The Ghost Detective S01 E12 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 days ago


00:00:30I didn't think you'd be back so soon.
00:01:00At last, you've become like me.
00:01:05I always wondered, what's the difference between you and my anger?
00:01:13Right now, there's no difference.
00:01:30Why are you standing in the middle?
00:01:40Search him.
00:01:41How did he get here?
00:02:00He can't control so many people at once.
00:02:02Like the hospital witness.
00:02:04Did he contact him?
00:02:08I have to unload a lot of packages right now.
00:02:15Who are you guys?
00:02:18Give me that hearing aid.
00:02:27Look here.
00:02:31Hey intern, stop them.
00:02:34Who, me?
00:02:48Does it hurt?
00:02:51Imagine how much it must have hurt others.
00:02:55Why did you kill them?
00:02:57Answer me.
00:03:00What difference does it make?
00:03:06If I were you, I would've killed myself by now.
00:03:11Is this restlessness stopping you from killing me?
00:03:21If you don't tell me, I'll make your condition worse.
00:03:27Okay, I'll tell you.
00:03:30Tell me.
00:03:39I can feel people's anger.
00:03:43I can understand how angry they were and how desperate they were to die.
00:03:55But they were weak too.
00:03:58I just helped them.
00:04:01I did what they wanted me to do.
00:04:27Forgive me.
00:04:29Forgive me.
00:04:31Why are you apologizing?
00:04:34It's all because of him.
00:04:37You can't live your whole life like this.
00:04:40I'm sorry.
00:04:42I'm sorry.
00:04:44I'm sorry.
00:04:46I'm sorry.
00:04:48I'm sorry.
00:04:50I'm sorry.
00:04:52I'm sorry.
00:04:54I'm sorry.
00:04:55You'll have to live your whole life like this.
00:05:46Look, if you saw what I saw, you'd have done the same.
00:05:52This world is a well of fire, which is filled with anger.
00:05:58Everyone shows that they are happy and in love, but all this is a false show.
00:06:08You only need one thing, either someone kills someone or he dies himself.
00:06:15Why did I say the right thing?
00:06:18I can become more powerful by helping them.
00:06:21I can quench their anger.
00:06:23After that, I will be able to help more people.
00:06:42Give me that hearing aid.
00:06:44I just want to get rid of that hearing aid.
00:06:46You are coming between us.
00:06:48What is this?
00:06:49You are troubling me a lot.
00:06:52Don't trouble me.
00:06:53Should I kill them?
00:06:56I want that hearing aid.
00:07:18They shouldn't have come here.
00:07:23Finally, you got the power.
00:07:26You shouldn't have lost it.
00:07:30You are right.
00:07:32At least, not before killing you.
00:07:41What are you doing?
00:07:42We are the same now.
00:07:45Think about it.
00:07:47We shouldn't fight.
00:07:51You are right.
00:07:53Now, I know what I want.
00:07:59I want to kill you.
00:08:02My mother died because of you.
00:08:04But I didn't understand why she died.
00:08:07And my life was ruined because of her.
00:08:36This is the proof.
00:08:37This is the proof to make people understand.
00:08:44They are stopping us from going to that room.
00:08:47Sion must be in that room.
00:10:08Mr. Lee!
00:10:10Is the dial here?
00:10:13His eyes are red.
00:10:24Go away.
00:10:33Otherwise, all of you will die.
00:10:39I told you that you don't have a body.
00:10:41Don't pick it up.
00:10:43Use your soul.
00:10:45Try your best.
00:10:47Use your inner strength.
00:11:36If I get hurt, this man will die.
00:11:41It's okay.
00:11:43Let him die.
00:11:47He can't die.
00:11:49He is controlling everything.
00:11:53I don't care until I kill him.
00:12:26Mom, why do you always listen to this song?
00:12:29I like the lyrics of this song.
00:12:41Don't do this.
00:12:42Don't do this.
00:12:44Stay away from my son.
00:12:46Your mom was the same.
