My Stepfather Loves Me

  • 2 days ago
Drama Romance and Crime

Love began with an accident that caused a young girl to undergo surgery to save her life, the doctor who treated her was very caring and fell in love with his patient who turned out to be his future stepdaughter.

Based on True Story.

00:00:00Hey, move on. Here, pass. Back, come on.
00:00:04Right here, spread it. All right, switch, switch, switch.
00:00:08Back, shoot, shoot.
00:00:09Back, shoot.
00:00:11All right!
00:00:12There you go.
00:00:13All right! Nice pass, baby!
00:00:17Check this out. I got accepted.
00:00:20I'm not surprised. You have better grades than anybody. Congratulations.
00:00:23Oh, thank you.
00:00:25How about you? Did you hear that?
00:00:27What did they say?
00:00:28I haven't opened it yet.
00:00:30Why not?
00:00:31Because she's afraid to.
00:00:32I keep telling her, just open it and she won't do it.
00:00:36I was hoping you would do it.
00:00:42What? What's it say?
00:00:44Dear Ms. Sophie Green,
00:00:46Thank you for your recent application to Whittendale College.
00:00:50Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that
00:00:55you're going to spend the next four years of your life at the most awesome college with me as your roommate.
00:01:05All right, let's eat, man. I'm starving. You're buying.
00:01:07You're buying.
00:01:08I guess I'm buying.
00:01:09I don't know.
00:01:24Somebody's texting me.
00:01:26Be careful.
00:01:28Oh, it's that recruiter guy from USC.
00:01:30Here, give it to me. I'll read it.
00:01:31I got it.
00:01:33Ryan, you shouldn't be texting.
00:01:37They want to talk to me about a scholarship.
00:01:39Come on, you know I don't like when you do that.
00:02:00It's going to be all right.
00:02:02It's okay.
00:02:03What kind of pain? Sharp like a knife or dull like something is pressing down?
00:02:07Yeah, like something is pressing down on my left side.
00:02:12It's hurting.
00:02:30I'm working.
00:02:31We need you in the ER.
00:02:33Hey, Sophie, I'm Dr. Beck.
00:02:35I need to take a look at your chest.
00:02:39Are you having trouble breathing?
00:02:40Heart tones are muffled and we've got big changes on her EKG.
00:02:45Okay, give me a cardiac workup and serial EKGs of 30, 60, and 90,
00:02:49repeating troponins, and a full CBC chem panel.
00:02:51I want a PT, PTTs, and INRs.
00:02:53And be sure to get me a chest X-ray, okay?
00:02:59No, it's tough for you to talk right now, so just nod your head yes or no, okay?
00:03:04At any time after the accident, did you pass out?
00:03:08You did.
00:03:09More than once?
00:03:10Have you ever had any heart trouble before?
00:03:14Okay, baby, one last question, and this is important.
00:03:18Do you like sushi?
00:03:21Me too.
00:03:22When you get well, we'll have some sushi.
00:03:28It's okay.
00:03:50She has a few broken ribs, her forearm is fractured, and she's sustained a whiplash.
00:03:55She's having some trouble breathing.
00:03:56It's better if she doesn't talk too much.
00:03:58Sophie, we're here, baby.
00:04:00How's Ryan?
00:04:02Breathe easy, honey.
00:04:03He's going to recover.
00:04:04What happened?
00:04:05Were you guys drinking?
00:04:07He was texting again, wasn't he?
00:04:10I knew it.
00:04:11It was an accident.
00:04:12No, the first time, the fender bender, that was an accident.
00:04:14This time, he nearly got my daughter killed.
00:04:16Jim, please, not now.
00:04:19You must be Sophie's parents.
00:04:21I'm Dr. Beck, head of cardiology.
00:04:22Jim Green.
00:04:23This is my wife, Adrienne.
00:04:24Hi, nice to meet you.
00:04:29May I speak to you over here?
00:04:31We'll be right back, honey.
00:04:37Well, she broke a couple of ribs.
00:04:40We did a CAT scan, and one of those ribs is cutting into the left ventricle of her heart.
00:04:44Oh, dear God.
00:04:45You have to operate immediately, otherwise she will die.
00:04:55Relax, sweetheart.
00:04:57Okay, hold on.
00:04:59Come here.
00:05:00I'm scared.
00:05:01Your dad and I are going to be right nearby.
00:05:03Hey, hey, this is a great hospital.
00:05:05I talked to the nurse.
00:05:06The doctor knows what he's doing, okay?
00:05:09Please, check on Ryan.
00:05:12All right, we have to go.
00:05:14You're going to be fine, sweetheart.
00:05:22Hey, hey, hey.
00:05:23Hey, hey, hey.
00:05:24She's going to be fine.
00:05:27Come on.
00:05:35I love you, too.
00:05:39I'll see you in a few hours.
00:05:47Are that your parents?
00:05:49They're flying in from a business trip in Seattle.
00:05:54How's Sophie?
00:05:56She just went into surgery.
00:05:59They're operating on her heart.
00:06:03Mr. Greenaw, I'm so sorry.
00:06:07Give me that.
00:06:29Okay, pericardial sac is sealed up.
00:06:33And we are looking good.
00:06:36Nice work.
00:06:37You ever done this before, doctor?
00:06:39Just a few hundred times.
00:06:41Good job, everybody.
00:06:42All right, we got this.
00:06:54Something's wrong.
00:06:55Heart rate increasing to 130.
00:06:57Blood pressure dropping.
00:06:58Have we got a rupture?
00:06:59No, we don't.
00:07:01Are you sure?
00:07:02It's just an arterial spasm.
00:07:04Heart rate at 160 and climbing.
00:07:06Blood pressure still going down.
00:07:07It'll pass.
00:07:08Hold on.
00:07:09Just wait.
00:07:14Doctor, I think we should...
00:07:15I said hold on.
00:07:37Come on.
00:07:38Let's go.
00:07:47She's gonna be fine.
00:07:51When can we see her?
00:07:52Well, we're gonna move her to a private room, so...
00:07:54It shouldn't be long.
00:07:56Excuse me.
00:07:57I need to be somewhere.
00:08:22This is her name.
00:08:53I'm sorry.
00:09:07Tell the parents they can come in now.
00:09:19How long until the anesthetic wears off?
00:09:21In any case, it'll be a while.
00:09:23She was heavily sedated.
00:09:24Give her a few hours.
