrumbs!
04:37Join me, brothers!
04:38We'll climb atop stallion stallions and ride away from this oppressive hell!
04:43Great plan, Gakuto.
04:46Just brilliant.
04:52Two days and then he's gone.
04:54Dear Chiyo, thank you.
04:56And now, farewell.
04:59Kiyoshi, stay strong.
05:01We'll figure something out.
05:02It can't end like this.
05:12Each requested item cooked to perfection.
05:14Enjoy your last meal.
05:15Damn, that smells so good.
05:17I myself have chosen the most scrumptious dinner of them all!
05:20For real though, are you seriously going to eat that?
05:23Snap out of it, bro.
05:24They're freaking bugs.
05:25You really shouldn't do it, dude.
05:26Don't you have a week, Kamui?
05:28Shut up, fools!
05:29The grasshoppers are all mine!
05:31Wait, it's so clear to me now.
05:33You're trying to take away my delicious dinner, aren't you?
05:35Well, so be it.
05:38Knock it off!
05:40Shut up and eat!
05:42I've never had meat this tender before.
05:44It looks so good.
05:45I know, mine's perfect.
05:47Well, at least our last night here isn't going to suck.
05:50Another missive without promise for a future?
05:52Goodness gracious, Kiyoshi.
05:54Sex the only thing on your lewd mind?
06:01Dude, are you okay?
06:03What the hell were those grasshoppers loaded with?
06:05An epiphany!
06:06From on high!
06:07A means of escape has struck me like a bolt of lightning!
06:10We don't have grasshopper-sized saddles.
06:12There's no time for your ludicrous musings!
06:13Now hurry up and finish your meal!
06:18What sort of disgusting meal have they given me?
06:20Fried grasshoppers over rice, dude.
06:22Indeed, but why serve them to me?
06:25Have I not undergone enough torture?
06:27What the hell are you going on about?
06:28That's what you ordered for your last meal, bro.
06:30I have no recollection of those events!
06:32Wait, what?
06:33Does that mean you're back to sort of normal?
06:35What is normal?
06:36Certainly not this six-legged eccentric fare!
06:39Forget that nonsense.
06:40Gakuto, you've come up with a plan, right?
06:44Sir Kiyoshi, when I espied your note from Chiyo,
06:46a thought occurred to me.
06:47One final gambit we must now employ.
06:50Are you working on something, Mr. Chairman?
06:53Some miscellaneous pieces of business need seeing to.
06:57Of course. Working hard.
06:59Very hard.
07:01Best of luck with that.
07:02Just a reminder, those scumbag boys will be expelled tomorrow.
07:05I asked you not to delay in affixing your seal to the documents.
07:09So the day has finally come.
07:11Very well.
07:12Furthermore, I ask you to refrain from seeing to miscellaneous pieces of business at school.
07:16It's beyond disgusting.
07:18Please excuse me.
07:27I should probably invest in some blinds.
07:30And that's my plan in a nutshell.
07:32Come tomorrow, we shall set it in motion, my brothers.
07:36It would seem my plan's brilliance is so astounding,
07:38it has rendered the lot of you speechless.
07:40Well, I wouldn't go that far.
07:42Look, man, any way you cut it, it's still crazy.
07:44No matter the insanity, we must keep trying.
07:46There's no more time. We're getting expelled tomorrow.
07:50Tomorrow? That much time can't possibly even elapsed.
07:53What are we to do?
07:55However you slice it, my proposal needs at least two more days to work.
07:58There's nothing left to do, bro. We're out of time.
08:01If we are indeed to be expelled tomorrow, then this plan hasn't a chance.
08:05Well, I hope you enjoyed your meals.
08:07There's some paperwork you germ farms need to fill out.
08:10Your withdrawal request.
08:12It's funny.
08:13I doubt the school life will be quite as lively once the five of you are out of here.
08:17Is it just me, or does it almost sound like she's going to miss us when we're gone?
08:22In good riddance, in my opinion.
08:28Her body quivers with repression.
08:30I would have never guessed she'd be so sentimental.
08:32Thou art not alone in thy tears, your ladyship.
08:35We too shall never forget the memories forged during the last several weeks together.
08:38You dare to waste the food I worked so hard to prepare?
08:43Now I believe you turd cutters have paperwork to complete.
08:46Guess I read that situation wrong.
08:48So much for sympathy.
08:51How's your head feel, Kakuto?
08:53If I'm being honest, not so good, actually.
08:55No time for self pity.
08:56I say let's get the gears turning on your plan.
08:59It's impossible.
09:00Put simply, yours truly's plan needs more time than we've been given.
09:04We'll come up with something.
09:05Yeah, like what, man?
09:07We're kind of out of options here.
09:09We will simply write a plea directly to the chairman.
