BRAND NEW! - Find the Caterpillar - Season 3 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon
00:00Hi, McTotterpillar!
00:08Hey! Who wants some fresh veggies from Kongsuni's garden?
00:12Oh! Hi, Daddy!
00:14Are those the veggies we planted?
00:17That's right! Look how big they've grown!
00:20I can't believe this was once a tiny little seed!
00:24Well, that's because of all the time and effort you put into this garden.
00:32What's the matter?
00:34There's a bug in the cabbage!
00:36A bug?
00:41Why, that's just a little caterpillar!
00:44Huh? Caterpillar?
00:50He's so fuzzy and small!
00:53And so squirmy and cute!
00:56He sure is! Do you want to hold him, honey?
00:59Uh, okay.
01:02Here you go!
01:06It tickles!
01:09It's so soft!
01:12Daddy, can caterpillars be pets?
01:15Well, I guess they can.
01:17So then, can we keep him here in the house with us?
01:21It's a huge responsibility.
01:24We have to feed him on time and clean up after him.
01:27I can take real good care of him! I promise, Daddy!
01:30Pretty, pretty, please!
01:32Oh, boy! Is this what I think it is?
01:35Mom! I want to keep him! Please?
01:40I mean, she does need to learn.
01:43All right, but you have to take care of him yourself, okay?
01:47Okay! I'll do my best!
01:50I'll make you the best home ever!
01:53Here's a soft little blanket.
01:57There! That's your new bed!
02:00And some food for when you're hungry!
02:04And here's some toys to play with when you're bored!
02:08Isn't this the perfect home?
02:11Oh! I should pick out a name for you!
02:14What should I call you?
02:17Think, think! What do you remind me of?
02:21Huh, buddy?
02:23Looks like a little jellybean!
02:27Yeah, right! Jellybean!
02:30From now on, you'll be called Jellybean!
02:34Come, Cindy!
02:37Oh, what's this?
02:39Mommy! I made a house for Jellybean!
02:42Oh! I admire the effort, but maybe he needs something more comfortable.
02:49See, honey? Caterpillars love fresh fruit and vegetables!
02:55It's Jellybean!
02:57Okay! Here you go, Jellybean!
03:02He loves his food!
03:05I'll leave the container with more cabbage here.
03:08Make sure to keep fresh veggies in his home.
03:10Okay! Enjoy your meal, my little Jellybean!
03:14All right! It's time for us to eat, too.
03:17Go wash your hands, please!
03:23Hey, Jellybean! I'm back!
03:26You already ate so much!
03:30And that looks like a snowman!
03:33And that looks like a snake!
03:36It's a heart-shaped hole! Does that mean you love me?
03:40I love you, too, Jellybean!
03:43It's time to give you some fresh new leaves!
03:49Here we go!
03:51Oh! Eating some more?
03:54You've really got a good appetite!
03:59Oh! I'm supposed to go hang out with Sam and Eve!
04:02Don't worry! I'll be right back!
04:18Chloe! Where are you?
04:21There you are, honey!
04:23It's time for your nap!
04:25Okay! Let's go to bed!
04:29Hello! We're here!
04:32Hello! We're here!
04:34Guys! Let me show you my new pet, Jellybean!
04:40I don't see anything.
04:42Where is Jellybean?
04:44He'll come out. Maybe he's just hiding.
04:48Jellybean, where are you? I brought some friends to meet you.
04:53I don't see him anywhere.
04:56I think someone opened the lid and let him out.
04:59But why would anyone do that?
05:03Oh no! Did Jellybean actually leave his house?
05:06What's that thing over there?
05:08That's Jellybean's food container!
05:12Maybe he wandered in there!
05:17He's not there.
05:19What if Jellybean was inside the container and Mommy emptied it by accident without seeing him?
05:25Let's check the garbage!
05:27Yeah! Let's do it!
05:33I don't see him.
05:35Yeah, he's not here either.
05:39Oh Jellybean, where are you?
05:42What are you kids looking for?
05:46For Jellybean!