00:09:25She'll be her old self in the morning.
00:09:26Just wait and see.
00:09:30I, uh...
00:09:31I don't know what to say.
00:09:36I know if Sophia was awake right now
00:09:38that she'd want to give you a really big kiss, so...
00:09:40I'm gonna do it for her.
00:10:17It's okay.
00:10:18It's okay.
00:10:19It's okay.
00:10:21Come on.
00:10:25All right.
00:10:30Hey, kiddo.
00:10:32Hey, Dad.
00:10:34What's up, sleepyhead?
00:10:35How you feeling?
00:10:37Like a semi truck just rolled over my boobs.
00:10:40All right.
00:10:41Well, I'm going to check your blood pressure,
00:10:43and you'll need to stay prone all day today, okay?
00:10:48You scared the hell out of everybody.
00:10:54Where's Ryan?
00:10:56His parents picked him up about an hour ago.
00:10:58He has a broken leg, but he's gonna be just fine.
00:11:03Mom, I'm gonna call him.
00:11:05Where's my phone?
00:11:06I'll get it.
00:11:07He's not gonna answer.
00:11:08Why not?
00:11:09Because I kind of threw his phone
00:11:10in the hazardous waste container thing.
00:11:12You did what?
00:11:13He's lucky I'm not pressing charges.
00:11:14Dad, I can't believe you.
00:11:15Look, honey.
00:11:16People are dying every day
00:11:17because idiots like your boyfriend
00:11:18don't have enough common sense
00:11:19to pull over to the side of the road.
00:11:21I'm sick of it.
00:11:27Mom, did Ryan stop by while I was out?
00:11:30No, honey.
00:11:31Are you sure?
00:11:32I could have sworn that he kissed me.
00:11:35He must have been dreaming.
00:11:37Oh, my God.
00:11:38That is so cute.
00:11:40That is so cute.
00:12:11Oh, my God.
00:12:28Oh, is it really 7.30?
00:12:30Why do you need to go?
00:12:31No, I've just been having so much fun this afternoon,
00:12:34I lost track of time.
00:12:36I'm really glad that you responded to my post.
00:12:39Me too.
00:12:41You know, if this works out between us,
00:12:44I've got this, uh...
00:12:47Let me show you.
00:12:51Here's my place in Cabo San Lucas.
00:12:53The master bedroom overlooks the Pacific Ocean.
00:12:56I'd love to take you there.
00:12:57That's beautiful.
00:12:58All that must have cost a fortune.
00:13:00Well, I've worked all my life,
00:13:02and it's just me, so...
00:13:04I can afford it.
00:13:05Well, I've never been to Mexico.
00:13:07I've been to Japan.
00:13:08Barbara, part of the reason that I got on this website
00:13:13was so I could meet somebody exciting,
00:13:15somebody like you, and just spoil her rot.
00:13:19You don't hear that every day.
00:13:21I mean, you wouldn't have to work anymore.
00:13:23You could quit your job.
00:13:26Are you saying what I think you're saying?
00:13:29I've thought this through.
00:13:31I know what I want.
00:13:33And when I meet somebody I like,
00:13:35I know it.
00:13:38But we just met.
00:13:39I know, and that's the beauty of it,
00:13:41because I'm ready.
00:13:42I mean, I could retire right now, but...
00:13:45I want to share my life with someone.
00:13:48Well, I like my teaching job.
00:13:51Oh, you wouldn't have time for a teaching job,
00:13:53not with the kids.
00:13:57That's a lot to lay on your first date, isn't it?
00:13:59But hey, a little known fact,
00:14:01there are incredible international private schools
00:14:03in Baja, California.
00:14:05Great place to raise a family.
00:14:07You know what? I'm gonna go.
00:14:08Why? What?
00:14:09Did I say something wrong?
00:14:10Are you serious?
00:14:12Please don't go.
00:14:14Please don't go.
00:14:20Before you run away,
00:14:21do me one favor.
00:14:23Just tell me what I'm doing wrong.
00:14:25Because I'm obviously doing something terribly wrong.
00:14:31We met four hours ago.
00:14:33We had coffee.
00:14:34We spent the afternoon together.
00:14:37But now you want me to bury your children
00:14:40and raise them in a foreign country?
00:14:42You're the doctor, not me,
00:14:44but I think you need to see a therapist.
00:14:48You're right.
00:14:53Thank you for that enlightened analysis,
00:14:55you fat-ass bitch.
00:14:57Tell you what.
00:14:59You know what?
00:15:00I'll go to Bellevue,
00:15:01and then you can go straight to hell.
00:15:03I'll offer you a future, a life, a paradise.
00:15:06And what do you do?
00:15:07You throw it back in my face.
00:15:09Who do you think you are?
00:15:10Get away from me.
00:15:11Oh, I'll stay away from you.
00:15:13Women your age,
00:15:14I think you know everything, don't you?
00:15:16Touch me or call the cops.
00:15:17I don't need to touch you.
00:15:20I don't need you.
00:15:22There's a girl at my work.
00:15:23She's young, and she's beautiful.
00:15:24I take care of her.
00:15:25She needs me.
00:15:28I take care of her.
00:15:29I save her life.
00:15:31And she has to come to DC
00:15:32to appreciate what I've done for her.
00:15:34She listens to me.
00:15:36So go ahead.
00:15:38I don't care.
00:15:39Good luck getting a boyfriend,
00:15:41because I'm not interested.
00:15:44I'm unfriending you.
00:15:48I do not understand, guys.
00:15:50Why doesn't Ryan call me?
00:15:52He's been through a lot, honey.
00:15:54You'll see him soon enough.
00:15:57It's because of what Dad did.
00:15:59Would you rather your dad didn't care?
00:16:03I'm gonna go get some lunch at the cafeteria.
00:16:05I'll be right back.
00:16:07You want anything?
00:16:08No, thank you.
00:16:22Hi, Sophie.
00:16:24Hi, Dr. Beck.
00:16:26How are you feeling today?
00:16:31Still sore, but...
00:16:34mostly better.
00:16:41I'm gonna change that bandage for you.
00:16:44Nurse Taylor changed it this morning.
00:16:46Oh, yeah?
00:16:48Well, I have some new ointment.
00:16:50It's a miracle ointment.
00:16:51It prevents scarring.
00:16:52So lift up your pajamas for me.
00:16:56I've got good news for you.
00:16:58The latest CAT scan
00:17:00shows your heart is healing up just fine.
