مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 127 مترجمة

  • 2 days ago


00:12Sure, mr. Ogunji
00:33What happened, mr. Ogunji? Is the baby bothering you?
00:35No, no, it's nothing like that.
00:37I thought I'd talk to you for a while.
00:39I don't think I'll ever get a chance to video call like this again.
00:43Amrita has found a nanny.
00:45Oh, wow! But you're not happy, right?
00:49Because you lost your part-time job.
00:51You won't get the joy of spending time with the baby.
00:55I just can't let it go.
00:57I feel like shifting Keet and Amrita to my house.
01:01There's a better idea.
01:03You go to their house every day.
01:05The baby must miss you too.
01:10I should, right?
01:12By the way, I've accepted all your tics.
01:15When she comes to me, she cries less.
01:18But she's starting to recognize my touch.
01:20That's what I feel.
01:28She's smiling.
01:32Hi, baby.
01:33Hi, Neena.
01:35Are you having fun?
01:42I think it was a warning smile.
01:44I think it's time to change the baby's diaper.
01:48Okay, your training was successful.
01:50Now you know what it means to make the baby laugh and cry.
02:07Okay, then?
02:12Bye. Sorry.
02:13Sorry. Bye.
02:28Kavita, now you've started hiding things from me.
02:31What are you talking about?
02:33What did I hide from you?
02:34Did you meet Viyan at the hospital on the day of Johan's vaccination?
02:39By chance, I met him there.
02:41And you didn't find it necessary to tell me this.
02:43Can I ask why?
02:46Kailash, it's such a small thing.
02:48Meeting him isn't a big deal.
02:49Saying hi to him isn't a big deal either.
02:51But apart from that, you spoke to him.
02:53You didn't tell me anything about him.
02:55Kailash, you're overreacting.
02:57I'm overreacting?
02:59Kavita, we just know him.
03:02Nothing more than that.
03:03Was it worth talking to him?
03:07Next time, if he meets you or talks to you, don't hide anything from me.
03:11Katha doesn't have an option.
03:13He has to meet him every day at the office.
03:15But I don't like you meeting him or talking to him.
03:18And you know, I don't trust that guy at all.
03:22I know men's intentions very well.
03:25So, if he meets you or talks to you again,
03:28I should be the first to know.
03:55Here's my special bat.
03:57Your century is confirmed today.
03:59Thanks, buddy.
04:00My bat's handle broke in the morning practice today.
04:03Do one thing. Keep it as long as you want it.
04:06Thanks, buddy.
04:08Can I tell you a secret?
04:09Yes, tell me.
04:10Today, mom and dad are going to suggest starting swimming classes in PT group.
04:16That's a great idea.
04:19And will the school authorities agree?
04:21Unity is strength, bro.
04:22If mom and dad say it together, it will happen.
04:28Tell me something.
04:29The group can only join with an invitation, right?
04:32I mean, if someone gets an invitation and accepts it,
04:36it will be added to the group, right?
04:38Only in the name of the parent number?
04:40Yes, no one's name is visible.
04:42Only the parents and teachers' numbers are written.
04:47And if someone wants to be added, who can do it?
04:50Any current member of the group.
04:52Everyone is an admin.
04:58Can you do me a small favor?
04:59Yes, tell me.
05:01Look, I have a friend, Robin.
05:07Master plan, bro.
05:10Hello, aunty.
05:11Hello, dear. How are you?
05:12I'm fine. How are you?
05:16Did you add Robin uncle to the PTA group?
05:20Oh no, I forgot.
05:22How can you forget to add Robin uncle?
05:24He helps us a lot.
05:26Mom, please add Robin uncle to the PTA group.
05:29He will give the best suggestion for our school.
05:32Who, Robin uncle?
05:33Mom, Robin uncle.
05:34With his suggestion, so many cameras were installed in the school's apartment.
05:38And in drop and pick, the ID card became compulsory for the parents.
05:42Please add him soon.
05:44It's important for every parent to be in the group.
05:46Okay, give me the number quickly, please.
05:49Write it.
06:07What's up, little buddy?
06:10How are you?
06:11I'm great. How are you?
06:12Did you check your phone?
06:13No. Why?
06:14You must have got an invite link. Check it quickly.
06:16Invite link?
06:18Yes, I got something.
06:20SJS PTG. What's this?
