Lupin the 3rd Part 2 - EP 11

  • 2 days ago
01:32Over the centuries this
01:34paradisal corner of southwestern France has produced millions of bottles of the world's most famous wines and
01:39None more famous than the vintage commissioned by Napoleon himself for his beloved wife
01:44Josephine now the last remaining bottle of this legendary Bordeaux will be presented to the president of the United States this Christmas Eve
01:52As a token of the enduring bond between us what a waste might as well give a Ferrari to a ringtail ferret
01:58That's heaven in a glass. I'm guessing come now
02:03Surely you don't prefer that stuff to sake
02:05It's called sake cuz it tastes like you're rung it out of your tube socks and another thing man. Don't call me Shirley
02:11I just can't imagine a more romantic gesture than creating a wine for your lover
02:16I mean if a guy ever did that for me, I'd be putty in his hands. Oh, yeah
02:21Well, I'm no Emperor, but I could get you that very bottle
02:25Lupin really, you're not serious. Are you bartender? You have to cut this man off now. Hey, I'm serious and sober
02:34Lupin going on one sip would even convert you
02:37I'll bet one sip of that stuff would have been enough to even convert Bill W
02:41But Lupin buddy, how the hell are you gonna find out exactly where it is? Oh, that's the simple part
02:46I've already figured that one out to the Emperor of thieves
02:51May the next host be with a liquid testament to a legendary love instead of this purgatory in a snifter
03:19I'm a big glass of cheap wine bread gonna break your teeth on and they call this eating. No wonder they can't win a war
03:31Wow, I'd kill for a double cheeseburger and some fries a letter for you, sir
03:37What a letter, huh? Nice. I wonder if it's from mother
03:48Hey pups, you know that famous bottle of wine that's going to Washington for the president. Well, it's not catch you later
03:53Lupin PS. Don't you ever take that coat off?
03:58That no good. He's just taunting me
04:16Look at this man, nothing but vineyards and chateaus as far as the eye can see it's like going back in time
04:22You know, they've been producing wine here since Roman times, but winemaking is much older than that. Hey, listen to me
04:29Will you I should have a public television show, you know, here they are right on time
04:38Works like a charm just announce you're gonna steal it and old pops will lead you right to it. That's a stroke of genius
04:44Ah, you big flatterer. You're making me blush
04:49This bastard challenged me personally. This is war professional courtesy dictates. You include me in your security team, please
04:56Trust me specter. These men are up to the job. They're the very best. There's no need to her
05:01I'm telling you. I'm the only one in the world who can capture this guy
05:04I know what you are saying, but then why have you not captured him?
05:12Well, I suppose as a professional courtesy you can observe well really chief you mean it just try not to interfere with the operation
05:21Of course not. By the way, where is that bottle of wine?
05:24I'll take you there. Now. Just follow me. Inspector already got me. Hey, the name's not origami. It's in a gada
05:31Okay guys time to play follow the leader
05:50Me I didn't see a thing
05:53You up
06:20What was that just a local greeting he's saying hello
06:24Something of a local custom people are very warm in this parts. Oh nice
06:30probably views a coup stone
06:42How much longer do I have to keep this up it is all up to you inspector epic Lotus
06:54Ah, then he gotta let me right to the Chateau
07:04And they've got all the guard stationed inside so they won't draw attention hopefully I won't draw any either
07:21Know what is it? You want old fellow? Well, these barrels have to get down to the wine cellar
07:30My back is not what it used to be
07:33Yes hard to believe I was once as strong as you two, okay, we get the point all time
07:44Easy boys easy now, I mean, they'll go along quietly. They will as long as you treat them nice
07:54Whoa, man, Joe, they're heavy what is going on here?
07:58Hello bonjour, I'm here with the wine delivery. I say we check these barrels out chief. I mean you never know
08:04I know my job inspector Terry
08:07Then I gotta how many times I have to tell you
08:18Here let me see that may we hmm. Yeah. All right, but check them all
08:38All right, then help me get these into the cellar
08:46Hey slow down you want them to get all dizzy in there dizzy
08:51Fizzy, I said fizzy fine for champagne, but not for this stuff. Oh
09:03All right, old fellow. So tell me where do you want these things to go?
09:06Well now that all depends you see Mona me got to find three empty ones. Oh, no, you've got to be kidding
09:12Ah, it'll only take a couple of hours. Course. It could go a little faster with your help
09:17Hey, we're police man. Not your servants. Let us know when you are done. We will escort you out
09:23Secondly bill, can you believe it? There was an operator?
09:29Okay, the coast is clear
09:37This would be real homie if I were a spider or a corpse actually it's perfect for wine storage
09:44You see the coolness in the dark allow it to age without spoiling
09:47So this must be the place where Dick Clark lives Lupin, let's just grab this bottle and vamoose. Okay. Sure. It's
09:54right over there
09:57Could you be just a little bit more specific how in the world are we ever gonna find it?
10:02Well, I'm pretty certain the bottles green
10:06That's a lot of help
10:09It's not even here Lupin. Whoa, damn it. What do you mean? I knew you were setting me up Lupin
10:15You had no idea where the bottle was, but I turned the tables on you Lupin
10:19I had him take me to the wrong place and now you're hoist on your own. Whatever you call it. It's hard
10:24It's called a damn petard like I give a damn you're all under arrest
11:11Hungry pops cuz a touch of flames all we need to make a flatfoot flambe
11:17Please don't do it, but do me a favor and just marinate a little longer. Thanks, buddy. So long. See ya
11:24You bastard. I'll get you for this loop
11:28Inspector whatever your name is have a drink on us
11:54Sure, I'm fine just fine a little bit of alcohol like that. Is it gonna affect me?
