Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 37 Completo en Español

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Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 37 Completo en Español
00:00I'm very afraid of how Mario will react, especially because it's you.
00:06Mario is not perfect.
00:09We are not.
00:10I know, but I don't think he's capable of cheating on me.
00:20You know what, Daniel? The decision has been made.
00:24I have to talk to Mario and I'm going to get a divorce.
00:27And I'm going to take the express divorce because I don't want to prolong this decision anymore.
00:35Don't cry.
00:39How's the filming going?
00:41Fortunately, without any setbacks.
00:43It's going very well. I'm sure you'll love it.
00:46I don't doubt it, son.
00:49And how are things going with Verania?
00:51A little complicated, but I'll tell you later.
00:54How are you? Any news?
00:56Greta called me this morning.
00:59She told me she had to tell me something very important that would change my life.
01:03And what do you think it is?
01:04I have no idea, but it intrigued me.
01:08Don't you think it's a pretext to see you? I'm sure she noticed your rejection.
01:12I thought so too.
01:14That's why I'm going to see her to ask her to stop looking for me.
01:19I don't want to affect your relationship with Fatima or my relationship with Renato.
01:23And while you're talking to her, remember that if you don't tell Fatima the truth, I'll do it.
01:28She's aware of it because she mentioned it to me.
01:31She told me she wanted us to talk before you fulfilled your warning.
01:37But anyway...
01:40I'll keep you posted and we'll keep in touch, son.
02:23Everything, everything...
02:28Hey, tell me, what happened with Fatima?
02:30Is she still with the vice president of the soda company?
02:34Let's change the subject because my son is still affected by that.
02:37Well, he won't be so affected if he's with his secretary.
02:41Well, you know how Greta is.
02:43Don't start fighting again, please.
02:47Well, what are you doing?
02:50Greta, do you think it's okay if we meet tomorrow morning at my house?
02:56And that smile...
02:58From whom did you receive the message, Picarona?
03:02A person who is doing just what I wanted.
03:09Hi, I thought you were going to be late.
03:11No, I came straight from the ranch.
03:13I had no reason to come to the house.
03:16How have you been?
03:17Good, good.
03:19Although Jose insists that I stay away from Federico, of course.
03:23You know what confuses me is that Mr. Federico, loving you as he loves you,
03:26and being such an intelligent man, he hasn't realized that something is wrong with you.
03:30Well, he's very distracted.
03:34Do you remember that I told you that Federico left his girlfriend to marry Sebastian's mother?
03:38Yes, the one who committed suicide because of him.
03:40Well, it turns out that he didn't commit suicide.
03:43And Federico just found out.
03:47He never took his own life.
03:50And Federico has been feeling guilty for years for his death.
03:54It turns out that it was the husband, through an employee, who made him believe that to keep him away from her.
03:59Don't make it up.
04:00No, it's not very strong.
04:01Well, what a cruel husband that woman has.
04:03How could he lie about something like that?
04:05There are bad people in the world and very selfish.
04:09Well, thank God everything was cleared up and Federico, well, he's at peace.
04:12After so many years.
04:14Well, it's better late than never.
04:16That's right.
04:20Maca was looking for you, but she already went to play with Remigio.
04:23Oh, I went for a walk, aunt.
04:26You have the buttons of the shirt unbuttoned.
04:33I'm going to the room.
04:36Daniel asked me not to get involved, but I can't do it.
04:40I can't be an accomplice to what's going on between my son and you.
04:43I understand that you can't understand it, aunt, but I assure you that we didn't do it out of bad faith.
04:47That doesn't take away their responsibility.
04:49They are betraying Mario and he doesn't deserve it.
04:52Neither he, nor your daughter, nor the family, nor anyone.
04:56They are playing with fire, Barbara.
04:58And they are very wrong if they think they are not going to burn.
05:01Aunt, I swear that my relationship with Mario has been bad for a long time.
05:05And that gives you the right to mess with his cousin?
05:08And that's why he's been distant.
05:10He had to process all the information and he hasn't noticed how I am, obviously.
05:16He's not in his world.
05:18Hey, didn't it affect you to see her again?
05:23I mean, from what you told me, he loved that woman a lot.
05:26Yes, well, he made it clear to me that she is in his past.
