• 2 months ago
इस वीडियो में हम देखेंगे कि 'एकता का बल' कैसे बड़ी से बड़ी मुश्किलों को हल कर सकता है। यह कहानी पंचतंत्र से ली गई है, जो बच्चों को एकता, साहस और सहयोग का महत्व सिखाती है। जानिए कैसे एकता के बल से बड़ी समस्याओं को हल किया जा सकता है। यह कहानी बच्चों के लिए मनोरंजक और शिक्षाप्रद दोनों है।
In this video, we explore how 'The Power of Unity' can solve even the biggest problems. This story is taken from the ancient Panchtantra tales and teaches children the importance of unity, courage, and cooperation. Watch how unity overcomes great challenges in this fun and educational story for kids

UnityIsStrength #EktaKaBal #PanchtantraStory #KidsStoriesHindi #MoralStoriesForKids #InspirationalStories #BacchonKiKahani #KidsEducation #HindiStoryTime #KidsLearning


00:00There lived an old farmer in a village, who had four sons.
00:04The farmer was a hard-working and honest man.
00:08He worked in his fields every day.
00:10But instead of helping his four sons in the fields,
00:14they would spend the whole day lying on the ground,
00:17fighting and arguing with each other.
00:20The old farmer would understand them again and again,
00:23and would advise them not to fight with each other.
00:26No matter what the old farmer would say,
00:28it would not affect the four sons.
00:30The farmer would always worry that
00:33if the four brothers would keep fighting with each other,
00:37then after his death, people would take advantage of his foolishness.
00:42The days went on like this.
00:44And then one day, the farmer's health began to deteriorate.
00:47When the time of death was near,
00:49he called his four sons to him,
00:52and asked them to bring a stick from each of them.
00:55When all four of them brought a stick,
00:58the old farmer told his foolish son
01:01to tie the four sticks together with a rope.
01:05The foolish son did the same.
01:07Now the farmer asked the bundle of sticks tied to the rope
01:11to break each of his four sons one by one.
01:15But none of the four could break the bundle of sticks.
01:19After this, the farmer opened the bundle
01:22and gave each stick to his four sons and said,
01:25Now let me break them.
01:27Everyone broke the sticks.
01:29Then the farmer explained,
01:31Look, when I gave you the bundle of sticks,
01:34none of you could break it.
01:36But when I opened the bundle
01:39and gave you each stick to break,
01:41you all easily gave it to me.
01:44You broke the sticks.
01:45Unity is strength.
01:47When all four sticks were tied together,
01:50none of you could break them.
01:52Similarly, if all four of you stay together,
01:56no one can easily harm you.
01:59But if you fight and fight among yourselves,
02:03no one can harm you.
02:06Just like the stick that you all easily broke.
02:10That is why, my sons,
02:12you should all stay together.
02:14The four understood what the farmer had said.
02:17They promised their father
02:19that all four of them will always stay together
02:22and will never fight.
02:25If you liked this story,
02:27then subscribe to our channel
02:29and don't forget to like and share the video.
02:32Your response will inspire us even more.
