Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 7 Angel

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 7 Angel


00:00friend. That must be Angel. That weird guy that wondered about all the vampires? The brethren from
00:06his order would come to the master to bring him the anointed. Who's that? The anointed will be
00:11my greatest weapon against the slayer. Welcome my friend. In every generation there is a chosen one.
00:21She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the
00:42Zachary didn't return from the hunt last night. Slayer. Zachary was strong and he was careful.
00:50Still the slayer takes him as she has taken so many of my family.
01:00It wears thin.
01:04Colin, what would you do about it? I deny a winner. Out of the mouths of things.
01:13Let me do it master. Let me kill her for you. You have a personal interest in this.
01:20I don't get to have any fun. I will send the three. The three?
01:44Go get it. Go get it right there. I got it.
01:51Ah the fumigation party. It's an annual tradition. The closing of the bronze for a few days to nuke
01:59the cockroaches. Oh it's a lot of fun. What's it like where you are?
02:07I'm sorry. I was just thinking about things. So we're talking about a guy? Not exactly a guy.
02:16For us to have a conversation about a guy, there'd have to be a guy for us to have a conversation
02:21about. Is that a sentence? You lack a guy. I do. Which is fine with me most of the time but
02:30Angel? Did you see him in a relationship? Hi honey you're in grave danger.
02:37I'll see you next month. He's not around much. It's true.
02:45When he is around, it's like the lights dim everywhere else. You know it's like that with
02:51surveys? Oh yeah.
03:12Ouch. Please get your extreme officiousness off my $200 shoes. I'm sorry I was just
03:19getting off the dance floor before any biggest boyfriend squashes you like a bug.
03:24Oh so you noticed. Uh-huh. Yeah thanks for being so understanding. Sure. You know hey
03:28I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit doesn't even look like a hooker.
03:35Boy that Cordelia is a regular breath of vile air. What are you vixens up to?
03:41Just sitting here watching our barren lives pass us by. Oh look a cockroach.
03:47Whoa let's stop this crazy worldly gig of fun. I'm dizzy. All right now I'm infecting those
03:55nearest and dear to me. I'm gonna call it a night. Oh don't go. Yeah it's early. We could um
04:02dance. Rain check? Good night.
04:08One free drink?
04:47It's late. I'm tired and I don't want to play games. Show yourself.
05:10Okay okay nice. Okay okay look I really don't want to fight all three of you
05:16unless I have to.
06:45good dogs
07:47it's all right a vampire can't come in unless it's avoided.
07:51I've heard that before but I've never put it to the test.
08:00I'll go get some bandages. Just take your jacket and your shirt off.
08:22Nice tattoo.
08:30I was lucky you came along. How did you happen to come along? I live nearby. I was just out walking.
08:44So you weren't following me.
08:47I just had this feeling you were. Why would I do that?
08:54You tell me. You're the mystery guy that appears out of nowhere. I'm not saying I'm not happy about
09:01it tonight but if you are hanging around I'd like to know why. Maybe I like you. Maybe.
09:17Hi what are you doing? There's a lot of weird people outside at night. I just
09:24feel better with you safe and sound inside. You must be beat. I am. We're a little gallery but
09:32you have no idea. Well then why don't you go upstairs and get into bed and I can bring you
09:35some hot tea. That's sweet. What'd you do? Can't a daughter just be concerned about her mother?
09:42Hi. Hi. Oh okay. Angel, this is my mom. Mom, this is Angel. We ran into each other on the way home.
09:56Nice to meet you. What do you do, Angel? He's a student at first year community college. Angel's
10:07been helping me with my history. You know I've been toiling there. It's a little late for tutoring.
10:17I'm gonna go to bed and Buffy? I'll say good night and do the same.
10:24Well it's nice to meet you.
10:30Good night. We'll hook up soon and do that study thing.
10:50look I don't want to get you in any more trouble and I don't want to get you dead.
10:55They could still be out there.
10:56So uh oh two of us, one bed. That doesn't work. Um why don't you take the bed? You know you're
11:05wounded. I'll take the floor. Uh no that's not. Believe me I've had worse. Okay um then why don't
11:15you check and see if the fangang is still loitering and um keep your back turned while I change.
11:22I don't see them. You know I'm the chosen one. It's my job to fight guys like that.
11:30What's your excuse? Somebody has to. Well what does your family think of your career choice?
11:38They're dead.
11:40Was it vampires?
11:45It was.
11:49I'm sorry. It was a long while ago.
11:55I'm sorry.
11:58I'm sorry.