05:30He has shown it to me.
05:31He is a sincere man and the truth is, I trust him.
05:34I admire you a lot, Renata.
05:37It's just that anyone else in your place would have been super jealous.
05:41Sometimes the loves of the past are very difficult to overcome, right?
05:46Are you saying that because of Verania?
05:50It affects me to know that Sebastian is with her.
05:53Yes, I understand you.
05:54But, well, it's just that it's very different.
05:57Federico's thing happened a thousand years ago.
05:59On the other hand, Verania's thing is recent.
06:01But as I told you, don't let distrust affect your relationship with him.
06:08I know, I know.
06:09You already told me.
06:10And look, I understand.
06:13But here...
06:15I can't help but feel jealous.
06:21Daniel and you are a couple of selfish people who are only thinking about you.
06:24And not about the damage that you are going to cause to everyone, to the whole family.
06:27To everyone around you with this passion.
06:30Aunt, it's not passion.
06:32It's a real love.
06:34How many sins are committed in the name of love, don't you think?
06:38But someone has to fit the prudence, the sanity.
06:42I hope your motherly love helps you give up this madness.
06:45Let's see, my love for Maca is not in doubt.
06:47Then don't hurt her.
06:49Get away from Daniel right now.
06:52Barbara, please, please come back to Mexico.
06:55I don't want you to stay at the ranch one more day.
06:57I can't keep hiding this love with my son in this house.
07:00It's not a love.
07:01It's not an adventure.
07:02It's a real and valuable love.
07:05But well, as I see that you can't understand it, I'm going to get my bags and I'm leaving.
07:13You can leave Maca if you want.
07:16And we're going to tell your grandfather that your mother called you to be near Gonzalo right now.
07:23I'm going to leave Maca and I'll come back for her when the treatment is over.
07:28I think it's good.
07:34I need you to get me Barbara's husband's phone number.
07:37And what do you want it for?
07:39Are you going to call him?
07:40Because if you tell him about the love of his wife and his cousin, Daniel will never forgive you.
07:45Never, Maricruz.
07:46Well, I'm not going to sit idly by.
07:48I have to do something to separate them.
07:52Yes, I'm going to call him, but there's nothing on my cell phone.
07:54So you're not going to call me.
07:55I'm not going to sit idly by.
07:56I have to do something to separate them.
08:01Yes, I'm going to call him, but there's nothing on my cell phone.
08:03So you're not going to call me.
08:05Well, you go.
08:07The problem is that where am I going to get Mr. Mario's number?
08:10Barbara's cell phone, Daniel's, Mrs. Lucia's.
08:13They must have a password.
08:15Álvaro has the phones written down on his agenda.
08:18Daniel told me once, so he's probably going to be there on Tuesday.
08:21And if they catch me, they'll fire me.
08:22Oh, no one's going to catch you.
08:24Who's going to imagine that you're looking for your husband's cell phone with that whore's knot?
08:32What happened?
08:34What did you want to tell me?
08:37Your mom asked me to leave the ranch.
08:39What? But I asked her not to get involved.
08:41Daniel, but she's right.
08:43I understand her.
08:44Yours and mine don't fit.
08:45But Barbara, please.
08:47We want to defend our relationship.
08:48And my mom is just the beginning of everything that awaits us.
08:51Yes, but that's what everyone is going to say.
08:53I don't know if I can handle all this.
08:55Barbara, all your life you've let yourself be carried away by duty.
08:58By doing what others expect of you.
09:01Don't you think it's time to take the reins of your life?
09:04And do what you want to do.
09:06Because, at least me, I'm not going to give up on you.
09:11You know what? I'm going to talk to my mom.
09:12No, Daniel.
09:14She was very definitive.
09:16And I'm also very definitive.
09:24I love you.
09:26I love you too.
09:41Hi, Dad.
09:43What do you want me to do today?
09:49You don't work here anymore.
09:52What do you mean?
09:53You gave me another chance before going to Houston.
09:56And as soon as I got back, I found you married, living in the house.
10:01Pablo, the opportunities with me are over.
10:03They're definitely over.
10:06Both emotionally and laborally.
10:10Dad, you can't leave me without a house, without a job.
10:12No, no, I can.
10:13Yes, I can.
10:14But I swear...
