Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 3 School Hard

  • 2 weeks ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 3 School Hard


00:00She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness.
00:05She is the Slayer.
00:10A lot of educators tell students,
00:12think of your principal as your pal.
00:16I say, think of me as your judge, jury, and executioner.
00:23Tell me, who do you think is the most troublesome student in this school?
00:31Well, it is quite a match between you two.
00:35On the one hand,
00:37Buffy hasn't stabbed a horticulture teacher with a trowel.
00:41I didn't stab anyone with a trowel.
00:44They were pruning shears.
00:47On the other hand,
00:49Sheila has never burnt down a school building.
00:52Well, that was never proven.
00:54The fire marshals say it could have been mice.
00:58Mice that were smoking.
01:01The two of you seem to be tied in the class-cutting and fight-starting events.
01:06You really are neck and neck here.
01:08It's quite exciting.
01:10What does the winner get?
01:15Thursday is parent-teacher night.
01:19Your parents, assuming you have any,
01:22will meet your teachers,
01:25assuming you have any left.
01:30I've decided to put the two of you in charge of this event.
01:33You have three days to prepare the refreshments, make the banners,
01:37and transform the school lounge
01:40into a habitable place for adults.
01:44This will incur my goodwill
01:47and may affect what I tell your parents when I meet them.
01:50Are we clear?
01:52I'm clear.
01:54Don't you feel clear?
01:56We're very clear.
02:00Because you mess up this time,
02:02and your parents will be coming to clean out your lockers.
02:06Well, it shouldn't be that hard.
02:08We can work on the banners at lunch tomorrow and figure out refreshments then.
02:12Yeah, sure, whatever.
02:14Hey, meat pie!
02:17This thing just gets you guys making party favors, huh?
02:20These two were students.
02:22That's what Mom sees when she looks at me. A Sheila.
02:25Well, Sheila's definitely intense.
02:27That guy with her, that's the guy she can bring home to Mother.
02:30She was already smoking in fifth grade.
02:33Once I was lookout for her.
02:35You're bad to the bone.
02:37I'm a rebel. It's not fair.
02:40I'm a slayer that requires a certain amount of cutting and fighting.
02:44What's Sheila's excuse?
02:46Homework. She won't do it. And most teachers respect that now.
02:49Oh, you might want to keep away any sharp implements when you're working with her.
02:53Do you think any of those slayers ever had to go to high school?
02:56It's no biggie. You'll have a nice soiree. Parents will love it.
02:59As long as nothing really bad happens between now and then, you'll be fine.
03:03Are you crazy? Why did you say that?
03:05We're not saying bad is going to happen.
03:07What do you mean? Nothing's going to happen?
03:09Not until some dummy says, as long as nothing bad happens.
03:12It's the ultimate jinx.
03:14What were you thinking?
03:16Were we even thinking at all?
03:20Well, you guys don't know.
03:23Maybe this time it'll be different.
03:49Home, sweet home.
04:19Home, sweet home.
04:49Home, sweet home.
05:12The master is dead.
05:15Someone has to take his place.
05:18As long as the slayer is alive,
05:20whoever takes his place will be sharing his grave.
05:24Then let the soul who kills her wear his mantle.
05:28Can you do it?
05:33This weekend, the night of St. Vigius,
05:37our power shall be at its peak.
05:42When I kill her,
05:44it'll be the greatest event since the crucifixion.
05:49And I should know. I was there.
05:52You were there?
05:55Oh, please.
05:58If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion
06:03was actually there,
06:05it would have been like Woodstock.
06:09I ought to rip your throat out.
06:13I was actually at Woodstock.
06:16That was a weird gig.
06:19I fed off a flower person,
06:21and I spent the next six hours watching my hand move.
06:29So, who do you kill for fun around here?
06:33Who are you?
06:38You're that anointed guy.
06:42I've read about you.
06:48You've got slayer problems.
06:50That's a bad piece of luck.
06:52Do you know what I find works real good with slayers?
06:56Killing them.
06:58Can you?
07:00A lot faster than Nancy boy there.
07:04I did a couple slayers in my time.
07:06I don't like to brag.
07:10Who am I kidding? I love to brag.
07:13There was this one slayer there in the Boxer Rebellion.
07:27You shouldn't be walking around.
07:31You're weak.
07:33Look at all the people.
07:36Are these nice people?
07:38Well, get in along.
07:41This one has power.
07:45I can feel it from the outside.
07:48Yeah, he's the big noise in these parts.