00:17:07I thought that would put a smile on your face.
00:17:09Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:11I just...
00:17:13I haven't heard from my boyfriend,
00:17:15and I'm kind of worried about him.
00:17:20You know old boys that age, sometimes...
00:17:24sometimes they just don't know what to say.
00:17:28You know?
00:17:35Is this going to hurt?
00:17:37A little.
00:17:52How's that?
00:17:53That doesn't hurt at all.
00:18:01Nurse Taylor said that I almost died on the operating table.
00:18:05Nurse Taylor talks too much.
00:18:13She also said that you're the most amazing heart surgeon she's ever worked with.
00:18:22I'm gonna have a scar, won't I?
00:18:24It'll heal.
00:18:25You'll barely notice it.
00:18:27You're just saying that.
00:18:28I'm gonna look hideous.
00:18:29I think you are beautiful.
00:18:32And if your boyfriend has a problem, it'll mark around your heart.
00:18:36You need a new boyfriend.
00:18:43For saving my life.
00:18:51Is everything all right?
00:18:52Oh, yeah.
00:18:53The latest CAT scan looks really good.
00:18:55She'll be able to go home today.
00:18:57Oh, good.
00:18:59Well, I'll give you ladies some privacy.
00:19:00Bye, Dr. Beck.
00:19:06What was he doing?
00:19:09He was just changing my bandage.
00:19:10Was there a female nurse present when he was doing that?
00:19:13No. Should there be?
00:19:16Mom, it's... it's fine.
00:19:18It's fine.
00:19:20No more hospital food for you.
00:19:23I'll need to see Sophie in a week from now.
00:19:25I'll need to see Sophie in a week for another EKG.
00:19:29You should be real proud of her.
00:19:30In a couple of weeks, she'll be right back to normal.
00:19:32Hey, I'll be better than normal.
00:19:34I've got a new heart.
00:19:35I'm gonna live forever.
00:19:36There you go.
00:19:37Thank you, Doctor.
00:19:38Of course.
00:19:49I just love you, Dr. Beck.
00:19:58Bye, sweet girl.
00:19:59Bye, Nurse Taylor.
00:20:00Take care of yourself.
00:20:04You wanna do an echo next week?
00:20:05Isn't that a little soon?
00:20:07No, it's not.
00:20:08Set it up.
00:20:15You're the most amazing heart surgeon she's ever worked with.
00:20:19Thank you for saving my life.
00:20:21Thank you for saving my life.
00:20:24I just love you, Dr. Beck.
00:20:42Leave me alone.
00:20:46Mom, could you stop bothering me, please?
00:20:59I emailed you.
00:21:01I called your parents' landline a dozen times.
00:21:03Why won't you talk to me?
00:21:04What am I supposed to say, huh?
00:21:08Of course I am.
00:21:11Look at you.
00:21:15It was an accident.
00:21:16It's not what your dad thinks.
00:21:19And he's right, too, you know.
00:21:21I could've killed you.
00:21:22You must hate me.
00:21:23I don't.
00:21:25How could you not?
00:21:27I don't, okay?
00:21:29I don't.
00:21:32You always gotta blame somebody.
00:21:33That's such a guy thing.
00:21:35We're gonna get through this.
00:21:38You and me, okay?
00:21:45How's your leg?
00:21:48My leg?
00:21:49My leg's perfect.
00:21:50Except for they told me I'm never gonna run full speed again.
00:21:56I'm so sorry.
00:21:58I didn't know.
00:22:03Can you please just go?
00:22:21I don't know.
00:22:30I mean, you think you know someone.
00:22:35We've been together for three years, and it was like I was talking to a total stranger.
00:22:42Look at it from his perspective.
00:22:45Soccer was his whole life, and now he can't do that anymore.
00:22:50Give him some time.
00:22:52Besides, I never met any man that could talk about his feelings.
00:23:14I'm sorry. I know it's late.
00:23:17I just really needed to talk to you, and I know that I should have called first.
00:23:21No, really, it's okay. Please, come in.
00:23:29You have a really nice house.
00:23:36I've just been really confused the past few weeks.
00:23:42Well, that would be normal. You, uh...
00:23:46You've been through a lot.
00:23:51I know this sounds crazy, but...
00:23:54I can't stop thinking about you.
00:23:57I feel the same way.
00:24:00You do?
00:24:05We were meant to be together.
00:24:09My parents think I'm asleep in my room.
00:24:12I snuck out.
00:24:13I won't tell.
00:24:37If you have any more heart palpitations, you'll let me know, okay?
00:24:40Have a good day.
00:24:42Sophie's ready. She's in room three.
00:24:57I got you something.
00:25:03Oh, my goodness.
00:25:05That is adorable.
00:25:06I wrote you a note, too, but...
00:25:08Don't read it right now.
00:25:09Why can't I read it right now?
00:25:10Because it's...
00:25:12You know.
00:25:14No, please don't read it.
00:25:17I'll wait till I get home tonight.
00:25:21So, where are you going to college?
00:25:24She just got accepted.
00:25:26What are you going to study?
00:25:29You know, pre-med.
00:25:30So, you want to be a doctor.
00:25:32Yeah, I think so.
00:25:34Well, if you have any questions about what it's like to be a doctor,
00:25:37surrounded by sick people, just ask me.
00:25:39I can tell you everything you don't want to know.
00:25:41That sounds awesome.
00:25:45Well, we'll see you at her next appointment.
00:25:51He's so cool.
00:25:55What's the matter?
00:25:56I don't know.
00:25:57It's just...
00:25:59You know, sometimes I get the feeling he's, like, hitting on you or something.
00:26:04He's older than Dad.
00:26:05It doesn't matter.
00:26:06God, honey, you are so naive.
00:26:08Look, the next time you see him, just don't dress like this.
00:26:12Like this?
00:26:14Oh, because a broken arm is a real turn-on, Mom.
00:26:16I'm naive?
00:26:23Dear Dr. Beck,
00:26:25Up until this moment, I had no idea how precious and fragile life can be.
00:26:29You have given me the most wonderful gift of all.
00:26:31Thanks to you and your staff, I am alive.
00:26:34With no pun intended.
00:26:35My heart truly belongs to you.
00:26:38Love, Sophie.
00:27:14Oh, my God.
00:27:15I'm so hungry.
00:27:16Oh, me too.
