2024 World Rowing Coastal Championships - Coastal Women's Solo - Final A

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2024 World Rowing Coastal Championships - Coastal Women's Solo - Final A
00:00So, Women's Solo Final A, the World Rowing Coastal Championships 2024.
00:0718 competitors in this race.
00:11We had three heats yesterday.
00:13From each of those heats, the fastest six made it through here to the final.
00:19And it's going to make for some super exciting racing.
00:24Conditions yesterday were very challenging and there was a lot of battles out there.
00:28But we have whittled it down to the top 18 rowers in the world in the Coastal Women's Solo.
00:35And they're getting ready to head off in the next few minutes or so.
00:39So, crews launching from the beach and they head out to shoreline.
00:44We can see Monika Dukaszka there of Ireland, the reigning world champion from Barletta last year.
00:50She won her heat yesterday.
00:53So, I'm sure she's feeling pretty confident.
00:55But just as she's sitting there on the water, you can see how bouncy it is there
01:00with the wind kind of coming straight in from the offshore, coming straight onto the beach here.
01:06So, crews launching from the beach, heading out.
01:08There's a warm-up area to the right-hand side of the shots that you're seeing there now.
01:12So, a little course that they can head out around, get the final bit of warm-up going before the start of the race.
01:2030 seconds to the start.
01:22Now, we're looking at the starting boat here.
01:24So, anyone who's unfamiliar with the starting sequence, it starts with three minutes
01:29where we have three balls up in the air and three hooters.
01:32We've already seen two of those dropped.
01:35So, there's one left.
01:36So, we're into the final minute of the starting sequence here.
01:41And then once the hooter goes, once the ball drops, crews will be heading out.
01:48Now, I am delighted to have another guest commentator here with me for this solo race.
01:54Running in the door here, Aubrey Oldham of Canada.
01:58How are you doing?
01:59Good. Thank you for having me.
02:00So, the start's actually going off here.
02:02So, watch that.
02:05So, starting sequence, yes.
02:06And we can still see Monika Dukarska of Ireland 01 there in shot.
02:11Of course, it's a water start this year, floating start.
02:15So, it's really important that you get a nice position there on the start line.
02:19Doesn't look like there's too much trouble so far.
02:21I think everyone had enough space there.
02:23Yeah, I agree with you there.
02:25It looks like there was a clean start for everybody.
02:27It's a little less likely to have those collisions we see in the bigger boats.
02:31And we'll definitely see something in the quads.
02:34Absolutely, yes.
02:36Yeah, a little bit more space when you're in one of those solo boats.
02:40So, early showing here looks like France 01, which is Jessica Barra here.
02:47Loads of experience in a lot of these crews.
02:50But it is really challenging here already, even on this first leg.
02:55The wind is coming straight in on them.
02:57So, it is a bit of a side wind onto the side of the boat here now.
03:01So, Jessica Barra there just leading out.
03:03Diana Dimchenko and Monika Dukarska then of Ireland.
03:06They're your top three.
03:07They were the top three last year.
03:09I wonder, will it be a repeat?
03:11Yeah, it's easy just to always side with the favorites from the previous year.
03:15And sometimes that does pan out.
03:17But sometimes someone comes from the back of the field.
03:20And I think this year with the added challenge of the condensed schedule today,
03:25a lot of these women have raced at least once, if not twice already today.
03:28And some within the last hour or two.
03:30Absolutely, yes.
03:31Their fourth place at the moment, USA 01, which is Christine Cavallo.
03:35We saw her in the women's double.
03:37Just a little while ago, she teamed up with Annalise Hall, who's also in here.
03:41She's USA 02, down in 11th position at the moment.
03:44So, they literally had about an hour recovery there now.
03:47And they're back out again here.
03:49But Jessica Barra trying to make her mark here now in these early stages of this race.
03:55Just leading out.
03:56We're coming up to about halfway down that first leg here now.
04:00Ahead of Diana Dimchenko of Azerbaijan and Monika Dukarska of Ireland.
04:06Now, you know somebody in this race?
04:08My mixed doubles partner, Sarah Pidgeon from Canada is seen in this race.
04:12Right now, she's in 18th position.
