Days of our Lives 9-9-24 (9th September 2024) 9-9-2024 9-09-24 DOOL 9 September 2024

  • last week
00:00So you told Holly that Eric was responsible for her father's death?
00:11I hadn't planned to.
00:14I was talking about my dad and it just slipped out.
00:18I honestly, I thought she knew, but she's completely blindsided.
00:24How'd she take it?
00:26She was horrified, as you can imagine.
00:29Just really angry that everyone lied to her.
00:33I tried to comfort her.
00:35She wouldn't let me.
00:36She just wanted to be left alone.
00:40I feel awful, Grandpa.
00:43Hey, you didn't know it was news to her, so don't be so hard on yourself.
00:50Besides, it was bound to come out at some point.
00:54Come on, not like this.
00:55However it came out, it was bound to be hurtful to Holly.
01:00And so you know, Eric has just flown in from Paris to be with your father,
01:05so I think I need to give him a heads up about this.
01:14Bird, I didn't know you were in town.
01:17I'm sorry about that.
01:18I just landed a few hours ago.
01:21Well, I didn't hear anything about it from my mom.
01:24Well, she and your brother, they're still in Paris.
01:27This was a last minute decision.
01:30I'm here for Brady.
01:32I'm sure you heard.
01:34Yeah, of course I heard.
01:36And now you're here to stick up for him, which makes sense.
01:39Especially after what you did.
01:49What the hell just happened, Justin?
01:52I heard EJ.
01:53He had no choice but to drop the charges.
01:56He couldn't prove that you were responsible for Sarah's hit and run.
02:01Except that I know that I did.
02:05No, you don't.
02:06You have no memory of the actual incident.
02:09Okay, you told me yourself.
02:12Okay, due to a lack of concrete evidence, you are a free man.
02:16Justin, I turn myself in because I want to be accountable for my actions.
02:21What am I supposed to do now?
02:22Am I supposed to walk out that door and just pretend none of this happened?
02:25Is that the plan?
02:27I'm not suggesting that.
02:29What are you suggesting?
02:31I don't like the fact that you just argued my case without consulting me.
02:36I don't like that.
02:37Okay, Brady, I'm your lawyer.
02:40Okay, it's my job to do what's best for my client.
02:43And that's exactly what I did.
02:46Well, I'm not happy about it, okay?
02:49I guarantee you, Sandra and Sarah aren't going to be either.
02:55It's so strange to think that just a few short months ago, my mom and I were just completely estranged.
03:02I'm so angry at them.
03:05I'm ashamed of the things I said then.
03:09You were holding on to a lot of pain, Sander.
03:12I was.
03:14But then Sarah knew exactly what to do.
03:17Like she did because now Mom's living with us and helping take care of us.
03:21I never would have imagined that I could rely on her like this.
03:25I'm happy for you.
03:27And for Fiona, too.
03:29I know from experience how hard it is to overcome demons when you're trying to put your life back together.
03:36You should be so proud of your mother.
03:39But I am.
03:42After everything we've been through, I never thought I'd have my mom back.
03:47And just what we needed the most.
03:59God, forgive me for what I'm about to do.
04:18Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:42Oh, my God.
04:44What am I thinking?
04:48What choice do you have?
04:52If Sarah remembers that I was the one driving the car that hit her, it will all be over.
05:01I can't let that happen.
05:05Thanks for listening, Maggie.
05:07And please, Nora, I'm equally grateful to you.
05:10You are a splendid mom and grandmom.
05:13Not to mention just a gem of a human being.
05:17That's very kind.
05:19It's very true.
05:21All right, I'm going to go check on that soup.
05:27Well, if it isn't my treacherous cousin.
05:31Just so you know, I'm going to be at Brady's arraignment tomorrow.
05:34It'll give me great satisfaction to see him get what he deserves.
05:37Xander, I'm sorry to deprive you of that satisfaction, but there isn't going to be an arraignment.
05:46Has it been postponed?
05:48No, D.A. DiMera has decided not to press charges.
05:52Brady is a free man.
06:08Hey, Will. Hey.
06:11You all right?
06:13Oh, yeah.
