Days of our Lives 9-10-24 (10th September 2024) 9-10-2024 DOOL 10 September 2024

  • last week
00:28day starts with a good breakfast and the only things I require is that you actually
00:36eat this time.
00:37Sorry about the gag, but lady, you've got quite the set of lungs on you.
00:42Even with the soundproofing, I could hear you caterwalling through the door last night.
00:47We can't have nosy neighbors asking questions.
00:53So, you promise to be good?
01:01Lesson learned.
01:03No more yelling.
01:05Good girl.
01:06Now, you two better behave while I'm gone.
01:08I have a very exciting day at the office today and I don't want any interruptions.
01:13What's so exciting about today?
01:16Well, if you must know, I've encouraged Gabby to cheat on Stefan as revenge for his little indiscretion.
01:23Not that it takes much to get that one to go bed hopping.
01:27I wouldn't be surprised if she already took the bait.
01:35Where the hell's my wife?
01:37Oh, Gabby's not here, obviously.
01:40And why do you even care, anyway, unless you've changed your mind about one thing or the other?
01:45Oh, I've definitely not changed my mind, no.
01:48I came here to tell her that now she's slept with my swine of a brother.
01:52I will no longer tolerate her ridiculous games, nor will I let her take the house from me.
01:57Hmm. Okay, I'll pass that along.
02:01Unless you think it was all on me, or in any way on me, and your wife and I hooked up, you are sadly mistaken.
02:09The only one to blame for the blowing up of your marriage is you.
02:24Hi, Gabby. This is Stephanie Johnson. I'm sorry to bother you.
02:29Um, I tried your office, but your assistant wasn't in yet.
02:34What can I do for you?
02:37Well, it was actually your assistant that I was hoping to reach.
02:41Apparently, she was friends with my ex, Everett Lynch.
02:46I'm having a small memorial service for him today, and I was hoping to invite her.
02:52Do you think that you could give me her phone number?
02:57You know what I've been doing on my spare time, my love?
03:03I've been learning recipes from your mom's cookbook.
03:09Gabby helped me translate them.
03:14So I need you to wake up, and I need you to wake up.
03:20Gabby helped me translate them.
03:25So I need you to wake up, so you can see how well I can cook your favorite dishes.
03:31Like, I can cook the Vodka Frita, Eros de Pollo.
03:37Jada, honey.
03:40Your pies.
03:43It's so sweet that you're learning to cook all of Ray's favorite meals in your spare time.
03:53But I know how hard you've been working, and when you're not working, you're here with your man.
04:00So how about using some of that spare time for sleep?
04:06I'll be fine.
04:08You sure about that? Because if this acting commissioner job is too much...
04:12No, no, no. No, it's not. It's not. Besides, it's not forever.
04:19Rafe knows how much that we need him back.
04:22He will come back. He has to.
04:27Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:47Of course, no one can stop me.
04:54Of course. Oh, honey.
04:58Of course Rafe is coming back to us.
05:02And with you being here with him all the time,
05:06talking to him, comforting him, and telling him how you're going to cook all his favorite meals when he gets back.
05:14He feels your love, Jada. He feels it.
05:17And surely that surely will help him to heal.
05:23But in the meantime, I am here for you, okay?
05:28And I'm still working on helping you, getting you that manpower, the PD that you need in his absence.
05:37Thank you for your kindness and for your support.
05:43You know, I spent a lot of time in this hospital this past year.
05:49Even when I wasn't conscious on some level, some subconscious level, I guess you'd say.
05:56I did feel the presence of my loved ones.
06:00And I believe that made all the difference.
06:04Motivated me to keep on keeping on, you know?
06:08Yeah, sure it did.
06:13Well, I'll be on my way.
06:16But you know, any help that either one of you needs, you just let me know, okay?
06:22Well, actually, there is one thing.
06:24What happened, honey?
06:26Well, Stephanie's planning a small memorial service today for Bobby.
06:31And it doesn't look like anyone's going to be there.
06:35And I would hate for her to have to do this by herself.