09:11To the chairman?
09:12That's right.
09:13We'll write an appeal and stick it on one of our forms.
09:17Then we can speak to him in person about this DTO trap set by the Underground Student Council.
09:21Of course.
09:22That could buy us a couple days while the chairman conducts an investigation.
09:26A couple extra days would come in handy.
09:28Which will give us enough time to follow Kakuto's plan and track down hard evidence of DTO.
09:33Wise up.
09:34We'll just get shot down again.
09:35Don't think like that, Shingo.
09:36We can't accept getting kicked out of school lying down.
09:39Not until we've made it to summer.
09:41Until the wet t-shirt contest.
09:44When you talk about giving up,
09:45all I hear is I don't want to see nipples through transparent clinging clothing.
09:49But I do, man.
09:50I want it more than anything in the world.
09:52What'd you say?
09:53Sound off like you've got a pair!
09:55I want to see them!
09:56Perky nips poking through wet t-shirts like nature intended!
09:59Like pencil erasers from heaven!
10:01I know.
10:02That's why we've got to keep the faith, man.
10:09How strange.
10:10It feels like I've forgotten something.
10:14That one day, in the nurse's office.
10:17What was it?
10:19And why did I think back to it when I saw these mushrooms?
10:23Have you bitches filled out those forms yet?
10:25Yes, ma'am.
10:27What's this sh-t?
10:28It's for the chairman, madam.
10:30You wrote a f-cking appeal?
10:32I know it won't do us any good,
10:33but we wanted to send this note as a sort of official apology.
10:37Please, madam, give us one last shot at dignity!
10:41How adorable.
10:42I'll put it on the fridge.
10:44All right, I'll take it to him.
10:46We are forever in your debt!
10:50It's late.
10:51I'm afraid our breakfast isn't coming.
10:53And yet hunger isn't the only reaction taking place in my gut.
10:58Think he'll come down here?
10:59Assuming this ball-breaker gave him the note in the first place.
11:02I really don't think this is going to work, guys.
11:04Lord Garnet will be fine.
11:05It'll be fine.
11:06It'll be fine.
11:07It'll be fine.
11:08It'll be fine.
11:09It'll be fine.
11:10It'll be fine.
11:11It'll be fine.
11:12It'll be fine.
11:13It'll be fine.
11:14It'll be fine.
11:15It'll be fine.
11:16It'll be fine.
11:17It'll be fine.
11:18It'll be fine.
11:19Even if it is just blind hope.
11:20Then why hasn't the chairman dragged his ass down here yet?
11:23No clue.
11:28It isn't him.
11:29Does that mean...
11:30As previously scheduled, your expulsions became official as of today.
11:35Form a line and follow me.
11:37You are hereby ordered to return to the dorms and retrieve any personal effects before you leave.
11:41This is your last work detail.
11:43Erase any sign of your presence.
11:45I don't want so much as a single hair to get left behind by you dumb pricks.
11:49It can't be!
11:51How could you be so cruel, Madam Vice President?
11:54Tearing up our appeal so carelessly!
11:57You gave us your word of honor!
11:59The time for talking is over.
12:01Now shut up and walk.
12:06Today's the day those idiots get kicked out.
12:09I guess I won't get my payback on that dumbass Kiyoshi after all.
12:12Whatever. I'll just bash him in the stomach real hard before he leaves school for good.
12:17That's weird.
12:18This mushroom is making me think of passing out in the nurse's office too.
12:21But why?
12:30Got it!
12:42This is the beginning of the end for you.
12:45I hope you enjoyed your last meal and it gave you some sense of closure.
12:49Any final words from the condemned?
12:53Any last words should be directed towards me, shouldn't they?
12:56It's part of my job. Agreed?
13:02Hello, Father.
13:03What the hell is he doing here?
13:05I know for a fact he didn't get that note.
13:09What did you snot nachos do?
13:12Come, let's head back to the prison.
13:14I need to have a word with you boys.
13:18I could go for a hot cup of tea.
13:21Oh, yes sir.
13:23So what made the chairman want to come down to our dungeon?
13:25I haven't the foggiest notion.
13:27The vice president ripped our appeal letter into pieces.
13:30Sneaky little rats.
13:32I ripped up their little letter but it still got through.
13:35A decoy.
13:36A decoy?
13:38I wrote the legit appeal on my withdrawal request form,
13:41then made a dummy note.
13:42That's what got ripped up.
13:44I figured she'd get rid of the obvious note
13:46and then it would go to her head,
13:48never thinking to check the contents of the request themselves.
13:50Positively genius,
13:51much akin to the clever strategy employed by the brilliant and shrewd Pang Tong
13:55during the Battle of Red Cliffs.
13:56I'll have to take your word for it on that one, man.
