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00:00Is it actual lava?
00:01Let's see how it pours out.
00:11Cutting watermelon in 20 seconds.
00:13I don't believe it.
00:15I've seen this.
00:16Oh, wow.
00:17I've lost a finger by this time.
00:19Dude, this is how a sushi chef cuts watermelon.
00:23You dropped some.
00:24He did drop some, but he's probably at one of those restaurants
00:27where they don't even care.
00:28It's all about speed.
00:29Twenty-one seconds.
00:30The guy's like,
00:31Twenty-one seconds.
00:32How about that?
00:33This was clickbait.
00:34It said twenty seconds.
00:35The guy in the video specifically said twenty-one seconds.
00:38They lied to us.
00:39Hey guys, have you ever wanted a phone case that costs less than a dollar?
00:42Well, Pepsi's got you covered.
00:43Less than a dollar?
00:45Dude, a Pepsi at the store is like an easy two-fifty.
00:47A can of Pepsi is eighty-eight cents at the gas station.
00:49Are you sure?
00:50Yeah, a hundred percent.
00:51That size?
00:53That's a tall boy.
00:54No, okay, he's getting out.
00:55He's measuring.
00:56He's getting his measurements.
00:57Nice cutting.
00:58Then how's he going to attach it?
00:59Well, some of this music.
01:02I mean, that's cool though.
01:03It makes a boring phone case into a Pepsi phone case.
01:07That's not a Pepsi phone case.
01:08Actually, that's kind of artsy.
01:10I like that.
01:11That does look pretty cool.
01:12Is this a brand deal or something?
01:14We are now sponsored by Pepsi.
01:15Just kidding.
01:16The only thing we're sponsored by is Gamersubs Co.
01:20Does this help you jump higher?
01:21No, I think the pill itself jumps.
01:23Oh, I've lost interest.
01:24Yeah, same.
01:25I'm so short.
01:27I'm just white.
01:28Oh, he's putting...
01:31I've never seen anybody take a pill apart.
01:33That just makes me uncomfortable.
01:34You've never done that?
01:36I used to take...
01:37When I would make my shakes, I would take the pills apart and...
01:39This is like those toys.
01:41Weeble wobbles.
01:42They weeble and they wobble, but they don't fall down.
01:44Dude, I used to have a whole collection of these things.
01:47No joke.
01:48You've never had weeble wobbles?
01:50Do you know what weeble wobbles are?
01:52Hold on.
01:53Weeble wobble.
01:55Maybe that's the kid version.
01:57What's the non-kid version?
01:59Uh, wobble weebles.
02:01Mighty beans!
02:02That's what they are!
02:03DIY glow stick.
02:04This sounds dangerous.
02:05Never open a glow stick and eat it.
02:07When I was a kid, I...
02:09I know, I know.
02:10When I was a kid, I thought that if you cracked open a glow stick and drank it, then your
02:15insides would glow, and then I had to go to the hospital and get my stomach popped.
02:20I just felt my IQ drop.
02:21I know.
02:22Look, if you think about it, it makes sense.
02:26And I was just sitting there with the lights off, and I was like, I don't see it, but I
02:29feel really bad.
02:31Uh, yeah.
02:32They were like, it's not like, it won't like instantly game end you, but it's not a good
02:37Don't do it.
02:38How did you survive your childhood?
02:39I don't know.
02:40One time I was trying to take my temperature on a meat thermometer, which was all glass,
02:43and I jumped off the counter, and I cracked it and swallowed glass, and then I remember
02:47waking up in the hospital.
02:49My poor mother.
02:50How are you here?
02:52I had to go to the doctor so much.
02:54Good job.
02:55Singing pipe.
02:56I can sing sometimes.
02:57Your pipe sing?
02:59Screen mesh in the bottom of the pipe.
03:03All right, let's hear this.
03:04He heats it up.
03:05Ooh, that looks pretty.
03:06I don't hear no singing.
03:07Haven't heard singing yet.
03:08Uh, they're probably gonna pour water on it.
03:09Aw, that's cheap.
03:10This looks like a girl I used to date a long time ago.
03:12No joke.
03:13She looks actually like her.
03:14Well, she's gotten far in life.
03:18Okay, scientific time.
03:19Is it because the hot air rising through it?
03:21I would think so.
03:23I would think so.
03:24Like it's like sucking in?
03:25But then, why doesn't it do it when it's sideways?
03:26Uh, because the air is probably, I don't know.
03:30You know, I do have a frequency of lollipops in my life that I need to contain.