06:37Oh, say no more. Say no more.
06:40You know, I can stay here and keep great company while you're gone.
06:43Really? You're not too busy? I know you have work.
06:47No, I've got my phone and I've got my tablet here with me. I can work from anywhere.
06:54Thank you. Thank you so much.
06:57I mean, obviously, I'm not here when I'm at work.
07:01And I just have this feeling today that somebody needs to be here with him.
07:09Someone that cares.
07:11I will be that someone, okay?
07:14I've got my mobile office right here.
07:19But, honey, I mean, Bobby's dying.
07:26You know, I'm a little surprised that you would feel you need to be at his memorial.
07:32I understand why you would be.
07:36And Bobby was still my husband at one point.
07:44I just, I can't believe that he could be so heartless.
07:52I can't believe that he would do something like this to Reeve, the man that I love.
08:08You said you planted the idea in Gabby's head yesterday, right?
08:13You think she found a man that fast?
08:16Nothing motivates a girl like revenge.
08:19And lucky for her, she has one or two felons living there in that haunted castle with her.
08:23Which could make it all the messier.
08:26For sure.
08:29You see, Gabby's doing everything she can to spite Stefan.
08:33But she's really spiting herself.
08:35Since cheating on him will be the final nail in the coffin of that marriage.
08:42Mainly, you and I.
08:47We'll finally have revenge on both of them.
08:56You're sunk to a new low, EJ.
08:58And that says a lot.
09:00Get out of my room, Stefan.
09:03Stay the hell away from my wife.
09:05After the amazing night of passion that her and I shared together.
09:12Why would I do that?
09:15You're with a puta.
09:17As Gabby would say.
09:19Ah, yes.
09:20She's described you that way.
09:24Son of a bitch.
09:30Get out.
09:40Next one's coming at your head.
09:46Oh, my God.
09:49Thanks for your help, Gabby.
09:52No problem.
09:54But are you sure Connie knew Everett?
09:57She never mentioned him to me.
10:00Though I guess it'd be a sensitive subject after what he did to my brother.
10:05Oh, my God.
10:06Of course.
10:07Of course it's a sensitive subject.
10:09Hey, it's okay.
10:11It's actually a relief to hear he's being laid to rest.
10:14Though I'm sure it won't be an eternal peace.
10:17More like a rotten hell.
10:24Hijo de puta.
10:31I'm glad I ran into you.
10:33What the hell do you want?
10:48Good morning.
10:50Good morning.
10:51How are things?
10:52How's the new job?
10:53Yeah, things are going well, thank you.
10:55Oh, are you enjoying it?
10:57Yeah, very much.
10:59That's good to hear.
11:01I suppose every great director has to start somewhere.
11:04God, that is condescending.
11:06But thank you.
11:07Well, I don't mean it to be.
11:09But I have checked out some of those daytime dramas over the years.
11:12I never got hooked, though.
11:13All those over-the-top storylines about evil twins and fraught love triangles and just the recast.
11:19They just did my damn head in.
11:22Let me ask you, Johnny.
11:24What about one brother sleeping with another brother's wife?
11:27Is that one of the storylines in your show?
11:33Am I missing something here?
11:35Are you there?
11:37I don't know.
11:38Did you ask your father?
11:43What'd you do, Dad?
11:48Well, speak up.
11:51Why are you so glad you ran into me?
11:53What the hell do you want, Ava?
11:56Just to tell you that I am really sorry about what happened between me and Stefan.
12:03Look, I know that you were never going to forgive me, and that's fine, okay?
12:07You can hate me.
12:08Hate me forever.
12:09It doesn't matter.
12:10But don't hate Stefan, all right?
12:14He loves you, Gabby.
12:16He loves you so much, and I know that you love him, too.
12:21He didn't set out to hurt you.
12:23So maybe, maybe you can think about giving him another chance.
12:30So kind of you to offer your advice.
12:33And not that it's any of your business, but that's not what Stefan wants.
12:37Oh, please.
12:38Not anymore.
12:39What are you talking about?
