Home And Away 30th August 2024

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Home And Away 30th August 2024
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00:00My family doesn't get to be happy.
00:10Everything I love descends up here.
00:12It's over.
00:13It's over.
00:14We are.
00:15We're done.
00:16You're hurting.
00:17Now is not the time for making big decisions.
00:22I'm not going to change my mind on this, Gary.
00:23I mean, Cashew's world's been ripped apart.
00:24He doesn't know what he's doing.
00:25It doesn't matter, Ram.
00:26It's still over.
00:27I get that you don't want to talk to me right now, so I just thought I'd let you know that
00:35I got home safely and I miss you.
00:38I know I've handled this badly, but there's no instruction manual on accidental pregnancy.
00:43I mean, you've had months.
00:45I was scared of how you'd react.
00:48Let's face it.
00:49I'm not who you wanted this to happen with, and that's okay, but things have been tough.
00:55I didn't want my news to get mixed up with all of that.
00:58I wanted our baby to be its own little separate piece of joy.
01:03I take it this means you're ready to talk.
01:05I'm in.
01:06I'm all in.
01:21How's it going?
01:23Can't complain.
01:24It'll be hard living with Tana at the moment.
01:27I know he implicitly broke up a while ago, but it's gotta be hard for him.
01:36Is anything else going on?
01:38I can't believe your boss lets you surf in the middle of the day.
01:42Yeah, well, I am the boss today, so I can do whatever I want.
01:45As long as I get the work done.
01:47Better leave you to it, then.
01:54Oh, hey.
01:55Let me do that.
01:56You should be relaxing.
01:57I'm fine.
01:59Well, can I make you something?
02:00Have you eaten?
02:04Have you really thought about this?
02:07This is what I want.
02:08To raise our kid together.
02:09I would like that, too, but you spent the night drinking and avoided the conversation
02:12all morning.
02:14It was a lot to process.
02:15How much have you actually thought about it, though?
02:17Because I am perfectly willing to raise this baby on my own.
02:19No, you don't have to worry about that.
02:22I don't want you to have regrets down the line because you made a rash decision.
02:26I won't.
02:27I know that neither of us planned to have a child together, so I think you need to think
02:31about it really, really carefully.
02:32Harper, listen to me.
02:34You're right.
02:35This wasn't my plan.
02:36But it's happening.
02:38So whatever you need, I'll be there.
02:43We're family now.
02:50Hey, it's just me.
02:59You look beautiful.
03:00Shut up.
03:01No, I'm serious.
03:03Don't go soft on me now, Carter.
03:06Wouldn't dream of it.
03:08Rue's got some food when you're ready.
03:20Rue, look, I'm, um, I'm, I'm sorry for going off at you and Ford.
03:28It's okay.
03:29It's okay.
03:30You've had a lot going on.
03:32Still, it really wasn't fair of me to...
03:34It's forgotten.
03:39Do you want a beer?
03:41Maybe not in the dress.
03:43Yes, great point.
03:45Last thing I need is to pay for a gown I'm never going to wear.
03:48I never say never.
03:50Cash will be home soon.
03:51He'll figure out his mistake.
04:05Place feels different without her.
04:08I'm going to set you up in the spare room for tonight.
04:10I can set myself up.
04:14Listen, do you want me to come with you to the solicitor tomorrow?
04:16No, no.
04:17I can handle that.
04:18It's just about fixed assets.
04:20I know, but you don't need to do it alone.
04:22Well, all I'll be doing is signing a little bit of paperwork, so...
04:26You want me to whack the kettle on?
04:28Could always use a cuppa.
04:34Gary, if you want to help me, you could go across the road and get my car keys.
04:37No, mate, no.
04:39You made the decision to break up with Edie.
04:42You can have the courage to face her in person.
04:44Besides, you two have got a lot to talk about.
04:51Don't rush back.
04:52If you want to try that other supplier...
04:56Okay, yep.
04:57I'll be back on the tools later this arvo.
