Lupin the 3rd Part 2 - EP 23

  • 2 days ago
02:21That's very annoying
02:31Looking forward to annoying you further by violating the sanctity of your ancestors home at midnight and making off with his cherished chamber pot
02:37I remain irritatingly yours rat boy. Jiro, Kichi
02:41You think this guy's really a descendant?
02:43Well rat boy the first wasn't exactly a virgin which helps to explain the nickname
02:48But what is the deal with the chamber pot, huh? Oh, it's not about the value of the chamber pot
02:54It's all about trying to get under goyim on skin
02:57Well sounds to me like someone's got a grudge against you buddy
03:03Okay, so who've you ticked off no one he's got a point I mean you're the annoying one on this team
03:11Hmm. Well watch me annoy you now. So goyim on. What do you say? I handled this one and why?
03:18I'm just saying, you know in case it is a personal thing
03:21I mean, you know that maybe I would lose control. No, not at all. Come on goyim on don't take it personally
03:28Okay, just tell me is there something that you're not saying?
03:32No, what in the hell could I possibly know about it? Thank you anyway, but I think I'll just take care of mr
03:38Rat myself, you'll take care of it. How exactly
03:42like this
03:44Well, at least he didn't
04:03There's a light on this guy's brazen
04:14Ever actually seen a rat's ass goyim on why you dare to desecrate the sacred bathtub of my ancestor you vermin
04:25And I didn't just bathe in there either death is not enough for one such as you now prepare to be
04:31Give it a rest with the samurai crap already and hear me out
04:34Give me the chamber pot lose the nose bra then maybe
04:38The headgears for nighttime, so I don't swallow my nose. I use the chamber pot as bait to lure you here
04:44It still looks really dumb. And why would you want to lure me here?
04:48Anyway, so we could finally meet and I could convince you once and for all to team up with me
04:53It's the will of our ancestors. We're destined to be partners, you know, huh?
05:08Hear your account of the so-called will of our ancestors, but if I smell a rat I swear I'll kill you
05:15Fair enough. However, if I'm right, then you have to wear the nose bra for a week. Yeah, right dream on rat boy
05:23Huh the first international robbery championships, what's this? Well with books it usually helps to open them up
05:31Mm-hmm. Whoa, what's all this? It's your ancestor go you're on the 10th having a bad hair day, apparently
05:37And that handsome rogue was his partner
05:42Allow me to explain the brainchild of a Dutch nobleman
05:46The first international robbery championship was held in the fifth year of bunker on Tanegashima Island at the southern end of Japan
05:55Over the waves from every direction the world's boldest bandits made for Tanegashima
06:00John Silver of England China's formidable taste I co Ali Baba and his 40 thieves
06:06stinker Racine of Russia young hotshot Billy the kid and
06:11Representing Japan are two venerable ancestors together. They got as far as the semi-finals, but what happened then?
06:19Well, they were defeated and the prize was taken by a rookie a dark horse an insouciant Frenchman rogue by the name of Lupin the first
06:27What you're lying
06:29So fat as he lay dying
06:31My father made this last request seek out go Yaman retrieve the prize together and restore the lost honor of the rat clan
06:39Hmm and so like it or not you and I are bound by this
06:47It's a tantalizing tidbit but
06:51Not the meal you promised rat boy. Hey, hold on. You don't want to hurt me
06:56You and I are practically related so far. You have only proven an association not affection
07:02You're a very cautious man. All right, then. How about this?
07:10Hey careful, bro, you wouldn't want to hurt this would you
07:16This is grandpa's suppository holder
07:19It certainly is and he wanted my grandpa to hold on to it
07:23If that doesn't tell you how close they were then maybe I could draw you a picture
07:27No, that's all right. Go Yaman
07:32To brotherhood
07:44How you doing crap damn it all crap crap crap
07:56Something tells me this is going to be a very good day. Holy crap. Where is he? Damn it all?
08:03Huh, damn it. Well, that's great. Isn't that just par for the course? He's probably out somewhere playing with his putter
08:10I'm right here. Well, no respect sir. This is no time for playing hide-and-seek. We've got a situation
08:18I was die
08:21Take a gander at that a challenge
08:24Tomorrow at noon
08:25I will compete against Lupin the third for possession of the first place prize awarded the first international robbery championship sincerely rat boy the fourth
08:34Rat boy and Lupin, but why would he I mean listen here chief?
