Days of our Lives 9-4-24 (4th September 2024) 9-4-2024 9-04-24 DOOL 4 September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Someone call Plumber?
00:04Oh, you're a bastard, babe.
00:08You're never going to let me live this down, are you, sweetness?
00:12Nope, never. Not one day.
00:20Get out of my sight, you bastard. Or...
00:24you lowly bastard, away with you. Bug off!
00:28Oh, sorry, I was talking to myself.
00:32Hi, Dwigg. It's good to see you.
00:36You haven't been around the office much lately, understandably. Although now that I think about it, neither have I.
00:40How are things?
00:44They're okay, thanks.
00:48Huh. What, home?
00:52No, it's just... I figured a guy whose wife just came back from the dead would be a lot happier than you are right now.
00:56What gives?
01:04Hey, it's me.
01:08Hey. How's it going?
01:12It's going pretty well, actually.
01:16Last night I was able to convince Chad to move back to his house with the kids.
01:24It's a relief to not have him hovering all the time.
01:28And now that I can breathe,
01:32I think we need to figure out what the next steps were planned for.
01:36Yeah, I was thinking, uh...
01:48I don't know why I'm suddenly getting cold feet.
01:52I want to get back at Stephanie. I really do.
02:06You're gonna have to make a decision right away.
02:10Think it through.
02:14Because once the cat's out of the bag, there's no going back.
02:18Why are you being so nice about this?
02:22I suppose because
02:26I've recently had my own heart broken.
02:30And I was angry, but also hurt.
02:34And I know I would do anything
02:38to make my pain go away.
02:42Even if it meant swallowing my own pride.
02:46Hey, Chad, have you seen...
03:02I didn't expect to find you in here.
03:06But, Stephan, you were just...
03:10No, I know exactly what was going on.
03:16Like sand through the hourglass,
03:20so are the days of our lives.
03:36Stephan, I...
03:40No, no, no, I think I know exactly what was going on.
03:44No, no, no, I think I know exactly why EJ invited you into his lair.
03:48Excuse me? Shut the hell up.
03:52He probably offered you a sympathetic ear and then said something to the effect of,
03:56oh, I just had my heart broken too, right?
04:00And then he gave you his role, clearly, to put on over your PJs.
04:04I mean, they all took mine, so I just...
04:08Yes, I shouldn't really be surprised that EJ is here for you because he's made such a public showing
04:12on our marital issues. Stay the hell out of this!
04:16He's taking advantage of you.
04:20He's taking advantage of you and he's trying to use you to get revenge on me.
04:24More like the other way around.
04:32What the hell does that mean?
04:40It's all fixed.
04:44You want to tell me what happened?
04:48Well, it's a long, intense story
04:52about a man against fate, a man against himself,
04:56a man against his daughter's garbage disposal.
05:00You see, the wrench broke and then my hand got cut.
05:04And how did that happen?
05:08This man, my wedding ring.
05:12Well, why didn't you take it off first?
05:16I reached in there and I got caught on something. And besides, I'm a proudly married man. You know I don't like to take it off.
05:20That's very sweet, but not very prudent
05:24considering you almost got swallowed up by a sink.
05:28But very sweet.
05:32I'm going to call you back.
05:40Hi, I'm Abigail.
05:44I know. I'm your cousin, Stephanie.
05:48Stephanie, right.
05:52Nice to meet you.
05:56I've already met you, obviously, but I...
06:00No, I understand. And I should have probably called first.
06:04No, it's fine.
06:08I didn't mean to interrupt your call.
06:12Oh, you didn't interrupt anything. I was just...
06:16It sounded pretty important.
06:20You were talking about the next steps in your plan?
06:24Our daughter is one lucky lady
06:28to have a brave papa like you.
06:32Well, you know, I wouldn't have to make plumbing house calls
06:36if she hadn't insisted on moving out.
06:40No, you would have been happy to have her living with us forever, wouldn't you?
06:48There might be a place right next door.
06:52Every girl's dream.
06:56Can you blame me for being unprotective?
07:00I didn't even know what a family was until I had you.
07:04And now to see what Jack and Jennifer are going through with Abigail.
07:08I just want to hold my kids close and never let them go.
07:12I feel the same way.
07:26I was just talking to my doctor
07:30about my treatment plan.
07:34Figuring out the next steps.