04:58Alright, see ya.
05:01Fancy a game of pool?
05:03Don't you have to get back to work?
05:05Yeah, eventually.
05:06No rush, though.
05:07Come on, you owe me a rematch.
05:09A loser can buy a round of drinks.
05:11Maybe next time, eh?
05:12Hey, you too.
05:14How are you doing?
05:16Oh, yeah, not bad.
05:18I think things are starting to turn around.
05:20Well, that's good.
05:22Hey, I can fit your car in for that service later today.
05:25Can you drop it off?
05:27I completely forgot I booked it in.
05:29I still need to open the journal.
05:31I can take your car in.
05:32It will give us more time to talk.
05:35Alright, thanks.
05:36Appreciate it.
05:37Cool, I'll see you later this arvo.
05:39Hey, did you get my message?
05:41Yeah, I did.
05:43I've just been busy.
05:45I just wanted to find out what happened to Froze last night.
05:48I gave him my statement.
05:50I told him what's been going on with my dad.
05:53So what happens now?
05:55It's up to the cops.
05:56I don't really know what's going to happen.
05:58I'm just happy I don't have to see him anymore.
06:00Well, we've got some good news that might cheer you up.
06:04Harper and I are getting married.
06:06Might cheer you up.
06:08Harper and I are having a baby.
06:10A baby?
06:14Yeah, I was pretty shocked when I found out too.
06:19That's great news.
06:20Thanks, man.
06:21Alright, we'd better get moving, but I'll catch you later.
06:29Thank you for taking care of this.
06:31I really appreciate it.
06:33Oh, it's a beautiful dress.
06:34You looked amazing.
06:36Looks like I had great taste.
06:38Could have chosen any of them.
06:43Hey, mate.
06:44Good to see you.
06:45Is Eden home?
06:54You're back.
06:57Did you get my messages?
06:59That's so kind.
07:00I'm just here for the car keys.
07:05Just the keys, please.
07:25Well, you got that wrong, didn't you?
07:35Yep, your car will be ready later today.
07:38I'm just going to sign off on the road worthy certificate.
07:42Yeah, I'll give you a call.
07:44Alright, bye.
07:51Welcome to the castle.
07:55See you around.
07:57Don't you want to know when to pick it up?
08:00Oh, yeah.
08:03Is something going on with you?
08:06Are you sure?
08:08Seems like you've got a lot on your mind.
08:10Not really.
08:14Look, if you want to get something off your chest, this is the place.
08:17There's no one around.
08:21It's my dad.
08:23I had to give the cops a statement about him.
08:27Yep, that's rough.
08:29It doesn't feel as good as I thought it would.
08:31Yeah, well, families can be complicated.
08:34Yeah, he's going to be so angry.
08:36Yeah, my dad got angry too.
08:38You don't understand.
08:40When my dad gets mad, bones get broken.
08:42Yeah, I've been there.
08:46Take a seat.
08:48I'll grab us some drinks.
08:51I wonder how much longer Perry's going to be.
08:53He's meant to help me set up for the next class.
08:55He'd call if anything was wrong.
08:58Hey, Alf.
09:00We got some good news?
09:01Well, I could do with a bit.
09:03Harper and I are having a baby.
09:05It's the truth.
09:06You kept that under your hat.
09:08No, we're only just telling people now.
09:10That's terrific news.
09:13I couldn't be happier for you.
09:15No, we're pretty stoked too.
09:18Well, you know, it's a big turning point in your life, starting a family together.
09:22Sure is.
09:24I'd better go set this class up.
09:25See you after.
09:26Sounds good.
09:28I didn't even know you were an item.
09:32But that really is good news, eh?
09:35If you need anything, you let me know.
10:07Hey, Gary.
10:08Come in.
10:10It's Remy, right?
10:13Good to see you again.
10:15How are you holding up?
10:16Well, you know, putting one foot in front of the other.
10:20Hey, mate.
10:22What are you doing?
10:24I'm just trying to do the right thing, man.
