Lupin the 3rd Part 2 - EP 17

  • 2 days ago
01:33The largest emerald in the world the Black Panther
01:38So called because light directed at it from just the right angle reveals what?
01:46There you see so real you could swear it's alive
02:00Whoa, this is legit. It's not some hologram. Yeah, looks like he could just spring right out of there though, doesn't it?
02:07Good thing it's just an illusion cuz I've got plans for this pussycat
02:29Now what plan B
02:49Cannot wait to get my hands on whoever is responsible for this. It's an affront to the nation
02:57Very good, sir next
03:02Deep breath, please and hold it
03:07Know as long as I'm here I've been getting this little twinge in my knee every time I get out of air next in line
03:16All set
03:18Minor setback. Yeah, but I think you and I better stay away from here for a while
03:24Hang in there my sweet little pussycat
03:30Next in line
03:34All right, you can go next in line next in line
03:39Sir, that's it. We've checked everybody including the staff. They're all clean
03:43It just doesn't add up
03:48Obviously, we have overlooked someone but who
04:08Cheers come by
04:11This is great, I mean, this is the ultimate mother of all birthday presents
04:16Can you imagine her reaction when she opens it up? You're giving me the Black Panther Oh Lupin
04:22I love you. Come over here. I want to be your little pussycat
04:27First I'm not a prop for your sexual fantasies
04:30Secondly you don't have it yet. Oh, come on now piece of cake
04:34Hey, I'd say we left that thing in very safe hands. Wouldn't you Jigun? Hey, you know
04:39I wonder how old Fujiko is gonna be this year that girl should really start thinking about getting married man
04:46That emerald would sure make one hell of a wedding ring, huh?
04:52Just think of a beautiful wedding dress you can steal
04:58Sorry to interrupt but if I were you I wouldn't be calling the caterers just yet. What's up?
05:04Hmm, huh?
05:06Inspector Kanazo has been brought in to take over the Black Panther investigation. This isn't good
05:10He's got some like mystical connection to the thing every time it's stolen. He finds it somehow
05:16That's just a whole lot of crap. I mean take a gander at this guy. He's a cretin
05:28Inspector Kanazo, sir. Are you all right?
05:31I am asked this question quite often and I always say yes, but actually my nose a lassie's clog
05:40Sorry about that
05:44Ha get oh, I'll get oh soccer a blue. Where is that fellow?
05:49I don't know. But if you will just huh, what's that? No. No, it's good for him
05:55Huh, but he's always disappearing for some reason. I'm sure he'll turn up. Anyway, I wanted to welcome you here
06:02I am chief Shaquille a pleasure. Oops. I don't know what I was thinking
06:09Don't know how you balance police work with a basketball career, but my hats off to you Shaquille not literally but figuratively
06:16Yes, but back to the case any idea about suspects yet
06:23Have I got any ideas about suspects chief, of course, I do forgive me. This is my speciality, you know
06:32It's definitely him
06:35I'll bet you a hundred bucks. It's him. Who are you? Oh, yeah inspectors and I got an interpol. Sorry
06:42Ah, it's an honor your reputation precedes you inspector and I'll stake that fine reputation on this hunch. It's him. All right
06:52So now detective work is a competitive sport I see
06:55Ah, well, yes, but you know what they say the more the merrier right men except for the criminals that is
07:15Where would you be headed now? Hey you what am I a suspect now just back off? Can I zoo?
07:22Hmm. I was going to offer some friendly advice, but I can see you're quite beyond help, sir
07:41Hmm one always feels as if one is being watched in these places. Hmm. That's what ends the jackass, isn't it?
07:50So there you are Hagita, where have you been?
07:59It's a good thing that statue broke your fall, huh?
08:09Suckly blue look what we've done. Actually, I mean what you've done Hagita. It's not a gymnasium after all
08:21Yes, Bonjour coming lovely collection by the way as for you you Vandal get gluing
08:37This is what he looks like well most of the time I mean sometimes he's a woman or an Eskimo or anyway
08:44Have you seen him?