05:49Yes! He's my pet caterpillar.
05:52He's green and very fuzzy and he's about this big.
05:57If that's the case, you might want to check the grass field or the flower garden.
06:02You're right! Jellybean loves leafy vegetables!
06:06Well, let's go then!
06:08Thank you so much!
06:10Okay, good luck finding him!
06:16Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
06:19We're about to wiggle our way into finding Jellybean.
06:22Where are you hiding now, Jellybean? Please come on out!
06:26There he is! I found him!
06:29That's not Jellybean. He's got a fuzzy body like a foxtail weed.
06:35Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
06:38We're about to wiggle our way into finding Jellybean.
06:41Where are you hiding now, Jellybean? Please come on out!
06:45There he is! I found him!
06:48That's not Jellybean. It's just a green hairpin. Let's keep on looking.
06:54Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
06:57We're about to wiggle our way into finding Jellybean.
07:00Where are you hiding now, Jellybean? Please come on out!
07:04There he is! I found him!
07:07That's not Jellybean. It's just a pot of snow peas in the same color green.
07:13Has anybody seen a trapping caterpillar?
07:16He's fuzzy and green, oh, and he wiggles.
07:19He's a friend of mine, little caterpillar.
07:23Where are you hiding? Please come out!
07:38What's wrong, honey?
07:41Jellybean is... Jellybean has disappeared.
07:46What do you mean, disappeared?
07:48I think he got out because the lid was open.
07:53I've looked everywhere for him.
07:56Oh, sweetie, you must have been so worried about him.
08:00Caterpillars are very slow, and they need to shed their skin to grow, so he can't have gone too far.
08:07We'll look for him together.
08:22Oh, I spoke too soon.
08:24Look, honey! I found Jellybean!
08:27Really, Mommy?
08:30That's really Jellybean.
08:34But he's not fuzzy or soft like Jellybean.
08:37And also, he's no longer green and cute.
08:42That's because he's turned into a chrysalis.
08:46Huh? A chrysalis?
08:49Once he wakes up from a very deep sleep, he'll be even more beautiful than ever.
08:55What do you mean?
08:56You'll see for yourself when the time comes, Kongsuni.
09:00We'll just have to be patient.
09:06I wonder what you'll look like when you come out of there.
09:10I can't wait to see!
09:19It's Jellybean!
09:22You look so cool!
09:26Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!
09:29You're so cute!
09:33It was all a dream.
09:35Where's Jellybean?
09:38Where is he?
09:40He's not there anymore.
09:43Does that mean he finally woke up? Where did he go?
09:48Oh, a butterfly!
09:51It's beautiful!
09:53Mommy, Mommy! You have to see this!
09:57What's going on?
09:59Come look over here! We have a butterfly!
10:03Looks like our little Jellybean finished his transformation.
10:08You mean Jellybean turned into a butterfly?
10:11That's because Jellybean was a cabbage-white caterpillar to begin with.
10:17As long as they eat and sleep well, they turn into a chrysalis.
10:23When they're finished growing, they emerge as beautiful cabbage-white butterflies.
10:30Oh, wow! That's really awesome!
10:34Oh, I think he wants to fly away.
10:37Kongsuni, why don't we let Jellybean out so he can be with his friends in the wild?
10:42Doesn't that mean I'll never get to see him again?
10:45But if Jellybean stays here with us, he'll never be able to fly freely, and it'll make him very sad.
10:52I guess you're right.
11:00Okay, Mommy, let's set Jellybean free!
11:03Good girl.
11:13Bye, Jellybean!
11:16Don't forget to write! We'll miss you!
11:25Next time on Kongsuni and Friends
11:27Finally! My auntie is visiting!
11:30Oh, but who is that standing next to my auntie?
11:34That's Carlos from Mexico?
11:36What? He's becoming part of our family?
11:41I'm closer to Auntie than he is. I don't like Carlos.
11:45Will Carlos and I ever become friends?
11:49Stay tuned for the next episode of Kongsuni and Friends!
11:53Auntie and Her Mexican Friend