• last year
Detectives on the Double - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends- Full Episode- Kids Cartoon


00:00I don't get it get what what's wrong hmm you're acting kind of strange it's just I can't stop
00:11thinking about that new kid oh I think I met him the other day you did yeah he came by to say hi
00:20to me yesterday once upon a time a beautiful princess left alone in a castle he was being
00:28really quiet impossible he was so loud with me we were battling yesterday and he was super excited
00:35the whole time you're going down he's got some moves too no way he's quiet and he likes reading
00:46books that can't be him oh right before he left he fist bumped me he wouldn't do that well I don't
00:54think see something's going on come on hurry hey it's him I got the door thank you huh he acts
01:06different every time I see him well then it sounds to me like we have a mystery that needs solving
01:18detective squad that's who we are looking for answers we'll find them now we'll solve the
01:26problem no matter what let's go show them how it's done we can do just about anything
01:35detective squad repeat after me no one can stop us we've got it down
01:45so you can call us detective squad yeah
01:52we're here and there we're everywhere a good detective must know how to hide we won't give up
02:00we'll find the answers now no matter what comes our way together we will solve the case
02:08detective squad repeat after me that's right no one can stop us we've got it down
02:19so you can call us detective squad yeah you can call us detective squad hey guys
02:27huh why are you here
02:32to shop
02:38yo detective kong sooty have you managed to crack the case not yet but here's what we know he's got
02:45the same mom same clothes and same hair but he never acts the same it's almost like he's two
02:52different people i know he's got some kind of superpower that's not it i would know i keep up
03:01with every single superhero on the planet 24 7 true first we should cover what we already know
03:08about him let's begin his name is marcus no it's not really it's maddie right kong soony
03:16hmm that's a trick question i feel like i've heard both
03:22that's weird he's got two different names any other clues oh right he fist bumps yeah like this
03:33we didn't do that ah so we know he likes the fist bump except for some reason he didn't do it with
03:41oh he's got a little brother or maybe he was older the clues continue so he might have an
03:49older brother and he might have a younger brother wait maybe you're just mixing them up
03:58huh there's no way they can look exactly alike yeah i guess good point
04:05huh hey what's wrong marcus uh maddie are you okay are you hurt i'm fine
04:21i'm just lost and i want to go home
04:27hey it's gonna be all right yeah just relax
04:35huh marcus oh i'm here there you are
04:47what are you seeing what i'm seeing there are two of them my boys are identical twins
04:54what's that mean they were born five minutes apart and they look exactly the same
04:59but they sure act different it's okay that makes sense the mystery is solved
05:06so what do you say let's all head back home fist bump first
05:17the crab rescue
05:21whoa look at all those fish how are you guys
05:25it looks like he made a couple of friends yeah i did mom do you know how to speak fish
05:38i'm afraid not maybe you could help me out kong sumi what do the crabs say let me ask them
05:48so how do you communicate do you wave your claws around
05:55hello hey mom can we bring one back home with us i can ask how much are the crabs
06:04oh how about i give you two a discount do you hear that now who's ready to go
06:17welcome to my house my name is kong
06:26hey mom i'm pretty sure that this means hello in crab language
06:33great well hello to you too
06:42did you want to say hi chloe
06:46introduce yourself
06:50oh careful you don't want to get too close dear okay then what do you like i bet you've never
06:59even had ice cream yeah that's what we'll have you wait i'm gonna go get some hang on
07:05hey crab walk like a crab yeah
07:15left and right go left and right we're marching to the beat one two one two side to side we're
07:22moving we're moving side to side in the sand one two three four playing hide and seek with me
07:31where did you go
07:35we're having so much fun
07:37pincers pincers pincers
07:40clackety clack clack clack
07:43pincers pincers pincers clackety clack clack clack
07:54left and right go left and right we're marching to the beat one two three four side to side we're
08:01We're moving, we're moving side to side
08:04To the side!
08:05La la la la la la la
08:07We're having so much fun!
08:10Spinsters, spinsters, spinsters
08:13Hippity-clink, hi-clink
08:15Let's go!
08:17Ha ha ha!
08:18That was fun!
08:20Oh, that's right!
08:22Which one of you lucky crabs wants the first bite?
08:25Here, I hope you like Berry Banana Bubble Blast flavor!
08:30That sounds great!
08:32Only, that isn't crab food.
08:34Are you sure?
08:37Aw, I'm sure.
08:39Now what do crabs go well with?
08:41Wait! You mean like to eat?
08:44Yeah, you're going to love it!
08:46I make the best crab soup!
08:48You can't do that!
08:50Hi! I won't let you!
09:01Sorry, sweetheart.
09:04Look at them! They're too cute to be dinner!
09:07You're right. Then I guess we'll have to have them for lunch.
09:11Aw, Mom! You wouldn't eat my friends, would you?
09:15Of course not. But, Kongsuni, you can't keep them as pets like dogs or cats.
09:20I guess not. But that doesn't mean they're food!
09:24Oh, they're not? Well, they were in the food section at the store.
09:29Listen, I need to go pick up a few more things. You stay here with your dad.
09:36What do I do? I can't let this happen to you guys!
09:42Wait here for a minute.
09:46Sam! Sam! Come on! Where'd you go?
09:59Are you going to do something about this baby?
10:06Be gentle, Chloe.
10:09That was fun.
