Days of our Lives 9-3-24 (3rd September 2024) 9-3-2024 9-03-24 DOOL 3 September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00It took some persuasion, but Roman says that we're free to use the pub for filming Body and Soul whenever we want.
00:10Right, right.
00:12Oh, and also, he's going to talk to Kayla about using University Hospital as a location as well, which I think is great.
00:21Abe, are you still with me?
00:24Oh, see, now you're getting that glazed over look that Roman gets whenever I talk about Vanderpump Rules.
00:30Sorry, sorry.
00:32You know, see, I had left messages for John and Janelle, and I was hoping they'd get back to me.
00:40Okay, so is this what Paulina was talking about, that you're causing some problems for the show?
00:47More likely problems for their real lives.
00:51And I forgot to give Janelle an update on her potential leading man.
01:07Ah, so you're auditioning for Arrow?
01:11Yep. Was up all night rehearsing my lines.
01:16Since when are you an actor?
01:18Honestly, never really crossed my mind until Abe suggested I audition.
01:23Oh, so this was Abe's idea?
01:26He told me that he told you, but judging from your reaction, he didn't.
01:33No. No, he most definitely did not.
01:37Oh, no.
01:48Okay, get back into character. Here we go.
01:56Chad, good morning.
01:58Hey, good morning. Just wanted to, uh, call and see if you survived the night over there alone.
02:05You're very sweet, but yes, I'm fine.
02:11Yes. And besides, I'm not exactly alone. I am surrounded pretty much everywhere by Damaris.
02:20Well, yeah, that was what I was worried about. My family is always at war, and I don't want you to get caught in the middle.
02:28Well, thank you. And you can relax. I had a wonderful, peaceful evening last night.
02:41I've missed this so much.
02:44Yeah, me too.
02:58I'm just glad I came to my senses in time. I almost did something very, very stupid.
03:16Couldn't have been nearly as stupid as what I did with Ava.
03:22Gabby, I hope you realize that I never felt anything for that tacky mafia princess.
03:35And that you are the only woman that I love.
03:41And what we have is way too special to throw away.
03:47I need to have my cream more.
04:18Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:29Good morning.
04:35It's funny, before I open my eyes, I thought I was going to die.
04:40I thought I was going to die.
04:43I thought I was going to die.
04:46I thought I was going to die.
04:50It's funny, before I open my eyes, I thought what happened between us last night was just a dream.
04:58But, I guess not.
05:02No, it definitely happened.
05:10So, what now?
05:15You have plans for today?
05:19Well, I was hoping to do a little more catching up with Gabby over breakfast.
05:25But when I knocked on her door this morning, she didn't answer.
05:30She's still dividing up the house with that thing?
05:34Yeah, I think she pretty much covered everything yesterday.
05:38Well, if Gabby's busy, maybe I could come over and you and I could have breakfast together.
05:46Um, yeah, you know, I'm not that hungry.
05:50I think I'm just going to grab a yogurt.
05:57And you know what, you need to focus on the kids anyway.
05:59Yeah, no, um, yeah, you're right.
06:03We actually have some back to school shopping to finish up.
06:08Um, I'll check in with you later then.
06:13Yes, thank you. Sounds good. Bye.
06:28How you doing?
06:31I'm alright.
06:34I heard Gabby gave you an earful yesterday.
06:39Yeah, about how you took advantage of me while I was mentally unwell.
06:46Yeah, that.
06:50Look, the reason she may have gone on and on about me bad-mouthing me as it were is
07:00she and I are in a bit of a rough patch right now.
07:08Oh, so it's her fault that you're a creep?
07:21So you're saying that Johnny and Chanel have something against Alex?
07:26Well, you did play a part in Chanel and Alex's breakup.
07:32Well, yes, that's true, but that was a long time ago, and obviously she got over that because she's happily married to Johnny.
07:39That is true, but there still seems to be a sore spot between her and Alex.
07:46Okay, so she still has some resentment against him.
07:49Yeah, pretty mildly, which is exactly why I wanted to cast the two of them together.
07:56Oh, so you're going to use her real-life animus for him as part of your character.
08:03Paulina points out that our director could have a problem with them playing opposite each other.
08:11Oh, so she thinks that Johnny is going to be jealous.
08:16Alex is a very attractive guy.
08:19Oh, yeah, he is, but I don't see why it would be any worse.
08:23I mean, if Johnny was directing Chanel with, say, some other hot guy...