07:51Anointed and all that.
07:53Do you like daisies?
07:57I plant them, but they always die.
08:01Everything I put in the ground withers and dies.
08:10I'm cold.
08:17I've got you.
08:21I'm a princess.
08:24That's what you are.
08:32Me and Drew, we're moving in.
08:40Now, any of you want to test who's got the biggest wrinklies around here...
08:48Step on up.
08:51I'll test you.
08:56Step on up.
09:00I'll do your slayer for you.
09:02But you keep your flunkies from trying anything behind my back.
09:09I can't see her.
09:12The slayer, I can't see.
09:16It's dark where she is.
09:20Kill her.
09:22Kill her, Spike.
09:24Kill her for me?
09:26It's done, baby.
09:29Kill her for princess?
09:32I'll chop her into messes.
09:38You are my sweet.
09:42My little Spike.
09:47So, how about this slayer?
09:52Is she tough?
09:56What's wrong?
09:58It's been a good part of my allowance on this new cream rinse, and it's neither creamy nor rinsy.
10:03Life is hard, dear.
10:05Don't I know it.
10:07Is that a split end?
10:08I got the mail.
10:11Which included a reminder notice about parent-teacher night, Thursday.
10:16That's good.
10:17Which you were planning on telling me about.
10:20Oh, for the last two weeks.
10:25So, what do you think your teachers are going to tell me about you?
10:29Well, I think they'll all agree that I always bring a pen to class ready to absorb the knowledge.
10:37And this absorption rate, how is it reflected in your homework and test scores?
10:42What can you really tell about a person from a test score?
10:46Whether or not she's ever going out with her friends again.
10:49How about that?
10:51Well, I look forward to meeting your principal.
10:54Won't that be something?
10:59Look, sweetheart.
11:01Life is more than grades and homework and not getting kicked out of school.
11:08I know.
11:09But we moved once because of you getting in trouble.
11:12And I had to start a new business, not to mention a new life and a whole new town.
11:17And you don't want to do it again.
11:21What I don't want is to be disappointed in you again.
11:27Well, that's the last thing that I want, too.
11:32I'm trying. I really am.
11:34I just have a lot of pressure on me right now.
11:39Wait till you get a job.
11:42Hold on tight.
11:58I have a job.
12:04Sheila's a no-show.
12:06She goes to this really ranked bar, the Fish Tank.
12:10Sometimes they have raids and other stuff that can make you turdy.
12:15Do you think you can help me cram some French tonight?
12:18I don't want Mr. Dijon telling my mother I'm an imbecile.
12:22I thought we were going to the bronze tonight because of how you thought Angel might show.
12:26If he does, he'll meet some other nice girl.
12:28Studying comes first.
12:30We're going to the bronze.
12:32I can study and party and do parent-teacher night and make my mother proud as long as I don't have to...
12:40...fight vampires.
12:42There is nothing in the Chronicles about an extraneous lunar cycle.
12:46The Order never accurately calculated the Mesopotamian calendar.
12:50Rupert, you have got to read something that was published after 1066.
12:54Very funny.
12:55What's the up, guys?
12:57Well, um, Miss Callender has been researching, well, surfing on her computer, and she's...
13:02Well, according to her calculations, this Saturday is the night of St. Vigis.
13:07Let me guess.
13:08He didn't make balloon animals.
13:10He led a crusade of vampires.
13:13They swept through Hadassah, Haran, and points east.
13:17And they didn't leave much behind.
13:19Well, if I survive parent-teacher night tomorrow, I'll see what I can do about Saturday.
13:25You're being a tad flip, don't you think?
13:27This is serious.
13:28And getting kicked out of school is laughs aplenty.
13:31You know what happens when you let your life interfere with your slaying.
13:36Okay, well, if my slaying doesn't get me expelled,
13:39then I promise my bannermaking won't get me killed, okay?
13:42Just please let me get through this week.
13:45This Saturday's going to need a great deal of preparation.
13:47Well, we'll help.
13:49Yeah, I'll whittle steaks.
13:50And I can research stuff.
13:52And while I'm whittling, I plan to whistle a jaunty tune.
13:56Your help will be greatly appreciated.
13:59But when it comes to battle, Buffy must fight alone.
14:02You are, after all, the slay...
14:08You're all slaves to the television.
14:13Young people nowadays.
14:14Shall we go?
14:16You wouldn't be helping Buffy in Sheila's place, would you?
14:21We're hindering.
14:23She ditched.