13:58Praetor, what did you write on the form to catch his eye?
14:01I came here because I got your message.
14:04Before we start, let's get one thing straight.
14:06I've made some mistakes,
14:08but kissing a blackmailer's ass wasn't one.
14:12Must be something he's been trying to hide.
14:14Guess I picked the right hot button.
14:16I had to go with what I witnessed on the other side of the wall
14:18if I really wanted to get his attention.
14:20It's the trump card I've been saving to persuade the chairman to postpone our expulsion.
14:24Dammit, what are they talking about in there?
14:33Where is he?
14:34Where's that bastard Kiyoshi?
14:39You've got it wrong.
14:40I only mentioned that to make sure we got this conversation.
14:43The fact of the matter is, the U.S.C. set us up.
14:46Yes, I've heard this all before.
14:48But you have no credible evidence to verify this accusation, do you?
14:52Not at the moment, no.
14:54One more week!
14:55No, three more days should give us enough time to find proof.
14:58I understand.
14:59You want more time to gather evidence and build a case for yourselves.
15:03And to that end, you need to have your expulsions postponed, correct?
15:07Well then, between booties and breasts, which do you prefer?
15:13Who, me?
15:15Which do I prefer?
15:16Buttocks or breasts?
15:19Given the choice, yours truly would have to go with boo...
15:22Hold on a second, guys.
15:23Why don't you sit back while I field his question?
15:26Go right ahead.
15:27They don't know it, but the chairman's putting us to a test.
15:30I have to remember.
15:31Which one was it?
15:35Booties are what we love!
15:40You have answered wisely.
15:43Allow me to share with you a motto I believed in throughout my life.
15:47Nobody who is an ass man can be all bad.
15:51Freaking jackpot!
15:52And so then, does that mean you'll postpone our expulsions, honorable Mr. Chairman?
15:56No, no.
15:57I cannot in good conscience give my approval yet.
16:00After all, your claims to be ass men could have been disingenuous scheming.
16:03Who knows?
16:04Why did you choose butts?
16:06Well, a true ass man would already know the answer to this riddle.
16:10Breasts are great fun.
16:11So why did you pick asses?
16:14Could answering this one question determine the course of the rest of our lives?
16:18Of course!
16:19Now I see!
16:20The question's like the riddle of the Sphinx!
16:22What has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
16:26That's where the riddle goes, am I right, Takato?
16:29And according to the legend, those who answered the question incorrectly
16:32got killed and eaten by the giant lion pharaoh monstrosity.
16:35And our answer's gonna kinda determine the same thing.
16:38Answer wrong and we're expelled.
16:39But then, on the other hand,
16:41if we answer the question right, we'll be rewarded with survival.
16:45Way to stay positive, Kiyoshi.
16:47We could change everything with a right answer.
16:49If we all put our heads together, we'll figure this out in no time.
16:52I'm afraid not.
16:54No deliberation.
16:56When discussing one's personal taste,
16:58common denominator answers are devoid of any deeper meaning.
17:01What is it about booties that inflames your inner desire?
17:04The booties demand you speak for them.
17:08Kiyoshi, you're the one who said you liked butts,
17:10so you'll be the one to answer.
17:14Take it easy, Hana.
17:15Move it!
17:16Let me cut that creep to bits!
17:18No way!
17:19You aren't going anywhere with that knife.
17:21What's gotten into you anyway?
17:22Nothing got in!
17:23But it got way too close for comfort!
17:25Don't you see?
17:26His... and my...
17:28We were so close!
17:29I'll kill that jerk!
17:30I'll kill the shit out of him, and then I'll off myself!
17:33I can't allow Hana to go on like this.
17:35The Underground Student Council can't leave space in front of the student body!
17:43Hana, please forgive me.
17:46Now then.
17:48It's no use.
17:49I can't come up with anything.
17:51I mean, I personally like tits more than ass, if I'm being honest.
17:54I've got a million things to say about gazongas.
17:57They have nipples, and make milk, and are way squishier than butts!
18:01It's hopeless.
18:02I keep trying, but I can't think of a single reason why butts are better than boobs!
18:06Do you know the answer that the hero Oedipus gave to solve the Sphinx's riddle in the end?
18:10The answer is man.
18:12A first man learns to crawl on all fours,
18:14then he stands unaided on two legs,
18:16and once old, uses a cane making three legs.
18:19Sir Kyoshi, you must become our own edible hero in our time of need!
18:24No offense, but could you not talk?
18:26Your wealth of knowledge is only going to distract.
18:28Not my intention!
18:30Hold on. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
18:32Of course, there's no logic behind preference!
18:34Just like when the mountain climber was asked why he climbed the mountain,
18:37and he said because the mountain was there!
18:39The same could be said about butts, couldn't it?