06:22This is the link of our school's parent-teacher group.
06:25Join it quickly.
06:27Do you know?
06:28There are secret codenames in this.
06:30Like parent 1, parent 2.
06:33Like this.
06:34No one will know.
06:36Do you know?
06:37In this group, parents discuss their children's problems.
06:43No. No. I...
06:45How can I join?
06:47No. No. No, Batman. No.
06:49Why not, Robin?
06:52Please, Robin.
06:54You are the only one who understands me, apart from mom.
06:57In the group, every child has two people.
07:01It will be good if I also have two people.
07:07But Batman, for this, you will have to take permission from your mom.
07:10Don't worry about that.
07:12Don't worry. I will handle all that.
07:16This is a big responsibility. I mean...
07:19This is for the parents.
07:20That's why I am telling you, Robin.
07:22Now look.
07:23The way you guide me,
07:25similarly, your advice can help everyone.
07:28Isn't it?
07:29Please, Robin.
07:31This is just a secret between the three of us.
07:33You, me and mom.
07:43Parent number 10.
07:44See, Robin.
07:50Exactly same to same.
07:52Everyone knows.
07:53We are one team.
07:54And this is what God wants.
08:11This summer holiday,
08:12there should be swimming classes in the school.
08:14It will be a good activity for the children.
08:17Great idea.
08:18But with safety precautions and...
08:22Good idea.
08:23But there should be lifeguards.
08:25And safety precautions should be taken care of.
08:28I agree.
08:40I agree.
09:11Mom, guess what?
09:12What did I do?
09:13What did you do?
09:16I added Robin
09:17in your online PTA group.
09:25Now see.
09:26Parent number 10
09:27will be the coolest participant in your group.
09:40why did you add Robin in this group?
09:42This group is for parents and teachers.
09:47Monkey mode off.
09:48Arm mode on.
09:50What happened?
09:51Did you feel bad?
09:53It's not about feeling bad, Monkey.
09:56He is your friend.
09:57And this group is for parents and teachers.
09:59I just want to know
10:00why did you add Robin in this group?
10:10just like you consider me the most important person in the world,
10:14you guide me the most,
10:16Robin supports me the most in the world.
10:20He does.
10:25There are two people in the group from all the kids.
10:28So I thought
10:29if there are two people from my side,
10:30who will be left?
10:41Do you feel better when he is there?
10:46And more confident.
10:49you always say that
10:50everyone should have a special place in their life.
10:55Robin's place is very special.
11:08See you then.
11:26Don't you sleep these days?
11:29I look more fairer than you even after four pegs.
11:32So much of waste of time, man.
11:36Eight hours of beauty sleep, I need.
11:38You are already very handsome, bro.
11:42My daughter is bullied by her classmate.
11:44I complained to her mother,
11:46she tried to convince me.
11:47But she hasn't even apologized yet.
11:49How can kids be so arrogant?
11:51That girl is very rude.
11:53I am going to complain to the principal.
11:55To take strict action.
11:57This is not the solution.
11:58Kids make mistakes.
12:09I think you should meet your daughter,
12:11that other girl and her mother
12:13at the school counsellor.
12:28Sorry for what happened to your daughter.
12:30But I think that other girl is in more trouble.
12:33How about counselling?
12:34It would be best if you all go together.
12:48It's a very good idea.
12:50Very nice.
12:52Well said.
12:53Pairing number two and ten.
12:59So many people enter the phone
13:01when they...
13:02What do they say in our Bollywood?
13:04When a person is doing bitter-goo in love.
13:07But you and Katha are not there.
13:09Then who are you with?
13:11Have you gone mad?
13:12It's nothing like that.
13:13Do you remember my friend from the sports club?
13:15The kid?
13:16Mad man.
13:18So he added me to the parent-teacher group.
13:20Look at this.
13:29You are in a parent-teacher group?
13:32What's the big deal?
13:40Listen to me, bro.
13:42My friend is going to be a father.
13:45Close the window.
13:46Close the window.
13:48You are right, man.
13:49Without marriage, without a girl,
13:50without hard work,
13:51without any support.
13:53Just one word from you,
13:54and I am already a father.
14:05Come, sir.
14:07Stop it.
14:08Everyone, listen.
14:10Hi, guys.
14:11Morning, everyone.
14:12Good morning.
