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BRAND NEW! - It’s All Mine - Season 3 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon


00:00It's all mine!
00:15Is that...
00:17These clothes don't fit you anymore.
00:19So I'm giving them to Chloe to wear.
00:22But mom!
00:25This... this is my favorite sweater.
00:30And these shoes! I've always worn these shoes.
00:33Come on, Kongsuni. You're way too big for those now.
00:38No, that's not true at all! They still fit! Honestly! I'll show you!
00:50Cutie! I told you!
01:01See? They're too small. Wouldn't you rather have clothes that fit you?
01:07But I like these!
01:09Here you go.
01:11Thank you so much, honey!
01:20Bunny! Bunny!
01:23That's my bunny! You can't have her!
01:32Sweetheart, you don't even play with Bunny anymore.
01:36Why don't you let Chloe have her now?
01:39That's not true! Bunny's still my best friend!
01:46Bunny! Bunny!
01:49She's mine! I'm not giving her away!
01:56Why don't we give your sister some time?
02:03Why the long face?
02:05What you got there? Did your mom just buy that for you?
02:09I've never seen it before.
02:11Say, yo! This is Bunny! She's my most favorite doll ever!
02:17Really? Well, I've never seen you playing with her!
02:20What do you mean? I take her everywhere!
02:26She needs a bath!
02:29I guess she does!
02:33Kongsuni! Hurry up! You're gonna be late!
02:38Almost forgot!
02:42Hey! What gives? You're taking her with you?
02:45If I leave her at home, Mommy might try to give her to Chloe for good!
02:50Maybe you can let Chloe play with her while you're at school!
02:53No way, Sayo! Bunny is my bestest friend!
02:59More than me?
03:06These crafts are so cute!
03:08Everyone, great work today!
03:11Now you can bring your artwork home and show it to your parents!
03:24What's wrong, Kongsuni?
03:27My dolly won't fit!
03:30In you go!
03:36Oh no! Your stuffy is too big!
03:40I can see that!
03:46Yes, honey?
03:47Can I go out and play? I want to meet my friends in the park!
03:52Stay where I can see you from here!
03:55While you're out, why don't I give Bunny a wash?
03:58Oh! I almost forgot!
04:05Are you bringing Bunny?
04:07Yep! She's my special friend who goes with me everywhere! See ya!
04:19Oh, come on!
04:28Why did you bring your doll here?
04:30You don't get it!
04:37Why do you keep bringing Bunny with you every single place you go?
04:41Because if I don't, then Chloe will take it!
04:44My mommy's already given her all my clothes and shoes to wear!
04:49Now Bunny's all I have left!
04:51Oh, but you can't even fit into those old clothes anymore, right?
04:55I gave some of my old clothes and toys away! My younger cousins love them!
05:00I know, but it still makes me sad.
05:06I won't let them take you away! Not now, not ever!
05:12Wanna see something fun?
05:13What is it?
05:15Made you laugh!
05:17Hey kids! We just opened our new store! Tell your families!
05:24Wow! Can I have one too?
05:28Here you go! Let your parents know and come back to them next time!
05:34One for me too, please!
05:37And there you go!
05:40Watch it!
05:42Can't catch me!
05:57Oh, Bunny! Where's Bunny?
06:09Where did Bunny go?
06:12Busy looking for your new stuffed best friend?
06:15Sayo! Please help me find her!
06:18And then what?
06:19You'll just forget her like you forgot all about me!
06:29I must have dropped her at the bakery!
06:32How could I?
06:34You have a short attention span, kiddo. That's how. Deal with it!
06:39What? You know I'm telling the truth!
06:42This is bad! I gotta go find her before someone takes her away!
06:52Where is she? Where could she be?
07:01So, what happened? Any luck?
07:05She's gone!
07:06Even the store owner says he hasn't seen her.
07:09Someone must have taken her away!
07:14It's all my fault!
07:17Oh no! Your stuffie is too big!
07:27If only I'd known! I would have just given Bunny to Chloe instead of losing her!
07:32I'm so selfish!
08:02Come on, I need your help!
08:05I miss your smile, my Bunny!
08:10You were such a good friend to me!
08:17The first to see me smile and
08:22The first to know when I'm sad
08:27We've shared the tears and even more fun
08:32We were inseparable
08:36My very first friend, my Bunny
08:41Where have you gone? Come back to me
08:46My precious friend, my Bunny
08:52You were such a good friend to me
09:02Yokonksuni, you okay?
09:18What's wrong, honey?
09:22I think I lost Bunny forever!
09:25I said she's my bestest friend, but I didn't take good care of her!
09:30If I'd just given her to Chloe, this would never have happened!
09:37I'm sorry!
09:44Oh, my little girl!
09:47Yokonksuni, it's okay.
09:52But she's... she's gone forever!
09:56You're wrong. She's not. Bunny's at home.
10:01What, Mom? Really?
10:05There. I gave her a good wash.
10:10Bunny! I'm sorry!
10:14Honey, have you ever heard of this phrase?
10:18Sharing is caring.
10:21Just as you've built many fun memories with your Bunny,
10:24I've built many fun memories with you, too.
10:28Sharing is caring.
10:31Just as you've built many fun memories with your Bunny,
10:34I'm sure Chloe would be very happy if you shared Bunny with her.
10:40Yeah, I think she would, too.
10:43She can cuddle Bunny and play with her,
10:46just like I got to for all these years.
10:51That's exactly right!
11:01Bunny! Bunny!
11:03She's all yours, sis. Chloe, take good care of her, okay?
11:11Bunny! Bunny!
11:23Next time on Konksuni and Friends
11:25We have a new visitor at home. His name is Jellybean.
11:29Wiggle, wiggle. He's so cute!
11:33Enjoy your food and get bigger, Jellybean!
11:36I wonder what he'll look like once he's all grown up. I'm so excited!
11:42Huh? Jellybean? Where did you go? Help me find him, everyone!
11:47Stay tuned for the next episode of Konksuni and Friends.
11:51Find the Caterpillar
11:56Konk, konk, konksuni, konk, konk, konk
11:59Always singing, konk, konk, konk
12:02Konk, konk, konksuni, konk, konk, konk
12:05Come on and sing along with us