14:28I feel an expulsion coming on.
14:30No, no.
14:31Actually, Sheila's been helping us for hours.
14:34She just went out to get some more paint.
14:44Oh, is there no more teal in the art room?
14:48I know you wanted everything to be perfect,
14:50but let's just go with what we have.
14:52Just make sure everything is perfect on Thursday.
15:00Thanks for covering.
15:02Guy's a serious rodent.
15:05No problem.
15:10Did you really burn down a school building one time?
15:14Well, not actually one time.
15:27La vache doit m'y toucher de l'age.
15:36Oh, is it wrong?
15:38Should I use the plural?
15:40But you said the cow should touch me from Thursday.
15:45Maybe that's what I was feeling.
15:47You said it wrong.
15:49I don't know.
15:50I just think.
15:51You're just not focused.
15:53It's angel message.
15:55Well, I didn't say for sure.
15:57It was a maybe-see-you-there kind of deal.
16:00Guys, I'm all alone out there.
16:02Somebody has to dance with me.
16:04But we are studying.
16:06Come on, one dance.
16:07You've been studying nearly 12 minutes.
16:09No wonder my brain's fried.
16:12Come on.
16:22I did a stupid thing last night
16:31I called you a moment of weakness
16:37No, not a moment, more like three months of weakness
16:42I'm one step away from crashing to my knees
16:51I'm one step away from spilling my guts to you
17:17Go get something to eat.
17:22Where's the phone?
17:23I need to call the police.
17:25There's some big guy out there trying to bite someone.
17:45Slay ye.
17:47Slay ye.
17:49Slay ye.
18:06Get her out of here.
18:09A stick would be nice.
18:19Get her out of here.
18:33I don't need to wait for St. Vicious.
18:36You're mine.
18:43Spike, give me a hand.
18:49Come on.
18:59Nice work, love.
19:03Who are you?
19:05You'll find out on Saturday.
19:08Happens on Saturday.
19:11I kill you.
19:19I kill you.
19:29All right, which one's Dwayne and which one's Del?
19:33Don't tell me.
19:35Del's on the tattoos.
19:38You guys weren't lying about having a Cadillac, were you?
19:42Because I'm crazy about a Cad.
19:45It's just the feel of the leather makes me want to...
19:51Where'd she go?
19:56What's going on?
20:04Where are you guys?
20:09Not funny.
20:12Who are you?
20:14Who do you want me to be?
20:17Did you see...
20:19Those two losers who thought they were good enough for you?
20:23What happened to them?
20:25They got sleepy.
20:29And you...
20:31got something a whole lot better.
20:41Wait up.
20:43What's your name?
20:50That's what the other vampire called you?
20:53It's a little unorthodox, isn't it?
20:56Maybe he's reformed.
20:58Perhaps he went by another name in...
21:01times past.
21:03Well, whoever he is, we'll need all the help we can get come this Saturday.
21:07It's the Night of St. Vigia Steel.
21:10If they're going to attack in force, aren't we thinking vacation?
21:13We can't run. That would be wrong.
21:16Could we hide?
21:18I mean, if that Spike guy is leading the attack...
21:21Well, he can't be any worse than any other creature you've faced.
21:25He's worse.
21:27Once he starts something, he doesn't stop...
21:30until everything in his path is dead.
21:34Still, he's thorough.
21:38We were at the bronze before.
21:40Thought you said you might show.
21:43You said you weren't sure if you were going.
21:46I was being cool.
21:49Come on. You've been dating for, what, like 200 years?
21:52You don't know what a girl means when she says maybe she'll show?
21:56Wow. Two centuries of dating.
21:59If you only had two a year,
22:01it's still like 400 dates with 400 different...
22:06Why do they call it a mace?
22:08We do have slightly more urgent matters to discuss.
22:12Yeah, like keeping my mom away from Principal Snyder tomorrow night?
22:16And not dying Saturday.
22:18Angel, do you know if this Spike fellow goes under any other name?
22:23Okay, that's it.
22:25I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy.
22:28St. Titius,
22:31You have so many things to teach you
22:35To cleanse us of our weaknesses
22:39To burst in compassion with you
22:43To find the ways in their sight
22:48Miss Edith speaks out of turn.
22:51She's a bad example.
22:54And we'll have no cakes today.
23:00Darling, are you going to eat something?
23:03I'm not hungry. I miss Prague.
23:06You nearly died in Prague, idiot mob.
23:11This is the place for us.