06:16No. No, not really.
06:21I just needed a little air before I went home.
06:26Am I consorting with a wanted fugitive?
06:30No, really not in the mood for that.
06:34Sorry. Not funny. I know. I'm sorry.
06:38Oh, I thought that you'd be in jail.
06:42I should be.
06:45Apparently, confessing to a crime isn't enough to get you there.
06:50Where I belong.
06:56Hopefully, he will get back to me soon.
07:00I'm sorry I made such a mess out of everything.
07:03It's not your fault.
07:05Like I said, you didn't know how Holly was being kept in the dark about this.
07:11Let me ask you something. How did you find out?
07:15A while back, I overheard my mom and Grandma Kimberly discussing it.
07:21I just didn't understand anything because I thought it was one of those family secrets that everyone knows but no one talks about.
07:27Let's see.
07:29I just had no idea that Holly's mom never told her the truth.
07:32I just had no idea that Holly's mom never told her the truth.
07:35She always assumed that she knew what Uncle Eric had done.
07:44Holly, I understand you're upset with Brady.
07:47And you have every right to be.
07:49And yet you're still here defending him.
07:52I'm not defending him. I'm offering him support.
07:56He's my brother.
07:58But that's not just it, is it?
08:01It's that you can relate all too well to what he's going through.
08:05After all, you've been in his shoes, haven't you?
08:07What are you talking about?
08:09I know what you did, Eric.
08:12I know you killed my father.
08:26Holly, I...
08:29I don't know what to say.
08:33I'm so sorry. I wanted to be the one who told you.
08:36Really? Really?
08:38Because you had 17 years to do so and you never said a word about it.
08:42Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that tonight.
08:48Well, no need to. Someone already beat you to the punch.
08:53It was the one who told you.
08:56Was it EJ?
08:58No. No, it wasn't EJ. It was Tate.
09:02Because he thought I knew already, which I didn't, obviously.
09:05Because you and my mother and my entire family, you all just lied to me my entire life.
09:11Holly, you...
09:12You know, my mom said that the drunk driver who killed my father was just some rando who died in the accident.
09:17And everyone just went along with her to protect you.
09:21No, Holly, we were protecting you.
09:25You were a child. It was...
09:28It was complicated.
09:32Your mother thought you would have fewer questions about...
09:34Please, Steven.
09:36My mother's a manipulator and I played right into her hands all these years.
09:42You know, over the years I was so tempted to look it up online.
09:47But then I would just get her voice in my head insisting,
09:51You don't want to know the gory details, sweetheart. It's traumatic enough as it is.
09:56And I just believed her.
09:58I thought, what's the point? The monster who killed my father was dead too.
10:05But he wasn't. Was he?
10:08He was living right under my roof.
10:16I'm worried about Holly. I've never seen her this upset.
10:21Maybe I shouldn't have left her alone.
10:23I'm going to give her some time.
10:26What she needs to do right now is just process what you told her.
10:30I'm sure she's going to reach out to you when she's ready.
10:35Yeah. I...
10:38I don't know about that, Grandpa. She was really furious with me.
10:42For what?
10:44For telling her the truth about what happened to her father when you thought she knew.
10:49Yeah, but still.
10:52There's a little bit more to it. We...
10:56When I made this slip about Uncle Eric, we were actually in the middle of a pretty big fight.
11:05Okay, um...
11:08So what was this fight about, now that I'm crying?
11:15Holly doesn't like that I'm defending my dad.
11:19Sarah's her aunt.
11:21And so she doesn't get how I could possibly stand by him after what he's done.
11:32You know, it sounds to me like you had a good little day.
11:36I wasn't... I wasn't trying to get off the hook.
11:40I actually wanted to pay for what I did.
11:48Justin made a valid point, otherwise EJ never would have agreed to your release.
11:55Look, it...
11:58You cannot be held responsibly.
12:00Legally, no. But morally, come on.
12:03I'm wracked with guilt about what I did to Sarah.
12:08What makes it worse is that I'm getting away with it.
12:11Yeah, but you didn't do it on purpose.
12:13That doesn't matter.