10:15No, son, no.
10:20I don't even have the desire or the energy to be running around and taking care of every step you take.
10:28No more.
10:29I'm going to work hard at the race.
10:31Bravo, son, bravo.
10:36I got it.
10:37Those were my expectations, not yours.
10:43So you can go.
10:45I don't want your time anymore.
10:48And do whatever you want with your life.
11:02Ma'am, no.
11:03You can't see them.
11:04Come on, love.
11:05Why not?
11:06They're my children.
11:07Ana, take them to the car, please.
11:10Goodbye, mom.
11:11Goodbye, my love.
11:14Can't you tell me why you're so cruel to me?
11:16Stop pretending to be the victim.
11:18You know you can only see them with supervision and certain days.
11:22And today is not your day.
11:23Leandro, please.
11:24Give them back to me.
11:25I need them.
11:26I can't live without them.
11:27What you need is for me to give them back to you, but with the check, so you can live like a queen, right?
11:33But that's not going to happen.
11:35And especially not now that you're married.
11:39Did you think I wasn't going to find out?
11:40What I can't believe is that you married the guy who put my children at risk.
11:45Well, you didn't leave me another option.
11:46You left me abandoned to my luck.
11:48Mistake after mistake.
11:51But you're not going to get between my children's legs.
11:54I assure you of that.
12:00Carlos has been sending me the material.
12:02I thought it would be easier from here for Sebastian to fall, but...
12:05I thought it would be easier from here for Sebastian to fall, but...
12:08He's like very dry, distant with me.
12:11It is very clear to me that he is very in love with your ex.
12:14Well, worse for him.
12:15Because Fátima is not going to accept any infidelity.
12:18If he doesn't forgive me that we were engaged, much less that idiot.
12:22Well, you can start doing magic with the photos.
12:24Because for how the situation is, I don't think it's going to fall.
12:27You do what you're doing, Verania.
12:30Tell them that we already have the name of the foundation that is helping girls who have suffered from violence.
12:34Well, what are you waiting for to tell me?
12:36Although, well, I don't know if with the name it's only going to be worth it.
12:39Because I think they're going to start investigating the event.
12:42Which supposedly was.
12:44The foundation is called like the same founder.
12:47Miltra Volk.
12:48Okay, what a more complicated name.
12:50But hey, it's great, because that justifies not remembering it.
12:53Verania, listen to me.
12:54Get into bed with Sebastian.
12:57It's an order.
12:58Don't fail me.
12:59Don't worry, I'm the first one who dies for doing it.
13:03Can I help you?
13:04Yes, I can, thank you.
13:05I get used to this.
13:07Hello, good morning.
13:09Thank you, I'm fine.
13:12I'm fine.
13:14What the hell?
13:15Once I broke my hand and I couldn't do anything.
13:18Oh, yes, it's very uncomfortable.
13:20Besides, it happened to me right now.
13:22I should be in the filming, right Brenda?
13:25As good as I like her.
13:27I know.
13:28Hey, by the way, I saw you one day.
13:31Yes, arguing with her.
13:33What happened between you two or what?
13:36Well, she played me.
13:39And if you want some advice, don't trust her.
13:43But what did she do to you?
13:46Look, I don't want to make the moment bitter,
13:49but maybe one day I'll tell you.
13:52Excuse me.
13:57How are you doing?
13:58Good, good.
13:59I'm ready.
14:00And by the way, I remembered the name of the foundation I worked for.
14:03It's called Mitra Volca.
14:08Let's investigate if it really exists.
14:11Yes, sir.
14:13I'll continue with the subject.
14:19Mom, I asked you not to get involved in my relationship with Barbara.
14:23I'm sorry, but I'm not going to isolate your relationship with your cousin's wife.
14:26Why don't you want to understand that I love her?
14:28You're the one who doesn't seem to understand, son.
14:30That feeling between you two is forbidden.
14:33How many times do you want me to tell you?
14:35Well, even though it's forbidden, we're going to fight for it.
14:38You're right, son.
14:39For the love of God.
14:41You're still in time to prevent a misfortune in this family.
14:44No, no, no, mom.
14:45The misfortune will be to give up what she and I feel.
14:48That will be a misfortune.
14:49So let's do things our way.