00:12:48She couldn't control your mom.
00:12:51She was just trying to save you.
00:13:28Mr. Lee.
00:13:32Mr. Lee.
00:13:39The same drama.
00:13:42Stay there.
00:13:45Throw the knife.
00:13:48Didn't you hear me?
00:14:03Mr. Lee.
00:14:04Mr. Lee.
00:14:09Are his eyes okay?
00:14:13Are they okay now?
00:14:17Thank God.
00:14:21What is all this?
00:14:35What happened?
00:14:37This looks worse than a war.
00:14:41By the way, what are you doing here?
00:14:44Listen, intern.
00:14:45He won't remember anything after this.
00:14:48That's why I made a video.
00:14:50We have to tell him what happened.
00:14:52We will listen to him.
00:14:54But not one by one in the group.
00:14:57You are right.
00:14:59We have to tell him.
00:15:01We have to tell him.
00:15:02You are right.
00:15:05This way we can find out how Heino approached him.
00:15:09You just check whether he is in control or not.
00:15:13And check if his eyes are red.
00:15:15Why are you giving me orders?
00:15:17Because he is a Tantric.
00:15:20You understood so soon?
00:15:33You tried to save him.
00:15:36Tell me.
00:15:38Where is the dial now?
00:15:59Why don't I know anything else?
00:16:02What is the problem?
00:16:05What is the matter?
00:16:07Are you okay?
00:16:09Yes, I am fine.
00:16:32I am fine.
00:17:02I am fine.
00:17:19Hands up!
00:17:33Turn around.
00:17:43We haven't met yet.
00:17:47I was going to use you later.
00:17:50Stop this nonsense.
00:17:52And sit on your knees.
00:17:54You wanted to do this with the dial, right?
00:17:57But you couldn't do it.
00:17:59You can't see him.
00:18:00And he won't get shot.
00:18:05How will you protect him?
00:18:08The dial will kill him.
00:18:30I will remove the dial from the way.
00:18:38Do you know where he is?
00:18:40I smell grapes there.
00:18:44A middle east couple also lives there.
00:18:46Tell me more.
00:18:48That is not a house.
00:18:50There is a place like a shed or storage.
00:18:53The windows there are also closed.
00:19:11Don't press this trigger by mistake.
00:19:14Otherwise people will blame me.
00:19:21Your time hasn't come yet.
00:20:28Mr. Lee.
00:20:29Are you okay?
00:20:44What happened here?
00:20:47And how was the music?
00:20:49Give me that hearing aid.
00:20:55This is like a spiritual tool.
00:20:56Which connects the living and the dead.
00:20:59This has the will power of Iran which will protect you.
00:21:06What will happen if there is any kind of power in this hearing aid and bracelet?
00:21:20Can't this stop Mr. Lee from becoming a bad soul?
00:21:29Mr. Lee's mom used to listen to this every day.
00:21:32This was playing when he was dying.
00:21:35I think Mr. Lee also used to listen to this when he was sad.
00:21:39Or he used to miss his mom.
00:21:44So don't go anywhere.
00:21:47Not alone.
00:21:49And even if you change suddenly.
00:21:53Then I can save you.
00:22:00Both of us.
00:22:06I'm sorry.
00:22:08I was wrong.
00:22:23Whenever we meet in the future.
00:22:26I won't back off.
00:22:29I told you to run away.
00:22:31Believe me, you won't change completely.
00:22:34You won't become like that woman.
00:22:36You can control yourself without that music.
00:22:41You handcuffed me once.
00:22:46At that time.
00:22:49It was something else.
00:22:51It was something else.
00:22:54And now it's nothing like that.
00:22:58That's why.
00:23:04I want to help.
00:23:09It will be good if we are together.
00:23:20Let's go from here.
00:23:50I love you.
00:24:20I love you.
00:24:50Let's go.
00:25:14We have more problems than the dial.
00:25:20Let's go.
00:25:43And then.
00:25:45They will also have to face their fear.