10:25By who?
10:26Because Aiden's a mess.
10:27Well, I'm sorry that she's hurt.
10:28This is what I've got to do, Rem.
10:29Look, she loves you.
10:31Can you just go back?
10:32I've got nothing else to say about it.
10:34Cash, come on, mate.
10:40We can't do this to her.
10:43You won't get an argument from me.
10:45You know what Cash is like when he's upset.
10:47He makes rash decisions and pushes people away.
10:50Yeah, like proposing to me.
10:52That's not what I meant.
10:54Maybe he never even wanted to marry me.
10:56Aiden, of course he did.
10:58I knew.
10:59I knew that he hadn't thought it through.
11:01That doesn't make it any less genuine.
11:13Listen, my love.
11:15I've been telling him to talk to you since we left my place.
11:19He's going to realise he's made a mistake and this is all just...
11:22If you tell me that this is his grief talking, I swear...
11:24I'm so sorry he's hurt you.
11:29You still love him, right?
11:31Of course I do.
11:33Then don't make it easy for him.
11:35If Cash is who you want, you fight for him.
11:43Alright, great work today, everyone.
11:44See you next time, yeah?
11:54Bye, guys.
11:57Sorry I didn't ask you to the funeral.
11:59I understand, man.
12:02How are you holding up?
12:04Not good.
12:06How about you?
12:09Listen, Cash, there's something I need to tell you.
12:12Papa's pregnant.
12:14And the baby's mine.
12:17You don't need to say anything, it's just...
12:19I want you to hear it from me.
12:24You always dreamt about having a family?
12:30I'd give anything for things to be different, you know?
12:35Look, he'd be happy for you.
12:37She'd want this for you.
12:40I'm going to make the most of it.
12:42Be the best dad I can be.
12:50Tane just told me the news. Congratulations.
12:57I'm so sorry for your loss.
13:02I've got some stuff I've got to take care of, guys.
13:05We'll see you around.
13:08Is he okay?
13:10No, I don't think so.
13:13I need to ask you something.
13:18When you said you see us as family, what exactly did you mean?
13:22Alf is calling us a couple.
13:25Is that what we are now?
13:34When was the last time you saw your dad?
13:36Not since the day I gave the Cosmos statement.
13:39I'm fine with that.
13:41Justin's been way more of a dad to me.
13:44Helped me with my music, he's trained me up for this job.
13:47Justin have other kids?
13:49Yeah, a daughter.
13:51She lives in the city.
13:54Tane's having a kid with Harper.
13:58Since when?
14:00I don't know, he just told me.
14:02Okay, well I guess that's good news.
14:06He seemed really happy.
14:09You worried you're going to have to change some nappies?
14:12Yeah, stuff that.
14:14Look, if you don't mind waiting around, I can take you home.
14:17I've just got to take care of some stuff here first.
14:19Yeah, that's fine.
14:21Yeah, sweet ass.
14:27Yeah look, maybe I should have chosen my words more carefully.
14:31But it's early days, you know.
14:33And I still haven't had a chance to think about what this means for us.
14:38I know that you're not in love with me.
14:42And I don't expect me being pregnant to change that.
14:47But you're telling people that we're a family.
14:51Alf's calling us a couple.
14:53We haven't even had a chance to talk about what this is going to look like.
14:57Yeah, sorry.
14:59I should have checked with you before announcing.
15:01It's fine.
15:03I just want us both to be on the same page first.
15:06So when you say family...
15:11Well, I guess for me it means taking care of each other.
15:16That's a nice sentiment, but that's kind of vague.
15:21Look, I get that we've got a lot of stuff to work out.
15:27But one thing I do know is that you and the baby are my top priority now.
15:31And that's what family means to me.
15:33And whatever it is you need, I'll make it happen.
15:39Can that be enough for now?
15:42Yeah, it can.
15:47Maybe ambushing him in his own house is a bad idea.
15:49I mean, he said he needed space, but what if it makes things worse?
15:57Be strong.