14:50And for now, Barbara is not leaving here.
14:53But we'll be together when she divorces Mario.
14:56Son, please, I beg you.
14:58Kill that love before it consumes you and everyone else.
15:02I'm sorry, mom.
15:03In a few days, Barbara is going to Mexico for Gonzalo's surgery.
15:06But for now, Barbara stays here.
15:08And don't you dare run away again, because then the one you're going to lose is me.
15:14What's wrong, daughter?
15:15Why were you arguing with Daniel?
15:18Things he brings, dad.
15:19Things he brings.
15:20What things?
15:22Better forget it.
15:23But how can I forget it if you were arguing?
15:26I don't want to worry you.
15:28Better don't ask me.
15:31Hey, daughter.
15:32Hey, hey.
15:44Finally, Verania gave us the name of the event she came for.
15:47Wow, she finally got her memory back.
15:49The foundation is called Mitra Volca.
15:53Mitra what?
15:55Let's see, Mitra Volca.
16:01Zero tolerance.
16:02Oh, well, for now the foundation exists.
16:05Well, it would have been very silly of her to give us the name of something that doesn't exist.
16:08Anyone can look on the internet.
16:10Something in two seconds.
16:11That stupid name doesn't have a hair.
16:14Let's see, but let me look if they've had events lately.
16:18No, huh?
16:19Have they?
16:20No, they haven't.
16:21It's weird.
16:22Let's see, give me two.
16:23Let me check.
16:43Are you busy?
16:44Hey Vic, thanks for the information.
16:46Yes, I'll take care of getting to the foundation.
16:48Okay, as soon as you know something, let me know because Sebastián also wants to know.
16:52Sebastián already found out that we're investigating?
16:54Yes, he also thinks that Verania hasn't been sincere at all.
16:57I don't know.
16:58I don't know.
16:59I don't know.
17:00I don't know.
17:01I don't know.
17:02I don't know.
17:03I don't know.
17:04I don't know.
17:05I don't know.
17:06I don't know.
17:07I don't know.
17:08I don't know.
17:09I don't know.
17:10If he's sincere, then it's better that tremble.
17:12Of course, return with him, get his girlfriend down for my friend.
17:15Well, here's the deal.
17:16But, anyway, this.
17:18Do you tell me, do not you?
17:19He's cheering his fight firmly.
17:23Well, yes, I have to return to the foundation, ok?
17:25OK, see you.
17:31I got a call.
17:38You're going to pay for this, Barbara.
17:42I can't find you right now.
17:44Leave a message and let me know
17:45as soon as possible.
17:48Your woman is cheating on you.
17:50And you have no idea who she is.
17:53It's very close to you.
17:57And what are we going to do in San Miguel de Allende?
18:02Do you think Jose won't find us there?
18:05Well, I need to get out of his sight.
18:08To have a space for me, for me.
18:11So I'm going to turn off my cell phone,
18:14and I'm going to pay everything in cash,
18:17and that way he won't track me anymore.
18:21And how are you going to justify it to Federico?
18:24Well, I know that they hacked my phone,
18:27and that he can only contact me by email.
18:30But you won't be able to do that for a long time.
18:33Oh, I know, friend, I know.
18:35But I need Jose to believe that I'm moving away from Federico.
18:40I'm grateful that you reported, Claudio.
18:43Mr. Alvaro, I apologize for the delay in my answer.
18:47I just got out of work.
18:49I know that we don't know each other personally,
18:51but I gave you everything my father wanted from you.
18:53How much did you value it?
18:55I also loved it a lot.
18:58And if I dare to give it to you,
19:00it's because Gonzalo Uriarte,
19:03a very endearing friend to me,
19:05has the same problems with his plastic factory
19:09as the ones your father had before he died.
19:13The non-recyclable plastic is out of order, Mr. Alvaro.
19:16Yes, I know, son, I know.
19:20Well, I would like you to receive Gonzalo
19:23so that you can explain the process,
19:27the cost and the performance,
19:30in short, all the details necessary
19:33for the transformation of his factory.
19:37Oh, my God, I'm turning 20.
19:42Maybe I'm asking too much
19:45because it would be your competition.
19:49Don't worry, Mr. Alvaro.