23:16The Hellmouth will restore you,
23:19Put color in your cheeks,
23:22Metaphorically speaking,
23:24And in a few weeks' time...
23:27The stars will align and smile down on us.
23:31And then, God, this town will burn.
23:36Oh, pretty.
23:40St. Titius.
23:45They're preparing.
23:47St. Vigis is coming up.
23:50There should be a party.
23:52You should go up with them in plain.
23:56The boy doesn't trust you.
23:59They follow him.
24:03I think sometimes that all my hair will fall out
24:07And I'll be bald.
24:09Never happen.
24:11All right. I'll go up and get chanty with the fellas.
24:15But you've got to do me one favor.
24:22Eat something.
24:26You see, Miss Edith,
24:28If you'd been good, you could watch with the rest.
24:57For three nights, the unholy ones scourged themselves into a fury,
25:03Culminating in a savage attack on the night of St. Vigis.
25:08Remember when Saturday night meant date night?
25:11You sure don't.
25:13Oh, the parents start arriving in an hour.
25:15Okay, so, um, the parents are in place, the lounge is comfy.
25:18What am I forgetting?
25:21Punch. I need punch.
25:23My fingers are cramping. How long have I been doing this?
25:26Three minutes.
25:28So can I go now?
25:30She doesn't need this many steaks.
25:32I mean, if this guy Spike is as mean as you all said,
25:35It should be over pretty quickly.
25:37I'm not rooting for you on Saturday.
25:39I'd be there for you myself if I didn't have a leg, Wax.
25:42You guys hold on the fort. I'm punch-bound.
26:08What kind of punch did you make?
26:10Uh, lemonade. I made it fresh and everything.
26:13How much sugar did you use?
26:20It's very good.
26:22Okay, now all I have to do is keep my mother and Snyder
26:25From crossing paths for the rest of the night.
26:28Hi, Mrs. Somers.
26:30Hi, Willow. Hi, honey. Did you, uh, do all this?
26:33Yeah. Um, here. Have some lemonade.
26:38Right after Willow shows you the library.
26:41I have to stay here and hostess.
26:43Right. The library.
26:45Uh, who knows, uh, Giles and everyone?
26:48It's locked, and they're studying.
26:50Right. French class it is.
26:55Is that your mother?
26:57Here. Oh! Oh, sorry.
27:00Um, yeah. Yeah, I was gonna introduce you,
27:03But, um, she wouldn't have said much.
27:05You know, she doesn't speak a word of English.
27:24Giles has us locked up in that library working on your weapons.
27:28Even slaves get minimum wage.
27:34You're starting to look a little slagged.
27:36What are you, just skipping foundation entirely now?
27:39Cordelia, I have at least three lives to contend with,
27:42None of which really mesh.
27:44It's kind of like oil and water
27:47And a third unmeshable thing.
27:50Yeah, and I can see the oil.
27:53Is that your mom?
27:55Now, that is a woman that knows how to moisturize.
27:59Did it, like, skip a generation?
28:01Well, I believe that I have been
28:04Well, I believe that I have seen every classroom on campus,
28:09And just as I get there,
28:11All your teachers miraculously have stepped out.
28:14Oh. Oh.
28:17Um, but you haven't seen the boiler room yet,
28:21And, you know, that's really interesting,
28:23What with the boiler being in the room and all.
28:26Hi, I'm Joyce Summers. I'm Buffy's mother.
28:30Principal Snyder.
28:33I'm afraid we need to talk.
28:35My office is down here.
28:44Katie looked very happy.
28:46But you did such a good job.
28:48When they're done talking.
28:53My guess, tenth high school reunion,
28:56You'll still be grounded.
28:58Cordelia, have some lemonade.
29:02Oh, there you are.
29:05There who is?
29:07Our new friend Spike.
29:10He's known as William the Bloody,
29:13And is nicknamed by torturing his victims with railroad spice.
29:18Oh, here's some good news.
29:20He's barely 200.
29:22He's not even as old as Angel.
29:31That's a bad look, Ray.
29:36I think your suggestion of running away this Saturday
29:39Might have been a good one.
29:42Spike has fought two slayers in the last century,
29:46And he's killed them both.
29:58In the car. Now.
30:29What can I say?
30:32Good bite.
30:59Come on!
31:01Come on!
31:09Nobody gets out! Especially the girl!
31:12Everybody this way! Come on!
31:15Come on!
31:29Come on!
31:31What the hell?
31:33Spike, get an army! Look out!
