Home And Away 2nd September 2024

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Home And Away 2nd September 2024

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00:10Get that you don't want to talk to me right now, so I just thought I'd let you know that I miss you
00:14You're back. Let's talk. I'm just here for the cookies
00:22You still love him right of course I do then don't make it easy for him if cash is who you want you fight for him
00:30Look, I know you're pushing me away because you're trying to protect me, but you don't need to do that
00:34I'm not gonna change my mind. This doesn't make any sense. We all need to move on
00:40Coming home with you of course you're welcome to stay at my place for a bit
00:43Well, I'm not talking about a bit Gary. I mean permanently you might feel differently in the morning
00:49Harper and I are having a baby a baby Wow
00:52Tanya's having a kid with Harper what since when I thought you said you and Harper when I think no
00:58But now we're gonna be a family
01:08Feels like forever since we've done this. Oh, there's been a lot happening. Yeah
01:13Feel like Felicity would want us to try and focus on the good stuff. I'd like time ain't Harper
01:18Did we know that they were a thing so what Tony said no?
01:22He just said that they were having a baby, and he didn't really disclose any other details
01:27I don't know. They're definitely not a thing I mean it would have had to have been at least once otherwise
01:32We wouldn't be having this conversation. I
01:35Think he's mad at me though. Why?
01:38Because I found out about the baby before he did
01:41You knew yeah for way too long
01:44Well the cats out of the bag now and to be honest. I think we could all do with this happy news
01:55Was supposed to manage without a
01:58Business or life in general I
02:02Don't even want to think about it. I'm happy to step up at work
02:08All right, let's get in
02:17No, I can't I couldn't be with a solicitor you come by off that
02:23Okay great, thanks
02:27Who's that real estate
02:30Got a break, please
02:32So you haven't changed your mind then no
02:37About I rustle up some brekkie no, thanks. I could go down the diner and get something like there's no time
02:42I've gotta see the solicitor. I've got to go see the real estate agent now, and I've got to pack this whole place up
02:47big decisions I
02:49There's no harm in thinking about it for a day or two
03:04Live here
03:05You really want to leave without talking to her. None of this is what I want
03:10That girl loves you. Yeah, so she's probably just gonna try to talk me into staying same thing that you're doing right now
03:14Yeah, I'm not gonna have it. So I'm gonna go to Yabby Creek. You can come with me if you want then we're leaving
03:25You know, like I said, I'm really sorry it's not gonna happen again
03:31Okay, I get it
03:34Bye Claudia
03:37She get everything you need. Oh, yeah. Yeah with a bit of luck. I will have your books done by lunchtime. Hey, thank you, baby
03:43You're a lifesaver. So who's Claudia? Oh a really unhappy customer. Oh, yeah
03:49No, Theo didn't service her car yesterday like it was meant to want honest it's just gonna drop the ball
03:56Doesn't sound like him. Hey, she told me you were coming. I would have got you on. Oh, I'm best
04:00Is this your idea of an apology?
04:03What am I apologizing what happened yesterday like a surf's fine, but did you just take the rest of the day off?
04:09Yeah, no, I got a bit behind. Well, I've just been on the phone to a really disappointed customer
04:14Okay. Yeah, sorry. You know what? I don't want to hear your excuses, mate
04:17If I ask you to do a job, I expect it to be done. Yeah
04:22Yeah, sorry
04:27Don't you think that was a little harsh I don't think the customer would agree
04:31Yeah, but you didn't even give him a chance to explain
04:35Yeah, see you later
04:55The milk goes in the fridge in case you're wondering
05:00It's can't believe it's happening
05:02Papa's gonna be a great mum. Yeah
05:06Getting quiet this morning. I
05:09Just got a lot on today, you know, like picking up your car from the garage. Yeah. Thanks for that
05:14I'm gonna be flat out at gym, but got Molly's van if you need a lift
05:17No, that's cool. I'll wait for Theo to call and then I'll catch a bus over
05:21You sure you okay?
05:23Yeah, man, go you're gonna be late. All right. I'll talk to you later. Have a good one
05:28See ya
05:42Shouldn't be too much longer
05:44Why don't you take a breather my you haven't stopped all morning I'm gonna get this done no, no, no, no, come on
05:49Come on. Talk down
05:51We need to have a chat
05:55Why don't you tell me what happened yesterday
05:59Yeah, you were right I stopped up there's no excuses what were you doing
06:03It's hard to explain give it a red-hot guy
06:10Got talking to Perry it just took longer than I thought it would this is the kid that's staying with Tony, right?