04:14But that doesn't mean much at the start of the race.
04:17So, there's still lots of time.
04:18Absolutely, there is.
04:19And you both rode together earlier on.
04:21How did you find it out there?
04:23The conditions aren't wild like we've seen in the last few years, especially in Wales.
04:28But there are some challenging conditions to go through.
04:32There's nothing really to surf.
04:33So, it's more of just getting through what's out there.
04:35Getting through and staying nice and clean would be the important thing here now.
04:40So, Jessica Barra there now still leading it out.
04:43But we can see the speed of Diana Dimchenko's boat now.
04:47She's just getting up there.
04:49It depends on what part of the wave they are on when the speed is taken.
04:53Monika Dukarska then holding on to third position.
04:57The three of those rowers, it was Monika won her heat yesterday.
05:02Diana Dimchenko won her heat as well.
05:05And then Jessica Barra was third in her heat.
05:08But I don't think yesterday showed really the potential of the rowers here at all.
05:14Yeah, it's different conditions today than it was yesterday.
05:18And obviously tomorrow would be a little rougher with the thunderstorms expected.
05:23So, it's just different every race.
05:25You can't always say the winner from the previous one is going to keep winning this one.
05:30It's all about this sport adapting to what is in front of you.
05:34And I think for Jessica who finished third last year behind Monika and Diana.
05:40I think it's really important for her.
05:42She probably had a strategy to get out ahead here.
05:45And maybe play a bit of the psychological game with the two of them.
05:48Because it's a much nicer position to be in sitting in front and looking back at them.
05:54As opposed to looking over your shoulder and trying to catch them.
05:57It's definitely a lot better from the mental point of view to sit in front of someone.
06:02And have that edge just to be able to see the field.
06:05To see your competition and know when they're going.
06:07You just have to be able to have the fitness to back that up.
06:10To support it.
06:11Because you can also wear someone down from behind.
06:13And you can take advantage of that if someone has jumped to an early lead.
06:17Who can't sustain that.
06:18Yeah, absolutely.
06:19So, we're watching the leaders here now.
06:21Great racing here.
06:22Going back and forth between Azerbaijan and France.
06:25Monique Dukashkova, Ireland.
06:26Right up alongside them.
06:28So, at this point we're about 300 metres away from that first turning marker.
06:34It's not too sharp.
06:35But still, it's really important to have a good line here.
06:38What would you be recommending at this point of the race?
06:42It's important in all of these turns.
06:43You do not want to get hung up on the buoy.
06:45Especially if you're in a tight race with these other boats.
06:47They do look quite spread out on the camera view here.
06:50But as they approach the buoy.
06:52They're going to be coming in towards that narrow point together.
06:55So, it is important to get that gap.
06:57So, that you're not hung up on it.
07:00And as you said, lots of space between them at the moment.
07:03I'm sure they're trying to stay out of each other's way.
07:06But I'm sure it'll start to get tighter now.
07:08As we come up towards the turn.
07:10In that fourth position then at the moment.
07:13We have Finland 1, Eva Karpinen.
07:15She was fourth last year.
07:17So, we have the top four in the top four positions here now again.
07:20And as we can see, it's going back and forth between Diana, Jessica and Monika.
07:26With every stroke they pull, someone is moving into the lead.
07:29Then back in fourth and fifth, we have Norway 0-1 and Peru 0-1.
07:34Those top four both seem to be pulling a little bit away from the rest of the field at this stage.
07:39But we're still very early on.
07:41We haven't even got to the first turning marker now.
07:44But really important.
07:45You can see them looking over their shoulders.
07:47And that's so important in the solo, isn't it?
07:49Because any wave can just push you off course.
07:51Yeah, it's definitely important to be aware of what's going on around you.
07:55You also don't want to be constantly looking at those waves.
07:58You've got to focus in on your own boat as well.
08:00Just looking at the numbers, they haven't really shown on the screen.
08:03On the overhead you can see, but there's a fight developing behind the leaders too.
08:08So that gap between the fifth and seventh or eighth is pretty tight still.
08:13It is really tight.
08:15We can see here, things are starting to close up here.