18:41Perhaps you need a little hint to push you in the right direction.
18:46In my travels, I've asked the same question to people from all different cultures,
18:50and I've been given disappointing answers by most.
18:52The worst answer being, there's no logic behind one's preference.
18:56No reason, c'est la vie.
18:58And of course, the tired George Mallory inspired,
19:01because the butt is there, sound bite.
19:03But if you say you prefer butts without a reason behind it,
19:06you proclaim your own phoniness.
19:08You've had plenty of time to justify your decision.
19:10I think it's time you shared your answer, don't you?
19:13It's no use.
19:14I got nothing.
19:15Drawing a blank.
19:19Butt cheeks?
19:20The hell is a butt doing in the window?
19:22Wait, that's no butt.
19:24Those are...
19:27The vice president's giant ass-like boobs!
19:30What are those chump-ass losers talking about in there?
19:33They're so similar.
19:34Part of human development.
19:36The evolution of the species.
19:38They're both round.
19:39Boobs and butts.
19:40Butts and boobs.
19:53When the first men walked on all fours,
19:55what was right in their faces
19:57but the posterior?
19:59Then, when mankind started walking on two legs,
20:02we stopped having round butts in our faces all day, every day.
20:05And to take their place,
20:06something new appeared in front of our faces.
20:10Women's breasts continued growing throughout the ages,
20:12taking the place of the butt as a carnal focus.
20:14But the original source of desire was the padauk!
20:17But boobs are a substitute, frankly!
20:19Tits are merely a pale imitation trying to take glory from the buttocks!
20:22If asked would I rather have a copy or the original,
20:25I would choose the original, naturally!
20:27Boobs have evolved to jut out in front of us as a greeting to the world,
20:30while the buttocks remain hidden around the back, waiting their turn,
20:32coyly drawing attention in true erotic...
20:34That's enough.
20:36You have proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt
20:39that you're a bona fide ass man, Kyoshi.
20:41A well-thought-out answer, kindred spirit of mine.
20:45Master Chairman, does that mean...
20:47Like I said, nobody who is an ass man can be all bad.
20:51Expulsion postponed.
20:56What the hell?
20:57However, the maximum reprieve I can grant you is a single day.
21:02But that is much too brief, Your Honor!
21:04Couldn't we have three?
21:05A man who's earnest,
21:06it is possible for him to accomplish great tasks in a single day.
21:11You postponed their expulsion, Chairman.
21:13Explain yourself.
21:14I have come to the decision that there is enough here
21:16to question whether their expulsion is actually justified...
21:19or not.
21:20Their expulsion is a matter of policy!
21:22What's your angle?
21:23Madam President,
21:24it's unbecoming of someone in your position to callously challenge an educator.
21:28Or are you implying that granting a one-day extension might be problematic for you?
21:32That it?
21:33I think I'll take my leave...
21:37Well then,
21:38thank you very much.
21:40Your help was much appreciated, Madam Vice President.
21:45We somehow managed to get through that unscathed,
21:47but all we got is a one-day extension?
21:49This is no time to mope.
21:51Up until that meeting,
21:52we were on our way to the chopping block.
21:54But from the depths of the darkness
21:56came a light at the end of the tunnel.
21:58And though it appears small from where we stand,
22:01it is a beacon that will guide us out of this pit.
22:04That was beautiful!
22:06That was beautiful!
22:07Kiyoshi's right, man.
22:09A minute to win it.
22:10We just have to make it beyond the light.
22:12That's where our future lies.
22:13And also...
22:14The Wet T-Shirt Contest!
22:16There's no more time for self-pity!
22:19Now, my brothers!
22:20Let us set Yos Truly's final plan into motion without further delay!
22:24And we shall make sure it succeeds!
22:27How did they get their punishment postponed?
22:29And why did Kiyoshi thank you after the Chairman left?
22:32I don't know, Madam.
22:33Not good enough.
22:34You were listening in on what they were saying in there, weren't you?
22:37Well, ma'am...
22:38I heard their conversation, but was completely lost.
22:41They were...
22:42I only heard them talk about admiring butt!
22:44In any case...
22:46It's just one more day of keeping a close eye on them, right?
22:50Madam President, don't worry.
22:52Just let me handle the boys' final day.
22:54I won't let those mouth-breathers get away with anything.
23:34I'll tighten my chest with all my might
23:41Don't touch me!
23:42Let me touch you!
23:44Open up!
23:45Tighten me up!
23:48All of my nerves are falling out
23:53Cut and piece!
23:55I want you
23:58I want to know everything
24:01Let our dreams bloom
24:08I don't need love
24:11Please don't need it
24:15There's no need to rush into puberty
24:32Next time on Prison School
24:36Orenge Brockovich