Made in Bondi S01E06 (2024)

  • 2 days ago
Made in Bondi S01E06 (2024)


00:02Said it's definitely got all that with me man. I guess we just see what happens
00:08Molly is Tristan's type to a team
00:12You're like a great combination of weird
00:15Last night they kissed
00:18Should we just focus on us? I think that's a good idea. Okay
00:23We have spent the night together you
00:26I'm not gonna get in the way of me getting Bella back. I'm definitely falling in love with Charlie
00:32I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship at this age. It's just like
00:37Heartbreaking shit is feeling it off
00:43I'm in a little bit of a pickle. How is the sex?
00:48I work very quickly Emma. It's kind of sexy. Is that where you got the dad haircut?
00:54Let me look at my bottom. You're a little cheating scumbag. Oh
00:59It'd be really great if you can show just like a slither of compassion that's cruel you're not really welcome here anymore
01:32More to shoulder height and then back down by your hips good keep those shoulder blades down and back
01:38booty is squeeze and
01:41My arms are so sore
01:45Try I cannot tell you how much I needed this this is so good. I'm melting
01:55It's official you're the whole package Bondi, babe
01:59Gorgeous can surf I was impressed with your skills. The River Thames is famous for its surfing
02:06But I think I might stay
02:09Don't mind if I do don't mind if I do I'm a professional surfer. Yeah, perfect. I'll sit out the back and talk to you
02:17You actually make me feel flustered and it's concerning like it's not a normal thing for me
02:22Well, I'm flattered
02:25Honestly, like you very much are my type. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, it's fun. I didn't expect to
02:31Get along with you as well kind of worked out in the right way. I think the wrong part about it is I
02:38Know Hardy has spoken to you about it. Yeah, I think obviously the fact that
02:42Isabel and I did sleep together. I hope it doesn't change things between you and I it doesn't I mean to be honest
02:50I assumed that you guys would have slept together. I'm not rattled by that
02:53I think the main thing for me is that you're like being honest with me now about it
02:57That's all that matters to me. I'm glad it's not put us off on the wrong foot. Yeah, because you're a very
03:04Bright fun beautiful person. So you I
03:07Think that's you that makes me that by the way, really? I'm actually really quite grumpy
03:12I'll a sexy cowboy. Oh, you're right. Yeah
03:17Do I get a double kiss too? No, you don't you get the kiss on the lips?
03:20Oh, no, I'm not in front of Molly. How's surfing unreal surfing babe full surfing, babe
03:27so Lawson and I had a bit of a chat he kind of
03:32Said to Bella that I was a fuck boy
03:35That is the pot calling the kettle black. I
03:38Actually got a message from him saying that he wants to have a conversation. Oh
03:42Yeah, awesome, yep, I don't know what it could be about but I'm gonna go I'll see you later
03:50I'll see you later. See you
03:53Mmm, I'll get a room guys. Oh my god guys genuinely go. I would love nothing more than scary
04:03You are so smitten it's a joke look at you when you're like this it means you really like someone yeah, she is class
04:10Yeah, she's great
04:11I'm not playing it cool there whatsoever. By the way, I need to just rain it in a little bit
04:14I think no she likes it bro. Yeah, but I feel like I'm just a little cheesy, baby. You are cheese ball
04:21You can't talk
04:35Massages and champagne how
04:37Good well, cheers. Thank you for organizing this. Love you. Love you. I must have telepathically. Oh
04:44new yeah, my
04:46My juju vibes were off. I'm so confused by this
04:50The last time I saw you and Charlie you were doing so well
04:54Yeah, I feel
04:56Really heartbroken. I'm so sorry. I
05:00want him to be
05:02Brave and he's not he's running. That's all he's known, you know
05:06Yeah, being a little nomad and and and not having anyone to answer to
05:11You definitely need more clarity on it. It's sad because we could have been like really wonderful together
05:20Hmm he's a fucking idiot
05:32How are we good, how are you feeling I'm bit dusty I'll be honest the Billy teenies the Billy
05:39Coladas you were happy with how everything went. I'm so happy with it. I was like
05:43On cloud nine because I saw you around a bit but every time I tried to catch this guy
05:49He was a bit preoccupied. He was a little bit preoccupied
05:53Give him a bit Jacob before I have it. Yeah, you like him. I'm thinking of taking him out tonight tonight
06:02I'm just really keen to have a one-on-one date with him away from all the crazy and just a bit more of an intimate setting
06:08maybe share a kiss I
06:12Potentially, I'm excited. Yeah, it's gonna be a fun day
06:20Hey, hello lads. Hello
06:23Do join us. Hey, good to see you. Oh, that was a good one. I'm teaching Billy how to do the bros
06:28What are you doing? What are you doing around here? Go for a little wonder clear my head. How are you a pippa?