08:19They're starting to move closer to each other, which was expected around the turn.
08:23Hopefully they can all stay nice and clean.
08:25So it is Diana Dymchenko now, who has opened up about half a length of clear water over Monika Dukarska.
08:30She's moved into second.
08:31Jessica Berra then in third.
08:33And then Eva Karapainen of Finland, in fact, just overtaking Jessica.
08:39Jessica had to go very tight there to that turn.
08:42Yeah, she just wanted to get that tight inside turn.
08:45Some athletes prefer doing the wider turn.
08:47Where you don't have to slow as much around it.
08:49But the inside turn sometimes can kind of whip around and take that little bit of an edge.
08:56Now you were saying your doubles partner Sarah, of course she's racing in this.
09:00What did she do in the time in between here to prepare for this final?
09:04She just took some time to go back to the hotel and get out of the heat.
09:08It's quite a hot, humid day here today.
09:10So there's a little bit of a near collision there.
09:15Yes, France and New Zealand there at the back of the field just getting caught up on each other.
09:21Yeah, it looks like they both stopped before a serious collision.
09:24Which, even if there was a penalty given, is a really bad thing for both athletes.
09:29Because of the penalty for one and also the other boats damaged potentially and slowed down.
09:35So it's good to stop on both sides to avoid those.
09:39Absolutely, it is indeed.
09:41So Diana Dymchenko continuing to open up a little bit of water here over Monika Dukharska in that second position.
09:48We can see a bit of a wash coming here towards the boats.
09:51So this is important here to stay nice and clean through the water.
09:56Look at Diana Dymchenko there of Azerbaijan looking so controlled as she heads out towards that second marker.
10:04Boats disappearing out of our view.
10:05That just goes to show how bouncy it is out there.
10:10You can see the meters, the gaps between them.
10:12Things really starting to open up between first, second and third now.
10:18It looks like the athletes are separating quite a bit more.
10:21The gap between third and fourth is still quite tight though.
10:25Yes, Jessica Berra and Eva Karapinen there of France and Finland right up alongside each other here now.
10:32So Jessica who had led it out from the start back now in third position.
10:36But it looks like Eva is coming for her here now.
10:39Eva hoping to make that podium this year.
10:42Just missing out last year.
10:44She finished third at the European Championships this year.
10:48And Diana of course Dymchenko there leading it out.
10:52So much experience.
10:54She has been here at every World Championships doing so well as has Monika Dukharska.
10:59They have so many World Championship titles between them as has Jessica Berra.
11:03So it's great to see the top three.
11:05But Jessica now after moving down to fourth and Eva moving herself into third.
11:09And we can't rule out any of the athletes who are just in that pack right behind them either.
11:14We've got fresh off the Olympics Jackie Kittle from New Zealand who could make a move at any point.
11:19We know the fitness is there.
11:22She's just unlucky to miss out on a medal in Paris.
11:25Fourth position in the lightweight women's double.
11:28She also raced just a little bit a while ago in the second heat of the mixed doubles.
11:33She had a great race.
11:34Herself and Matt Dunham with the other New Zealand crew.
11:37It looked like they raced each other all the way around the course.
11:40Here she is as you said holding on to fifth position here.
11:43And she's not too far behind those medal positions at the moment.
11:47No, not at all.
11:49So we're still seeing Diana Dymchenko here leading it out.
11:54They're already after passing that halfway mark.
11:57So at this turn, this is the sharp turn.
11:59When you have space like the top three boats have now, do you want to go narrow?
12:03Do you want to go wide?
12:04What would be your approach?
12:05I think it just really depends on the situation.
12:08If you're going a little bit wider, you do lose that water, the distance.
12:13But going tighter, you slow the boat speed down.
12:16So it looks like most of them are doing a fairly tight turn.
12:21Some even holding water and doing a somewhat handbrake turn which we see in the beach sprints
12:25just to get that tight corner.
12:27Yes, things change there a little bit.
12:29It looks like Jessica Barra took a nice line there.
12:32And I think she's after potentially overtaking Eva of Finland there now again for that third position.
12:39It's going back and forth between the two of them here for third and fourth position.