07:38Oh. Well, is there something that she thinks they can do
07:42to help you get your memory back?
07:46Yeah, I hope so.
07:50You know, I have a doctor's appointment, so...
07:54Dr. Johnson's awesome.
07:58I think she's pretty awesome, too.
08:02She's my mom.
08:06Oh, yes, that's right. She told me she was my aunt.
08:10And since you're my cousin, it's a lot to keep track of.
08:14Sure. Well, it's just, I feel like every time I meet someone new,
08:18I'm like, oh, yeah, you got that right.
08:22Oh, okay. So we're first cousins, right?
08:26Yes, so my dad, Steve, is your dad's brother.
08:30Steve and Jack.
08:38But that's not the only connection we have, is it?
08:42What do you mean?
08:46I moved in with my husband and my two kids after he thought I was dead, right?
08:54Fine. Fine?
08:58There's a boring word. How's the chicken, sir? Fine, thanks.
09:02Hey, Joe, how's the hip holding up? Fine, Jim.
09:06How's the knee? I get your point, Leo.
09:10Look, I'm obviously thrilled that Abby's back,
09:14but I have to say, you know, she had plastic surgery. She looks different.
09:18She doesn't remember anything about her life. Still?
09:22Nothing at all. The other night, she remembered Clyde Weston stabbing her.
09:26Oh, God. Of all the things. Yeah, I know.
09:30She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember the kids.
09:34Stephanie's actually gone over to talk to her. We hope that seeing some familiar faces
09:38will bring back some of her memories. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
09:42Besides, she has to remember everything, does she?
09:46What are you getting at, Leo?
09:50Well, I'm just saying, to the extent that you have any control over the situation,
09:54it would be nice if she didn't remember that I kinda-sorta-outed you as gay
09:58and published compromising photos of you in the paper. Also that I stole her jewelry when she died.
10:02Although, obviously, she wouldn't remember that. Look, I'd prefer you not revel in my wife's amnesia.
10:06What? I am not reveling. Not at all.
10:10She remembers being murdered. Temporarily murdered.
10:14I'm just saying it would be nice if she didn't remember that once upon a time
10:18she ended up on my revenge list.
10:22Well, I would love for her to give it all back, Leo.
10:26Well, that's fair enough.
10:30Would you like to know who's on my revenge list?
10:34It isn't me, is it?
10:38Not at the moment, no. It's Clyde Weston.
10:42And everyone else who helped keep Abigail from us.
10:50Hey, look who it is. The prodigal brother returns from his
10:54almost-successful impersonation of Tate Black at lacrosse camp.
10:58Very, very funny. I thought you were gonna call me when your flight landed.
11:02Okay, well, I took a cab. I needed to get to work, and honestly, I figured you'd be pretty pissed at me.
11:06You figured right.
11:10Look, I'm sorry that I lied to you.
11:14Okay, but Tate asked me to help him and Holly so they could spend the rest of the summer together.
11:18Oh, so it was totally selfless on your part?
11:22No. No, of course not.
11:26Okay, but look, Tate offered me free tuition. Tuit world-class lacrosse camp, okay?
11:30And I received training. Training that could go towards an actual, like, college scholarship.
11:34Like the scholarship you told me you got for this camp?
11:38What happens when Tate's dad asks for reimbursement
11:42now that he knows that he paid for you to go?
11:46Well, the guy's, like, rolling in money, so you really think he's gonna miss it?
11:50Fine. Fine.
11:54Okay, you're right. I don't want to be that kind of person.
11:58I will figure out a way to pay him back.
12:02But, uh, you can wait till Brady reaches out to you.
12:06I think he has more important things on his mind right now.
12:10Look, I was only suggesting that...
12:14I don't give a damn what you're suggesting.
12:18I mean, look, I just spoke with Abigail, okay?
12:22She encouraged me to never give up, to keep fighting for us, not that I need the encouragement.
12:26But my idea was to come back up here and to, again,
12:30apologize for hurting you and, again, tell you that I still love you
12:34and that I know you still love me.
12:38Can we please go somewhere and talk, just the two of us?
12:46I love you.
12:56I love you close on the floor.
13:00I love you close on the floor!
13:04I love you.
13:14I didn't realize what Chad told me about the two of you.
13:18That Chad decided to get involved with my cousin after I died.