06:33It's been a bit of a tense couple days. I'm quite a bit scared
06:38Do you feel like you're just not ready yet?
06:41Yeah, I just don't in general terms. I've always said I'm not ready for a relationship
06:45Do you think you would want to go with someone else? No, I don't think so. You haven't been in a long-term relationship
06:52so it seems like maybe
06:54You're catastrophizing thinking what this long-term relationship is gonna be like, yeah, I'm
07:00It's hard. I'm just in my head a lot about it. I'm scared of making a mistake when it really matters
07:09listen me I feel like
07:11Maybe I'm not the best person to talk to about being a relationship because I haven't been one in a long time myself
07:15But don't ever stop something and then regret it after
07:34Hello Molly
07:37Sorry for texting you out of the blue and
07:41obviously very sorry for
07:43How and what I've done to you and and the actions I've taken
07:47Being in the position. We both are in kind of the bubble and and what's going on with
07:55Charlie and Pippa, I thought it would be nice to
07:59To have a word with you and I just don't want anything to be bad between us. Yeah, I
08:07Forgive you for you know everything that happened with us
08:11Thank you very much for saying that that means
08:15More than you know, cuz I still really want you in my life
08:20How are things going with you and Bella
08:26Karma is real and this is a bitch. Yeah, what do you want? I
08:35Want her back in my life, yeah
08:38We have the possibility of sharing a future. We have these feelings for one another but her decision was some
08:44egotistical arrogant wank
08:47For the first time in my life. I
08:50Don't trust her
08:52Yeah, well then I think that's kind of your answer
08:56She's showing you now what she wants. Like she is seeing someone else you can leave this in the past. I
09:03Feel like it's kind of like trying to flog a dead horse. You know what I mean?
09:19Want a workout, oh my god, well done for getting through it
09:24That was hectic. I'm actually really glad that we did that guys. You finally get the chance to meet me
09:30It's so nice to finally meet you. How do you guys actually know each other?
09:34I dated a guy that went to school
09:40Then I was overseas for a few years, where did you live overseas?
09:43I was living in Barcelona from 14 to 18. I can imagine it would have been super different growing up in Barcelona
09:49Yeah, yeah, then I went through a breakup in Spain and came back
09:54Still single
09:55Yeah, B wants to date. No, I do want to date. Yeah, I'm totally open to it
10:00Have you met Holly and lucky a lucky very briefly like a high-buy situation
10:05Bella tell us about my
10:07It's good. Like it's fun. Like I think he's a really nice guy. He's obviously very sexy boy. How is the sex tell us?