06:16He's a mate and he needed help
06:19Is he in some sort of trouble? No, it's nothing like that. He just needs someone to talk to
06:24Sounds heavy
06:27Anyway, I thought I'd get through all the work and I didn't say
06:32Well, I
06:34Don't like that you dropped the ball
06:37But now I know why you did it
06:43This is a lot to get your head around heard the solicitor and you wanted me to stay in town make you're all over the
06:48Place which is understandable, but I'm gonna do the next bit on my own. Okay, I reckon you should go back to the house
06:53Hey fellas
06:54Why health good to see you back in the bay. I just wish it was under better circumstances
07:00Me too
07:02Felicity was one of a kind. She's gonna be sorely missed
07:06Yeah, thanks. It means a lot. Look if there's anything at all I can do I gotta go
07:15Sorry about that, that's right
07:19Stupid question, but is he okay? I wish I'd you
07:24You look like you could handle a copper
07:32Well, I hope Dana doesn't hate me for ruining your social lives
07:35I put my hands up for the shift, so it'll be me she's after well, then that's right
07:43Good to see you. Are you joining us for breakfast? No, actually, um
07:48I've just been to see Felicity's solicitor
07:51So this is about the will well, she didn't have a will. Oh, but I'm her next-of-kin and I've inherited all of her assets
07:59I'm your new business partner
08:09You think she'll use a different garage next time Oh
08:13No idea wouldn't matter much if she did
08:15She called Tony. Oh, yeah, Perry should be here soon. Listen, go easy on yourself. All right lighten up. We are back on track
08:22Yeah, yeah
08:24All right. Good Tony. She's all ready to go. I'll get the paperwork. Cheers
08:27Sorry if I was a bit of a downer yesterday, nothing wrong with me in the talk, you know much about the caravan park
08:35Why I reckon it's time to move on
08:39Something happened
08:40Tony's starting a real family and he doesn't need me in the way
08:44He said that he doesn't have to
08:48I just want to get ahead of this find somewhere else to live. I don't that's yours
08:55I don't
08:56That's yours
08:58sign there
09:00Once you take a break, I'll get some lunch
09:03Sure, give me something while you're at it. All right. Thank you very much
09:07Thanks. Give you a lift back. Yeah, sweet as I
09:16Understand the legalities, but how involved are you expecting to be about as involved as for the city wars?
09:23It takes two of you to run the place, right?
09:26Yeah, so I mean I was hoping that when you get some time you could sit me down and tell me everything I need to
09:31Would you mind if we did this a little later? We're just about to be in the middle of service
09:35Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, of course. How about you just get me the books and I'll stay out of your way. Oh
09:39Come on, you don't want to get bogged down with all of that
09:42Well, this place meant a lot to Felicity. Therefore. It does mean a lot to me
09:46Okay, seriously, there is nothing to worry about regarding this place
09:50Sorry, I prefer to do this now. Yeah, of course. I'll grab the laptop. Yep
10:01Cash hey, you don't yeah, I'm good. I'm good. I'm just going through some stuff in life. I'll eat it
10:11All yours, right cheers, hey, sorry about the whole me knowing about the baby thing. Oh forget it though. I overreacted Wow
10:20Other hoods turning soft already, you know, he even has the ultrasound pin to the fridge. Oh, wow. Who are you? Hey, I'm still cool
10:27Okay, sure dad
10:30Seriously though we are so happy for you
10:34Have you guys seen Perry?
10:36No, not today. I mean something was going on with him this morning
10:40There's no about the baby. Yeah, I told him yesterday seemed happy for us
10:44I'm sure he is but a baby's gonna mean some changes at home, right?
10:47You think it's that I'm only guessing but when my dad got a whole new family, I wasn't sure where I'd fit in
11:03Hey, all right, there you go. Thank you
11:13Look at that we yarn to cash if you think it would help
11:17He's not listening to me. I
11:19Don't think he's ready to listen to anyone
11:21Well, as long as he knows that we're all here for him when he's ready
11:25Whatever he needs
11:27Thank you
11:29That's part of the problem. He doesn't know what he needs
11:34One minute he's packing to leave town next he's
11:37Talking about running Felicity's business for it. Yeah. Well grief will do that to you. You don't know which ends up I
11:44Know he feels lost without her
11:48Felicity was the only family he has left
11:52He's still got you
11:55Well, we seem to do as buttheads
11:58which is understandable he's
12:01He's going through something terrible. So are you mate? You need to look after yourself, too
12:09When I took on those two kids I
12:11Had no idea what I was doing I
12:15Was flying by the seat of my pants half the time. Yeah, we all did. I mean, there's no manual for bringing kids up
12:25When I think of all the possible ways things could have turned out
12:33Seeing Felicity's coffin
12:37Lowering into the ground
12:41Next to a mom and dad's
12:46What's in cash go through another loss
12:53I'm gonna check on how he's gone
12:57Thanks for the tea and the chat. Yeah, you're very welcome. Thank you. We'll do
13:07See you later, mate
13:15How do you actually pick a supplier
13:19Price quality
13:21Availability, it just depends on the stock. I don't want to bore you with all those. No, no, please. Please. It's not boring
13:27Okay, why don't I check on those coffees for us?
