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00:00Have you ever wondered why the number 7 appears so frequently in the world around us?
00:05This number seems to be present in many aspects of our existence and in the nature that surrounds us.
00:11Why are there 7 heavens mentioned in the Quran?
00:14Why is the Earth, which seems so simple at first glance, composed of 7 distinct layers?
00:21And why are both Paradise and Hell divided into 7 levels, each with its own characteristics and meanings?
00:28This number seems to be more than just a coincidence, as it is also present in other aspects of our daily lives.
00:35For example, we have 7 days in a week, a cycle of time that has been used by various cultures throughout history.
00:43Moreover, the rainbow, a natural wonder that amazes those who behold it, is composed of 7 distinct colors.
00:51All of this leads us to ask, what is so special about the number 7?
00:56Below, I will reveal fascinating and profound details about this number that will surely awaken a new curiosity in you about the symbolism and hidden meanings that numbers can hold.
01:07If you are ready for this journey of discovery, let's begin.
01:11Since ancient times, humanity has sought to understand the universe through mathematics.
01:16Civilizations have used this numerical language as a tool to interpret the cosmos, thus deciphering the mysteries surrounding our existence.
01:25The renowned cosmologist Max Tegmark suggests that the entire universe is built upon a mathematical framework, a logical and coherent structure that underpins everything we know.
01:37From an Islamic perspective, this mathematical conception of the universe is not accidental.
01:43It is a manifestation of the will and power of Allah who has created the universe with perfect, unique, and unparalleled mathematics.
01:52This perfection is reflected in everything we observe, from the largest objects to the smallest.
01:58For example, consider the apparent simplicity of a tree.
02:02At first glance, we might think that its growth is chaotic, with branches and leaves seemingly spreading out in a disorderly manner.
02:11However, a closer observation reveals a precise and orderly mathematical pattern.
02:17The arrangement of the leaves around the branches, their number, and even their symmetrical shape follow a specific mathematical code.
02:25This design is not arbitrary.
02:27Each leaf is strategically placed so as not to block the light from others, allowing all to receive the necessary amount of sunlight to survive and grow.
02:37This phenomenon was first observed by the mathematician Fibonacci, who identified a pattern that now bears his name, the Fibonacci sequence.
02:46This perfect arrangement is not exclusive to trees.
02:49We can observe it in the way an artichoke blooms, where the leaves grow following a pattern that corresponds to the sum of the two previous numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
02:59Similar patterns are found in the arrangement of daisy petals, the shape of apples, and the arrangement of seeds in sunflowers.
03:07These examples show that Allah's creation is imbued with an order and harmony that we can discover through mathematics.
03:14This mathematical order is not limited to plants.
03:17It is also observed in numbers and geometry.
03:20These patterns indicate that the universe has been designed with a precision similar to that of a computer code, where each element has a specific purpose and function.
03:30Even when examining a simple leaf, we can appreciate this astonishing order that reflects divine wisdom.
03:37In Islamic belief, nothing happens by chance.
03:40Everything is part of a divine plan.
03:43Observing the frequency with which certain numbers, such as 7, appear in our lives, in nature, and in the cosmos, it becomes evident that this cannot be mere coincidence.
03:54The number 7 is particularly significant.
03:58It appears so frequently in different contexts that, if we could observe creation from a broader perspective, we would better understand why the number 7 is not a whim of chance.
04:10This number seems to have a deeper and sacred meaning.
04:13For example, in Islamic cosmology, seven heavens are mentioned, each with its own characteristics and inhabitants.
04:21The rainbow, one of the most beautiful natural wonders, is composed of seven primary colors, and pilgrims performing Tawaf during Hajj circumambulate the Kaaba seven times, a number that is not accidental but carries profound spiritual significance.
04:38Additionally, the days of the week, which are reflected in the musical structure of scales, are seven.
04:45Even in the structure of our body, we find that the face has seven openings, two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, and a mouth.
04:54In the Islamic faith, both paradise and hell have seven levels, each representing different states of blessing or punishment.
05:03The number 7 also appears in the geography of our world.
05:07The continents into which the earth is divided are seven, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.
05:18Moreover, in Islamic spirituality, it is believed that the human soul traverses seven states on its journey toward spiritual purification.
05:28The soul that incites evil, the self-reproaching soul, the inspired soul, the serene soul, the contented soul, the pleasing soul, and the purified soul.
05:41These stages reflect the human journey toward a deeper connection with Allah.