12:43And as you mentioned, Jackie Kittel very much staying within touching distance.
12:47Lots of boats coming in here now close together.
12:49This is what happens.
12:50We're going to have a collision.
12:51Yeah, this is coastal rowing here.
12:53This is not necessarily the best for the boats, but it does make it exciting even when you're in that.
12:58It does.
12:59But they actually manage well there.
13:01They kind of stopped and moving away from themselves.
13:03If they're not careful, they're going to get stuck up on each other here again.
13:06But it is allowing.
13:07There's four boats after passing them here now.
13:09Fifth one coming in back up behind them.
13:12Looks like they're still stuck.
13:14You can feel the frustration in those boats.
13:16They just want to go.
13:17And sometimes you just have to take a breath and just move away slow and then get going again.
13:22So a leader is here now of the pack.
13:25Diana Jemchenko of Azerbaijan on the right hand side.
13:28Monika Dekerska of Ireland on the left hand side.
13:31They have met each other so many times on the water.
13:35Monika getting the better of Diana last year at the World Championships.
13:39Opposite way around now.
13:41What do you think is going through Monika's head right now?
13:44I think after the performance earlier when she was doing so well,
13:50I think that she still knows that she can still do it.
13:5434 seconds is quite a lot.
13:57But you never know what could happen here.
13:59We could have a bad stroke or two or even running into the buoy or something.
14:04But it does look like she is firmly in second.
14:08And it would take a bit of a slip up to catch up to first at this point.
14:11I think so.
14:12And we've been seeing the last few races the wind direction.
14:15It's pushing these boats onto the shore.
14:17And so these legs where we see them heading back towards us at the beach here.
14:21Really interesting to see the experienced rowers against some of the more newer ones
14:25because the experienced ones are allowing for that wind
14:28and are heading out towards the open water a little bit.
14:31Whereas the less experienced ones are allowing their boats being carried by the wind
14:37which is not ideal obviously.
14:39You do want to be in control of where the boat is going.
14:42And sometimes to be able to move with the waves
14:46you have to go out a little bit, arc the line
14:49so that the wind is going to push you back in a little bit.
14:52So the experienced athletes really know how to do this well.
14:55They do indeed.
14:57So there it is still.
14:59Diana Demchenko still leading it out here.
15:0211 seconds of a lead over Monika Dukarska in second.
15:06Very close now.
15:07It is Jessica Bauer who is back in that bronze medal position
15:10ahead of Eva Karpenen of Finland.
15:13But Jackie Kittle right up on their tails in that fifth position.
15:18So this is where things get interesting now.
15:21We are entering the chicane here.
15:23Do you think it is possible for boats to overtake each other at this
15:26or is it more difficult?
15:27I think it really depends.
15:29I think that there is opportunity to take the turns well
15:33and be able to do the overtaking.
15:35I think these athletes are very experienced in this top group
15:38so they are less likely to mix up.
15:40The real interesting part will be...
15:44I think she is unsure which line she is going.
15:47This is what happens.
15:49She has gone the wrong side of that marker.
15:52That is Diana Demchenko who had been leading it out.
15:56This is the problem when you are in the lead.
15:58You are never sure or sometimes you are not sure.
16:00This is allowing Monika Dukarska to move here to the right side of the buoy.
16:08I am not sure Diana knows she has gone wrong here now
16:11because she is not correcting her line.
16:14This is not a place you want to be in.
16:17I would have to review actually what the penalty is for missing a turn.
16:20But I can't imagine it is less than the distance between Diana and Monika right now.
16:26So I think she did know she missed it.
16:28She slowed down and she is probably just going to push ahead
16:31and hope for the best.
16:32We will see what happens.
16:33You can see her actually upping her rate here now.
16:35Hoping to maybe open up that gap now that she has over Monika.
16:40I am not sure if she will be able to make up the amount of ground she needs.
16:44But she does have quite a lead here now.
16:46There is still 25 meters between them in Monika's head here now.
16:50I am sure she is thinking she could potentially win this race now
16:54as long as she stays on the tail of Diana.
16:57This is so hard when you are in the lead
17:00because you have no one to follow
17:02and you really have to just know where your course is
17:05and even for experienced rowers like these to get it wrong.