13:24I know. The bombshells just keep on coming.
13:28I'm sorry. I know that must have been very upsetting to hear.
13:32But you should know that he never stopped loving you.
13:36It was so difficult
13:40for him to try to move on after he thought he'd lost you, and if he had any idea
13:44that you were still out there...
13:48You don't have to explain. You thought I was gone.
13:52And, truth is, if I was, I would have wanted him to
13:56move on and find happiness, you know?
14:00Yeah, but you should know that he never did find it without you.
14:04But the two of you moved in together.
14:08We gave it a try.
14:12But in the end, his feelings
14:16for you were the reason that we didn't work out.
14:24I see.
14:28We're best friends now. That is all we'll ever be.
14:32In fact, he's the reason why I'm here.
14:36What do you mean?
14:40Well, I ran into him earlier, and he said that I should come and see you.
14:46How did he seem?
14:50Not great, to be honest.
14:54It's weird to have you so close and yet so far.
15:02I wish this didn't have to be this way.
15:10Well, anyway, he thought my coming here to see you would help
15:14jar some memories loose.
15:18Oh, yeah, you've known me for a long time, haven't you?
15:22We were really close when we were younger.
15:26I, um, I know some of your
15:30deepest, darkest, youthful secrets.
15:34Oh, well, do tell.
15:42How about something warm?
15:46Yeah, I think I deserve a cold one after that brilliant plumbing repair.
15:50A little early for that, isn't it?
15:54You're no fun.
15:58I take it back. You're a lot of fun, sweetness.
16:02Yeah, don't you forget it.
16:06Listen, on a completely different note, I spoke with Jennifer this morning.
16:10Is she doing any better?
16:14Not really. She's torturing herself that she's the only one that can't accept that this person is Abigail.
16:18But she does believe it's her, doesn't she?
16:22Well, maybe intellectually.
16:26But in her heart of hearts, she just thinks that she would know her own daughter.
16:30That she would recognize that this person is Abigail.
16:34Sounds like a defense mechanism.
16:42I think she's so afraid of losing Abigail again that she's
16:46refusing to let herself believe that Abigail is back.
16:50Well, I hate
16:54to say it, but it's not like DNA tests
16:58have never been wrong at University Hospital.
17:02I know, but I was there. I was the one that took the swab.
17:06I brought it to the lab. The only other person that's involved in this is Dr. Green,
17:10and I trust him completely.
17:14Tate's dad?
17:18He's in jail?
17:22Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
17:26Poor Tate. Poor Tate.
17:30What about my friend and colleague Sarah, whom he ran over and left her dead on the side of the road?
17:34Hey. Oh, my God. I'm sorry.
17:38I'm sorry that happened to Dr. Wharton. Yeah. Kyriakos.
17:42My friend Sarah had just been married,
17:46and she's a mom, too. She's a little girl,
17:50and now her whole life has been upended, and she may never walk again.
17:54And that's
17:58not the only reason you're taking it that hard, huh?
18:02What do you mean? I just know that when I hear
18:06about other people involved in a car accident,
18:10I can't help but think about what happened to Mom and Dad.
18:14So, do you like reliving it all over again?
18:18Do you have any leads on how Clyde kept Abigail alive, or who
18:22was holding her at Poplar Bluff? Not yet. Do you have any idea why?
18:26You're asking a lot of questions. I'm sorry. It comes with the territory
18:30of being a journalist. Had Everett drilled into you? Who, what, when?
18:34It's fine.
18:38I just don't have any of the answers yet.
18:42Speaking of Everett, are you planning on
18:46attending a service? What service?
18:50Stephanie said she's planning some sort of memorial now that
18:54his ashes have been released to her. I was just with Stephanie. She didn't say
18:58anything? No. Well, I don't think she's got all the details nailed down yet.
19:02I'm sure she'll reach Abigail. But it's not exactly like this memorial's going
19:06to be a cast of thousands, right? I mean, who did Everett even know
19:10here in Salem? There's Steph, his co-workers at The Spectator,
19:14aka us, his friend Connie. Who's Connie?
19:18I know! He never mentioned her to me either.
19:22How do you know all of this? Well, I happened to pop by
19:26Steph's place with my press release right after Jada had dropped off the
19:30funeral. You're supposed to have run your press release by me.
19:34Well, it isn't for The Spectator.
