BRAND NEW! - Where's The Wallet - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon
00:00We did it! Easy as pie!
00:04Maybe for you, kids. Thanks so much for walking with me.
00:09Not a problem, ma'am!
00:11Well, keep putting smiles on people's faces!
00:18We made it to the supermarket safe and sound!
00:23Are you open?
00:25Come on in, kids!
00:27So much food!
00:28It's not snack time, Sam.
00:30All right, let's search!
00:35Wait, these don't look like oranges.
00:37Hmm, let me think.
00:40They might be somewhere over there!
00:45Milk. Near the drinks.
00:49Aha! I told me so!
00:53You found it?
00:56Orange, you impressed?
00:58Have you found your item?
01:00Well, uh, I forgot mine.
01:05An orange? Milk?
01:08What's the last one?
01:10I can't remember it.
01:12I think it was for Chloe.
01:14Maybe. You think it was a stuffed animal?
01:17She likes those.
01:22Can you get us one orange and milk?
01:25Oh, and could you grab some more wipes for Chloe?
01:29I remember!
01:31Baby wipes!
01:38Look what I found!
01:40I'm so smart!
01:45You've got the wallet, right, Sam?
01:51Quit playing around!
01:54I'm not! It's gone!
01:57I must have dropped it!
01:59What? You've got to be joking!
02:02Is this a bad dream?
02:04Time to wake up.
02:06Okay. Can you remember where you might have dropped it?
02:10I can't. I have no idea where.
02:13Don't panic. We just got to work as a team.
02:16Hmm, let's think.
02:19We helped that lady.
02:21And we played with Leo the puppy.
02:24And we slid down the slide. That's all.
02:27Well, there's only one way to solve this mess.
02:30Retracing our steps.
02:38Not here.
02:40Well, the puppy didn't eat it.
02:43We'll keep on looking.
02:47I'm totally getting grounded.
02:50We'll find it.
02:52Just relax. It can't be far.
02:55Come on. Let's go have a look around.
03:01Not here.
03:06Sam, I'll check by the swings.
03:12I found it!
03:14Yay! You're the best!
03:20I found it!
03:22Yay! You're the best!
03:33You should come along and do some chores with us.
03:36When our mommy asks us, we're always ready to go.
03:39We'll do any chores she needs, we're always helping out.
03:43Off to do the chores that we need to do today.
03:46Say hello to everyone we meet along the way.
03:49Only cross the street when the light is green.
03:52Asking for directions is the best routine.
03:59Here we are once again to gather what we need.
04:02Oranges and cold milk, baby wipes for Chloe.
04:05I found the oranges, here they are.
04:09Here is the milk, it's fresh from today.
04:12And Chloe's baby wipes are on display.
04:15Take out the money, give it to the cashier.
04:18We just bought what we need, it's time to cheer.
04:22I'm Kongsumi.
04:24I'm Sammy.
04:25Hello, I'm Eve.
04:27We did the chores, time to go.
04:29Now we're on our way back home.
04:31You can help out by doing chores too.
04:38Thank you. You guys all did an awesome job.
04:42Did it go well?
04:44Not even close.
04:46We sort of kind of lost the wallet.
04:48But then we were able to find it again.
04:53We learned a lot.
04:55Never get distracted on the job.
04:57And always help your best friends.
04:59Never give up, like ever.
05:02You couldn't have made us prouder.
05:15It's perfect.
05:17Santa will love it.
05:19He's going to be so happy to hear you helped out with the tree.
05:25I wonder, has Kongsumi been good this year?
05:29Daddy, I didn't tease Chloe, even when she was being annoying.
05:34I always did all my chores.
05:36I did my homework every single night.
05:40All right, just checking.
05:42There we are.
05:44Hang this, it's part of the tradition.
05:48A stocking!
05:53Yay, all done!
05:56It looks perfect.
05:58Wait, the star!
06:02No, don't eat it!
06:10Easy now.
06:12You gotta be careful, Chloe.
06:16Here you go.
06:19Okay, let's finish before Santa arrives.
06:27We did it! Hooray!
06:30Santa will be impressed.
06:32If he doesn't get stuck in the chimney.
06:42Wake up! Hey!
06:46Something wrong?
06:48No, but I can't sleep.
06:52Just look up and count sheep.
06:54You'll get sleepy.
06:57I wonder what present Santa will bring me.
07:03You'll find out tomorrow.
07:12Who's there?
07:14Me! Let's go to the North Pole!
07:17What? North Pole?
07:19Pretty please?
07:21Why on earth do you want to go there?
07:24Because he needs our help.
07:26You see, Santa has to visit 7 billion people tonight.
07:30If we go to the North Pole, he wouldn't have to come all the way here.