12:01I'm sorry.
12:04I'm sorry.
12:07I'm sorry.
12:10So this is a vengeance gig for you.
12:15You even look pretty when you go to sleep.
12:19Well when I wake up it's an entirely different story.
12:36Sleep tight.
13:01do you snore?
13:02I don't know.
13:05It's been a long time since anybody's been in a position to let me know.
13:18You spent the night in your room in your bed? Not in my bed by my bed. That is so romantic.
13:26So romantic. Did you uh I mean did he uh perfect gentleman? Buffy come on wake up and smell the
13:35seduction. It's the oldest trick in the book. What? Saving my life? Getting slashed in the ribs?
13:42Duh. I mean guys would do anything to impress a girl. I once drank an entire gallon of Gatorade
13:47without taking a breath. It was pretty impressive although later there was an ick factor. Can we
13:54steer this riveting conversation back to the events that happened earlier the evening?
13:59You left the bronze and were set upon by three unusually virile vampires.
14:06They looked like this? Yeah. What's with the uniforms? It seems you encountered the three
14:12warrior vampires. Very proud and very strong. How is it you always know this stuff? You always know
14:19what's going on. I never know what's going on. Well you weren't here from midnight until six
14:24researching it. No I was sleeping. Obviously you're hurting the master very much. He he wouldn't send
14:32the the three for just anyone. We must step up our training with weapons. Yeah Buffy you should
14:37stay at my house and tell these samurai guys their history. What? Now don't worry about Angel.
14:42We'll look around your house and tell them to get out of town fast. Angel and Buffy are not in any
14:48immediate jeopardy. Eventually the master will send someone else but in the meantime the three
14:52having failed will offer their own lives in penance. We failed in our duty and now our lives belong to you.
15:06Pay attention child. You are the anointed and there is much you must learn.
15:11With power comes responsibility. True they did fail but also true we who walk at night share a
15:22common bond. The taking of a life, I'm not talking about humans of course, is a serious matter.
15:33So you would spare that?
15:35I am weary and their deaths will bring me little joy.
15:50Of course sometimes a little is enough.
15:52Cool. A crossbow. Check out these babies.
16:10Goodbye stakes, hello flying fatality. What can I shoot? Um nothing. The crossbow comes later.
16:19You must first become proficient with the basic tools of combat.
16:25Let's begin with the quarterstaff which incidentally will uh require countersized
16:33vigorous training. I speak from experience. Trow's 20th century? Not going to be fighting friar tubs.
16:40You never know with whom or what you will be fighting. These traditions have been handed
16:45down through the ages. You show me good steady progress with the quarterstaff
16:51and in due course we'll discuss the crossbow. Put on your pads.
16:56Well I'm not going to need pads to fight you. We'll see about that.
17:01Well go on.
17:23good let's move on to the crossbow.
17:36Angel? Hey.
17:37I brought you some dinner. It's a little plateless sorry.
17:55So what'd you do all day? I read a little and just thought about a lot of things.
18:03Buffy I... My diary? You read my diary? That is not okay. A diary is like a person's most
18:10private place. I you don't even know what I was writing about. Hunk can mean a lot of things.
18:16Bad things and and when it sees that your eyes are penetrating I meant to write
18:20bulgy. Buffy. And a doesn't even stand for angel for that matter. It stands for Ahmed. A charming
18:26foreign exchange student. So that whole fantasy part has nothing to even do with you. Your mother
18:30moved your diary when she came in to straighten up. I washed her from the closet. I didn't read it
18:36I swear. Oh. Oh. I did a lot of thinking today. I really can't be around you because when I am...
18:50Hey. No big water over the bridge. Under the bridge. Over the dam. So badly I want to kiss you.
18:57Kiss me? I'm older than you and this can't ever... I better go.
19:09How much older?
19:13I should. Go. You should.
19:47Let's hear what's wrong.
20:04Buffy what happened?
20:09Nothing. I saw a shadow.
20:17Angel's a vampire? I can't believe this is happening. One minute we were kissing and the
20:26next minute... Can a vampire ever be a good person? Couldn't it happen? Vampire isn't a person at all.
20:34It may have the movements. The memories. Even the personality. The person that it took over.
20:39But it's still a demon at the core. There is no halfway. So that'd be a no, huh?
20:44No. Then what was he doing? Why was he good to me? Was it all some part of the master's plan?
20:52It doesn't make sense. All right. You have a problem and it's not a small one. Let's take a breath
21:00and look at this calmly and objectively. Angel's a vampire. You're a slayer.