03:35Oh, you know what I just thought about?
03:36You gotta lick it like a lollipop, you know?
03:37You know what I just thought about?
03:39I got bubbles when we were in Miami, and I left them in the hotel.
03:42Somebody's gonna have a great day when they find those bubbles.
03:45Oh my God.
03:48You really wanted those bubbles, too.
03:49I did.
03:50I love bubbles.
03:52In there.
03:53Oh, look.
03:54And now it's like a little push pop.
03:55And then you just boop.
03:56Look at that.
03:57You just boop.
03:58You just get a little boop.
03:59You just get a little boop.
04:00Oh, now you.
04:01And you can take it with you.
04:02Imagine getting pulled over by the cops, and they're like, do you have anything on you?
04:06And you're like, no.
04:07And you forget you have your syringe lollipop.
04:09And he's just like, is this a syringe?
04:11No, it's a lollipop, idiot.
04:13I want to see the magnetic monster.
04:14I just want to watch this guy do this all the time.
04:16It's just so mesmerizing.
04:17It's kind of.
04:18You know what this is?
04:19This is like the primitive technology of magnets.
04:21No talking, quick cuts, but something cool happens.
04:24Oh, that's like a Rubik's Cube.
04:27Oh, they love that thing.
04:30That was cool.
04:31They're just going to hug it.
04:32That's got to be like a pneumonia magnet, right?
04:33Oh, that's got to be a pneumonia magnet.
04:40Yeah, good luck getting that off.
04:41Science is awesome.
04:43He's got his handy dandy demagnetizer.
04:46Super magnet.
04:48I'm kind of scared.
04:49I'm excited.
04:51That was kind of cool.
04:52Messed with my eyes a little bit, but all right.
04:55Dude, it made it jump.
04:56That would have crushed this thing.
04:57It's like an ant colony attacking their prey.
04:59They just.
05:00I watched a documentary on ants the other day.
05:01It was pretty dope.
05:02Why did you watch a documentary on ants?
05:05Don't ask what I do, why I do it.
05:07That is a marker.
05:08Can't confirm.
05:09It's a purple one.
05:10It is.
05:11Let's see it purple.
05:15That looks like one of them.
05:16Oh, nevermind.
05:17I was going to say it looked like a really nice marker.
05:19This isn't a hack.
05:20Stop it.
05:22Oh, it's saying you can re-feel it.
05:24And I said feel wrong.
05:25I said it weird actually.
05:27I said it right, but weird.
05:29What did you say?
05:30Re-feel it.
05:31Oh, so now it's a reusable marker.
05:33This is a eco-friendly hack.
05:35Isn't that going to mess with the color though?
05:37You would think.
05:38They've used it before because it was definitely purple at first.
05:41It was purple.
05:42That's kind of cool.
05:43That actually kind of worked.
05:44Like the concept's there.
05:45It's not a bad idea.
05:50I am speed.
05:53Pardon me.
05:54Remember that time we did a thousand degree sword?
05:56I really think this knife is a thousand degrees.
05:57Did you see how it instantly started just melting through him?
05:59It did.
06:00Before it even touched him.
06:03Have you heard what would happen if someone tried to hit you with a real life lightsaber?
06:05Because science.
06:06You would catch on fire before it even got to you.
06:08No, no, no.
06:09So if they swung at you before the blade even touched you,
06:13you would instantly start to evaporate from the immense heat.
06:15You would basically just explode.
06:19Because science.
06:20Unless they figured out a way to contain the heat into that one area.
06:24And then it's just that initial.
06:26Round two.
06:29Ew, that's melty Lightning McQueen.
06:31That looks disgusting.
06:34I think my ear's bleeding now.
06:35That's the noise he makes.
06:37Revolving Pew Pew.
06:39Oh, by the way, speaking of Pew Pew, PewDiePie,
06:41did you see how much he donated to
06:43No, did he do it?
06:47I love him.
06:48Everything about him is amazing.
06:49He tweeted it.
06:50I want to make sure it's real.
06:51So I'm ignoring this life hack to make sure that it is real.
06:53All right, I'll keep it going.
06:55It looks like he's making some kind of Halloween DIY Pew Pew,
06:58because you know we can't say the word.
07:00Ad friendly over here.
07:01Ooh, this is actually.
07:04Pew Pie Pie.
07:07Hey, look.
07:08You can say it like, I mean, Gatlin Pew Pew.
07:10Gatlin Pew Pew.
07:11Can you even say Gatlin?
07:12I don't know.
07:13I don't know what you can and can't say anymore.
