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  • 2 weeks ago
00:00I'm looking to get married, so I've done a fit course in marriage
00:06and my ustad, he was saying to the brothers, men don't want to marry queer minded women
00:14and to me it seems a bit like you're demotivating those women
00:19because how do you know what the intention of those women are
00:23for example, I want to be a psychologist
00:26because I know that anxiety and depression is very common in the Muslim community
00:32and only Allah knows my intention
00:36now, having brothers say that basically, oh no, you working is not good for my religion
00:43and not good for my children, what's wrong with that? I don't get it
00:46what's wrong with queer minded women?
00:49Masya Allah, jazakumullah khair
00:51my sister, I think the scholar who might have said that
00:55is probably speaking about himself
00:58because I know of many brothers who are sitting right here, right now
01:02whose wives are well within their careers
01:05and probably even supporting them
01:07and they share the burden and the load and so on
01:10so I don't think we can say blanket that you know brothers do not like women with a career
01:16but maybe we can say there are brothers who may not like
01:19it's their liking, their preference
01:21and there are brothers who don't mind for example
01:23and I think as the years are passing, more and more people are beginning to understand
01:28that if your spouse and yourself, if you have to work within a good environment
01:32that is acceptable to both of you
01:34it might even help in other ways
01:37sometimes there is a lot of boredom that occurs
01:40if a woman is just to sit doing nothing
01:42it could help in that way
01:44and another thing is you could assist also with the burden of the livelihood and the living
01:49because it's not cheap anymore
01:51obviously if the career, like sometimes you have a job, male or female
01:55if your spouse is not comfortable with the job you have
01:58I think the two of you can discuss it
02:00and maybe you want to make adjustments in order to give preference to your marriage
02:04over the exact place where you might be working
02:06because sometimes it does happen
02:08even with the brothers
02:09the wife is not comfortable because of what goes on at your workplace or something
02:13you need to talk about it, discuss it
02:15and maybe make realistic changes if needed
02:19so I don't think it's right for someone to just issue a statement on behalf of all the males
02:24to say that they prefer this and they prefer that
02:27because men prefer all different things
02:31what I prefer, someone else might not
02:33and what someone else prefers, I might not
02:35and that's what makes the world a lovely place
02:38because Allah has made us all different
02:40and we will fit in somewhere by the will of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