19:38It's for my new job. Are you leaving the paper?
19:46Chadwick, this is what I was hoping to discuss
19:50with you.
19:54Well, my clothes are on the floor.
19:58Because you slept with him last night.
20:02Didn't you?
20:06You spent the night in this bed.
20:10Take it easy, brother. Answer me.
20:14Did you or did you not sleep
20:18with my brother?
20:54Well, I gather you haven't heard, but I have been named the new head writer of Body and
21:17No, I haven't, um, and I'm an investor, but I leave all the decisions up to Kate, man.
21:27Congratulations, Leo.
21:28Thank you, Chadwick.
21:29It's an amazing opportunity.
21:30It's a dream come true, truly.
21:31So, uh, so, man, does that mean you're going to be stepping away from Lady Whistlemore?
21:39Well, you know, originally my plan was to do both, but now that I'm in the thick of
21:44it, I'm drowning here.
21:46Not only do I have to deal with demanding actors, but I have to write six episodes a
21:49week every week.
21:50There are no reruns, no hiatuses, not even a snow day.
21:53Why would you get a snow day?
21:54I'm just saying my point is, I get one week off a year, one week, and don't get me wrong,
22:00I am grateful for the opportunity, but the show, it's taken over my whole life.
22:06So do I need to find a successor to Lady Whistlemore, or no?
22:11Maybe I can pen the occasional guest column, but I think that might be best.
22:19Well, I, um, I'm sorry, Seiko, but, you know, I like to work with you.
22:30Chadwick, back at you.
22:35And listen, while we're on the subject, if you happen to check out Body and Soul, you'll
22:38come across a storyline that might seem a teensy bit familiar.
22:45No, no, no, no.
22:46It is a great story.
22:48A mystery woman comes to town, beautiful, new face, no memory.
22:52Now, is she really our hero's dead wife?
22:59Isn't she?
23:07Wait, wait, you were a race car driver?
23:11I was.
23:12Me and Danica Patrick.
23:14You know who that is.
23:16I mean, that's pretty badass.
23:18Uh, feels like another lifetime.
23:21I'm in PR now.
23:24But, anyway, there was this one race where I had this really bad crash, and I was in
23:31the hospital.
23:32And I was all upset because my boyfriend hadn't come to visit me yet.
23:38But you took charge of the situation.
23:41You even bought a gift for Max to bring me so that I wouldn't be disappointed.
23:47I'm imagining that you weren't supposed to find that out.
23:52And Max and I, we obviously weren't meant to be.
23:58You always looked out for me.
24:02You were the best cousin I ever could have asked for.
24:05And the best friend.
24:12Sorry, I...
24:14If I could remember, I'm sure I would feel the same way, too.
24:21I'm sure you feel just really lost and lonely right now.
24:32Yeah, you can say that.
24:36Well, you know what?
24:38Memory or no memory, I'd still like to be your friend.
24:43Even if we're starting from scratch.
24:50I'd like that, too.
24:53Can I give you a hug?
25:03I've been thinking a lot about Mom and Dad lately.
25:07Especially now that it's your senior year.
25:10They would be so proud.
25:14I don't think they'd be so proud of me right now.
25:18You're a good kid, Aaron.
25:21Your heart's always in the right place.
25:26Yeah, well...
25:28I've had a very cool older brother to look after me.
25:32And I know, I know it's really hard to look after me and Felicity on your own.
25:38And I am sorry that I let you down.
25:42And how you did anything this stupid when you were my age.
25:45You'd be surprised.
25:49Oh, you are going to regret you did that.
25:53Are you proud of yourself?
25:54What's wrong with you?
25:55Are you proud of yourself?
25:56Taking advantage of my wife to hurt me?
25:58Nobody took advantage of me.
26:01I knew exactly what I was doing.
26:03Do not defend this scum.
26:07I'm telling the truth.
26:10I seduced him.
26:27You hate his guts.
26:29I hated yours even more.
26:35I wanted to get back at you for sleeping with Ava.
26:39And what would hurt worse than knowing that I slept with the brother you despise?
26:47So that's what this is.
26:50Did for dad.
26:52So to speak.
26:53Shut the hell up!
26:59I'm gonna go get some ice.
27:17So you set out
27:21to inflict maximum damage
27:27on me.
27:29On us.
27:34And you succeeded.
27:44You happy now?