00:25:48I will handle it.
00:25:50I will handle it.
00:26:02I will take care of it.
00:26:21There is a murderer among you.
00:26:23There is a murderer among you.
00:26:26If you are there, you know.
00:26:28I will meet you there.
00:26:30I will wait for you.
00:26:32This is Giyal's handwriting.
00:26:50I will meet you there.
00:27:21Actually, I need a break.
00:27:23I am going to my room.
00:27:25If anything happens, tell me.
00:27:50I am with you.
00:27:51I am with you.
00:28:18I am with you.
00:28:21I want to go for a drive.
00:28:24Keep quiet.
00:28:25Keep quiet.
00:28:26I said keep quiet.
00:28:27Keep quiet.
00:28:29I am tired.
00:28:32Let's go.
00:28:34Let's go for a drive.
00:28:38Where there are not many people.
00:28:43I went to the car in the afternoon.
00:28:51You brought that for me, right?
00:29:02It's not like that.
00:29:04I didn't get this because of you.
00:29:06I won't do anything like this because of you.
00:29:10I am in a lot of pain.
00:29:17I can't bear all this anymore.
00:29:21I don't want to be a burden on you.
00:29:44Open your eyes.
00:29:45Open your eyes.
00:29:47Open your eyes.
00:29:55Open your eyes.
00:30:10Joon Saeng.
00:30:13Why did you do this?
00:30:14What did you do?
00:30:17Is anyone there?
00:30:18Is anyone there?
00:30:21Kangun Song!
00:30:28Sergeant, please!
00:30:30Anyone present here can be triggered by that one line.
00:30:36Thinking that someone died because of me.
00:30:39You will be in more pain after you die.
00:30:43Look at me.
00:30:45Take care of Jeevon.
00:30:50And you may also think that it's true.
00:30:54Why is she doing this?
00:30:56Instead of using people, why did she instigate Geyol against us?
00:31:00Why did she use him?
00:31:02Maybe she wants us to break from the inside.
00:31:05So that we stop looking for your body?
00:31:07And maybe she also wants us to stop protecting you.
00:31:12What do you mean?
00:31:15Besides Dial's body, there is something else that Sion wants.
00:31:20What is it?
00:31:30To capture Geyol.
00:31:41Well, don't you all think that this is just a delusion?
00:31:45And Duke Shong himself became the victim.
00:31:47When I applied for hearing aid in the hospital,
00:31:50I heard him saying that he doesn't want a weak body.
00:31:55Now the situation has changed.
00:32:03Now he is not a free soul like before.
00:32:06Now he is trapped in a body which will end one day.
00:32:10So maybe he wants a new body.
00:32:12Then why did he choose me?
00:32:17Capturing a body is like organ transplant.
00:32:21Just matching the bodies is not enough.
00:32:23Spirits should also match.
00:32:25And this is not for everyone.
00:32:27I was looking for a girl whose family background is also similar.
00:32:31Whose soul is sensitive and they can see her.
00:32:34From today, almost 25 years ago,
00:32:37when she jumped from the hospital roof,
00:32:40when her anger was increasing,
00:32:43you were born that day.
00:32:45So what will happen if her body is already dead?
00:32:49Or if she dies?
00:32:51If Sion dies before her,
00:32:53then what will happen?
00:32:57If that happens, it will be good for her.
00:33:00To be free from the spirit,
00:33:02her body has to die.
00:33:04And then she will capture you.
00:33:06But then your body should be around her.
00:33:14Tell me, what will happen if she captures me?
00:33:21Will I disappear?
00:33:24Your existence will be destroyed.
00:33:27Just like my mom was destroyed
00:33:30while killing that sorcerer.
00:33:45I want to talk to Chewon alone.
00:33:48And what is that?
00:33:50I will tell you soon.
00:33:52If Sion captures Jong-il,
00:33:55then how will we deal with Sion?
00:33:57There is only one way.
00:33:59What is that?
00:34:02Lock him in Eul's body.