00:27:36So, did your teachers give you a ton of makeup assignments, or did they just let you slide?
00:27:41They let me slide.
00:27:42You liar.
00:27:43They definitely did not just let you slide.
00:27:46God, you should see all the homework I gotta do.
00:27:51Paisley, is that your doctor?
00:27:55Hey, Dr. Beck!
00:27:57Over here!
00:27:59Hi, Sophie.
00:28:00And, uh, Katelyn, right?
00:28:03Yeah, you guys live around here?
00:28:05No, we're just addicted to the carrot cake at this place.
00:28:08It's so nice to have real food again.
00:28:10You know, I practically live at the hospital cafeteria, and I swear they're trying to kill me.
00:28:15You guys mind if I join you?
00:28:17Go ahead.
00:28:18Our emergency room gets so many patients,
00:28:20it's almost like we're in a hospital.
00:28:22I know.
00:28:23I know.
00:28:24Mind if I join you?
00:28:25Go ahead.
00:28:26Our emergency room gets so many car accidents caused by texting,
00:28:30we've lost count.
00:28:31It's worse than drunk driving.
00:28:33I'm gonna go get some of that carrot cake.
00:28:35You guys want some?
00:28:36Are you kidding?
00:28:37Yes, here.
00:28:38Wait, wait, wait.
00:28:39Here we go.
00:28:41Oh, wow.
00:28:43I'll be right back.
00:28:52Thanks again for the beer.
00:28:55And the note.
00:28:57You're welcome.
00:29:02It meant a lot to me.
00:29:11So are you and Katelyn going to eat after you get through here?
00:29:14Um, she has to work really early, so we're probably just going to head home.
00:29:18Well, if you're free, I was going to take you to the movie,
00:29:21and I was wondering if you'd like to come with me.
00:29:25I mean just you, not Katelyn.
00:29:31Oh, um, I can't.
00:29:35I have homework that I have to make up.
00:29:37But thanks.
00:29:40No problem.
00:29:45Thank you, Dr. Beck.
00:29:48Here's your change.
00:29:49Keep it.
00:29:50And you can also have my cake.
00:29:52I think I'm going to catch an early show.
00:29:54It was good seeing you both, really.
00:29:56All right.
00:29:57Um, bye.
00:30:00That was weird.
00:30:02Yeah, no kidding.
00:30:15I'm not a doctor!
00:30:18I am a doctor!
00:30:20I am a doctor!
00:30:21I'm a doctor!
00:30:23I am a doctor!
00:30:26I'm a doctor!
00:30:32I think you guys are overreacting.
00:30:34Dad, he was looking at me like he had a crush on me.
00:30:36Mom, you're right.
00:30:38We should get a new doctor.
00:30:40Do either of you guys realize who we're dealing with?
00:30:44He is the chairman of the president's task force on heart disease.
00:30:47He practically rewrote the book on cardiovascular surgery.
00:30:50Sophie is going to need a cardiologist to look after her for the rest of her life.
00:30:54And getting a doctor as good as Albert Beck?
00:30:56We'd have to fly Sophie to New York.
00:31:00I love you.
00:31:02More than anything.
00:31:03And I don't want a satellite.
00:31:05I want the very best doctor on the West Coast looking after my baby girl.
00:31:08And lucky for us, he's it.
00:31:10So the next time she's in his office for a follow-up exam and he totally hits on her, what is she supposed to do?
00:31:15Sophie is a very beautiful young woman.
00:31:18Guys will be guys.
00:31:19Okay, occasionally those guys are going to cross the line.
00:31:21It sucks.
00:31:22The world's awful.
00:31:23She's just going to have to get used to it.
00:31:25I understand that.
00:31:26But what I don't understand is why women are expected to tolerate it and men get a free pass.
00:31:30Oh, they're men.
00:31:31They can't help themselves.
00:31:32I'm not saying that.
00:31:33You're saying exactly that.
00:31:34No, no, no.
00:31:35I'm not saying that.
00:31:36Yes, you are!
00:31:41Okay, fine.
00:31:42I'll talk to him.
00:31:46So Sophie said you asked her to go to the movies with you.
00:31:52Oh, right.
00:31:54No, what happened was I told her I was going to go see that new German film and I heard it was really good.
00:31:59That's not what she told me.
00:32:00Jim, I'm a doctor.
00:32:02I can't socialize with my patients.
00:32:04If I do, I can't do it.
00:32:07I can't socialize with my patients.
00:32:09If I do, I could lose my license.
00:32:12And by the way, you should know that what she's doing right now is extremely common.
00:32:15How so?
00:32:16It's natural for a patient to idolize their doctors.
00:32:21We save their lives.
00:32:22We are their heroes.
00:32:23And they make up fantastic scenarios about us.
00:32:26No, no.
00:32:27Sophie doesn't really do that kind of thing.
00:32:29Jim, let me show you something.
00:32:38She gave me this.
00:32:41Harmless enough.
00:32:44But then, she gave me this.
00:32:56I can't tell you how many times I've seen this kind of behavior.
00:32:59My colleagues have seen it.
00:33:01I know it's her word against mine, but I'm hoping, I'm hoping you'll believe me.
00:33:07Adrian thinks we should go to another cardiologist.
00:33:09That is not a good idea.
00:33:10It's not likely, but if her heart grows in size, I will have to go back in there.
00:33:14Jim, I'm the best surgeon money can buy.
00:33:17You need me.
00:33:21She's fantasizing about all this.
00:33:23Apparently, patients do this all the time.
00:33:26I'm not buying it.
00:33:27And she may need surgery again.
00:33:30What? Why?
00:33:31There's a slim chance they don't know yet.
00:33:33But if it does happen, we don't want a new cardiologist at that point.
00:33:36We want someone who understands what's going on with her heart.
00:33:39Don't you agree?
00:33:41Alright, we'll stay with him for now, but Jim, if he does anything inappropriate, I swear I am going to...
00:33:46We'll switch. I promise.
00:34:12So, Mandela's having her student orientation on the 5th.
00:34:15Great. Are parents invited?
00:34:17But I was kind of wanting to go by myself.
00:34:21Oh. Really?
00:34:23No, of course I want you to go with me.
00:35:53Okay, so what happened?
00:36:07I'm so glad you came over.
00:36:10The way you take care of me makes me feel so safe.
00:36:53They're home.
00:36:57Who's that at this hour?
00:36:58I don't know.
00:37:13Can I talk to you?