19:51I am of the mentality that the sun comes out for everyone,
19:54so I will gladly meet with Mr. Uriarte
19:56whenever he wants and can.
19:59I just hope he doesn't tell him where you are,
20:01as now he's a friend.
20:03Well, then I'm going to tell him before I go
20:05that I don't want anyone to know
20:07where I'm going to be other than him,
20:09that I need to be calm
20:11and that I need to be away from everyone.
20:14Well, it's the truth.
20:15In fact, that's how it is.
20:16I need to have clarity.
20:19I need to think very well
20:23about how I'm going to face José, my friend,
20:26how I'm going to protect Federico.
20:30I think we'll have the space
20:32to think about different scenarios.
20:34Also, remember that you have the selfie
20:36that he sent from your house.
20:38That's a proof against him.
20:40Yes, my friend,
20:41but they say that alone is not forceful.
20:44I have to figure out a way to set him up
20:47so that he and all his intentions are exposed.
20:53My friend, thank you.
20:57Thank you for making me feel
21:00that I'm not alone with that monster.
21:04I love you.
21:05You're more than a sister to me
21:07and whenever, whenever you need me,
21:09I'll be there.
21:15Hey, Dad, I wanted to ask you about the business.
21:18Grandpa Alvaro told me
21:19that Aníbal's proposal is very good
21:21and that it can save the company.
21:23Yes, yes,
21:24as long as your mom
21:26gets to mortgage the factory.
21:29You have to invest money in the transformation.
21:32Yes, well, if that's the solution,
21:34I'm sure she'll accept it.
21:36Look, daughter, I don't know.
21:38I don't know,
21:39but frankly, I'm excited about the idea.
21:42Well, I have a lot of affection for this business
21:45and above all,
21:48you have to give work to so many employees
21:50who have been in the factory all their lives.
21:53But well, until they operate me,
21:56I'm going to get this plan going.
21:59And when they operate you,
22:00you're going to recover very soon, you'll see.
22:02And you're going to be able to go around
22:04and make the plan you want.
22:06Oh, but everything,
22:08I wish it depended on my health.
22:10Depends on your mom.
22:13Oh, daughter, if she doesn't agree,
22:15we're going to have to sell everything.
22:17And it's not going to be worth anything.
22:19It's not going to be worth anything.
22:21You have to pay debts,
22:23liquidation of employees, taxes,
22:25anyway, there's nothing left.
22:27Hey, if my mom doesn't want to mortgage the factory,
22:30I'm going to convince her to do it.
22:31You see, right now I don't know why she's so nice to me,
22:33so I'm going to take advantage of that to help you.
22:36Oh, my princess.
22:41I love you so much.
22:42I love you too, daddy.
22:57Mom, I have a surprise for you.
22:59What, honey?
23:00Close your eyes.
23:02Let's see.
23:04You close them and don't open them, okay?
23:07Okay, fine.
23:08Let's see, what are you going to give me?
23:10What is it?
23:11Maca, where are you, honey?
23:13You can open them now.
23:22Maca and I wanted to give you a surprise.
23:24Yes, and they gave it to me.
23:26What are you doing here?
23:28Well, I had to go to Mexico,
23:29and instead of going by plane,
23:30they gave me a car to spend the night with you.
23:32Tomorrow I'm leaving early for the city.
23:34What do you think?
23:36Did you like the surprise, mom?
23:38Yes, honey, yes.
23:39Hey, you look so pretty.
23:41I love how you look like this.
23:43Like a rancher.
23:45I like it a lot too.
23:46You're super pretty.
23:48Thank you, honey.
23:57How are you, son?
24:01It's a pleasure to see you.
24:09Carlos, I'm looking at the photos,
24:10but there's nothing really compelling.
24:12What are you doing?
24:13Don't worry about that.
24:14I can manipulate the photos
24:16and give them the effect you want.
24:18Do it.
24:19And also videos.
24:20I don't know.
24:21I need information.
24:22I need photos, evidence
24:24that there really is something between Verani and Solstian.
24:26That they really want to do each other.
24:28That there's passion, that there's romance.
24:30Do you understand the mission, Carlos?
24:33I'm going to work on that
24:34and as soon as I have the material, I'll send it to you.
24:36Hurry up.
24:40I swear, Mom.