31:40In here! Now!
31:59We cut the power. Nobody got out.
32:02And the slayer?
32:05She either went that way or that way.
32:09I saw two others.
32:12You don't know?
32:19I'm a real kind of guy.
32:22You're a real kind of guy.
32:25I'm a real kind of guy.
32:28You're too old to eat.
32:34Or not to kill.
32:39I feel better.
32:42They've cut the phones.
32:45Wait a minute.
32:48There's an old, boarded-up cellar behind the stacks.
32:51You can get out that way.
32:53He knows about Spike. We need him.
32:55No, I'm not going anywhere until I know that Buffy and Will are all right.
32:58To know we'll be all right unless we get some help.
33:04Who are those people? What do they want?
33:07I didn't get much of a look, but is there something wrong with their faces?
33:10Yes. PCP.
33:13It's a gang on PCP.
33:16We've got to get out of here.
33:18You can't go outside. They'll kill you.
33:20You don't tell me. I tell you.
33:23They will kill everybody in this room.
33:26Nobody goes out, nobody comes in until I say so.
33:29Do you hear me?
33:31Who do you think you are?
33:34I'm the one that knows how to stop them.
33:37Buffy, are you crazy?
33:40Look, I know you've been accused of fighting and other things,
33:43but those guys are serious. You can't go out there.
33:46I know. That's why I'm going up there.
33:50Come on.
34:00Don't worry, Mum.
34:08Here, kitty, kitty.
34:12I find one of your friends first,
34:15I'm going to suck him dry
34:18and use their bones to bash your head in.
34:25Are you getting a word picture here?
34:29Oh, God, oh, God.
34:41Someone's in the ceiling.
34:47Hey, what are you doing?
34:49There are at least three vampires in that hall.
34:51God only knows how many others are in the building.
34:54Listen, I am the watcher.
34:56I am responsible for her, and I have to go.
35:02I'm sorry.
35:05I'm sorry.
35:11Be careful.
35:13Push these back.
35:21You're all right.
35:25How are the others?
35:27Principal Snyder, my mother, and four others
35:29are locked in the science room across the hall.
35:32Willow and Cordelia ran the other way.
35:35I don't know if they're...
35:37Where's Ander?
35:39He got out through the stacks. He's getting Angel.
35:43Okay, I'm going to take the vamps out in the hall.
35:45After that, you get my mom, and the others out the same way.
35:47Let me help you.
35:49Giles, my mother's in that room.
35:51If I don't make it out of here, I know you'll make sure she does.
35:54Bloody right I will.
35:57Fair enough. What's your plan?
35:59Well, they split up to hold us here,
36:02so I'm going to take them one on one,
36:04and knock them down.
36:11Watch your back.
36:17Why don't you sit down?
36:19This is my school.
36:21What I say goes, and I say this is not happening.
36:25Well, then, I guess the danger's over.
36:28I'm not waiting for them to open the doors.
36:30I'm getting out.
36:31Don't be an idiot.
36:32I'm beginning to see a certain mother-daughter resemblance.
36:38Look, you heard what Buffy said.
36:40She's a student.
36:55Door's solid.
36:57Use your head.
37:12Follow me!
37:20Get it!
37:32Get it!
37:59You know a lot about the Spike guys,
38:01so, um, you got a plan?
38:04Good plan.
38:06I think he's gone.
38:08He could come back.
38:12What are we going to do?
38:48Guard the door.
38:49I'm almost finished.
39:03Buffy, are you okay?
39:05I'm fine, Mom.
39:07Buffy, look, get out of here, okay?
39:09We'll be all right.
39:10Just hang on for one more minute
39:12until I tell you to open the door.
39:15Shh, look.
39:16Where have you been?
39:18Sorry I'm late.
39:19There's some really weird guys outside.
39:23Yeah, I know.
39:25They're trying to kill us.
39:29This should be fun.
40:05I taught you to always guard your perimeter.
40:09You should have someone out there.
40:11I did.
40:12I'm surrounded by idiots.
40:14What's new with you?
40:17Yeah? Come up against this slayer yet?
40:20She's cute.
40:21Not too bright, though.
40:23Gave the puppy dog a maltortured act.
40:27Keeps her off my back when I feed her.
40:31People still fall for that Anne Rice routine.
40:35What a wolf.
40:37I knew you were lying.
40:39Undead liar guy.
40:44Want a bite before we kill her?
40:50Stay behind me.
41:09Buffy, look out!
41:40Mom, now!