12:41Forget it.
12:42Get the hell out of my place.
12:51Jada, now I know you had your doubts about Bobby's suicide note,
12:56but I assume you didn't, you know, put them to rest when you closed the case.
13:02Well, I did put it to rest.
13:06For the most part.
13:09I don't know.
13:10I'm still in shock.
13:13I'm still in shock the fact that there was this whole other person,
13:18a total stranger to me,
13:21and I haven't been able to reconcile the two halves of the man that I was so close to,
13:28and I just can't help but think that maybe I could have done something to prevent this.
13:32No, no.
13:33You stop.
13:34Stop thinking that way, Jada.
13:37Feeling guilty about something that was in no way your fault.
13:43Now, how could you have prevented this when you don't even know how ill that man was?
13:48No one could have predicted what he would do, what he was capable of.
13:56You're right.
13:58You're right.
14:01And thank you.
14:03Thank you for staying here with me.
14:13Happy to do it.
14:31You know, I could help you with that.
14:36Even on your best day and you think I'm dumb enough to hand you a weapon?
14:58Is this Connie Verninski?
15:00This is she. Who is this?
15:03This is Stephanie Johnson.
15:05I got your number from your boss, Gabby DiMera.
15:09I wanted to invite you to a memorial service that I'm having today for Everett Lynch.
15:16Well, maybe he went by Bobby Stein to you.
15:21Anyway, I heard you two knew each other.
15:24Who told you that?
15:26Leo Stark.
15:28He said that he ran into you leaving Everett's room at Salem Inn,
15:33and that you said the two of you went way back.
15:36I don't know what you're talking about.
15:38I've never heard of any Everett or Bobby.
15:40Leo must have been confused with someone else.
16:00And pretty black.
16:04And pretty black.
16:06The man confesses to a crime he doesn't remember committing
16:11and is released due to insufficient evidence
16:14because the only so-called proof they had
16:19was Brady's non-recollection of the event.
16:25And Commissioner Hernandez, I could just hear you saying,
16:29sounds like one big cluster you-know-what to me.
16:36And it does to me, too.
16:39My friend, something is not right here.
16:47And I know you agree, don't you?
16:52Don't you?
16:53Yes? No?
17:00Mayor Price?
17:02Oh, come here.
17:04Oh, hello, Gabby. Hello, Gabby.
17:06I was just sitting with your brother
17:09so Jada could take care of a personal matter.
17:12Well, I'm here now, so you can go.
17:16I'm sure the last person my brother would want to spend time with
17:20is the woman responsible for sending his sister to prison.
17:24Oh, sorry.
17:28Hey, what are you doing?
17:34How about you?
17:42What's with the look?
17:44I don't know.
17:46I don't know.
17:52What's with the look?
17:54I don't know.
17:56I just ran into Gabby
17:58and I encouraged her to give you another chance
18:00and she told me you wouldn't want that anymore.
18:03I'm glad it was too late.
18:06Yeah, well, allow me to elucidate.
18:11You see, in exchange for my countless apologies
18:14and attempts to make things right with Gabby,
18:17my wife decided to punish me
18:19in a most cruel and unusual manner.
18:23By doing what?
18:28By sleeping with my brother.
18:36You slept with Gabby?
18:38God, Dad, were you trying to start World War III?
18:41Look, Stefan isn't some innocent victim, okay?
18:46He cheated on his wife.
18:49And so she decided to respond in kind, so to speak.
18:54When did Uncle Stefan cheat on Gabby?
18:57While she was in prison.
18:59He slept with none other than Ava Vitale.
19:08I knew they were having marital problems,
19:10but Uncle Stefan and Ava?
19:12Why so shocked, Johnny?
19:14Ava tried to get her claws into you, too, remember?
19:17Though, much to my relief at the time,
19:19you never gave in to her dubious charms.
19:22My brother Stefan, however, is made of lesser stock.
19:28You know what?
19:30I'm actually not shocked, okay,
19:32that Uncle Stefan succumbed to Ava's charms, as you put it.