00:37:16Are you going to be nice this time?
00:37:29Oh, no.
00:37:37Oh, my God. My room's a mess.
00:37:41You, uh...
00:37:42You look good.
00:37:43Thanks. You, too.
00:37:50Um, do you want to sit down?
00:38:06I have a confession.
00:38:08While you were in surgery, they were working on my leg.
00:38:11And for, like, five hours, I kept bugging the nurses,
00:38:14making them go check if you were okay.
00:38:17I was thinking I was going to lose you.
00:38:20I don't really, you know, talk to God on a regular basis,
00:38:23but, man, while you were in there,
00:38:25I was striking up one hell of a conversation with the man upstairs.
00:38:29Well, what did she say?
00:38:31Well, I told her...
00:38:33I told her...
00:38:35that I'd give up everything just to know that you'd be okay.
00:38:39And I've been acting real stupid lately.
00:38:42Yes, you have.
00:38:44And I'm about to get even more stupid.
00:38:50Those my grandmother's?
00:38:55What does this mean?
00:38:57It can mean whatever you want it to mean.
00:38:59It's just like, if I accept this, you're going to think your life is all fixed,
00:39:02and if I don't, then you're just...
00:39:04Look, you have to find the strength of yourself to...
00:39:06Okay, Oprah, forget about that.
00:39:08Look, I just love you, and I want to hang out with you.
00:39:11Can I say something like that without you freaking out?
00:39:16Okay, then.
00:39:18I love you.
00:39:30Ow, my arm.
00:39:33I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:39:45I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:39:47It's okay.
00:40:07Mom, look what Ryan got me.
00:40:09I thought you didn't even want it.
00:40:37Excuse me.
00:40:39Can you tell me when Ryan Chambers has the next appointment with Dr. Zamora, please?
00:40:45How have you been?
00:40:46Good, but you want to help me out with this pocket here?
00:40:49I've been good. How have you been?
00:40:50Good. Just keeping you guys up and running.
00:40:55All right, she'll be in in a minute.
00:40:56Okay, thank you very much.
00:40:57No problem.
00:41:03Hello, Ryan. How you doing?
00:41:05Remember me?
00:41:06Yeah. You're the guy who asked my girlfriend to the movies.
00:41:10Well, that's not why I'm here. I just thought I'd check on you, see how that leg's doing.
00:41:14How is that leg?
00:41:17Dr. Beck? Hi.
00:41:19Did you need something?
00:41:20Oh, I just came by to say hi to this young man.
00:41:22I was here the night of his accident, so I just thought I'd come in and see how he was doing.
00:41:26Oh, that's nice.
00:41:28All right, how are you? How's your leg?
00:41:30You know, it's getting better.
00:41:32Well, let's check your knee out and show me what you're doing.
00:41:36That's about where it stops. Right there.
00:41:39Let's try to get a little more.
00:42:18What's wrong?
00:42:19Read this.
00:42:35That's good. Okay, I want you to ice.
00:42:37Excuse me. Did I leave my...
00:42:41There it is.
00:42:42No problem.
00:42:43All right, I want you to ice your knee after you do all your exercises.
00:42:46I'll feel better.
00:42:49Try to bear a little bit more weight.
00:42:51It hurts.
00:42:52And do your exercises.
00:42:54Okay, thank you very much.
00:42:58Bride of Frankenstein?
00:43:00I did not send that text.
00:43:01Eddie showed me the text and it was from you.
00:43:03Okay, some douchebag at school hacked my phone.
00:43:05You know what? I bet it was that Kevin Matthews kid.
00:43:08He's in my chemistry class and he hates me, I bet.
00:43:10Do I gross you out?
00:43:11I gross you out, don't I?
00:43:12No, no.
00:43:14Look at me.
00:43:16Look at it.
00:43:22I knew it.
00:43:24You should see your face right now.
00:43:26Look, I just feel bad because I know that I caused...
00:43:28No, you feel bad because you think I'm ugly and you don't want to admit it.
00:43:32You understand that you sound crazy right now?
00:43:34I'm acting crazy?
00:43:36You know what?
00:43:37Maybe we should cool it for a little while.
00:43:40I don't want you to go out with me because you'd feel sorry for me.
00:43:45Look, I did not send that text.
00:43:52So come here.
00:43:57What is this?
00:43:59Mercy sex?
00:44:00Oh my God.
00:44:21Alright, so check it out.
00:44:22So I got like this.
00:44:23See, you ain't even paying attention.
00:44:25Hold on, bro.
00:44:26I'll check you later, alright?
00:44:31I need a favor.
00:44:32Okay, look.
00:44:33I know you're pissed at me, but Kayla made me show Sophie that text.
00:44:36I'm not mad at you.
00:44:37I just need to know the exact time you received it.
00:44:40Can you check your phone?
00:44:41Yeah, yeah.
00:44:42I need to know the exact time you received it.
00:44:44Can you check your phone?
00:44:45Yeah, yeah.
00:45:00Dr. Beck.
00:45:01What are you doing here?
00:45:04How'd you get my address?
00:45:07It was easy.
00:45:09So what are you trying to do?
00:45:10What are you trying to do? You trying to make Sophie hate me?
00:45:13You sent that text while I was in the exam room with Dr. Zamara.
00:45:17While you were in the what?
00:45:18Well, congratulations. You know what? It worked.
00:45:21She broke up with me.
00:45:23I'm sorry, son.
00:45:25I do not know what you're talking about.
00:45:29Why'd you do it, huh?
00:45:32You in love with her?
00:45:34Or do you just want to get in their pants?
00:45:36Wow, Ryan. Wow.
00:45:41Did it ever occur to you that your girlfriend probably broke up with you because...
00:45:47you almost killed her?
00:45:50Whoa, kid. Come on.
00:45:52Not cool. Stop it.
00:45:53Is that cool?
00:45:54Oh, man.
00:45:55This is not smart. You gotta stop this right now or you'll get yourself in real trouble.
00:45:59Come on.
00:46:01Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?
00:46:05How's this for you?
00:46:08You should have that looked at.
00:46:11Son of a bitch.
00:46:13You know what this is called? Assault with a deadly weapon. On my property, too.
00:46:17Yeah, you want me to call the cops?
00:46:19Are you sure? I can.
00:46:20No, please, Dr. Beck. Please.
00:46:24I'm sorry.
00:46:25Just for the record, I didn't send any text.