08:51Man this heat is brutal, but I gotta keep going
08:59I just gotta keep my eyes peeled
09:04So after Fuji cakes and I are settled down I'm hoping you'll still come by and you know babysit for us
09:16So, where's the regular cleaning crew? Oh, well, they both came down with some kind of nasty stomach thing
09:22I was feeling a little funny this morning. You look funny
09:28Hey, wait a minute. Hold on. There's a police inspector in the sculpture court. Just work around him. Okay?
09:34We'll steer clear of him. Don't worry
09:44What don't worry inspector we're gonna stay out of your way wait something smells oh
09:53It's me I shouldn't have had the bean burrito never again
10:08Look it's not there. Yeah, that's impossible. You saw me. I hit it right in the palm of his hand. There's no way
10:20Well, you heard the man
10:26Well, never mind I'm quite positive they did not notice anything amiss
10:31Huh? Looks like old Hagito. Did I halfway decent job?
10:41He didn't repair it he replaced the whole damn thing
10:49It's not fair
10:51How could it just disappear like that?
10:52They say a thing can only truly disappear if it's being watched Lupin
10:57Well, it couldn't have been stolen going on cuz chicken and I were the only two who even knew it was there at all for
11:02heaven's sakes
11:03Hey Lupin, I found it. What you mean it? Yeah, that's right
11:07Our old friend the security guard told me a guy brought in a package just about exactly the same size as the sculpture
11:12I know where this is going. Mm-hmm. Then he comes back out with the same package saying he made a mistake
11:20Okay, so this guy switched the real sculpture with a counterfeit but who the hell is he well
11:25That's the real kick in the pants
11:27Apparently the reason nobody was suspicious was that it was that can eyes those assistant that I get Oh guy
11:32What are you saying that can I so actually has the Black Panther?
11:36Hey pal, your guess is as good as mine
11:39But if he's got it, why is he still at the museum turning the whole friggin place upside down it just doesn't add up
11:45Because he's shrewd. Oh, yeah, not if he actually thinks he's getting away with this
12:07Less confident man might be tempted to question his talent as a mentor
12:16Look like a man who appreciates the finer things. What can I do for you? Monami? Well, you'll see I
12:23Seem to have misplaced this fellow. I wonder if you might have seen him. Ah the weird guy in the back room
12:31Gito it's me. Come on now. I know you're here. Hmm
12:37No playing around now my boy, I don't have time for this. Hmm. Maybe he isn't here after all
12:51This is not a convenient time for a training session now tell me where's this sculpture you took from the museum? Oh
13:00What of course you do what do you mean you don't have it, huh?
13:03Why are you blithering nincompoop you are just supposed to fix the damn thing
13:11Now then please take me to it you do remember where you sent it don't you?
13:17Have to rent a motorboat can't be gone too long. It'll look suspicious
13:25It sounds like they're getting ready to hit the road, yeah, you called it Lupin
13:29I still can't figure it though. This guy's nuts at least with pops. It's all you know, pretty damn predictable. Well
13:39Usually anyway, oh yeah out of the car. No. Well, what can one say to a gracious invitation like that except
14:00Well, they don't have it with them then they must be going to it come on nothing's gonna stop me
14:16Where the hell are these guys going beats me better not be one of those three-hour tours you hear about on Nick at night
14:26Or that guy in the Odyssey, isn't this where he sailed around for like 20 years
14:31What was his name again? Odysseus Gesundheit? Yeah, what was his name? Odysseus? You all right go him on
14:37No, I trying hang on a second on that island up ahead. There's a sign
14:41It looks like it says something like nature camp nature. What are you sure? You've got that, right?
14:47You're not gonna believe this. Holy crap. What is it? What's the matter? Well, it's you gotta see this
14:57Now that's what I call a nature camp damn, I love my work
15:04We're gonna sneak it ladies. Hey lupin, come on. We're not actually heading over there now, are we? Oh, I thought I might
15:11Drop in he's got the attention span of a flea and a horny teenage flea at that
15:17Sounds to me like someone's afraid he might not measure up. Oh, that's ridiculous, man
15:22My resemblance to Dillinger inspired me to pursue this career
15:27What his scrawny ass?