17:08It just happens so easily.
17:10Exactly. It can happen to anybody.
17:12And again, when you are in the lead,
17:14you have to be spot on where these boys are.
17:18A lot of the athletes have memorized the course.
17:21They have gone out there on it already at least in their heat
17:23if not in another boat.
17:25So they know where to go.
17:26And it is just devastating when something like that happens.
17:29And I am unsure if Monika or any of the other athletes
17:32even know that she has missed the buoy.
17:34I am not sure either.
17:36We are not sure.
17:37Yeah, because they are not told obviously.
17:39Monika is not going to be told.
17:40She may not have been looking around her shoulder at the point
17:42when Diana went wrong there.
17:45And you can really see Diana is trying to put on such a big push here now.
17:49I think she knows she might be in trouble
17:51if Monika copes on to what has happened.
17:54I am sure she will be putting on that big push here now.
17:57Still Jessica Bauer in that third position.
18:01Eva just outside medals right now.
18:04There is still only about 15, less actually,
18:0813 meters between Jessica and Eva here now.
18:11Jackie Kittle just falling back maybe slightly.
18:13She is still in that fifth position,
18:15but about 25 meters now between herself and fourth position.
18:21Yeah, it is still quite tight there.
18:24I don't think any of those athletes feel safe in their position.
18:28They can look behind and they still see those athletes in view
18:31in a spot on the podium potentially.
18:35Yes, indeed.
18:36And you can see here again the different angles here that people are taking.
18:40I just saw I think Jessica was heading over.
18:42Monika realized she has gone wrong here now
18:44or she is just coming up to a buoy there.
18:48There is Jessica Bauer now coming in,
18:51currently in third but potentially in second
18:54depending on what happens with Diana Jymczenko and missing that turn.
18:59Then Eva now in fourth again.
19:01We are unsure if she knows she is in for a medal potential here as well.
19:05We are coming in towards final stages of this race.
19:10If that was you and you missed a turn,
19:11would you go around and fix your course or would you just go for it?
19:15I would have to review what the penalty is.
19:17I would hopefully not miss the turn, but you never know.
19:20We are all human, so we can err on those courses.
19:24It is coastal rowing, so it does not flat water where it is easier to keep the line.
19:29We will find out when she comes in towards the penalty box
19:31if she is awarded a penalty or not.
19:35We are going to start to see that come into view here now.
19:38Around the second last turn to the last turn,
19:41then she will be called by the umpires up to the penalty box
19:44if she did get that penalty.
19:47A minute for missing a turning void.
19:50There is definitely not a minute between herself and Monika at this stage.
19:53Monika really putting on a big push here now.
19:56We will see if she is ushered into that penalty box
20:00where she will literally just have to sit there
20:02and try to hold her boat steady before she is told to take off again.
20:06Jessica Berra then is currently in that third position on the water followed.
20:10She is putting on a bit of a push away from Eva Karpinen.
20:13Jackie Kiddle then in fifth.
20:15Those five boats really have opened up a lot of water across the rest of the field.
20:19The top five are definitely ahead of the others.
20:22Even the top four at this point.
20:24It looks like Jackie is solidly in that fifth position for now.
20:28Yes, of course.
20:29Jackie will have the mixed double final coming up shortly as well.
20:32I am sure she will have to make a decision here at this stage
20:36and either fight for a medal here,
20:38which I think she is just a little bit off it now at this point,
20:41or whether she saves herself,
20:43because she is in for a medal potential again a little later on.
20:47We are coming into the final 300 metres or so of this race on the water.
20:55It is still Diana Dzymczenko leading it out from Monika Dekarska of Ireland.
21:00Jessica Berra of France then ahead of Eva Karpinen.
21:05Last 250 metres.
21:07Have we passed the penalty box?
21:09Yes, we did pass it.
21:10I am wondering if we saw that correctly,
21:12but I am fairly confident we saw her on the wrong side of the buoy.
21:15Or else everyone else went wrong.
21:19Some went to one side of it, the others went to the other side of it.
21:22We will have to see what happens here now.
