YOUは何しに日本へ?2024年9月2日 “機械部品”を買うため父と息子の2人旅

  • 4 days ago
YOUは何しに日本へ?2024年9月2日 “機械部品”を買うため父と息子の2人旅
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00We still have a long way to go, so let's go to the airport, shall we?
00:02One, two, three!
00:03What are you doing in Japan?
00:08Excuse me, hi!
00:10We are a Japanese TV program.
00:12Is the interview okay?
00:14Thank you!
00:15Okay, thank you!
00:16Where are you from?
00:18Where are you from?
00:19Holland, Netherlands.
00:21Oh, you're from Holland.
00:22Are you two friends?
00:23So you guys are friends?
00:24Yes, from school.
00:26From school, yes.
00:27We met a couple of years ago, and we've been friends since then.
00:31And now we want to go on a trip.
00:33That's great!
00:35What are you two going to do in Japan?
00:39The one thing I'm very excited for, but we are going to do, is the Hello Kitty Polar Trail.
00:43I really wanted to do it, and we're going to do it.
00:46We booked the ticket already.
00:47I also have a Hello Kitty here.
00:49Oh, really?
00:50You like it.
00:51This is a land sale!
00:54I'm more interested in the land sale.
00:56Do you know about Japanese things?
00:58Yes, yes.
00:59It's for school children, right?
01:00Those little children wear them, yes.
01:03I got it at a vintage store in the Netherlands.
01:06At a vintage store.
01:07I wanted one for a long time, but they're very expensive.
01:09This one was only 60.
01:11So I got it for 60 euros.
01:12I see.
01:14She was very happy when she bought it.
01:16Very happy.
01:17She was screaming,
01:18I got a new Japanese bag!
01:21So I like bringing it when I go to work.
01:23Do you bring it to work?
01:27Where I live, there's a lot of pickpockets.
01:29So I have to be careful,
01:30and because you have to open it from the bottom,
01:32it's very safe.
01:36When you open the bag...
01:42Yes, yes, this is it!
01:44By the way,
01:45do you know what a land sale is?
01:48It's a Dutch word, right?
01:50It's a Dutch word.
01:51That's what my sister told me.
01:52My sister told me that also is a Dutch word.
01:55Oh, I see.
01:57I'm Hajime.
02:00In fact,
02:01the Dutch word for bag is the root of the word.
02:04Is that so?
02:05So they made it as a base.
02:08From Lansel,
02:11What's the pronunciation?
02:14With a hard R.
02:19But if it's Lansel, it's Lansel.
02:21I'm sorry I didn't know.
02:28I didn't know.
02:32Excuse me.
02:33We are a Japanese TV program.
02:36Where are you from?
02:38From France?
02:39By the way,
02:40what are you doing in Japan?
02:41Why did you come to Japan?
02:43To visit some friends.
02:45Your friends?
02:46Yes, my friends.
02:47Oh, that's great.
02:48I'm doing an off-kite.
02:50Yes, I'm doing an off-kite for an internet show.
02:56The name of the game is VRChat.
02:59Yes, VR.
03:03Yes, I'm using VR.
03:04What does that mean?
03:05It's a place where we can play together.
03:07It's a place where we can play together.
03:08Yes, we can do anything.
03:14A world that spreads beyond Googles.
03:21It's like a game.
03:24Friends from all over the world are in front of you.
03:28This is a place where you can meet people.
03:30There are a lot of different worlds.
03:32There are specific worlds for studying Japanese,
03:35for watching movies together,
03:37for just hanging out,
03:39and people just go where they want to go and meet other people.
03:44It's a VRChat, so you can have a conversation.
03:46You can also study Japanese in VRChat.
03:50This is amazing.
03:51It's an avatar.
03:52An avatar?
03:54Can I have my pen back?
03:55This is him.
03:56Wait a minute.
03:58Oh, he's cute.
03:59He looks like a maid.
04:01I don't know everyone's faces yet.
04:03Oh, you don't know them yet.
04:04It's not just Japanese people.
04:06There are people from Texas,
04:10so everyone gathers in Akihabara.
04:14It's not like that.
04:16It's not like that.
04:17Everyone gathers in a VR space.