08:30I think it would be.
08:32You know, I believe that any other hot young actor wouldn't be someone that Chanel had a threesome with.
08:47Did you know about this?
08:51What? Of course not. You don't think I would have told you?
08:55It ain't told me that he found the perfect guy to play Arrow, but he never got around to telling me who that was.
09:04Oh, is this going to be a problem?
09:07Hell yeah, it is. Because if you get this role, then you and I are going to be playing love interests.
09:12And I don't know if it slipped your little mind, but you and I aren't exactly getting along right now.
09:17OK, well, Abe was the one who said that it would only, you know, add some spice to our chemistry.
09:23I wonder what made him think that.
09:25I think it was that he saw the bickering between Chanel and I in the square yesterday.
09:29Oh, my God.
09:30Yeah, he said we had sparks.
09:33Yeah, those were his words, not mine.
09:34OK, well, then maybe Abe needs to get into a different business because those were not romantic sparks.
09:39Those were I hate your guts sparks.
09:41So us working together, that is not going to fly.
09:56Now, don't you think you're being a bit overdramatic?
09:58No, if anything, I'm being a bit under dramatic.
10:01Really, Chanel, you hate my guts?
10:03You have to ask.
10:04I mean, I thought we got along fine until yesterday anyway.
10:07Yeah, that's because we hardly ever saw each other.
10:09But then I realized how unremorseful you are about having slept with my girlfriend.
10:13I'm not unremorseful, Chanel.
10:15I felt bad that I hurt you.
10:16I told you that then, and I said it many times after that.
10:19And I don't understand why you continue to hold this grudge against me,
10:22especially since you married Ali's brother, for God's sake, because I'm like not enough payback.
10:28My marrying Johnny had nothing to do with Ali.
10:30How petty do you think I am?
10:32Do you really want me to answer that?
10:33Oh, my God.
10:36Johnny, can you believe that Abe actually thought that me and this jerk would work as a couple?
10:43Uh, you know, actually, I think Abe's instincts might have been spot on.
10:59So Ali and Chanel had a three-way with Ali?
11:03Apparently so.
11:08You know, I never thought I'd be having a conversation with Abe Carver about a threesome.
11:17Well, it is the new world out there, Kate.
11:20I know it.
11:22Although, in my opinion, I think everyone should do some sexual adventuring.
11:27You know, as long as all the parties are willing participants.
11:31Well, for Johnny, I think it might be a bit awkward.
11:39I think that's putting it mildly.
11:41To know he has to direct Chanel and Alex in love scenes knowing they have a sexual past could be pretty, pretty uncomfortable.
11:55I hope this isn't a bad time.
11:57I hope this isn't a bad time. I should have called first.
12:00Oh, it's fine. What's up?
12:03Well, I'm actually glad I caught you because I came to talk to Doug and Julie to ask them if they thought it would be okay if I went to go visit Abigail.
12:13But now I can ask you.
12:15Of course it would be. I think that's a great idea. Why wouldn't it be?
12:20Well, I just thought with all the, all the pressure she must be feeling.
12:25I mean, I, I can't even imagine what it would be like being around all these people who are so thrilled that you're back, but you don't remember them.
12:36I mean, that's got to be stressful, to put it mildly.
12:43Well, she's, uh, she's stoic.
12:48Or happy.
12:50You know, she doesn't like to.
12:52Admit how difficult it is.
12:59But I think it'd be really good to see some familiar faces, you know, as far as getting her memory back.
13:04And, um, and besides, you know, who else to handle it with sensitivity and empathy.
13:11But you, you always put people at ease.
13:14Well, not always, but thanks.
13:19Here I am talking about how stressful it must be for Abigail, but for you, my God, to suddenly have your wife back after all this time.
13:31The love of your life.
13:34No, I, um.
13:37I mean, there's no words.
13:39You know, it's, I gotta pinch myself, because, you know, it just feels like such a miracle.
13:43I'm sure.
13:47You know, our relationship, um, ours, uh, I know ended because obviously I still felt connected to Abby, so I'm sure that this whole thing, it must be, uh, must be very complicated for you, too.
14:06Please don't worry about me.
14:09And, you know, now that Abby's back, now that we know that she was alive that whole time.
14:18Well, I understand even more than I did before why you couldn't come into me, to us.
14:30Some part of you sensed that, that she wasn't really gone.
14:37But at that time, I just, I couldn't let her go.