12:15Guys are a couple of lightweights
12:19Come on man, keep it down. Will ya? Yeah, geez, you know just for the record. I've never been hungover from drinking sake
12:27Do you think maybe that's cuz it tastes like crap
12:35And colleagues it's better Pennsylvania more than me
12:40Mercy thanks to you the bottle is perfectly safe with us. Ooh
12:45Hey lieutenant, you think you could get my name, right? If I promise not to throw up on your shoes by the way inspector
12:51Would you like to help us escort the bottle to the White House in Washington DC? Huh?
12:57Yeah, sure. Whatever
13:15Security's incredibly tight on this your tax dollars at work
13:37Pops must have really impressed them yesterday. Looks like they made him part of the security detail, huh?
13:45Hey, what's up, babe? They're loading a big unmarked crate on board looks kind of suspicious to me. Oh
13:54Yeah, good catch we should look into that
14:00Lupine I'm gonna go check it out. Okay
14:05Hey, what's in that big crank we're taking on I'm not really sure but it's supposed to be some sort of Christmas present from
14:11France to the United States like what they're not telling anybody not even any place mucky mucks like yours truly
14:19Hmm a Christmas present, huh? Better than wine, whatever it is. Ah
14:24Poor Goya, mon. Okay, then what the hell kids? It's Christmas, you know, what do you say?
14:29We lift that to now going on you get on an earlier flight and head over to the airport
14:37Captain hello
14:42Como Aleppo. Yeah. Oh mercy. Actually, it's a bonjour Mona me. Oui. Oui
14:50Damn it. What the hell's the matter with these Frenchies? Anyway, hmm. Bonjour. Ah
14:57Yes, Bon Jovi
15:19So it seems that Lupin never showed up probably too hungover to see straight after yesterday
15:26Yep, I sure got the better of him this time
15:36Makes you feel a little like Santa Claus flying this kind of mission, you know
15:42Thank goodness for Senegal. Ah, if it wasn't for him that Lupin would be playing Grinch this Christmas
15:47You could say that again Mona me
15:52Anyone here like coffee. Oh, yeah, I'll take what?
15:57You're serving
16:00I'll be right back. Let's get this over with now. He's flirting with me. Ah
16:06You really can't blame the old guy he's just feeling his oats today
16:10Yeah, well as long as that's all he feels oh
16:14Man this fake nose is so itchy scratch it later. We got work to do ready. Here goes
16:44Perfect look go ahead say it you're a genius Lupin
17:04Ready to rendezvous keep your eyes peeled for that truck. How the hell are we supposed to know it's him?
17:26That's him there
17:34See his loincloth must be kind of breezy under that row
18:11Okay, chop-chop, yes, sir
18:31Okay, easy now pardon me inspector
18:41We did it Fuji cakes. Yes. Sorry pops, but all's fair in love and war
18:51Got the wine. I got the wine
19:16Wait a minute, what the hell's this damn thing?
19:22Dear inspector in recognition of your nearly successful efforts. Here's some really cheap crap
19:36He got me damn it. Hmm. What is it? What's wrong? It's Lupin lieutenant Lupin
19:44But once again, you have won the day well actually I
19:49Unbelievable you are twice a hero inspector sanitation. Well, I mean
20:05It's not yet Christmas morning
20:08But here at the White House the president is about to open a very special gift the famous
20:14Napoleon Bordeaux presented to him by the government of France. Oh, this will be great man
20:19I can't wait to see this. Oh pops must have decided extreme discretion is the better part of valor. Oh
20:25God, it's just like a train wreck. I want to look away, but I can't this is the best thing on TV since my three
20:31Samurai, it's really quite exciting, isn't it? Yes, it is
20:36What the hell am I gonna do if they find out crap crap crap crap?
20:41I'd like to offer a special toast to the great and generous people of France with whom we share the most precious gift of all
20:49Merry Christmas to all
20:59Here it comes bravo, it's friends in the glass
21:04This wine's excellent the finest I've ever tasted
21:15Wouldn't know a Bordeaux from a bordello. Well boys, shall we toast our success with a genuine article?
21:26Hmm I'd say it has a distinctive bouquet
21:31Hmm do I detect a hint of citrus? Well, it's been 200 years in the making
21:36I say we just take our sweet time and savor it slowly
21:40Here's to us. Merry Christmas
21:53What in the hell is that
21:55It's called 200 year old vinegar and a colossal waste of time and energy
21:59It would appear that the joke is on us
22:01So is this like one of those gift of the Magi things cuz I hate that story
22:06Inspector, you know Lupin and his gang better than anyone
22:08Why would they pass up a chance to steal a priceless historical artifact in favor of a crate full of dolls intended as Christmas presents?
22:15for underprivileged children
22:17It's really baffling. That's all I can say
22:29I had one of these it's despicable a new low for Lupin stealing dollies from poor children and a Christmas Eve for heaven's sake
22:38Everyone makes mistakes pops. At least we do something about ours. Huh?
22:43Lupin what just look outside. Hmm. What where what the hell are those things?
22:51No, no, wait, no clouds then
22:59Hey, you know this giving thing feels pretty good somebody stop me Merry Christmas to all and to all a good heist
23:20Quick what's wrong with this picture? Have I finally driven the poor guy nuts not too far and dry for old pops
23:25But the truth is there's a crucial fact. He doesn't know the truth about and a total fantasy
23:28He thinks is true, but is it is that clear? I didn't think so
23:31Well, trust me it all hangs together very nicely in I left my mind in San Francisco. Catch you later