07:34And it's going to be less work for him.
07:36We're actually doing him the biggest favor ever.
07:41You don't fool me.
07:43You just can't wait another minute to get your present, right?
07:48Sayo, come on.
07:54Okay, let's do it!
07:56North Pole, if that's our goal, here we come!
08:06You okay?
08:11It's Santa's workshop!
08:13That must mean my present's inside!
08:18Wait up for me!
08:26Santa Claus?
08:31Is anybody home?
08:42What's this?
08:47It's me!
08:49Welcome! I am Santa's helper.
08:52A robot who knows if you have been nice.
08:55You know everything?
08:57Everything! Who will get a present this year, and who will not?
09:02Wow! Cool!
09:04Please, input a name.
09:06Wait, any name?
09:09Hey, Sam!
09:10Received. Loading. Please wait.
09:22Process complete. Sam is nice.
09:26He must have been super good this year!
09:30That's so cool!
09:32What about my friend, Eve?
09:34Received. Loading. Please wait.
09:40Thank you. Complete. Eve is nice.
09:43Wow! Hip hip hooray!
09:46What about me, Kongsuni?
09:49Loading Kongsuni. Please wait.
10:02Complete. No present. One more good deed required.
10:09Kongsuni, you still have time to do something nice?
10:13Well, what am I supposed to do?
10:17You must complete a good deed before it is too late.
10:21Time is running out.
10:23You have one hour before Santa's sleigh takes off for the night.
10:33Alright, this is easy.
10:35Just do something nice so you can be in Santa's good books.
10:40But like what?
10:42Clean Santa's workshop!
10:44Yeah, he's probably messy.
10:46I would be too if I had that many presents to organize, right?
10:50Right. So what are you waiting for?
10:52Come on!
11:13This is the opposite of a mess.
11:16Check it out!
11:18You'd think there'd be some cookie crumbs.
11:22Sam! I got an idea!
11:25A good one?
11:26You see those letters? Knock them off!
11:29Wait, what?
11:30It'll be a good deed if I clean it up.
11:33Hold up a sec. Isn't that a little dishonest?
11:36I'm sure Santa's too busy to watch us,
11:39so he won't know you did it on purpose.
11:41Let's see.
11:43Yeah, I'll do it!
11:45Letters fly away!
11:52Oh, look what a big mess I made!
11:55If only someone could help me.
11:58Don't worry about it, Sam. I'll have it cleaned up in no time.
12:03Isn't that so nice of me?
12:06Nice job!
12:07I think it's working!
12:15All done!
12:17We deserve a big present!
12:19The biggest!
12:23Remember, just act natural.
12:27Mr. Robot, am I on the nice list?
12:31Scanning. Loading.
12:34Scanning. Loading.
12:36Please stand by.
12:44Complete. No presents.
12:46Thank you. Goodbye.
12:48How did the robot know?
12:51Told you! Santa sees everything you do!
12:57There's half an hour left!
13:00Oh no!
13:03Hey, stay calm! We'll try again!
13:17Whoa, wait!
13:19Look, something's off.
13:21Where are the ornaments?
13:23Huh? They're just sitting here.
13:26Yo, Koksutie! I got an idea!
13:29Let's decorate this tree!
13:31That can count as a good deed!
13:33Santa's elves must have been too busy to decorate it.
13:36But if we do this, I guarantee Santa's gonna see!
13:41Yeah, of course!
13:48Let's help and decorate the beautiful pine tree.
13:51Add things one by one. Ornaments, mini paints,
13:55Adding red felt creates a happy Christmas tree.
13:58Helping Santa's elves is a good idea to me.
14:01We love to create a happy Christmas tree.
14:04See the branches sparkle, see them twinkle like a star.
14:08We'll make it big and bright for everyone to see.
14:11Wow, almost done!
14:14So much fun to decorate the beautiful pine tree.
14:17A stocking and a silver bell. Hang it here, hang it there.
14:21A stocking and a silver bell. Hang it here, hang it there.
14:24Our tree will shine brightly on a starry winter night.
14:27We need to hurry because there's not much time for me.
14:30Time is running out on this opportunity.
14:34We love to create a happy Christmas tree.
14:37More decorations sparkle and shine.
14:40Hello, Koksutie!
14:42Hello, Sail!
14:44One last thing before we're done. How's it been a lot of fun?
14:47Everyone now follow Sail. Today is Happy Christmas Eve!
14:52Now it's a blissing Christmas tree!
14:57All done!
14:59Yo, Koksutie! We're missing the star!
15:06It's gone!
15:09We can't leave the tree starless.
15:11If we do, I won't complete my good deed.
15:15Hey, don't worry. We still have some time.
15:19I can help you find it.