12:15Every bad decision that I made led up to that accident,
12:19going right back to the start of it, which was the night I fell off the wagon.
12:27Well, then actually, I...
12:30Well, then actually, I...
12:33I'm partly responsible for that.
12:40Well, I was... I was there with you.
12:43The night of the wedding, I was drinking with... you know, I didn't stop you.
12:47You... you... you tried to talk me out of it.
12:50Yeah, and then I gave up.
12:53And I joined you.
12:54No, no, no. There was... there was nothing you were gonna say or do.
12:59It was gonna stop me that night, Ava, okay?
13:01I was on a path to self-destruction.
13:05And neither of us knew that it was gonna end up being a month-long bender,
13:09which would then result in me making the biggest mistake of my life.
13:29Hiya. How you doing?
13:31While you were gone, Sarah fell asleep.
13:34I didn't think I should disturb her, but I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.
13:42What's going on?
13:43Hey, darling, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
13:47There is actually a little bit of distressing news.
13:52What is it?
13:54Brady is no longer in police custody.
13:59The DA is repressing charges.
14:04I don't understand. I thought it was an open and shut case.
14:08They don't have another suspect, do they?
14:11No. Apparently, Justin managed to convince EJ that even with Brady's confession,
14:17there is enough evidence to prove that he actually committed the crime.
14:20That's ridiculous. The man confessed.
14:23Yeah, but he doesn't actually remember hitting Sarah or anything that happened afterwards.
14:30Now, it's more imperative than ever that you positively ID Brady as the driver.
14:36Maybe I've tried. It's just it's still a blur.
14:40I know, darling, but you did have that brief flash of memory.
14:47I don't know if it's painful, but maybe if you concentrate really hard, you'll recall the driver's face.
15:08Sandra seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight, huh?
15:13Yeah, I'm sure you'll calm down.
15:17Although it couldn't hurt to start locking your door, though, just in case.
15:21Good idea.
15:25Justin, you know, like I said earlier, I'm still having a hard time believing that Brady hit Sarah and kept on driving.
15:34I mean, even though he has obviously convinced himself that he committed the crime, he most likely did.
15:43I'm just, I'm so relieved that you were able to have the charges dropped.
15:49I'm relieved I was able to do it, too.
15:52Even so, Brady is tortured about what he did, and I doubt that he'll ever be able to forgive himself.
16:01In fact, he was quite adamant that he should be released.
16:07So, starting that night, I suppose you just kept on drinking?
16:15Yeah, right up until the moment I hit Sarah with my car.
16:23Damn it. God, I just, I should have checked on you.
16:30I should have checked on you.
16:34Why? I mean, like you said before, you're not my sponsor, you're not my money, we're not even friends, I don't even know you, really.
16:46True, but still, you know, I should have done more. I mean, I tried to, but, you know.
16:54True? What do you mean?
17:00It bothered me that you were still down here drinking alone, so I was afraid you were going to drive, even though you said you weren't going to.
17:07I decided to come down and check.
17:13I don't remember any of that.
17:15Yeah, because I didn't end up saying anything when I realized you weren't going to drive.
17:20How'd you come to that conclusion?
17:23Well, I heard you talking with that woman, and she, um, she had an accent.
17:37Well, what do you remember, my love?
17:43I see the headlights coming at me, and I cannot make out the face of the driver.
17:53I know it's hard, babe, but you, you do have to keep trying.
17:57If you can ID Brady, then the DA can press charges and we can put him away for good.
18:03Unless... Sarah, would you be willing to just say that you remember seeing Brady's face?
18:13You want me to lie?
18:15Well, it wouldn't really be a lie, would it? I mean, the man confessed. We all know he did it, even he knows.
18:23I'm not going to do that, Xander. I really don't like that you asked me to.
18:28I'm sorry. I don't know why I did. I just, I'm just so desperate to...
18:34Wait. I know.
18:38You know what?
18:40Well, Dr. Evans. She's helped people access their memories using hypnosis. I mean, she's an expert at that, right?
18:47So we can go and see her and she can hypnotize you.
18:51That ought to help you remember, right?
18:59You know, T, you can't really blame Holly for the way she feels.