14:44You know, I felt like I was still married to her.
14:49Now I know why.
14:52I never thanked you enough for everything you did for me and the kids, especially my kids.
14:59How loving you were with them and helping them through such a tough time.
15:03Well, I love those kids.
15:11I still treasure the memories of taking care of them.
15:18The good night hugs, especially. I miss them.
15:25So, did you spend the night here last night?
15:30Yeah, I did.
15:33I heard that you were at the DiMeras with Abigail.
15:36I was.
15:39She asked me to move out.
15:47Okay, you're right. I, I, I was a total creep.
15:53And I never should have gotten involved with your alter.
15:56With your alter?
15:58Gabby with a Y.
16:03Um, not that this is an excuse, okay, but I didn't know much at all about dissociative identity disorder when we were involved.
16:20And yes, I, I, I did some reading, but I, I don't know, maybe, maybe I didn't want to know or want to believe the truth.
16:34But just because she gave her consent to being with me doesn't mean that you did.
16:45To be honest, it all sounds very complicated.
16:47It is, it is, um, but again, like I said, I'm not making excuses here.
16:55I thought I was in love with her and, and I made some very stupid, selfish choices, choices that, that I will regret for the rest of my life.
17:09And neither you nor, nor Chad, nor your kids deserved any of it.
17:18And I'm really sorry.
17:23Again, this isn't, this isn't the first time you're asking for forgiveness for this.
17:31No, no, it's not.
17:34And eventually, uh, she, you forgave me.
17:43Not that you remember.
17:47I don't, but I don't remember anything that happened between us.
17:55And you seem very genuinely right.
18:02So I forgive you again.
18:11Now, if only the real Gabby could do the same thing.
18:18Look, you don't have to offer me breakfast in bed or anything like that.
18:24Oh, I wasn't planning on it.
18:26Right. Well, I'm just pointing out that last night had nothing to do with romance.
18:33It had nothing to do with feelings.
18:36Unless you count hating each other as feelings, it still hasn't slipped my mind that you destroyed my marriage to Nicole.
18:44Nor has it slipped my mind that you sent me to prison for a crime I didn't commit.
18:50The only reason I let you put your grubby paws all over me was to get back at Stefan for sleeping with Eva.
18:58Ah, for the record, you were the one who seduced me last night.
19:05Oh, please. You practically begged me to put my grubby paws all over you.
19:10Please. Yours are the last paws I'd ever want on my body.
19:15And yet here we are.
19:17Here I am because I knew that sleeping with you would be the way to hurt Stefan the most.
19:23Hmm. Well, on that, we agree.
19:26Once my brother finds out about her mind of passion, he's going to be absolutely destroyed.
19:40Why did Abigail want you to move out?
19:44Were you not getting along?
19:46No, it's not that. It's just that we're strangers, you know, so it's a little awkward.
19:59Also, the kids are asking me why I'm not staying here and I'm not ready to tell them the truth.
20:04The kids are asking me why I'm not staying here and I'm not ready to tell them the truth.
20:08Abigail doesn't even remember them.
20:10Well, that would be very difficult for them.
20:13Definitely because...
20:18Because what?
20:24Because she just seems like such a different person.
20:28You mean the way she looks?
20:30No, not just the way she looks. I mean...
20:36Her personality.
20:39The way she talks.
20:41Her expressions.
20:43If it weren't for the DNA test, I don't know if I would actually believe that it was even her.
20:53To be honest, I get why Gabby won't forgive you.
20:56You cheated on her while she was in prison?
21:02Yeah, I know how bad that sounds.
21:07But let me guess, you regret that one too, don't you?
21:12Yeah, I do. And I know it sounds weak and stupid, but it was a one-time drunken mistake.
21:22No feelings involved, nothing.
21:25But Gabby doesn't see it that way. She sees it as the ultimate...
21:31As the ultimate betrayal.
21:34And I...
21:36I don't think I've ever seen her this angry.
21:40And we've had our fair fights. It's...
21:46It's kind of sad.
21:47We've had our fair fights. It's...
21:52It's kind of our thing.
21:54Oh, you're one of those couples.
21:59I guess. I mean, we are passionate. We blow up at each other and then we make up.
22:09Well, maybe you'll make up this time too.
22:14Yeah, I don't know.
22:15This, this is, this is a lot worse.
22:20I mean, she's told me that she wants a divorce.
22:31Well, maybe that will change once she has a chance to cool down.