15:29Okay, fine. If it'll shut you up. Let's just go
15:47Well, every heroes got an Achilles heel and his just happens to be in his pants
16:06Wonderful wonderful and not a scratch on it
16:09All we have to do now is find a way to get it out of here on notice good Evans. It's Victor connoisseur. Oh
16:15No, it's the chief
16:18What a pleasant surprise, I thought I detected a kinship between us and I was right come let me introduce you to everyone
16:29Funny thing Jake and my eyes are killing me, but I just can't bring myself to blink. Holy crap. I can't believe it
16:35It's right here. This is turning out to be a real good day. Oh
16:44Yeah, yeah, this is the original all right, let's get that rock and get out of here
16:53What the hell hey loop on old buddy, are you all right? Oh
17:00Bastard took me by surprise
17:02Leave them to me. You just grab the Black Panther and beat it back to the boat
17:07Come on nature boy, let's dance
17:15Okay, Lupin move it go
17:19Hey, bring back that sculpture you thief
17:33We'll keep this public servant from nailing your butt buddy
17:39It's him and he's all alone waited down and coming right at me Lupus stop right there and put your hands up
17:53Got you surrounded now put that down and let's slip these on I
17:58Don't know a bit too maplethorpe for me pops. Hey, would you give me a hand here? Gotcha?
18:07Hey, that's the Black Panther damn it. Can I so I told you it was him. Okay, Lupin you're coming
18:15No, what have you done? It's ruined. Aha at last you're finally mine. Oh you bastard
18:26What'd you have to go and do that for
18:31It's the Black Panther what is it doing here?
18:49Meld hey
18:59Just the thing we wanted in the pool it fell there can't you read this is a restricted area women only where's your
19:07Registration tag gee, I forget. I guess you'll just have to first
19:15Like I'm gonna take lessons from you
19:23Any sign of it, sorry pal, there's nothing down there
19:31Damn it. It didn't just swim away from here by itself
19:34Well, I suppose we could drain the pool if you want allow me to save you the trouble. I thought I saw you leave
19:42Mmm, but you forgot about our Gator didn't you? Ah, damn it. He got it. It's three to one Lupin
19:48Why don't we just take this guy out?
19:50Hardly worth the effort. Oh
19:53You see a gentleman what I have here is the Black Panther and yet it is also not the Black Panther
19:58What do you mean? Well, I'll show you have a look. Yeah
20:06What's going on here
20:08Like all cats the Black Panther was averse to water. Mr. Lupin and in fact more than just that
20:13It seems he never learned how to swim
20:16Are you saying by the time I get or recovered it the Black Panther had already taken his place with the heavenly choir?
20:34Devoted my entire career to protecting that rare creature from arm and today sadly I failed him and I'd like to be alone now
20:41If you don't mind
20:47Well, that was a colossal waste of our time, huh, I'm afraid it may have been even worse than that my friend
20:57Horror-foire Black Panther
21:23Can't believe you guys remembered my birthday. Oh, baby. How could I forget the one time of year I get to spank you?
21:31Actually as great as that sounds I can't stay I have plans for the evening and I have to get going
21:38Can't you change these plans of yours Lupin's really been looking forward to this look
21:43I didn't know where you guys were
21:44Nobody called me and I didn't want to be alone on my birthday. So I made a date with somebody a date who with I
21:51Don't think you know him inspector. Can I so?
21:54Can I so nice Oh between you and me?
21:57I think he's a bit of a bumbler, but he did give me the most amazing birthday present, but it looks
22:04it looks just like
22:09Gotta admit he's good. You said it. Yeah, this guy's working the wrong side of the law
22:15Funny you should mention that cuz he offered to quit his job and join up with us just for me
22:20What should I say tell him he should forget it. We're fine the way we are
22:31Here I am sorry, I'm late even waiting for you is a delight my dear I
22:38See you wearing your birthday present your beauty is a perfect setting for it. I don't know how I can ever thank you
22:47Not now I get oh, can't you see I'm right in the middle of
23:20Just because I'm good at my job everyone's blaming me for knocking the whole safe baking industry on its ass everybody steamed customers
23:27Manufacturers weirdo baby had bad guys, but somehow I'm the one whose buns get steamed typical for you though. It's a safe bet
23:34Catch you later