27:59If you had to predict,
28:01do you think Abigail will ever get her memory back?
28:05Wish I knew.
28:06But there's no way of telling.
28:08All we can do is be supportive of her and Chad and
28:12try not to put any pressure on her.
28:15She must be overwhelmed.
28:18Yeah, I think she is.
28:20You know, I was really hoping that if she was in the home environment,
28:23you know, surrounded by friends and family,
28:27that it would make a difference.
28:30But if it doesn't, I'm gonna suggest that she has a couple sessions with Marlena.
28:37When I didn't know who I was,
28:40I think I was afraid to remember
28:46how fool I was
28:49to waste one second without you.
28:53I got you back.
28:56That's all that matters.
29:05What bad decisions could you have possibly ever made?
29:08Mr. Hopkins Medical?
29:11Valedictorian of the Eagle Scouts?
29:13I mean, what, did you forget a number two pencil at the SATs?
29:17Oh my god, DJ Walk?
29:19I've made some
29:21legit bad decisions.
29:23Right, but like how bad could they possibly have been?
29:26Like I said, you'd be surprised.
29:32I'll believe you for now.
29:35Though I'm not sure what bad decisions you possibly could have made.
29:40But I suppose
29:41now would be a bad time
29:43to ask you to sign off on my physical sports forms.
29:47Yeah, sorry, no.
29:49Not gonna happen.
29:50You actually need to do the exam.
29:54Fine, I guess tampering
29:56medical stuff could get you fired.
30:00Maybe one of my colleagues
30:02has an opening right now.
30:04Should I show you out?
30:05No, no, it's fine.
30:06I'll just make an appointment.
30:08Can't wait to turn my head and cough.
30:11I'll see you at home.
30:13Glad to have you back, kid.
30:15Me too.
30:16You should have asked before using my wife's life story, Leo.
30:19Like I said, it's only loosely based on her story.
30:22And it's not as though the amnesia angle
30:24hasn't been done on soaps before.
30:26Okay, guess what?
30:27There's a problem with your pitch.
30:29You do a DNA test
30:31you get your answer.
30:35So, what do you mean so?
30:36We know it's Abigail.
30:38There's a suspense.
30:39Okay, Mr. Logic.
30:41It's not a surprise.
30:43Okay, Mr. Logic.
30:45In the soap world,
30:46a DNA test is worth about as much
30:48as a marriage certificate.
30:49Barely worth the paper it's printed on.
30:51The doctor could be on the take.
30:52My life isn't a soap opera.
30:55I got my wife back.
30:59That's good.
31:00I don't want to see you go through any more trauma.
31:02You've suffered enough.
31:05Okay, I can't never tell if you're even being serious.
31:07I'm not.
31:08I appreciate that, Leo.
31:09Because I need it.
31:13You know I love drama.
31:14But I also love a happy ending.
31:16And I really want you and Abigail to have yours.
31:22Well, do you think we could grab dinner sometime?
31:25That'd be great.
31:27It'd be nice to get out of this house.
31:29Mix things up a little.
31:32Oh, hi, Sessions.
31:35Hello, EJ.
31:37Oh, my man.
31:38Get me some ice for my rapid-flowing lips.
31:41Ladies, tea.
31:47I wonder whose fist he ran into.
31:50Just another day in the DiMera Manor.
31:53But whatever happened, I'm sure he deserved it.
31:57Oh, not a fan?
32:01EJ once had me kidnapped and stuffed into a morgue drawer.
32:07So, draw your own conclusions.
32:09My God.
32:11How did I end up sleeping with that guy?
32:13With any consolation, you came to your senses pretty quickly.
32:20Are you sure you want to stay here?
32:22I mean, you could always move in with me.
32:25I know I'm basically a stranger, but...
32:27Oh, that's really generous of you.
32:31But I'm okay.
32:33I'm fine here.
32:49Is everything okay?
32:51Oh, yeah.
32:54Just something I kind of have to take care of.
32:58If you don't mind excusing me.
33:02Thank you so much for coming by.
33:04Of course.
33:05We'll see you soon.
33:21I went to your room last night.
33:26And I...
33:30I knocked on your door.
33:34And I pleaded with you.
33:38To help me find some way to work this out.
33:46Only there was no response.
33:48Because you weren't in there.
33:49You weren't in here.
33:52In his bed.