19:36The guy was alone for a long time
19:39and I'm sure he didn't do it to, you know, get revenge on somebody,
19:43but you, sleeping with your brother's wife,
19:46damn it, Dad, what were you thinking?
19:59Thanks for waiting for me.
20:00Thanks for coming.
20:04Not a big turnout, as you can see.
20:11Yeah, I was hoping that someone would make it.
20:14Yeah, me too.
20:17Sandra's busy with Sarah
20:19and Alex didn't really know Everett and he had an early work call.
20:24Chad said he'd try, but he's with the kids, as I told you,
20:27so I don't know if he's going to be able to make it.
20:31And then there's Connie.
20:37Yeah, Gabby's assistant at Gabby's Chic.
20:42Leo was under the impression that Connie was a friend of Everett's,
20:47but when I called her to invite her to the memorial,
20:50she said that she had no idea who he was.
20:54That's strange.
20:56I mean, I get them not being friends, but his name's been all over the news
21:00as the guy who stabbed Gabby's brother, so
21:05how would she have no idea who he is?
21:07No clue.
21:09That's what she said.
21:23You're welcome.
21:24No more yelling, okay?
21:26No more yelling.
21:30And that call you took just now,
21:33what was that all about?
21:35Not that it's any of your business, but big mouth strikes again.
21:39Apparently, Lady Whistleblower's been blabbing all over town
21:43about me and Everett Stein or Bobby Lynch, whatever,
21:48the guy who killed himself.
21:51You mean the guy that you murdered.
21:53Melinda, if you can't say anything nice.
21:58Oh, wait, I admitted that to you, didn't I?
22:03I also admitted that I killed Lee and stabbed the commissioner.
22:09Yeah, I confided in you, all right?
22:12You did, yes, yes, but my lips are sealed.
22:14I swear I will not tell a single soul.
22:16I am very good at keeping secrets, I swear.
22:19I can't count on that.
22:21Why would I?
22:23And it is of crucial importance that nobody ever know any of that.
22:31And now, nobody ever will.
22:49And why was Leo under that impression
22:52that this Connie woman and Everett were friends?
22:55He said he ran into her once
22:58as she was leaving Everett's room at the inn.
23:01She told him that they go way back.
23:05She and Everett or Bobby.
23:09Did Everett ever mention her name to you?
23:13No, I've never heard of her name.
23:16Me neither.
23:19What did you say her last name was?
23:23Connie Veninsky.
23:31Anyway, um, I, um, I found a thicket
23:37just surrounded by beautiful spruce trees just up the way over there.
23:41I was thinking since Everett loved nature and hiking,
23:46that it might be a good spot to land and rest.
23:53I agree.
24:02I'm ready to do this.
24:05Lead the way.
24:08Sorry, Melinda, you know too much.
24:26But you spared my life for a reason, remember?
24:30That was because Lee talked me into it, but now...
24:34You can't.
24:36Because you would be disrespecting Lee's wishes
24:39and I know that is the last thing that you want to do.
24:42So think about it. Please.
24:45Lee would be so disappointed in you
24:50if you defy him, you know?
24:55And I know you care way too much about him to do that.
25:04Okay, okay. Out of respect for Lee, I won't do you in.
25:11Not now, anyway.
25:15Thank God.
25:21Then what are you gonna do?
25:24I mean, about me, anyway.
25:27You don't plan on keeping me here forever, right?
25:31I've ended up eating steak and taking up your room
25:36and I'm sure that you and Lee both want your privacy.
25:40Yes, we do.
25:43It would be good for us to go back to just the two of us.
25:46Wouldn't it, darling?
25:51But one thing at a time.
25:53See, I don't know what I'm going to do with you
25:55until I get my final revenge on Gabby.
25:58She's the one who broke Lee's heart.
26:01She's the one who messed everything up.
26:07Once I know that her marriage to Stefan is dead and buried
26:12and the two of them are suffering forever,
26:19then Lee can finally rest in peace
26:23and we can all move forward.