19:06Like you said, Sarah is her aunt and given the fact that her father was taken away from her under similar circumstances,
19:15I'm sure she's bound to have developed some very strong opinions about drunk drivers.
19:21Yeah, I get that.
19:24But, like, what am I supposed to do? Not stand by my own father?
19:30Yes, what he's done, it's terrible and it's wrong and there's no excusing it.
19:37But he's in hell about it, which is why I can't turn my back on him.
19:43No, not when he needs me the most.
19:45Of course not. He's your father and you love him.
19:47Just like I love my son, no matter what.
19:53We're all in this together, T. And besides, I've got a feeling there's a hell of a lot more to this story.
20:02What do you mean?
20:07Hey, Grandpa, do you think it's possible that Dad's innocent?
20:12Your mother and I, we hated that we had to lie to you, Holly.
20:23But your father, he'd done it before you were even born.
20:28And what? By the time I was old enough to know what happened, you were already living with my mother and eventually became my stepfather?
20:35You not only killed my dad, but you stole his life, too.
20:39You married his fiancée and then you raised his daughter.
20:43And, Eric, it just makes me sick to even look at you right now.
20:47Holly, it wasn't like that. It wasn't planned.
20:57You are a child and you and your mother and I, we, we were a family.
21:04We were a family.
21:07Your mother didn't want to ruin that.
21:09No. So this is her fault now.
21:12You're just gonna throw her under the bus like that?
21:17I didn't want you to know either. I didn't want you to know what I had done. I was...
21:24I loved you, Holly.
21:26I didn't want to be like my own daughter.
21:30I was afraid that if you knew the truth, that you...
21:34if you'd known what I had done,
21:38that it would have ruined our relationship.
21:42Yeah, well, you were right.
21:45It has because I truly hate you.
22:07Holly, please.
22:08God, you're such a freaking hypocrite.
22:11You know that?
22:12You're always spouting the virtues of telling the truth and you've been lying to me, Eric, forever.
22:18Think, I grew up idolizing you.
22:21Even when you and my mother weren't together, I still came to you.
22:24For help.
22:25For advice, because I thought of you as my real dad.
22:31I thought I was so lucky because I thought you were just this amazing guy, but
22:36but the truth is, I would still have my real father if it wasn't for you.
22:44What the hell's wrong with my mother?
22:46How could she ever get past what you did?
22:48She didn't.
22:52It took years.
22:56She was as mad at me as you are right now, and rightfully so.
23:04But she eventually found a place in her heart to forgive me.
23:09Yeah, well, don't expect me to.
23:12Because I'm never, ever going to forgive you for what you did.
23:17I'm not saying that your father is innocent, I'm just saying that he doesn't remember anything about hitting Sarah.
23:35For all we know, there could be mitigating factors here that played into the accident.
23:39Like what?
23:42Honestly, I don't know. I just know that I would feel a hell of a lot better if I knew everything that happened that night.
23:49Now, in the meantime, don't feel guilty about standing by your father.
23:56You love him no matter what, just like I do.
24:00And there is nothing he could do in this world that would ever make me stop loving him.
24:05And for the record, Tate, same goes for you, kiddo.
24:17I do appreciate Brady wanting to take responsibility for what happened.
24:22And as a sponsor and someone who cares about him, I have compassion for him, as you know.
24:28But I don't know, knowing that he's free now, and that it might run into him, or Sarah might run into him.
24:36I'm so sorry, Maggie. I know this whole situation has to be so difficult for you.
24:43It would be so much easier if I could just write him off, huh?
24:47Cut him out of our lives forever.
24:50But I can't. He's family.
24:53Zander certainly doesn't see it that way. He wants Brady to go down for this.
24:58Yeah, I know.
25:01Oh, Justin, it's gonna be nearly impossible to keep this family from imploding.
25:09Oh, I can only imagine what Victor must think about all of this.
25:13Darling, I wish you were here.
25:27Do you still want me?
25:30Not a promise. No.
25:33Like I said, I just wanted to check on you.
25:37No. Like I said, I just wanted to check on you.
25:42But then I realized that you were going to walk back to the Salem in a moment, so...