00:34:09What do you mean?
00:34:10Then we will have to kill Eul.
00:34:15The principle of this is the same as what we did with Sion.
00:34:32We will have to find another way.
00:34:35We will have to find another way.
00:34:38There must be some other way.
00:34:42You see things that you shouldn't see.
00:34:47And you hear things that you shouldn't hear.
00:34:51You are exactly what the ghosts want to capture.
00:35:05Did that sorcerer's soul try to capture you first?
00:35:12Then what happened to that sorcerer?
00:35:14As you said, the spirits should also match.
00:35:18This can only happen when he is very desperate.
00:35:21This cannot happen to anyone.
00:35:23Either he belongs to a family of ghosts
00:35:26or someone else.
00:35:28At that time, that sorcerer and my mother's soul were family to me.
00:35:38If you have a special relationship with a ghost,
00:35:41then you can call him.
00:35:58Meet Detective Park and find my body quickly.
00:36:04What is your plan?
00:36:09Call Jong-Yeol.
00:36:18He wants to talk to you.
00:36:23What did you talk about?
00:36:25I can't tell you that.
00:36:28Go inside.
00:36:42What's going on?
00:36:48Now that I can touch things,
00:36:52I thought I might as well change my clothes.
00:36:55But that didn't happen.
00:36:59You must be feeling cold.
00:37:02I don't feel anything special.
00:37:04After all, I am a ghost.
00:37:08Can I try it once?
00:37:11Try what?
00:37:13Just like we do while eating.
00:37:19Giving food and clothes is different.
00:37:21What should I do now?
00:37:23Should I burn them?
00:37:25I don't know.
00:37:27I just don't know where my body is.
00:37:29But you eat anyway, right?
00:37:32Let's try it once.
00:37:41Mr. Lee.
00:37:43Please try wearing this jacket.
00:37:56What happened?
00:37:58Won't you look at me when I change my clothes?
00:38:04Of course.
00:38:08I'll wait outside.
00:38:52Does this mean this is what's going to happen?
00:38:55I'll change my fate so that this doesn't happen.
00:39:22He did it.
00:39:26Why is your face hanging?
00:39:30Why? What happened?
00:39:35What should we do now?
00:39:37Let's go to your house first.
00:39:42I have some work to do.
00:39:44So, don't ask too many questions.
00:39:47Just do as I say.
00:40:08What's the need for this all of a sudden?
00:40:14I told you, no questions.
00:40:19There was a tent there, right? Where did it go?
00:40:26What are we doing here?
00:40:29At least help us.
00:40:32Why do you need help?
00:40:36I've been waiting for this moment for so long.
00:40:39What's going on in your head?
00:40:42You're behaving so weird.
00:40:45What's weird about it?
00:40:47Is it weird to set up a tent by the river?
00:40:49Look, so many people have set it up.
00:40:52Now where?
00:40:53Now where?
00:41:16This is the first time you've set up a tent outside, right?
00:41:23How did you like it? Tell me.
00:41:30When Virang bought these shoes for you,
00:41:33he must have felt the same way
00:41:37as I feel today.
00:41:44If we want to go in any direction,
00:41:47it doesn't mean we're running away.
00:41:51We've made it this far.
00:41:54Next time, we'll go even further.
00:41:57We'll do whatever we want.
00:42:00We'll eat whatever we want.
00:42:02We'll smile whenever we want.
00:42:04We'll travel the world and meet new people.
00:42:12I don't understand.
00:42:13It feels like we're meeting for the last time.
00:42:17It's not like that.
00:42:19I'm just saying we should take some rest.
00:42:43Let's go.
00:43:02You should've told me that we're coming here.
00:43:05I would've given you something else.
00:43:07This is uncomfortable, right?
00:43:09It's not about comfort.
00:43:11It's about looking good.
00:43:13Look good?
00:43:33I'm very happy.
00:43:37About what?
00:43:39I spent so much time with you.
00:43:42I liked it a lot.