08:39It doesn't really matter if they succeed. It wouldn't be a disaster. Sure, but think of the opportunity
08:45Hmm you're right. They'd have to be right here in order to pull it off
08:49And if we could somehow turn the tables on them, well, then we could just well don't just stand there for heaven's sake inspector
08:56This is the opportunity of a lifetime
08:59I'm on it chief
09:06Hey Lupin, we got a problem. Oh man, look at him
09:17Hey, buddy, get out of bed. It's lunchtime
09:20Wouldn't you know a dead to the world? I swear to God this guy could sleep through World War freakin three
09:27Sorry, man, but I'm afraid you leave me no alternative gotta bring out the heavy artillery. Hey Fujiko put on some clothes
09:34Where tell me come on. Come on. She's not here. Lupin. What the
09:39Hey, that's low. I'll get you just you wait here. Hmm
09:45Read it
09:46Hey there
09:46Just thought you'd like to know that as of today your good old pal Goya man will be teaming up with me to avenge the
09:51Humiliation of our ancestors at the first international robbery championships
09:55The target is the first place prize which is currently in storage in the research room of the Sakurada Mon police department
10:02Sincerely yours rat boy Jiro Kichi
10:06Well come to think of it
10:07I do remember a story my grandpa once told me something about a document any thief in the world would give his left nut for
10:13Or words to that effect. I just can't get past Goya man teaming up with the friggin rat
10:19Hmm. Yeah, it's like a one with Paltrow and Larry Flint or something
10:30Who knew ancestor worship could make for such strange bedfellows
10:59So, what do you think the Emperor himself couldn't get past that cordon
11:04Good be sure to keep it up there noontime tomorrow. That's the important thing
11:09Nobody and I absolutely mean no one is to be allowed in here
11:12It's outrageous policemen having to protect their own headquarters 35 years in the job, and I never heard of such a thing
11:19I'm telling you. It's a foolproof plan chief even if they did manage to break in somehow
11:24We got the place surrounded, and there's no way they're gonna slip past that cordon twice. Yeah, well
11:30It's your mouth to God's ear inspector because if we do fail
11:36Don't worry about it chief. This one's a no-brainer. Well. Well old pops is looking like a kid on Christmas morning
11:42All right, so tell me how you planning on getting in there. I'm not gonna do a damn thing nothing at all
11:48Did I hear you right? Mm-hmm? I'm not gonna steal that thing. So that's it
11:53Rat boy just wins
11:55Just cuz I don't boost it now doesn't mean I won't get it in the end my old friend. Hmm
12:00On the one hand you got lupin master disguise clever as all get-out
12:05Given the edge, but then you got it right. No
12:10Go away from here here. I'll just don't move he might
12:15Help I hate rats. I hate him. I hate him do something inspector shoot him strangle him
12:21I don't care how you do it for the love of God. I'm begging you you gotta save me
12:26Do it for the love of God, I'm begging you you gotta save me I understand I'm on it
12:39Don't let the rat get away. I think I'm starting to tire him out
12:44You little get over here you little bastard
12:51Okay, everyone just relax
12:56That's right now
13:02Ha spunky little guy, huh?
13:05yeah, but
13:06well, I
13:09That is I mean who knew that such a little tiny thing could do so much damage, you know
13:14Oh, well, maybe I guess he had a little bit of help, huh?
13:18Well, perhaps you could get on the phone and see about replacing that window right now. Yes, sir right away
13:31Glass plus how may I assist you? Yes, we do the chief's office on the second floor. Got it about 15 to 20 minutes
13:48Nice trick with the rat
13:50Now thanks to the human wrecking ball goyim on an old rat boy or as good as inside
13:56So Jeegan just keep a close watch while I'm gone. All righty. Hey
14:01What do you mean while you're gone? Where are you going? I've got a date with Fujiko
14:05Feel free to keep any editorial comments to yourself. Bye. Bye now. Hey, hey Romeo, you know, we only got till tomorrow at noontime
14:12Thanks, mom. Don't wait up for me. Now. I can let myself in. Hmm
14:19Come on in you got a broken window. Yes. Come in. It's right over there
14:25Oh, yeah, sure. It's a piece of cake
14:28Those guys all being paid for just standing around out there
14:31I'm in the wrong racket cut the BS and just replace the damn window if you don't mind friend. Sure. Sure
14:37It's a piece of cake by the way. Yeah
14:40Seen that new James Bond flick man that Helle Berry's easy on the eyes Pierce Brosnan. I can take her leave
14:45I mean, he's no George
14:47George Lazenby George Lazenby. Look you just shut the hell up and get out of here
14:53Sure, sure piece of cake. Yeah. Hey, it's a personal thing. Everybody's got their favorite. Bye. Listen punk
14:58I'm gonna give you just one more chance to get out of here
15:04What what would I be more of a David Niven guy David Niven well to each his own anyway, see ya so long
15:13What's wrong, what is it?