25:51You didn't tell anyone about this, did you?
25:55No. Why would I? I was just relieved that you weren't gonna drive.
26:00At least not that night.
26:03It's not Brady.
26:06I am so sorry. I should have done more.
26:10None of this is remotely your fault.
26:14But I'll tell you what, if you're feeling bad and you want to do me a favor, you can.
26:19Don't tell anyone that you saw me with that woman.
26:23Okay. Sure. I won't say anything.
26:27Why? Is she married or something?
26:31Or something.
26:35She's Xander's mother.
26:44Hypnosis? I thought that was just some kind of silly pilot trick.
26:50Well, actually, there's strong medical research that shows that hypnosis can be quite effective, at least when performed by a professional.
26:58And Dr. Evans is one of the best. Apparently in Salem she's the best.
27:03Yeah, that's true. She's used it to help countless patients over the years.
27:08And even if she can help trigger Sarah's memories, I mean, would it hold up in a court of law?
27:14Marlena Evans is so respected. I think that would be all the evidence that EJ would need to put Brady away.
27:21Except there's one problem.
27:25Brady is Marlena's stepson. I doubt she's gonna help us put him behind bars.
27:29Marlena's a woman of great integrity. I'm sure she would do the right thing.
27:34Are you sure about that? I mean, after all, you did shoot the woman.
27:43How'd you know about that?
27:46I'd really like to know exactly what Xander did to you.
27:51I don't see why we need to dredge all this up. I really don't.
27:54I want to know, Brady.
27:58All right, for starters, he shot me.
28:01He did what?
28:02Yeah, he shot me. Oh, he also shot my stepmother. And she almost died.
28:09Well, that answers your question pretty well.
28:13I should probably mention, there's a chance that this isn't over.
28:17How so?
28:19Well, EJ obviously wasn't happy about dropping the charges, and he's still determined to find a way to prosecute.
28:26Which means he'll have to come up with incontrovertible evidence.
28:31Yeah, but wouldn't that be difficult? Especially since Brady's car is still missing.
28:36Yes, without a car or photographic evidence against Brady,
28:41he'll have to find some other way to place him at the scene of the crime.
28:45Like an eyewitness.
28:48And if that's not enough evidence, he'll have to come up with something else.
28:54Which could end up being Sarah.
28:58Did Sarah remember if she saw Brady that night?
29:02No. But according to Xander, she had experienced a hazy flash of memory just moments before she was struck.
29:12Headlights racing toward her.
29:16She saw someone in the driver's seat.
29:20But obviously she can't remember who.
29:23No, not yet. But maybe she will, eventually.
29:31Mom, how do you know that I shot Dr Evans?
29:35Well, after I arrived in town, I decided to do a little internet search.
29:40And as it turns out, I missed quite a lot.
29:45Right. Well, I can't defend many of the things I did in the past,
29:51but I am a better man now because of my love for Sarah,
29:55which is why I'm willing to do whatever I can to make sure Brady pays for what he did to him.
30:01But yeah, to my mom's point, maybe it would be better if you made the appointment with Dr Evans,
30:06since she doesn't really care for me and she'd do anything for you.
30:10Shouldn't Sarah really be focusing on her physical recovery?
30:14I mean, all this other stuff is just distraction.
30:18Your mom's right.
30:21Baby, I'm sorry.
30:24All this other stuff is just distraction.
30:28Your mom's right.
30:31Baby, let's just let it go.
30:33Let it go? You can't be serious.
30:36Look, I'm upset at what Brady did too, obviously,
30:39but prosecuting him isn't going to help me walk again.
30:43And it was an accident.
30:46Maybe hitting you was an accident, but leaving you to die on the side of the road,
30:50that was definitely a choice. He needs to be behind bars, darling.
30:53If we still live in this city, you're my mom, our daughter.
30:56He's a danger to everyone.
31:02Okay, yeah, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow,
31:05so maybe it wouldn't hurt to see Marlena too.
31:10I didn't realize that Vander's mother was in town.
31:16Yeah, she was, for his and Sarah's first attempt at a wedding.