10:21You interesting also slept together all you do
10:26Where was the time for him to develop this thing for Molly if he was with you when we're at the races you guys look
10:31Like you're really into each other
10:33We were
10:34We end up going on a date
10:36After that, I can understand how he would have gotten the impression that I wasn't keen because he said your energy is very confusing
10:44So I just massively went into my shell and I told him that I couldn't see in that day
10:48But the day that you guys were on the island, we were supposed to hang out in the tiniest bit in his defense
10:54I'm pretty sure that miles plan that whole thing
10:56Like I didn't know that Molly was gonna be there
10:59You obviously now knew about Molly and the fact that they've been hooking up. Yeah, I'm like mad at her
11:07I feel really off her. I'm mad at her now too for you
11:10So I don't want to be friends with someone that would do that to me whether she knew the time on it or not
11:14Doesn't matter she owed you a conversation before she did anything. It's breaking girl code
11:19I feel like it's really slimy behavior from her
11:36Want you to say
11:42You too. Oh
11:43Look cocktail on arrival. Yeah, I thought two mugs perfect my favorite drink
12:03Really an hospitality is Australian as a whole is pretty great. Yeah last night was a was a wild one
12:10It was fun. I know how great of my friend. Your friends are great. My friends are great one in particular was really lovely
12:16You kissed on the dance floor. Yeah times
12:19And then you kissed her on the street a few times and then you kiss her in the elevator
12:26We kissed it up
12:27Yeah, I'm not gonna I'm in a little bit of a pickle
12:29I wasn't planning to get with anyone but fellow right now and I met your friend and we just got along so well
12:37And I was like, oh my god, this is really cool
12:39It's a really cool girl and at the end of day like I am single bear and I not together
12:43We're not exclusive like we are we've been on a few dates and you know, we've been hooking up
12:46Do you feel like this is a conversation you're gonna have with Bella?
12:49Look, Bella's organized these amazing drinks with everyone and tonight's not the night
12:55tonight tonight's on the night, but
12:57The you know, the respectful thing to do is to tell her. Hey, good luck, man
13:02How about you guys have you talked to us better? No, no, it's been frosty for sure
13:07I mean, I can't imagine it's great seeing what a night together here
13:11I am sad that I have upset her but I'm very happy about the way things of what he's out in the end
13:24Get a kiss
13:33You've really put out all the stops in this revenge dress if I was Tristan I'd be hating my life. Thank you my love
13:41How are you?
13:42feeling about that
13:45Like honestly pretty shit
13:47you think that
13:49Mature adults would know better than to be like coming down here and flaunting. It just feels super disrespectful
13:54I think it's pretty gross to be honest as for Molly. I
13:59Have never been so PDA with someone like when there's someone whose feelings you're totally aware that you have hurt
14:05Standing a meter away from you at the bar. There's like zero remorse
14:09I honestly could not be more excited for Tristan and miles to leave at this point
14:12Hmm, I think Australia is sinking under the weight of that
14:17He goes did you see this whole Instagram thing how they all like went to watch the sport game and whatever and it was like Molly
14:23Tristan miles and a friend of Molly's and then this morning I see her
14:29Story, it's like Molly and this girl like she's in his jumper
14:33I don't deeply care, but it's just about basic fucking respect you
14:38I actually completely agree and also the fact that we're like here tonight
14:42Not a word and the worst part is that I feel like stuff with Lawson
14:49Someone who I deeply love and care about is now jeopardized for what I've barely spoken to him since
14:56miles has got here I
14:59Think you need to go and be honest with Lawson about how you're feeling
15:02Is it bad if I just leave my own drinks? No way like you've got to do what's right for you
15:14Look so beautiful tonight look lovely. I'd love a bit obsessed with it
15:20I'm not sure about it when I first got it, but I've come around to it. I think a lot his body
15:23Oh my god, well after yesterday you hope so yeah. Oh my god girls. I hope say hi
15:29Good to see you
15:30How are you nice to properly meet you look gorgeous. Thank you so much. I love this dress. Hey
15:38Is it be by the way after the bananas in pajamas be one B? Yes, it is yeah my parents
15:43Yeah, they were looking at their options, and they went with that yeah
15:47You'll come to find like 95% of things that come out of my mouth is sarcasm perfect
15:51If you say that until you don't know if I'm serious or not, and you're looking at me like trust me
15:57What's your situation right now?
15:59Very single okay, and lucky. What's yeah? What's your story? I just want someone I can vibe off. I'm a
16:06Big goofball
16:08So I need someone just to take the piss out of me cuz I'm probably doing the same to them
16:12Yeah, if I can't laugh with them like I just I just talk too much crap to not be able to laugh with someone
16:17Yeah, you need it
16:19Well, I will leave you girls to it. I wanted to make sure I got to say hi. I'm glad you did catch you later
16:26He is such that's such a great guy like he's really lovely
16:30Yeah, he's very cute
16:32Imagine like a year, and you guys are like married
17:07What are you doing here?
