Getting Down With Dinos - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Full Episode - Kids Cartoon
00:00Gettin' Down with Dinos!
00:13I lost the Ankylosaurus!
00:21I'm coming!
00:31Keep moving! We'll hold him off!
00:38I can't just leave you here!
00:47What's he doing?
00:49His foot!
00:52We have to help!
00:54No! That's too dangerous!
00:56But still, he's in pain!
01:01It's okay.
01:05I'm just gonna get this out.
01:11Hey guys, help me!
01:13Okay, let's go!
01:25Wait! I'm Soni!
01:27I'm Soni!
01:29Great job!
01:31All better now!
01:45So, you wanna pick favorites, do you little guy?
01:51So, Sam, you were looking for his mom this whole time?
01:55Yeah. Poor little guy. There was no one else with him.
01:59That's awful. But I'm sure the three of us can find her soon.
02:07Time for some lunch.
02:09I'm hungry, too.
02:11Me, three.
02:13There must be something to eat.
02:16You see over there?
02:18What? I don't believe it!
02:27It's too high.
02:35Whoa! What's that one's name?
02:38It's Pachycephalosaurus!
02:40It's so cute!
02:42What's that one's name?
02:44It's Pachycephalosaurus!
02:46So cool!
02:48Yeah! He's the head-butt king!
02:50Watch this!
03:05Sweet, huh? Eat up, guys!
03:08Thanks, Mr. Dino!
03:13It looks kind of weird, but it's so good!
03:17I'm glad we've got our own personal dino expert to help us find food.
03:22Yeah! If we didn't have Sam, we'd still be hopping under the tree!
03:26Hey, you were the brave one to help that T-Rex!
03:31Well, we're all experts in something.
03:37Okay, we should go.
03:39Mommy-angulosaurs, here we come!
04:09Nothing's gonna scare me now when I've got my friends!
04:12It's a Triceratops!
04:15Here we go, ready for the world of dinosaurs!
04:18I love it here, there are lots of wonderful dinosaurs!
04:22La-la-la, let the zords better hold on tight!
04:25Here we go, ready for a Triceratops ride!
04:28Hop left, hop right, fly, fly, fly!
04:31Maybe a dinosaur race has lost its way home!
04:35Let's work together, let's help bring it home!
04:43Is this where his mommy is?
04:45I guess so.
04:48How are we supposed to find her?
04:55Do you see your mommy in there?
05:02Don't worry about it. We'll find a way.
05:11He's eating our fruit!
05:16Gargantuan Family Reunion!
05:29Looks like it was the baby's snack time.
05:34Want one more?
05:43I bet he misses his mommy.
05:45You're right. We can't give up just yet.
05:51Huh? Sorry. I'm all out of fruit.
05:54Hang on. I think he wants you to climb on his head.
05:57What? Oh! You want to help us out?
06:06That's more like it!
06:09Okay. Let's look for his mom.
06:17It's her!
06:23Awesome job, Dino Rescue Team!
06:30I'm pretty sure that means thanks.
06:33No problem. We're just happy to help.
06:36Huh? Look! Gyrannodons!
06:47Back off!
07:00Hang on!
07:09You're not going anywhere!
07:23And don't come back!
07:31It's him!
07:33All better now!
07:41You came to help us out!
07:48Thanks, Mr. T-Rex!
07:50See you around!
07:56I'm starting to miss my mom.
07:58Oh, yeah. We should figure out how to get back.
08:03You're right.
08:11Hey! I bet she can show us the way out of here!
08:14Let's go!
08:21I think that's it!
08:22I'll race you!
08:29I'm going to miss you, little guy.
08:31We had so much fun hanging out with you.
08:36Yeah, we sure did.
08:38We have to go, but we'll never forget all the good times we had.
08:45Thanks, pal. Don't get lost again.
08:51See you!
08:55Okay, let's do this!
09:06I'm sorry.
09:08Wake up!
09:12Are we in the museum?
09:15Of course we are.
09:16You fell asleep while we were looking for Sam.
09:19What? We were just in Dinosaur World!
09:22Weird dream.
09:24Did you find the Ankylosaurus yet?
09:27I tried, but not yet.
09:30Just wait! They are real!
09:33Yeah, I know!
09:35You do?
09:36Yup! We just saw one!
09:38We brought it back to its mama!
09:40They have clubbed tails that swing back and forth like a hammer!
09:45Huh? That's right!
09:48I'm sorry, Sam. It's just... I was jealous.
09:52It's okay. But how did you become an Ankylosaurus expert all of a sudden?
10:00Since we met one!
10:02Well, where did it go?
10:06You'll never guess!
10:08For real?
10:09Class, lunchtime's over!
10:12Best lunch break ever!
10:15Yeah! Last one, there's a Trinatonic!
10:19No fair!
10:24There you are!
10:26Did you have fun?
10:29There's no business like snow business!
10:34Hello in there! Is anybody home? Come play in the snow with me!
10:42I wish it was snowing for real. We could have snowball fights!
10:47Or we could make snow angels!