00:43:56Me too.
00:44:12Is there a shed or storage room around here?
00:44:16There is a storage room.
00:44:18Has anyone come to stay there recently?
00:44:21Or is someone living there illegally?
00:44:23Tell me.
00:44:25That's a storage room.
00:44:27No one can live there.
00:44:29And it's so packed that there's no place to stay.
00:44:34Can I go to that room once?
00:44:39Don't you want grapes?
00:44:41I'll buy it next time.
00:44:43Yes, tell me.
00:44:45Where are you? I can't even reach you.
00:44:47I was busy with an investigation.
00:44:49I also want to investigate something.
00:44:51And I need your help.
00:44:53I'm a little busy right now.
00:44:55It's urgent.
00:44:57We have to find Dial's body as soon as possible.
00:44:59That too before night.
00:45:01That's what I'm doing.
00:45:03Okay, I'll give you an address.
00:45:05Note it down.
00:45:06Route 11-5, Block 16.
00:45:08Haikal Mian, Gangsingganj.
00:45:10Insurance, Grape Farm.
00:45:12Come soon.
00:45:14We'll talk about the rest later.
00:45:28You have to find my body.
00:45:30Before Yol finds it.
00:45:33I might attack someone at this time.
00:45:36Or I might even attack the jungle.
00:45:39And if you find my body at this time...
00:45:42Kill me.
00:45:48Ask Jewan how to do this.
00:45:51She'll tell you the method.
00:45:53But no matter what,
00:45:55you have to kill me.
00:45:58Maybe I won't be able to protect Yol now.
00:46:02It's not time for us to meet.
00:46:04He hasn't come yet.
00:46:06I was going to use you later.
00:46:08I have to find Dial's body as soon as possible.
00:46:20There's a murderer among you.
00:46:24You must know.
00:46:26I'll meet you there.
00:46:35Let's go.
00:47:01Mr. Han.
00:47:03Mr. Lee.
00:47:05He really left.
00:47:07I feel something strange.
00:47:13I feel like we won't meet again.
00:47:20Maybe he wants to do it alone.
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:34I don't know.
00:47:36I don't know.
00:47:38I don't know.
00:47:40I don't know.
00:47:42I don't know.
00:47:44I don't know.
00:47:46I don't know.
00:47:48I don't know.
00:47:50I don't know.
00:47:52I don't know.
00:47:54I don't know.
00:47:56I don't know.
00:47:58I don't know.
00:48:00I don't know.
00:48:03I don't know.
00:48:06Thank you so much.
00:48:07I didn't know there will be so many grave farms.
00:48:11Is this 7 or 12?
00:48:14This is 12.
00:48:15Not 72.
00:48:16Are you sure?
00:48:18Text me next time.
00:48:20Who uses this notebook?
00:48:22Was in a hurry.
00:48:27Tell me one thing.
00:48:28Tell me one thing, can we get rid of Dal's soul after we find his body?
00:48:37He told me to kill myself after I find my body.
00:48:49I have seen it.
00:48:53Because of Dal, Yul is still alive.
00:48:56And if something like that happens again, I will have to stop him.
00:49:05For Yul's sake.
00:49:13I don't know how to kill him.
00:49:17Let's find his body first.
00:49:26Mr. Lee, Mr. Khan and I will be back soon.
00:49:31If you come back, don't go anywhere.
00:49:55This is from this list. I found a toll gate receipt from Ciano's mom's pocket.
00:50:25Look, it's in this list.
00:50:30One minute.
00:50:33Three firms are matching. Let's start from here.
00:50:55We can't go ahead. There are police.
00:51:13Don't make noise.
00:51:17Doesn't he go to the washroom?
00:51:20I will go and come back.
00:51:25You left us, that's why dad hit us.
00:51:27It was not my fault.
00:51:28Listen to me.
00:51:29I didn't do anything.
00:51:30That means you hit us.
00:51:32No, I didn't do anything.
00:51:33Leave me. Believe me.