05:46Additionally, it is interesting to note that some major cities in the world, such as Istanbul, Jerusalem, New York, Rome, Tehran, Moscow, Mecca, and Budapest, are situated on seven hills, adding another layer of symbolism to the number 7.
06:04In numerology, it is believed that numbers and letters possess hidden meanings.
06:10These meanings can help us better understand the language of the universe.
06:14Numerology, especially in the context of the occult, proposes that the universe is based on a digital structure where nothing happens by chance.
06:23By analyzing these numerical patterns, one seeks to discover the laws and principles that govern the cosmos.
06:30The story of the prophet Daniel, alayhi salam, is an example where the number 7 plays an important role.
06:38When he was thrown into the lion's den, he remained there for seven days.
06:43This story is just one of many examples where the number 7 appears in religious and historical contexts.
06:50We can also think of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
06:53The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
07:09These structures not only represent human ingenuity but also reflect a harmony and proportion that resonated with the number 7.
07:17The number 7 is considered a special number.
07:20It is unique in that it cannot be exactly divided by any other number and always produces an infinite decimal.
07:27This characteristic has led to the 7 being known as a pure number.
07:32In Sufism, 7 symbolizes wisdom and a pursuit of elevated spiritual qualities.
07:38Being generous and useful like a river, compassionate and merciful like the sun, discreet about others' faults like the night, serene and peaceful like the earth, tolerant like the sea, and sincere in appearance.
07:52These attributes reflect the ideal behavior that Sufis aspire to achieve, inspired by the symbolism of the number 7.
08:00You have probably heard of the seven pieces of advice from Muslims transmitted by Mevlana.
08:06During Hajj, pilgrims perform seven rounds between the hills of Safa and Marwa, and during the ritual of stoning at Mina, they throw stones in a specific number.
08:17This ritual begins on the first day of Hajj when each pilgrim throws seven stones at each of the three jamarat.
08:24Those who spend the night in Mina throw an additional 21 stones on the fourth day, making a total of 70 stones.
08:32These acts, which may seem like simple repetitions, are laden with profound spiritual significance and symbolism, connecting pilgrims to prophetic tradition and the history of faith.
08:44In Islamic prayer, the number 7 also has important symbolic significance.
08:50When a Muslim is in the position of sujood during prayer, seven parts of the body make contact with the ground, both knees, both palms, the tips of both feet, and the forehead.
09:03This act of prostration symbolizes total submission to Allah using the entire body to worship and surrender to His Majesty.
09:12The first shura of the Quran, Al-Fatiha, is composed of seven verses, and reciting it is an essential part of every unit of prayer.
09:22Although the number 7 appears frequently in the Islamic faith, it is also found in many other traditions.
09:28For example, among Jews, the sacred candelabrum known as the Menorah has seven branches, symbolizing the divine light that illuminates the believer's path.
09:39The number 7 is not only relevant in the Abrahamic religions, it also appears in popular culture and various spiritual traditions.
09:47For example, the movie Seven Years in Tibet, starring Brad Pitt, talks about the number 7, and according to Tibetan followers, there are seven Buddhas.
09:58It is believed that when the Day of Judgment approaches, Allah will send a series of judgments upon humanity, symbolized by seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls.
10:09According to the belief in the seven trumpets, the first will bring unprecedented hail and fire, while the second trumpet will announce the fall of an asteroid that will devastate much of marine life.
10:21These apocalyptic images reinforce the importance of the number 7 in Islamic prophecies and eschatology.
10:28In Eastern philosophy, it is said that the human body has seven main energy centers, known as chakras.
10:35Each chakra is represented by a different color, and is associated with various aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual health.
10:44This concept of chakras suggests that the number 7 is related to the energy and vitality of the human being.
10:51Even in human creations, the number 7 frequently appears.
10:56It is not surprising that people use the number 7 in their creations, although it may seem coincidental.
11:03For example, let's remember Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, a story that has transcended generations, or Agent 007, James Bond, whose code number has become an icon of popular culture.
11:17The crown of the Statue of Liberty in the United States has seven points, representing the freedom and light that extends to the seven continents of the world.
11:28The number 7 also holds great importance for Jews, who pay special attention to events associated with this number.
11:35Even historical figures like Adolf Hitler were obsessed with the number 7, considering it a symbol of good luck.
11:43This number, throughout history, has captured the imagination of people in various cultures and contexts.
11:50It is clear that the number 7 possesses special energy, even though humans do not fully understand the mystery surrounding it.
11:58Many people organize their lives around this number.
12:01Some even choose their hotel room number or car license plate based on the number 7.
12:06This definitely deserves deeper reflection.