26:33Gabby slept with EJ.
26:35No, no, no, come on, they hate each other.
26:39But maybe they just want you to think they didn't make you jealous, huh?
26:43No, no, look.
26:48I saw Gabby's clothes on EJ's bedroom floor.
26:52And at first they tried to hide it from me, okay?
26:56But eventually Gabby said that she did have second thoughts
26:59about having revenge sex with EJ after the fact, okay?
27:04And when I confronted her on it, she not only admitted it to me,
27:07no, no, no, she doubled down
27:10and was sure to tell me just how awesome it was.
27:14So to state the obvious,
27:17my wife set out to hurt me in the worst way possible.
27:22Yeah, by sleeping with your brother.
27:26What a better way to do it than that, right?
27:34Well, I will respect your wishes, Gabby.
27:40I'll leave.
27:43But for the record, you got this all wrong.
27:47I mean, you can't really think I wanted you sent to prison
27:51for a crime you didn't commit.
27:54You gave EJ the DA job, didn't you?
27:57And he sent me away with almost no evidence.
28:01He would have let me rot in prison
28:03if Stefan hadn't intervened and insisted that I...
28:09Go on, what?
28:11Never mind. Forget I said anything.
28:15I mean, I still don't get it.
28:18You hate Gabby.
28:20And the feeling's mutual, right?
28:22I mean, she's the one who stole your company, got you fired,
28:26and you let her languish in prison.
28:28Have you forgotten all that, or did you get knocked on the head?
28:31No, no, no, no, of course not.
28:33I still loathe the woman.
28:35Okay, so you slept with Gabby because...
28:38Why? What, if you wanted Uncle Stefan's life back?
28:42You want Uncle Stefan's life to suck as much as your life sucks right now?
28:46I mean, why are you punishing Uncle Stefan for something, Gabby?
28:49I mean, she's the one who blew all your lies out of the water.
28:53Well, if Stefan hadn't confided in her...
28:57No, no.
28:59No, that's not it.
29:01Not what?
29:04And why are you looking at me like that?
29:09Because I don't think this has anything to do with Stefan or Gabby.
29:14I think this is about Nicole.
29:31What do you need that for?
29:34Well, if Leo Stark's been shooting off his mouth, I need to be prepared to shut it for good.
29:42You don't object to that, do you?
29:44I mean, I know you didn't want me to kill Belinda or Stefan or Gabby,
29:48but you don't even know Leo.
29:50I mean, I like him just fine, but everyone else seems to hate the guy.
29:55Not everybody.
29:57What, do you have friends with him or something?
29:59I don't know. Not at all.
30:02I just mean that there's got to be someone out there that does care about him.
30:08It's not important.
30:11I wish you the best of luck, Connie, and I really hope that everything turns out exactly as you hoped for.
30:20I can't trust my soundproofing, and I can't trust you either, truth be told.
30:25So I won't be taking any chances.
30:27You really don't have to, I promise you. I won't say anything.
30:46I am so, so sorry, Stefan.
30:50I know how devoted you are to Gabby and how happy you were when she was released from prison.
30:56I know this is going to be so tough on you.
30:59Yeah. Well, how's that quote go?
31:02Life is what happens when you're making other plans.
31:09Anyway, Ava, I just want you to know that I appreciate your friendship.
31:15Yeah, I got you.
31:20I need you to get me an address for a Connie Vinenski.
31:25Yeah. Okay, great, thanks. I'll wait for your text.
31:29Excuse me. Commissioner.
31:32I couldn't help but overhear him, but I know where Connie Vinenski lives.
31:36She's staying over at Lee Shin's apartment.
31:39Oh? How do you know this?
31:42Well, Linda Trask told me when we were working at Tamara.
31:47Okay. Is there anything else you know about Miss Vinenski?
31:51Well, apart from the fact that she got me fired, Melinda says that the woman is a complete fraud and her resume was a complete lie.
32:01Yep. So much so that Melinda was on her way over to give her the axe.
32:05But now Melinda has taken a leave of absence, so I guess that never happened.