00:51:35I didn't do anything.
00:51:38What happened?
00:51:40What's the matter?
00:51:45I don't think Ciano knows where Mr. Lee is.
00:51:50They were wrong.
00:51:51There were more people with them to protect them.
00:51:54There were only two people.
00:51:55Only two people were with them all the time.
00:52:00I don't need you.
00:52:01I want something bad to happen to Dial.
00:52:11Are you okay?
00:52:14Are you okay?
00:52:20What's the matter?
00:52:26After taking over me, Dial is planning to do something bad with Mr. Lee.
00:52:38I hope Mr. Lee doesn't know about this.
00:52:49Ciano, where are you?
00:52:50Me and Jongtae are on the way and looking for Dial.
00:52:53And Mr. Lee?
00:52:54Do you know where he is?
00:52:55Isn't he with you?
00:52:59What did you guys talk about?
00:53:02Mr. Lee left again.
00:53:05And this was not the time for him to disappear.
00:53:09Tell me.
00:53:10Ciano, what's the matter?
00:53:15I really don't know what he is thinking.
00:53:22He asked me how the evil spirit can control the body.
00:53:25And what did you say?
00:53:28If someone desperately wants it, it is possible.
00:53:38What happened?
00:53:41Tell me something.
00:53:44Mr. Lee will call Ciano into his body and kill himself.
00:53:55He wants to trap him in his body.
00:54:02I won't let that happen.
00:54:04I have to stop him.
00:54:06Dial, have you gone mad?
00:54:11Hey, I am on my way.
00:54:13Mom, mom.
00:54:14Yes, what happened?
00:54:16There is no driver in that car.
00:54:41Dial's body.
00:54:42Don't you want it?
00:54:44I found it.
00:54:47Someone told me that the body is in the same storage as the grape.
00:54:56After my mom's death, I found the body in the same storage.
00:55:03The body is also in the same storage.
00:55:08After my mom's death, someone used to call me and give me a card.
00:55:14All this stopped, but after a few months I got a Christmas card.
00:55:21Your mom is good.
00:55:24And there are a lot of grapes here.
00:55:27I remembered you because you like grapes.
00:55:30I reached the address where it was written.
00:55:34Do you know what happened then?
00:55:40My mom didn't come to meet me.
00:55:43That man lied to me that my mom is not there.
00:55:48But I saw her.
00:55:52She was hiding behind the curtain and looking at me.
00:56:00Let's cancel today's plan.
00:56:02Let's go and find out about Dial's body.
00:56:07Will you kill him?
00:56:10Will you kill him?
00:56:16But before I say, you won't do anything.
00:56:29The storage lady hasn't come home yet?
00:56:34Did something happen to her?
00:56:37I have faith.
00:56:39She will come.
00:56:44Who is here at this time?
00:56:46Is she there?
00:56:47Go and see.
00:56:50Who is there?
00:57:00Who are you?
00:57:15After a long time.
00:57:30This is the last hope.
00:57:54You stay here. I'll go inside.
00:57:56If he doesn't come in 5 minutes, call my partner.
00:57:59Explain the situation and call back up.
00:58:02Be careful.
00:58:29I'm sorry.
00:58:59I'm sorry.
00:59:30Where is the storage?
00:59:31If you want to stay alive, take me there.
00:59:34Lee Dial.
00:59:35Dial's body is with the girl.
00:59:36I'm going after her.
00:59:37Put the car on the wanted list.
00:59:38Grey SUV.
00:59:40Current location, Enchun, Hinru.
00:59:42Kim Joel.
00:59:44Maybe he took her back to Cione.
00:59:48Let's go.
00:59:50Let's go.
00:59:52Let's go.
00:59:54Let's go.
00:59:56Let's go.
00:59:59No matter what, we have to stop Cione.
01:00:01Attorney Beck.
01:00:03Someone is going to die in this hospital today.
01:00:05We have to save her.
01:00:07I changed my mind.
01:00:09Now I will kill her.