41:42Come on, let's go.
41:46Get them out.
41:48You're coming, too.
41:50In a minute. Go.
41:54Haven't seen you in the killing fields for an age.
41:57I'm not much for company.
41:59No, you never were.
42:01So, why are you so scared of this slayer?
42:06Time was you would have taken her out in a heartbeat.
42:09Now, look at you.
42:11I mean, this torture thing is an act, right?
42:14You're not housebroken.
42:16I saw her kill the master.
42:19Hey, you think you can take her alone?
42:22Be my guest.
42:24I'll just feed and run.
42:26Don't be silly.
42:28We're all friends.
42:29We'll do it together.
42:31Let's drink to it.
42:37You think you can fool me?
42:44You were my sire, man.
42:47You were my yoda.
42:49Things change.
42:51Not us. Not demons.
42:54Man, I can't believe this.
42:56You Uncle Tom.
43:00Come on, people.
43:03Come on, people.
43:05This isn't a spectator sport.
43:20I smell the blood of a nice, ripe...
43:31Do we really need weapons for this?
43:34I just like them.
43:37They make me feel all manly.
43:51The last slayer I killed...
43:55she begged for her life.
44:00You don't strike me...
44:03as the begging kind.
44:06You shouldn't have come here.
44:10I messed up your doilies and stuff.
44:13But I just got so bored.
44:18I'll tell you what.
44:20As a personal favor from me to you...
44:23make it quick. It won't hurt a bit.
44:26No, Spike.
44:28It's gonna hurt a lot.
44:47Come on, people.
44:49This way.
44:54Come on.
44:57Come on.
45:21Now that hurts.
45:26As much as this will.
45:39You get the hell away from my daughter.
45:57Nobody lays a hand on my little girl.
46:07Take care of this.
46:15Hello, Bob.
46:17It's over. They all got away.
46:20I got a body inside...
46:22and I got another one on the south lawn.
46:25Looks like he was pulled right through the window.
46:28I told him not to go through that window.
46:32Well, another wonderful, fun-filled evening.
46:36Yes, and you know...
46:39I will understand if you decide to start avoiding me.
46:51So when you gave him my neck to chew on...
46:53why didn't you clock him before he had a chance to clock you?
46:56I told you, I couldn't make the first move.
46:58I had to see if he was buying it or not.
47:00And if he bit me, what then?
47:02We would have known he bought it.
47:06What's the deal with you being Spike's sire?
47:09What's a sire?
47:11I need to say something to the media people.
47:19You want the usual story? Gang-related? PCP?
47:22That's what you have in mind, the truth?
47:29Gang-related PCP.
47:34So, what did you and Principal Snyder talk about anyway?
47:39Principal Snyder said you were a troublemaker...
47:43and I could care less.
47:46I have a daughter who can take care of herself...
47:49who's brave and resourceful...
47:52and thinks of others in a crisis.
47:55No matter who you hang out with...
47:57or what dumb teenage stuff you think you need to do...
48:00I'm going to sleep better knowing all that.
48:05About how long till this wears off...
48:07and you start ragging on me again?
48:10At least a week and a half.
48:13Very cool.
48:20And if you get me out of this...
48:22I swear I'll never be mean to anyone ever again...
48:26unless they really deserve it...
48:29or if it's that time of the month...
48:31in which case I don't think you or anyone else...
48:34can hold me responsible.
48:36Ask for some aspirin.
48:38And can you please send some aspirin?
48:52Did she hurt you?
48:54I was close, baby, but...
48:56Oh, come here.
49:00A slayer with family and friends.
49:03That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.
49:06You'll kill her...
49:08and then we'll have a nice celebration.
49:11Yeah, a party.
49:13Yeah, with streamers...
49:16Yeah, with streamers...
49:18and souls.
49:20How's the annoying one?
49:23He doesn't want to play.
49:28Well, I suppose I'd better go make nice.
49:42You failed.
49:44I, um...
49:46I offer penance.
49:50You should lay down your life.
49:52Our numbers are depleted.
49:54The Feast of St. Vigis has been ruined by your impatience.
49:58I was rash...
50:01and if I had to do it all over again...
50:05Who am I kidding?
50:08I would do it exactly the same...
50:13only I'd do this.
50:32From now on...
50:34we're going to have a little less ritual...
50:39and a little more fun around here.
50:55Let's see what's on TV.
51:09Let's see what's on TV.
51:39Let's see what's on TV.
51:55Grr! Arrgh!
