BRAND NEW! - Santa's Gift - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon
00:00Here, you almost forgot these ones.
00:10Ho, ho, ho! Thank you!
00:25Now come along, it's time to fly!
00:30Ho, ho, ho!
00:35Huh? What's going on? Hey!
00:41Sue, we didn't finish our job in time.
00:54Thought I did enough good deeds, all throughout the year.
01:01But I need one more, and time's out I fear.
01:08Santa, I hope there will be a gift, in the stocking waiting for me.
01:15If you hear my plea to you, I hope deep down you feel it too.
01:22What good deeds can I do now? There's no time up before Christmas.
01:29I could give away my bear, or my favorite princess dress.
01:36I just need that one good deed for Santa to bring my present this year.
01:42I hope Santa knows that I did my very best, I tried.
01:49I'll be sure to do much better next year.
01:57I let you down, Santa. At first I just wanted my present, but then I just wanted to help.
02:05I'm sorry. All I wanted to do tonight was put the star up on the tree for you,
02:11and I couldn't even finish that one thing.
02:16Come, Sue, don't be sad.
02:20You know my name?
02:23Ho, ho, ho! Of course I do. I'm Santa Claus. Wouldn't be a good Santa if I didn't.
02:30Now, why don't we go check in with the good deed-o-meter one more time?
02:37That sounds amazing!
02:40For some reason I got a good hunch about Santa.
02:45Time to wake up. I've got Kongsuni here. Can you scan her?
02:52Scanning. Loading. Please stand by.
02:59Time to wake up. I've got Kongsuni here. Can you scan her?
03:05Scanning. Loading. Please stand by.
03:29Complete. Kongsuni is nice.
03:32I think the robot's a bit wonky and made a mistake.
03:36Ho, ho, ho! Is that because you didn't finish the tree? It doesn't matter.
03:43You still decorated it and helped my elves with the gifts.
03:47You sacrificed your own present to help. That right there is the definition of a good deed. Ho, ho, ho, ho!
04:00Hmm. Oh, look at that. Here, I present your present.
04:07Wow! Thank you. But the real gift was meeting you.
04:13Ho, ho, ho!
04:18Now, time to get going. Giddy up! Ho, ho!
04:25Ho, ho, ho! Happy Holidays! Ho, ho, ho!
04:45Ah! Wow! I wasn't dreaming!
04:51Where's that from?
04:55Thank you so much, Santa Claus!
05:04Here comes the airplane.
05:08Don't worry. Achi's probably just stuck in traffic.
05:13Oh, it's been so long.
05:17She's here!
05:19Let's go say hello. Do I see a princess?
05:24Yeah, me!
05:27It's a flying princess!
05:31Who are you and what happened to my little niece?
05:34What? She's right here.
05:37She hasn't stopped talking about you.
05:43Every sentence has the word auntie. I think she's forgotten who we are.
05:48Auntie, are you going to stand around forever?
05:54Kongsuni, do you remember that little dance I taught you?
05:59Kong! Kong! Kong! Yeah!
06:02Nice. You've got some great moves.
06:06Who is this cutie patootie here?
06:09She's adorable.
06:12Hey, so how long are you staying again?
06:16I haven't figured it out.
06:18You're always welcome. Hungry?
06:21No, thanks. I remember yours.
06:24They're so pretty!
06:27Everyone, it's the new me!
06:29See? I'm like auntie now!
06:35You can't take people's shoes.
06:39They're kind of big, aren't they?
06:41Excuse me? Don't judge Kongsuni's sense of style.
06:45She looks great.
06:53You know what? I think I've got something here.
06:59It's a present!
07:01Look! Mine!
07:06I didn't forget about you.
07:14Thanks, auntie.
07:17Hey, do you think you could come to the playground with me?
07:21Why not?
07:22Maybe later.
07:24She hasn't even started her homework.
07:26But mom, the playground is a lot more fun.
07:29I said no. The deal is homework first and then playtime second.
07:40Mom's mean!
07:42Well, she's right. You told her you'd have it done by now.
07:45But she doesn't know how much I don't want to do this!
07:51Knock, knock.
07:53Anyone here?
08:01Let's go, but be quiet.
08:07Are you sleepy yet, Chloe?
08:10Where are you going?
08:13When you're done staying with us.
08:15Oh, that.
08:17You know, back to work.
08:19I'm happy you're here.
08:21Me too.
09:01Come on, let's play tag!
09:03You won't catch me!
09:31It's so much fun to be with you.
09:33We love to laugh and play.
09:34All the things we did today.
09:36Thank you, Auntie, for such a wonderful day!
09:51This is so awesome!
09:53Strawberry ice pops are my favorite!
09:56Strawberry ice pops are my favorite too!
10:00Yeah, it seems like we have more stuff in common than we thought.
10:04I think you're a bigger version of me!
10:08You mean you're a smaller version of me.
10:19They might be happy now, but they're going to be in double trouble.
10:24Whose idea was this?
10:30Okay, for your punishment.
10:32Sis, can you help her with her homework?
10:39If you think it looks good, wait till you see how it tastes.
10:43Okay, let's dig in!
10:47Auntie, the food's ready!
10:51Yes, I understand.
10:54I'll see you soon.
10:57What's going on?
10:59Well, I have to go back to work tomorrow.
11:03Seriously? They want you to go back in already?
11:08Something urgent came up that I just can't miss.
11:11I wouldn't trade the time I spent with you today for anything in the world.
11:15I can give you a job! You can stay here!
11:19I'm going to miss you.
11:23Please don't go.
11:32Auntie is going to come back. I promise.
11:41I don't want her to go!
11:43No! No, no, no!
11:45Yo, Kuksuni, relax. She's always going to be your auntie, you know.
11:50No! Stay! Please!
12:00Quietly, quietly.
12:15There are no monsters under the bed.
12:18I'm not looking for monsters. I'm just hiding Auntie's shoes.
12:22But why? You're doing a treasure hunt?
12:26If she can't find them, then Auntie can't leave tomorrow.
12:31All done.
12:33Ha ha!
12:46Morning, Auntie!
12:50You woke up as early as a birdie.
12:52Auntie? Is she hiding?
12:54Kongsuni, she already left.
12:57What? You're kidding, right?
12:59It was an emergency.
13:01She wanted to say goodbye, but you were still asleep.
13:10But her high heels are here.
13:15Kongsuni, you miss her, huh?
13:20No! I just a bit!
13:25Please don't cry. Your auntie wouldn't want that.
13:29I can't! This is the worst day ever!
13:34Do I see a princess?
13:36It's you!
13:41I couldn't say bye. I'm really sorry.
13:44I thought you were gone forever.
13:47What about your work?
13:50They called back.
13:51They told her that her family should come first, so she can stay for a while.
13:56Listen, I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye.
13:59No! I'm sorry that I hit your shoes!
14:03That was you? Forget it.
14:06I'm here now.
14:08For how long?
14:09You've got me for five whole days, and I'm not going anywhere.
14:15Yup! Pinky swear?
14:17Pinky swear!
14:23Here you go!
14:26Still in one piece. Glad you took care of them.
14:30Do you think this calls for a dance?
14:34Kong! Kong!
14:44I love you.
14:46Love you too.
14:47And I love you. Three.
14:51Goodbye, my princess.
14:53Are you sure you want to go? Just stay for five more minutes.
14:58Oh, I really wish I could.
15:00Don't you worry though, because I'll see you soon.
15:03I'll miss you!
15:17Bye, Auntie!
15:18Kong! Kong! Kong!