22:38See, I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
22:46You know, as happy as I am to stick it to my sanctimonious brother,
22:54I have to admit, I'm feeling rather unsatisfied.
23:01Excuse me?
23:03Oh, don't get your knickers in a bunch. Not that you're wearing any anyway.
23:10You seem pretty satisfied to me.
23:12Oh, as far as hate sex goes, last night was quite enjoyable.
23:16For the both of us, I'd venture to say.
23:21Go on.
23:23But it certainly didn't purge Nicole from my heart.
23:26The thought of her and Eric living happily ever after in Paris still just feels like a kick in the guts.
23:33So as I said, why not take out that pain on Stefan?
23:39Since if he hadn't told me the truth about Jude, I wouldn't have been able to expose your lies.
23:45Oh, so you're not to blame. Is that it? Just passing the buck?
23:52Blame me all you want.
23:55But I think you'll get much more excitement and satisfaction exacting revenge on Stefan than me.
24:02Perhaps you're right.
24:05So, what are we waiting for?
24:08Let's go tell Big Brother than you.
24:13No, wait!
24:21You know, I think we're getting ahead of ourselves.
24:24We haven't even seen them audition yet. Who knows? Maybe we would hire one of them.
24:29Maybe we wouldn't hire either of them.
24:32Well, you're right.
24:33Johnny was going to put their auditions on tape this morning.
24:38So I thought if I got there first, I could warn them about each other.
24:47Well, I mean, it's not too late to do that. I'll go with you.
24:50Maybe I can smooth things over. Who knows?
24:52And if they haven't backed out, we'll have a chance to see them audition live.
24:56Yeah, that's right. That's right.
24:58And then maybe you'll see what I see. How great they can be together.
25:02As long as they don't kill each other.
25:06Oh, Lord.
25:08You really think that Alex and I make a good couple?
25:12In real life? Hell no. But on screen?
25:17I don't know. I was watching you guys banter back and forth.
25:22And I gotta say, I kind of agree with Dave.
25:24There's something intriguing about the dynamic between you two.
25:27Yeah, because who isn't intrigued watching a train wreck?
25:31Yeah, you know what? I agree with Chanel on this one.
25:35I thought maybe I could make it work, but I really don't feel like fighting all the time.
25:38Okay, guys, just hear me out, all right?
25:40Some of the best, I'm talking best, on-screen couples in the history of cinema
25:47were played by actors who couldn't stand each other.
25:49But the fact that you guys push each other's buttons,
25:52sometimes that can be what makes it come alive for the cameras.
25:55So are you saying that you want this to happen?
26:03As long as you both are at least reasonably comfortable with it, yes.
26:11Uh-huh. And you're really okay with me playing Alex's love interest?
26:18Am I thrilled about the fact that you guys have that history?
26:25No, not particularly, but I'm a professional.
26:31And I truly believe that the two of you can make magic together on screen.
26:36So we can take that animosity that you both have and put it to good use.
26:40I want you to channel the passion into your auditions.
26:44So what do you think? Should we give this a try?
27:02Well, well, we all are still here.
27:07And everyone seems to be in one piece.
27:12Abe, did you have something to tell me?
27:17Chanel, I should have broken the news to you about Alex.
27:24And if I had known about the two of you and your charged history...
27:32Chanel, for what it's worth, Abe left both of your messages.
27:36Now we obviously didn't get time.
27:38Well, I am sorry about that.
27:41But I do believe that the two of you would be perfect as Errol and Faith.
27:48Well, we are about to find out because we're all set up for the audition.
27:53Okay, that's great.
27:55Okay, you two, uh, you ready?
28:04Let's do this.
28:08I don't know why I'm complaining, you know?
28:12I should be grateful as hell that I got my wife back.
28:18That'd be so, um...
28:21I don't know, I just gotta, I need to respect her space.
28:27But it's only natural for you to be impatient and to want to be close to her right now.
28:32Especially after missing her so much for so long.
28:37And I still gotta keep my impatience under control.
28:41And I can't be so needy.
28:43I gotta be cool, right?
28:46Chad, how can you be cool when the love of your life, who you thought that you lost forever, suddenly comes back?
28:55You'd have to have a heart of stone to be cool about this, Chad.
29:01Okay, so then don't beat myself up for being so needy and uncool.
29:06Don't you dare.
29:10Now, Abigail is so lucky to have you.