17:09I'm sorry for all the things. I I said and did over the past couple days to hurt you
17:15I need to stop leaving you in the dark. I just don't think I can be in a relationship right now
17:24If you had just said this piece is really freaking me out is going really quickly
17:30Do you mind if we can just slow it down a little bit?
17:33the only reason I kept on going at the pace that we were going is because you gave me all of the signs and told
17:39Me all of the things and did all the actions that made me believe that you wanted that I
17:46Just feel so
17:49Disappointed I
17:52Don't have any excuse to do to say what I've done. I don't fucking know. I'm just lost
17:58Well fucking go back to Neverland with Lawson and hang out with Peter Pan
18:01It's not actually acceptable you're inexperienced is not an excuse to treat someone this poorly I
18:09Opened up my heart to you, and I trusted you to treat my heart with kindness and to be gentle with it
18:18You haven't
18:22You have made me question my work
18:25You have made me question my value and you have made me feel like I need to convince someone to love me
18:33Yeah, I know and that's
18:36Cruel it is disrespectful. I do agree. I'm just falling in love with you
18:48And on that note I think you can probably go
18:54It's time to fall I can see the wind
19:00Even in the quiet light the pictures always focus
19:23You have so many tattoos
19:25My brother did these okay? What he actually did though. He doesn't yeah, it's a total artist
19:30Cry baby look at these words there some of them are some of them are just like something mean absolutely nothing
19:35That's just because I'm a sork that was cute. Yeah, I thought do you have any tattoos? I'm not as covered as you yeah
19:41I've got a butterfly good. I've got a butterfly up here. What's your um?
19:47Sorry, big love language if I'm dating someone words of affirmation for sure so you need to be told you're hot
19:56Doesn't hurt
19:58What about you, I think mines gift up as you like to give gifts
20:02I actually got one of my best friends for his birthday a few years ago tickets to America
20:08I told you I'm a gift giver. Thank you. Yeah, stick around. Yeah
20:13Amazing. Yeah. Oh, I'm gonna try like yeah, maybe date for
20:18So I know you
20:20first move kind of guy
20:23Good question
20:26Historically speaking probably not I think because I can get a little bit in my own head and overthink a little bit
20:32Then I'll be like oh my god. Do they want to do they not want to what about you?
20:37If you let me make the first move
21:12Been doing a lot of thinking
21:15Before you get into it. I kind of want to say that I spoke to miles recently and she let me know that
21:24You two have slept with each other
21:29Yes, we did sleep together, I'm sorry that it came from him
21:38Is going on it is it a thing thing? No, not at all. I think it was a stupid decision
21:44I've heard some stuff that he's been with Molly's friend
21:52Am sorry is the apology for all this because
21:57Miles did turn out to be a dickbag
22:00you know, I did kind of fall into a bit of a trap and I feel like an idiot for doing that and
22:04Majority of the time that I've spent with him has made me just
22:10Miss you. I
22:12Think that I've been saying to you this whole time that you don't want to be with me. Well, that's fine
22:17But that's not true. I
22:20Just don't trust how you feel right now
22:23You're willing to sacrifice four years for a two-week fling and you have really hurt me
22:29Yeah, of course. I see that and I I'm sorry for hurting you. I
22:36Thought that I needed you in my life
22:40Now I'm just not sure
23:04Have had the most amazing time with you
23:06Very unexpected and this just came out of nowhere, but I'm so glad it did happen. Yeah, it really has been the most
23:14Isabella's coming. Hey guys
23:17You're right. Yeah
23:20This I just wanna say again, I'm I'm really sorry about all of this
23:24I'm not here to stand in the way of you guys
23:27I just would really appreciate it if like going forward you could keep it out of my face
23:31I feel like that's like pretty common decency. This was not a situation
23:36I was expecting to happen at all. Like it really wasn't I do want to show you that there was
23:41No crossover whatsoever
23:43Yeah, I know I believe you I believe you but like you have at me
23:48From my perspective. I'm really really sorry truly
23:54Do you not believe that
23:56Do you think I deliberately did this to hurt you? No, I just that's not it at all
24:01I think the way that you've handled this is so dog
24:05Like you could have contacted me, you know, I'm really sorry that you're upset, but I don't think that like
24:12You know, we're not best mates. Yeah, you're right. We're not best friends, but this is pretty common sense
24:18It'd be really great if you could show just like a slither of compassion. I don't understand why you're coming at me
24:23Girl, how can you not understand that?