00:46:29Can you help me up?
00:46:30Yeah, right.
00:46:33You can't just leave me here. You're a doctor.
00:46:36Yes, I can. I'm off the clock.
00:46:40Dr. Beck.
00:47:12He just got through torturing me. He's in love with you.
00:47:15What is he talking about?
00:47:17I don't know.
00:47:19Hi, Sophie.
00:47:21Can I talk to you?
00:47:23Yeah, sure.
00:47:25What's going on?
00:47:27I don't know.
00:47:29Hi, Sophie.
00:47:31Can I talk to you?
00:47:32What are you doing here? Are you following me?
00:47:35No, no. I was, I was doing some shopping and I saw you walk in.
00:47:39Do I have a minute?
00:47:40No, actually, I don't.
00:47:47Ryan said that you tortured him.
00:47:50He's upset at me for some reason.
00:47:52Came by my house.
00:47:54He swung his cane at me in my front yard, tried to kill me.
00:47:57Are you serious?
00:47:58He fell, and when I checked on him, he experienced a lot of pain.
00:48:01True story.
00:48:03Look, Sophie.
00:48:04I realize your ex-boyfriend is going through a tough time, so I'm not going to report him to the police.
00:48:08But, if he does anything like this ever again, I'm going to have to.
00:48:13I know I made you feel uncomfortable earlier, and I wanted to apologize.
00:48:28How did you know I like this kind of doll?
00:48:30I didn't. I just saw it and I thought you'd like it.
00:48:33I'm pretty intuitive about this kind of thing.
00:48:36I can't accept this.
00:48:38Hey, we're going to be late, so we should go. Bye.
00:48:57Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares.
00:49:09Did you tell Dr. Beck that Sophie collects dolls?
00:49:12No. Why would I do that?
00:49:14Because I never told him.
00:49:16The only way he would know is if he's looking in my bedroom window in the middle of the night.
00:49:19Dad, you should see the way he looks at me.
00:49:22It's like he's a middle schooler, and he wants me to help him lose his virginity.
00:49:25Okay. What do you want me to do?
00:49:28Report him to the AMA?
00:49:29Yeah, and I think we should get a restraining order.
00:49:31And ruin this guy's career?
00:49:32He is following her in the mall. What, are we going to wait until he rapes her?
00:49:36I don't want him to be my doctor anymore, Dad. I refuse to let that man touch me again.
00:49:40Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, honey. I'll talk to him tomorrow, and we'll find out what's going on.
00:49:45No. No more discussion. We are getting her a new doctor, and that's it.
00:49:50Hi, Phyllis. I'm here to pick up the CD-ROM of Sophie's CAT scans.
00:49:53Yes. Um, Dr. Beck would like to speak with you first.
00:49:56If you could take a seat, he'll be right with you.
00:49:58I'd just like the CD, please. And you needed Sophie's signature, right?
00:50:06Hi, Adrienne.
00:50:10Why don't you come back in my office, and we'll talk about this?
00:50:13There's nothing to discuss. Can I have that?
00:50:16Hold on.
00:50:19Hi, Sophie. Please.
00:50:22I don't think you understand the seriousness of her condition.
00:50:25Oh, I understand just fine.
00:50:28Is Jim okay with this?
00:50:30I don't want you as her doctor. I don't want you talking to her.
00:50:33I don't want you giving her any gifts. I don't want you coincidentally bumping into her at the mall.
00:50:37Thank you for operating on her heart, but you need to stay away from her. Now give me that.
00:50:42Son of a bitch!
00:50:48Okay. Adrienne Greene. There we go.
00:50:53Hmm. Premenopausal. All right.
00:51:00Allergic reaction to penicillin.
00:51:08Allergic reaction to penicillin.
00:52:04I'm sorry.
00:52:06My mother made me come to the hospital with her.
00:52:09I didn't want to have anything to do with it. It was all her idea.
00:52:12No need to apologize. I know how mothers are.
00:52:20I can't wait to be away from her.
00:52:23Don't worry. You'll be free soon enough.
00:52:33By the way, you look beautiful.
00:52:58Mom, are you in the bathroom?
00:53:02Oh, my God.
00:53:05What happened? Mom? Mom, what happened? Mom?
00:53:13It's okay. I'm right here. It's gonna be okay.
00:53:18911. What's your emergency?
00:53:20I need an ambulance. My mom's on the floor and she's barely breathing.
00:53:24Did she ingest anything poisonous?
00:53:26I don't know.
00:53:27An ambulance is on the way, ma'am.
00:53:28Okay. When will it be here?
00:53:2910 to 15 minutes.
00:53:30I can't wait that long. I'm gonna drive her to the hospital myself.
00:53:33All right. Mom, put your arms around my neck. Okay?
00:53:36All right. Now lift. Come on.
00:53:40Come on.
00:53:46Get in here.
00:54:05Guess who's in ER?
00:54:07Florence Nightingale.
00:54:08Close. Sophie Green with her mom.
00:54:15How you doing, Mike?
00:54:16Good to see you.
00:54:30Hey, what's going on with Mrs. Green there?
00:54:33I'm not sure. Some kind of allergic reaction.
00:54:35She went into anaphylactic shock and total vascular collapse.
00:54:38Wow. Brain damage, huh?
00:54:40No, no. We got an amp of epi and steroids on board.
00:54:42She seems to be stabilizing. I think she'll be okay.
00:54:45Lucky your daughter found her when she did.
00:54:47Otherwise, we'd be having a different conversation.
00:54:49Oh, good for her.
00:54:50Yeah. I'll talk to you.
00:54:53Lucky girl.
00:54:54So, I'm going to take you to your mom. She's resting.
00:54:56She's doing much better. You did a great job.
00:54:58You got her here just in time.
00:54:59So, everything's okay. All right?
00:55:01Sophie. Congratulations.
00:55:03The doctor told me you saved your mother's life.
00:55:06I'm your first patient.
00:55:08You're going to do really well in medical school.
00:55:10I need to get back to my mom.
00:55:12I won't keep you.
00:55:14You're going to do really well in medical school.
00:55:16I need to get back to my mom.
00:55:18I won't keep you.
00:55:46So, how'd it go?
00:55:47Good. I've already met a bunch of cool teachers.
00:55:49Oh, honey. That's great.
00:55:51I'm sorry I couldn't go with you.
00:55:53It's not like you don't have a valid excuse.
00:55:55She's not sorry.
