Surah Taha سورة طه | This VOICE Will TOUCH Your HEART إن شاء

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Surah Taha سورة طه | This VOICE Will TOUCH Your HEART إن شاء الله | Zikrullah TV

Listen to the beautiful recitation of Surah Taha that will touch your heart, insha'Allah.
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:14Ta Ha
00:16We have not revealed to you the Qur'an that you may be upset
00:26Except as a reminder for those who fear
00:32A revelation from the One who created the earth and the high heavens
00:43The Beneficent, and on the Throne He settled
00:48To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth and whatever is between them and whatever is beneath the earth
00:59And if you speak openly, then indeed He knows the secret and the hidden
01:09Allah, there is no deity except Him
01:16To Him belong the best names
01:22And has the story of Moses come to you
01:27When he saw a fire and said to his people,
01:32Stand firm against them. Indeed, I have sensed a fire. Perhaps I will bring you from it fire, or I will find on the fire guidance
01:57So when he came to it, he was called, O Moses,
02:06Indeed, I am your Lord, so We have chosen you. Indeed, you are in the holy valley of Tuwa
02:20And I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed
02:26Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance
02:44Indeed, the Hour is coming. I am about to conceal it, so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has sought
02:56So let not those who do not believe in it turn you away from it, and follow their desire, and you will be rejected
03:07And what is that in your right, O Moses
03:13He said, It is a stick
03:17I lean on it and swing it on my sheep, and there are other paths in it
03:28He said, Throw it, O Moses
03:32So he threw it, and at once it was alive, running
03:39He said, Take it and do not fear, We will return it to its former state
03:48And bend your hand to your shoulders, it will come out white without harm, another sign
04:08That We may show you of Our great signs
04:13Go to Pharaoh, indeed he has transgressed
04:19He said, My Lord, open for me my breast, and make easy for me my affair
04:29And untie the knot from my tongue, that they may understand my speech
04:38And appoint for me a minister from among my family, Harun, my brother, strengthen him with me
04:51And associate with him in my affair, that we may glorify you much
05:00And remember you much
05:04Indeed, you have been seeing of Us
05:11He said, You have been given your question, O Moses
05:17And indeed, we have blamed you again
05:24When We revealed to your mother what was revealed
05:34That He should cast it into the coffin and cast it into the sea, so that the sea should cast it into the shore, so that an enemy should seize it for me and an enemy for him
05:57And I cast upon you a love of me, and that it should be made upon my eyes
06:10When your sister was walking, and she said, Shall I guide you to whom to trust?
06:21So We returned you to your mother, that her eye might be contented and not grieve
06:32And you killed a soul, and We saved you from grief, and We tested you with trials
06:43And you stayed for years among the people of Midian
06:50Then you came upon My decree, O Moses
06:56And I have chosen you for Myself
06:59Go, you and your brother, with My signs, and do not neglect My remembrance
07:09They both went to Pharaoh. Indeed, he transgressed, so they said to him a soft word, that he might remember or fear
07:26They said, Our Lord, indeed we fear that he will impose upon us or transgress
07:40He said, Fear not. Indeed, I am with you. I hear and I see
07:51So they both came to him and said, Indeed, we are messengers of your Lord, so send with us the Children of Israel
08:15And do not punish them. Indeed, We have brought you a sign from your Lord, and peace upon whoever follows the guidance
08:30Indeed, it has been revealed to us that the punishment is upon whoever denies and turns away
08:43He said, Then who is your Lord, O Moses?
08:48He said, Our Lord is He who gave everything He created, then guided
09:00He said, Then what about the first generations?
09:06He said, Their knowledge is with my Lord in a Book
09:14My Lord does not err or forget
09:21He is He who made for you the earth as a cradle and made for you in it ways of passage and sent down rain from the sky
09:46And We brought forth thereby pairs of diverse plants
09:57Eat and graze your livestock. Indeed in that are signs for those of understanding
10:10From it We created you, and in it We will return you, and from it We will bring you forth again
10:22And We showed him all Our signs, but he denied and refused
10:31He said, Have you come to us to drive us out of our land by your magic, O Moses?
10:40Then We will come to you with magic like it, so make between Us and between you an appointment which We will not fail, nor will you be an evil place
11:03He said, Your appointment is the Day of Adornment, and that the people be gathered in broad daylight
11:12So Pharaoh turned away and gathered his plan, then he came
11:21Moses said to them, Woe to you! Do not invent a lie against Allah, lest He cause you to perish by His punishment
11:35And he who invented a lie has indeed perished. So they disputed their matter among themselves and concealed the conversation
11:50They said, These are two magicians who want to drive you out of your land by their magic, and to go in your way, the right way
12:14So gather your plan, then come in rows. And he who is exalted has indeed succeeded this Day
12:44He said, Nay, but cast me. So when their ropes and their staffs were imagined to him by their magic that they were moving
13:08So he caused in himself a terrible fear. We said, Do not be afraid. Indeed, you are the highest
13:23And cast that which is in your right, it will swallow up what they have made. Indeed, what they have made is the plan of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes
13:40So the magicians were cast down prostrate. They said, We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses
13:53He said, You have believed in him before I have given you permission. Indeed, he is the greatest of you who has taught you magic
14:07So I will surely cut off your hands and your feet in opposition, and I will surely crucify you in the trunks of palm trees. And you will surely know which of us is more severe in punishment and more lasting
14:35They said, We will not leave you to what has come to us of the clear proofs and that which has created us, so decide what you decide
14:59Indeed, what you decide is the life of this world. Indeed, we have believed in our Lord that He may forgive us our sins and what you have forced us to do of magic
15:29And Allah is the best and most lasting. Indeed, whoever comes to his Lord as a criminal, for him is Hell. He will neither die therein nor live
15:51And whoever comes to Him as a believer, having done righteous deeds, for them are the highest ranks
16:22And that is the reward of one who purifies himself. And indeed, We inspired Moses, saying,
16:41Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹O Prophet,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺ ˹Say,˺
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