The man who never prayed

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00How does someone go from never praying in their life
00:02to passing away in sujood in front of the Ka'bah?
00:04A man who didn't know how to pray at all
00:06once received a knock on his door from a neighbour
00:08who had a dream of taking him to Umrah.
00:10In only three days, the neighbour taught him how to make wudu,
00:13pray Salah and then they set off.
00:15In Umrah, the neighbour was emotionally and spiritually impacted.
00:18He begged his neighbour to go see the Haram saying
00:20I have wasted years my brother, let me go.
00:23The next day he went again but this time he did not return.
00:26The man had passed away in sujood.
00:28When the neighbour returned, he asked the man's wife about his life.
00:31She said he helped an elderly neighbour with errands and shared his salary with her.
00:34She only made one dua for him.
00:36May Allah give you a good ending.
00:38As the Prophet peace be upon him said,
00:40a person from among you may do the deeds of the people of the fire
00:44until there's only an arm's length distance between him and the fire.
00:48But then the writing proceeds and he does the deeds of the people of paradise
00:52and enters it.
00:53And with this, I leave you with a single question.