04:21It's nice to be able to travel and go somewhere.
04:27Hello, excuse me.
04:30We are a Japanese TV program.
04:33English isn't very well.
04:37We'll be a few questions.
04:40Let's do it.
04:41Where are you from?
04:43We are from Slovakia in Europe.
04:45You're from Slovakia.
04:47What are you doing in Japan?
04:49Why did you come to Japan this time?
04:52It's these retro electronic parts.
04:56What are they?
04:58Cars? Bikes?
04:59I'm collecting these.
05:01It's called vacuum tubes and analog camera.
05:04So like film camera.
05:05Part where it's mostly consisted of like hair shops
05:10and where they sell the components and stuff.
05:13That's very interesting to me.
05:15Because I've seen there's one shop in Akihabara
05:18that still sells them.
05:22How old are you, son?
05:24I am 20.
05:26It's rare for a young person.
05:28It's very uncommon for young people to collect electronic parts.
05:31He was playing with it a bit when he was younger.
05:34I think like every sort of person in...
05:39So it's a family trip?
05:41Yes, just the two of us.
05:43You're close with your dad, right?
05:46Yes, I would say so.
05:48It's my first year in uni,
05:51so I think that there's no better way to celebrate it than here.
05:59I think so, yeah.
06:00I think he'll be able to help.
06:04Yes, of course.
06:09That's good.
06:11I'd like to go.
06:12How about collecting electronic parts and stuff?
06:16Can I ask you for an in-depth interview?
06:23Thank you!
06:24It's Tomoko's parts trip!
06:29Right away.
06:31That's good.
06:34Oh, the manager isn't here.
06:37Oh, hello!
06:38Nice to meet you, how are you?
06:44So, wow, this place is...
06:46Like, there's so many shops.
06:48I think, wait, there's this one that I've prepared
06:51that I'd really want to visit.
06:53Wait, give me a second.
06:54It's called...
07:01Good morning!
07:08Can we take a look inside of that shop?
07:14Okay, so let's go!
07:20Well, in entire Saga, there's around 5 million people.
07:32Just like it, yeah.
07:37It's just so interesting to me,
07:40and we don't have that in Europe as much,
07:43so that's really cool to see.
07:55So this is it!
07:58Should we take a look inside?
08:04Perfect, perfect.
08:07Thank you very much!
08:12Oh, tools and stuff.
08:17What is this?
08:18I don't know what this is.
08:22Okay, let's start buying, shall we?
08:28Okay, this is a socket for the vacuum tool.
08:31So, it goes for like around 1,000 yen,
08:35and it's like the third of the price.
08:40These are so-called breadboards,
08:42and you use these.
08:44It's called jumper cable.
08:46You just use these cables,
08:48and you like do it very quickly,
08:50and it saves you so much time.
08:53I've never seen this offered in where I'm from,
08:56and it's like these are resistors.
09:00And they're like sorted.
09:03Oh, my God, that is really cool.
09:14A circuit like this, which makes these sparks,
09:18so these make like sparks this long.
09:22In my university, I study in Prague.
09:24I study electrical engineering.
09:34Oh, cool!
09:55A circuit like this, which makes these sparks,
09:59so these make like sparks this long.
10:04You make this?
10:06Yes, in my university.
10:08I study in Prague.
10:09I study electrical engineering.
10:26You cannot appreciate a new technology
10:28when you don't have some connection to the old one.
10:32We have to go and order them online.
10:34They arrive quick, but it's not as easy
10:36as just coming to a shop and searching accelerometers,
10:41and I'm going to pick this one.
10:51Spacers, wow!
10:54You can find it in there?
10:58What is this?
10:59Look, it's a sensor.
11:02You see?
11:04I've never seen this before.
11:07This is cool.
11:09This is Japanese, right?
11:13M-Com, right?
11:15This is M-Com, right?
11:17Oh, yeah, this T-shirt looks cool.
11:19But it's black.
11:23You get a super maniac part and a commemorative T-shirt.
11:33Oh, it came off.
11:35It came off.
11:36Dad, you're in a hurry.
11:38It came off, Dad.
11:40It's awkward because you've been naked for a long time.