16:07Look, I know you're pushing me away because you're trying to protect me.
16:12But you don't need to do that.
16:14You don't need to do any of this alone.
16:17Why is she here?
16:19She shouldn't be here, Gary.
16:20Please look at me.
16:25My sister's dead.
16:27Now's not the time.
16:28Please leave.
16:29Eden deserves a conversation.
16:31Why aren't either of you getting the message here?
16:35I'm not going to change my mind.
16:36Cash, this doesn't make any sense.
16:38We all need to move on.
16:42There's nothing else to say.
17:02I don't know whether to give Cash space or give him hell.
17:04I vote give him space.
17:07Hey, thanks for helping with Eden today.
17:11I really feel for her.
17:14It's lucky you were around.
17:16You go back to work soon, right?
17:18Yeah, later this week.
17:21Eden's here.
17:23What are you doing?
17:24What does it look like?
17:25My relationship service.
17:26I'm getting over that.
17:27Come on, Eden.
17:28This is crazy.
17:29Let's just go home.
17:30Remy, I'm not listening to you anymore.
17:31There's nothing I can do about Cash.
17:32He's made his decision.
17:33So I just have to find a way to get on with things.
17:37So get out of my way, please.
17:45I did the best I could with what was in the fridge.
18:00Gary, if I break up with my fiancée, can you please not invite her around to the house?
18:06Okay, fair point.
18:10I just thought once you got back and you saw her, things might change.
18:15Well, they haven't.
18:18Mate, I don't get it.
18:22I just don't understand.
18:23Yeah, well, we've been through this.
18:25The only way that I can protect her is by not being with her.
18:35If that's what you need, I respect that.
18:43Tana's having a baby.
18:45Eden just lives across the street.
18:48Everybody's going to move on and I don't know how I'm going to watch them do it.
19:16I was wondering where you got to.
19:18Yeah, it was my fault.
19:19Something came up.
19:21Which means your car's not going to be ready till tomorrow.
19:24No worries.
19:26Is that what I think it is?
19:28Yeah, Perry told me.
19:30Thanks, man.
19:32Anyway, you got my number, so let me know if you want to hang out.
19:34Yeah, cool.
19:35See ya.
19:36See you later.
19:39So what do you think?
19:41Look like me?
19:44I mean, if that big bit's its head, then yeah, looks exactly like you.
19:51So, I thought you said you and Harper weren't a thing.
19:54No, we're not.
19:55We still aren't.
19:57That photo says differently.
19:59It was a one-time thing.
20:00But now, we're going to be a family.
20:03So this baby was never planned?
20:05No, definitely not.
20:08I know what it's like to be a mistake.
20:11Dad never let me forget it.
20:14Well, if this baby's a mistake, it's the best one I've ever made.
20:27What are you doing?
20:29I'm coming home with you.
20:31Okay, when did you decide this?
20:34About five minutes ago.
20:37Maybe another five wouldn't go astray?
20:39Listen, if you need a little more time, of course you're welcome to stay at my place for a bit.
20:44No, I'm not talking about a bit, Gary.
20:47I mean permanently.
20:49Hang on, stop.
20:50You can't just up and go.
20:52What about your job, your friends?
20:53I can't live here, Gary.
20:55Well, we can't go anywhere now.
20:56It's too late.
20:57Why don't you sleep on it?
20:59You might feel differently in the morning.
21:02I won't.
21:09So, who's Claudia?
21:11Oh, a really unhappy customer.
21:13Oh, yeah, I get it that much.
21:14Do you know Theo didn't service her car yesterday like he was meant to?
21:17Well, in time he is.
21:18We need to have a chat.
21:19If I ask you to do a job, I expect it to be done.
21:22Yeah, sorry.
21:24Don't you think that was a little harsh?
21:26Why don't you take a breather, mate? You haven't stopped all morning.
21:29I've got to get this done.
21:30No, no, no, come on, tools down.
21:34Justin Morgan speaking.
21:36An accident.