21:08I think it's obvious what you have to do.
21:14It is a slayer's duty. I mean I know you have feelings for this guy but it's not like you're in love with him, right?
21:22You're in love with a vampire? What are you out of your mind? What?
21:28Not vampire. How could you love an umpire? Everyone hates him. Where did you get that dress?
21:36This is a one-of-a-kind Todd Oldham. Do you know how much this dress cost? Is this a knockoff?
21:42This is a knockoff, isn't it? Some cheesy knockoff. This is exactly what
21:46happens when you sign these free trade agreements. I think we have problems.
22:12Who's here? A friend.
22:25Hi. It's been a while.
22:32A lifetime. Or two but who's counting? What's with the catholic school girl look?
22:38Last time I saw you it was kimonos. And last time I saw you it wasn't high school girls. Don't you like?
22:51Remember Budapest turn of the century? You were such a bad boy during that earthquake.
22:57You did some damage yourself. Is there anything better than a natural disaster?
23:02The panic. The people lost in the streets. It's like picking fruit off the vine.
23:13Nice. You're living above ground like one of them. You and your new friend are attacking us like one of them.
23:25Like one of them. But guess what precious? You're not one of them.
23:38Are you? No but I'm not exactly one of you either. Is that what you tell yourself these days?
23:46You're not exactly living off a quiche. You and I both know what you hunger for, what you need.
23:56It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's who we are. It's what makes eternal life worth living.
24:06You can only suppress your real nature for so long.
24:10I can feel it brewing inside of you. I hope I'm around when it explodes. Maybe you don't want to be.
24:19I'm not afraid of you. I bet she is though. Or maybe I'm underestimating her.
24:30Talk to her. Tell her about the curse. Maybe she'll come around.
24:36And if she still doesn't trust you, you know where I'll be.
25:00Here's something at last. Can you please warn us before you do that?
25:07There's nothing about Angel in the text but it suddenly occurred to me that it's been ages since I read the diaries of any of the watchers before me.
25:15That must have been so embarrassing when you thought he had read your diary but then it turned out he hadn't but then he felt the same way.
25:22You're right. I'm listening.
25:26It was mentioned some 200 years ago in Ireland of Angelus, the one with the angelic face.
25:32They got that right.
25:36I'm not saying anything. I have nothing to say.
25:40This angel have a tattoo behind his right shoulder.
25:44Yeah, it's a bird or something.
25:48Now I'm saying something. You saw him naked?
25:50So Angel's been around for a while.
25:52Not long for a vampire. 240 years or so.
25:56Huh. 240.
25:58Well, he said he was older.
26:00Angelus leaves Ireland, wreaks havoc in Europe for several decades and then about 80 years ago the most curious thing happens.
26:12He comes to America, shuns other vampires and lives alone.
26:20There's no record of him hunting here.
26:24So he is a good vampire.
26:26I mean, on a scale of one to ten, ten being someone who's killing and maiming every night and one being someone who's not.
26:36I say that there's no record, but vampires hunt and kill. That's what they do.
26:42Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly.
26:44He could have fed on me. He didn't.
26:46Question. 100 years or so before he came to our shores, what was he like then?
26:52Like all of them. A vicious, violent animal.
27:00Don't think I'm not grateful, you letting me kill the three.
27:04How can my children learn if I do everything for them?
27:08But you've gotta let me take care of the slave.
27:12You're giving me orders now.
27:15Okay then, we'll just do nothing while she takes us out one by one.
27:19Do I sense a plan, darling?
27:27Angel kills her and comes back to the fold.
27:29Angel. He was the most vicious creature I ever met. I miss him.
27:37So do I.
27:42Why would he kill her if he feels for her?
27:45To keep her from killing him.
27:50You see how we all work together for the common good? That's how a family is supposed to function.
27:59Okay, so let's review. Reconstruction began when?
28:05Duffy? Huh?
28:07Oh, um, reconstruction.
28:10Uh, reconstruction began after the construction, which was shoddy, so they had to reconstruct.
28:19After the destruction of the Civil War.
28:23Right. Civil War.
28:27During which Angel was already like a hundred and change.
28:31Are we gonna talk about boys or are we gonna help you pass history?
28:39Sometimes I have this fantasy that Xander's just gonna grab me and kiss me right on the lips.
28:46You want Xander, you've gotta speak up, girl.
28:49No, no, no, no. No speaking up. That way leads to madness and sweaty palms.
28:56So here's something I gotta know.
28:59When Angel kissed you, I mean before he turned into... how was it?