00:55:56She's got me waiting on her hand and foot.
00:56:00I can't believe you're going away.
00:56:02I can't believe you're going away.
00:56:03I'm sorry.
00:56:04I'm sorry.
00:56:05I'm sorry.
00:56:06I'm sorry.
00:56:07I'm sorry.
00:56:08I'm sorry.
00:56:09I'm sorry.
00:56:10I'm sorry.
00:56:11I'm sorry.
00:56:12I'm sorry.
00:56:13I can't believe you're going away to college.
00:56:20Hey, you guys.
00:56:23I just want to thank you for making this possible for me.
00:56:26You earned it.
00:56:28We love you.
00:56:29Love you, honey.
00:56:30Love you, too.
00:56:43Come on.
00:56:49Oh, baby, come on.
00:56:50Come on.
00:56:52Come on.
00:57:13Come on.
00:57:50Hi, this is Sophie.
00:57:51You've reached my voicemail, so please leave a message.
00:57:54Hi, honey.
00:57:55It's me.
00:57:56I've left you three messages and it's getting really late and you haven't called me back.
00:58:00So, call me.
00:58:05That better not be your boyfriend.
00:58:14Can I help you?
00:58:19Tragic news tonight.
00:58:20A young woman is dead after crashing her vehicle into a lamppost where it burst into flames
00:58:26here at the corner of Elsinore Drive and 22nd Street.
00:58:29Firefighters found the young woman's body burned beyond recognition,
00:58:33but they were able to trace the car back to her family
00:58:36and have now identified her as 18-year-old Sophie Green of Los Angeles.
00:58:41Ms. Green was a senior and an honor student at Lexington High School.
00:58:45Investigators have not determined if alcohol or drug use was a factor in the crash.
00:58:56Other women, they don't listen to me.
00:59:01But you do.
00:59:03You trust me.
00:59:04Trust me.
00:59:07You do what I say, not because it's what I want, but because you know in your heart that I'm right.
00:59:15I give you life.
00:59:22My love.
00:59:24Fierce and firm.
00:59:25And only for you.
00:59:29You probably think I'm going to force myself on you, don't you?
00:59:35I'm not.
00:59:36I want it to be something that you want to do.
00:59:42Well, we can't stay here.
00:59:43It won't be long before somebody comes looking for us.
00:59:47But don't you worry.
00:59:49I have been ready to retire for some time now.
00:59:53I've got some things I need to take care of, and you know what?
00:59:56I've got some things I need to take care of, and then, after a few days, I'm going to take you to a wonderful new place.
01:00:04Look what I got you.
01:00:07Nice, huh?
01:00:08I'll drive and you'll sleep the whole way.
01:00:10It's near the ocean.
01:00:12It'll be so beautiful.
01:00:14And then no one will bother us.
01:00:17Oh, God, help me!
01:00:20Scream all you want.
01:00:21Nobody can hear you.
01:00:22Nobody can hear you.
01:00:26Shh, it's okay.
01:00:44Baby, look at me.
01:00:49Calm down.
01:00:52Calm down.
01:00:58Nope, you won't do, fella. Sorry.
01:01:02Oh, baby, not today.
01:01:14Everything's gonna be fine.
01:02:25What are you doing? Moving out?
01:02:27I'm just cleaning up.
01:02:30See you tomorrow.
01:02:49I know she'd want you to have that.
01:02:55I need to, um...
01:02:59The funeral is on Saturday,
01:03:02and there's gonna be a lot of guests,
01:03:04so I'm thinking I'd better get going.
01:03:17So I'm thinking I should cook.
01:03:19This isn't my grandma's ring.
01:03:23I know what it looked like, and this isn't...
01:03:25This isn't the ring that I gave to Sophie.
01:03:27The hospital must have made a mistake.
01:03:36This should have been given to the parents the night they came in to identify the body.
01:03:39This belonged to somebody else. It didn't belong to my girlfriend.
01:03:42Apparently it was removed from her body when she came into the morgue.
01:03:46Look, I know the ring that I gave to her.
01:03:48This is not it.
01:03:50I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you.
01:04:04Firefighters found the young woman's body burned beyond recognition.
01:04:09Excuse me.
01:04:13How do I get a copy of the coroner's report?
01:04:17They won't give it to me.
01:04:19They will give it to family.
01:04:21I need you to come meet me at the medical examiner's office.
01:04:23I'm sorry, Ryan.
01:04:24I'm not going down there.
01:04:27Look, they probably just made it clearer-clearer.
01:04:29And what if they didn't?
01:04:30What if that body wasn't Sophie?
01:04:33I don't know.
01:04:34Mrs. Green, please.
01:04:36We need to get to the bottom of this.
01:04:39This is crazy.
01:04:40Would you just look at this?
01:04:43I was just as skeptical as you.
01:04:45But Ryan has a point.
01:04:47The coroner logged in at 12.55 and then Dr. Beck logged in a half hour later.
01:04:51So who cares?
01:04:52So why would a cardiologist be logging into a coroner's report at 1.25 a.m.?
01:04:56Did you ask the guy at the lab?
01:04:57No, I didn't.
01:04:58I'm sorry.
01:04:59I'm sorry.
01:05:00Why would a cardiologist be logging into a coroner's report at 1.25 a.m.?
01:05:03Did you ask the guy at the lab?
01:05:05He didn't know.
01:05:06Well, maybe he wanted Dr. Beck to double-check something.
01:05:08Mr. Green, if anyone can fake someone's death, it's going to be a doctor.
01:05:11Ryan, enough with the conspiracy theories.
01:05:15My God, the funeral is tomorrow.
01:05:17And you're...
01:05:19I can't do this.
01:05:21I can't understand why my baby girl isn't with us anymore.
01:05:26I can't think straight.
01:05:27I can't function at my job.
01:05:28I can't...
01:05:29I know.
01:05:30I know.
01:05:31No, you don't know!
01:05:32Because you're encouraging this!
01:05:35Look, son.
01:05:37All you're doing is making it harder for us to get past this.
01:05:41She's not coming back.
01:05:47Listen, I know where Dr. Beck lives, and I'm going over there.
01:05:50Ryan, don't.
01:05:53He's probably right.
01:05:54What if I'm right?
01:05:55I mean, she's burned so badly that no one can recognize her.
01:06:00The ring.
01:06:01Now this?
01:06:03Come with me.
01:06:26We're going to get you all cleaned up here, baby.
