Cavity Catotrophe - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Full Episode - Kids Cartoon
00:01Cavity catastrophe!
00:09Looks like they're still there.
00:11I tried everything.
00:13Everything? I don't think so.
00:16What about that?
00:18I've seen Dad use it sometimes after he brushes his teeth in the morning.
00:24Wait, what am I supposed to do with it?
00:27Are there instructions?
00:29I'll just swish it around.
00:40You finished? Now what?
00:45Now, let's go see if the cavities are gone.
00:49Well, what do you know? It didn't work.
00:53It still hurts.
00:55Listen, the only way to fix this is to see a dentist.
00:59Huh? No way! What if they pull all of my teeth out?
01:03If you don't go, your teeth might fall out anyway.
01:07Cavities are serious business, yo!
01:11That sure smells awesome!
01:34When will Gonsungi protect me?
01:37So, when will Gonsungi brush her teeth?
01:41That won't help! Only a trip to the dentist can save us now!
01:48Now, nothing can save you!
01:57Somebody help us!
02:01I'm so sorry!
02:03Hey, let's tell your mom and get them treated ASAP, yo!
02:08Okay, don't worry, teeth. Help is on the way!
02:14I'm really very proud of you, you know?
02:17I didn't know you were so brave. You're going to be fine.
02:21Your checkup will be over in no time.
02:25Is Gonsungi here?
02:27We're here! Are you ready to go?
02:30No, wait!
02:50Is it too late to go back?
02:56I don't want to be here in this strange room
02:59My heart is pounding, heart must take a deep breath
03:03I'm a little scared but I've got to be brave
03:06Taking my first step
03:10There's nothing to be scared of
03:12That's right, let's go!
03:13Show them what you're made of
03:15That's right, let's go!
03:17Keep my head and my feet on the ground
03:20Now my fears are gone, I can march on
03:25So many strange things staring at me
03:29My heart is beating faster
03:31Remember to take a deep breath
03:33Push away your fears
03:35That's right, let's go!
03:36I'll show them how to be brave
03:38That's right, let's go!
03:40I'm a little scared and that's alright
03:43Take a deep breath, push away your fears
03:47Show them what you're made of
03:48Push away your fears
03:49Show them what you're made of
03:50Show them how to be brave
03:57Right, can you say ah?
04:02You've got some cavities, huh?
04:04Hey, nothing to worry about, this won't take too long
04:08Are you serious?
04:10Yeah, and I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't hurt you at all
04:14How's that sound?
04:16Yeah, okay
04:19Great, we're all done here
04:23Yep, cavities are gone, you were so good
04:27Thanks, you were too
04:30Wow, Kongsuni, I don't think I saw you cry once that whole time
04:34Well, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would
04:37You should be proud, you're a tough girl
04:46Okay, let's see
04:52Whoa, check out that smile!
04:55I'm cavity free!
04:57I'm glad you finally took my advice
05:00Hey, Sayo, let's see your smile
05:03You don't think I have cavities, do you?
05:06Well, we should find out
05:08I don't want to go to the dentist
05:11There's nothing to worry about
05:13Yeah, I'm going to the dentist
05:22Class, we're going to get ready for our end of the year concert
05:27This is totally going to be the coolest concert ever
05:30There are two teams, instrumental and dance, both have plenty of spots
05:35Does anyone want to be in the instrumental group?
05:38I do, I'm going to steal the show
05:41Okay, Kongsuni can be on the instrumental team
05:44Miss Kim, me too
05:46Can I?
05:47And me
05:48Wait a second, don't you guys want to be on my team?
05:52I want to, it's just that I really want to dance
05:55Yeah, we were born to boogie
05:58I thought you'd join me
06:00Okay, here are the groups
06:02Instruments, Kongsuni, Johnny, Chan and Jane
06:07And the dance team, Eve, Sam and Gina
06:10You guys excited?
06:21Kongsuni, as the drummer, you have to keep the beat
06:30Think you got it?
06:31Easy peasy
06:35That was so great
06:37Jay, that was perfect
06:44Eve, Sam!
06:47How's it going? After this we should head over to the park
06:51Oh, we can't, sorry, we're going to Gina's
06:56Well, we're going to practice our dance routine in her bedroom
07:00Do you think maybe I could come?