24:26I don't this to be something between you and Molly. I thought this is definitely on me
24:30I'm the cause of this problem and I really don't want you guys to
24:35Not be able to come back from this. Yeah, I don't think there's any coming back from this
24:42I wasn't expecting
25:02This store is so gorgeous. So she my favorite thing besides for jewelry is a literally sunglasses
25:12I'm feeling
25:17So birthday's coming up me is that where you got that the dad haircut
25:25Not fun, this is a whippersnapper, you know this happened to me and this was not
25:31Seen in my life. I look forward to your birthday though. Have you thought of a senior? We're going cowboys
25:37Did you pick it because you were planning on getting this haircut so you could wear a hat to cover it?
25:41This is a stitcher, but you need to leave me alone for this
25:46The stupidity just never stops does it I'm speaking of which you'll love this so
25:52Last night weird drinks and I met B. Oh, you did. Yeah, how'd it go? It was good
25:59She'd sound girl good-looking girl. Mm-hmm. Definitely my type. So yeah, I was buzzing me. Did she take all the boxes?
26:06Yeah, mate. She's got good crack good chat. I think that's the most important thing for me
26:11With my birthday coming up. He's invited if you'd like to bring her you can put her in a little cowboy or cowgirl outfit
26:17Whatever you guys want to do you guys can tango. Tell you what third time's a charm, right?
26:21Fourth time's a charm fifth time's a charm. I don't even know what we're up to anymore. Well, hopefully this one works out
26:36I got why?
26:39I'm doing tonal cowboy. Look see I don't think my will fit my head but like
26:45Big melon head you've got Thanks Billy
26:49Still can't believe Holly chose
26:52Cowboy, it's such a Harley theme to choose just a little bit random. Yeah, Harley. How are you guys going with?
26:59Costumes feel like this is the least appropriate store. Don't you love a cowboy in a suit?
27:03Yeah, I mean I've never seen a cowboy in a suit before no do cowboys wear Celine cowboys do Wesleyan Billy great
27:12What have you guys been up to I haven't seen you in so long
27:15Billy actually has done something right for once. He set me up on a date with one of his friends
27:21Yeah, I work very quickly. Emma. His name's Jacob. We went to this really like intimate bar
27:28Few drinks yesterday. It was just nice to like get to know him. That's so cute. Did you kiss?
27:34You know me. I don't like to kiss and tell we're the ones they have put in sweat
27:41There was passion it was a very like intimate kiss that's a very good sign
27:47I'm excited for you. So excited for you Billy. Well done. Yeah, we'll see where we can go a wedding by fall
28:01Do you feel like a bit of an Aussie man now
28:03I've got a pair of Birkenstocks and I own a pair of budgies my glissando essentially
28:07He does have a budgie tan line though, as you know, I look like naked young lady
28:11Did we look at my bottom?