07:14I'm just going to just live my life now.
07:16There we go.
07:18Always need some tinfoil.
07:19That's your cannonball.
07:23Oh, this is.
07:25And then you revolve it.
07:26And then there you go.
07:27Even though he put three in there, we only got to see two.
07:29All right.
07:30We'll never know what the other one looked like.
07:31Let me tell Katie I'm doing life hacks.
07:33Hey, I'm doing life hacks.
07:34What's up?
07:35No, I've been pooping a lot.
07:38Please leave that in the video.
07:41You got it, man.
07:45Oh, so you know what he's melting down?
07:47Lava rocks.
07:48Remember when we tried to do this and we didn't?
07:50We're not good at making lava.
07:51I don't know.
07:52Look, he got the cheaper version of the MacBook.
07:54And it's also Russian.
07:55MacBook Air.
07:56How did you know it's Russian?
07:58Because it's got a second keyboard on the keyboard that's in Russian.
08:01And it had, what?
08:02It had a little USB flip.
08:03How old is this MacBook?
08:05What is happening?
08:07He's fitting to pour the lava.
08:08Is it actual lava?
08:09Let's see how it pours out.
08:15Nope, that's not lava.
08:17It doesn't pour out like that.
08:18I'm failing to see what the point of that is.
08:20I'm pretty sure he works for Microsoft.
08:23He's just a really big PC guy.
08:24And he's like, this will show those Apple boys.
08:27That was worth a click.
08:28What do you think?
08:29I think that was worth a little click.
08:30Do you think it's worth a little like and a subscribe?
08:32A little like and maybe even a comment.
08:34Ooh, a comment?
08:38Oh, that's nice.
08:39I'm a fan.
08:40You know, this guy was probably...
08:41Oh, reverse.
08:42Reverse is cool.
08:44This guy was probably just a normal carpenter.
08:46And then somebody was like, dude, you could upload videos of you cutting this wood
08:50and get thousands upon thousands of views.
08:52And he was like, nah.
08:53And then he did it.
08:54Just don't say a word.
08:55Just carve the wood.
08:57So, you know, I enjoy watching these ASMR videos when I see them.
09:01But are there people actively out there searching for these kind of videos?
09:04Have you ever looked at Twitch's ASMR category?
09:07I have.
09:08But see, that's stumbling.
09:10But imagine subscribing to an ASMR channel like...
09:14Well, here's the thing, though.
09:15Most people use ASMR to go to sleep.
09:18You could go to sleep to this?
09:19Oh, yeah.
09:20It's soothing.
09:21I don't think I could go to sleep to it.
09:23Like, I go to sleep to thunderstorms and rain.
09:24I do, too.
09:26So, it's hydraulic versus hydraulic.
09:28Who will win?
09:29Probably the giant hydraulic press that costs like 50 grand.
09:33I don't know.
09:34I don't know.
09:35It's pushing it up.
09:36Yeah, but now he's going to put some power on it, and it's going to yeet it.
09:39I don't know.
09:42It's the battle of the century.
09:43I feel like this is how things blow up.
09:45This is how things blow up.
09:46Hydraulics are very dangerous.
09:48Guys, if you get your hands on a $50,000 hydraulic, don't try this at home.
09:51Oh, no.
09:52That's the hydraulic fluid right there.
09:54And it's gone.
09:55It's going to give final crush to our...
09:59They sped his voice up, and now he sounds like one of the things off of...
10:02He sounds like a Mexican chipmunk.
10:05Oh, no.
10:08Not the poor little hydraulic press.
10:11Now my tires slide.
10:12What am I supposed to do?
10:13Just get over it.
10:14Well, that was crushing a hydraulic press with a hydraulic press.
10:17In case you ever wondered, didn't know what that looked like.
10:19Crazy CD wheel.
10:22Bottle cap.
10:24A little battery adapter.
10:25Ooh, good shrink wrappage there.
10:26Do you think they order all this stuff in bulk to do this?
10:28That's what I was thinking.
10:29Like, where do you even get this stuff?
10:30Like, I've never gone to a store and seen, like, a little motor.
10:33But then again, I guess that's because Radio Shack went out of business.
10:36Ooh, dab on brick and mortar stores getting obsolete by Amazon.
10:41I'm sorry.
10:42I'm just really passionate about it.
10:43I don't think I should be associated with this channel anymore.
10:45Someone's going to come after you.
10:47Yeah, somebody is.
10:48The ex-CEO of...
10:49Of Radio Shack.