32:11I see. Well, thank you. That was helpful.
32:21Hey, what the hell was that about?
32:23I got no idea.
32:27Which I don't want to know about Connie Vinenski.
32:34Gabby is none of my business, but sounds like you have a bee in your bonnet about something.
32:43And I've got a feeling it has nothing to do with me.
32:52You're right. It doesn't.
32:56I'm sorry. I should not have taken my frustrations out on you.
33:10I may as well tell you, you'll hear about it soon enough.
33:15My marriage, it's falling apart.
33:22And as much as I hate E.J., he's been surprisingly supportive.
33:26Well, glad to hear that. But I'm sorry about your marriage.
33:37And Mayor Price, if you really don't mind staying with Ray for a little bit longer, I should get to work.
33:43Of course. Of course I don't mind.
33:53I'll be back soon, brother. I love you so much.
34:15I don't want to discuss this with you, Joey. This is none of your concern.
34:19So you don't want to admit that this is about Nicole.
34:23Dad, I get it. OK, I know you were hurt. I know you were humiliated when she went back to Eric.
34:28I repeat, this is none of your concern.
34:30Actually, I disagree. It is my business because this is my family, too.
34:34And Dad, I love you. OK, but your marriage falling apart.
34:39That was not Uncle Stefan's fault. That was not Gabby's fault. That was your fault.
34:45Haven't you done enough damage? I mean, if you keep this up,
34:48you're going to lose your whole family. Is that what you want? Because that's where we're headed.
34:56I got to go to work.
35:16A messenger was coming to the door just as I was leaving. This is for you.
35:32What is it? Well, it seems Nicole is not exactly what she wanted.
35:41Eric warned me about it. Even though I refused to sign, Nicole must have found a workaround.
35:55My divorce decree.
36:23Goodbye, Emma.
36:48Oh, no.
36:58Honey, are you there?
37:09So no one else told Gabby that her assistance is a total fraud.
37:13Well, I certainly wasn't going to get involved after what went down between us.
37:19As far as I'm concerned, Connie Baninski is Gabby's problem now.
37:30Oh, good. You're here. Indeed, I am. How goes it?
37:35It's been busy. I have a lot of calls for you to make, emails to write, et cetera, et cetera.
37:39No problem. But I mean, like, how goes it personally with you and Stefan?
37:44Oh, well, I took your advice, actually. Gave the bastard a taste of his own medicine.
37:52Good for you. So you slept with one of his enemies?
37:55His biggest enemy, his brother, E.J.
38:00E.J.? Wow, way to go. That is even better than I had hoped.
38:05I didn't realize you were so invested in my marital situation.
38:09Well, of course I am. Us girls got to stick together, right?
38:13After what he did to you, cheating on you like that, I want that man to suffer.
38:19Well, you're in luck then, because now he's going to suffer even more.
38:23You see, I'm going to take Stefan for all he's worth.
38:27And I wouldn't mind keeping it up with E.J., you know?
38:32I mean, that one night with him, it doesn't have to be one-on-one, does it?
38:36Of course not. Why should it be?
38:42Either way, Connie, I am living the good life.
38:47Not for long, slut.
38:55Oh, Annie.
38:58Wait till you get a load of the surprise I have in store for you, Commissioner Hernandez.
39:04Oh, Annie.
39:07Wait till you get a load of the surprise I have in store for you, Commissioner Hernandez.
39:16Of course, you know, you have to wake up for that, you know?
39:21Get back to work, you know?
39:24You have to get up, go back, wake up, go back to work to enjoy the surprise.
39:31Well, maybe I'll just give you a little hint to pick your interest.
39:44Okay, so I've tried begging, pleading, for joy.
39:49The only thing I haven't tried is pulling a rank.
39:57Oh, okay.
40:00Okay, here goes.
40:05Wake up, Ray Hernandez.
40:07That is an order. Now, do you hear me? This is your mayor speaking to you.
40:11And if you do not respond, I just, I just, I just might have to give that acting commissioner job for good if you don't...