10:11Sayo! You have to help my crab friends out!
10:14Are these the crab friends from your dream the other night?
10:18They're real! Mom's putting them in soup!
10:21Uh-oh! Well, not if Sayo has anything to say about it!
10:25You really mean that?
10:27Let's get going!
10:30Back to the ocean!
10:35Ready? Crab team, assemble!
10:38Let's do this!
10:44It's time to set you guys free!
10:57Wait! Don't run away!
11:00Grab them before they get too far!
11:05Where'd you go? Come back!
11:18How are we going to find all four?
11:22There's one!
11:24Oh, hey! You're not going to get away!
11:27Over here!
11:29I gotcha!
11:32That's one down and only three to go!
11:41Time to come out!
11:43It's kind of like hiding in a cave.
11:47Time to come out!
11:49It's kind of like hide-and-seek.
11:53The lid is moving on its own!
11:57No way! It's physically impossible!
12:01That way!
12:08Kotsuni! How is that my fault?
12:17You can't get away from us!
12:21We're the best crab catchers I know!
12:26Be careful, Kotsuni!
12:30We just need to find two more!
12:32And quickly, before Mom sees the mess we made!
12:47Over there!
12:54It's okay. You can trust me.
13:01Trust me. I'm your friend. I'm going to take you home.
13:08What do we do?
13:10Don't worry. There's got to be some way we can pull them both out.
13:14You're right.
13:17I've got an idea! One second!
13:21Yoko! Kotsuni! Where are you going?
13:25I've got a fishing rod and I'm not afraid to use it!
13:30Good thinking!
13:32I'm going to reel them back to safety!
13:45You've almost got them!
13:49There! Quick! Now pull them up!
13:52Give it everything you've got!
13:54Here we go!
13:58We're doing it!
14:00Look at that! Kid, you're a natural!
14:05Hey, Sayo! How are we supposed to get them off?
14:09I don't know! Try giving them a shake!
14:13All right!
14:37You can say that again!
14:41Okay, little guys! In we go!
14:44All right! Now there's only one thing left to do!
14:50Time to get these crabs home!
15:05Come on! The supermarket's just across the street!
15:13Send them back to the ocean?
15:16Yeah! That's where they belong!
15:18Promise me you won't tell my mom!
15:30The crab rescue mission complete!
15:33Best team ever! Yeah!
15:38Doggy, stay out!
15:47Whoa! Who's that?
15:50Look what I've got! A new friend!
15:53Aw! She's so cute!
15:58Does this mean she can live with us here forever?
16:03Afraid not. We're only looking after her until her owner gets back from his European tour.
16:09Do we have to give her back no matter what?
16:12Even if we really, really want to keep her?
16:15I already have my hands full with you girls, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to take care of the puppy, too.
16:22But I can look after her all by myself!
16:25That's a lot of responsibility!
16:28I know!
16:30Well, it isn't going to be easy, but I think you'll manage. I say we give it a shot!
16:36Yeah! I'll be the best dog-sitter of all time!
16:40Well, Daddy could give you some tips.
16:44Hey puppy, wanna hug? She's like a doll!
16:52Where are you going?
16:54She's just a bit shy. Bella's not used to hanging out with such a big family like ours.
17:07I'm not going to hurt you, Bella. I bet we'd have a lot of fun together.
17:13Yo, Kongsuni! Just give her some time. Puppies are a bit different from toys.
17:19What are you saying?
17:21Just imagine what she's feeling.
17:25You're a little pet in a big house with enormous owners walking around.
17:31Go away!
17:37So that's what Bella's going through.
17:44Come play!
17:51But I don't act like an enormous scary monster around her, do I? I hope I don't.
17:58It's hard. You have to think what a puppy would like. Take it slow and easy at first.
18:08Slow and easy. Closer. Closer.
18:13Hey there, little puppy. How are you?
18:17Don't worry. You're safe. I'll take care of you.
18:23Wow! You're so brave! See? I'm not that scary, am I?
18:36Aw! Yo! Nice!
18:42I'm home! You been a good girl?
18:47Yes, you have! You've been a very good girl!
18:52Would you look at that! Are you ready to start taking care of her?
18:56Here you go.
18:58Oh! What's that?
19:01It's a chore list. These are all the things that dog owners do. Can you handle it?
19:05A hundred and ten percent I can!
19:08Good luck. You'll do great.
19:10Thanks for your help, Mom.
19:13Now what comes first?
19:16I bet she's hungry!
19:20Here, Bella! Lunch time!
19:25Uh-oh! My bad.
19:28Oh no. Kongsuni.
19:31Don't you think that's a bit too much food for such a tiny puppy like Bella?
19:37Yeah. I may have gone a little overboard when I was pouring.
19:41Watch me. Just one scoop.
19:44Oh. Perfect. I'll clean up the mess when you're finished.
19:51After that, we'll go for a walk.
20:00Not over there!
20:03Come back to the trail!
20:07Listen to me, Bella!
20:10Where are you going?
20:15Oh. This puppy is a lot of work.
20:19You didn't think it would be easy, did you?
20:22So, are you done?
20:24No, I'm not, but...
20:27I need a quick nap.
20:29Maybe Bella needs one, too.
20:32Looks like you need to deal with something first.
20:39My doll! Stop that!
20:42Let go!
20:45No. This one was my favorite.