13:33It's cash know anything about running a restaurant well, he certainly knows how to ask a lot of questions you're being incredibly patient
13:41Yeah, well, I can't exactly tell the guy not to care
13:44I'm not even sure he's thinking straight
13:47I'll go you take a break. Are you sure? Yeah
13:55You go
13:58You realize Felicity had this much to deal with yeah
14:02Yeah, I need to do it, right
14:04Well, I mean you don't need to do anything. We can take care of it and
14:08Let my sister down is that what you're saying? No, that's the one I'm saying, you know, I can't do this
14:13Yeah, it's just it's early days and wait and take it easy. I'm the co-owner of the restaurant. You don't tell me what to do
14:18Hey guys, I think that's enough for today. We can revisit all of this tomorrow
14:44Cash what was that? That was nothing didn't look like nothing. Talk to me
14:48If you don't like what you're seeing Gary, maybe you should just hit the road. You think I'd leave you like this
14:53I just don't need you. Go on
14:55Cash, this isn't you. Can't you see you're not yourself
14:59This is the best I can do right now, and I'm sorry if that's a disappointment to you. I'm not disappointed cash
15:04I'm terrified
15:06I've had these conversations before with your dad
15:10After your mum died
15:12He got just like this
15:14And we both know how that ended
15:18So I need to know if you're gonna be okay
15:27I really do feel for cash, but in no way. Did you deserve that guy lost his sister who wouldn't be a mess in his shoes
15:34Maybe he's done himself in the business as a distraction. Really sure scenes came
15:41Really think Perry's freaking out about this baby. I don't know only one way to find out
15:46Hey guys. Hey
15:49Perry told you about Tony's big news. Yeah, it's awesome
15:53Yeah, Tony is telling everyone. He seems pretty stoked to be a dad
15:57But it's gonna take some getting used to I think it's really big change for everyone
16:06Why don't you guys have a look at the menu, and I'll come back and get you out. Thank you
16:11What are you gonna tell him you've been out when I find a place to go to I
16:19Shouldn't have lost my temper with Santa
16:21I'm gonna make it up to him glad to hear it
16:25Doesn't make me any less worried about you
16:27Well if anything I would have thought that committing to salt would prove that I'm looking forward to a future
16:33If you say so
16:34This is just so proud of that restaurant. I just want to look after it for I
16:41Well, I don't know what else to tell you
16:43I'm not gonna end up like my dad, and I am gonna be all right here on my okay
16:48And if I'm not and I'm gonna give you a call I
16:53I'm not going anywhere. We both just gotta move on with our lives going. I'm staying until I'm sure you're okay
17:02Don't really have a choice in the matter then do I no
17:11No, that's my car run like a dream nice hey, thanks for your help I
17:17Appreciate everything you've been doing no worries
17:20I'm gonna hit the shower. Hey can we check first?
17:24Yeah, what's up?
17:25No, I want you to be straight with me, okay
17:28Are you feeling weird about the baby
17:32Yeah kind of but it's cool. I'm really looking for somewhere to live
17:36All right, what look this was never meant to be a permanent thing so oh
17:40You live here. Okay. The baby doesn't change it nothing does it's all right
17:45You've already done so much for me more than anyone has hey we made a deal right. This is your home now
17:53Hear me
17:54You sure yes, I'm sure
18:00Listen how about after I finish this we go do something fun. Oh
18:04Yeah, like what take the car for a spin. Maybe your feet in Yabby Creek. Can I drive?
18:21Well it was a good day today, mate you really stepped up
18:24Thanks for letting me check in on Perry. Is he all right? I don't know if I helped him, but at least he's talking
18:30You know
18:32It's good. He feels comfortable with you. Yeah, don't worry about yesterday. It's all behind us
18:38All right, well I better head off if I'm gonna collect those parts
18:40I don't let us know if you have any trouble. We'll do see you later
18:49Justin Morgan speaking
18:53Just sorry who is this
18:57An accident
19:10Think I should be back tomorrow. Oh, I can bet money that it will be
19:16How are you going I
19:19Don't know feels like this is all just moving really fast
19:24Well, I've got things under control here if you want to take off no come on
19:29You weren't even meant to be posted on today. That's fine. Dan's at the hospital. Yeah
19:34What I do without you
19:37Don't take off before I change my mind
19:40Okay, I'll put this away, and then I'm gone, okay
19:57Okay, sorry the start of a beautiful partnership
20:20For holding the fort well, I don't mind it's gonna get these books done for Justin
20:25How you take as long as you need everything is under control
20:29What's wrong?
20:31One of my customers has had a car accident. She's broken her arm. Oh, that's all I guess
20:36It's terrible. I mean, thank goodness. It wasn't more serious. No, no, no, no, it gets worse
20:41The brakes failed on a car that Theo serviced
20:46The accidents his fault
20:54Just need to find her she could be anywhere right now. Can I stay here again tonight?
20:59Don't you have a home to go to I'm thinking I could do another hit soon, and I promise I will pay you back
21:03Don't worry. We'll figure something out
21:05You're the best I
21:08Don't have any cash on me right now. There's more than one way to clear a debt
21:16Abby where have you been trying to contact me? I shut up and listen. I'm in trouble. I need you to come get me