10:50Radio Shack.
10:51He's just standing there in, like, some pajamas.
10:52He's like, all right, you want to keep on talking about Radio Shack?
10:55You want to keep reminding me of my failed adventure?
10:58Look at that.
11:02Oh, wow.
11:03That's pretty cool.
11:04Wait, what?
11:05It's like, what's that new...
11:06People are riding these skateboards that only have one wheel?
11:09Have you seen the new trend where people are taking...
11:11It's on TikTok, but they're taking, like, tape with an air blower.
11:15And they're blowing on the tape, and then they're able to let go of the tape,
11:17and it's just, like, suspended in air spinning.
11:19That's cool.
11:20Have you seen that yet?
11:22Oh, it's so sick.
11:28Look at another pumpkin.
11:29And look at the other pumpkins, like, ah, help!
11:31Help me!
11:32So, baking soda, soap, and food coloring.
11:35Is that water?
11:36Yeah, I would've...
11:37Is that water?
11:38I would've...
11:39Okay, and we'll mix it up.
11:40That just looks cool.
11:41And then now he's going to...
11:44Oh, vinegar, yep.
11:46It's the old volcano trick here.
11:48It is, yes.
11:49The old volcano...
11:53That looks so funny, actually.
11:54Like, that looks really funny.
11:56Does that remind you of a thing we just did?
11:58Yeah, on the boat?
12:01We went on a boat, and I couldn't stop vomiting because I was so seasick.
12:03I just laid down, because I was like, if I move, I'm yakking.
12:06That's the end goal, is to just sleep.
12:09This pumpkin needs to go to bed.
12:10She's throwing up this much.
12:11It's like a dog.
12:12You know how they throw up, and then they eat it right back up?
12:14Oh, yeah, that's gross.
12:15That's kind of weird.
12:16Why is that a dog's natural reaction?
12:18Hey, it's brains technology.
12:19I got it right this time.
12:20It's not Brian.
12:21Read that one more time.
12:23It's not Brian.
12:24Are you sure?
12:25I'm sure.
12:26Oh, this is helpful.
12:27What are we doing?
12:28I don't know, but they glued it like that.
12:30Egg win.
12:32What is this?
12:33It's a thing that's going to end up burning the rope that's holding the egg.
12:36Oh, is it like a Ruth Goldberg machine?
12:38Yep, Ruth Goldberg.
12:39Is that glue, actually, holding the egg?
12:41Why did he get his own machine?
12:43Oh, dude, they did this on Twitch?
12:45Check them out, guys.
12:46Check out their Twitch.
12:47It says YouTube.
12:48Well, it said Twitch in the video, so what are they trying to plug here?
12:50Make up your mind.
12:54Yo, this is taking a little bit.
12:56I'm not going to lie.
12:57I'm going to go get a snack real quick.
12:59Can we fast forward this?
13:02Still doing it?
13:03It's still doing it.
13:04Oh, gosh.
13:05It's been like 30 minutes.
13:07All right, I'm going to go get another snack.
13:08All right.
13:0912 seconds later.
13:10It's still going?
13:11We're almost done.
13:12Oh, there we go.
13:16Did it crack?
13:17I don't know, but I don't think that was worth it.
13:20And I'm okay with that.
13:21Be like Spider-Man.
13:22What is this?
13:23An EA article?
13:24It really makes you feel like Spider-Man.
13:25To the game.
13:26It really makes you feel like you're committing various war crimes.
13:29Call of Duty.
13:30Check it out.
13:31Let's do this.
13:32I have no earthly clue what's going on right now.
13:35I don't see how this is like Spider-Man.
13:36I don't see it yet.
13:37Did you just put water in that?
13:39This is not going to make me feel like Spider-Man.
13:41This might make me feel like Bozo the Clown squirting water out.
13:45Look at me.
13:46I can squirt you with water.
13:50Oh, my.
13:51What was that?
13:52That made me uncomfortable.
13:53That seemed like an edit Connor would do.
13:55Yeah, it did.
13:56You milk?
13:58Oh, so you're going to...
14:02I'm not saying it.
14:03I'm not saying it either, but you guys are making it really hard to be family friendly
14:06right now.
14:07Not saying it.
14:08All right.
14:09Look at this family friendly content we got.
14:10All right.
14:11Not saying it.
14:12I had a great time.
14:13What about you, Gene?
14:14I had a fantastic trip with you on this.
14:16Guys, if you want to have an even better time, come to my Discord in the description.
14:20Go to Jake's Instagram.
14:24They're both the same handle.