24:41You're changing my life.
24:43I mean, our love for art unites us.
24:45I swear.
24:47And I wish something else would unite us
24:48other than our love for art.
24:52I don't understand.
24:55I love you, Fatima.
24:57I've loved you for a long time.
25:00At first, I didn't say anything
25:01because I thought you were engaged to Adrián.
25:03And then I found out you were with Sebastián,
25:05but when I didn't see him at the opening of your exhibition,
25:07I figured your relationship wasn't that serious.
25:10No, it was serious.
25:12Sebastián had an accident.
25:14That's why I couldn't go, but...
25:17He and I love each other.
25:19You said the same thing to Adrián.
25:23I know.
25:26But what I feel for Sebastián is real.
25:32Well, I hope he feels the same way.
25:35Because if I had a chance with you, Fatima,
25:38I wouldn't let you go for anything in this world.
25:44I talked to Carlos a little while ago.
25:46We're doing everything we can
25:47to make sure Sebastián and Verani are together.
25:50I'm glad you left, doll.
25:55I just want to remind you
25:57that if the plan turns out the way we want it to,
25:59and Fatima is free,
26:02she won't be yours.
26:04Yes, I know.
26:06You are my woman.
26:08You'd better be.
26:09Because if you look for her
26:11and come back with her,
26:13I'm willing to tell you everything we did.
26:16I don't care what you lose.
26:18Don't threaten me, Brenda.
26:19Get a hold of yourself.
26:22All I want is for Sebastián to leave Mexico
26:25and you and I can continue with our plans.
26:27And to do that, you have to break up with Fatima.
26:30I've been warned, Adrián.
26:33even so,
26:34since Fatima left with Sebastián,
26:36I've lost interest.
26:37I don't care anymore.
26:46It's time to spend the night at the ranch.
26:49Yes, Grandpa.
26:50I miss Maca a lot
26:52and my wife.
26:54And so I can see San Cris in a few hours, right?
26:57Yes, Dad. Come whenever you can.
26:59We miss you a lot. Right, Mom?
27:01Yes, honey.
27:03By the way,
27:05I had to change my cell phone number.
27:07Why, Dad?
27:12I just changed my cell phone number,
27:14but since I sent the message again...
27:16No, don't say that.
27:17Do you think he wants more money or what?
27:19Of course, what else?
27:21I'm going to ask the security guard
27:22not to let her in
27:23and I'll send you my new number right now,
27:25but please don't tell anyone,
27:26much less Yara.
27:27No, no, of course not.
27:29I hope that and changing the number
27:31is enough to get you out of this mess.
27:33I just need another copy of the video
27:35and I want to keep extorting you.
27:40They tried to extort me
27:42and I preferred to have a new number.
27:44No, it's better.
27:45I'll send it to everyone right now
27:46so they can register it.
27:48Well, I'll do it. You tell me. Perfect.
27:54are you worried about something, cousin?
27:55You're very quiet.
27:58No, I'm tired
28:00and I have some pending matters
28:02that I hope will be resolved soon.
28:04Mr. Mario arrived by surprise.
28:07He changed his cell phone number.
28:09I'm sure he didn't receive your message
28:12because he's here
28:14the happiest with his wife.
28:25You're right.
28:27Can you get me a new number?
28:32I find it difficult.
28:35Don't worry.
28:37Tomorrow morning I'm going to the ranch
28:39to talk to El Cornudo.
28:41Now they're going to get
28:43Barbara and Daniel.
28:46What pending matters, son?
28:48Dad, we're not going to talk
28:50about things at the ranch right now, right?
28:52Better eat the nuts
28:53that Maca prepared for you.
28:55Hey, you.
28:57Did you learn how to cook, honey?
28:59Aunt Lucia is teaching me.
29:01My mom doesn't want to learn.
29:03She'd rather ride with Daniel.
29:05Right, mom?
29:07Well, you know I'm not very good
29:09at being in the kitchen.
29:12They're delicious, Maca.
29:16They're the best
29:18I've ever tasted in my life.
29:20Maca has been an excellent cook.
29:21No, well, it's clear to me
29:23that coming to the ranch
29:25was the best decision we've made.
29:28I've also sat with my two women.
29:30Look, Maca.
29:32She looks happy.