14:15Kata, you had a meeting, right?
14:16About the Ramla project?
14:18Excuse me.
14:29What happened, Kata?
14:30All okay?
14:32Did they add you to the parent-teacher group?
14:36I have heard that such groups are very dangerous.
14:38They are more active than family groups.
14:44I am eating my lunch.
14:49What is he up to?
14:51Sometime he is going to be a father.
14:54Sir, these are our last month's figures.
14:56We have a lot of reserves for the Dubai project.
14:58But for the Lona Olna project,
15:00we will have to transfer fresh funds.
15:02So let's transfer it from your salary.
15:11I am sorry, guys.
15:12If we had added you to so many groups,
15:14people wouldn't be able to mute important groups these days.
15:17I know.
15:18These days, we have to make a new group with every new relative.
15:22This makes people sad.
15:26My son loves shooting.
15:28But I think if he wants to go into sports,
15:30he has a future in cricket.
15:39But your son has a future.
15:41He should do what he is interested in.
15:43If he doesn't like what he is doing,
15:45how will he do his 100%?
15:47How will he excel in a game
15:49that he is not interested in?
15:51Have faith in your son.
15:52Let him shoot.
15:53Who knows, one day he will stand on the Olympic podium
15:55and sing the national anthem.
16:11I am sorry, guys.
16:12If we had added you to so many groups,
16:14people wouldn't be able to mute important groups these days.
16:16This makes people sad.
16:27I completely agree with parent number 10.
16:40Competitive exams are getting tougher.
16:42I think apart from school,
16:44children should get four tuitions.
16:49I think it will be too much.
16:51But parent number 10,
16:52what do you think?
16:59Parent number 10,
17:00please give your opinion.
17:11After school,
17:12children will be overburdened with four tuitions.
17:14They will always feel tired.
17:16They will be under pressure.
17:20But what is the solution?
17:22What is the solution?
17:27Point out the subjects
17:29in which the child needs the most help.
17:31And get only their tuitions.
17:40It's simple.
17:44The subjects in which the child needs the most help,
17:46get his tuitions.
17:47And help the child in the other subjects.
17:49Motivate him.
17:50Give him time to play.
17:51Only then he will learn well.
18:06Yes, that is right.
18:12I agree with parent number 10.
18:22Parent number 10,
18:24Your parenting skill is helping all of us.
18:26It is right to give in the group.
18:34Best Parent Award,
18:35from me.
18:52Mr. Raghuvanshree,
18:54I want to talk to you.
18:55Yeah, sure.
18:57These three new trainees,
18:58Vanya, Abhishek and Tanya,
19:00they are very competent and capable.
19:03Why don't we give them individual responsibilities?
19:08It's a great idea,
19:09but will they be able to bear the pressure?
19:11I think,
19:12under pressure is quick and effective learning.
19:15And they are asking for responsibilities
19:17and we are treating them like newcomers.
19:20We should give them a chance.
19:22They will get used to it eventually.
19:28We should try, right?
19:30In a group project,
19:31everyone has to work together.
19:33Sorry ma'am, but I don't have time.
19:35And I have a request.
19:36Please don't judge me on my speed,
19:37but on my work.
19:38Please ma'am,
19:39give me a chance.
19:43It is possible that
19:44due to the burden of responsibility,
19:45they will lose their confidence.
19:47But that is also part of the learning.
19:49And we are here to supervise them.
19:51You know what, I agree with that.
19:53When confidence is shaken in a new place,
19:55it's really bad.
19:56And when it comes back,
19:57it's even worse.
19:59Good idea.
20:00I will talk to Jeetu.
20:11Parent number 10,
20:12you are really great.
20:13I have seen few intelligent people like you in my life.
20:15Your children and wife are really lucky.
20:19Ha ha ha.
20:27I am really worried these days, Adi.
20:30Thousands of things are going on in my mind.
20:34Please talk to me.
20:35Help me, Adi. Please.
20:37I don't understand what to do.
20:39You knew that
20:40Parent number 10 will disagree with you.
20:42But I have seen my son being so angry
20:44and showing so many tantrums,
20:46that it doesn't affect him at all.
20:49Has your son ever done this?
20:51Mr. Raghuvanshi,
20:52everyone is doing it
20:53to remind me of Adi.
20:55To keep him away,
20:56to block him.