21:24Coming up to the finish line,
21:28it is Azerbaijan with 200 metres to go,
21:33holding off Monika Dekarska,
21:35but Jessica Berra is making a bit of a push here now.
21:39She is currently in third position.
21:47Final shots here now.
21:49130 metres to go here.
21:53Diana Dzymczenko leading it out here.
21:56Upping her rate here.
21:59Still holding it quite steady.
22:02You can see just how much the boat is moving.
22:04But this is our first A final of the day.
22:07A final few strokes.
22:09What a shot here now.
22:11Three boats behind each other.
22:13It is Diana Dzymczenko of Azerbaijan.
22:17We will have to clarify what went on at that turning point a little earlier on.
22:21But on the water here,
22:23it is Diana Dzymczenko leading it out.
22:26Brilliant time there of 20 minutes 25.31 seconds.
22:30Here in second position,
22:32holding off the challenge from Jessica Berra,
22:34we have Monika Dekarska, Ireland,
22:37representing Claardelen Rowing Club in second position.
22:41Then there was a great race here happening,
22:43but it is Jessica Berra finishing third position on the water here,
22:47representing France 1,
22:50followed in by Eva Karbenen of Finland 1,
22:55finishing fourth this year,
22:56fourth last year as well.
22:59An unlucky place to be,
23:00but again we will have to clarify what went on at that turning point.
23:03Regardless of the turning point,
23:05I think that was a dominant performance by Diana today.
23:08I think so.
23:09I think even if everyone went the right side of those boys,
23:12positions would have been the same.
23:13I don't think things would have changed too much.
23:15Then that is Jackie Kittle coming in in that fifth position,
23:19her first time competing in the single at the World Rowing Coastal Championship.
23:24She has done the double before,
23:26won the mixed double at the Beach Prince last year,
23:28but trying her hand at the endurance here,
23:31really impressive finish in fifth position.
23:33This looks like USA 1 coming through.
23:37Yes, that is USA 1,
23:40Christine Cavallo there,
23:42really great race there,
23:43finishing in seventh position.
23:45We also had Peru,
23:46Adriana Sanguinetti there of Peru in sixth position.
23:50USA Christine,
23:52who was only out a little while ago in the women's double,
23:55so she will have that final coming up a bit later on now again.
23:59I am sure she is glad they weren't six kilometre races.
24:02Yes, I am sure with the condensed schedule,
24:05I am sure a lot of these athletes were quite happy with the four kilometres.
24:09We are seeing Monika Dukarjska there of Ireland.
24:13We are seeing Jessica Barron-Eve,
24:17Catherine Pennin of Finland.
24:20All crews now coming up to that finish line,
24:23finishing out the first final of the day,
24:28the women's coastal solo.
24:35And again, we will just wait for clarification on that turning buoy
24:40and whether someone missed it or not.
24:42They are keeping us in suspense.
24:45Yes, it makes you wonder if we have missed seen things.
24:50I am not sure.
24:51But a wonderful race.
24:52There was some really tight racing aside from the top pack
24:56in that lower area, 4th to 6th and 7th place, really tight.
25:00There was some movement in the bottom after that near collision
25:04by a few boats around one of those turning points.
25:06This is what makes Coastal Royale exciting.
25:10Of course, we were focused on the leading boats,
25:12but as you said, sometimes the more exciting racing is happening
25:15down the pack in those fourths.
25:18Back down to 18th position, there is always great racing happening.
25:22Here are the results.
25:24First place, representing Azerbaijan, Diana Dimchenko.
25:27Then in 2nd position, Monika Dukharska of Ireland.
25:31Jessica Bera of France, 1 in 3rd.
25:34So top 3, same as last year, just changed positions slightly.
25:38Ive Carpenen of Finland in 4th.
25:41Jackie Kittle of New Zealand, 5th.
25:43Adriana Sanguinetti of Peru in 6th.
25:45Christine Cavallo, USA, 7th.
25:48Carlota Gonzalez-Gil, Spain, 1 in 8th.
25:51Chiara Hallema of Austria.
25:53We watched her earlier in the mixed double as well.
25:55And Tia Maria Rattola of Finland in 10th position.
25:59That was some good racing.