29:14In all of your neediness and uncoolness.
29:19She's gonna realize that.
29:22Very soon.
29:30Why would you tell me not to lose hope?
29:33Gabby said something to you.
29:36Oh, she said she was angry.
29:39But I think she's mostly just hurt.
29:42She's focusing on the anger so she doesn't have to deal with the fact that she still loves you.
29:47I mean, why would she be doing all this ridiculousness, putting tape everywhere all over the house?
29:53Why would she still be here?
29:55If all she felt towards you was apathy, why wouldn't she just move out?
29:58Because her lawyer told her to stay so she wouldn't lose claim to my possessions.
30:05Oh, okay.
30:07Or maybe that's just a cover for her true feelings.
30:17I'm not trying to give you false hope.
30:20But you said it yourself.
30:22You and Gabby always work it out in the end.
30:25Why would this time be any different?
30:29What's wrong?
30:31I just don't know if now is the right time to tell Stefan.
30:35I thought the whole point of us sleeping with each other was to rub it in Stefan's face.
30:43That was just an excuse to get me in bed.
30:46No seas, mamon.
30:48What does that mean?
30:50Look it up.
30:52I'm just going to assume that was a compliment.
30:54I don't understand what's going on here.
30:57This was your idea.
30:59I thought you hated Stefan's guts and you wanted to punish him for cheating on you.
31:04I still do.
31:06And why are you suddenly dragging your feet?
31:09I'm not.
31:12I just want to make sure that this bombshell has maximum impact.
31:19You know what I think?
31:21You know what I think?
31:24I don't give a damn what you think.
31:26That's okay. I'm going to tell you anyway.
31:30I think that you suddenly changing your mind about punishing Stefan, or at least having second thoughts,
31:39is because deep down you're still in love with him.
31:43Damn it, Faith. Do you have any idea what I went through to get back to you?
31:48All those months I spent recuperating on Dr. Stenbeck's tropical island,
31:53surviving a bout with a rainforest fever, fighting off an entire militia group,
32:00only to come back to Pineview and find out that the love of my life was about to marry my father.
32:05Arrow, you have to believe me.
32:08I thought you were dead when I agreed to be Drex's wife.
32:12I mean, you died in my arms. What else was I supposed to think?
32:19And I wept for you.
32:23In the Pineview Hospital Chapel as they took out your brain and put it in my mouth.
32:30In the Pineview Hospital Chapel as they took out your brain and put it into Charlemagne's head
32:37to save her from terminal frontal lobe sarcoidosis.
32:42You died. And on top of that, your brain was gone. Don't you see?
32:49And I grieved for you until your ghost returned to me at your gravesite
32:56on our third wedding anniversary and told me it was time to move on.
33:02Faith, that was not my ghost.
33:07That was an AI-enhanced hologram generated by Dr. Stenbeck in my father's barracks.
33:15Drex wanted complete control over you, not to mention complete control over my entire family's empire.
33:21Arrow, I don't know what to believe anymore.
33:23I will tell you what to believe, Faith.
33:26You believe in me. You believe in love. In our love.
33:31That was always tried and true and stood the test of time.
33:35It was our North Star and our compass, guiding us through space and time.
33:41Please, if you can't believe anything else at all, believe in love.
33:50We don't really have to do the kiss, right?
33:55Well, Arrow and Faith have a love-hate relationship.
34:00You just showed us the hate in the first part of the scene. Now you have to show us the love.
34:06Yeah, Kate is right.
34:08But we have to know that you can do this, that you can sell this love story to the audience.
34:19Yeah, I mean, it's part of the job, so...
34:26Fine, I will try.
34:29I'll try too.
34:31Okay, Alex, let's take it from your last line.
34:38Got it.
34:40Got it.
34:54Faith, if you can't believe in anything else, believe in love.
35:10The next day...
35:22Okay, cut, yeah, stop. That was great. I think we got it.
35:26So, what did you think?
35:29Well, of course, I'm concerned. I think we have a super couple here.
35:33Well, I would say congratulations. You're both hired.
35:39I'm not sure that Chanel's husband will be one of them.
36:05So you're sure that I should go visit Abigail?
36:12That I wouldn't be adding more pressure if I went to go see her?
36:18She said she wants to see the people who are important to her.
36:21Your family and your best friends.
36:24You know, she always looked forward to hanging out with you.
36:27And me with her.
36:29We had a lot of fun memories.