01:06:32It's going to be nice.
01:06:38Oh, yeah.
01:07:11Here, let me pull this down for you.
01:07:16There you go.
01:07:20Doesn't that feel better?
01:07:23We should have called.
01:07:26I didn't want to tip him off.
01:07:28I gotta see inside that house.
01:07:51I'm sorry, darling.
01:07:52Gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it.
01:08:08What is this?
01:08:09We need to talk to you.
01:08:10Yeah, can we come in?
01:08:13What are you doing here?
01:08:14Where's Sophie?
01:08:17Well, you faked her death.
01:08:18She's somewhere in here, isn't she?
01:08:20Is he serious?
01:08:21Excuse me.
01:08:26Say something!
01:08:27Ryan, what are you doing?
01:08:34Sophie, are you in here?
01:08:44Are you satisfied?
01:08:47Why don't you check in the garage while you're at it?
01:08:50Okay, this was a huge mistake.
01:08:54We're really sorry, Dr. Beck.
01:08:56Look, son.
01:08:57I know you're upset, but you have no right to barge into my house like that.
01:09:01We're leaving.
01:09:02This was a big misunderstanding.
01:09:05Misunderstanding, is that what you call it?
01:09:08Adrienne, what the hell's the matter with you?
01:09:10What's the matter with me?
01:09:12My daughter is dead!
01:09:15And you know, forgive me if I'm acting just a little irrational.
01:09:19Have you ever lost a child, Dr. Beck?
01:09:21Have you?
01:09:26But I've lost patients I've cared about very much.
01:09:32Sophie was one of them.
01:09:44Dr. Beck, I'm really sorry.
01:09:48I'm sorry for you too, darling.
01:09:52Let's go.
01:10:24Let me out!
01:10:28Let me out!
01:10:32Let me out!
01:10:38Calm down!
01:10:39Good grief.
01:10:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:11:14Let's go.
01:11:15Let's go.
01:11:16Let's go.
01:11:43You got a long drive today. You need to eat.
01:11:49That's a relief, huh?
01:11:54And with mashed potatoes.
01:11:57Help her go down a little better.
01:11:59Here we go.
01:12:01Don't worry. I'm not going to poison you.
01:12:04You need to eat.
01:12:18Well, the least I can do is feed you properly.
01:12:22I'm not talking about the food.
01:12:26I'm thanking you for being so good to me.
01:12:30The way you touched me last night.
01:12:33I liked it.
01:12:37You did?
01:12:46I don't believe you.
01:13:06I'm ready now.
01:13:17You changed your mind all of a sudden.
01:13:27I've done it.
01:13:30But I've...
01:13:32I've never had a real...
01:13:35You know.
01:13:38I'm sorry.
01:13:40I'm sorry.
01:13:42I'm sorry.
01:13:44I'm sorry.
01:13:47I want to know what that feels like.
01:13:50You're an expert on the human body.
01:13:53You know what to do, don't you?
01:13:55Well, I did take a full semester of gynecological studies, so I am quite...
01:14:07Untie me.
01:14:11I know what you're trying to do.
01:14:12No, I'm not trying to do anything.
01:14:14Yes, you are.
01:14:15No, I'm not.
01:14:17I just want to touch you.
01:14:22Just my hands.
01:14:46How's your wrist? Is it sore?
01:14:48Oh, I'm so sorry.
01:14:50Let me grab your other one.
01:15:01Why would you do that?
01:15:03I love you!
01:15:05You don't love me.
01:15:06You don't know anything about it.
01:15:09The way you kissed me.
01:15:10I know you care about me.
01:15:12I hate you!
01:15:13I know you care about me.
01:15:14I hate you!
01:15:15You hate me?
01:15:18You hate me?
01:15:20You hate me?
01:15:21You hate me?
01:15:30You hate me?
01:15:32I just want someone to be with me.
01:15:35I just want someone to be with me.
01:15:40Is that supposed to hurt?
01:15:43I mean, why can't I get the girl?
01:15:45Because you're insane!
01:15:47No woman is ever going to love you!
01:15:50Why would you say that?
01:15:51Why would you say that?
01:15:53After everything I've done for you!
01:15:57I gave you your life!
01:15:59I gave you your life!
01:16:02And I can just as easily take it away.
01:16:04Then do it!
01:16:05Kill me!
01:16:06Kill me!
01:16:09Let me tell you something.
01:16:11I can reach in that chest of yours.
01:16:14And make that heart do anything I want it to.
01:16:17You want to stab me?
01:16:18You want to stab me?
01:16:21I'll take your arms.
01:16:22You want to run from me?
01:16:24I'll take your legs.
01:16:25You want to scream at me ever again?
01:16:28I'll take your voice.
01:16:29And then, Sophie Green,
01:16:31you will need me to take care of you for the rest of your life.
01:16:37You say nobody wants me?
01:16:40Well, who's going to want an armless, legless mute like you?
01:16:45Get ready for surgery.
01:17:01Get ready.
01:18:14You old rat!
01:18:16I'll take care of you!
01:18:26I love you!
01:18:31Let me take care of you!
01:18:32Let me take care of you!
01:18:35I love you!
01:19:01I love you!
01:19:10Oh, my God.
01:19:19When he gets back to you, I'll give you a hug.
01:19:23I love you.
01:19:24I love you too.
01:19:25I love you.
01:19:26I love you too.
01:19:27I love you too.
01:19:28I love you too.
01:19:29You're not only one of the smartest people I've ever met, but you'd always go out of
01:19:54your way to help me, especially with my physiology homework, which is always tough.
01:20:01I don't understand this.
01:20:05I believe in a higher spiritual power.
01:20:09And most of the time I think that this life makes sense.
01:20:14But today, I'm not so sure.
01:20:18I can't imagine the world without Sophie.
01:20:21And I can't believe I'm never going to see her.
01:20:51I love you.
01:20:54I love you.
01:20:57I love you.
01:21:00I love you.
01:21:03I love you.
01:21:06I love you.
01:21:09I love you.
01:21:12I love you.
01:21:15I love you.
01:21:18I love you.
01:21:21I love you.
01:21:24I love you.
01:21:30I love you.
01:21:35I love you.
01:21:39I don't know.
01:21:41I wouldn't do it.
01:22:09He's not here.
01:22:43Are you ready to order?
01:22:44Not yet. I'm waiting for someone.
01:22:47Very well.