33:58My God, Cammy.
34:00I knew you could be cold, but...
34:08I made one stupid, drunken mistake.
34:13But this...
34:17This is...
34:22Wasn't it?
34:29It was.
34:34God Almighty.
34:40You think...
34:43I have been killing myself.
34:46Trying to figure out ways I can make this up to you.
34:52Trying to find some way...
34:54For you to forgive me.
34:57Forgive me.
35:04But you know what it is?
35:12This horrible...
35:16Self-destructive thing.
35:18This thing that you can never take back.
35:21It can never be undone.
35:28It can never be undone.
35:33So does that mean that you've given up fighting for us?
35:39That's exactly what it means.
35:54You know...
35:55When I woke up in EJ's bed this morning...
35:59I actually had regrets.
36:04I thought...
36:07Maybe I'm being too hard on Stefan.
36:12Maybe it's a mistake to punish him.
36:23Maybe I still love him.
36:31For a hot second...
36:33I thought about lying.
36:36And not telling you about me and EJ just like you lied to me about Ava.
36:48But that would make me just as guilty as you are.
36:56So I'm glad...
36:59That fate had you walk in.
37:02And remind me what a total ass you are.
37:11And for the record...
37:13Your brother is better in bed than you are.
37:34You two disturb each other.
37:51You're all right.
37:52Don't touch me.
37:53I'm fine.
38:24Hello? 9-1-1?
38:27Yes, it's an emergency.
38:28My parents are hooking up in my living room.
38:31We were just leaving.
38:34I'm sorry.
38:35Right, right, right.
38:36And by the way, little sweetness...
38:38Your garbage disposal is fixed.
38:42You guys are the best.
38:44We are, aren't we?
38:45Well, sometimes.
38:46Listen, I wanted to get a family dinner on the calendar.
38:49Oh, I would love that.
38:51And I actually...
38:52I just went to go see Abigail.
38:53So maybe we can all do dinner together.
38:55That would be great.
38:58How's she, sir?
39:02I tried to tell her some stories about the good old days.
39:06Didn't trigger any memories, unfortunately.
39:09That's not surprising.
39:12But I'm really glad that you're working on a treatment plan with her.
39:16What do you mean?
39:17Well, she was on the phone with you when I got there.
39:19And she said that you were talking about the next steps in the plan.
39:22Well, I didn't talk to Abigail today.
39:25That's strange.
39:28She said she was definitely talking to you.
39:43Sorry I had to hang up so fast.
39:45Someone walked in?
39:47Um, Abigail's cousin Stephanie.
39:50Did she hear anything?
39:52A little bit.
39:53But I was able to cover.
39:55Why was she there?
39:57She had sent her hoping to jog my memory with heartwarming tales from my past life.
40:04Previous life, whatever.
40:10The only thing is, she's really sweet.
40:13She's really sweet.
40:14She's really sweet.
40:15This has all become even more hot, Mark.
40:26Okay, well, thank you for your well wishes, Leo.
40:29You're a great guy, Chadwick.
40:31You deserve to be happy.
40:32Your children deserve to be happy.
40:34Especially after everything you've been through.
40:39Look at us.
40:40Came a long way, didn't we?
40:42We have.
40:44And you know, I truly am a romantic at heart.
40:46If I can't be lucky in love, at least you can be.
40:49I hope you don't give up.
40:51Hello, I don't know.
40:53Ever since Demetri, my heart has just not been it.
40:56I almost hooked up with this one guy, but we had zero chemistry whatsoever.
41:01To be honest, the only person I've had any interest in is this doctor at the hospital.
41:05Mark Green.
41:09That's not promising.
41:10Turns out he wasn't gay.
41:11I guess.
41:12Wouldn't mean a guess.
41:14I overheard him talking on the phone with someone at the hospital.
41:16He said it was his girlfriend.
41:20That's a tough break, I'm sorry.
41:22Yeah, it is a tough break.
41:23Especially if you saw what he looked like without his shirt on.
41:27However she is, she's very lucky.
41:34You okay?
41:37I'm fine.
41:39It's just, with Chad's relatives and Abigail's relatives, I'm inundated with fake family.
41:48Just remember when the going gets tough, your real family is here for you.
41:58Thanks, bro.
42:00Welcome, sis.
42:08You're welcome.
42:38You're welcome.