29:36my wife is
29:43I love you so much.
29:52My love,
29:54today is not your lucky day.
29:56Why don't we go?
29:58I'll get it back later.
30:00Another lot, please.
30:02Card or cash?
30:04I'm out of cash.
30:06My cards are out of stock.
30:08I'll get new ones.
30:10Then I can't give you another lot.
30:12Trust me, please.
30:14I'm a lifelong customer here.
30:16I can't get up right now.
30:18I have to get it back.
30:19I'm sorry, but we can't trust you.
30:21Hey, you have to do it.
30:23I'm going to make a lot of money here.
30:25Give me another lot, now.
30:27Pablo, what are you doing?
30:29This cat doesn't want to trust me.
30:31Don't talk to me like that.
30:33And stop disrespecting me.
30:35You'd better leave. You're drunk.
30:37You're not going to tell me what I have to do.
30:39You're a jerk.
30:41You get a little bit of power and you get dizzy.
30:43I'm going to say it again.
30:45Leave and stop insulting me.
30:47I'm going to have to call security to get you out.
30:49Pablo, what are you doing?
30:51Leave him alone.
30:53Leave him alone.
30:57Let me go.
30:59Let me go.
31:01Leave him alone.
31:03Leave him alone.
31:05Leave him alone.
31:08Mom, can I go to sleep with Aunt Lucia?
31:11My love, but you always sleep here.
31:14No, my aunt invited me because she's going to read me a new story.
31:17And for you to believe that I have a boyfriend.
31:20No, but stay here.
31:22Your dad came as a surprise so you can take advantage of it.
31:25Please, mom.
31:27My love, leave her.
31:29Tomorrow morning we'll see each other and that's it.
31:31In fact, my love, as soon as you wake up,
31:34come find me to talk and say goodbye.
31:36Yes, dad, I love you.
31:38Take it, my love.
31:40Bye, mom.
31:42Bye, my love.
31:43If you need anything, come back.
31:45Yes, mom.
31:47Here we are, whatever you need, my love.
31:49Yes, mom, thank you.
31:54I love you so much.
31:59But you must be very tired, right?
32:02Not so much.
32:10But you know I'm tired.
32:13I want to be with you.
32:16Another day, right?
32:18Another day.
32:20Don't reject me, please.
32:22I don't want to feel close to you anymore.
32:25Even Aunt Lucia went to Maca to leave us as boyfriends,
32:28as she said.
32:31You're so beautiful.
32:34I love you so much.
32:43I love you so much.
33:06Who do you think you are to treat me like this?
33:08What happened to you?
33:12I had a fight, but what do you care?
33:14You don't care anymore.
33:16What's going on?
33:18Again coming like this?
33:20I had to forget the sadness
33:22that my parents gave me running from home,
33:24from work, and from their life too.
33:27What are you saying, Pablo?
33:29Of course, did you hear?
33:31And I'm not going to justify any of my decisions.
33:34You heard your mom.
33:35I only count on you, Mom.
33:37Like when you helped me with Manuel's accident.
33:40Shut up.
33:42Take him to his room, please.
33:44He's drunk.
33:46You're drunk.
33:48Shut up.
33:53What is it, love?
33:55A novel that Juan recommended to me.
33:57It's a cop novel.
33:59It's good.
34:01Your friend has become too much, hasn't he?
34:03Maybe you should be more calm with him.
34:06You don't really know him, love.
34:08No, but we got along well.
34:10You know me.
34:12I don't have many friends.
34:14By the way, Juan told me that you two already met.
34:17Yes, as you asked.
34:19He thanked me a lot for contacting him with you.
34:21And he expressed himself very well about you.
34:25I'm thinking of leaving the city for a few days.
34:28What do you think?
34:30And that?
34:31The pieces that Mr. Ortega wants are not here.
34:34I have to go look for them.
34:36And take the opportunity to disconnect a little.
34:39I like it.
34:41What did Pablo mean when he said
34:44that you had helped him with Manuel's accident?
34:47Well, in that.
34:49I helped him overcome the trauma.
34:52What else?
34:54What really happened in that accident?
34:57How would I know?
34:59I wasn't going to handle it.
35:01Besides, it was a long time ago.