29:10Wow. And it is kind of novel how we'll stay young and handsome forever.
29:16Although you'll still get wrinkly and die.
29:19Oh, what about the children?
29:23I'll be quiet now.
29:26No, it's okay. I need to hear this. I need to get over him so I can...
29:32So that you can...
29:36Like Xander said, I'm the Slayer and he's a vampire.
29:42God, I can't. He's never done anything to hurt me.
29:46Okay, no, I need to stop thinking about this.
29:49Okay, let's give another half an hour and maybe something will sink in.
29:53And then I'm going home for some major moping.
29:56Okay. The error of the Congressional Reconstruction, usually called radical...
31:18Hi. I'm Darla, a friend of Buffy's.
31:22Oh. Nice to meet you.
31:28She didn't mention anything about me coming over for a study date, did she?
31:33No, I thought she was studying with Willow at the library.
31:36She is. Willow's the Civil War expert, but then I was supposed to help her with the War of Independence.
31:42My family kind of goes back to those days.
31:46Well, I know she's supposed to be home soon. Would you like to come in and wait?
31:53It's very nice of you to invite me into your home.
31:57You're welcome. I've been wrestling with the IRS all night.
32:02Would you like something to eat?
32:04Yes, I would.
32:07Let's see what we have.
32:10Do you feel like something little or something big?
32:14Something big.
32:45Let her go.
32:47I just had a little. There's plenty more.
32:50Aren't you hungry for something warm after all this time?
32:55Come on, Angel. Just say yes.
33:10Welcome home.
33:14Hey, I'm home.
33:44You're not welcome here.
33:47You come near us and I'll kill you.
34:00Mom. Mom, can you hear me?
34:03Yes, I need an ambulance. 1630 Ravello Drive.
34:08My mother cut herself. She lost a lot of blood. Please, please hurry.
34:13Mom. Hey, Buffy.
34:16Oh, my God. What happened?
34:24Do you remember anything, Mom?
34:27Just, um, your friend came over. I was going to make a snack.
34:33My friend?
34:35I guess I slipped and cut my neck on.
34:39The doctor said it looked like a barbecue fork.
34:44We don't have a barbecue fork.
34:49Are you another doctor?
34:52Oh, um, no. Mom, this is Mr. Giles.
34:56The librarian from your school. What's he doing here?
35:01I just came to pay my respects, wish you a speedy recovery.
35:06Boy, the teachers really do care in this town.
35:10Get some rest now.
35:24She's going to be okay.
35:27They gave her some iron. Her blood count was a little...
35:33A little low. It presents itself like mild anemia.
35:38You were lucky you got to her as soon as you did.
35:41Lucky? Stupid.
35:44Buff, it's not your fault.
35:46No. I invited him into my home.
35:49Even after I knew who he was, what he was, and I didn't do anything about it.
35:55Because I had feelings for him. Because I cared about him.
35:59If you care about somebody, you care about them.
36:03You can't change that by... Killing them?
36:07Maybe not. I think it's a start.
36:11Well, keep an eye on your mom.
36:14You can't stop me. The three found me near the bronze, and so did he.
36:18He lives nearby. This is an ordinary vampire.
36:22If there is such a thing, he knows you. He's faced the three.
36:27I think this is going to take more than a simple stake.
36:30So do I.
36:38She's out hunting you right now. She wants to kill you.
36:42Leave me alone.
36:45What did you think? Did you think she would understand?
36:50That she would look at your face, your true face, and give you a kiss?
36:59For a hundred years, you've not had a moment's peace because you will not accept who you are.
37:05That's all you have to do. Accept it.
37:09Don't let her hunt you down.
37:12Don't whimper and mew like a mangy human.
37:16Kill. Feed. Live.
37:23All right.
37:25What do you want?
37:27I want it finished.
37:29That's good. You're hurting me.
37:33That's good, too.
38:17She talks about you all the time.
38:20It's important to have teachers who make an impression.
38:23She makes quite an impression herself.
38:26I know she's having trouble with history.
38:29Is it too difficult for her, or is she not applying herself?
38:33She lives very much in the now.
38:36History, of course, is very much about the then.
38:41But there's no reason...
38:43She's studying with Willow. She's studying with Darla.
38:46I mean, she is trying.
38:48Darla? I don't believe I know...
38:51Her friend, the one who came over tonight.
38:54Darla came to your house tonight. She's the friend that you mentioned earlier.
38:58Poor thing. I must have frightened her half to death when I fainted.
39:02Someone should really check and make sure she's all right.
39:05Yes, someone should right away. I'll do it.