07:03That sounds like a super idea
07:06It's okay
07:18Hey, Kongsuni
07:20Could you play the drums for us?
07:22Show us what you got
07:24I'd love to
07:25Okay, I'm ready
07:27One, two, three, four
07:36It's too loud
07:40Oh, what?
07:41Could you play softer?
07:43We can't really hear our castanets
07:46Oh, my bad
07:49Let's try again, but a little quieter
07:52Okay, from the top
08:06What are you doing?
08:13Oh, you okay?
08:17Hey, Kongsuni, you were playing a little too fast this time
08:28Good morning
08:31Check this out
08:32We're like rock stars
08:35Hey, I'm here
08:37I can play super duper fast
08:41You're right, let's see if I can
08:43Me too
08:52Hi, when did you get here?
08:54Uh, just now
08:56Well, do you want to see what we've been practicing?
09:00We'll knock your socks off
09:02Uh, sure
09:04I mean, I guess so
09:09One, two, three, four
09:11Here we go
09:12Hear our song
09:13Start the beat
09:14Boom, boom, boom, boom
09:15All my friends
09:16Clap your hands
09:17Together we bring the party
09:19Let us sing for you
09:20Dance for you
09:21Let us bring you joy
09:23Let us bring you joy
09:26Good stuff
09:27I think you can go pro
09:32Come on
09:33I just wanted to be a trio with my friends
09:42You okay?
09:43What's going on?
09:44I lost my friends
09:46All they ever do now is hang out with Gina
09:50Eve and Sam signed up for the dance team together
09:53How do I get them back?
09:56Just join the dance team with them
09:58But I don't want to give up my shot at playing the drums
10:02Sounds like you're in a pickle
10:04Kong soon is in a pickle
10:06Maybe she needs a tickle
10:09No thanks
10:10What if after the concert
10:12Sam and Eve want to leave me for Gina?
10:15Oh, good question
10:18Why can't you be a trio all on your own?
10:21You can play drums
10:23Don't you know what a trio is?
10:25You gotta have three people
10:29It'll be okay
10:31The Showstoppers
10:35Kong soonie
10:36Your friends are here
10:37They are?
10:38I betcha it's Sam and Eve
10:41Coming mom
10:42Coming mom
10:451, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
10:53Okay, here I come
10:56Where'd you go?
10:58Oh, guess not
11:00What about here?
11:02They're invisible
11:09How'd you guess so fast?
11:10I don't know
11:11Now we just need to find Sam
11:15Aha, there you are
11:18How'd you know I'd be here?
11:20Maybe stop hiding in the exact same spot
11:24Well, I'm getting bored
11:26I'm done with hide and seek
11:28Yeah, what should we play now?
11:30Oh hey, do you want to play red light, green light?
11:35You can be it first
11:39You ready?
11:41Green light, green light, red light
11:46I saw you both move, you're out
11:53This won't work
11:54Who will save us if we both get caught?
11:56She's right
12:00Hey guys!
12:02Hey, wanna play with us?
12:11Green light, green light, green light, red light
12:17Come on, you're out
12:20Green light, green light, red light
12:24Kongsuni, you're totally out
12:26Don't worry
12:28I'll save you, you can count on me
12:32Okay, thanks
12:38Let's do this
12:40Green light, green light, red light
12:53Sometimes it's good to have lots of friends to play with
13:03You girls sound great
13:06Now, do you remember the rhythm?
13:11Make some sound!
13:16We really gotta stay on tempo
13:19I could help
13:20Why don't I play the drums?
13:23That's just what we need
13:25But make sure not to play too loud
13:27And not too quickly either
13:29Still sure you can help?
13:31Totally sure!
13:33So, you ready to go?
13:37I won't play too quick
13:39And I won't play too loud
13:41I can do it, I can do it!
13:46Let us sing for you, dance for you
13:48Let us bring you joy
13:50Everybody come together
13:52Let the music bring you joy
13:54Oh, let us bring you joy!
14:07Here you go
14:12Let's perform this one all together
14:21You're the best, Gina
14:24Thank you
14:34Everybody, it's showtime
14:36It's time to play, let's have some fun
14:38Here we go, hear our song
14:40Start the beat, boom, boom, boom, boom
14:42All my friends, clap your hands together
14:44We'll start a party
14:46Jammies on the piano
14:48Listen, da, da, da, da
14:50Let us sing for you, dance for you
14:52Let us bring you joy
14:54Everybody come together
14:56Let the music bring you joy
14:58Oh, let us bring you joy!