11:43That's right.
11:45Dad, you're cool.
11:48You're cute.
11:50Dad, you're the most excited.
11:52That's right.
11:55Oh, that's good.
11:58It's cool.
12:00Here we go.
12:013, 2, 1.
12:05They get along well.
12:09They're good parents and children.
12:13It's complicated.
12:17Because my parents are divorced,
12:19so I have two sides of the family.
12:22I live one week with...
12:24I used to live when I was going to high school.
12:28Yuu has two homes.
12:32Oh, I see.
12:36Sometimes, he goes to his dad's favorite science museum.
12:42Sometimes, he does construction and mechanical engineering.
12:50Because of his dad,
12:52Yuu is into electronics.
12:56I haven't done much since high school,
12:59but this is a special trip
13:01because it was my childhood dream to visit Japan.
13:07I got a common dream,
13:09which we fulfilled,
13:11so hopefully, we'll be able to do more.
13:15Oh, pork cutlet.
13:17He wants to make memories with his dad.
13:20You didn't put sauce on it, did you?
13:24Your dad is funny.
13:26He's taking a lot of pictures.
13:30He looks like a Japanese.
13:33What are they going to do in Shinjuku?
13:35They're going to take pictures of signs and other cool things.
13:40Let's see.
13:43Yuu's camera market.
13:46Yuu's camera market.
13:48By an analog camera.
13:50Those are memories that I guess last forever, so...
13:53An analog camera.
13:55It's been popular recently.
13:57Let's take a picture together.
14:04Excuse me.
14:05What are you doing in Japan?
14:08Excuse me.
14:09If you don't mind, can I take a picture with you?
14:11Of course.
14:16Thank you very much.
14:20So let's take a look.
14:25Wow, like half of the brands I just don't know.
14:35Oh my god, yes.
14:39This one?
14:41Yes, this one.
14:44Do you want this one?
14:46This old one looks really nice.
14:49Wow, it's really old.
14:51This one?
14:52Yes, yes, yes.
14:58What's going on?
15:02This is bad.
15:09Oh my god.
15:24Wow, like half of the brands I just don't know.
15:27But this old one looks really nice.
15:30Let's buy it.
15:32You'll need this search engine.
15:44Like that.
15:55It's Zeiss.
16:19So, this one, yes.
16:25Yes, yes.
16:31Can I pay with card?
16:33No, only cash.
16:36We'll have to go with cash.
16:38Because we're...
16:42Take this one.
16:58How much did you choose?
17:06Thank you very much.
17:10Thank you very much.
17:12Arigatou gozaimasu.
17:14Bye bye.
17:16Thank you very much.
17:30How many meters is to the...
17:32How many meters is to the...
17:346 centimeters.
17:416, 6.
17:46It's a bit less, so I'll update the focus.
17:51So, 22 feet.
17:53Yes, so here.
17:59Which is something like this.
18:02It's small.
18:04I can't miss this.
18:13I want to see it.
18:19So, here, right?
18:21So, here, right?
18:23So, here, right?
18:25So, here, right?
18:27So, here, right?
18:29It's a bit weird if it doesn't match.
18:33If it doesn't match at all, it's bad.
18:35Thank you very much.
18:37It's the first one.
18:39And it's to commemorate their parents.
18:41It's for their trip to Japan.
18:45I'm sorry.
18:47That's a bit out of focus.
18:49I can't see it.
18:51It's not that good.
18:53I'm sorry.
18:55I'm sorry.
18:57But it's the atmosphere, right?
18:59But it's the atmosphere, right?
19:01It's beautiful.
19:03It's the best experience.
19:05I've been living here since I was a kid.
19:07Then I came to Japan.
19:09And I'm with my son.
19:11It's the best.
19:13So, goodbye.
19:15And see you again soon.
19:19They came to buy the parts again.
19:23Sengoku Densho.
19:25Sengoku Densho.
19:27It's a popular event.
19:29It's held irregularly.
19:31It's called Neji Tsukamidori.
19:35It's Neji Tsukamidori.
19:37We don't do that.
19:39We don't do that.
19:41See you again at the airport.
19:43See you again at the airport.
19:45Let's go to Japan.