39:09That school is amazing.
39:12We have a problem.
39:36I know you're there.
39:40And I know what you are.
39:43Do you? I'm just an animal, right?
39:46You're not an animal.
39:49Animals I like.
39:56Let's get it done.
40:09Let's go.
40:40Come on.
40:43Don't go soft on me now.
40:49Little White.
40:53Why didn't you just attack me when you had the chance?
40:57Was it a joke?
41:00To make me feel for you and then...
41:03I've killed a lot of vampires.
41:07I've never hated one before.
41:10Feels good, doesn't it? Feels simple.
41:13I invited you into my home and then you attacked my family.
41:16Why not? I killed mine.
41:20I killed their friends.
41:23And their friends' children.
41:26For a hundred years I offered an ugly death to everyone I met.
41:31And I did it with a song in my heart.
41:34What changed?
41:36Fed on a girl about your age.
41:41Almost opposed.
41:43But a favorite among her clan.
41:46Her clan?
41:48The Romani.
41:52The elders conjured the perfect punishment for me.
41:55They restored my soul.
41:57What, they were all out of boils and blinding torment?
42:00When you become a vampire, the demon takes your body,
42:03but it doesn't get your soul.
42:06That's gone.
42:08No conscience, no remorse.
42:10It's an easy way to live.
42:13You have no idea what it's like to have done the things I've done.
42:19And to care.
42:22I haven't fed on a living human being since that day.
42:27So you started with my mom?
42:29I didn't bite her.
42:30Then why didn't you say something?
42:32But I wanted to.
42:35I can walk like a man, but I'm not one.
42:40I wanted to kill you tonight.
42:58Go ahead.
43:08Not as easy as it looks.
43:12Sure it is.
43:16We're near the bronze.
43:18What now?
43:19Keep looking for her.
43:21I have a question.
43:23What if we find her and she's fighting Angel and some of his friends?
43:26What the heck are we going to do about it?
43:28Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?
43:32Bad hair on top of that outfit?
43:34To love someone who used to love you.
43:39You guys were involved?
43:41For several generations.
43:44Well, you've been around for a long time.
43:47You're older than him, right?
43:49Just between us girls, you are looking a little worn around the eyes.
43:54I made him.
43:56There was a time when we shared everything, wasn't there, Angelus?
44:01You had a chance to come home, to rule with me in the master's court for a thousand years.
44:07But you threw that away because you were jealous.
44:12You love someone who hates us.
44:15You're sick.
44:17And you'll always be sick.
44:20And you'll always remember what it was like to watch her die.
44:26You don't think I came alone, do you?
44:29I know I didn't.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:36You don't think I came alone, do you?
44:38I know I didn't.
44:50Oh, don't worry.
44:52Bullets can't kill vampires.
44:54You can hurt them like hell, but...
45:01Did you just hear...
45:05Many body parts, so few bullets.
45:09Let's begin with the kneecaps.
45:11No fun dancing without them.
45:25Close, but no heart.
45:33We need to distract her, fast.
45:36Buffy, it wasn't Angel who attacked your mama!
45:38Mama, Mama!
45:56Come on, Buffy.
46:26Take it like a man.
47:04Oh, Dizzy.
47:29She was my favorite.
47:32For 400 years.
47:36She was weak.
47:38Don't need her.
47:40I'll bring you the Slayer.
47:43But to lose her to Angel...
47:47He was to have sat at my right hand come the day.
47:51And now...
47:52We're all against you.
47:55But soon you shall rise.
47:58And when you do...
48:03You kill them all.
48:17Ah, the post-fumigation party.
48:20Okay, so what's the difference between this and the pre-fumigation party?
48:24Party or cockroaches.
48:28So, no word from Angel?
48:35It's weird, though.
48:37In his way, I feel like he's still watching me.
48:40Well, in a way, he sort of is.
48:44In a way of that he's right over there.
48:57I don't need to watch because I'm not threatened.
49:01I'm just gonna look this way.
49:24I just wanted to see if you were okay, Mother.
49:29We're both good.
49:33I didn't go a little while without getting shot or stabbed.
49:36I'll be all right.
49:42Look, this can't ever be anything.
49:48For one thing, you're like 224 years older than I am.
49:57I just gotta...
50:00I gotta walk away from this.
50:03I know.
50:05Me too.
50:11One of us has to go here.
50:15I know.
50:21I know.
50:40What's going on?
50:43As long as they're not kissing.
50:59You okay?
51:03It's just painful.
51:07For now.
51:12See you around.
52:12Grr. Arrgh.