15:02There's a melody inside I'd like to share
15:12All together
15:14Remember, together we will sing
15:18La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
15:23Let us sing for you, dance for you
15:25Let us bring you joy
15:27Everybody come together
15:29Let the music bring you joy
15:31Oh, let us bring you joy!
15:35Thank you
15:52Now, who here knows what kind of dinosaur this is?
15:56That's not a dinosaur, it's a skeleton
15:58Me, I know
16:00Okay, Sam, go ahead and tell us
16:03Sure, that's a Brachiosaurus
16:06It's a herbivore dinosaur
16:08With a long neck to eat leaves on tall trees
16:13Wow, Sam, you sound like a dinosaur expert
16:17Yeah, that's cause I am one
16:20It's true, he knows everything
16:23Don't you think?
16:25I guess he's pretty smart
16:27Class, listen up
16:29What's the name of this one?
16:31Anyone know?
16:33I do, I do
16:35Me too, now my turn
16:37Why don't we give Kongsuni a chance?
16:40Can you name this dinosaur?
16:43Good luck
16:45I won't need it
16:47That dinosaur's a tri...
16:51Tri... it's a...
16:53I don't remember anymore
16:56That's a Triceratops
16:59I know because it's got three horns on top of its head
17:04That's what I was gonna say
17:07You did great
17:09Dinosaur names can be really tricky
17:12Let's all move on to the next one
17:17Come on, why couldn't I remember that?
17:21That one over there is a T-Rex
17:23That's a Triceratops
17:25And that's a...
17:28Easy, Pachycephalosaurus
17:31Pachy... what?
17:33It's too hard
17:38What's his name?
17:39There are so many dinosaurs
17:41I'm more and more confused every time I look
17:44I can tell you all about this guy
17:49They call him a king
17:51His teeth are sharp, his tongue is super strong
17:54He's the best hunter you'll ever meet
18:01What's her name?
18:02There are so many dinosaurs
18:04I'm more and more confused every time I look
18:07I might have both of them every day and night
18:12A powerful forehead
18:14The king of the head
18:15But they like to bang their heads
18:17They like to eat their fruits and greens
18:22What's his name?
18:23There are so many dinosaurs
18:25I'm more and more confused every time I look
18:28I know everything about them
18:30I really do
18:33The heavyweight champion
18:35One, two, three
18:36Count his horns, they're hard to miss
18:38He's a vegetarian
18:40He starts every day
18:42Whoa, look at that
18:45A Tyrannosaurus rex
18:47Hi, I'm a T-Rex
18:50Hi, I'm a Samosaurus
18:58I don't think he understands you
19:02Hey, Sam
19:03The Tyrannosaurus is your favorite, right?
19:06Which one do you like second best?
19:09That's definitely my second favorite
19:12It's got a big club at the end of its tail
19:15What for?
19:17For smashing into stuff, obviously
19:20That sounds pretty cool
19:22Where is it?
19:24I don't know
19:26Good question
19:27Sounds like you made that one up
19:29I didn't
19:30Did it disappear?
19:32Is it some kind of invisible dinosaur?
19:34No, of course it's not
19:36It's here somewhere
19:38You sure?
19:39Fine, wait here
19:41I'm going to go and find one no matter what it takes
19:46Kongsuni, do you think he'll find it?
19:49Yeah, he's the dinosaur expert
19:52All right, everybody, it's time for lunch
19:55Come on
19:56Let's go eat
19:57Uh, sure
19:59Everyone in a line
20:00Single file, please
20:03Sam's not here
20:04Guess he's still looking for it
20:07Wait, what if he got lost?
20:10I hope not
20:13What's over there?
20:19Hey, wait up
20:21I think I just saw something crawling around
20:30That's definitely my second favorite
20:33It's got a big club at the end of its tail
20:37Fine, wait here
20:39I'm going to go and find one no matter what it takes
20:46That's right
20:48Sam must still be looking
20:50I'm guessing he went that way
20:53Um, what makes you say that?
20:55I'll show you