28:14The other night he was like I'm gonna put on music and he proceeds to get up like a Disney Disney sound
28:20Actually, what happened is we dance around my living room
28:23To semi-naked running to Moana the Lion King
28:29You're very comfortable around each other which is nice. Yeah. Yes. I'm delighted about how this works. I was 100% the best thing
28:36Yeah, I'm shocked. It's been a bit of a we get along. It's a shame
28:39There was a bit of a bit of twist in there at some point. I know
28:42So Tristan and I kind of got a bit cornered by Isabella at Bella's drinks and
28:48It turns out she has a big issue with me because I apparently have broken girl code
28:53I think she was wanted a message for me to say that like I was now seeing Tristan. She's angry. Yeah, really
29:00She was like, yeah being nice to me and they're just going to Molly
29:02It's not very girl code to like attack the girl
29:05Your issue is with Tristan if you have an issue with the timeline, it's your problems to her
29:10I really want to just put this bed with Isabella before I leave, you know
29:14I have known her for a while now, and it's it's not an ideal situation
29:17So hopefully her and I can have a conversation better for you better for her better for me
29:32Hey, hi can see you coming in the reflection
29:37How are you good, how are you I'm good
29:41Anything you want to tell me
29:45What I'm assuming, you know that I kissed a girl the other night and I apologize for that
29:49I was under the impression that you know
29:52We were having a good time and I would have thought that you would have wanted to make it your priority to tell me first
29:59I'm really sorry the fact that I didn't tell you the day after I had every intention in
30:06Having this conversation with you and I didn't want to be disrespectful towards you at all
30:10Genuinely, I've had a great time with you. So it was never in my intention to
30:15Upset you so I am sorry for that. I've had a good time with you. It's been fun
30:20It's just a shame that it's kind of all wrapped up this way. I didn't want this to
30:27End the way this is like I don't want to have animosity with you. There's no animosity
30:31No, I know but I can understand that. I'm not in your best books
30:37Still think you're a great girl like
30:39We're gonna be okay. Are we gonna be friendly towards each other? Yeah friends
30:45I did enjoy spending time with you and
30:49Like it does suck that it's you know, not ending
30:52all butterflies and rainbows
30:55Hey, who knows maybe now you know, some can come I think
31:01He's definitely happy about this
31:14How are we my man we've had a bit of a long couple days, ah
31:21Mate how sorrows will not drown themselves. You can always talk to me. You're damn right my boy
31:29Actually had a conversation with Bella last night
31:32I texted her to meet up to address a few things that I now know that Bella and miles slept together
31:39when it's with someone you're
31:43Thought you were gonna marry it's
31:45It's harder to forget shit like this. Yeah, it's hard to kind of
31:50Come back. She was very apologetic and regretful
31:55For how she handled the situation. I'm sure
31:58He was seeing girls behind her back. I just disrespectful shit. I'm sure this is a punch the gut at the moment
32:05Yeah, but um, how are things with you and Pippa?
32:09Yeah, they've been better last night. I went round to Pippa's work
32:15It was a hard chat to have I've never done in my life, but it was needed
32:20Is it over?
32:22Yeah, it's
32:24Basically now in the coffin. Was there any relief walking out of there?
32:28It was the opposite like oh, I've just done that to someone who I actually cared about
32:33I get where you're coming from, but I'm impressed by the way you've handled this. I
32:38Just need to give her a space let her do a thing if she wants to speak to me
32:41She can but I'm not gonna pressure into to do anything. That's the mature approach
32:47Whatever she needs you you give her right now exactly
32:50Yeah, but um, I feel like I've really hurt this girl and there's that's the one thing that's playing on my mind
32:58Can you tell that we like physical touch yeah the love languages quiz it works out
33:11Need you slow
33:13You look so beautiful. You look like a beautiful pixie. I think this is a girls chat. I'm gonna leave you guys to it
33:27Thanks for catching up with me always I know it's a little lost me
33:32I just need to see my girls because it's
33:37It's all done
33:44Thank you, I
33:46Just kind of feel a bit done dirty in all honesty. Oh my god
33:49That is like the understatement of the century. He has fucked you around big time
33:55Like why pursue me why go after me? Why tell me like he told me that he was falling first
34:00He told me that he wanted to be with me that he saw a future with me that he wanted to be together
34:05Why say all these things it just feels like such a lie because it's like what was real and what and now I just feel
34:11Like a pawn in some game. He was trying to play and I don't I don't get it
34:17Obviously, it's heartbreaking but like good fucking riddance
35:08Love this topic