10:50Maybe if I wish hard enough.
10:54Whoa! It worked!
10:56I don't believe it!
11:06Cut it out, Sam! Don't eat them!
11:09We're going to need them all so that we can make a giant snowman!
11:13Huh? Come on!
11:16No fair!
11:17Hey! There's more where that came from!
11:21You'll pay for that!
11:24Don't worry! I'm here to help!
11:28Two against one, huh?
11:33They sure are having fun out here!
11:38Yo, guys! Watch the ball!
11:47Who built that snowman up there?
11:50He looks funny!
11:52Oh! We should build one of our own!
11:55Yeah! Sure!
12:12Snow is falling fluffy and white
12:17Like a blanket covering the ground
12:21La, la, la, la, la, la, la
12:24We have so much fun
12:28Start with the rolling, rolling, rolling
12:30Watch the snowball roll
12:32And we are rolling, rolling, rolling
12:34Happy to make it round
12:36And we go rolling, rolling, rolling
12:38Happy to make it round
12:39And we go rolling, rolling, rolling
12:41Just let the snowball roll
12:43And we are rolling, rolling
12:45Into a snowman's hands
12:47Let's put it in your eyes
12:51How about a round of
12:53He's already smiling
12:55You'll need some mittens
12:57And a winter hat
12:59You're our favorite snowman
13:02Snow is falling fluffy and white
13:06Like a blanket covering the ground
13:09La, la, la, la, la, la, la
13:13We have so much fun
13:21I think we made the cutest snowman ever!
13:24Hey there, little guy!
13:26Let's head home!
13:28Think warm thoughts! Think warm thoughts!
13:32But he'd be out here all by himself!
13:35Let's bring him with us!
13:37That won't work!
13:38He's just going to melt if we bring him inside!
13:42You're right
13:43Eve! Playtime's over!
13:46Aw! Mom!
13:49I don't want to go in!
13:51Hey! We can all come play outside tomorrow!
13:56Awesome! I'll see you both really soon!
14:00Bye-bye! Stay warm!
14:03I hope our snowman never ever melts!
14:06Do you think you could do that for me, Mrs. Snowglobe?
14:12Huh? Hi there!
14:15Wait! You can talk?
14:17Sure can! Just like you!
14:20But can you sing?
14:22Look, Kongsuni, there's a reason I journeyed out to see you
14:26The snowman village I come from needs you and your friends' help
14:30For sure!
14:31What are we waiting for?
14:33Thank you!
14:35Sayo! Do you think you could help us get there?
14:38I'm on it! Let's all go to the Land of Atlas!
14:48Welcome to my hometown!
14:51Whoa! It's so sparkly!
14:54Over here!
14:56Look who showed up!
14:57I just want to see our snowman again!
15:02Hey there, kids!
15:04You can all talk?
15:07Hey, you three! This guy here, this is the oldest snowman in the village
15:13Right, Grandpa Snowy?
15:14I'm still young at heart
15:16And that's our chef!
15:18They call me chef because of my big tomato nose
15:22Whoa! Can I try?
15:24No, it's just a joke! Please don't eat me!
15:27Oh, sorry!
15:33It's easier to ski if you've got legs
15:48Miracle in Snow Village!
15:52Whoa! Is this a dream?
15:58It's the fire dragon! Run!
16:02We all have to get to safety! Here, follow me!
16:15He'll melt everything!
16:17You think so? Why don't we try asking him not to?
16:21We tried. He didn't listen
16:24All that dragon wants is to destroy the snowman village
16:27And so now all we can do is run
16:30I just want him to leave
16:35Hold on! Me and my friends will help
16:38She's right!
16:39Think! There has to be a way to beat that bully
16:45Ah! I know just the thing!
16:52Let's have the snowball fight of our lives!
16:58We're so done for you guys!
17:08Hey! Come on! Get ready, set, snowball!
17:25Try this! A big snowball for a big dragon!
17:34Guys! We all need to help him lift it!
17:44Great teamwork everyone!
18:13Well, that should teach him a lesson
18:15I think we won!
18:21Everyone, quick, hide!
18:30This doesn't look good
18:33He's too strong
18:35It's unfortunate, but I don't think we'll be able to defeat him on our own
18:40The only thing that might help is a fresh snowfall
18:43But lately all we've seen are clear skies
18:46There has to be some way to change that
18:50Oh! Wait! I've got just the thing!
18:54As long as we don't give up, we'll always find a way
18:58A snow globe? Is it magical?
19:01Sure is! Let me show you
19:04Please help us! I'm really counting on you
19:08I wish for some fresh snow!
19:29Thank you, Mrs. Snow Globe
19:55Huh? He's running away!
20:03Yeah! He did it!
20:08Kongsuni! We can't thank you enough! You're our hero!
20:13This village is safe because of you
20:16You're welcome! You guys are the coolest snowmen I've ever saved from a dragon
20:21Yeah, me too!
20:23Same! I hope everyone enjoys a fresh snowfall!
20:27Oh, we will! This is perfect skiing, pal!