36:32Well, then, yeah, go share those memories with her.
36:37You know?
36:39The memories of those times.
36:43The good memories.
36:45Not like the one she had.
36:50Not like the other one she had.
36:53Didn't she remember something?
36:57Yeah, she...
37:00She was in her bedroom and then she suddenly remembered Clyde coming in and attacking her.
37:05Oh, my God, that's awful.
37:08Yeah, that was the first thing she remembered about her life.
37:12But I don't know, maybe she should be hopeful, you know, that hopefully it's just the beginning.
37:18You know, she'll start to remember more stuff.
37:22Let's hope so.
37:25I'm happy to help however I can.
37:30I'm here for you, Chad.
37:32And for Abigail.
37:48For the pep talk.
37:51Just giving you my opinion.
37:53Well, you gave me hope.
37:58Okay, so what's the plan, mister?
38:03I don't know, I guess I can start by going back upstairs and begging for her forgiveness again.
38:14Reminding her how great we are together and how strong our love is.
38:23I like it.
38:25Although I'm not sure if she's around.
38:27I knocked on her door earlier and she wasn't there.
38:33Wonder where she could be.
38:38You don't know what you're talking about.
38:41So you don't have feelings for Stefan anymore?
38:45Him sleeping with Ava while I was rotting away in prison killed off any love I have for that man.
38:52Let's blow the whole thing up.
38:54It's hard just like he broke yours.
38:56No, wait, I just...
38:58I just need a moment to think, alright?
39:05And here I thought you learned a thing or two about being ruthless from Samantha and Kate.
39:11I mean, aren't you the same person who saw revenge on Lonnie Price by rigging Julie Williams' heart to explode?
39:19And didn't you gaslight poor Abigail into thinking that she was crazy again?
39:24Even going as far as locking her up in Bayview.
39:28What does that have to do with anything?
39:30I'm just curious as to why you're suddenly going soft.
39:34I mean, I have to imagine that Stefan hurt you more than any of those women.
39:42You loved him.
39:44You trusted him.
39:47And at your lowest, he was tangled in the sheets with Ava.
39:55And I would have to think that you would want to punish him for eternity and then some.
40:06I want her.
40:12I get it.
40:16If I had the chance to win back Nicole, I don't think I would pass up that chance.
40:25If you've changed your mind, I'm fine with that.
40:30No one ever has to know about...
40:35our secret dialogue.
40:50It's funny.
40:52I didn't realize how much I actually wanted this job until I got in front of that camera.
40:56That's exhilarating.
40:58You, my man, are a natural at this.
41:01Aw, come on, man.
41:03Thank you for believing in me.
41:05I hope I make you proud.
41:06Oh, I have no doubt about it.
41:08You and Chanel are just going to be huge, huge hits.
41:15That's if she and I can put our differences behind us and actually work together.
41:21That's a huge if.
41:25I cannot believe this is really happening.
41:28I'm going to be on TV.
41:30I know. I knew you would do it.
41:32Thanks to my amazing director.
41:36Are you sure you're going to be okay working with Alex?
41:39Like you said, it's part of the job.
41:42And the best part is that I get to work with my brilliant husband.
41:48It's going to be so much fun working together.
41:51I couldn't agree more.
41:53Oh, my gosh.
42:04We haven't even talked since you phoned.
42:06Abigail, you must be absolutely.
42:08I am.
42:10It's a miracle.
42:12It's not quite perfect, but I'm blessed.
42:17No, I know.
42:19Actually, when I first heard the news, I just thought maybe it wasn't true, you know.
42:24But actually, I thought Clyde was lying.
42:29Hey, Mark, it's me.
42:33Actually, it's going pretty well.
42:37Last night, I was able to convince Chad to move back home to be with the kids.
42:45Yeah, I mean, it's a relief to not have him hovering all the time.
42:51And now that I can finally breathe, I think you and I need to figure out the next step of your plan.
43:05I don't know why I'm suddenly getting cold feet.
43:10I want to get back at Stefan.
43:12I really do.
43:20Well, you don't have to make a decision right away.
43:27Think it through.
43:31Because once the cat's out of the bag, there's no going back.
43:37Why are you being so nice about this?
43:42I suppose because I've recently had my own heart broken.
43:48And I was angry, but also hurt.
43:53And I know I would do anything to make my pain go away.
44:01Even if it meant swallowing my own pride.
44:05I'm not afraid of you, Jamie Stefan.