35:11Honestly, I kind of just picked it out from my cupboard I love it. It's like your take on Western
35:16I feel like with a couple good-looking cowboys and cowgirls. That's for sure
35:21So, how did the day go with Jacob? It went really well. He's just such a vibe
35:26He's Billy around saying I told you so all the time
35:29Literally just running around the party like just like have you seen the two though? Yeah. Yeah, it's so funny
35:35What's going on in your love life? So be yeah is here. She's definitely my type. That's her. No
35:42Oh, yeah, just do it. I have to call
35:46Right here right now
35:52I'm Emma nice to meet you properly. Hey, how are you? Good good to see you
35:59Let me treat you for me
36:00We've seen you kind of around but we never actually have crossed paths before
36:04I feel like one day is those are so like that and I just can tell we're best friends already, by the way
36:11It was so lovely to meet you gorgeous. I'm so happy we met properly
36:16We're gonna go get another drink because that is needed. Thank you. I'll see you soon. Bye
36:21Catch you guys later
36:24I'm yes. Hi
36:26Did you see me throw on lashes at you earlier? I didn't see that. No, I
36:31Maybe that was in my head. I think that wasn't your head. I don't think I would have noticed that
36:34Yeah, meeting you was really nice. And I said you look gorgeous. You look gorgeous again today and very sweet
36:40I appreciate that. I would love to take you on a date
36:43I'd love to do that. Yes
36:46Will your cowboy happy making an appearance though? No, no, this thing is Harley's and it is too small for my
37:03Think tassels is your thing. I know I just thought makes me want to shimmy
37:09Throwing champagne around how you feeling just since leaving tomorrow. I
37:14Know oh, no, it's sad. I'll see him soon. You'll follow him
37:24It's been too long you've tried off I have yet I
37:28Am really sorry that I handled things the way I did last week
37:32Obviously throwing a drink on you is not the best way to deal with things
37:36Just what you did made me really really angry and I feel super protective of people. I accept your apology
37:42No, I know where you're coming from. I know I come about it a bit of a bad way most of the time
37:48But it's my first rodeo. I'm trying to figure it all out. Mm-hmm. How is Pippa feeling at the moment?
37:53Not good
37:55You broke up for sure
37:59I think it's gonna take her a while to like build her trust back up
38:03Which is such a shame because that has been like shattered in the past. I've never ever tried to be a dickhead
38:09I read a lot of the things I said and did to her
38:12But I think I did make the right decision to end it now because I just don't think I am in a position to be
38:19in a relationship I
38:21appreciate you coming in and kind of
38:24Admitting that you fucked up. I
38:27Also think like if you do
38:29Move on just don't don't rub it in her face. I would never
38:42Well cowboy it's been a ride it's been a hell of a ride Sydney, thank you
38:51Happy birthday, brother. Hey, how are you looking fabulous? Cheers. Oh, yeah
38:59The vest is you you're ripped. You look good. It's what I thought I'd get the arms in I
39:05Was hoping to speak to Isabella. She here today. She's not coming in really honestly
39:10She's just upset with the situation between you and Molly
39:13The last thing I want to do was to hurt her. You know, I came out here
39:17She was one of the closest people to me here
39:18One of the reasons I did come here and it's and it's gutting that I haven't had the opportunity to say goodbye and say I'm
39:22Sorry again. How do you say things moving forward with Molly now? Like once you leave she's coming to London soon
39:29Okay, and I'm really excited to spend time with her. Yeah, I have not felt this way about going a long time
39:33I can see myself really really liking her really quite soon
39:37Really liking her really quite soon and it is something that I do want to pursue even when I'm back in London
39:42Hey, if you love somebody loves money if you want to chase you want to chase it totally get it
39:45Yeah, she makes me feel like I can be myself and I felt that was Isabella
39:49But don't leave this place in a mess
39:51Yeah, like I hope that is a better than Molly at some point can see eye to eye and know that Molly hasn't been malicious
39:56And this I think it was the comments like we're not friends
39:59It's like the like that slap in the face or the salt in the wound like
40:04She did call Molly a dog though. Oh, right
40:07She went Molly. You're a dog. I
40:10Don't actually know that happen. I just I don't get angry at you
40:13I don't get angry at her but like we're now standing here in the middle being like we don't know
40:18Ground out. No one needs to be in the middle. Like, you know, I hate to say I'm leaving tomorrow
40:22You and I gonna keep talking. I'm gonna speak to Lockheed
40:23I'm not gonna be here that will make it a lot easier for Isabella be her friends like look after it
40:28I just don't want there to be a rift between everyone because if my actions and
40:33And when you see her, please that aren't I am so fucking sorry like I really hate myself for hurting her
40:53Shakespeare, how are we?