31:22But I swear to you, that night when we were at the pub,
31:25I did not know who the hell she was.
31:28Or I definitely wouldn't have.
31:32I'm sorry.
31:36So you slept with Xander's mother?
31:41Ava, for a variety of reasons,
31:45Fiona and I don't want Xander to know that we are involved.
31:51I'm sorry, more specifically, that we were involved, okay?
31:55Were you serious?
31:57No. No, it was casual.
32:02We had a little connection, but even the fact that I'm responsible
32:07for paralyzing our daughter-in-law,
32:11I think it's best that Xander not know about it.
32:15I won't say a word.
32:21I'm gonna head home. Bye.
32:25Aubrey, I...
32:28Look, like you said, we barely know each other.
32:34But listen, if you ever do need to talk,
32:38you know where to find me.
32:41Look, you know where to find me.
32:56Ah, come on, I'll fix that by a mile. You give me that.
33:06You know, I got a feeling I'm not doing a very good job
33:09taking your mind off things, am I?
33:12Sorry, Grandpa.
33:14I just can't stop worrying about Holly.
33:17I want to give her space, but you know what?
33:22It can't hurt to check in with her
33:25just to let her know you're thinking about her.
33:28You really think so?
33:30Yeah, I do. I'm sure that she will appreciate
33:33just knowing that you are there for her if she needs you.
33:45I'm not...
33:50I'm not expecting your forgiveness, Holly.
33:56But I do want you to know how truly sorry I am.
34:04Your father, he was a good man.
34:09He was my friend.
34:13And I loved him.
34:16Yeah, that's the thing, Eric.
34:19I never got the chance to love him.
34:22That's because of you.
34:39I love you.
34:42I love you.
35:05Yeah, but there will be a day when she asks me about her father,
35:09his death, and that I was the reason for it.
35:14And that may be one day she'll hate me because of it.
35:18Or she'll understand
35:22that you're a good man who made a terrible mistake.
35:31You know, this is the way I pictured it.
35:35You know, being with Holly.
35:39Just watching her grow up.
35:43That's what Nicole wanted.
35:48She seemed pretty happy, didn't she?
35:52She did.
36:10Nicole, it's me.
36:15I know, I know it's late.
36:18I didn't realize how...
36:21I didn't mean to wake you.
36:24Yeah, yeah, I saw Brady, but...
36:28But there's something else that you need to know.
36:43I didn't realize anyone was in here.
36:47Honey, what's wrong?
36:50What's wrong is I just found out who really killed my dad.
36:55Oh. Oh, no. Oh, sweetheart.
36:59Oh, God.
37:10All right, I just sent Holly a message
37:13saying that I'm here if she wants to talk.
37:17She still hasn't read it, though.
37:20She will.
37:22And I am sure that she's gonna take you up on it
37:26when she is ready.
37:29I hope so.
37:34What are you doing here?
37:37You're so sweet, honey.
37:40Justin convinced E.J.
37:42that there wasn't enough evidence against me,
37:45so he dropped the charges.
38:01Is the pub closed already?
38:03Oh, yeah.
38:05The barman gave everyone the day off.
38:09Oh, darn it.
38:11I was really craving one of his burgers.
38:14Oh, well, I was just about to make myself one.
38:17I can throw an extra patty on the grill if you want.
38:20Oh, that'd be great.
38:22If the register's closed for the day, I'm good for it.
38:25Yeah, it's on the house.
38:27Well, thank you. It's very kind of you.
38:31Well, I heard you did something very kind
38:33for one of your clients today.
38:37No one seems too happy about it.
38:39Not even my client.
38:42Not even Brady.
38:45Why don't I heat up the soup?
38:47I'm sure it must be cold by now.
38:49Thank you, Fiona.
38:52Oh, darling.
38:55I know your physical recovery is your top priority right now,
38:59but making sure that Brady's held accountable for what he did to you,
39:03that's important, too.
39:05And I'm hopeful that a hypnosis session with Dr Evans
39:09is just what you need to unlock your memories of dead and run.
39:19I'm sorry, Zondorf.
39:23But I can't allow that to happen.
39:29Oh, darling.