35:05If you saved your son from what really happened
35:09and helped him evade responsibility,
35:12the only thing you did
35:15was throw him into perdition
35:18and sink him into the alcohol.
35:20Oh, please, Gonzalo, please.
35:22I did absolutely nothing that I should regret.
35:25Absolutely nothing.
35:27Years later you come to complain to me.
35:29Please, it doesn't matter.
35:32You've been under a lot of stress.
35:36Although it doesn't make me happy that you're leaving my side right now.
35:39Why? Is something wrong?
35:43It's just that when you're not with me, I miss you a lot.
35:47But don't listen to me.
35:49Do what you have to do.
35:54By the way, I'm leaving early tomorrow.
35:56I don't have breakfast here.
35:58I have an important appointment.
36:07I'm sorry I'm so stressed, honey.
36:14I love you.
36:16I love you too.
36:17I love you too.
36:32Good morning.
36:34Good morning.
36:36Please sit down.
36:42since you told me you had something very important to tell me,
36:44I haven't stopped thinking about it.
36:47What is it?
36:49Before, I wanted to tell you that
36:52I feel like you want to keep me away from your life.
36:56For whatever reason, but that's how I feel.
36:58It's better this way, Greta.
37:00You have your life and I have mine.
37:02Yes, I know.
37:04But what I have to tell you makes our lives intertwined.
37:09It's something I've kept as my biggest secret for years.
37:14I'm so hungry.
37:16This is delicious.
37:18Good morning.
37:20You both look so happy.
37:22My dad told me how you got here last night.
37:25It's amazing, Pablo.
37:27You're still giving him a hard time.
37:29Can you stop meddling in my life?
37:31Stop it!
37:33That's enough.
37:35And if you don't want anyone to meddle in your life,
37:37act responsibly.
37:39And since I see you have enough to pay for all your investments,
37:42I guess you have enough to pay your rent, right?
37:47Yes, in fact, we're looking for an apartment, sir.
37:50We just haven't found anything yet.
37:53That's what we're here for.
37:55Well, hurry up, because you have less time each day.
38:01Hello, hello. Good morning, kids.
38:03Hello, Maricruz.
38:05Hello, Maca.
38:07Hey, they told me your dad got here last night.
38:09And he came as a surprise.
38:10Can I ask you a favor?
38:12Can you tell him I want to talk to him?
38:14Oh, I can't help you with that.
38:17He left early in the morning.
38:19To Mexico City.
38:21What? He just came last night?
38:23Yes, because he wanted to know.
38:25No, I just wanted to tell him something important.
38:28Well, tell him, Maca.
38:30And when he talks to his dad, give him your message.
38:33What do you want me to tell him?
38:36Why don't you get me his cell phone and I'll tell him?
38:38I can't help you with that either.
38:40Don't give me his phone number.
38:42But my mom has it.
38:44And I can ask her for it.
38:46She does have his phone number.
38:54I was desperate to see you.
38:56To hug you.
38:58Last night I couldn't sleep just imagining you sleeping.
39:01Yes, but I couldn't tell him to go to another room.
39:03He's still my husband.
39:05Did you talk to him?
39:06Did you talk to him?
39:08Did you tell him you want a divorce?
39:14Because it wasn't the right time.
39:16I didn't want him to go crazy and have Maca find out.
39:18I couldn't.
39:20And I don't want you to fight with him.
39:22That's inevitable.
39:24But it wasn't the right time.
39:26I understand.
39:28But I can't stand seeing you by his side anymore.
39:30It drives me crazy to see you with him.
39:32I can't. I can't.
39:34Who is it?
39:36Who is it?
39:38I'm coming. I'm coming.
39:40Wait. Calm down.
39:42What happened?
39:44I need you to come. It's urgent.
39:46I'm coming.
39:57I thought about it before I came to tell you.
40:00But I think you have the right to know.
40:02Especially because of the relationship our children have.
40:07What do you have to say?
40:13The other day you asked me why I married Gonzalo.
40:17And I didn't want to go into details.
40:19But the truth is that I married him because my father forced me.
40:25He didn't want me to be a single mother.
40:28And he got me a husband.
40:30What are you saying?
40:33Our love had consequences.
40:36Gonzalo is not the father of my daughter.
40:39Barbara is your daughter.