40:54Been a little down in the dumps recently tends to happen when the woman you care about most in the world is
41:00Sleeping with a worm. What do you want? I
41:04Heard you've been
41:05Canoodling with others. It was actually Molly's friend the woman you were saying. Yes, I
41:11Yes kissed a girl and I told Bella like I got on with someone and yeah
41:15We kissed before this way just to embarrass and hurt such a lovely person. Well, I didn't
41:21We had a very very casual
41:24Thing I think you're just very happy to see maybe that it's ended and
41:31then hopefully you two can now pursue each other and
41:35Do whatever your complicated situation is?
41:38Nothing about this fills me with joy miles. Nothing at all. It's uh
41:43People have gotten hurt because you're insincere. You're not truthful and you have a large ego
41:49At the end of day I am single. I don't cheat like you
41:53I've never cheated. I never will
41:55Remember that you were in a relationship and cheated. I was
41:59Barely dating you're fooling around with Molly's friends at 28. Don't call me a hypocrite for cheating when I was 19
42:05It's just immature. You're a little cheating scumbag
42:08I'm just embarrassed for you because if you haven't figured it out by now, you never will so I pity you miles
42:13I really do just I do not need lessons from a 20 year old boy who cheats on his girlfriend
42:19You always do because I haven't grown on
42:21Yeah, I'm not mine go and get your girl back because you clearly are still in love with her, which is great
42:26I like I think it's a beautiful thing that you're still in love go for it. Oh, I plan on it
42:32You know what miles fly because you're not really welcome here anymore
42:37Good luck or a wild termite
43:15One more night together
43:19We're gonna cuddle in bed eat Tim Tams and listen to music really
43:23That sounds fucking perfect. I have not stopped laughing or smiling for the last few weeks and it's just a really really lovely feeling
43:31It's gonna be heartbreaking to leave you. I have to say like you are just
43:34You'd be beautiful inside and out
43:36You really are a special person and there's not many people like you and I certainly haven't come across many people like you in
43:40my life
43:41I'm gonna miss you. Yes. I'm gonna miss you so much. I
43:48Think I'm falling for you
43:50think I'm playing for yourself and
43:53Yeah, I don't want this to stop when you go home likewise
43:57We'll make it work
43:59Yeah. Yeah, I think that you'll be
44:03Careful with my feelings. I'll be careful with yours
44:07Because I care about you
44:10Hurry up and down that damn flight to London
44:41Are you doing this? How are you? I'm doing just fine. I could see the commotion
44:47Thanks for having my back with miles. I really appreciate that
44:53It's kind of sexy
44:56You know a few things I need to get off my chest and another thing is I
45:01apologize for the
45:03Way we last ran into each other and I didn't mean to upset you. I never do a part of me gets it some
45:11handsome worm flies across the bay
45:14Takes you on a bunch of dates when you're when your ex can't commit to something and have a bit of fun. I
45:21Am sorry, what a silly silly thing to do you and I have both
45:29Made some mistakes in our time, but it kind of just leaves the question of
45:36What we do now. I
45:40Want you around
45:43More than ever and want to build something with you
45:46I want to be somewhere moving forward with you not through this past bullshit, and I want you in front of me
45:54every hour of every day
45:56Okay, well, that's all I need to know because I obviously
46:00Obviously want and need you in my life as well
46:04And I want to be able to work towards something
46:08And who knows one day we'll have a bunch of pretty babies if you're the mother
46:15Hi, we just get giggly on so we do I know
46:19Me too
46:36Charlie did tell us that he has slept with someone I
46:40Never meant to rub salt in the wound you have broken my heart again
46:45Okay, just let you got a good energy
46:48He's the sweetest guy, I don't know we'll see what happens
46:52She's lost Wally, I don't like a one bit
46:55I think this is super immature and I don't really want to hear anything else you have to say
47:00Well, you know, I'm never gonna see either. I I would appreciate it if you could
47:04Stand up for us the with Sundays is gonna be fun. You're going on a trip with all the girls that
47:11Openly have an issue with me. I always have your back fella. Do whatever the fuck you want