15:16Medication side effect. Whoa, I can't hey not here use the men's room for the love of Mike
15:23First-floor hold it. Huh? I'm trying to hmm. I meant to say don't bother security. Okay
15:32Watch out
15:42Man that was so close. Thank goodness. Mm-hmm. The old exploding sphincter trick works every time
15:54Ha what do you know a piece of cake?
16:05Hey, I'm getting pretty good at this damn it you're amazing
16:13We might have to change this to a game of horse, you know, like this
16:33Damn it. No way he'll back off. Nope, not Lupin. I don't know about the rat, but Lupin's got way too much pride
16:42The only question here is what's he got in mind?
16:48This guy was drunk and disorderly inspector put up quite a fight on the way up here and lock him up
16:53What do you want me to do make him a pot of coffee? Go on get the hell out of here
17:17Huh? How the hell did I sleep so late?
17:19Damn it. Some kind of a lookout. I must be getting old or something
17:26Lupin listen, man. I have no idea how this happened. I mean one minute
17:29I'm scoping out the plaza down there and the next thing I know it's okay
17:33Rat boys been working for us all night. What the rat working for us? Yeah, and he's not half bad either
17:41I mean, you know for a super annoying ugly little pimple-beaked freakazoid. So that crate pretty comfortable
17:50And what do I look like a plumber that's already been done sir, he's on his way right now
17:56Any other housekeeping matters you'd like to bring up officer?
17:59It's uh, it's just that the bathroom happens to be located right over the record room, sir
18:07Damn it all
18:09Of all the stupid men listen, we got ourselves a problem upstairs
18:14Don't interrupt me. No, I want you to be ready to clear that room out, but only on my orders
18:21So is this where it's coming from? Let me see
18:29So, where the hell is the plumber dude, I'm right here I
18:33Tighten that funky valve. So everything ought to be totally righteous now. Hmm. Well
18:39Your city. Thanks. You carry on cool
18:50Okay, Liza make me proud
18:52Well, doesn't that you know sort of come with the territory
19:34Hello there Liza, isn't it? Well, thank you Liza
19:44Boy mon Ishikawa is in the house
19:52Son of a bitch
20:05Going on that means Lupin's here. Okay help cover the exits get going. I'll check here
20:11The noose is tightening. This will be the greatest crowning moment of my career
20:17Yeah, why thank you this award belongs to everyone
20:24Hey, you might want to maybe check this out this better be important hurry up come on
20:35There's a guy with a mallet in here
20:41Hmm deserted, thanks go you mine you too Liza
20:53This must be it we have defeated him
21:03You gotta be real hard-headed in my line of work Rhett, holy crap
21:08I mean, I just I could have sworn haha. Gotcha trapped like a rat
21:22Yeah, sure make a move for it I dare you how annoying
21:37Here's to you Gramps rest in peace
21:47We have failed them
21:50Well, Lupin didn't get it either
21:52So we're even we'll see. Huh? What he's saying rat is that it would be a big mistake
21:59to underestimate
22:01Lupin the third but how the hell did you get that? I think a better question might be why the hell we bothered
22:12Great Edo security officers guidebook. Oh, yes, my friend
22:16You're holding in your ratty little paws the complete unabridged top-secret blueprint for the entire law enforcement
22:22Apparatus throughout the Empire names addresses secret codes the works. You mean this is the big prize
22:29It was hot stuff at the time hell even now. I bet you could get at least
22:34$35 for it on eBay
22:49Son of a bitch you're all under arrest. Oh crap. What's he doing here? Oh, yeah
23:00Hey, isn't he supposed to be chasing us works for me come on weird. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
23:07Thank goodness now, I won't lose my job. I'm so happy
23:22Fujiko's at the mercy of a lecherous prison warden
23:24It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out and as if the guy's chin weren't lethal enough
23:28He's got this really creepy way of dealing with escapees
23:30We learned the hard way that there's no place to hide once you've set foot in the lair of the land shark. Catch you later
